111? WM' MtMmh Bbtf : We Do Job Work the Linotype Way Let Ua Figure on Your Work. Phone No. 11 v Na- 61 - : : THE CLEVELANDArTsHELBY, N, C TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1917 V A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL- - ' ' -. ' sssmmmmmmmmmmammm - . , ., , : : .. .1... I .nm- j-ir-w mrr v r Tmn i i.l!Frl H. Dameron. K. M. ku.u uk int tuwim RUSSIANS STILL OS THE RETREAT ' -ciY' HASN'T REACHED ':7r reflNT VET Prominent Young Lady is Criminally Assaulted by Unknown White Man . Who Made His Escape in a Ford Car. , PARK l !",rE RMDED' BY GERXTAX Forest City Free Press: TcJil'LAXES HEAVY EIGHT-1 The foulest, blackest di 1NG IN I KA. Happenings Here and There in State. The deed on Ruth erford's criminal record was cammit- taA Ttmerliw nftorTinAn.nliiiit Giinrlrnvn llt A UkJUUJ H t .. i 11 s Wl 'UiUMW . Mil........ u ;rc retreated a diitar.ee cf ap- when an unknown white man assault---maTfly one hundred miles from'ed Miss Alda Duncan three miles fwe Kcri-nsky, the "iron man of east of Forest City on the Ellenboro ! !.;a" carried them in his per3on-jr0ad. . . J J-lt-a il-irlv in tVlP nrPS- TVio nrlmo Ivaa nmmittdl1 within IK- ril'iH'U'U unit v... ... v..- , T) ii.iiiv .... a''- ..(i; the Russian army on the three hundred yards of Miss Duncan's eaLr uf the line in' East Glacia is home. A heavy rain- had fallen ear cer;1 ,n Russian soil on both sides of Her in the day and she went clown to and is still being followed the bridge to see the rising waters. y the 'forces of the Teutonic allies. I a strange man drove up in a Ford L'keu'ise the armies to the north touring car and asked her where she .! Cruth continue to fall back be-j' was going. She told him to her home f the enemv. at a few points or.ly just up .!! the hill. The man said, t offer a semblance of rc- 'All right, I'll go with you." She"tolrfc and then only f:r short re- him that he couldn't and started up f'5,; '.,f tine. "Wherever those ct the the path toward the house. The man attempt to give battle leaped from the car and grabbed her a'.-" 'pre harassed by numerically before she could grt away. He forc ;r,r forces of the Teutons and ed a handkerchief into kr mouth and S-ptlkt! to give ground, receiving fragged her into a clump of bushes, f.O asMSTaiHt.' uu:ii invii iviiini; n'i- - .U1SS UUIiertii iigaiiicn ..v.."- within a few minutes and made her way to her home. A physician was summoned and it was found that she FIRST HUNDRED IS CALLED IN fivtr lrotlitrs-in-uiins inuc main effort continues to be to get out Of s.j;kinp distance of the enemy, "'jo fast has been the retirement of the Eussiar.s ana me auvance vi was in a ueuuaLt '''t and her mind affected. . - .. , t ' . . .ii,l .U if tvaa l f,M.rMQtmn tans ippn ar. arcn-nr.e i.nni.i" threwn westward of Czernowitz, the capital, with a northern end resting or. Wodawicc, 250 miles distant, and the southern end to the east o Kuty, on the western border of the crown- lari. . Evidently the preparations for- the "blood aid iron"policy of the govern ment against the disaffected troops shortly will be put into full force, for Minister of War Kerensky is on his way to the Russian headquarters,there to confer with the military leaders to formulate plans to stay the retreat and comp4 the troops to stand and face the foe as the Russians in the Southern Carpathian region are do in?. Down along this latter front, the Russians, aided by the Rumanians, thp Tputonic allies VVUVWiUV w - , I 11 : .L. TT- I to ceue ground, especially in me up per Ma valley. Attacks by French Again the French troops fighting in the Aisne region of France have turr.ed in vicious counter-attacks of the German crown prince, put down an offensive it had started be tween Hurtebiz and Labovelle and made good gains against it all along the line. Several attacks by the Ger mans in the Verdun sector, notably between the much-fought-for ground in the region of the Avocourt