wit iit x PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY J.2sTJD FRIDAY . VOL. XX. NO. 40 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY. MAY 19 1911. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. OVER SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS RAISED AT PIEDMONT IN THIRTY MINUTES OIL TRUST MUST BE DISSOLVED Supreme Moment in History ot mis institution-M a j o r Schenck Gives Lib erally and Calls For Subscriptions -Mr. Bickett Speaks. The happiest moment in the history of Piedmont High School was Wednesday morning im mediately following the magni- ficient address of Attorney General Thomas W. Bickett when $6,187 was raised in less than 30 minutes by Major H. F. Schenck for the purpose of paying off the indebtedness of the school, painting and finish ing the building and installing a system of water wonts SUPREME COURT SUSTAINS i GOVERNMENT THE SHELBY SCHOOL HAS BIG CLOSE GOVERNOR K1TCHIN SPEAKS TO A PACKED HOUSE B.H.S. CLOSED WEDNESDAY GENERAL NEWS OF INTEREST REV. BAYLUS CADE DELIVERS ADDRESS Epoch Making Decision Of the Su preme Court Of The United States Given After Months Of Mature Thought Must Dissolve In Six Months Tobacco Case Decision Comes Next. Rev. Dr. S. B. Turrentine Preaches ' Washington. May 15. The Masterful Sermon on "To Every Standard Oil Company of New Man His Work"-Class Day Exer- Jersey and its nineteen subsi cises Furnish Very Enjoyable Even- diary corporations were declared ing to Great Crowd-Special Music today by the Supreme Court of Rendered. (the United States to be a con- Governor W. W. Kitchin,s'sPiradmti0?in re speech yesterday morning in f trade- IV. also fas auditorium was the feature of heldto be monopolizing inter the commencement exercises at s.tate commerce m violation of a the Sherman antitrust law. The dissolution of the combine ation was ordered to take place within six months. Thus ended the tremendous the Shelby Graded School. great crowd filled the spacious auditorium to hear him as he poured forth in hjs silver ton tfued manner his thoughts on education and what a factor it struggle of years on the part of l . . i i. J v.. Start-is in North Carolina's growth tne government to put uowuuy mc -out to raise only $5,000. the ! along all lines. In our next authority ot law a comDination neoole gave so liberally that be-' issue we will publish a synopsis which it claimed was a menace fore Mafrr Schenck took his 1 of his address. Governor Ritch- to the industrial and economic seat nearly $2.000more than the 'in was a guest at the Central advancement of the entire amount set out to be raised was where many of his friends cal- country. readly subscribed. Prof. W. D. led and paid their respects. harlan dissents Burns, his teachers and the The commencement exercises At the same the court interp friends and patrons are jubilant, opened Tuesday night with Rev. reted the Sherman anti-trust for it tides the institution over Dr. S. B. Turrentine's sermon jaw s0 as to limit its application the reverse occasioned by the J and most every seat was occu- to acts of "undue" restraint of fire last year and enables them ; pied to hear him preach from trade and not "every" restraint to finish and equip the buildings the text "To every man his 0f trade. It was on this point n mnre students can be accomo- ; work" He emphasized the im- that the only discordant note dated and better work can be done. i MAJOR GIVES $1,200 It was Major Schenck who steered the campaign on to suc cess. After Mr. Bickett had delivered a masterful address on education and man's duty to get it and foster .schools for young people which paved the way for the campaign. Major Schenck that captain of industry friend of education, promoter of Piedmont, rose to his feet before that magnificent audience and started to call for contributions by giving $1,200 himself. Realiz ing the great blessing that Pied mont is to this county and State and with hope for its great fut ure, the people responded liber ally. It was a supreme moment and when the goal was reached, a feeling of gladness arose in the heart of every man, woman and child there, , MEDALS AWARDED Commencement exercises be gan Sunday with the annual sermon by Rev. Dr. Josheph L, Murphy, president of Claremont College. It was a masterful dis course and a great crowd heard him. Monday night was a de- J