0 ...... ..iW r. . .... f. - . . .;. y, , ... vs. r-i "'! ' We Do Job' Work the Linotype Way Let TJ3 Figure on Your Work. Phone No. If Published Every Tuesday "ahd' Friday Th'e' dldest and f Beat Paper in Thia Section. VOL. XXV. NO 25 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, .1917.' - $1.50 A YEAR IN-ADVANCE 'jti-umx. ;r-. t .. . 111 11 i s MOST IMPORTANT LEGISLAT ION THAT WAS PASSED BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY State Gives Liberal Hand To It's Institutions More Than Ten Millions in Bonds Were Authorized Voting by Mail Veterans And Widows To Get Increase !n Pensions. ; Kdgar Womble in News and es aml inducements held out for pris obaerver: oners in the lower classes to strive to I'o-sibly the General Assembly of Ket nto the higher classes. The in : : , 1 T 1' ft undone sonic of the things determinate sentence is provided for bat :! should have done and did .some an provision is made for the recre--hsni:- that it should nor have done, ation and instruction of the prisoner. in the opinion of those whiw Institution to Save , , ;- ,!! has weight, it was the most - Wayward Women and Girls ;,r..f:rrsive legislature and enacted ; The crying need for the reclama nx'iv e.mstructive legislation than tion of wayward women and women ;.-v other body that has set in the of the criminal class was another hulls of the capitol for the past 'matter that weighed heavily on the juarter of a century. ; hearts and minds of the legislator? Practically every branch of theand four acts were passed to carry Suite's life was touched on and the 'out the work of this kind. The lead iegislators struck out in bold lines ing measure was that which estab ;a many cases. The particular out- lishes a State Home and Industrial landing nature was the splendid wcy School for Girls and Women and for n which the State institutions were which an appropriation of $25,000 for :o-'iv;..'d for, both as to maintenance site and building was provided with .,nd permanent improvements. Mea-'a maintenance appropriation of $10 ,rs for making rural life more at- 000 a year. The location of the in tractive and a forward step in edu- 'stitution is to be settled by the l.oarl utior.al matters loomed large. Mea- of directors, to be appointed by the ur. for prison reform and the es- Governor. Another act was passed :.i!.!i.-hmer.t of reformatories for wo- which gives cities of more th-m 20, v..:i were also striking feature of 0000 population the authority to es--'Ulatioii. tablish jointly with the county in To Vole On Chanarinsr ,whi;h they are located reformatories State Constitution for women and girls. Huncmhe Th.-r- was a feeling that the con- cou:.'y wa authorized to e. tablish a V'.ut.o:! ..f the State has bicor.io a reformatory fe-r women si ml gills. ,tii.- h"p-worn and needs to lir Mecklenburg an 1 ("ravin counties r up to rr.eet modern c.r.:- were authorized to cstablil! reforma- . : r. have under,: ne radical 'tories for youthful -fTer-'er.- f both many particulars .: y particulars was aooj,ted aiif.t was aooj.ted f-tuv- .. Aral m. the . llcpiv.i ntativo , he people of the nerai eiei tion th. . ther or ncl a eon.-titutii-:i-'doljih has taken the lead in the State hall be called, passed ; in this matter and will no doubt i: li ni.-es and was ratified. In 'make other counties sit un t.: :.. '.a -a , nil. n ef the opinion that notice. This measure hjU, .;! : ere needs in th onsti- 'through by Senator Gr.gg aril pr;. ::m.T.!in:eitts arc f. be suit-: yides that the In ok.- be 1i:!' i-h '! to : -:'-' ' o the v..t...-- at ;!;;- next gen- pupils from the first to scwr.th ;:r.-..i- e-t.on and oilier legislation es, inclusive. ''' iasM-l over on the be'.ii f that No matter which came before the 'uh l-gislation should be taken up Legislature consumed more time '' a eonstitutional convention and than the education question and at r;the convention would be called times the office of I)r. Joyner, the su.: v the vote of the people. erintendent, was a storm center in Mirt-e .Million Dollars which it was manifested that the sup- Voted for Improvement erintendent had staunch supporter.. The big feature of the legislature -and opponents. Strang to say the k.s the bond issue of $.'