Publish Every Ius(iay..'an Fridaj The oldest and Ber Paper in This Sectior We Do Job Work the Linotype Way Let Ua Figure on Vour Work. Phone No. 11 XXV. NO 77 .VOL THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY; SEPT, 21, 1917 50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE IE 110 ASSOCIATION . ' i - i Ki 1 .1 r.Kr OKI) COLLEGE WHAT WE OWE FRANCE LATIN WHAT OF IT? SINGLE AND 'MARRIED; MEN AT FALLSTON , 0 spM"i'.titu. .1 s.;: M puid w.ting ; to 1 ' 4i "F ATTENDANCE AND ROY- Vr 'entertainment' being ;.,VKN UY THE FALLSTON 1E(PEE CLOSES TODAY OF-1 In support of Government and Fit'EKS Kii-r-Li"--1 l.u. defense of our country all sh.nd Responsibilities and Duties to Their Government in Time of War. ' (By Jamof C, Elliott.) an equal plane Rev join, V,". Suttlo, moderator, R.; stake one man's 1 our-country all stand on Where ife ife is at is as good as Lee ,.atnH, , ,ar.oiner. lo love and to be loved is i"f Lattimore. .net "- ,"s' "' '' ." lnere ,s to life worth living. W .1 Uir -lUga live- OVP Of thn Con- Ki' ll,unu-n ;3PJal -v'3)- latest of all We; upon it depends v,-,:v ic-v!octed at ihe o.icning. the life of the race.;, '-Multiply and A assoaaTion auno runs u. fruitful" is. the oldest command. ?:.v.i.t church Wednesday i.-.oin- A man will forsake ail others and 1 cleave unto his v.ife,. jh,. att. trance is r.tie wan iui nnss the ,a!ri- J re-a.i::!;,' ami via- -v.. uui.. the better half of lif, he it is :i source oi ,;iuii'.ca trea'ur ,.f the ciai: w: ':- it!1."- tion Effort Sunday to Raise Fund ror Weaver Hall. The Rutherford College opening indicates that the enrollment for 1917-1918 will be larger than than" it History Regarding the -Winning:' of American Independence Franhe And England are our Best Friends. (By James C. Elliott) In the war of the American Re v;i- was last year. Rutherford has been lution for Indenendpn pi' the d.mimI.i doing four years high school and one j living here then were nearly equally , bright young tots have been worry- Know What Help it Has Been to Men in After Life. Shelby school children are deter mined to inquire into the present school scurriculum especially as cin cerns the study of Latin. These l.nn . ..-11 . . 1 . . J' i luuege worK; mis year it is oeginning sophomore work. divided. The rebels were called ing over "tuba, tubae, tubae, tubam, Were called Whips and those lnviil tuba" so lone- that thev have derided Thw teaching force largely makes to the British Government were desi- to ston and pet the latest views from a scnooi. Earnest (. hristian teachers 'gnated as Tories, 73 MEN OFF FOR CAMPJACKSOK ENTHUSIASTIC SPEECH DELIV ERED BY HON. C. R. HOEY WHO V ACCEPTED THEIR FATE IN FINE SPIRITS LARGE CROW D BID THEM FAREWELL. Tuesday afternoon the 73 'drafted men, composing the forty per cent of o iu... i: ..u i : i ,,.. . " mill line. Mien hiui a cuiicue niuiiiuuii nun ;o i m-u nn.fu ..n...i t.l.. i .1 ultra !.. if ,v. .u -V , .. . , . , v-.v.....o Muv . aaaeiiiiMuu ill me ...v v.....mi .-Mum-oiB. 11 u1eui.11- ion to emgiaini was at war letters nave oeen going uaiiy to inoso court house before the v.. ..m oiiiif, oii-j win. in many cas- wi h France, a vvorthv enrmv that men ot authoritv and lllPllI luturil with Friinee. n worfhv enrmv thai men of authoritv and power. The li 1 v...t.. v t i...:. P ,!,. ,m ,f t,.. .v,;, '. .1.. 1.... 'i , V ', , ,.. . i.auiMore, ami ". "v "ii. ii o; taxed ner resources, anu osiy suit omer uay one was noiiceo unuresseu 'John F, Schenck Mu'i. ivuuienoru (. OIK'ffe nas leeil smn I H.lnihnn.nli nf tmni.. h..n. t,i to Mr Win n Msirrw Pi itnr of h inose who run in the character of it toiwhof! ,1 ..i...n: i 'ri,iii i,,. u ..t,an - a . . . -It ........... UL uuu iiiv leoeiitoo anu 1 1 nij; v. ucn ivi n vu.nnci, iiituijj, - '".'uuai line miss , it was Iouni ei hv a man of h; cr Urn 11 u... 1 1 ... 1. 1...