wood and Hill 304 also were repulsed by General Petain's forces. Simultaneously, in the air the fight ing machines of Great Britain and Germany are carrying our maneuvers of proportions never before seen.with both sides sustaining losses in air craft shot down or sent hurtling earthward nut nf pnntrnl As an in dication of the intensity of these aer ial combats thirty German airplanes were accounted in the latest fighting m addition to two observation oai' loo" U'KiVi warn oVinf dntl'n in flflmPS U 011V7b UVB1I ... ....... . The British war office admits that thirteen of the Royal air squadron failed to return to their bases. The German war office asserts, however, that thirtv-five British planes were shot down. Paris Twice Raided n Friday and Saturday nights German airmen attempted to bomb Pari. In the first' attacks three srnted that it was 1UC tillja"-i doubtful if she would ever iuuy re cover. The perpetrator of the aeed jump ed into his car and started in the di rection of Forest City. Posses of men were quickly organized amUthe ,..,..,. wo arnnrpd in a vain search for him. Numerous automobiles had passed over the road, maKing it ai- to trace the car. It must i.ujju.-.v is possible that the man turned off the main highway at the junction of the i d , rnrn'pcn roads, but no trace UU31I. - t of him could be found m these direc tions. ... The man, according to miss uun can, was of medium build and wore a iiv.f cViirr Wue trousers and felt hat. Officers have mattered news of the crime in every direction om up t time of going to press no trace of the guilty party had been iounu. The victim of the assault, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S Dun can and is one of the county s best known young ladies, sue dm . (.,,k.r in the Dublic schools and com es from a prominent family. A reward of ?2UU nas oeen uucu, detectives are at work on ine case and every effort is being maue io ap prehend the perpetrator in GEORGE L MICHAELIS h di ped, which caused the jury ,.f M-veral persons. The attempt Saturday right was entirely futile the raiders not even reaching the en vimn of the capital, being sent scur- m it I'omlis 'hi t:elitir.g front, killingtwo doctors a tncmi-t and a male nurse and in a few othefpersons, includinp I iv thn u-ntphfiil Frpnrh air "nc German aviator, despite r'p'niViinfT mo vV(2 drnnnpd four on a Red Cross hospital r.aar jur patin Annual Confederate veterans' ' re union at Newton August 16. In Franklin county a storm blew a tree across the banf of Redin K. Perry, killing two mules. . Mrs. E. R. Manly of Reidsville went toher medicine chest for medi cine for her 4-year-old son. By mis take she got carbolic acid but tno doctors managed to save the child's life. Rev. J. W. BurchVtt, a Baptist minister, aged 50, died a few days ago at his home in Wilkes county, following an illness of six months from rheumatism. Widow and six children survive. Henderson is to make a vigorous campaign to secure an. airplane fac tory and the location of one of the 21 aviation camps for the training of airmen for America's contribute to the war. The Elizabeth Colleare property in Charlotte, some time since abandoned for education purposes, ha been purchased for hospital purposes by the board of directors of the Presby terian hospital. The Chimney Rock railroad has been chartered. It is proposed to build a line of 15 miles between Ruthprfordton and Chimney Rock. The authorized capital of the compa ny is S300.OOU, with lo,iwu suo- scribed. Mrs. Annie C. Bassett of Bun combe county, charged with an at tempt to bribe Solicitor Swaim in connection with a cae in Buncombe Superior Court, paid ?106.25 court costs and judgment was suspended indefinitely. 