!,00o,00;) au- .edu'catiohal legislation of real im 'innzeil tor permanent improvements portance, and there was plenty of it, 'he arious State educational and went through smoothly, the fight and ".' ! institution. Thi aft ;-,ro- fuss being over, the question of se " - ' r a.i issue of i'.'.lMi.otio each lecting county boards id" education . ar, beginning this year, for the which was finally, disposed of tov.ard- ' .-. year.-. It became apparent the end of the session by a compro ' ''fy ia the session that if the per- mi.se measure originated by Scnat' i iiiaia nt improvements needed by the?McCoin. This provides for the imm olate institutions were to be cared ' ination of members for the count : 'r in an adequate manner, in fact at . boards by each political party at the a bond issue was absolutely nec- ; same -time that other county officer. ' -ary. While, it was shown that!are nominated, the nominees to bi 'he State's revenues would show an (transmitted to the General Assembly increase for the next two fiscal years I which is to elect from the nominees t was also clear that it would take j submitted. Six counties only in the every cent of this revenue for the State elect by popular vote their coun waintenance of these institutions, ty boards of education and all ef The feeling was alike among both 'forts to extend this to other coun i'emocrats and Republicans that the ties proved futile. Acts were pass Mate could not longer delay this for- ed, after clays of prolonged fights for v-:rd step to march in unison with the Bertie, Franklin and Wayne counties spirit of progress being made by the Mate's own citizenship and that of 'ther States. It was realized that jne proud boast of the State that it "ad the lowest tax rate of any State m the Union was a sounding brass :inJ a tinkling symbol unless its in stitutions were maintained on a high Plane and its citizenship given an "pal chance with the people of oth r States. 1 ive Per Cent Bonds For Building Roads lew measures of importance havt tn pnacted in recent years that can nipare with the measure of Rep resentative Clark, of Pitt, for the pro motion of road building in the State. "is permits counties to , exchange ttieir bonds, bearing five per cent for tat" bonds issued for road building, waring four per cent. By this me ! '' thc aunties securing these bonds mature its bonds by simply paying lne interest. 15111 for Humane Treat- ment of State Prisoners th i v pnson reform was-needed and X cnh Carol'ia should join with '"" States in this class of work of hi? .a" upper Place ln the minds th- ,th IIouse8 and the outcome in direction was the enactment of SenJ ,lth some amendments of jrovr Turner- former lieutenant lwrkl who was chairman of the ati . Comrnittee which invert- wvw Pn0n conditions. This act malJ . fPr the classification of all first P,0nVlets int0 three cla89e- the ' lass . j 40 be kowji as the honor ithout h are 40 b worked -ti fmapndjreLtQj)efixempt "?!. W,earing "tol- A scale of Tt . -ettes an-i tn ra-''s. I' ret' let J'OOKS i Of iii i: . Uandois)h Childr.T. taMis th. matter of "jniit-bi-i fiee l-tate ..fh.iol I'ooks t-i li-.'pi r.ilerit school chil-qiie.