We'Lp-Job Work the Linotype Way Lei TJs Figure on Your Work. Phone No. 11 Published Every Tuesday and Friday The Oldest and Best Paper in This Section. VOL. XXV. NO 38 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY. N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1917 $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE roNTRACT FOR r MCA IJ U All R A AH iconveyan;es of said right of way and L.AjAlV lrVlLlUiI7 terminal sites at Fallston and Ca.sar free rights of way along the route and upon failure to secure proper I UP KIND OF-EQUIPMENT THAT N KFUl'IRED BONDS ARE TO tiv ISSUED AND PUT IN EQUIT Altl F THIST COMPANY, NEW VOKk. '. j , vi,..,v -of the fait. that J. A. Van ,r!Tift ;in.l others are here this vt t!; f''i the purpose of beginning hr Slu-U'V-Casar Railroad, it will be of interest to the people of Cleveland count who are putting up $120,000 in lnds to know the terms of the ag reement signed by the county com missioners with the President and Secretary of the Shelby-Northern Railwav Company, a corporation or anizt'.i hy Harris-Miller-Morand Com 115 Broadway, isew iorK uty the road. Mr. eontvi'.eU-r . and a within tho period of si::ty days here of or satisfactory assurance thai same may elect to terminate and can ed within contract and agreement. SOClETYNEWS Chicora Club With Mrs. Nix Today The regular semi-monthly meeting of. the Chicora club will convene this afternoon with Mrs. W. B. Nix. Mrs. Lir.tbergtr Entertains ranv u, build and operat ITuvlrr-rin. is the stpaiaie -pratton has. been char tered r.ii'U'i' the laws of . this State, fot company known as the Cleveland Ceiistruri: u Company. The road is to be of standard guage (l.nstniction laid with n"t less than f i rails with a grade not ex .ceHir.g two per cent on any point. The Road's Equipment Ben.ied or mortgage indebtedness hi said railroad shall not exceed $800,000 and capital stock outstand jjg dot to exceed this amount at the .vmri',-;"n am' commencement of operation of the same. Equipment is not to be less than two locomotives in good serviceable oW'liti"!i of not less than -10 tons on driver- with air and steam brakes; i ,,- ii . er coach to seat not less One of the most delightful hospi talities of the spring season was tiv.t of Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. J. I) Lineberger entertained the members of the Tongues and Needles club and a number of invited guests. After spending an hour or more in delightful social intercourse and dainty sewing, this ever charming hostess served a tempting collation, assisted by Miss Ora Eskridge. Those enjoying this hospitality be side the regular members were: Mrs. ! rown of Texas, guest of Mrs. Jap Suttle. Mrs. Paul Webb, Mrs. Odus Mull, Miss Ora Eskridge, Mrs. W. J. Roberts and guest, Mrs. Ted Rorison, of Asheville, and Miss Foy Moore. Miss Hartness Entertains Tenth Grade h;.'i peopl and one combination At her attractive home on North La Fayette street. Miss Elsie Hart ness was delightfully at home to the 10th grade class ,.f 'the Shelby Grad ed sch hi!, o;, last Friday veiling. The .bouse was most artistically io- the class colors, red and eir brakes, and steam heat; whit. vases of ,.Xqui-ite red n.-os er- with capacity of not les- . artisti, draping of tho char.de- pounds each; s;x Hat i;,,,.. f(,rn,;,,,- th,. ,1. eorntive .-.-hem... V' v m' A r V1 LrV -V -V l 1 , ' ' i t t . v ; ' K r' I1, ' - ifL MAYOR PAUL WEBIJ .Shelby's new mayor, ove of Sheilly's most successful ?iir e.ivi enthusiastic through rl through for eve i v.-.- I th ' advance:. :u.t iiiiy betterment of Shelby business men, rything wh'h m.d Cleveland cou.ity. and baggage car to seat I - than 20 people, both euipp- COrated in ola cars with capacny , jnis was ;l spidi r-v.e'ob party ata than 40.000 pounus eaen, al, (hp v.f,n ,.,ltil.,., i:,. miwh-. (wuiudu lortune-tellei s tent which h-cu'.i v.tn H'i;ng air brakes and auto- from date of cozy corner on the spac: This featuri .hall 1 . ;hur;ty -mp.in; The c " i :;n (ia . . . ilroad !.! ;i:iTiy is to de im .if Ti.00() with JFir.