We Do Job Work the Linotype Way Let I -a Figure on Your V, i-riu Phone No. 11 Tubliphgd L'very Tuesday and Friday The Oldest and Best Paper. in This Section. VOL. XXV. NO. 16 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1917 BONE DRY BILL PASSES HOUSE MEASURE ALREADY PASSED BY THE SENATE WILL SHUT The Herald, Feb. 22: KINGS MT. ITEMS Joseph Falls Dead-Oak Grove Couple "Weds Mr. Belk Returns to Cleve '' land., OFF ALL LIQUOR SHIPMENTS TO TOTALLY DRY STATES. SOCIETY NEWS Mrs. Lineberger to be Hostess Joseph Falls died at his home 3 miles west of town Saturday night e hostess to the members of at the good old age of 79 years. Mr. Washington, Feb. 21-Absolute pro- 'J18 had "er been d had . Vf. " wicitinn tnM, u, uJL been Poetically an invalid for sever- years. lor , tt i The people of Dixon commun tv todav wnen me iiouse, aner two . , -r. , .t0(la .7 ; jw,. ,i ! delighted to see the Ion sought This afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at her attractive home on West War ren street, Mrs, J. D. Lineberger will the 20th Century Club at their regular literary session. Mrs. Mauney Card Hostess A delightful card hospitality of the week was that of Wednesday even ing when Mrs. Josh Mauney enter $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE . gggga ; dent being used as place cards, thesa being distributed by Mrs. . W., - H. Blanton. Two elegant and delicious courses and mints, in which the color not was still further expressed was served at the close of the games. Mrs. Carpenter was graciously as sisted in entertaining by Mesdame W. II. Blanton, S. E. Hoey, Olin Hamrick, and little Miss Frances Blanton. NEW ENTERPRISES Requiring Investments Totalling More Than a Million Were An nounced Last Week. " - j . . ,uviiicubt;u w C iinmA.iniia nahota n nnnwtul Cy a JUU T, ,,J .f . .sight. The material, we understand. measure wmcn wouiu . an iron- ig on tfc wil tained at two tables of bridge at her clad barrier against importation of f iah h section an tractive home on South Washing- ,i,1Uor into proh.b,t,on States. It ,s Wl .. P 0 Grover ton street, as a pretty courtesy to FIRST NATIONAL GETS BOND ISSUE SHELBY BANKING INSTITUTION TAKES $80,009 WORTH 4 1-2 PER CENT BOND8 WITH PRE MIUM AND, INTEREST. OVER 9 BIDDERS COUNTY LINE SUIT COSTS ONLY $838.60. fXpe0 ea u. .c -ppiuv,. i .hich th have , T-i ,lr.f Wilonn within a i'L- ai i . ft 1TO ,U" , 7 V Mr- Monroe Bell and Miss Ethel immediately to the 'bone-dry Thornb both of Qak temtory. about one-third of cont.nen- L- . ' . u Unitcd States. The her charming house-guest, Miss Nan Killian of Waynesville. A tempting tMrs. Jenkins To Be Hostess collation was served by the hostess, ,To The Chicora Club assisted by Miss Killian. 'rIaTr nf loof ..J : 1 provision is said to be the most iTh- waa .. o o 4 t, . preaching that could be enacted by -y enm. the l V, .. - . . f HT 1 Tl . t-i r. ml Kin.t--i ui mr. aim mrs. u. ft. lnorn- e groom is the son of Mr. Bell. We are glad to welcome Mr. II. Y. Miss Rankin to Give Lecture the federal Uovernment, ana sloping as would be possible until b , liibitmn amendment, it would cut ott fnurn .,Suv u.,r, . . a, ,uu - Be,k back within the bor(crs of hjs ir.K n" io minions 01 uonur.s annuai lv, ii.to the large number of States Special to The Star: Southern development announce ments of the past week include sev eral enterprises requiring invest ments of more than a million dol lars. They are various in character That evening Mr. Carpenter was a"d numerous in number, all being a most srenial host at a delicious sufficiently detailed in today's Manu- six o'clock stag dinner, the follow- facturer's Record to indicate their by, C. C. Blanton; president was the ing gentlemen enjoyed his hospital- 'importance and extent. These news successful bidder on $80,000 worth ity: Messrs. I. C. Griffin, Graham .reports come from all over the Sou-'of 4 1-2 per cent, county bonds, the Dellinger, Frank Hoey, W. B. Clary, jthern States, and pertain to plans bid of the First National being bet S. E. Hoey, and Dr. W. F. Mitchell. for