We Do Job Work Uw Linotype Way s Us Figure on Ycui Work. Phone N:.: 11 Published Every Tatsiiay and Friday The Oldest and Beat Paper in This Section. 0 MP VOL. XXV. NO 18 GERMANY PROPOSES ALLIANCE WITH JAPAN AND MEXICO TO WAR ON U. . MEXICO ' WAS TO HAVE'- NEW tricted. In spite of 'this, it is our in ' MEXICO, ARIZONA AND TEX- tention to endeavor to keep neutral AS AS SPOILS INSTRUC- the United States of America. TIONS FOR ALLIANCE SIGNED j "If this atempt is not successful, BY MINISTER ZIMMbKMA.N COPY' OK INSTRUCTIONS IN HANDS OF PRESIDENT W1L- SON. V,'::.-hiugton, Feb. 28. The Asso .j;t,.ed iVtss is eixblod t reve al tha' .rmay, in rlanr.injr unrestm-tce .ln.trint' warfare and ecantir.j; ii .jin-iK-iA, proposed ail r, t e Mexico am' ,;r,pa:v t r.iai:e war l'r:ited Slates if in;- courtly i i;;,t r,n:!;i ro'tivi.l. mi:, through r,i-!lt:i- a.; to net jo' c ui's".' to abandon ner Mate a, fo gei 'n :T; o: i and : ms . v. . i la'. ral ar.v, an 1 slv.ir; (;e.-:r. ra i fi i.nanr: recoii'i; Arl.oia in th. !-!'; ' T. xa . r -lost j.n ; victoriou. iu 'a; ia'L-. au.a .'la- '. : i by !', ;.;nii'r;!iaac V.t'; llil't"! with M.v.i i'-klnl.'' t ill Co ina.rne le, I;;.. :iT. Minister '' January l'J, I i T , rojivji' the'alliaiu . ' r. Till Carra:; i : .::,'o .:,.,!: ., !.:!,' I S-. .:.i;:a' i.. . e-e instructiiins wire tra: nvtt i von Eckhardt tliriuirh Count ilcriistorir, forntv r (ierman ani id'T here, now on bis way hnr.-.f rniat.v under a afe conduct !i- (, iiled from his cin-niies by the uatiy aj;ai;i.t v.hicii he was j lat- i; er war. (lermi.ny pic urd to Mexico, by r.-ad i' ti, nation, Knglnnd and tic i.t' !:' aiiies elefeati''); Germany a'" I "t allies triumphant anil in world ....mir.ation by the instrument of un : ra teel submarine warfare. A copy of Zimmermann's instruc to von Eckhardt. sent through 'a P'-rn.storff, is in ; -i-m of a - failed States government. It is .- f' liaws: "Merlin, January Jl), i:: , "ii me nrsi oi reoruu;y ve m.i-ne ''.-gin submarine warfare unres- The Spirit of "Clean Up and Paint Up" In a tenement district lived a family surrounded by filth ami eiirt. The whole atmosphere of- the little room which they called "home" was one ei hopeless depression anil squalor. To prove the power of ugge.-tion, a good woman placed on the table a miniature ..talute of Venus of Milo. Against this grimy back-ground of dirt and w retehedness, the Venus sbeuie e'Ut in all her whiteness and purity, elevating ami frightening her strange urroumlings. The good woman calb'd a week later anil found that the place had been Weaned up. the dirt had been washed away and a pathetic but sin cere attempt at decoration had been made' -the subtle influence was effective. If the home.-, m a iaughberhe; I feociru v.i'i.ihi r-hcatmi ami -habby, values ia the v. hole r.eigbbarhoaei ucicriora.e. But if some house-owner paints and beautifies hi? home, it ryeiiates its attract iveness in every direction and seen the who! neighborhood is 'vau'a fright am! attractive. MR. WHITE AiMUVES 'er.' long they would he recognized Will Fill the Pulpit at First Baptist;' by, the bestowal of I). P. upon him. (hurch Sunday (liven Farewell In his brief remarks of farewell Mr. At Monroe. White said that le h:u! honestly giv- I en his whole effort for service since Rev. Lee McH. White arrived in he came to Monroe and that ro whe re Shelby last night to assume a s as pastor of the First his dut llapt ist church of this place on Surnlav. Mr.v W'hite ami two children will follow. Mr. White is a graduate of Wake l orest and b.ael a year each at Ceir nell University and the Paptist The ological Seminary at Louisville, Ky. He is a young man, but able', energet ic ami thoroughly consecrated in the "'hristian ministry. The Monroe Journal has the following to say of h:s farewell at Monroe: "The Presbyterian and the Metho dist congregations unite Sunday night with the Haptist congregation "i the last service that Rev. Mr. L. Meh. White will hold as rastor of the rirst Baptist church of Monroe. The building was filled to its utmost capacity. Ilev. J. E. Abernethy and lr. H. E. Gurney, pastors of the Methodist