-t i ',!- i.i lie held as evidcct i and t" guarantee c r.) the const! uetion of rail -i li'-tir,. This money is to : t- railroad company with :'( -; when road is eo.n Fa'lston. : :, -.a.i. of j-oad from Shelby llie erir.inecr in charge of !..n "f said read shall issue .! ;o that effect, which ; . . -c:u"d to the t'hairman ' ard of Cojnty ('(.mndsion--h:!l immt iiately endorse i the same in behalf of nii-sioners and when s m i delivered to sr.i l hank. ;.;,(! constitute its full au to return said deposit to said In-iw bonds for Mock nnty agr,ee to subscribe $40,- f the t ntrrtt'.inm j presided over by Mrs. .1. R. M'.n I caused much fun and merriment. At 'he ciove of the even log's pi. sure, delicious pu.nh. cream a I cake v.a solved. Th i young hostess was as-isuu m tabling by Mrs. Ferguson .f Miss Neliie Gilb'spie. Mrs. Morris and her mother. Ir. and Mrs. R. K. Ware announce the engagement of their niece, Plar.che J( hns to .Mr. Mayloif Wright the marriage to f!ke plac June ('th. Immediately the ulfe was brought in and the president of the duo, Miss Pattie Roberts, was tir.-t to t iasi the bride, all the guest.- Mbv.-m.T with witty and riginal toasts. The bride-to-be was dr.- -e ! i'. a beautiful at'on (.f whin- ge-.ri'ett-' :!t! lace ti ininiii gs. Mr--. V.'..i ' v. . r ing a lovely Ore s of coj en 'at;', la. Those pres( nt beside- tbi 'In: gracious ltll.s W1.r(,. jIrs. M'ill Ave- , MLS NOLAN DEAD- ..':! !v i'- on;an, Vi lie Nolan. War eteran. Ihe Age of 72 ISuri Vt liethel Church. of Anderson S tier ii nibs at id Yesterday Sarah Xidan. wile Inn. war vt t ran e b. North C.iioli a t da sdav about o oi BUSINESS OF COMMISSIONERS INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO TAX LISTERS BY ATTORNEY RY BURN AUSTIN BROTHERS RECEIVE CHECK FOR ,$6,68.95. All five county commissioners were present Monday at the regular month ly meeting, the, most important trans action for the day being an order to fay Austin Brothers for bridges the sum of $0,048.05. Ta-:es are to be listed during the month of May and all tax listers in the eleven townships of the county were here to receive instructions, Mr. K. L. Ryburn, attorney for the coun ty, interpreting the law for them as to their duties in this respect. 13. IJ. Barrett was granted liccn.io to peddle. J. IV. Martin and William Beam presented bonds and took oath of of fice us highway commissioners of No. 7 township. S, C, Brooks, No. 7, granted re lease on $105 real est:ute error. R. L. Whitesides, bridge work, $2. S. Bridges, lumber, $10.50. B. V. Lindsay, ,d. s. serices $3.40. J. Sidney Hood, holding inquest, $10.00. Ace Champion, George Mar tin, Perry Wellmon, Henry Wellmon, H. 1. Lindsay, Eli Wilson, jurors, $1 each. J. R. Reynolds, feeding prisoner $1 King Cafen, feeding prisoner $1. E. D. Harmon, lumber $142.12. Star Pub. Co., publishing $9. J. (J. Dudley, plumbing, $1.50. R. E. Campbell, part on coffin $5. Shelby News, ptg. and adv. $11.08. T. W. Ebeltoft, brooms, $1.00. .'. D. I.ineberger's Sons, wire $7. Roberts Groc. Co., groceries $2.0: PROGRESS OF THE FIGHTING GERMANS RETAKE FRESNOY FROM THE CANADIANS THEIR SAVAGE ATTACK A- ' GAINST FRENCH REPULSED. Wednesday's Dispatch: After five days of extraordinarily hard fighting between the Canadians and the Germans the little village of Fresnoy, lying southeast of Lens, and the ad juent wood, ire again in Ger man hands. In the retaking of these positions, where the Canadians .had stood for five days holding the most advanced salient in the British line, projecting toward Douai, the Germans evidently paid a terrible price. Perfaced by a heavy