1 ' Jit '".- ''''''''' p.ihiihed Every We Do Job Work the Linotype Way Let Us Figure on Your Work. Phone No. 11 Tuesday and Friday The Oldest and Ber Paper in This Sedan; XXV. NO.- 83 VOL, THE CLEVELAND C!TAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, OCT. 12, 1917 ...O A YEAR IN ADVANCE DR. MITCHELL IS PRESIDENT SAM C. LATTIMORE, FOOD ADMINISTR ATOR FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY ANNOUNCES WORKING STAFF Everv Citizen Ask'd To Meet In District School House Sat. Oct 20th and Sign Pledge Cards To Conserve and Economise In Food - By Food and Fuel Shall The War Be Won. . .; . nf rinvr-lnnrl Cnnntv liott. Mis, Rfh C.. m:... r,. ,, J M.' S" . Li"C01"' . Mklenburg, l!WVn' :. 3VJw:i xhjn "1,Ba Uttlie ., atamey and Union. Gas "ot ' ' 1 UJ ,m uiaiuo, J1UL Uy I " uiao auiiuu iNUWIOn. SHELBY PHYSICIAN MADE PRESIDENT OF MEDICAL SO CIETY SIXTY DOCTORS FROM NINE COUNTIES ATTEND THE MEETING. Sixty doctors were present Monday at the meeting of the Seventh Dist rict Medical Society comprising the counties of Anson, Cabarrus, Cleve- In a collision between a motor car and railroad train, n ftw n-iilns fmm Portumith vn ' m .1. Iwith his friend, William Ware " 1 j Kings Mountain. were killed. j Misse8 Virginia and Cecil Huskey Camp Jackson, at Columbia, S. C, former students of B. S. II. S, visit- tonia wh kMvMuA i .' now has l.'t.:i.'!0 mnn. 7 nnr, nf thnv.. e(1 mends and their brother. Sunday .w ami shells, but by loocl and fuel Heme Economics Mi. , fi 'inc nlacp anrl Pir w w Mi.un f v.,l ailernoon. ouv. ;j i , uuaon - """-"ra vi ucuiK jiuui nona uaronna. .hull .he war he won said Mrs. Le- intt rlialrmon. m.. i. i? r. . Shelbv was elected nroddpnf Hi- I i mar, president of the Colonial Dames Frank Elam. M. John 11' rv,f' 1.' N-' Glenn of Gastonia vice-Dresident The British cruiser Drake was tor- NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE LIVE ITEMS OF GENERAL INTER EST TAKEN FROM THE DAILY PRESS AND BOILED DOWN FOR BUSY READERS. . BOILING SPRINGS NEWS SUFFRAGETTE SPEAKER TO MORROW ' High School (Students Win Prizes at The Fair Personal Mention of Miss Younger of California 1o Speak People on the Move. ; n Shelby Court Square TomorrD j Afternoon Speaks With Zeal and Special to The Star: ' Enthusiasm. Rev. I. D. Harrill is now a cit.izon of Boiling Springs, having moved here to put his children in Boiling Springs High School. forest Kiaer spent the week-end of Mr. nd Mrs. C. C. Huggins of Car- oleen, visited their daughter, Ruth, class ,f Amirira, Women's President of Miss Meldon'a Livingston Mrs Camp- and t)r- S- R- Tnmpson of Charlotte pedoed and sunk last week, pre.?umaJwho is a member of the senior lw National Council of Defense.in her bell Phifer Mi r:..rtv,i !,',. ' secretary. Twenty scientific naiiers blv bv a German suhmnrinp. nir Hip 'of Roilino- Snrinir. Wirh Snhnni excellent addi-ess to the representativ- Women in Industry Mrs. C R dealinK witn medical and surgical sub- north coast of Ireland. The vessel I The many friends will regret to ei of the County Councils of Defense ' Hoey, charman;Mrs. John F. Schrr.ck! fets read and discussed, a fea- reached harbor, but sunk in shallow .learn that Mrs. Frank West, nee, Nell in the State wide meeting held at Ral-, Mrs. C. E. Neisler, Mrs. C. C. Cobb. lure tne PrKram