- !,-.,.,, ,v,., ..-no tr, elule let and bigger heart. Rutherford is se-.thn n,.nnlo tVion living in v.lil now! reach n solution to the nrolileni:"H:nv ' o.aa nave a w e am i vitv enr 1 nir am hm hm ...,.... v,.. . ., . . . .. 1. . ... !... . . 11 ...l. .1 . v - the delegates and past rs. woman a husband B-tt let it . mim 7lf r-fcJJu" ..u. V V " KUl.nenoru tourl-v Wlrl ,uan-v .""I1", . u"-.'" " a. , semble before the court house Wed- . iuiivb in ninui lui. ro iinuii nun , "" ...... ju.n t. , nesdH v morn hp nr 1 -''.i oou liruisn i.eguiars, recruited where a roll-call was had and practically all were present Arrangements for board and lodging were made for those out of town and all were asked to as- nn. Mr. Suttle tne moueiau-r, uts- derstood that a family increases hi. .... p.j-iress on schedule time, responsibilities and duties to his :!.' up with the order of at lairs, country because he has the welfare lliav o..::'g taKen up a most of his children at stake tut- sr roductorv serni(.n by Rev ; U':, ih'itira, which was followed ;u. 1 n n.ilment of delegates and ....p'ttMi. At 11 o'clock, visi- '-' 1 ..j rc-'ogniite'i ar.a coianniiees in religious exercises, ner, temperance, socu.i vity and of experience in teaching. Of the l'!! enrolled as students last year, twenty-nir.e were misister- r .. e . ' 1 . 1 . - ., ior imure lai students nine ot these liemir mar generations. The single man that ried. Nearlv fiftv student u-er dies childless is cut oir from all the future of his race. We can only say of him that he eat. chewed and smok- wei'i jMel ::al R ed and passed on and the world nev er missed him. Germany encourages ..hi -I,-. . , . uu lier soldiers to nave larire ami S!) Tories that he had with him at Kings Mountain where !00 Whigs gained u decisive victory over them nml hang er! thn liri nri n I Turv t.f'iii.tie in- m"kinK'lh'ir own wa' Partly or clu,inK Captains Mill's. Wilson, ami vnou,v. uu ou urn recommend iouk- rhitwnml ing for educational bargains, but Green and Hampton were sentenced to nang hut made their es- 1 . ..1 i:.. .....vtI.. iriot iM'.ll i:nn l- . ovii- and pm"i '""'""i h""" lies, and England advises her young !-, :-:-d Sonday Schools. , men t marry )t.forc, joining the ar- Tl-e Order of Business mv, jn ali armjes worth wnj m.)st 'ihoiiison tiiid Rev.-W. R. Beach '0f tne sojjers have wives. In our & i the attention of the association civil war North nor South made no importance of supporting The exceptions to married men and then .rder. the l!icial paper of the ti,e questions of dependents came up !;;.-.- ef North Carolina. In the jn a most pitiable form aged par-aftir::-)-". reports were received on ents Kiving up their baby boys to be ;t.-:i ran. e, social evils public- mor- 'sacrifieed; wives and children depriv ,,' -.oral support and Sunday d of husbands and fathers. But if Sih !s. I the burden is put upon single men V"sterday was given over to wo- the unmarried girls must suffer cqu rcar.'s work, state, home and foreign ally with them in losing the chan-e missions. Christian education, in- of ever having a husband. The best young men and women those mot u were defeated by Whigs t0 Creek. Near Fayetteville, : Moore's c, elixir Boiling Springs High School and ministerial education and the or- pnanage tory to hold one hundred bovs. This worth whik with ambition for edu- need is fa be met by building Wea va cation and preparation for the larg-Ut Hall within the next eleven and a T'.'luy's program consists of aged est usefulness are slowest about half months. See elsewhere in this Rutherford r,,llntrn nflTora ,, rlr . . . " . 