mining, milling, manufacturing ' ter than nine other concerns that , 'drainage, irrigation, metal working, submitted proposals. Several bond foundry and machine plants, eac. buyers declared that the issue could The Manufacturers Record reports not be disposed of for less than 4 The First National Bank of Shel- include mention of an appropriation amounting ty $4,500,000 for Missouri, Mrs. J. Frank .Tonkins will li thp gracious hostess to the Chicora club i Arkansas and Kansas improvements at a social meeting at her lovely by a Kanas citv telephone corpora- street iuon 01 a '.wo,ow company pian- Miss Annie Lee Rankin of Meek- ihome on South Washington street h have forbidden manufacture or yj.v. lut have permitted importation fi r personal use. A ivocates of prohibition divided th'ni-i'lvcs over the expediency of the .;,.p, some friends of the cause de , larinvr so drastic a law would have a v;u!iniiary effect. "In the same way, ;i'-(' IV . re who have opposed prohibition i.ot unanimous in o pjKisi t ion y, h ii ih- vote was taken. The roll .Y:i i n.nxlit cheers and cries of"l ui.. " fr-itn all parts of the h'.u.-e. :. v.-i v.r. and the result was greeted ,'-h : !.'!.-' demonstration. Party Lines Broken The vote as officially announced v.- "'21 to 72, but a reeheek of the roil changed it to ;519 to 72. Party lines were completely broken down, a:.d numerous Representatives from prohibition btates were recorded in Spring. i!om is recorded on any measure. torical Cleveland. A short while be fore Christmas Mr. Belk sold his property near Dixon school to Mr. Whitney Wells and moved to a farm near Seagrove, X. C. Mr. Belk soon realized that he had made an un satisfactory move and began to lay his plans to return to his old love. Accordingly he bought the E)h Jack son place near his former farm in the Dixon section ari l has moved t it. lenburg county, and a most efficient demonsrator, will visit Shelby Mon day and under the auspices of the Civic League will dejiver a much needed and timely lecture at the school auditorium on "The Menace of the Fly" and "Tuberculosis" that afternoon at 2 o'clock. All citizen of our little town who are interested in making Shelby a more beautiful and flyless town are urged to come out and hear this lec ture, which the League assures us will be "worth while." Saturday afternoon. NO SPECIAL SESSION Of the V. S. Senate Will be Held if President's Plans Carry. ning to develop oil properties and 3-4 per cent, and consequently bids were submitted on 4 3-4 per cer.t. bonds but the county commissioners did not consider these. The rate of interest these bonds bear is the low est any bonds have ever been sold manufacture gasoline in Kentucky, a for jn Cleveland county and is testi- ?1,OUO,IH)U corporation wnicn t,icve-'mony to tne strong financial condi land (Ohio) capitalists have charter- ;tion of tho county and the First Na submitted the best pro- eathcrs-Itollinger Nuptials Washington, Feb. 20. President Wilson is considering ureakinjr an other precedent of more than a hun- i i i. . .i-'miniiiir nronertics. Others of lm ureu years standing oy not caning uie . ion of the Sen- Trance are ineRe 0f pany to buna ami equip a Kinumg mill with dailv capacity -000 doyen . . 'nairs of hose at Kingsnort, Term:; J u r An nni eded to develop oil properties in Uional which KentucKy, a i,i,uw company incur- position. porated at Baltimore for the manu- j Tnis (,on, tu? was not submitted facture of coal by-products and a to a vote of tne peopie because the $700,000 corporation chartered frlmoney ig neeled for replacing the the purpose of developing v irginia brijKes washed away by the July customary special sess ate immediately at the his new term. Inauguration arrangements, legmnmg POTATM'.S IIK.H Seed I r i -h Potatoes i As 80 to $1 Per Spring. ill a,; slul. learned well as II loll This In talking to wholesale an 1 retail groccrymen in Shelby it is lenrmd that seed Irish potatoes will sell as high as 80c to $1 per bushel this They are destined to go ev i A marriage which will l hero with keen inter-st as urpri.