artillery fire in which asphyx lating gas shells also were used in large numbers, the counter attack was launched in the early morning. The. machine gun and rifle fire of the defenders met the Germans s they threw themselves forward, but they would not be denied and finally penetrated the trenches northeast of the village and even on the outskirts of the village itself. Their tenure of the position, however, was short lived, for the Canadians soon afterward re turned to the fray, drove out the Ger mans and again held full sway. Assault Again Reforming later und reinforced by two fresh divisions, the Germans a gain made a bid for victory along the entire front before tho village and wood. Tho right wing of the. defend ers held steadfastly and inflicted heavy losses on the Germans. The .left wing, however, notwithstanding jits stubborn resistance, was compell ed to give ground and to evacuate I Liggett and Eskridge, brooms, 50c. ! the village and wood, leaving them in I.. U. Arrowood, cement $."0.80. the hands of the Germans. Berlin .1. L. Lackey, d. s. services $:!. , .reports that two hundred prisoners I!. R. Lackey, jail expenses $200.00 and six machine guns fell into the ('. G. Boston, expense prisoner $.". .hands of the Germans. Rvburn and Hoev, -peeial servic- There has been a continuation o' m- ! ( T.ter- York, .1. R. Smith-Yount Marriage Announcnu'it ' m sto and in payment of same agrees tu issue $40,000 worth of uui.ty bends baring 5 pr cnt and for the Fallston-Belwood district agrees '.I -lib-cribe $40,000 in stock and b. payment of same agrees to issue $40, worth of six per cent district bends and for the Casar railroad dis 'r t aerees to siihscribp $40,000 in stf-k and agrees to issue $40,000 i vv.rth of six per cent district bonds. How the Bonds are Handled Ml county and district bonds are lie placed in the hands of the Trust Company of New trustee, to be delivered to Shelby Northern Railway as 'follows: $20,000 in i'aibton-Bel wood district "o.id bed has been graded lai ! from a connection with ill or Southern at Shelby a .'!" of the bonds of T.ol-.vood district when t-.r.uitab V-'i-k a. The following marriage announce ment will be of keen interest here to the many friends of the bride: Mrs. Mamie Estelle Smith announcis the marriage of her daughter Marguerite Eleanore to Mr. Ernest fcarshavv Yount on Monday, May the seventh nineteen hundred and seventeen Shelby, North Carolina At Home After May the twentieth, Newton. North Carolina. The bride and her mother have been making their home for a number Vf years with her grandfather, Mr. J. Bun Rhvne, who has a lovely country- home eight miles east of Shelby. She is one of the county's most beautiful and intellectual girls, and has for seve ral years past, been a student at Queen's College. Charlotte, returning only last week from college to make preparations for her marriage. The groom is one of Nekton's most successful young business men, bov ine a large interest in a men's cloth ing .-tore at that dace. Mr. and Mrs. Yount left immediate ly after iheir marriage for a visit o' eighteen daVs to N-w York and other northern points. Mabel Mc Hamrick. re 1 son an Urr.yor. Alma Mi Mr-, iid.nond-, I Mr.-, ( ha-. Y; !!-. El-ii ic Miss llar-,-hbr ni. CITY ELECTION Paul Webb is New Mayor Jetton Peats Grigg by !)S Majority New Officers Take the Reins Some Figures in Finance. The municipal election on Monday was a quiet affair, no interest being manifest! d out of the ordinary ex cept in the race for chief of noli, Chief Jetton winning over Plato Grigg ,by a majority of 08 votes. Paul Webb for mayor had no opposition, neither was there any opposition to the primary nominees for aldermen and members of the school board. The vote stood as follows: For mayor, Paul Webb U54; for chief, Jetton 2:17, Grigg 1"9; for aldermen John P. Mull, 354, j'. F. Jenkins Sofi, W. A. Abernethy :155, C. R. Doggett .",50. T. W. Ilamricl: and T. J. Bab ington, got one each for aldermen and A. B. Suttle got one for mayor, Wedding Announcement '-! is graded and track laid j 1 :!:.