6" cape. This broke the Jorv power in at very low rates. One young man this f,oetion. At Ramseur's Mill is making his way and saving nion- near Lincolnton in a battle, Tories ey; ne win maKe a t amegie or Methodist preacher; he intends 1.L.M- uie .aue . Last year a young X(,rks were (I(lfcatti ,,v Vhigs. man in the club dormitory-where ThroU(,h Uvn Kranklin an alliance board is given at cost-could pay lWM nK1(i, with Franoe 1778 amI boanl, rooni rent, fuel, light, and tui-FranC(1 furnishe(1 the Colonies mon tion on eV) arms munitiuns aMCj nR.n- 1)ur. A few years ago the college owned in(f this war EnBland was as0 at a seven acre campus and a large ' with'' Hollan.l and Spain. With wooden building; today it owns a out the aill of France an(1 h,,r fleets fifty acre campus, a wooden dormi- thmi was a ,)r show for paininK tory to hold sixty-five boys, and a independence. Finally, the French thirty thousand brick administration fect hemmed Cornwall in York building. One of our present great- ;rivpr ami he surrendered to TOO est needs is a modern brick dormi- j rP,i, tPa Q,i r,fton Am,.ri,.Qn mi:.ister. relief, obituaries, time, ;!.ve,anl preacher for next meeting; rr.a-1 e. treasurer's report and miscel ia'.'.' iis business, after which will be ai; :i-.:rnmer.t. Excellent Entertainment The Fallston people are entertiiin :::: :h" delegates and visitors in marrying. hereas, those who nev er expect to amount to much marry very young. This class of men ex- the living and work their arms in th field like chattel slaves until the chil dren are large enough to put in. th( factory then they both can get onv paper the statement in regard to' troops and this is the way our inde pendence was won. Then England tired of her wars with four belligerents and made peace treaties that inciduntally freed Hon (' P its effects, up came :Hol,y was callt,( upon for a 8I,cech( tunning "a little Napoleon" and and in hiti URUal thrilling manner quickly slid a letter under our nose came bt,fore the croW( nnd delivered addressed to "Mr. Woodrow Wilson, la powerful, patriotic address which Washington, 1). C," and he was J brought forth much applause. In the looked upm and idolized by, his fel- collrse of his n.niarks, Mr. Hoey said, low play-mates as being an impor- Thp physical training alone will be tant personage to carry on corres- Ui!l,ful; it Nviu a,M 10 U) 15 year9 t() pondence with the President. your iife, IIe comparea conditions The letters have the sAme mes- lnnw .,.;(u hoso of fommr timn, wh..n sage with the same clear ring to them: "Dear Mr. This is my first attempt in Latin, and I am assuming that you have studied Latin. Therefore, I am writ ing to ask you if your knowledge of Latin has helped you. Trusting that I may have an early reply, I am, very truly yours, WOODROW WILSON, Jr.' These young people are seeking a reform, whereas, the greatest reform would be for them to quit thinking about the terrors of Latin and study it a little harder. LAWN DALE NEWS our forefathers went away to battle. He said the Americans were better equipped now than ever in the his tory of civilization. The Russian soldier draws 12 cents a day, the German "0 cents, while the American draws a dollar a day. We have in herited heroism and bravery of our forefathers. You go in confidence and in glory and will return a finish ed type of citizenship; broadened in vision, enlarged in view with deeper conception of the duties of a citizen. At the conclusion of Mr. Hoey's speech the drafted men gave him a rousing ovation and Mr. Newton, sec retary of the board, called for vol unteers among the alternates in case any failed to appear for any reason, whereupon all present who were al- xir Af :i n.... v. 01 ........ 