f fl-e Do Job Work the Linotype Way - Let Us Figure on Your Work. Phone So. 1) Published Every Tuesday and Friday The Oldest and Best Paper in This Section. $1,50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XXV. NO. 21 : THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C.. TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1917 P ill TO ARM OUR' MERCHANT SHIPS KSIDENT WILSON ' FINDS LAW ' oil HIS ACTION CALLS EX i SESSION OF CONGRESS M' - - ELLA MILL PRIZES Cash Offered for Best Vegetable Gar dens by Mill Employes. MKKT APRIL 6TH. -President ' The current issue of the Ella1 Mill Record shows the generosity of the mill toward its help and its efforts to encourage the planting of vegetable gardens. It announces: With white potatoes selling at 80 S0CE1TY NEWS Ishpcning Club With Miss McBrayer u'Mshir.uton, Mar.h 0 Uil-oii fnnn a sick bed today ordered cents per peck, dry beans selling at arming of American merchant 15 cents per pound, and tomatoes sell '.fs -against Germany's ruthless sub-'jing at 15 cents per can, we don't have "'. warfare. ' and at the same to debate urxin the Question of TIKI. m . . ... I . . r . . ' u time lumntinn CH hncr an whether or nor. carilpnino1 nnva inlC 1"'" " 1J' -" ' ( " e - ft 1 J - ...I.n nt PnncrrpKQ tn TYIPpf. ThnRO thai havp trim! nnf rrawlnninf. Aunt 10. Miuiuwiii vi.il Liiai 11. uui.a pay lv Thi' President s decision came suu- grow our own vegetables, lhis oe- lotu this nftprnnnn following inir the ciirc then it eiirnlv will nau f win --- " ' . e il. ......i...in.. ; u .1.... e ... : the action 01 uie scnaue jciwiun in in nun uaj ui t-ALii'iiie niK'i prices. ;i . iilua tn nprmit nrnmnt I 110 fnmnnnv hml thie in mini! l-iV tin on important questions and the fall when they had all the gardens t i : i. . o 1 ..l ,. a l ... .i i . i ubniidsion oi iormai opimuns uy oec- ipiuweu utjny, ana as iunncr evi- t 1 A 4.4..,- . "'-. ,1 4t, i- 41, : .U i. . rctarv IjansiUK aim rtituiut-y uv:ikl- uiai tiify wi.sn io encourage r.t VIK t" J W.J kilt. J""'" ...... fuvva '.uai, tvlll-lUUJ I1VH1 Ul 1 1 (1 LIU IHC TT VV H V I arm merchantmen without action treasurer has authorized that we of- March 23th as the "Clean Up and pride but also his civic pride. Shelby Congress. t. ier tne lollowing prizes: 'Paint Lp' week in Shelby The first meeting of the I.shpening club for the spring season convened with Miss Ruby McBrayer on last Friday afternoon at her attractive home pn North LaFayette street. The room in which these young club women assembled was bright and attractive with Spring flowers, the color note of yellow being used with lovely effect. In the midst of these surroundings, a delightful literary program was rendered, after SHELBY, WHAT WE HAVE, WHAT WE INfcfcU Some Things Shelby Can Get if She Will Organiie and Pull for Indus tries The Interurban Would He Certain. "PROCLAMATION" By a Citizen: Take a day off, visit every business man, every professional man and ev ery citizen of Shelby and ask each one what we need to make our town grow and the reply from each one is "more pay rolls and the Interurban" and we heartily agree. What are we going to do to secure these two desired additions? -Mow are we going to secure more pay roils : iot uy ooasiing oi our which the hostess assisted by her sis- fine climate, offering a glass of wa ter, Miss Agnes McBrayer served an elaborate and and accessories. The city of Shelby, acting together with the Civic League and business men and other associations has desig- March 18th to carted away, Shelby will be readily cleaned. This is an opportunity for every citizen, not only to show his personal IIolland-KosH Wedding The' following, which we clip from the Charlotte Observer of Mart'h 4tii, ',... i. ,.f ...,.,..;.. t (., ,1,.. is known as the city of Sprints and'r. , . jU , , Details of the government's armed I First pri;:e for best vegetable gar- During this week every citizen ofjhomes, apd we should all endeavor , f l , . , ...,..v,,, ,Jun f,.r .h.fmulin.r the den. S7.r,n ' hih ki,.,ih mat n ffnrt tn rlpan L .. . x a I er of relatives are natives ot . : : ,;7i , ' , :Z?:"r:::": m. r-?" ... J . a". this county, her father being the vet in heloine her do this that, you crcliani marine wm- wa.inviu w a- m iin.t- iui m-si egeiauieup Ills r iut miuse uim i upii ij, o ,tlve 11 It IS dirty and tillered up. All ', M, v 11 ..t U, V,,.l;., . ,Vnlf iY, i should telephone the city clerk and it J.. , ' ' ' iizing and securing these much de ter and a tooth pick, as we have in elegant salad course !m, 'tslinv !in. wl. must at once organize. Let every citizen help give us a live board of trade, or chamber of commerce and vou will sec Shelbv, the BUST town in the state, soon' be the BUSIEST GROWING town in the State. One thing we want you to remem ber that in helping Shelby grow, that while you are proud of your town and would like to see it forge to the front, :! tTiin.rirm' Amprtpsins :ind I'D men . S.-WO tta in nvnul liro riiik fn rli.nn nil vnlir ..ir vhir. bv nerrnittinsr the infor- Third prize for best vegetable L'-ir- ' front and back vard. to naint vour atiKi: to reacn Germany, ine oniy uen, $i.uv. , nn nt at the Vhite House and Fourth prize for liet r.asy department was that the garden, $:.(). . .i.. : 1 a r..n.. rnp.u 1... .. . nS.ul "I1L Jlciu in. iv. i niintu tu lunv a uui j'ii.t iwi di.u v i ruin I .A mi i ii. til I i cilia. 11v.11. v-.vv. The Natural "Next Step" i Sixth prize for bi -t t 'I he decision, coming at the end of 'ion, M.OU. lomaioes, nrst pnze, eoiKl prsze, ;i(Je. premises if necessary, to abolish all vegetable places that might breed flies and j mosquitoes, to eliminate dandelions .'table gar- and weeds, and to help clean up va- 'cant lots. cleaning up not only their own pre mise, but in helping to clean up the premise of others where help is necessary. Let us .tblc gar- j.. i-1 i J of tension waiting, was :.rr;i!lv hailed as the natural ami avoidable next step in the policy iopt-'d by the President when he mk.' oil' diplomatic relations with rm:s:.v itml gave warning that the nil- i Siates could not tolerate at ; on American ships and citizens v.'httMi: of international law. r raut'tu witn tne grave possii.il- v.ar with Germany, the action al;en by President Wilson only ittr IV was convinceu mat i.ier- i;i:y actually was proceeding with i i n:a ie efforts to plot with Mexico .'I Japan against the territorial in erity of the United States, l.ciiu' before the order was given "tn the White House all necessary reparations for the arming of mer- Mi r:,.rtrii,! An,,,. !i,,nn.i n,i sired developments it requires mon- Mr. Marvin Ernest Ross, both of this aml labfor but moni7 fn,i time spent, you will be repaid ten, city, were wedded Saturday evening one hum,red foW as ha8 ;it. X .",11 n I'loclf p1 thi hnini' if tni i 4 ..1 :n.. n:.i !. ... ... ica.se wiin rtsneviiie, incitory, vias- all work together to clean , briovs mtlK.r. Mrs. Frank Holland, tnnm i'hrl..tt n.l mnnv hnstlinn- 1 11 i i:iint im Sshlhv diirimr ( h( ' i : i i .u t t. i .... t r i ' . il..i i 1 , 1 1 .. a j ' "ru,t i IIf- rnUiiLli , 1 1 1 " n L-iuucu Dirut'i.. la-v. u. u. i ruiHi, iuwns mac nave live ooaru oi iraue ( t.tns should put their rubbish nMt Wiekf Mar(.h 18(h ,0 March 2fith , factories of various .On; Bean, lir.-.t rize, 50c. White potati secoml prize, 5 Corn, (ir.-t prize, 5:c. Onions, f'.r prize, 5(ic. on the sidewalk or street, but in some kind of a receptacle, a box, can or bag. Ihe street department is prize, $1.00; seeoi.d putting on extra men an dteams and I will collect all week. If collections . fii-t prize. .SI. 00; is Aot immediately made, citizens shoul telephone the city clerk and it r;::e, ?l.i ''; . in :; ' will collect all week. If collection 'all refuse is placed in such a manner so that it can be easilv loaded and ! Church, performed which was .simple the and ceremony, impressive. kinds each month. Ave will guarantee When we do this, that the Interur- t priz .00; CONVICTS SIX I RKI) For Work on the Hickory Nut Gap Road in Rutherford and ilendorso.i County Election at Forest City Called. and then keep it that way through out the entire year and for many vears to come. f 1 I1V1V nilt I1V1 llLLlli'lllill. ... UIU UI 111V. 