being the discus- water. One officer and 18 men were 'Sholar, a member of the class of 1914, firil ast weeK. .virs. lemar mignt I . . ...nu, w nauiwuun uj killpd hv thp pvnlnninn f added that the women of Ameri-CommitUes for the Men and Major George E. Houch, U. S. A., by the exPloslon "t solve the problem of food and , VVomen lCa-P G,reent', charlotte- I Fifteen men were taken from a pac- fuel for economy and conservation ' Safe Guarding of Moral and Spirit-1 Rev- Lee McB. White opened the iflst meeting at South Pasedena, Cal., .re'moiiliarlv women's problems Oflual Forces Rev. C. A. Wood, chair- meeting with prayer and Attorney D. by 40 members of the city's home ionrse Mrs. I-emar meant by her man' A- C- Irvin' J- W- Suttle' A- lh 7" xAehre& the address of guard, placed in automobiles :nd statement that America and her al- " ,V ... l?ev.' -;lrs- Llzzle I v,elLvme- "I; i-auimore read driven to the city limits, where they fie have sufficient men and munitions if""- D- "m". G; L. Kerr, Thos. a .paper on Cretinism and Dr. E. A. were set down with the suggestion to fight the enemy, but food and fuel """'"f, " RJ-uurn, mis. Bast !e 'bt;iimd in sufficient quantat- ' 'V" 'viK.v ies to onr.bie the men to use the war ; ""information and History I. C. matt-rial effectively. .,r , . In this fiirht for freedom the Unite:! fl rna:'V . . . . . .. C urnn.ent is calling upon ev- "t-on-J. V Irvm ehairman. . . ... -(V...V, . Public Health Dr. L. B. Lattunore, en- cton to inr orm an extra a- (.h&iima I)r. s. HorJ r (; M Bount ofv.-r. and at the same t.me I)r j w Wood, Mrs, y A. to consume less of certain fnods. House Mi j,,.. Maunp Mjss - ! ."asily done.by subst.tu - r,!lisv Pri Mrs R c. Ellis" ir.g i' r na '.n foods easily transport ed! the trenches other foods not m Township Committees Houser of Fallston read a naDer o'i 4u.t i ,.i ' v. c i j. . ' . .r. .mat nicy snuuiu iioi reiuin. the prevention and treatment of Te- . . , , . , , , Approximately z,ow carioans oi tanns Unfavorable weather somewhat un- 'ood and otner necessities are bung set the social side of the doctors' vis- delivered daily by the railroads at it in Shelby, but an elegant lurchcon tHe cantonments where the new Na was served in the Central Hotel din- (tional army and the National Guard ing rooms .Monday night. The cool are being trained for service abroad, weather caused them to abandon the according to reports received bv the court house as a meeting place be- ralroad war board, cause of the shortage of coal and no I . 4 . .. heat, but they repaired to the .school The 4:' lntt'r"ed German sailors auditorium where a comfortable nlm-p aHd 13 officers of the Prinz Fitel ea;hy tr.ir.-i ortei to tne tretunes, yet ( j jownship J. A. McC.-uv, vvas lur'shed tor the several gather- Fnodrich. who have been confined in containing necessary elements. The ,.najrmani Gaffney S. C.; Plato lli-'iinsrs At tne conclusion of the pro-'the prison barracks at Fort Ogle- probifi! U clearly set forth in a card ,,,i ,ummje Bridges. J. P. Ilytrs G.'Fa,n th(' visiti,K doctors gave a ris-lthrope for several months, have been tttt w::: given to every citizen of F. Early, J. I). Ellis. V. A. IIu:'.ii.hr;es.,ng vot.( " tha.nks lo thl" cit' of transferred to Fort McPhearson in CevMa -l - ii'.