-. of five miles beyond ' l ni pae " '-' -'Litlio of the bonds of the 'Party '' !:.,!t, district when said i roadbed is graded and track laid a-j 0:i Tmsday afternoon from 1 to o I'M-cd line which is nearest o'clock Miss Planch Johns citer I'''"' church in No. 10 township; ,tained the I.-hpening club at their iv the bonds of the Casar gular literary sex-ion, the the lovc i t (,-., r ad 'bed is graded and ly homo of her aunt, Mrs. K. E. Ware. '; ) ! "! from Shelby to Casar as j Following the usual literary pro !r"; f in this contract and $40,- gram, a number of other guests ar I Is of Cleveland county to 'rived, and all were invited into the ,''',ur"l i" said railroad company dining room, whieii presonuu 'ad is equipped with roll--' ''''' ;. As each installment of turned over the railroad m equal amount of stock in is to be issued by 'the Shel- ern Railroad nipany "cl roa, .-Mirtnern Railroad Company -uumy of Cleveland. . engineer in charge of construction ; , issue a certificate upon complete ;''n f each section of the construc ; on, nieh shall be presented to the -"man of the Board of County "imissK.nt.rs who shall immediate linl'f11 ?rst ,h,'reon an approval in be- f.l v. Saui board and when 80 siKn" . these certificates are to be full au wty for the deliver b the t ' the bonds. commissioners agree to exer scene of rare loveliness, the conn note of pink and white being carried out with phasing effect. Four delicious courses were enjoy ed, and following the third course, to paper and' pencils were passed. .Mrs. (Ware asking each guest to write an editorial on some subject which was uppermost in her mind. Each one was read, causing much laughter at the originality displayed. Mrs. Ware was the last upon the program and as she began relating her editorial a peculiar thrill was felt by all. She told the guests that neither of the three candidates. School board: O. (M. Mull :!2b, S. E. Hoey :!25, R. L. Ryburn 325. R. E. Carpenter ;?25. M. Putnam .".24. The old lioard met Tuesday night, held a brief session, then Ex-Mayor Gardner administered the oath of of fice to the new officials, after which the old board retired. The new board elected all present city employees temporarily. The tax revenue for the city i- a botit $22,000 annually. Of this a uiount it takes .Sll.buu to pay the i'-tere.-t on the bonded indebtedr.e-s. There is due at bank for riiiu.b.g 1 -rrms el'.iMHi and this week another lean of Jso.ObO vva; ,-ecured for carry ing on the sewer extension work and pave North Washington street. With the revenue running behind the ex penses, a problem faces the new board in the way of financing the town. The electric power costs month from $000 to $700. In ( butiitg this out, the city gets a re venue of from $1,000 to $1,100 per month. The water plant produces from S 100 to 8500 per month. An audit will probably be made at once of the books in order to give the city officials a better grasp of the sit uation on which they can work out their plans of government. o .Vi'tler- 1' Company Regiment b"'k at the. uie ( f h-r daughter. Mrs. Virgil 'rdncr near Beam's Mill where she .and -ir. .M.ian had been niaki.