bate in which C. J. Pruett and D. H: Peeler represented the af firmative, while D. E.Griggand W. E. White upheld the nega- tiveT The affirmative won and Mr. R.E. Grigg was awarded the medal for the best speech of the four contestants. The scholarship medal portance of finding one's place was heard in the court, Justice in life then preparing for t h a t Harlan dissented claiming that work. Dr. Turrentine is a deep cases aiready decided by the thinker, a smooth and graceful court had determined once for speaker and a wonderfully re- all that the word "undue" or sourceful man. Special music "unreasonable" or similar words , M r LC J fi . . ., . IT- J. IWUUC IVilS, was lurmsueu uciuic ami nici were not in me statute, lie ue- J5CIIUU11. untijr uwjr vnjuj- CiaicU Ulal LUC I CaSUUlUg ul U"p t j -j i.j e ui.. . -a. r. ; avCV. O eu anucoxnmdiiLcuiavuiauiy un court in arriving at its uuumga the music for it was furnished was in effect legislation which Most Successful Year in School's His tory Comes to a Close Total En rollment 258 Five Receive Cer tificates of Graduation Great Crowds Attend Each Day's Exer cises. Perhaps never in the history of the school has Boiling Springs had such elaborate and enjoy able exercises. As an evidence of the large number of friends the school has, the auditorium was packed with people each day from Monday at 11 o'clock when Rev. L. R. Pruett of Charlotte preached the annual sermon till Wednesday after noon when the graduating exercises were carried out. Mr. Pruett's sermon was a great ef fort, inspiring the young people tohitfher and nobler things in life. The winners of the med als will be announced later. An account of the illness of .State Senator O. M. Gardner's wife Mr. Gardner was not in a frame of mind to deliver the literary address Wednesday and in his stead. Rev. Baylus Cade who has been Ions' connected with Boiling Springs filled his place sDeaking on "Character." Mr Cade is without a doubt one o: the State's brainest men and his address wasftnagnificent. The total enrollment this year was 258 and the following were graduated in the literary de partment, Messrs. 0. N. Love lace, M. A. Stroupe. Paul HamX rick and Miss Bettie Lee Cade, Clarence Hamrick received a certificate in music. M. Hamrick and his corps of teachers are gratified MPORTANT HAPPENINGS CONDENSED ALL NEWS OF THE CAROLINAS NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS IN BRIEF Class day exercises were car- Congress and not to the ried out Wednesday night and again every available seat in the auditorium was occupied. Decorations of gold and black hung in festoons from the bal cony and the stage was made attractive with ferns and large figures in 1911. Misses Bertie Lee Suttle and May Kendall played a piano duet. Miss Ettie Abernathy read the class his tory. Miss Elizabeth Andrews the poem, Miss Katherine Sum- Iappenings in the Two States Boiled "own in Brief Paragraphs For Busy Readers of The Star-The Most Important Things of the Week Summed Up. Encampments hv rMimf. of the North Carolina National uuara win ho hA n Glenn- Morehead from July 10 to August 10. The first of which Shelbv is n,m w will encamp from Aug. 3 to 10. Prof. Irving G. MrK has been connected for the past eight years with Rutherford College has resigned to accept a tutorship at Trinitv Col We Durham where he win advanced studies in connection witn ms teaching duties. Under a special law Ws1 ar taxed in Rowan and the county assessor tens the Salisbury Post that he believes the county will receive about $2,500 from the dog tax. The Herald says that Ho Moses, whose skull was fractur ed by Grover Pruett during a scrap at Morganton. and who was expected to die, is now ex pected to recover. Pruett es caped. The Talcum Puff Company, which has been manufacturing its products in Asheville for six years, has moved its factory to Brooklyn. N. Y. The move is made to get nearer certain ma terials used in the business. In the municipal election at Maiden, i Catawba county, the vote was a tie between the can didates for town constable, R. D. Taylor and Geo. West. By agreement it was settled by drawing and West won. Commencement exercises of the A. and M. Collet for tn 'colored race, at Greensboro, J embrace May 21-25. Baccalau- Sundav 21st. bv the eastern district of Missouri. ' made of the music department 1 J1 e .ckholderTs of ! ?v; " E K; McLarty Pastor was announced, hope was ex- taught by Misses Myrtle Dod-j the Sh.e"?y Building and Loan West Market Street church. by the besttalentShelby affords, belonged m every instance tojvpnrnnH thmitfhTthfl school is General News of the Entire Country Boiled Down in Brief Paragraphs For Busy Readers Most Import' ant Events of the Entire Country Summarized From Great Daily Pa pers And Served Fresh to Star Readers. Mrs. William Howard Taft who has been ill in a New York hospital is very much improved and returns to Washington this week.' :.'