-- (irer. in the schools of the eonnlv Ran- to elect their boards but these acts were nullified with the passage ot the compromise county educational bill. Uniform certification of teachers advocated by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and endorsed by the State Teachers Assembly and the Fanners Union became law. For this purpose a State board of exam iners was created. In the same act this board was constituted institute conductors. These institutes are to be conducted bienially in each coun ty in the State for not less than two weeks. To Stress Agriculture And Home Economics Instruction in agriculture and home economics are to be further stressed in the schools of the. State and the Governor is authorized to appoint a commission composed of three mem bers whose duty it shall be to pre pare a course of study in agriculture, manual training and home economics for the public schools of the State. Each county board of education is au thorized to prepare at least two ac res of land adjacent to each public school in the county for the purpose of gardening and putting into practi cal operation the results of such stu dies. For the reduction of adult illiter acy and the conduct of moonlight schools an annual appropriation of 25,O0O was made. t For the purpose of making rural life more attractive an annual ap propriation of $25,000 was made for entertainments in school houses or qther places designated by the com- OF SII ELBY'f, NOBLEST CITIZENS DEAD' I ONE 'l. C. Wb Died Sunday at Colorado01 Vart Thi V,ctk Sprir.g:? His Remains Here Thursday. to Arrive I Lawrence C. Webb, one of natures inoDiemen, a iormer aneiDjr mercnaj.t;, and son of the lat David C. Webb, died Sunday morning at 10 o'clock i at Colorado bprmgs, Colo., following ,an ; Mcsdames C W.- liagan, ft, C. War- M- White. Diplomas and medals giv-. Already 85 club women, represent iillness ,of several years. His ro- ren, S, A. Robinson and Frost Tor-,en y the Daughters and Row-Peter- ing the various clubs in this district mains will be brought to Shelb keneo. son awarded at Court House. I. C. have accepted this invitation to be iThursday morning and the funeral , Griffin, presiding. ' present at the meeting, and the in- services will be held at the W(b Ishpening Club Meets 11:30 High School spelling match spiration to be had from the presence home on West Marion street that qt- j at graded school building. J. T, Al- of so goodly a number, will go large- ternoon. Witt, t; i u,,vo n,..i.. m:h lien nresidine- officer. Iv to mnkino- thia ihn mf ,.r..i . Mr- 1 s;n'1" Pan"ig ins majur- hostess at her apartments at the O.l ity had been intimately connected ieRe jnn on latt Satun!av aru,rn,(inj with the bu-:ir.o...-; hie of our cily. the Ishpening club enjoved a most de Inheritir.g the large rr.trc.uuil- .- lightful literary program, tablishmmt. from his father, he tb- I "The AmeriV'an Stage" was the jn gether with his brother, Mr. Hatchfr 'teresting subject, which was handled Webb, conducted one of the finest jn the following mnnn-r- business houses of the county fqr years and when his brother sold h interest in the firm to Mr. Geo, Hoy! I in l!K)o, this C.r.n became known t Webb and Ilayle, which partr.ei'oh! eontinueu until about tour years ago jwhen Mr. Webb was forced to retiMe from business because of ill health. 1 I Since then he had spent most of hip .time in Asheville, until last June, in further search of health and climat he went to Colorado Springs, in sight j of Pike's Peak, where he remained uniii ueatn claimed mm. lie maae fi noble and hopeful light for his life, but the dreaded disease, tuberculosis proved foo strong for his enfeebled powers. This community is grieved over his juntimejy death at the ago" of forfy j live years. Like his deceased father, D. ('. Webb, he was noted for his truthfulness, honesty and integrity of j character. His kindness of heart and ; nobility of soul made him look on the diright side of hie and carry sun shine in his heart,, for he saw' something good in everyone, and never spok evil of others. For many years he had been a faithful and upright member of the First Baptist church of this place. Prior to his death he spoke clcariy of his approaching end and said he was without fear for the future life. He leaves an aged mother, Mrs. Elya Webb and three brothers. Messrs. Hatcher, Charlie M., and Paul Webb, also five sisters, Mrs. Fannie McCall of Kings