-v to be placed in the Mrs. II. L. Mosteller, chairman. Q . Cleveland County Me.li- 'Atlanta. The prison at Fort Ogle- Ktchen. Along with this Home Card, Garln.y, S. C: Mrs. Sumnue Brm-es, aV, . i i ' ; i nohP ia,ll- thrope will be used for civilian aliens, ! , . 0,1 wt-iu lix. rj, n .. r il -C. lu'gister, J. h. S. Davidson R. Z. Querry, A. J. Crowell, S. R. Thomp son. Oren Moore, Robert H. Latl'ertv Otto B Ross, L. W. Hunter, I. W. Faison, R. W. Petrie, Maj. (ieo. E. Houch, II. D. Stewart, J. E. Ker R. jArmfk-Id, W. W. Craven. E. B. I.atti Imore, W. F. Mitchell. R. ('. Ellis, T G illamrick, B. H. Palmer, .1. S. l.af bershio ( containing complete information and Airs. Ulanehe Morton, .Mrs. .J. 1). l.y- in-tru'.tions. there will be handed ev- crs, Miss Esther Mosteller. Mrs. I.. A. err housekeeper a Pledge Card. Af- Humphries, Mrs. C. T. McGmnis. ter reading the Home Card you are N. 2 Ton.-hip Paul llamre k. i . ;,. ,u in., i i-., i ,i chairman, Boiling Springs; A. 1). Jol- . . lev Ss ( I ;itt minrp It I Mel t'HW . j lime signeil the Pledge thus Card you are required to place .r. a Mj E t Cuni thairman( r,ul front v,;rl.iw of your home the .Mem- . c, , ,. . u hifh vi indieftp to - ierrv. i . f. .virKrnvpr s sj ..... w . ... ..ii. (Ir ..i, ' v., . . ,v.',..n.l, , ., , ....... n.n all who pass your home that you '(i,.'; ' V,,T ' tStlJZ I. ,i i P- R- McFaden, R. A. Rhvne. C. H. North Carolina suhscnueii of whom there are now about 125 Final returns completed and sent to J. P. Morgan, treasurer of the ?', 000,00(1 pension fund for the support of retired Episcopal clergymen, show that the fund was eversuhscvi!-e.l nearly 75 per cent, total subscrip tions amounting to $8,712,000. Of this, $5,104,555 has already been paid. By Miss Fendall: Mins Maude Younger of California, one of the most brilliant speakers in the suffrage movement, is making a speaking tour of the southern states in the interest of the National Wom an's Party. She will come to Shelby on the thirteenth of October and ad dress a meeting from the public ssquare. Miss Younger is most demo cratic in her tastes and likes to speak before street meetings because in this way she is able to reach people who would very often not come into a hall, but will Btop to hear what is being said on the street. At i Q D VMinrvP nan nnf nnlt. ..!.... 19 ritlpnllv ill in Rt Paten Unsn tol f .... ( i Yt . , an account of what the women voters Charlotte. of her own gtate haye done but tus Hon. J II. Qumn attended the com-la,B0 of the Htica, gi(le j th(? f. munity Fa.f, Friday, and dined with frage is8ue as she haa been ,n eha his daughter, Miss Mabel Qu.nn , tht of the suff ,bb before c B rr' -""- " of the Woman's Party for the past Rev. T. C. Holland left for Louis- vine, y. wnere ne a a scuuen. in.for 80 long a timc M( b JuJi. two yeara. When the suffrage amendment was Senhinary Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Houser of Shelby were in the village Wednesday afternoon, visiting Curtis Falls. Among the out-of-town folks who attended the first attraction of the Lyceum entertainment were, Dr. and Mrs. Lee of Lattimore, Miss Liz zie Cabiness, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Falls of Cherryville The following High School won prizes in art and fancy work at the community fair: Victoria Ferguson, Ruth Higgins, Le venia Sugg, Carral Long, Inez Ezell, Mrs. O. P. Hamrick and Miss Wolfard. The following students uf the have complied with the request Miss Edna Lattimore, Miss Oilie Moore, Miss Corene Hamrick, Mis.