and Presbyterian congre gations respectively, sat in the pul pit with Mr. White and after his ser mon, arose on their own accord and spoke very warmly of the service which Mr. and Mrs. White had ren dered the town and community, and especially of the cordial co-operation which had existed among the three nd the high regard of the people, ir respective of denominations, for Mr. '"'te, as a man and preacher and leader in all good things. In fld dtion, Dr. Gruney spoke of the scholastic accomplishments cf Mr. .we propose an alliance on the yol- lowing basis with Mexico: That we shall mak. war together and togHh- er make peace. We shall give gener- iai -nnam-iai sup , on, ami it is un er- 'stood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost terrritory in New Mexico. Tc-Xail and Arizona, 'ihc details, are left to you fur settlement. : '"You are instruct'. : President of M-xieo J to inform the of the above h g-. at - t '': ! : , u a. jis er;ain that there v .11 un as I'.rcUK '-'l ;ir ;v!ta tin- i.ml.'' ' and FUKirt.'t that th i'resi, a, :.!,'o, o-.i his own initiative c..;.:mu::ic;.t"' v.'ith Ja..an a-lher.T'-e i.i.ce iu tai-- ; ! : same time, oiler to me..i,.te Cenii-.r.y and Japan. 'i'aase tall to the alt' i :.' President of Mexico that ;he Merit i.f rii'.hlc-; hubmarine "-v.- j nr.ii- l. con: pel F.r-R m 'ke r., a-,- i,: a ( .: t, ...,,. . lit of siio.:Kl : o! 1.1, e aivt to ''.an.-:: .IMMKRMAXN." This do;-'.uae!,t lias been ri the hands of the ftoviTiiment since Prr-i-deat Wilson brake c;!f dil'loniatic re- lat ions Willi (i i ;aai;y ; it has fe.-i kept set ret up t this time, ul t'le Piasident has been asking for full authority to deai many, and while Congress hesitating-. It w '..- in the Congress v nil C :- has been 'reside:; :'s hands while nian-.-ll-.il we l.'iiitcd Slat ( lianei-ilor vmi lieth was k luring that th hi'd pla.'ed an iat; r prttataai eai t; bmurine declara tfon "neve r iir.Vr.!..', and that denaany h: honored fneacliv 1'. I I : r.'i .-ta .... "a a Freilerick the Creait. Of it.,elf. a' 'here ' is considered a sui'i "jv (Iciraa promoted o,.s ,aln ir! " m f ner, it war in at tha; the (Ierman chancellor's I the United Slates "krti-opn Iv ' br. eilf relations v-ithout giving 'Authen tic" reasons for its act, on. The document supplies the nii.ising link to many separate chains of eir- 1 cumstances, which until now have cemcd to lead to no definite j,,int. I I Vhile and said that he he cd ,,..' in ihe' worlel had he found better pea pie or formed more' la-tin;: fiiend ships. The music program was es pecially tine wild quartets by Nr. a:.' Mrs tlreen ami Mr. White Tlall e Xeal, and by Mr.,, 'the pipe organ." Mi White Fine Mica Mine M :. IV.-.- a y of E!!c:.! .-ro and Mr. M. Paim ll! formerly of Mil- ! chel (-(-ii'i' v, were here this evee'k in the inte-rest ed a fine mica mine en. ithc A. C. Jones plantation near-La!-j 'timore from which three men have iheen ge-tting out a thousand dollars worth of mica a day. The mine is Mrs. 1. L. Ware of Mt. Holly spent said to be extremely rich in the very the week-end here with her sister best quality of sheet mica. The mieajMrs. J. E. Lilford. cuts from (1x8 to 10x14 sheets and Mr. J. S. Thornburg of Chester, S. Mr. Pannell who has had 40 years experience in tne business declares that it is the richest he has ever seen. This product is bringing fancy I prices and unless Mr. Dorsey dis- poses of the mine, he will take up his option and work the mine himself. II E K The harmless liquid HEADACHE and NEURALGIA remedy will give you relief in a few minutes. Try II E K for -that headache. 10, 25 and 50c bottle. Kendall's Dniff Store. THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH THE FLY AND TUBERCULOSIS Time Is Coming When Filed Will lie As Much a Disgrace Around Home- ... . As UMv Lice uuiuren uie 01 . Neglett and Ignorance. Miss Annie Lee Rankin, demon- 0f her music class in a must delight strator of Mecklenburg County, rave fui fushiort at her home on South an instructive andlueid lecture to the school children and . citizens of Shel-,) by in the school auditorium on la t Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, ecu- m hpre under tne ausnieeB 01 me c- terprising ladies of the Civic Leagu Ktt-reoptiean Slides showing the f! and other insects th&t d e r !.'