1 The property of the Graham Lum ber Comoanv. including 65,000 acres of land, was sold under order of the Federal court at Wilkesboro Mon day. The only bidder was Abel Da vis of Chicago, his bid being $800,- 000. The indebtedness of the com pany is said to be $1,750,000. Locomotives from Southern rail way lines are being given up for movement to France. Nine of the "dead" engiaes have started to the Atlantic coast, where they will be sent abroad, says a dispatch from Knoxville, Tenn. UNDER THE DRAFT LAW FOR PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ON SATURDAY OF THIS. WEEK WILL SUMMONS ABOUT 600 MEN. . . i.t!F.nrl H. Dameron. K. M. 18 Rush Thompson, Gaf, R-2. 652 Augustus S. Kiser, h.. fli. Items of Interest About Various Mat ters. ; TEACHER TRAINING CLASS Will be Taught, Beginning August 27 by Supts. Irvin and Griffin No Teachers Institute This Year. yv1 i Supt. Irvin and Supt. Griffin yill conduct a class in teacher training in Shelby, beginning August 27th and two weeks. There will be 'a small registration fee charged to pay the necessary expenses. Courses iwill be offered in class management, including cuscipnne, scnooi urgamia 'tion, new school legislation, etc; pro fpssinnal training, including method, 'lesson outlines, etc.; subject matter, 'including a rapid review of the sub jects taught in the public schools, iwith a view, of preparing prospective .teachers for the October examinations under the new law. All teachers who expect to attend are requested to r.o fJFy Supt. I. C. -iffin at once in or der that necessary arrangements may be made. There will be no county institute held this year. The State Bcfird of Institute conductors have notified Supt. Irvin that it is impossible to ar range an institute for Cleveland this It is hoped that all teach ers who can do so will attend tne summer school Aug. 27-Sept. ith. Dr. George E. Michaelis, who has succeeded Von Bethmann-Hollwefl a Imperial chancellor of Germany. Red Cross Meeting at Piedmont A bit Red . rss nutting ito . . . - ... , .. . t 1 i...'i,r?T hi- J at ne;tmoM m.oi . The Camp Will Stay Charlotte 'had a stir last week when the government called for moie land for Camp Greene and it was difficult to obtain additional land because of hold-up prices. Charlotte business men, however, put up the money, the land was se cured and it is now believed that all A Free Scholarship . VJrt. I. Y. rvin has received the -or.o-.vir.jr letter from E. B. Owen, re eHxrr of the A. and E. Ciikge. Ral lour cuniiii. Vn? nt ,Vt limp nr.p ya -ar.t agricultural scholarship to the 'v-'rth Carolina State College of Ar r'culture and Engineerir:?. The val Ufc r,f this scholarship is $45.00 which Pays a year's tuition and is renew able for three vpnra ndHitinnnl S1S0 thn O CH'CK Friday. August Ird. R. Hoey ami Rev Thos. D Bateman will speak. LvcryDouy is urged to attend. Our soldier boys follow the flag, the Red Civ.ss must r -ii i,r-.v. llo not neglect tnis opportunity of showing, your interest in this great cause and of learning more of what the Red Cross means t n warriuc world. Everybody Come. ,.;K;i;t- nf rpmovnl is oaSRcd. I jHlBSIUilil.l " " 1 Large forces ot men are at getting the camp in shape. The demand Tor more lanu was a rnsnlr cf the government's decision 'to increase the number of men at the camp. Charlotte is to be con gratulated on retaining the camp. It would diave been a tlisaster to lose t after all the trouble and expense in securing it. 1:1 a". Can you not interest some Worthy hov of vnnr rnuntv in anDlv- ing for it? gome one of vour ambi l'i;us hoys ought to get this benefit, '"e blank which I enclose explains tht' eonditions. I am enclosing r.lso prance blanks for one applicant. them6 W'te fr mre 'f yU ne?d REGISTRAR. Race Riots in Pennsylvania Three men were shut, scores beat en and 55 arrested in a series of :.t. o.4ii,nont to the negro dis rate liuia UJ" . , , trict in Chester, Pa.. VUdnesda night. In addition U Jlse shcu, about a dozen rioters nan i ed to the hospital as a result of in juries inflicted by stones and clubs. The riots were the outgrowth of the arrest of three negro men ami Kobert Porter of Asheville arrest ot tnree neg.u Pwt several days here last weelt'gro woman, charged with stabbing a With Fir .