Mt, Mrs. Claude Blanton of Mooresboro, Mrs. Mary Mundy and Misses Kate and Selma Webb of this place. Program Th. Sunday School Convention of the Sandy Run Association will meet 1 with the Mt. Pleasant Church Cleve- Ind countv thc 5th Sundav in April 'and Saturday before. Rev. II. D. Harrill of Forest City will preach the introductory sermon at 11 o'clock Saturday. Scripture 1st Timothy 5th chap- tpr and 24th verse Speakers, C. M. Teal and L. J. Jones. First Querie Can People be Sav ed Without Repentance and if not, do ,we Preach Repentance Enough j Speakers, J. G. Graham and S. A. Bridges. Second Querie Is it Right to Wait (Till the Week Before the Convention Speakers, W. M. Gold and B M. Bridges Introductory Sermon Sunday by D. J. Hunt at 11 o'clock. Question box open all the time. Z. D. HARRILL. Fiddler's Festival at Spartanburg , A , A I I J - " v- .', '( K' 2. - , .,. . . . The 3rd annual convention of Old Time Fiddlers will be held in Spar tanburg, S. C, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., afternoon and night March 30th. The performances will take place in the large auditorium of Converse College and will bo the big gest vent of its kind ever pulled off in this section.. Prizes will be given to the contestans and all who wish to enter the contest will pleasa con f cT wlttr WrMartf TrruSpartanbtrrg; fi r SOCIETY NEWS Mrs. C. R. Hoey will entertain this j tui uiuiwiiij; personnel 01 Week the f; cnarming Gastonites at her home, on East Marion street, from Thursday until Saturday, these ladies coming over Thursday especially to attend! the 4th annual district club meetimM ...v., .auta uui lull .unit Hal Roll Call Names of American Ar- tors Players Who Have Inherited the Talent of Their Parents Miss L'eth Andrews. The Inner Life of the Actress , Margaret McMurry. Miss Out Debt to the Actor Mis T'.Innrhp .Totm I The 0nly Woman Librettist in Am crjca Mjss Lja )over During the social hour which fol 0V,Cit a tempting salad course wa: .served. Mrs. McHrayer Club Hostess A delightful afternoon was spent i'bv the members of the 20th Century i('lub and a fe w invited guests at the lhaitd-.-ie home of Mrs. T. K. Mc- Prayer r. last Friday. The lower floor ef the Mcllraycr homo was thrown en suite and was invitingly d cori.'ed in a cob-r scheioe ot yellow. .o:!;l..ls being tile i !: : flower. r th t tTnoon Harri-('.-," but a num- v.'as to have t.etn on lienr fen's recent liook. "V. V.'s K account of the ao-t nee o her of th v. ho u re schedul to appear on the program, this was nb timloned entirely and- n: octal hour was indulged in during win !i the game of rook was enjoyed. When cards were laid a.-' 'e a 5 -1 ; - cious and elaborate salad coui-c v. accessories brought the pleasure the afternoon to a close. The hos tess was assisted in entertaining by Misses Agnes and Ruby McBrayer and her two attractive your.g daugh ters, Misses Frances and Miriam. Those invited beside the club members were Mrs. Willis , of Ken tucky, Mrs. Lawrence Lackey. Mrs. Mary McBrayer, Mrs. Jack Palmer and Misses Ague- and Ruby Mc Brayer. j ' " - j SborO, 100 acre farm three acre fam six mneS from . . . . j many othera ln COUnty and t -Let me show you these or exchnge frith you. I Shelby, N. C. I SERVICE jive you prompt service. the pure p0Q(J Jaws Qf ie grocery line may b e Food Grocers. - " UV t 720 Bottles of Kendall's Liver Openers shipped to (Charlotte today. If you have a CLOGGED LIVER, take a few doses of that Noted .Through Passenger Train (known as iKendalls Liver Openers.) They go at the rate of 60 miles an hour, and always on time. 30 to the bottle, 25c; Kendall's Drug Store. adv. Memorial Services at Mt. Harmony There will be memorial service at Mt. Harmony Church on the Polk ville circuit and old time singing by G. F. Lee on the 5th Sunday in April All are invited to bring dinner and your Christian Harmony singing books. , ALBERT WHISNANT. Majestic Ranges do not barn out in 3 or 4 