-.g th-ir .'"me for a year or moivT"! The news ' f her death is learned vvlth deepest jCorrow because of her wide family ioilliuio:, and host of friends throughout the county. She was a .vomr.n of pious disposition, devotion if her church, sympathy for her "riends and neighbors in time of need and distress, active of mind and body, with a soul vis pure and clean as a new-born babe's. In her affliction -he never faltered or complained and hi the last hours of her life when she knew the end wijs near, spoke words of encouragement to her loved ones about her bedside and assured them that she felt prepared to meet her Master. !She was born Dec. l.'lth, 1844, the daughter of James Crowder, a faith ful Baptist minister. In May 18G0 she was inarried to Anderson Nolan and to this union two sons and two daughters were born, one son dying in boyhood. The other children sur viving with Mr. Nolan are Mrs. A. P. Weathers of Shelby, Mr.. J. B. Nolan of near Lawndale and Mrs. Virgil Gardner of Beam's Mill. One half- however, being j brother Dweatur Edwards and one , $04.87. First National bonds $:J0. I). S. Lovelace, sioner from Feb. La expre.-s i the violent fighting southward in the jP.ullecourt and Roeux sectors, but no notable changes in i-o.-itions have service as coinmis- been reported. to May 7th, $10. I Although, the latest French official ... communication reports no infantry (.25. action during Tuesday along the line ant 4.40. half-sister, Mrs. Amanda Peeler also survive. During the war, Mrs. Nolan made the hest of the situation with her husband away in' the army, and in the reconstruction period she was ev er faithful and tirclc.-s in her daily duties. She was a nn nber of New f!( thel anil loved Ik r church and the G. V. I'eeb r, services as niiiini sioner March 10th to May 7th County Home Bills J. II. Carroll, pigs, $24. J. C. Mull, salary and dish $08.75. J. L. Suttle Co., dry good groceries $08.80. W. II. Jennings, cotton seed Lattimore Drug Co., drugs J. E. Webh.meat $25.20. J. W. Wilson, shop account $:!. A. B. Blanton, dry goods $17.85. J. L. Allen, groceries $5.80. A. J. Burrus, conducting funeral $1.50. Tom Tucker, salary $20. J. M. Best Fur. Co., coffin $5. W. H. Blanton, shop work $1.:50. Southern Cotton Oil Co., fertilizer, $25.05. Southern Cotton Oil Co., meal and hulls $42. Paul Webb, drugs $i:i.!5. J. Lester Roberts, wire $12. Total $340.20. per stri- Elizabeth Memorial 4 There will be memorial services at Elizabeth Sunday, May 13th. Ser mon by pastor W. E. Lowe at 11 a. m. Dinner on ground. Decoration of her message had been started in'Rrave3. Speech at 2 p. m. by D. Z. Germany, transferred from there to Newton. Everybody invited. France where it was brought over to the States in an .aeroplane and , in b, j,"0'1! bcst endeavors to procure some way was dropped' on her door '"nation for the Pthinfi- like this: . ...... w.v., i atCU. W .IM wv...-- o Have you seen those pretty men's pants jut received at Evans E. Mc Brayer's. adv. in i-" (f God f r whom she always .v.' kid. During her illness she re ceived tho vt ry be.-t attention, sper.ii ,ug Ini- tune after she and Mr. Nolan bro'M- tin hou-e-keeoing with her mil daughti rs, Mrs. Wea.thers np en. t-arMner, llie (.aiMinr graon (hileren b-ivii'.;' nothing undo c t hrigh'm her sick room ano render every attention possible. The funeral was ( oaiiieted ie-tel-day by Rev. Goi.dan Washburn, and the interment was at Bethel cemetery where a great crowd attended and a wealth of floral offering was heaped upon her grave. '. WHILE EVERYTHING is in a Stir UP and UNSETTLED condition, you need something for that Stomach trouble, for yom NERVES and a general System Tonic to put strength in your MAKE UP Color in your CHEEKS, Vim and Vitality from TOE - to HEAD, KEN-TONE will do fhe trick. KEN-TONE has Iron for the Blood, Nux Vomica for the Nerve force. Get you a bottle today, price $1.003 for $2.50. Ask yur dealer or send the above amount to H. E. Kendall, Shelby, N. C, and he will send it to adv. Britain Asks for Troops Great Britain has formally joined France in expressing the hope that an American expeditionary force soon would take its place on the western front in Europe. Foreign Secretary Falfour told the Council of National Defence