-J ,... - , ... , Aanth. Canning Outfit at Ellenboro Special from Ellenboro: The town here has a free canning outfit, for any one that wants to use it, and the bank has thirty thousand cans they sell at actual cost, which is five and a half cents eacn. ve are anxious for the people in this neigh borhood to conserve all their iruus, and vegetables, and as your paper has a large circulation up this way, m nrnnl he plad for you to mention " trv .. , this in same that they may mawe use of it and get their cans here. C. R. COFFIhLU, Mayor. Official notice goes out this morn ing to the first 100 men in the order they werelrawn in Cleveland county to report Saturday, Aug. 4th for phy sical examination by Dr. E. B. Lat jtimore of the local exemption board. ,The order is signed by John F. ISchenck. chairman and I). Z. Newton cu'Piilorv 'rr n similar nntirp to the .one published belbw has been posted in the Court House. The opinion of (the board is that it will take six hund red men to secure Cleveland county's first quota of 184 men and this num ber will be summoned in batchus of ! 100 a day for six days, beginning Saturday, whenth(v will begin to ap- 'nr at. 9 o'clock. The five hundred to be called for physical examination next week will appear in h riday s Star. j Those whose name$ appear below .must appear whether they are entitl ' eA tn PYpmntion or not. Exemption blanks can be secured from the local hnard ad be fi ed Saturday This list is official and is slightly dif ferent from the list as hrst publisnea, there being some mistakes due 'to er rors in telegraphing, etc. ,258 Joe M. Hardin, Shelby R-7. 158 Willie W. Smith, Shelby 1436-John Byers, Shelby. 854 John M. Hallman, Cher. R-2, 1RQiRoland J. Powell. Shelby K-5. 1878 James W. McMurry, Lawn. R-l inos Crawford Baker. ' Shelby. ono'WRnford C Wrieht. D. Shoal 1455 Clayton N. Humphries, Shelby. 783 William R. Camp, Orover. 1813 Israel Wortman, Lat. R-l 1858 John B. Hardin, Shelby R-2. ?SR(i Amos Wortman. Lasar 1752 Gaither L. Seism, Shelby R-5 1117 Milton R. Pleasants. Shelby i579nnvirt C. Whisnant. Lattimore. 1748Paul Philbeck, Lattimore K-l 2195 Clarence C. Stamey, taliston R57Vnrman R. Smith. Shelby R-l. 9n!ir T. n. Williams. Shelby k-d. 337 Harmon Hudleston, Biax. k-i. fi7RT.Pondias B. Falls. K. M 275 James Nance, Patterson Sprgs 509 Thomas B. Ware, K. m. 1185-John V. Porter, Shelby R-2. zra Tsnne T.emaster. K. M. 2116 Daniel B. Seism, Shelby R-6 QA5 Mac Wilkms. Shelby. 1913 Charles J. Hoyle, Lawn. k-i. KorHenrv B. Ware, K. M 19R7 Pprrv White. Shelby. 2148 Edgar Hamnck, bheioy k-o 536 Earnest Braton, K. M. , 1495 Willie Lackey, Shelby. t;iSLViptnr C. Whetstine, K. M 12R Adam G. Whisnant ti. bprgs. 1R7Q Tampa Smith. MborO 1237 Harry S. Woodson, Shelby. 781 Snmnter Hudson, Grover. (1732 Pet Harrill. Shelby R-4. 755William C. Beam, urover. in7 r r Putnam. Shelby. 1546 William Patterson, Shelby R-l itM r.orfiu Wilson. Shelby R-l. 2099 F. G. R. March Lawndale R-2 1369 Joe Borders, fehelby. 616 Marcu S. Shor K. M. 37-JPnr.prt J. Falls. K. M. ifi7fiFrtd Hatcher Doty, Mboro. i9RfiPl Snake. Shelby K-l 1891 P. A. McEntire, Lawn. 775 Mazen Rippy, Grover. 486John Thomas, K. M. 092 David Kitchen, K M. Moore. K. M. iqqc Horrv O. Rollins. Lawndale 810 Thomas L. Dedmnn, tner. k- lC,3f)Fred M. Goode, Shelby K-l. 1082 Nallie A. Deaver, Mboro. Mi Lee esiei euiii, 309 Andrew Rudasill, Shelby 437 George Mills, K. M. 1324 Garrison Jones, "K. M. (',04 John W. Keller, K. M. '43Joe Watkins, Cat. K-i. 2181 Bryan Gardner, Shelby nfio Aonor ATiAfpp bnemy 1IUU "H'" , 1548 William J. Morrison. Cher. K-J F.tters. Stubbs ilOCC Carl A. Gold, Shelby R-5. 'ooin,.vi,i T Horn. Shelby R-.. UonPV,:iin R Roberson. F. City j 1014 Jefferson D. Moore, Shelby. 1 ... . .. CVirtH... U78 Ward Hunter rtrt.. oun.... r.i.t Mnffpt A. Ware. K. M 2374 William N. Newton, I asar. 433 Thomas B. Dixon, K. M. 1320 Clemmie S. Beam. Shelby R-o. 10 James F. Davis, Gaf. R-2. 