-e, is that of Miss Lillian Wea thers, a (harming young lady of this place and Mr. Lloyd C. Bollinger of tAsheville which event occurred in Charlotte on Wednesday morning at ,11 o'clock at the home of Rev. W. E. Abernethy, a former pastor of Central Methodist church here. much upset by the fact that March -t fall- on a Sunday? may be further disarranged by the abandonment of ; the special session, which in a meas ure would change entirely the method and ceremonies of inaugurating tlv President and Vice President. J The President's purpose, as under stood at the Capitol, is to avoid a i $500,000 company to develop oil properties and build an oil refinery at Enid, Okla.; $-100,000 expenditure for additional buildings and machinery decided upon by a cotton gingham manufacturing company at Port Mill, S. C; $250,000 company chartered for developing coal properties at Huntington. W. 'a.; $200,000 addi tional buildings ordered for associat ed cotton mill companies at Lanett, floods and being a public necessity, the issue was made under u special act of tho Legislature. The Bids Tho F. L. Fuller Co., Cleveland, Ohio, offered par with $1,000 com mission to be taken out. J. C. Mayer & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, offered par with $581 commissions to be taken out. Stacy & Baum of Toledo. Ohio, of fered pr with $t'.U8.f0 commissions to lie taken out. Shelby National Bank offered par. and a premium of $50, $20,000 cath, months. $20,000 in 6 others, would be powerless to j legislate to any purpose . alfijJj'rt cin hurhnr nn.l T'.rm,.rc urn irin imi.rc l. L , , I " w- i suciei, oniy me iew iriencis wno ac-, :are being urged to plant for home romnanieH thi aptwintments . i . . . . i - i-' . .vv...- vvuuiv. .r Viitii - i Pulsion oarring liquor adver- and market uses as much as they can, 1 lotte to witness th ro. 'and tisemcnts from the mails in States (but the high price of seed potatoes apprised of their intentions that prohibit such advertising is in- and the scarcity of potash which is The bride is ' a. most attractive there would be nothing to prevent the eluded in the measure, which camo necessary to the successful growing ! VOune woman and is nnnnlar Iipw a body from remaining in session as before the House as a rider to the an- of potatoes are. detrimental factors, 'rnong a laree circle of friends Shp lnS as il Pleaseii and discussing any rnial postoflice appropriation bill, in- It is thought that no more than 75 is the only daughter of Mrs. Margar- serted by the Senate last week on mo- per cent of the farmers of Cleveland et Weathers and has been for num- tiun of Senator Reed, by a vote of 55 grow Irish potatoes at all and this ber of years a member of the clerical to 11. Althoueh the aDDrODriatlon niimhpr crow onlv pnnuch for hnmp l. t t n..i4l " , - - j - - i i in i m I u .i i. .Mrr a r bmce potatoes nave a nign jjr special session of the Senate unless i- r ,i i i ea coiion nun i-iiiii'aiu.a v ..., nnn . i... an pxtraorr innrv session or me wno c i . . r, nn,i, -u.uvj in u ie,- . iAn- nnil West 1'oint ua. tl&.vw . ' .. .u :.i,,.f Congress is necessary at the same , 1.nrnnrntP(, to furnish !"omns' ,n v ",u"",s The approaching event was kept a ,time. The Senate called in special , ' y Mj and .intern . session as is me custom to connrm i p Smth Ark - , of Cabinet members ' 'VT1 Vu- -1-7. m!- r.ni . of Columbia, s. onerea rr.eSS AinoiiB u.r ...a.., ... r. , f expenses and commissions, talized at $100,000 and lesser a-Smg00f& Mayer Cincinnati, LHUUI1L3 ttlC UIC iwuurriiif,. rl f;l P. CAnlrtv HVlo onawnee - $100 "provided we can agree incorporated with $100,000 capital to f , , , , build an oil refinery. Sawvers Pocahontas Coal Co., Bollinger is connected with a.iemi. ;iemoers or congress are taking it for granted that President Wilson will approve it. Although some members have giv en it as their opinion that the legis subject it chose. The understanding at the Capitol today was that such a situaion was to be avoided if possible. bill will go to conference because the use House