.T;;...-'. The Dutchland, Count Zep pelin's dirigible air ship, carry ing eight passengers with z crew was totally wrecked Tues day at Dusseldorf. Prusia. It was leaving its snea wnen stiff breeze broke its back against the shed. The people were unhurt. The decision of the Supreme Court dissolving the Standard Oil Company had surprisingly little effects on the markets of the world. The solicitor general of the co mpany savs the court's decree will be followed and the company will be dissolved. Indictments have been re turned againrt 18 citizens of McLean county. 111., for lynch ing a,negro. Ben Irazzeli shot and killed his brother-in-lawWilliam Vaughn, at Pleasant Hill. S. C. Thursday afternoon. Result o: an old grudge. Three women and a man were drowned in the Mississip pi river at Natchez Saturday night and a fourth person nar rowly escaped the same fate, when their disabled motor boat struck a barge and sank. i courts, i i:..i u oo . cumuaiauvci yuuuk. ii A prayer answered grown in scope and influence Ever since the decree in this until it is now one of the lead- case in tne lower coun. me mg nign scnoois in tne otate. United States circuit court for Special mention should be SERIES WILL MATURE Stockholders of the Shelby Building and Loan Association Meet Same Officers Re-elected. Last week the sixth annual reate sermon nressed bv the "business world": SOn and Helen Dover. Thev association was nem m t uie ureensboro. Annual address that the law would be modified 'are accomplished teachers andi?0..?11; li was found, Thursday. 25th. by Prof. L. B. so as not to interfere with what have developed the splendid i insuiuuon is ou a uue(M0or. f h. u. dean of Teachers- Howard University, Washington. was designated as honest busi- talent of the young people of im& ,hf ng J?sued 2'7J , College, ness. Tonight that section of, that community. The annual shares of stoc -:1Jfme -.Washini the opinion calling for the use concert Tuesday night was one i cers were re-elected, Messrs. C. Y. ShflW TTnivoroifv iha nutlm ' rs ri i :j . r V "'""J vv uvgiu nf th Mml of rftason"in arDiv-!f ih hiahf.it. rlnss Pntprtain- oianion, picsiuent, i. colletfa ;n Ral;rfh laof wppV my the prophecy. Miss Ava . tf th. ,aw 5s retfardedin manvlm Pnts P.vPr tfivn and it was so,Webb- vice-president: cranted dinlomastn7flrfrar1iiatM Aycock sang a solo. "The Carol quarterg as an answer to the ' pronounced by the many peo- RoberJs ! secretary and treasur- inthe various departments of prayers of the "business world".' pie that attended. ' jci.uu.Jruu.u uW,, a.-.training, including medicine. notables hear opinion j M , r .g .comfany 7?V6 pharmacy, theology, bachelor wuiABLw nLAR Election Carries its first series to mature Sep- . art. uakA,rt, Af ':OTW.a The opinion of the court was RinCs Mountain. Mayl6.-As tember next when half of announced by Chief Justice a resultof election heldhere to-' $44,000 will be paid back to the White. In printed form it con-w. rto vrminfa:n nrMnrt' share holders in cash. The net ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Mm AUilgo A.yfcv - - I ...:n v.... A Knnrl rots pominrt fnr flip vp,nr Vina . . . . ... wmuavc uwuiuflua. uu.m . Y ; i.ua Lewis, lioiored, Lnnks one issue for $25,000 carried by a . been 6.54 per cent which is far Third Ounce of Laudanum in Ff. Roads of above the average for a build-( JorttoEndHerLife sand-rlav construction will be mg and loan association, inis In the contest in declamations of the Lark". Mis 3 Helen Mil ler read the last will and testa ment and Miss Margaret An-' thony recited. ."The Composite Ghost." ' ; thin n nlav . "Strintf fparic-wasnrndimed in which tained more than twenty thou u fiiw!rf .rootpra t n o k ' sand words. For nearly an part. Misses Bertha Bostic. Hel-, hour