1045 WilliamvMcNeilly, bheir . nviRnv TTpnson McKee. Shelby. 1705 Charlie Wm. H Horn. Mboro. 1331 Hatch Spake, Shelby K-l. ,,-o- AiKort T. Hawkins. Mboro. 487 Gaither Hoyle, McDanicI, K. M 1282 Forest Japkson, Shelby. 1323 Elzie Lee Beam, Shelby R-7. 1847 Fred II. Grigg, Lawn. R-l. 797 Claud A. Turner, urover. 140 Le Davis, Shelby K-o. 1536-James M. McGill, K. M. R-4. iao9Rrthprt Brooks, Hollis R-l. 1723 Tom N. Stockton, Lat. R-l. 1T79ohn Wr. White, Shelby k-o. William R. Davis. Shelby. 2247 John C Hoyle, Lawndale. 2011 Pierce P. Richards, Lawnaaie. nrr.lMF.NT NEARLY FULL . i I Gen. White, who is in charge of nni R Man Nppded to Make Col. rpcruitincr for the British armv in the vui; v - ; r-t . Gardner's Regiment up to War United states, announces mat ne nas c u c m- s rnmnr e&dy enlisted 4,800 British sub Strength Seven Men in Company G. Rejected. - Misses Gussie Riley, Dora Nelson , , 'and Ethel Woodham were drowned 7V " pTiLn Monday afternoon while bathing in Carolina Regiment! .Jnaa, p Mlua TVloir Col. J. T. Gardner, commander of tVio First North reported Saturday that his regiment is filled to war strength with the ex ception of 6 men which he thinks will be recruited this week and afford the full war strength of 2.004 men in his 1 16 organizations. The First regiment was one of the finest on the Mexican border last year and will no doubt measure up to its high standard when it trop to Greenville. S. C. for train ing and possibly later to France for actie service in the tield. Col uani ner has recovered from his recent ill ness and is at himself agaiu, strong and robust, with marvelous endurance I His recent illness was the hrst he has Iliad in many years. Counting the re serves there are MW8 men in his regi ment and while some of the units are short of war strength, other units have surplus which canbe tramferr- . . i :' ..l ,), ed under special regnm.in.ni nrkun tVinv rpnrh the cantonment. font Ou Uain. medical onieer anu r- - ' . Cant. Blood worth, mustering oincer, i--- -- . . fc thn appnnrt lieoreia riceimeiii nruro in Shplhv last week and out of the 99 men in the Cleveland Guards who were examined, seven were turr iA door ThpRp officers continue v rounds to the homes of the several organizations, completing the muster- n nf thp rppimeni unut-i RM.oi1nntta nrrlpr Pni r.arHner had reports from tne 1 rtffronlvnf inns in his regiment Sat urday morning whih shows that only mon nrp needed to put his contin gent on a war footing, unless vacan- cies occur on account oi pnyiL-ai u Counting the men auiiivj' v. - - - . - , . i Mmnfmr, - ernnn a river near Moss Point, Miss. Their bodies were recoered. Six persons were killed and one was seriously injured at Port Clin ton, O., when a New York Central mail train crashed into an automo bile which was stalled at a crossing. The House of Commons of Canada has parsed a conscription bill and the Senate is expected to pass it. Demand that the measure be sub mitted to the people was opposed on the ground that slackers would de feat the law. Struck by bullets fr5m a machine gun on the target range near Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, Second Lieut. Lopp, F. Patten, 34th U. S. Infantry, was fatally wounded, dying in a few hours. His body was sent to Fletch er, Henderson county, for burial. Eleven voung men, most of whom were of conscription a, , who said they represented thousands oi isew lYork citizens conscientiously oppos ed to military service, called at the White Ifeuse and left with Secreta ry Tumulty a petition asking the President noby to force persons ot their belief to fight in the war. Moi than 60 per cent, of the $2,- 000.000.000 liberty loan already has been paid into the Treasury some of the subscribers paying all at once instead of in installments. Those paying by installments nave paid 20 per cent. Another per cent, will be due July 30, 30 per cent. August 15 and 30 per cent. August 30. Secretary of war Baker states Saturday as f;iows;. 