! ato u; human beings were used to ill irate CI"! llish h er treatise on nake a towr ck'a.p. and la : i i th " .11 thesa ; .1:1 con- e i:! ':r h' . ." i jet t nou h iv , ative p-.pl-... , r t ! -!al-! nii! shov. f.ilh and many as feet wen: g nosis i, 'l".D ct'':'s , ' a, lie '.er ;a of the : a da l th" '.vine:: a I it fly, whii h and f,-r fi aas' !t.a I i.i: v.hih i'et'ia "S mains ami ;."r das e '.' , See 11' V.'i.ea it V IiM-re are- '1',iii): diilVrent but the hou e i "Iv is the mos spec. da:!!:' ous and the greate-.t pest on ra;:k. The fly does not fly more than yards, ye t automobiles, carriages, -c. have bean kneacn fo traaioi-t ih- r: many miie-s a.nd .-cutter those breed ers of lik-euae. These ina-cts h-ue I e'eti known to live three months, con trary to the u.-,ual idea, and '.),') per e-eiit. of the fly specks are invisible, therefore' house's should be .-creoiioil with 11 mesh scivanii::,'. Sjru" think thai the co-t of en-ens is t'' mo h. but it is more cconorry :, pa" tin- screening bill than a el-a an's bill. Thefly cannot eat anything soli-!, but its saliva turns the solid f a . ! into a lapiid so a- to imbibe an .ho food with which it ernes in cnl. tea. l ne-reiorc mere should f-e a ia , the South like there is in th. - m era cities, re qui ring all fruit e;.il 1 . .o . . - -. , i ,- m sth- -1 to ne eio.upiea witn gin.- coverings, a-- to e-M-luu',' th" depredat fly. Fruit stands i-houhl :iu be ana protecteel from flics. Tin cans delapidated hous-s. i Id bairels, high weeds, trash pibs, are the best known breeders of the fly, together with stables. The hitler should be cleaned out at least every 5 days. ; In a few more years public senti- I educated tbnt ihl ment win ne so rest will be considered as great a ,over anu Flossie once, they were new and compjcatC(i machinery to tinguisher and a switchboard are at disgrace in the home and town as h l?ctcd to the cloak rooms bydrive current furthcr at a lower cost, tached. the latter device to provide a I body lice is now considered in res- pectable homes, and in order to tli-1 over' principles of generating and handling luminating the entertainment hall, minate the fly one must be kept con-! Three spacious rooms, beautifully eiectric curront to the developmert of , Three lights are attached to a piece stantly on the alert-year in- and "orated in flags, bunting, hatchets, 'smnII KentratjnK pants 0f a size suit- of stage cable which stretches from year out. etc., were thrown open for this oc-;atjlc for supplyin ciectricitv on the lone end of the auditorium to the She then gave some facts on tub- .t'asum- Ihe Ssts were then usher- 'fam al)(, jn the church an( gton,( other and afford a much better light erculosis, a preventable disease, and into ttle Parlor- where many inter-ian(j at a f()t t,as.jy within t"e reach inK system than is common in rural advised fresh air and col-1 baths. Mad cstmZ amc's wt're P,a'Lt,: 0ne of (,f every progressive farmer. Years schools. They can be snapped on and gohls are one of the greatest menaces ,wmth was to salute the picture of iof cxperjnu,ntai work by some of our off fronl a switch on the operating of the country anil extremely centag- ,G ) 'a;:hl,1Kton. .... best engineers have produced plants table. ious should be quarenteene.l the! J ht' thm reiaired to the dining !0f which are thoroughly dc- The health car is equipped with a same as measles or ether contagious , ruom t on entering being , pondable- ' !t.amping outfit and cooking utensils eliscases. Jn the state Of Khode Is- land children with bad colds barred from school. 'j..-n.ng looo, wear light clothing; sleep with the win- elous raided, take a daily culd chow - er bath and cold-- will be retroorra-le 1 to the past. j c quests were then ushered in- The tyihol-! f-ver i acle ria i ci.e- to ,no -""tting room, where a mitia iveyeel through th- mouth, but m tun-,turo eherry tree was placed. Each 'ere ulosis it is spread by the c-.mg i 'jruest was given a cherry, which em and expectoration.