- C. Bostic, George Oates, J. C. Twitty, jour goi riiiiieni ana uui Jim an- yu- ()jvt, ('ra,tree ro w among those wno are snar.ng v.. t i .,. i. r - the bur,!: -.s of our nation at this crit- L ' :"l . "n'T 'H. . 'i -' I- Williams, J. A. Patterson. L. N blmomert. Kinir M ' R Pic'er" W A Gl Id en Glenn' J- A- Anders, I. A. Garrison, Hic.T.g .r,n aooointed Food Ad- h"' !. ..In 1 ut' ri' ' .S- A. Wilkins. J. E. Ashcraft, S. A. Pough, L. W. Johnson, C. J. McCombs. A disDatch from retrocrad, Russia. C. O. Chamption, J. Y. Hamrickk, W. says that fire in a theatre Sunday, in min'-trator for Cleveland county, I 'M;,; H' patterson, "chairman, i hereby rail upon all the citizens to Stephens, R. II. Garren. .1. L. I.ovett, Te A IJ.m,,. n I e. l 1. t n .. . A. f. T .1, J " U. Jfc. 111 I Lft, O . ill. "' in the :.hool building of their ,,r. Mrs. vnl. I.owrv. Mrs. .1. !!. a' " ' ' IKrcc-.ve .-h..( istnrtu on Satur- . n- t :.. n. . m;... v. . iiuum-i, o. o. dunnsiuii , r " , ,ilI. .III.-. UO.-MC lltllLilil. .HI..' day, iV:o1t 20th. 1917, for the pur- ic f;ettj pose of signing Pledge Cards which ' No t Tov nship W. II. Me(,innis. will lie furnished then and there, also chairman. Kings M,tn., M. E. Hem to discuss ways and means to in- (on g Neisler, E. 'V. Barnes. S. crease and to conserve our food pro- A Crouse.Miss Bessie Simonton, Mrs. ducts. I also call urxin all the minis- I. B. (Joforth, Mrs. Lizzie Falls. Miss which some 25 to 100 persons lest their lives, according to varying esti mates, is supposed to have ignited from a dropped cigarette. Most of the victims were soldiers n the hos- -pital on the fifth floor of the building quarters in and others. WEDDING AT FALLSTON .Miss Floy Lassiter Becomes the Bride Of Mr. William P. Wheeler of Wal- nut r'nvo ters ami Sunday School Superintend- Meldona Livingston, chairman, Grov-1 Special to The Star ents of the county to lend their assis- er; Mrs. 1). J. Keeter, Mr. J .B. Ellis,," A beautiful hom"e wedding took wkh in tne several local cnurcnes in inrs. r. .a. .rio, ui-imkh- '""- '! place last Tuesday evening, at the the matter of securing pledges. By Mrs. James Borders, Miss Bessie Tur- home of' Rpv and Mrs w 'c j assj. the direction of the State and Nation- ner, Miss Edith Hambright. terj wben Migs Floy( their (aughter, al Food Administrators, I urge you , No. 5 Towriship J. B. Smith, chair- c&mG the bride of Mr William P. to preach upon this subject on Sun- man, W aco; M. P. Harrelson. M. V. wheeler. suhioct October 21st. Smith, S. L. Ueiimger, c. l . iseam, n. rh. rprpmonv toni, nacp t fiv. To the Chairman, hntb Indies and H. Elliott S. P. Miller, Mrs. Stough l.i-ir. M t n,sipr thp fnthpr nf gentlemen, of all the Township Coun-1 Miller, ehairman, Waco; Mrs. D. H.the bride officiating, assisted by Mr. "Is of Defense, I urge you to have Elliott, Mrs, Joe Kcndnck, Mrs. Will Moton, pastor of the Methodist Prot one member of your Council at each Hoard, Mrs. C. C. Beam, Mrs. S. L. lestant church of Fallston. Immediate school district on Saturday, October Dellinger, Mrs. W. A. Black ,ly afer the