disagreed to other Senate market valnp. pxtrnordinnrv food . n.i - . - - ' , . ' -. - ,ie xiaruaway contracting company, amendments, there is little possibil- value for human beings and the price land js at ent locateJ flt Ash(Tvili; ny that the prohibition amendment, is likely to go still higher, they should He i3 a young business man of abil- money crops. j Mr and Mrs Bollinger will maku Seed potatoes however, are now their home in Asheville for th ten pecks but some merchant oougnt before they went to such a high level muo ieatures added to the postal land may be able to retail tnem at ioc bill would not be effective until July and 80c a peck as long as their pres 1, the effective date of the appropria- lent supply lasts. The department tlOIlS it rnrripQ Sonntnro an, I Pnn.o. 'nf noriroltoro snnT'ests tho use of , v..-vU.o mpn- -r.o - " fl.i. .11 c 1 .1... ... . .. , i . .. . .-ii.tatives who are considered auth- wood ashes as a substitute for potash uul ",,u UR I"aLe anu a'i Chicago University. in the growth of potatoes. nuu s iuul nnuauou. jim (Japps thougn r eu. -nu. A Beautiful Club Hospitality His birthday we would celebrate The Father of our Nation. OLD PIEDMONT PUPILS Are Making Good in College and Uni versity. It pleases us to hear of the suc cess of former Piedmont pupils in college and university. Roland Eng lish having graduated at Leland Stanford University receiving spec ial mention for both prowess in de bate and for scholarly attainments, is now nursuintr advanced work at CHEAPER FLOUR RATE thus said tonight, that all the le gislative riders, including the Reed inhibition mendment, undoubtedly Would hecomr. 'he President has signed the mea iTo Shelby Reduction of 9 Cents per ,yItati"n- the members of the lshpen- In answer to the above Hundred Pounds on Car Load Lots. ure. "IJry" Advocates Jubilant "Dry" advocates were jubilant to- . Representative. Webb.of North, Ruth ir"ii:;a, father of the resolution for, board are to get a cheaper rate on :J -National prohibition amendment, 'flour. Mayor Gardner has been work glared the overwhelming affirmative ing on this for some time and has ''c bad killed the States' rights ar- the following letter from W. C. fumi:i!, and that the National amend-1 Womble, rate clerk of Corporation !'nt, already reported favorably.cer- Commission: "Referring to eorres ian!.V would pass the House at this ! pondence in April 191G in regard to s, ssn n. The National legislative com-irate on flour from points in Michi to'ttce of the Anti-Saloon League is- 'gan to Shelby as compared with the SUl'l a statement saying today's ac- rates from the same territory to bun had "cleared tho d ''iional amendment. Roller Mill Burned 0, , . , . . , ;ternoon, the four recent Shelby brn Shelby and all other points froml. M ' , ,. , J ., . . c es Mesdames Arey, Frar ltherfordton to Charlotte on Sea- ; . T , , ' . barbering"his 5 T. M. Way through the University of North j Carolina is leader in the Inble btud unique in- , Ueuartment of the Y. M. C. A. and is also Editor-in-chief of the Lm- mg club convened at the home of versity Magazine. The "Tar Heel" Miss Bertie Lee Suttle yesterday af-1 nraisPK the elouuence of R. E. Price brid-;and savs that he nut forth the best nk 'argument in the debate before the Hoey and Jack and Oscar Palmer , North Carolina Club. Ernest Price Rlnofield. W. Va.. organized with $100,000 capital to develop coal min es. F. O. Smith Shipbuilding & Dry dock Co., Norfolk, will invest $75, 000 for shop equipment in connection with additional buildings ordered to be constructed for ship-building, ship repairs, etc. Winefrede-Thacker Coal Co., No lan, W. Va., incorporated with $75, 000 capital to iRine coal. Standard Elkhorn Coal Co., Gar rett, Ky., incorporated with $50,000 capital to develop coal properties. Chilhowee Mills, Athens, Tenn., or ganized with $50,000 capital to build a plant with daily capacity 400 doz en pairs of hose. North Carolina 'Yarn Co., Charlotte, N. C, chartered with $50,000 capital for spinning cotton yarn. Chilhowee Mills, Athens, Tenn., in