- ef the luiieteular ,''eii'g opened was found to contain a patient. rhyme appropriate each gue.-l. One or two thousam! children die yearly in North Carolina from ignor ance and neglect. Less than 2 out cf every children live to be .", year old in our state. All milk contains bacteria, but ly pa.-leiirir.ing the milk the germs are '' ' rende red '' securing harmless. This proe ess of pure milk can be done at b.ome at a small cost. '! ! Miss Rankin's aeldress was well r,-. ea-iveel here, of which the above is a brief sviHir-sis. She wants our neo - i pie, both big and small, t.o unfu the league to make Shelby a and beautiful town. ... ot. le an , Kings Mt. Personals 'Ihe Herald: Mr. A. Benton Putnam has been quite sick at his home on Gobi St., for Ahe past week C, arrived Tuesday to spent! several .wccks in this section with relatives, THERE IS ONLY ONE Liver Opener on the market, and it is Kendall's Liver Opener. Don't let any one put a substitute off on you, see that every package has the BIG BLACK letters K. L. O. on it, and see that you get the little screw cap bottle, 30 to the bottle 25c. Ken dall's Drug Store. adv. Bridles from $1.25 to $2.50 at Far- S0CE1TY NEWS Iover Hostess to Music tlul) v On last Saturday afternoem, Miss Helen Dover entertained the members Washington street.- After an amusing .and ttnieUc pamo (,f "Backwards" aiiddelightful musical selections were en ioved. the hostess served a tempting collation Sihool Faculty .Entertained ; Miss Lila Dover was a very car dial hostess to' the members f the South Shelby graeled school fae-uli:.' and a few tt' tne: young gernlermn i f l' cn on last Satimlay eveni -:'. A meviy evening was cnt in games until a late hour, aff r which a tempting two c-our--.' ollaiin v. a.- I'. --lac fie laaior eue-ts, til - e;i ; .- !- this delightful ho I'liai ty . . re : M: s. rs. Jia- -y I ,aa un ia be-rts, Fi ank Hull, 'vyin- la te r alal (leorge .Moore. V. i -. Arev Ho.-tess - A 1 enjoyable- ciub all',. if was that of "i'uealay afternoon wlicu Mrs. Ward A ivy was "at home" to the members of the Temgues ami Needles elub and a number of miditional guests. Ihe roeirns were' inviting!',- decor- aVd in potted jilants and pink carnations. A merry .-enibled with their elainty fancy work and a happy was spent by all present ex-p.iisite crowd as bags of afternoon in these 1 1 ..sunt surroundings of the afternoon the At th lose a an elegant and el jor; . otirse, I ''.-ii!e the (U;!, member-, i. joying this ho.-pilahly wer tho.. Me-, dames Paul Webb, 1.. A. Planton, W. J. Roberts. Oscar Palmer, S. S. l'eys ter. Jack Palmer, and Mi-s Agues Mcii raver. .huh (.rade Party On last Friday evening at S e ' clock the boys and ;irls if the ninth grade delightfully entertained the tenth grade at a George Washington T -V , "fl"UM"'c "U,"L "l iU1" uoroiny uover. As the guests arrived they were met at thu door bY Misses Dorothy 'lUle MlSpes tvelyn and Catherine ,u ",ul "l- lightful refreshments, consisting of a salad course, followed by an 'course were srrved by the Misses i I)ov"s- Mr j. Y-hh' Mrs' Wa,T jtf banning. Alms Ian Barnett and ! Jlrs- J- K- ll0Vt'r en Special to Curolce: ,the figure' mv birthd: Tic- tar: I am le'd to eiesell upon se en, ju-t now because y elawned on March Tth, 1 147. 1 entered upon my Christian ; ministry in IS' T. fifty ye-iT ago and lif I see the dawning of March Tlh, 7oth i HUT, 1 will have gritted my birthday. Today and every ek.y, sit .upon the lowest seat or humility ns I ' re .in,! ri'ltii'in no- the llnl.iil hi! th I .... , ., ....... and e I and supreme goodnc in thw card. I sof seek my God. the grecl lii of Ihe DAVIS. ml ings from tin' Editor and reaelers of The Star. S. M. HI-KO , , Has cleaiiee out more corn crops in Cleveland county than any other about them. It will make their liv- one TOOL has done in the last three W easier and better. And if it can w... v.w!rf,i those thimrs for all of us. it will on your feet, a 25 cent bottle of Hi Ko will clean up the Corns and re move the shoots and roots. Sold on a guarantee, 25c bottle. Kendall's Drug