'il l ,1 ,.n,i ,, 1 ..a mnko Shcll.v ' , , :.. , ... , '., .. : icompanics are just like any other not oy clean but beautiful. 'gSh r -' , business, looking for paying develop- .. ,1 ,, 1 1 11 room locmcr. ments, as you will agree if you stop ihe result will be a cleaner, heal- j The bri(u is the third jaughtcr of to Mnk tat r.ulr(uuls ha;.e lVe tbier, happier and more attractive the late Mr. Frank Holland and Mrs. j promptly extended, to the town that Holland. She has resided in Char- is growing, as was the case of the L. Let us nlant crass Ti, ,,.1 m, i.;.i., I ban comes by Shelby, as railroad entered the city. J. T. GARDNER, Mayor. The Sun, .March 8: I The many friends of ('apt. W. T. R. " Vl - T"11. '11 .J I .1- hantmen had been completed at the ?.e!' w. 1 n'Sr W-W ai nis con- ' . . .. .. rnrru'ii tn Philnrlplntiin 5sntnrrl:' i.i l'i. nnwevtT. lssuon an nnrwa t ho -' r v..,.fc, . i . . . . ho truittuM ir t nii'i o hctu press oi tne nation to retrain lrom " . "i"-- 'The President's action sent a thrill through the senate, meetine in snec- jui session anil fnroncrn tho trnvorn. - ... r. - ' " V-.,,l. ment ( enaftmerfts. Still hnnino- thnt , -r-.- . , Messrs. I J. Bell, of RockiiiKham; C. D. Bell, of Spartanburg, and. Mrs. T. P. Rey nolds, of Richmond, who were here last week to see him, accompanied W.'ir With .prmnnu unll Kn alrnnln1 officials and senntors drrlnrnil tVint he i?sui rests pntirolv with f'.i.r. I anv. The Call for Congress Formal announcement of the gov ernment S nolicv was piven in thp ful- iW n r Qltnnlinnnmnnl . ...,,...1 H "'iliUUllllliiVIii, la.iuai 111MII the White. Hmisp- "Whereas public interests reouire that thf f'finoTuca r.f tVia TTnifurl Cl.i .'.,,v jo vi till. ,iiii:ii ..jm- -hould be convened in extra ses At the meeting of the board of county commissioners Monday an el ection was ordered to be he:.l in Fir est City on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May vl which time the citizens of that town viil vote on a bond issue of $-5,000 for the purposQ of building and equipp ing a new school building. Seventy-five convicts have been al lotted to the Hickory Nut Cap Road for 12,r days. This secure the slo.- J "n nr ! n'nir,.b- rfw. !, ii'u "on i 1 1 1 e i a i uiu. . . uuiji, IIVVI1, VII II1C 1UU1 ay of April, 1917, to receive such I lne a0uve telegram lrom .Senator ntmm tin L. .. i i vi. l1. iiaiiin in ill' l'linn I I'us inr ".uiiaouuiis us may ue inane oy ....... hf executive- he people of the Chimney Rock and "Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wil- I?at Cavo F(,cti(,ns whl have been shut :i. President of the United States ,in from tho t,utside w'orld since the America, do hereby proclaim and Kn'at flo,H' of ,ast JuI'- Thm' have ( i'l'hirn k,.i- ....i j: a re i iv npen some niremnt mm c tn. HEAR MR. DAVID OVENS Ton'.-ht at the Court House. Mr. Ovens i.i one of Charlotte's most active men and President of Charlotte's Chamber of Commerce. He will speak here along the Kne of a Chamber of Cmmerce. And believe one who knows, he speaks with a vim and dash. Let everybody come. It's Free. lotte for the past several years. Mrs. Ross is bright and attractive and is admired by a wide circle of friend-.; District Receprocity Day to Be Held Here March 29th The REV. L. L. SMITH DEAD "ft requires the Congres Lnil,,l sttnio.. i.v .. -. . fiuiu HI I llll 1 lilt. of 1 A. . t I I it. wan s nsior nir inp nt'sirnvtvi hic-ri. nit ; . . v. ... ,,M,nM, ....i V!i' nit -i-ri- tt hnoi ir-: i' tin.!, l a ifitil'M', I a. in iiuuuaiii in PXtra' i uu .. ..f ui . v.. . fhn;ir tlio rpnnrt nf tho i,nmmittic nn i?sn at. tho ,.;,. ; t tar in the actual reopen ni: un of the1"1"11" vl , ,s 1 " i . V , ' . ;, , ,7. V V . road M'inv efforts h'.v. -,1 ., 1 nhout half a century he was a local pointed last weeK to iormuiaie pians i!:irton on the tilth Hnv nf Anril rau. -Many enorts nae also neen I ....!.. . . . i . ........ . : .. ... , ..... l'.... i . , minister ot t ie Methodist church ami on wnicn 10 organize a ciiamuer oi "..u 1-ociock noon, ot which all . . "-"" i. ..ifi ;fl.. Inr ita rni'imcf riwt iin l.nf .ir. Ii,., wiuukiii. nuiivivuui luiiutn cl,.in.r hnnra .f fi,o Hnnwi i ;Ms Master. He was a man of noble Prominent Local Minister and For mer Representative of Cleveland in N. C. Ceneral Assembly. Rev. Landrum L. Smith died Thurs day afternoon at his home near Shar on at ,'5 o'clock at Sharon church, Revs. A. J. Burrus, M. HoyJe, C. A. Wood and J. F. Kirk conducting the funeral. Mr MASS MEETING TONIGHT Relative to Chamber of Commerce Mr. David Ovens of Charlotte to Be Chief Speaker. & N. and the Seaboard building hundreds of miles into Atlanta, the Norfolk Southern to Charlotte and the Interurban to Castonia and Spar tanburg, not that these companies had any special fondness for any of the towns, but that the business was ; there awaiting them, just so with federated club of Shelby will ' Shelby. If we will secure more in- again have the distinguished plea- " . ... .... i , urban built. sure of having within our borders, a shelby has a number of the begt representative number of the State s I)Usiness men in the 8tatei many are brightest and brainest club women, 'successfully managing ..plants and when on- Thursday,-March 20th, the business of various kinds, that would three clubs belonging to the Federa- gladly assist and manage other in- tion, namely: The Civic League, jdustries here, if we would only get 20th Century and Ishpening clubs i?fthep, .and, show them will be hostesses for that day to alliln" we m.a Ialt" "nm'm- , , , , . . ... Do you know that there are sever- the clubs, twelve in number in this ' , inHetrico nw i.tin. fifth district. an(j are pieasel with Shelby? Some These ladies will arrive on, the 0f these we can certainly get if we Southern and Seaboard trains on the will only organize and go after morning of the 2Dth. A luncheon 'these. will be served at noon, the exercises, Do you ever stop to think that two ' . . ,u i,i -ii ii .... I. which will be a most entertaining " "" " "taie nuu There will be a mass meeting in chaact)er following immediately. Adjournment will be in time for the visitors to make the afternoon and evening trains. The various committees are hard at work perfecting arrangements for the event the details of which will be published later. It is hoped that a large delegation of ladies from each club will be here afternoon at nis nome near snar- " ... . attenjanc(, and was buried Friday afternoon j the court house tonight at 8 o'clock,'1 ,.vi.m I- nt Shnmn Mpthndist !sharp and every wide-awake citizen is I . , Methodist sharp and every Robert 'Cordially and urgently invited to at tend. The meeting will be free and a treat is in store, as the chief speak- Smith was born Oct. H, mr and was er tor the occasion will ie Mr. Haviu approaching his 82nd milepost. Up j Ovens of Charlotte who says what he until he contracted a cold and suffer- ;has to say with a dash and vim. The lf purpose of the meeting will ne to F'l.' l Willi rtt !IT Thn. IY1.. w irv ' i.. u. ii.eiiii.'ei s i ii i i en 1 .'ire hrn l.i- reipiested to take notice.' bly all attempts had been without a- vail. The now prevailing opinion is : Vw.f t.... c...i i tuai. nmi uit: Miciii)-int: oiitu' eon- i character, forward looking ideas, con secration and devotion to all things that made for the advancement of RUBBER CLOVES L'se Rubber T.Iovps tn nrotnrt wnr;'8 antl the $lfl,(KK) Federal aid the haii.l.. o. . . ... ! Chnrlntto. Auhuvillo II an, .... .. conn ho ratnr-nJ KAff. fiAmli(!nn 1 aHI3JII i" i .1 ii noii- nil n .. l l. noon i. t ..7kriLu tu ot ill i iwiiiiiliimi