'V1" '"roiu.iai i.:, c qui-, ,ov. ,,ncr American colonies. Then in the when $2.r.00d is to be subscribed. A inn. vanlinn;n : .h:,.h ol1 F pect the wives to make the most of great deal of interest is being arous- L0I)e wa. (,narr(i Rn,.,, .ar,.hw,l ed in the observance of the day. In-' . shi (m the hgh gcas am, dividual are subscribing from small ,rish seamon on our Vt,sst,s ,nto amounts up to $500. Several church- her sm.icc This caU!!cd th(. Unite,i .t royal and generous manner, rest until their children carr-marry N'cvtr have such dinners been spread 'off with no consideration or prepara ar..i never has a more whole-souled tion as they did. And then family hospitality been manifested. The history repeats itself. Any wife pi-iy.Y of Fallston are unified in car- :with several small children that ha ir? for the delegates, members of to drag around in the field would b.' othr .'enominations opening their better off with her husband in the hon e and spreading bountiful tables 'army if she could draw his pay and fi r the Baptist brethren. The Meth- later get a pension, ml;-! and Methodist Protestant con- President Wilson says, 'Wives erc?at.ns offered their churche s to should not be required to work t th" Baptists for service they might 'support themselves and children wish to hold outside of the Baptist while their husbands are serving in church and the Methodist and Meth- j the Army." How many will have t oiist I'mtestant ministers have been work while their husbands are left on the grounds looking after the en tertainment and comfort of the de legates. nn Wednesday and yesterday the at home with them? A few years ago in the last week in June I made a trip from Shelby via Asheville, Knoxville, Louisville, Ky., to i rince- Fali-ton people took home many bas-jton, Ind., thence to Terrahaute, ln kcts full of food thev had carried out 'diananolis. and back to Louisville, t" the church for dinner. The crowd was iarge and all ate heartily, but the Fail-ton people simply had too much. With good roads and autombiles lead ing into Fallston from every direc tor, most of the visitors and dele pate? are able to go Ijome for the night. unlike it was years ago be-fur- the advent of good roads and :"biles. Not making allowance for tiiis. the Fallston people are sim ply n-( r-prepared. This is the first time the Fallston Baptist church has entertained the aso.-ia'ion, but the church has been ''Vanizn since the association was formed f,7 years ago 1 "'-i:'' h buiiding is freshly painted it, a shady grove. Back of the hangs a large picture of the '.! ! Thomas Dixon, Sr., who pastor of the church for many i.e idea of the size of the as-'"-'latioii can be gained from the di-l-'"it of church letters prepared by ' ''' J. J. I.attimore: I'ati,rs salary total $11,274.7:). State missions $1,309.13. H'"r.e minions, $1.CC8.04. missions, $909.04. ''i'har.age. $1.416.0,"). es are expected to secure a thousand dollars or more on the fourth Sun day in September. MR. GRIGGS WILL Leaves His Real Estate to Widows And Orphans, to be Distributed by Local Masonic Lodge. nvprinir over 800 miles and never saw a woman working in the field until I got back to Asheville when 1 saw one woman hoeing corn on a hillside and I covered the whole route in daylight both going and coming and kept a close lookout all the time u tma fntncr and nlow- ai lilt: miuio, .ui-niih " i . . ,i i ing corn We mav have some excuse not. Mr. Grigg's real and personal but not so much in a cotton country, j property is estimated to be valued ,at $15,000 to $20,000, the real estate from $lit,000 to ?1,),000 leaving the 'personal property to Mrs. Grigg val iued at from $4,000 to $5,000. He The will of Mr. Millard A. Grigg which was probated this week, names C. R. Hoey and J. Frank Roberts as executors, gives all of his personal property to his wife and the real es tate to her, to be held in trust by the Cleveland Lodge A. F. and A. M. for her as long as she lives; after her death the real property to create a permanent fund, the income from which will go to the relief of dis tressed widows and orphans wherever they may be found in the county by the local chapter of Masons. The principal is not to be touched but the