Store. adv. Mr. Fuller II. Hamrick who is con nected with the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville, was here this week, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hamrick. All kinds of harness and leather goods made in our own shop. Far- 2, 1917 ELECTRICITY ' . EVERYBODY'S SERVANT Developed to the Point Where Indivi dual Lighting Plants Can be In stalled on Farms Some of ; the Things in Use in Country. , There was a time when light in' a house was supplied by a flaring torch supported by a bracket.on the wall; when each man carried his own street carried by men on horse or afoot; when the quickest and most luxur ious form of travel was the stage coach, and- when nearly all werk. waa done by hand. Within the last few years a new servant has annca :'eil to do all this wei'l. and n:ue!i ir. i.e not niinWuK-l above, 'ihe' name of this new ser vant is "electricity." It lights our houses with n bright, clean and safe light; nor stii'e... are' lined with lamp pi. Is whieh make them ns safe a! Ulght as ill the (lav time. If We want to talk io liuiueoiie a hui.dr.d liplcs away v, c use tho telephone eu ' the telegraph. Stree t cars, interur bans, even railre ail trains, pulleel by e lecirie ity, earry us further in an hour than the stage could have done in a day. And work, -- there' i scureely a task which cannot be elone by electricity, not only in the busi ness ami manufacturing world, Jiut in the; city and country home us well. A few years ago electricity wa- the servant of the few who lived in cit ies. This was b'cause electric gen erating maehimry was not in its present improved state, and because it was, ami still is for that matter, very expensive to transmit electric current over lemg distances, in eith er wni'els people win) live close lo- , gether in the comparativedv small ar--! a MTVLtl ,. ., , , . ,. . -,, , , . ea en the city can all be supplied with current from one central statiem at a reasonable cost, whereas it is em r mously expensive to extend trans mission lines five er ten miles into the country in order to serve perhaps fifteen or twenty customers in an ar ea r.s large' a; that covered by the city. And yet the' services of elect ricity are laesie'i as much, if n meire, on the farm, in the c-.a home1, church, ilhouse as in the city. ! It is this neeei, and the practical difficulties in the way of supplying it, which turned man's inventive genius toward a solution of the problem. A n,l thn olntw,,, no , , V, ,.f ' ef .,.nf rv,imcl .OJ in 1 rathl - f fL K,'l,ll. ,.t but the atriicatioii of the known Now Ihe result of ihU U tbnt trie'ify is at lat the really universal servant. In tho country home, churrh, 'and camp, as well as in the citv,' clcc- trk. ,am m. out thoir ,,f lamps pour pure light from handsome mo'len fixtures. The elay of the coal eiil lamp is e er. Neit only th" f:y;:n house itself but every part ef all the- other buiidlas on the place is ligMcl . af' Iv an I enve nientlv. A.-il k'ht i- only part of the si r- .twelve scheduled stops weekly at var jvice that electricity is ready to rend- i'-us points. The picture program ei In the' home the vacuum sweep- remains unchanged for a week. A jcr. the elecirie iron, toaster, coffe'C week later, anil again two weeks lat IH'reuIator, fan ami washing machine er, the communities are revisited with are at th.- service of the housewife-, 'complete changes in program. The 'An automatic electric pump furni h- weekly audiences approximate 8,000 es hot and cold running water to nil men- women and children, and the parts of the house at all times. I;-. liaily attendance ranges from 450 to the dairy the milking machine, the 00. cream separator and the churn are- I The health exhibit's expenses of electrically driven. The fanning mill, operation are ?13 daily or ?D0 wcek the corn grinder, the grind-tone and ly. County boards of commissioner many other pieces of light farm on'u'hmiirif !iro tiirnml iv vmoll niof. ors. I The comfort, the convenience nf ectric service will have the same ef- lunus lrom Slx villages, a private feet in the country home as they h;vo c,tlzi" ,,f Alamance County subscrib had in the city. This service will ,ed the ful1 amount; the superintend trivn nennle more leisure, more on- ent of education in Anson County ab- nortunitv to read, to keep in touch 'with all that i rmnr nn in thp world .with all mat is going on in me worai - 1 indeed have proved itself the best of servants. 