corporated with $50,000 capital to ! knit hosiery. guests beside Lincoln Tiin.. bast Thursday night Mill the Roller "wned by Abernethy & Howard The the commission to advise you that we have been continually working upon this question since it was first rais- being the only invited the regular members. No club hospitality since the New Year has been more completely fill ed with beauty and charm, the hos tess' artistic taste being beautifully displayed in the George Washington jtwo first debaters decorations. Red, while, and blue, the ouestion. symbolized the patriotic spirit of the ccasion. An appropriate and clever guess ing contest was the feature of the used to be a faithful worker for The Star. Clint Newton, son of the late John Newton of Casar won laurels in the recent Anniversary Debate at Wake Forest College. He was one of the Young Lady Died of Measles Our Lawndale Mail In order to accommodate Star sub scribers on Lawndale routes with the Lincoln News: Miss Bertha Saine, a young lady of near Trinity church .died last Friday, her death being caused by measles. The funeral and burial was con ducted Saturday at Trinity church md his side won Vv t.iv M, Miller, the nastor. ' : . It will be remembered that Melvin Saine, the father of the ceased, died a few weeks ago of phoid fever. Mr. de- ty- arternoon s pleasure, following the " '... u : .l. , .i ii : 1 j i j i. ; ,i :"oiuniK ui uic piize iu tne one wno ' papers tne same oay uiey ore laauuu vlsint vou that effective March IS rePoated the Declaration of Indepen-,we are endeavoring to dispatch them "l Alexis, was burned " i. aoout $10,000 and was partly ,by when from western irea oy insurance. The origin of "v nre is a mvsterv as thprn had be, (!ay or two 1 il.. I ,1 , 1 fV tl A 1917, the proportional rate of 28 1"1"" ",u . on tne star route leay.ng oneiuy cents ner 100 Dounds of flour, anv I " -"". vnicn me o p. m. we unaersiaim me i.wiiuaiC piaui, uuduvifcj, x.- - . too , ... ., , points, has' """ "M K"ruJ' -' nos- been reduced to carload 19c, less car- ilts? "".u "l s'5ler,s' llsses Cstler nnu cnzaoein auttie. Oyster Supper at Waco Ohio, offered par and a premium of on an allowance for bond blanks and at torneys fees." Rudolph Kleyboth Co., offered par with $2,000 allowed bond buyers for expenses. Spitzer-Rorick & Co., Toledo, Ohio, offered par with $1,135 to be taken, out for expenses and commissions. First National Bank of Shelby of fered par and a $25 premium with 4 per cent, interest on the deposit. Sidney-Spitzer Co., Toledo, Ohio, offered par with a $300 premium pro vided allowance of $1200 for expen ses. Cost of County Line Matter Expenses in the matter of having the. Legislature affirm the result of the Kings Mountain election involv ing territory with taxable property rvalued at several millions and tho citizenship of several thousand peo ple amounted to $838.50, which is much less than the county commis sioners anticipated and is much less than what the expenses would 1 have been had the suit Deen threshed out in tho courts. The com missioners freely expressed their thanks and appreciation of the ser vices of the attorneys and others in the victorious outcome of the con troversy with Gaston county. The bills ordered paid at the called meet ing Monday were as follows: C. R. Hoey for money advanced in law suit and legislation in court and legislature to cover expenses over boundary line election $438.50. Ryburn and Hoey, attorneys fees $200. O. M. Mull, attorneys fees $100. D. Z. Newton, attorneys fees $100. eorge Washington idea was carried rural carriers will wait on the morn ing mail after March 1st after which no rire in the mill for the last The mill, it is learned, s not run every day and they had doe n"t been running the day before. Play Postponed ino. play entitled "Oak Farm" ad vised to be reproduced at Waco Saturday night, Feb. 24th by the Eli awth school has been postponed in finitely, but will, however, be giv n '"ter in the Spring. load 21c per hundred pounds. These reductions apply only on shipments routed via Seaboard Air Line and will not apply via any other route." This will place Shelby on a parity with adjacent territory and will be quite a help to merchants and con sumers of flour. BUY our Seeds and put them away, we j.n,r"" spring ana sunshine some 'iv'J Ay- SEEDS SEEDS uvr seeds seeds- Ken- H E K will relieve your Headaches and Neu ralgia. II E K is harmless. 