53 C 65 cTnV Lffre and Bridges, of the company war strength 5.8, has 65 oen machine gun company war strength National armv wiu be organ- 74' hM7i: ,8UP3? Star? com id on the basis of 15,000 men in strength 38, has .35; sanitary com is pany war strengtn o, n -, . haye bee found firaiffSf-tl-h the European Sati Louisiana. Legislature has tonia nas "ii .,.... ! v.; AaatmoA tn nrevent 110. n Phnrlotte has 14a; ii oii.- " r . : S L lerF-Ashevilie has 141; speculation in food, fuel and eed Vine nas a"", :n'j..: ...o kv nl.nnir rnntrol of culKr Viaa H W a nes inc uuiiuj no. j t o G Shelby has n t .. 0 MM.ifS1, with the State has 186; I-Mt. Airy . , - . L;iu ,ns 143; i, voncoru una uuum.n ---- Asheville nas io I . . ovomnt ir sold ers and 'sailors ifrom payment of poll taxes 'during the duration of the war with Germany. . Postmaster General Burleson has ordered an investigation of Senator tliAt thft nost- 'master at Boman, N. D., was guilty 'of disloyal utterances. In a speecn in the Senate McLumDer csiargeu that the postmaster and his wife had LntPi-tAined a sneaker guilty of dis- jloyal utterances and had advertised his meeting in me pusiuutic. Big Increase in Gardens Asnevuie nu , V01 160; M High Point has 121. COL I. W. UTTELL R-3. R-2. R-fi. R-4. 1 Iff-, ' - T I 11 V-I.W f a iiiroo hundred and fifty million dollar crop from vacant lot and home gardens is the way tne peopie 01 mo iTnltpH States responded to the ear- ly spring call for more fod. There are more than tnree umes as man, gardens in the United States this summer as compared with a year ago. This increase represents a gum of fl, 175,000 acres, according t the best figures available. Middle Western States leau " other sections, with an average in crease in the numbw ot gardens oi 05 per cent. New England is sec ond with a gain of 275 per cent. The Eastern States show an increase ul nr.n nt Smith Central State3 increased the number of gardens 200 per cent. The increase varies with each sec tion of the country. South Dakota stands high, with a gain of 7oo per 1 ,..v,:in Kpvndn is last with I't'lll., liiiv , a rr rpnt.. which of course is a nne 1 n maintain State. This . 'renort is based upon figures obtained Col. I. W. Llttell of the Quartermas- fP0." ,,B Da" f..iD,i in manv ter corp., war department, I. In charge " countn" from reports of the construction of the cantonment .parts of the country, , 1 camp, for the tralninB of the selective 1t - rem p,.nng cam- army, mosi oh mn, - mnA frnm a letter canvass ot by contractor, under tne a.on or z& reaular army officers. municipal . r:rnlina. Max Gardner to Speak Observer: sm ' I.iput. Gov. Max Gardner is Sched uled to deliver the chief oration on the occasion of the annual reunion of the Confederate veterans at Mt. Zion chufch near Cornelius on Thurs day, August 2. The event will doubt less attract a large crowa, in prepara tions of every kind. North Carolina 3 per centage of increase over u 100 per cent. Lumber Orders for Training Camps New Orleans, July 27.-Orders for 28,800,000 feet of lumber lor con structing six national guara -vrami. cpd with mubj today less atiraci a luigc " )K.wr- - ' . v.aranrv bu ;tion for which the committee phn- .by the Southern .ning an unusually attractive program. Folks know that Evans E. McBray er will give them a square deal on anything he sells. If it's not right- He will make it right. uvu.".. - - . :ii oVAnr. reau. tacn camp wm iiuuc - 4 300,000 feet of lumber, camps 1 which orders were placed were at Deming, N. M, Fort Wortn, wouswi., and Waco, Tex., Alexandria, LH., and edv. IHattiesburg, Miss." o I $ i'. Hi 'hi I i t 1 I ' -i ? ;1 i ' ill ;i i -. f - - i'M, .: 1 1 v . 1 s i ;:;:rl; -4. ti. , 4:,, -rJ-it-.-J.. : v- i ' ' IJ'-t-i : ' I - f 'I t -, . 1 uuu SHT9..IU. o, L.attnnore. wnue youm v