cerem0ny, refreshments 20th, to as-ist the local committees in1 No- 6 Township J. r. Williams, were sen.e(j which were enjoyed by raring pledges. I also ask you to chairman, Shelby; J.C. Mull, fehjaii present. We up these pledge cards and for- C'ine. John Gold, J. Q. Anthony, Geo. . The bri(1e is the ony daughter of ard them to me immediately at Shel- Wolft'. Clemmic Dixon, Webb Whis-Mr an(, Mrs w. C. Lassiter of by. X. C. nant, Mrs. J. A. Anthony, chairman; Fallston, and one of the most popular , The following executive committee s. Martin Rjrts M- J- A. r-' girls of the village. She is a grad fcrFood Administration in Cleveland (,ers, Mrs. (.. C. Cobb, Mrs .) r. Koo- uatp of Guilford College, receiving an County has been named jointly b" crUs, Mrs. Bynum Mauney, Mrs. ( "!c-iA- R. (!egree at the Commencement of Henrv A P v, AHminitrptn'r nian Blanton, Mrs. John (. Hamrick. Ijqk;, ThP e-room is an efficient em- .o. iuusini i vti i j ' 1 1 ""o nlovee ol tne soumern nanroao v-um- f. L. . I T !?..li; r J .. . ,nr V- , . II . ,,",!,.. and servants occupym i 1 t ..!1J! tne Duiiuing. ui,r, v. cnn,iv Resolutions urging the (uai-iermas-1 . RAMBLER. ciary committee, of which Mr. Webb is chairman, Miss Younger was regu lar attendant of the committee meet ings so that she came to be "known as the twenty-Becond member of the committee. This is only one instance of the zeal and enthusiasm which Miss Younger brings to the cause for which she fights. Before coming to Washington to members of the ',. ... .... int-iii, anx: iinu ueeuiiiiuisneu spienuui things for the women in her own state. It was through her efforts that the eight hour law for working wo men was passed in California and Through her tireless campaign that the women employed in restaurants High School spent 'the week-end ,-n San Francisco secured the recog- away: inition of their union and secured bet- Curtis Falls, Mildred Campbell ter conditions under which to work. Mamie Dei'riest. Annemo Kanipe, As an orator also Miss Younger Jesse Jerkins, Gady Davis, Ambrose has won many laurels. She has spoken Early, Mamie Lee Falls and Dixon 'for suirraK0 in praetirally every larpe Falls. city in the country. She has on many Mrs. Grady Withrow of Hollis and occasions been chosen by great her sister, Miss Martin of Ellenboro, Igroups of women as their represen were pleasant visitors Sunday after- tative, noon. When the women voters came to- Mrs. Bristoe of Harris Station vis- 'gether to form the Woman's Party in ited her niece, Pamelia Duncan, who,1916 she was the keynote speaker at is a student in Boiling Springs High the convention. She is the only wo- School, Sunday afternoon. man who has ever made an address H. S. Hcwev of Lockhart, C..1 in the Statuary Hall of the Capital. d , Statf'- an1 myself: Anlor Mnnriishurn' .1 VV . Kll ins. 1 I : I t.l olW.,lnt rn.n V t v i ' , neioy, 01.1., oiipi. r . ,., ,, - -- , n th ir Elliott. I Joe Washburn, D. G .Washburn, ZacK 'tk a car for Shelby where they M. H-M s-i.k'.. 