God's kingdom and the betterment of .. -i, Icountv and State. He was an active urn - . , Kcrnhill'a nmi. cin ,than it was before the flood. The bill honors. In his community he was re BUY THE FO ?mw.vr: vnw V" !ju.t passed by the Legislature auth-,1 " e!f J a" J"" p., i , " 4l ,f ilUcllCc wiiiLii lew iiiuii nave. in xovo "UMl anil t'nla Unnc il,n,. - tllU UU Ul WUIIVlllS I t 1 1 1 U V c S I- .,, - HiKh in nriP if it ' ' ' uil' all doubt as to the reconstruction of ;"e b e,tLleu uy. " e. lKVllK ,ul ylKK - if n -i.i ... i ., . i.tini i.iiiiti cocii i. Linn luuiiLi 111 lii. ftnvtliincr all in iuj. ii.. o.i.. t.i.- ii ithe road through the famous Hickorv -wua iui uiu uarueii or rieia, . , conic tn iiq on.i it v i. u ....'JNut Uap and the opening again of ul hn tria rt this beautiful mountain section to rial 1 1, r. . cnmm tn..iete -Mil s I irnn. vi.. adv. His Foot Broken The manv fnnnt. t nr. a r VtcNfillv of Tnanr nrill nr,,t tn c:ir.i ii... i ... . ... " umi ne got his foot broken a 'ut a week or ten days ago. He was "'"ig on a wagon when his foot m between a break beam and a "tump. summer tourists It is said that the passage of this act was largely due to the untiring efforts of Senator J. Foy Justice, of Hendersonville, one of the Senators from this district. WART NOW- r"T, cleaning up and fixing up, around and see what needs repair your fences, out hous Sr?c" We have the -tools, teri .rJVrc' and dining up ma nfJ0T ou- J- D. Lineber- . m,m Edith Cranor will hold a fash livim, ' ,dl9Played by a. number of WMnC;r'.."l!ner.?tyl.e ..n evening, M&rcn 14th, lol- opening on Thurs-adr. lowed 1 . ' , emn Displayed by living models on Wednesday evening at Miss Cranor's the "Shop of Style and Service, will be seen modes of Spring surpassing in beauty, exclusive in style, youth ful in spirit. Hats, gowns, and coats Don't forget the hours, 8 to 10 o'clock. adv. Charming reproductions of smart est spring models in hats, sport suits, afternoon and evening gowns will be On display at Miss Cranor's Fashion Show Wednesday evening. Millinery land to represent this county in the House of Representatives of the General Assembly and served with honor to himself and credit to his county. Mr. Smith was married to Miss Nancy Hamrick who survives with the following children, Mrs. W. T. Grigg of Lawndale, Mrs. W. E. Churchill of Gastonia, Mrs. P. P. Hawkins, Mrs. W. Ross Smith and Mr. Eury Smith of Sharon. for I commerce or board of trade for Shel by. Several of the most influential men of Shelby will make speeches and Mr. Ovens will have something to say that will interest every Shel by citizen. The committee on plan or organi zation, Messrs. I. C. Griffin, J. D. Lineberger, H. E. Kendall, 0. M. Mull, S. S. Royster, W. J. Arey and Paul Webb has been in communica tion with the National Board of Trade and many city organizations and have a plan which they think is best adapted to Shelby's needs. Don't let anything keep you away, but be on hand promptly. The meet ing will not last long and will not lag for a moment Mrs. Gardner Club Hostess One of the most interestin gliterary programs in the history of the 20th Century club was that which was en joyed by the members on last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. (). Max Gardner, with that great Bel gian author and playwright Maet erlinck's wonderful p'ay "Monna Vanna," as the subject matter. The motive of the book was splen didly handled by Mrs. J. I). Lineber ger, 'while the story of the play, so full of heart-throbs and pathetic appeal and heroism, was told most graphically by Mrs. Will J. Roberts. Mrs. T. D. Bateman, who is always at her best when assigned the task their homes here, but go to other towns to operate mills? Do you know that there has been - considerable money invested in Bel mont and Gastonia mills by Shelby citizens during the past year? Do you know that Shelby is tho largest town in the South without a hospital? We should hide our heads in