years, bat last a life time. They are the cheapest in the long nrar None bctterrnouc w good See ER'S SONS PROGRAMME For Cleveland"- County ment, April 7th. Commence- 10:30 a. m. Parade. All schools - iwiiii hi ximr uriwci'M Ilitou.Si form church and S. A. L. Ry, Committee! on parade. I. C. Griffin, S, C. Latti- ,more- and Lawton Bluntori. H:30 Commencement exercises at Court. House. Address by Kev. Lee 11:30 Seventh Grade spellimr match nt Graded School building, Lawton Blanton presiding officer, 11 :30 Seventh Grade declamation and recitation contests at Methodist church. Supt. Frank Orr presiding. 2:00 p. m. Athletics. Around court square. Everybody is request ca not to leave automobiles .around lhe lnsllle of square as the races will ibe run there- ror IJoys I nder 14 lears of Age 1 mile race, 1-4 mile race, 100 yard race, relay race. For Boys Over It Years of Age 1 mile race, 1-4 mile race, 100 yard race and relay race. 4:00 p. m. Base ball and basket ball between best teams in county. School exhibits will be at Graded School building and can be seen all during the day. Maps will be given for the following exhibits: For best exhibit for one teacher school For best exhibit by two best exhibit by three teacher teacher school. For school. For best exhibit by a four to seven achi r school. or best exhibit by a room of -ehools. or the bet exhibit by a r King- Min. schools. Shel- PRESIDENT PLACING NATION ON WAR I OUT1.V Washington, March 2o, President Wilson took steps today to place the nation on a war footing. v...u uiunfc ouvlUMiUI By executive order he directtxl that i'-ithe navy be recruited without delay 'h ,to full authorized war strength of ST, "f'OOO enlisted men. Taken in connce- .tion with emergency naval co.ustrue- Con already ordered, this means that the President has exercised to the full of this conference a mass meeting of .limit of his legal powers as command- j the colored people was held at Wil-jor-in-chief to prepare the navy for 'son Street Presbyterian church Sun ,war. day night. For the. army the President diuet- In mass meeting assembled we ed that two new military departments were favored with the presence of .be created in the Atlantic eoa.-t re- prof. I. C. Griffin, Mr. AV,m. Linebcr- gion. The order means that the task ger and Mr. J. L. Thomason of !i.f organizing whatever army Con - gress may authorize will be divided among six departmental commanders i instead of four in the interests of speed and efficiency in mobili.atio Protect American Industries The third .-ti'p was to assume as a national duty the task of protecting American industries from domestic disorders in the event of hostilities. For this purpose 11 full infantry regiments, two separate battalions appointed on committees: and one separate company of national Committee on streets and alleys guards were called back into the fed- :L. S. Webb, J. A. Webb, Cicero Esk eral service to act as national police ridge, D. C. Corry, Mrs. C. M. Walk in important districts. Supplementing er, Mrs. Amie Jones, Mrs. Julia these troops a regiment of Pennsvl- Brown. vania guard and two companies of Georgia infantry, en route home from the border for muster out, were or- dered retained in the federal service. Girls Did Not Fif?ht at St. Peter's School Special to The Star: In behalf of the girls of St. Peter's School, I want to say that the local . i i t-. i i ; ;t ai . in last rnaay s issue, navmg n inai two girls at this place had fought each other, is entirely false. I cannot account for such a re- . . 