income, after Mrs. Grigg's death is to be for the relief of widows and orphans ,it matters not whether heir husband or father was a Mason or States to declare war against Eng land. This war was not popular in the North, especially in the New England states whose Governors re fused to obey the President's call to furnish troops. But some patriotically-inclined volunteered from New England. We made three attempts to invade Canada and failed fitted Car of Piedmont Students is Ditched ternates promptly volunteered, show Personal .Mention oi interest. int, thl flnpst f . .,,. ...p, -- 1,200 See Them Off Special to The Star; Misses Lona Mae Metcalf and hdith Miss Maude Grigg at Piedmont re centlv. Other visitors on the Hill re Wednesday morning's spectacle Hoyle of Shelby were the guests of" no less inspiring. At 0:25 the '. . ... , . imiin trnthnrnd lefnrp the confederate monument on the square where they I .1 Al cently were Messrs. W. M. Blalock, were accounted ior, anu vnen miu, Bvnum McEntire and Hoyt Dixon, jnew Peyton McSwa.n was appointed Mr. and Mrs. John McKinney of , captain ana dime uiu, r ..m. i..l-u. ttimore spent the week-end with I to escort the men to Camp Jackson Lattimore spent their daughter, Mrs. Buford Hord. Misses Elsie and Agnes Andrews. I temporary at Columbia, S. C. They were given control of those under . : n,MVnrwl tkn mnn hdl n IT TO. Ieona Fleming, Glenna l.entz, Katy ,"'' lu'"""u M.o nnd Mr. Banks J. Peeler of quired to regard tehm as superiors Doings of the District Board The District Exemption Board for the Western district of North Caro lina at Statesville hands down the The church following decision concerning dis charges: Mayes Ross, on grounds ol i.e pendents, claim (ii.-allowed -not x- empt. . . , Shellie B. Si-ake. on indu-tnal grounds, claim allowed -certificate f ,li,hnriro to exiiire I U'C. 1, l'.'li. Monroe M. Mitchem. on ground dependents, claim disal'iowed-i-iOt ex empt. H.-rb-rt A. Wilson, on ground claim disallowednot ex owns his stock of furniture, and the brick store room in which it is hous !ed, his home and lot on N. Morgan Istrett, another house and lot on N iMorpan and a farm near Beam's Mill com) rising over 1(10 acres. i company and proceeded to march them toward the Southern depot. and Lois Yelton. m;.. r-., I!..ll iiml Itrvnnt Gard- I, t, m;ii .t' Satnrdav.Wat a march it was! In the streets Ill'I oi lii-ain.T ..mi .-,-vii. ... . went 73 of Cleveland's honor sons Mi Dennis Yelton left this week .while a greater crown re, ... i . IT 1 with Misses Alcia ana vanu- num. , i 'cuius i iiii - - u..,w ...u. hn nwnted 'along the sidewalks. Automobiles a position as stenographer. : followed the procession behind, rine- o v,ir home from Shelby to ; looking, cheerful, buoyant-spirited, of Fine Running Record !").. V.! st. an Education $241.55. 's'.erial relief, $13'.i.ui. ' "Heges and schools, $375.11. l:'i;l'lings and repairs, $2,093.32. :'; -r the poor $202.50. Hiniay S-hocl expenses ?l,r0.00. Other objects, $5.o33.5ii. 'tal for nil objects $20,033.72. T!al membership, 8580. ()flicers and teachers, 339. S. Scholars, 5080. T"!al enrollment, 5,419. dependents ,empt. j Wa:. A. ilenetidet'its empt. Jacob obe L grounds, claim empt. Williams, on ground claim disallow e l-r..-t e .einler, on mnu disallowed not The Eagle Roller Mills is now running day and night, making flour, and the test that the machinery i.s f being put to is tjuite interesting. Mr. vv . it. iiartness nas ngureu ma: tne engine which runs. 144 hours a week, or day and night, without stopping, makes a total of 1,555,200 revolutions. i The mill is turning out 110 to 120 1 barrels of flour a day and has 3,000 barrels contracted for which will be delivered in the next thirty days. By1 steady night and day running, the millers say the machinery is kept ... . , i. T . .. ... , . .into inn r orr