the Chief Justice discussed ; yote of 2U to 32 en Miller. Bertie Lee Suttle. num u . Mrrf!,rAt Anthonv and Messrs. over most of the points in the VV , . . j 1 .A A Hilary Hudson and OliVer An- Pnniea opimoa. uut uui c- each direction thony. All music accompSP f emng to it m order to; refresh-; ments were played most grace- his memory, ceiore mm sat a negotiations unofficial fullybyMr,H.T1Hudson. Ift Marshals were jyiessrs. ueorge ocuakuio auu m-iiwwimu.ni Deeu iunninfi The by-laws were so amended that a new series can be opened every three months ' if the directors deem it wise, becun This association has been a , built for four or five miles in leading into shows the skilful management and sound business way in which " the"" affairs" have " been carried on. The thirteenth se ries opened May 6 and in the Because her mother would not permit her lover, to call, Ella Lewis, - colored,- who - lives in Freedmon, the negro section of Shelby tried to end her life . , Tuesday night bv dnnltintf nnft - ... ii. . m- aiJL Ycma tuv aoouiauvu uas . - , , Senators and Kepresentatives ucu r been runnintf. it has not lost a - 1 m TT i t T" A was. Moore, chier, wytne iysier, "- Hamrick. Durham JS i that a d,fi- cent- t r Trim . uiivi uxu a vj v w w LU Lllb dwaraedto Miss Hessie Mull. ai.;0 ! in the Capitol to listen the medal for the best reciata-1 Marion Ross. Doris McSwain epoch making decision of t h e tion. L .ju,., court. Most eager to hear were nite understanding reached. will be third ounce of laudanum. She went to Dr. Lord, a colored phy sician and told him that she had the toothache and wanted laudanum and lard to rub on ! Attorney, General Wickersham Tuesdav aftpmnnr, Mr T. R 'of 1910 received their certifi-land Frank B. Kellog. special Tate was awarded a medal. At cates: Martin Blanton, Miss counsel of the government, who night a breezy little play was Johnie Womack, Miss Waulla had conducted the great fight Drndnr w mAmt,ara f the, '' Fiiwt Messrs. John Mull.Roan against the Standard Oil. None AUVlUUVllS VI . JUv-t .1 . ... student body. At the graduat- Davis of Trinity College, w. r. ing exercises Wednesday after- Mull and Alfred Warlick of noon diplomas were awarded to Wake Forest College. Amie Clippard, Posie E. Downs. I Wednesday night was the an H. Rowland English. Lou Bes-' nual concert and it was a decid sie Mull and W. Farel Warlick ed success. Piedmont has splen f the class of 1911, On account did musical and stage talem of the fire last year -the diplo- and the students showtheirfine mas were not awarded, so the training under Miss Mable Bost. -following membert-of tht class-music teacher- of the brillant array of counsel. corporations or individual de fendants ws present 4n her FacA. The colored doctor of the decision-was. not begun ms association nas Deen f Drocuredanounce fof her and until an hour after the closing great factor on Shelby's growth arf 4 un I 5 i until an nour auer me uosmg tfiad new, to after gomg to bed she drank a of the stock markets. and its success is giaa news to m d f u j t . WRim.nnnM rkwcrvn those who have the interest of Quantity ana leu into a sleep. tobacco decision expected. the.r Uyfji and coun at heart Durmgthe night her mother dis- Many expected that the de- covered her condition and sum- cision of the court in the disso- Col. Oliver N.P.Cornell, chief moned Dr. Ellis who put forth rmirt lution suit against the tobacco engineer of the Winston-Salem every means known to medical during the reading of the opin- corporations would ,be handed southbound railroad is the in- science in order to resuscitate ion. Rival broker agents with down immediately after the de- ventor of a cotton picker which her and after working for an messengers in line to the var- cision in the Standard Oil case, he and his associate are certaia hour or more he got her out of ious telephone1 and telegraph This was not done however, but will do efficient labor and time- danger. Had it not been for instruments throught the the decision is expected on May saving work. He has been the immediate attention of a Capitol were on hand, but to!29.th last deision day of tht working at the picker for forty physician, she would have ben their dismay the announcement ' court until next October. years. dad la a short while.

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