1 1 IlAi.inn.a . , maavmp . . .. . . . I L. .1 , :r ... , . . . ,, 'school boy or eirl for the best essay a person with ordinary intelligencer 4, ' . , . ., J 1 hr., t oi. o on tne work dne ,n cleaning up. Also should know the nature of such a re- . Vri.. v.,... .,,f o,JMr. Lineberger and Mr. Thomason 1.1 jiu . i. - v.. x -x. ;i .. . .L wan 10 wrue it up u me euitor 01 me rrJL u u:., iwuittjr payci. x 11c jjatwjf nuu um una - has either been mis-informed or just wanted to misrepresent us. THE TEACHER. pnn eister i r, i r n i in i Cut F lowers and Potted Plants, Candies, Easter Novelties, Ice Cream. Place your orders now for Flowers. Kendall's Drug Store. Stationery and Toilet Articles. adv. ICE CREAM j The Velvet Kind, contains 10 pe cent Butter Fat. IT IS PURE. Con es 5c, saucers 10c. Kendall's Drug Store. adv. $100.00 Worth of Cooking Utensils to be given away free at S. D. Line- berger's Sons this week. $8.00 set of 1 m jL if . ware goes iree wun every siajesuc Range we sell. , adv. Mr. Menry Smith of near Fallston war bosiness-risitor iu Shelby-Moa- PLANS COMPLETED-'-FOR RECIP J HOC1TY DAY THURSDAY'.-. Occasion Expected to be Most Inter tiling Event in Club' Circles of This City. AH necessary plans have been per- fected for the entertainment of the 4th District meeting of the N. C. I- ,C, in this city Thursday, the 'local federated clubs beinir the hostesses district meetinir in the historv nf ih Federation. The arriving guests will be met at Southern and Seaboard stations and taken to the home of Mrs. S. S. Roys ter on South Washington street, where a luncheon will be nerved at noon. At 2 o'clock the business ses- sion will be opened, Mrs. Gordon Finger of Charlotte, chairman of this dictrict, presiding. The program is as follows: Federation Song Club. Invocation Mrs. R. E. Ware, Shel by. ' Greetings from the Civic League Mrs. W. B. Nix, president. Greetings from the 20th Century Club Mrs. L. M. Hull, president. Greetings from Ishpening club Miss Laura B. Miller, president. Response Mrs. W. J. Davidson. The District a Unit in Club Work Mrs. Eugene Reilly, Charlotte. Song "Carolina Hills" Mrs. E. i i Y. Webb, Shelby. i j Finance and Our Future Mrs. CJ C. Hook, Charlotte. I Work With Children and a Library Builder Miss Annie Pierce, Char lotte. Club Reports. Di.-trict Nursing Mrs. George V;!-on. Gaslonm. ( orei-i'-t of State Meeting at Dur ham. I Our Hostess Clubs Miss Eugene Cannon, Song- Concord. r"America' -Club, '( lean I p and Paint I p" Week With The Colored People On Thursday afternoon March 22, Prof. I. C. Griffin and Mr. Wm. Line berger had a conference with the col- .ored ministers and others concernig 'the clean up campaign. As a result 'John M. Best Furniture Company.: Addresses and remarks were made by these gentlemen and others. Among the many things Prof. Griffin aid Why clean up? How clean When to Clean up Where to clean up? fhe danger of disease germs How to kill the fly : Clean up front and back yards, inside homes and your person. The following named persons were. Committee on yards Sam Haney, A. H. Hosking, J. E. Peeler, R. R. Cabanass, Mrs. Julia Logan, Mrs. Amie Peeler, Mrs. Lunia Erwin. Committee on gardening Mrs. Es- sie Hunter, Mrs. Sallie Ostell, Mrs. j Price, Mrs. Mary Corry, S. W. Webb, Gus Roberts, George Carol. Committee on sanitation Dr. A. D. Lord, William Fullenwider, Dock Blanton, W. M. Moore, Wade Jones. iporamittee on Finance for Prizes Rev. Ij H. Walker, Rev. A. M. Er win, mv. H. P. Domernick. Prof.'Griffin has offered $1.00 to the gave $1.00 each toward the prizes. A collection was taken amounting . . , , , , ,to $7.60 which is in the hands of the . I lL"Zu ZZ above named gentlemen for the in terest shown in us as a race and in ur people of Shelby. j v v A. W. FOSTER. Card of Thanks We desire to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness during the illness and death of our dear mother, Mrs. Thomas H. Abernethy. Although our hearts are too full for words we want our friends to know that we will remember their sweet sympathy. T. H. ABERNETHY AND FAMILY Flay at Elizabeth "Oak Farm," a rural drama of three acta, consisting1 of a strong cast will be shown at the Elizabeth School at 8 o'clock, Friday evening, March 80th.- The-pbli--cordialIy-inviU. t n 5i -; r i jowtjnn4jnjiref2!j

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