vm ni I'liiiui. i i esc our privateers and preyed on British Catawba Co! ege Newton. ?. pen - ; . their i'Clilin.e siderably. Now we have been at peace with England for more than one hundred years with not a forti fication on the Canadian border of 3000 miles. During all this time England has been our best friend and commercial customer. We are mostly English, speak the same language, have the same idea of personal liberty, civil law and religion standing for the same civilization equality and jus tice to all men. We mention these for the consideration of our German sympathizers, who had rather fight England. Broad-minded, brave men can fight out their quarrels, shake hands, for get and forgive. Only narrow, weak souls can forever hold grudges. But England has a king. That saves her from the excitement of a presidential election while her king has much less power than iur president and would not dare to veto any law the people want. France and England are our best friends and if they go down the United States will have the whole burden of trying to uphold the world's civilization. After the battle of Waterloo in which Naloneon was defeated and peace restored in Europe, England still had the insolent American yan kees to settle with. When her vic torious legions returned home after the wars with Nanoleon she Piedmont Saturday night the car in which Misses Lois and Nannie Yelton Miss Katy Moose and Mr. B. J. Peeler, N. E. Moore and Claud Grigg were riding, overturned and the oc cupants were thrown into a side ditch with the result that Mr. Peeler was slightly injured on his knee and Miss Nannie Yelton suffered some cuts and bruises. Miss Lois Y'elton was at the wheel when suddenly the lights were extinguished just below the home of Mrs. Mattie Cline result ing in the car leaving the road. CELEBRATION AND PICNIC At Lenoir College, Hickory. X C, Tuesday. Sept. 25, 1917. This great occasion will celebrate the Quadricentennial of the Protec tant Reformation and the closing of the College Endowment Campaign. Dr. Simon Peter Long of Mansfield, I il)U'c pf honor. The train was pret r.L: ...:n l. ni in.'ln .. .... .....1 i . n. limu, will IH'i ill in. on ci. 10. nun the "Soldiers if Freedom filed in. At the depot, a few heavy-hearted fathers, mothers, and sweethearts stood with tear-dimmed faces as their loved ones passed out of the sunlight of an almost perfect morn ing into the closed cars. A notice able feature of the occasion was the admirable spirit in which the drafted men took their departure smilingly they bade their friends goodbye as if bent on a pleasure trip and as one by one they mounted the car steps thrills of pride sezed thise stand ing by and many expressed a desire to go also. Thev showed remarkable ; poise and great self-control. Some nnp in the crowd started a yell a3 the whistle blew and the bell sound ed and a large" number joined and filled the air with a great display of American patriotism. There were something like 1200 people, exclusive of the boys them- upkp nt the dooot tov nay them a f - trial ex- on some of her veteran generals to .vounteer to go over and humiliate the Americans. None would volunteer thinking there was not much to it. 1 Then a detail was made and a small force was ser.f over landing 4000 troops on Chesreake Bay, marched en Washington and took it with but ittle resistance. A little force of regulars made a stiff fight but was ty well filled before the I leveiana i,"i,ii ..ntrninp.1 there brine a score est nlatform sneaker in the I .U'.her- 1 r.. .1. f .....1 c.l .... t . . I cnu iiWnar1 .. ,, i - . 0j rtuiliei loin .1 r-vn-i mi oww.t m. 