that the British would be overjoyed to welcome an American force in France and that its early dispatch would have an enormous psychological effect both on the allies and their enemies. The question of sending an expe ditionary force is understood to do- ;pend now almost entirely on whether the allies would prefer to diva rt from the transport of fool the amount of tonnage neces-ary to fr.r rv the soldiers across the Atlantic. held by the French in Franco, the Associated Press correspondent with the French armies tells of a desper ate German attack south of Berry-au-Bac, which was sanguinarily repuls ed, the Germans leaving behind num erous dead on the battlefield and prisoners. These prisoners with others taken in small raids have brought the cap tors by the French in the latest o' Tensive April 10 to between 20,000 and 30,000 men. Artilleiy Actirity The artillery activity along the en tire Macedonian front continues vio lent, indicating possibly the near ap proach of a general offensive. Small engagements between Entente forces and Austrian and Turnish troops be tween Lake Ochrida and Lake Pres ba and between Entente and Teuton ic Allied troops along the Cerna are reported. Notwithstanding the fact that in Germany the agitation continues in tense for the Imperial Chancellor to come into the open and state what Germany's peace terms are, an un official dispatch from Copenhagen would indicate that the peace requir ed by the German people is not in sight. Dr. Karl Helfferich, the Ger man Vice Chancellor, is quoted . as having said in a speech in the Reich stag with regard to peace: "We are not yet able to abtain it. We must still fight for it." in Lincoln- First Baptist Church Servii ( s at 1 1 a. m. and S p Sunday School at 0 o'cl be m. k. observe you charges prepaid. Y ES WE HAVE IT How Many? J. D. Lineberger's Sons. adr. .Mothers I tay w the Sunday School. Morning serraon: "Mothi r's In fluence." Tho sermon will be proa h- i 'n r 1.1... eil especially lor moiners mm me children of the Sunday School, who will be present in a body. Evening sermon: "The Founder of Democracy." This is a timely sub ject and its discussion should appeal to all. The B. Y. V. U. young people will have charge of the ushering at the, evening service. Democratic Ticket Wins ton Lincobiton. May S. In the election ;hero today, two tickets wee in the j field, the voting being as follows: Democratic ticket: Edgar Love, mayor, 2'Hi; for aldermen, J. L. Hun It er." 2!o: R. II. Dellinger, 210; J. S. Wise, 2O0, and K. D. P.udiscll. 211. Citizen's ticket: IL L. Robertson, mayor, 104; for aldermen, J. V. Line berger, 172; M. C. Quickel, 17H; J. E. Hale, J71 and W. II. Lohr, 107. J. B. Johnston was elected as mem ber of the Board of Education by a majority of two over W. H. Mc Nary. The school tax amendment was voted on and out of 419 registered votes polled 191 for it. ( 1 IF To War you have to GO, Get your Liver right with a K. L. 0. 30 to the bottle, 25c. Kendall's Drug Store. adv. Mr. Man! For your Spring Suit, Hat, Low Cut Shoes, See Evans E. McBrayer. adv. Eventually you'll buy all your clothing, shoes and hats at Evans E. McBrayer's. , . adv. Twin Boy and Girl Die Special to The Star: The 4-day ol twin boy and girl of Mr. and Mrs. David Canipe who live near Belwood died Friday night, There was 38 minutes difference be tween their deaths. Both took sick at once and were only sick 24 hours. Thfi Qisease unknown. Rev. J. P. Moser conducted the funeral Sat urday. The many friends have Ah e deepest sympathy for the parentrof the twins. , Buy yourself & new Styleplus suit at $17.00. New lot just in at Evans E. McBrayer's. . adv. hi i i ; i ; ! i A 1 hi ? ;ti ! i i , -t; j ' I, '. ic .1 f'. :!;,! hni. 1 1 I v.-'-' ! '',-. . f ! - 'X s y f i : I

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