10, 25 and 50c bottle, Kendall's Drug Store. adv. Mrs. Hoey Honored At Pretty Dinner s Drug Store, ATTENTION Right Shoulder Arms Forward March to J. D. Lineberger's Sons, Shelby's adv. jWide Awake Hardware, Hustlers. sW???c.r for lthing, low cut 3 and hats adv. line nirt; ties, collars. hnsWv. 3 t Evans E. McBrayer's. adv. The best stock in the city you'll find at McBrayer's. adv. You run no risk when you buy at Evans E. McBrayer's. adv. As a pretty compliment to Mrs Frank Hoey, one of Shelby's recent brides, Mrs. Robert Carpenter, en tertained at her lovely home on South LaFayette street Wednesday after noon, at one of the largest and most elaborate rook parties of the season. Expressing the sentiment of the approaching natal day of the Father of our country, the illustrious George Washington, the rooms were most artistically decorated in red, white and blue, the portieres and mantels being draped in the bunting and flags, with lovely red and white car nations placed about in lavish pro fusion. In the midst of these attractive surroundings, progressive rook was played at the eight tables, an uni que conception of the hatchet inci- The Ladies Missionary Society of the Waco Baptist Church will give an oyster supper on Saturday night, Feb. 24th in the Waco High School Auditorium. The entire proceeds will where he assisted Mr. Elay Weathers time The Star will be dispatched from be given to charity. in taking stock of the Farmers Hard Had Satisfactory Year Mr. C. T. Hord of the Farmers Hardware Company of Shelby re turned this week from Forest City Shelby on morning trip and deliver ed by Lawndale carriers to their route patrons the same day. Ross Grove We are asked to announce that there has been a change in the time for holding services at Ross Grove church from the first Sunday to the fourth Sunday and Saturday before. Rev. W. E. Lowe is pastor. PREPARED For sometime we have been load' ing our magazine with farm supplies. ware Company at Forest City. The store at that place is owned half by the Shelby store and half by Mr. Flay Weathers. They found after the firsi repairs, hardware, kitchen ware, year that they had a very satisfac- HI-KO Will make your Corns HIKE in 5 nights 25c bottle. Kendall's Drug Store. adv. Coffins and caskets at right prices. Jno. M. Best..Furniture Co. , adv.-tf McBrayer for your money's worth or your money back. adv. buggies, wagons, etc., and we are ready to fire and scatter it all over the country Join the Big Gun Firm J. D. Lineberger's Sons. adv. Declines $10,000 Salary Grocer C. Alexander, star pitcher of the Philadelphia Nationals, de clined an offer of $10,000 a year from President Baker. He demanded $15, 000, and declared that if his terms were not met he would quit baseball. Cash is King at Evans E. McBray- Don't forget that combination of The Star and the Progressive Farmer both for a year for $2.00. Make your remittance through The Star. tory patronage and the stock has been nearly doubled in size. The Forest City store is now the best stocked hardware store in Ruther ford, i See those close out suits at $10.00 srs. adv. at McBrayer's. adv. THE Sun throws out its warmth for all classes of people. The moon throws out its guiding hand for people in ell walks of life. The stars twinkle and seem to smilo at all characters. KENDALL make3 Ken-Tone for everybody that needs a tonic to renew their system and stomach. Price $1.00 3 for $2.50 Kendall's Drug Stcre. adv. New line mens Crawford Oxfords just opened at McBrayer's, adv. I:'! ". i I'M y r n S' A i : 7 " ! i : , .11! ' -' ' ! ,; ' 7' ' '!t ' Hi t , it 1 i , f 1 .1.1 : 'II I K.. .V . - I.) ' 7 ' ' ! f . ' I 1 I r 'V mini I i ! 7 V 7 1 - . o . . " . t : I! i I ; ; : e f, I