'Ni n an I hnr'h nt a merle:! r llKill Ol Illi- at 3:30 p. m. Dr. Long is the great- Will Not Requisition . neat ,Warm and much better grade of flour Rerorts that the government is js turned out. We are glad the mill j contemplating requisitioning wneat ,s enjoying a good patronage. th farms to keen flour mills go Farmers Bulletins the food administrator, .uui ." erally, Mr. Hoover said, are running on full time, although some are han dicapped by shortage of crain. r i mlministration officials ex- 1 in , . swept out of the way. Next they en countered 13000 militia strongly en trenched but a few sky-rockets stampeded them and they marched into the city burned the capitol and other nublic buiddings. stayed a few jdays and went back to their ships. r ,, , . , . , I Later a force of 80000 called at New IT. it. ciioiiev, mini ueiiuiii-', . . i i,i u,. , . J . . . Orleans and were defeated by Gen, Prizes for Pig Club Members tional reputation. His lectr.reo are most entertaining, instructive and profitable. Mr. John J. George of Cherryville. N. C, who is an exceptionally s'rong speaker will speak at 11:3(1 a .m. All are incited. Let the people turn out to hear ' these sylendid speeches. There is to be a big picnic feature on the collece campus. All who I They greeted the crowd with shouts and yells showing their willingness , to meet the Kaiser when the oppor tune moment shall arrive. I There were some vacancies in the list selected to go, among which we 'notice William McNeilly, Shelby; Arthur Austin, Shelby; F.ben C. Can jsler, Kings Mountain; Esper Wort- man, Casar; Doras F. Grigg. Waco; Braxton M. Bowen, Shelby and Fran klin R. Lattimore. Lattimore. It is find it convenient are most cordially unuersto0(i however, that Mr. Latti invited to bring well-filled baskets now in Missouri and asked Come. Let us spend a joyful and -r ft transfer to Camp Funston. profitable ,Whit? to U. S. Department of Ag-Lw,t wncat to begin to move freely rioulture. Washington, D. C, for the Lvithin a short time. Except in lim Howing bulletins: Soy beans No.'itwl arpaSi where anti-war and pro- " Aitalfa No. 339, Cow peas No-lGerman propaganda is carrieu "18, Dain- Pol.. j mi If willi.. i i. rlianosition. . j vmica, mil iii. - 'mere nas'iiet-ii uu 1 "u to get these bulletins. on, Mr. Hoover said, to withhold wheat from ... i. Withholding, it is de- M tne minimi" " 1SSPS Afo, J n TTontln 1 . , ...:u U,. r effect On DHCeS .'.Mntc anu icc ciareu, ww n,c v nave hppn in ai :ii it.:.- I . ,..;il m.iintnin in its . mv " - Jackson with his trained Indian I fighters. This great victory was ... ii rxsiicviiic una ms on a business trip. purchases. strator asks that every pig club member exhibit one or more pigs at the Boiling Springs Community Fair I ' ' k aft a e which will be held October 5th. The:ft ... , o it wn. Shelby Nationa Bank will give three and did nQ KOod in set. cash prices: $o for the best pig; $...,. thp war for the second best pig; $2 for the uing tne w best pair and $2 for the best exhibit ; - . of cross breeds. The members of the ou can get little articles you club are asked to box or crate their need every day at Linebergers pigs for this one day only and com-, little things J'OU need around pete for these liberal cash prizes. 'the house. adv. day together. R. L. FRITZ, President Lenoir College. Birthday Dinser There will be a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. B. W. Blanton on Shelby R-2 the fourth Sunday in September, 1917. Everybody is in vited to come and bring well-filled baskets. The following alternates were ap pointed to take their places: Jas. S. Ware, Kings Mountain; Geo. A. Spake, Shelby, R-l; Jno. M. Hasting, Casar; Joseph Arthur Green, Shelby R-l; Marion B. Hord, Shelby k-i, and Elzie Lee Beam, Shelby, R-7. ATTENTION PLEASE We are offering a number of Oliver, Chattanooga and Vulcan steel beam plows at old prices, Mr. Joe C. Smith is in New York arnrt mese over. r . j New shipment of ladies boots in .first served. J. D. Linebergers gray, white and tan at Hull Bros. Sons. adv. . ..; L J