'v r ' n t Mull' Walker, Mrs. J. P. McSuam. chair- i10ar,ej the 0ast .bound Southern train Ijudge Shelhv.' ' ( Vi vV it,l; 1 man, Mooresboro; Mrs. J. W. R-.Hins. for Walnut Cove, N. C. their future ' said, 0 dale.x.V I; -V L H Patterson ' Pat" Mrs. Troy Stockton. Mi, Daisy home. The many friends of Mr. and I r terser P ' J1 ' v r 1 Price, Mrs. A. C. Jones, Mrs. M. M. Mr8- wheeler wish for them along .r. fc-!!"tt. Shelby, N. C, R-6. ter corps to establish a largo ice cream plant at the American base in France, and offering the resources of the National Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers to assist the War De partment in supplying ice cream at cantonments, were adopted by the as sociation of ice cream manufactur ers, in session in Boston. Maximum prison sentences of two years each were imposed in the Fed eral court in New York city, upon Henry Seligman, physician of a Brooklyn draft board, and Nathan Ehrlich and Lazarus Jacobson clerks, as penalty for receiving money for exempting a man examined for the draft. Seligman, in addition, was fined $3,000. A company of Home Guards was ordered from Jacksonville, Fla., to Madison county, Fla., to protect two officers of a bank that had failed. The two men were expected o be put on trial yesterday. Not only nave lives been threatened ny angry depositors, but also the life of the and prosecuting attorney, it is wing to a change of venue. Ernest Cooper, superintendent South Carolina State Sonator- ium situated near Columbia, was Green. 'and hannv married life 'f- - 1.:.. i) 1 u"...,ili.. , . j. 1 .: .o. lown.snii iv. 1.. i.vl..., , 'ihose wno were present ami ,j : fu r;,.:, f,nrt r.f nvi- chairman, Shelby; J. T. S. Mauney, L. the C(.rpmnv were Misses Ol- 'convicted m.the ( ,rU1 1 , . , 1.. t.: v; 1 v;.iu n (' .11M1- ,. n.j.. r. r1o Ttnn icious mischief, in that he dm Kin -i"inistrator for Cleveland ' TV , ' l' William-!116. m ""S,rW a dog that invaded his premises. He inf. 11. vi. A'- ..v...., -,:iri(i 1 rail uv-diit. i.,..--..,. w...., : . . resoectfullv. CURTIS LATTIMORE, rood A tountv -Nat:.na! ( oiin-il nf Defense chairman. Lattimore; .uis.i 'k1.' , Moton Gler.n. Ui'.u.,,,,: c,lim.v T. Kv. Elliott, Miss I.u-.-V Lattimore. .uiss in; S was visiting his daughter, a student Tnis hall was loaned to the suffra- ' gists last Christmas to be used for the first time for any other than an ; ; r , 1 official meeting to pay tribute to a ROB ROY (JFARTETT jpad presiderit of high government . . 'official. t Splendid Lyceum Attraction Begins 1 Misg younger has a very charming The Season The Scotch Numbers personality which wins for her invar- Were the Features. The concert by the Rob Roy Quar tett, the initial number of the Red path Lyceum course, given in the school auditorium Monday evening pleased a large audience. The young men who make up this quartet tie serve the thanks of Shelby people for an evening of clean wholesome fun and out-of-the ordinary music. Some of the most enjoyed numbers were "The Lament" from Pagliacci and "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes" sung by Mr. Browne; the im personations by by Mr. Scott; several well-rendered quarlittes; and espec ially the Scotch numbers, both quar tets and solos. Everybody was charm ed by Mr. M'Callim's singing of "My Ain Folks" and other Scotch folk songs. Of course they gave "Annie Laurie," "Loch Lomond," and "Auld Lane Syne. iably the sympathy of her audience. She has a keen sense of humor which she displays in a delightful fashion when speaking. If there are any ob jections or questions asked in regard to what she says she is always ready and quick with a most convincing answer. One of the leading suffragists in North Carolina wrote recently to the local organizer of the Woman's Party who has been arranging for Miss Younger's tour through the s.tate, that she considered Miss Younger the finest speaker in the ranks of the organization. .South Shdby School Improved- son, C. S. Lee, Miss' Susan Elliott, claren(.'0 Gantt, M. A. Honeycutt, and! was fined $25, or giving the alterna- I I.1 .. 