shame that we must send our lov ed ones to Rutherfordton, Lincoln ton, or other places when operations are needed, both of these towns be ing much smaller than Shelby and we have in town and county population of 40.MM? Think of it. Did you evj- think how many peo ple would come to Shelby, if we only would provide hotel accommoda tions? We have been asleep. Wake up, stop kicking, cut out that grouch, help us with your money and time to organize a board of trade, put Shel by on the map and see her grow in a substantial way, that will benefit all of us and make her the BUSIEST GROWING TOWN IN THE SOUTH. We believe that you will do it. ITo not disappoint us. Elect Officers At an interesting meeting of the Civic League last week when much Matured Stock Those who are so fortunate as to hold shares in our 12th series, will no doubt be pleased to note that the payment made on Saturday, March 10th brought their shares to matur ity and wo are now ready to hand them their checks on cancelled mort gages. SHELBY B. & L. ASSO., J. F. Roberts, Secy-Trcas. opening on Thursday. . adv. We hare just received a large ship ment of Oxfords, the kind that fit and wear at the old prices. Evans E. Mc Brayer. dv. Go to J. D. Lineberger's this minute and select what you will need to do cleaning up, fixing up with. We ve got just what you'll need. adv. I-KO Good morning Mr .Hi-Ko, how do you do? Fine, because I lifted a corn from the top of the fifth spoke of Mr. M's right wheel (foot) last night and it did me so much good to see the smile on his face, because he can now wear that pair of new shoes. HI-KO is guaranteed to remove your CORNS in 5 nights. If it fails, you get your money back. Price 25c bottle. Do't buy from any one of the just as good kind. There is only one Hi-Ko and it is Registered in the U. S. patent office, and it is manufactured only by H. E. Kendall. . adv. of telling of the lives of some great busines of importance was tmnRrtAH character in the world's history, gave and plans formed for the furtherance a resume of Materlinck's remarkable 0f the clean up campaign and way career, wuicn sue tom in ner usual and means discussed for Reciprocity splendid style. payi which convenes here on tho A delightful social hour followed, during which the hostess served ar, elegant collation. "Wanted" Recruits for Co. G. 1st N. C. Infty. Eingle men of good character, be tween the ages of 18 and 45 years, who can poss the physical examina tion for enlistment. All members of Co. G. are hereby ordered to report at armory in Shelby, N. C, every Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock for drill and instruction. All members failing to attend drill are subject to crourt martial. H.A.LOGAN, 3t. Com. Co. G., 1st N; C. Infty. 29th, the following officers were elect ed to succeeed themselves: Presi dent, Mrs. W. B. Nix; vice-pres.," Mrs. S. O. Andrews; treasurer, Mrs. S. S. Royster,. Mrs. Carl Webb was elected secretary,, to succeed Miss M. Jones who resigned on account of ill health. The famous Styleplus and Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes for Spring are arriving at Evans E. McBrayer's daily. adv. Don't miss the Fashion . Show at Miss Cranor's on Wednesday even ing. An exclusive showing of the newest things in sport goods,parasols hats, and dresses, adv. Evans E. McBrayer has neckwear that surpasses the most difficult to please. 25q to ? 2.00. adv. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES The best and a large NEW stock to select from at the old price. See our line of 2 quart Fountain syringes, a good one for 75c to J1.00, $1.25 and ?1.50. When you need anything In the rubber goods line, coma to Ken dall's Drug Store. . , adv.. FARMERS Come to us for plows, plow fixtures, names, traces, back bands, single trees, hardware, roofing, hog wire, poultry wire, etc. J. D. Lineberger's Sons. HEX for all forms of Headaches and Neuralgia, 10, 25 and 50c bottle. Kendall's Drug Store. pdv.