6 THING'S AT KENDALL'S Everything in the DRUG LINE. Everything in the SEED LINE. Everything in the STATIONERY T IWf Ev-erything in TOILET ARTICLES Everything in the SERVICE LINE, Everything in the SODA FOUN TAIN LINE. Also Kendall's Liver Openers and KEN-TONE, THE SYSTEM BUILD- adr.'ER. Kendall's Drug Store. adv. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE " ; !!!!! ' THE PICTURE OF HEALTH (By S. S. Winters,) "My old man told me the pictures would move, and I've read about them in the papers, but these arc the first j.yc cver 80t.n.',;..,, , kep wa9 an alderly woman, 'anJ hcr rcmark waa addressed to her hbor Tho tw0 had journeyed six miles from a remote rural di-.t-rict to the township village to see the "pictures" "Hope" and "i ho Man Who Learned,'' shown in every rural community of North Carolina by tho State Board of Jleialth. The pur pose is to carry from tho State health e llice expert hnowledgiv for the man and the woman on the farm, 'ihe ielea of carrying-the agricul tural college, and tho tested' methods of the experiment station to Ihe farm, has be-come commonplace by reason of its wide application. But it re mained for Warren II. Poo1.it, of tiie' bureau of engineering an.t 'edue-aiion of the North Carolaia health depart ment, to eonechc a plan whereby tho propaganda- of elisease prevention is taken fro nithe laboratory to the ru ral home, and to stimulate the sug-g-c-nou tor a health ele-pa if nie'nl on wheels, j The work i conducted by means of a "Moving Picture Health Car," 1 which travels i'mm community to community. The inexpcnsivc'ess ami simplicity of the North Carolina health car recommend wide duplica tion. A delivery truck was designed and constructed at an outlay of $750. In the truck has been placeel a com plete, separate unit consisting of a four-cylinder, four-eye lc gas engine, connected to three k. w. el. c. genera tor, having a capacity of fifty amperes and sixty volts. This represented an investment of .'!!itl. One hundred feet of stage cable is used to connect the lighting plant with the motion picture machine. The cable is sas pended through a door or window. ' The advertising feature to stimu late attendance is novel. The car is plae-cel "em parade," with the cur tains unhoisted, for display purposes. A megaphone announces the time and place of the entertainment. The vil lage is usually littered with handbills before the arrival of the car. j The motion picture machine is sim ilar to those in use by traveling mo- I inn nirtiirn rnmnanips Tn lh mn- rhin. the hnnrH .,f hwhh bn uH,b.,l n nnmbpr nf arronrie A fir pv. string of incandescent lights for il- for rollP-hinc it' 'in isnlnte.1 eommu- nities. H. E. Hamilton, a trained nuuhinist, taki-i care of the car and Roy Tatum, a young college man trained in medical science, is- in charge of the lectureship platform. The chief of the State health elepart ment has constant gcner..lshi; over the health tour, An intensive campaign is conduct ed in each county, the car having anil education, as well as private in' tuitivp. nri snnrpp? nf nrvtiArt 4. guarantee of S!0 is required for each county. Johnston County obtained , f -i, . tained the guarantee from the board f education, an'd an agricultural so- . , , y n owan coun y stoou sponsor ior the W e yj scribed $100 each for a weeks en- ga&imini CLEAN UP THE TOWN You can talk about Sweeping Up, Brushing Up, Rubbing Up, Polishing Up, Scrubbing Up or any kind of up but the best cleaner Up we know of for your personal welfare is TKEA"L"yER 0PEXERS Let the TOWN buy a gross and send them all over Shelby, they sure are needed in many places. Clean your old Liver with these lit tle white Submarines. 30 to the bot tle 25c. Kendall's Drug Store, adv. I 1 : '

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