1.... nA.iiinn I -I iluVQ till1 rhlH ; IIVV Ul BC1V1IIK U "J" v,,v ' tramr or in the State prison. The case Speaking for the Liberty Loan , is now on appeal before the Soath A country-wide speaking campaign Carolina Supreme Court. l-irn. ,- . .m ! ",l-rn:.'r Vnrt rmoionMrs. M. M. Modlin , . .., busier i,Ltinoiiv , . vv ,. 1 o i., H o'lmim.trator: I: C Griffin. Gen'l Mrs. J. F. Eaker, Mrs. J. 1. S. Mau- owretary. ney, Mrs. C. S. Lee r Another room has been added to the South Shelby Graded School Building, a sewerage system and sep tic tank installed for the convenience. Mr. M'Callim is but re- h.,alth ami sanjtation of the pupils cently come from his "Ain Countree" ;a,lfi tno premises and the wall on the and brings the breath of heather jjnsj(ie 0f the building gone over with with him. His highland fling andft fnsh coat of tints School opens other Scottish folk dances were pfr-1 Monday October 15th and Prof, haps the most popular numbers of the ,gam c. Lattimore, the efficient prin evening. -The kilts and plaide brought ' cipal for several years wants all child to mind days of Rob Roy himself and rt.n to meet the teachers at 2 p. m. made one wish to read again Sr Wal-'0n the opening day to be classified, ter Sctt's talcs of Scotland. Did. children are asked not to buy any they not bring to mind also the regi-'school books until they receive in- ments of Highlanders whose names gtructions irom the teacners to no so. by widely-known orators including Cook Clayton, clerk of the Federal have bazed with Klory in the pres- The teachers are S. C. Lattimore, MheM..n-J. M. Roberts, R. M. No. 9 Tovnshw - T. ' , m b ' former lYesi.lent la ft. William J.lcourt for the Southern District of Sidnfy. 0. M. Mull, c. C. Blanton, Tv.irmm. Fa sl'n: ' r Wariiflf Fred Moriran, J Moser, John W. Kraek- Bryan, members of the cabinet and Georgia, has been indicted by the ' ..... - .. . I sl'iiri'r. Ill ULIll 1 lilv.il idviii'iiiii. .1. , . 1 ,u ,.l nm. I r . ., ... t..i v.vrmon r. .uatnews. I ... ... . .. ., , r euerai irrnnu jury uu mu r snnin p or tne lA-ceum course, nomers irrauc, .ft, W.,m.,nMrs. L. M. Hull. 'Ii. vi.m '.-hnirman Cleve-iPWlc ,,fc- WJ Ieat"ro Tne SPU.ni1 hAzzlintr S15.000 of eevernment funds. I f ' enn t;,L.pts mv congratulate erade. Miss Margaret r : V.rs- Clanton, vice- , j"" ,,.i!ijiin Kaker, Mrs. .week of the Liberty Loan campaign " fi rresiaot of the 7k.MvM !ond grade and Miss V tarv :.i V-lrs- 1- C- f'-inr.. secrc- " .... A K. nUser, Mrs. which began Monday. 1 , . f Bvrorovillo, (;a.. al Lf Cherrvville. daught ' ,H,asurcr- Rnnafovle. Mrs. Ves Royster, Mrs. Scores ot memnors ot ootn nouses ciavton. was indicted for 'r arivkt OFFICERS IN CH AR-1 Frank Putnam ent war? principal, Miss Lila Dover, assistant If the Rob Roy Quartet is v. fair principal. Miss Beula Moton, fourtn .. . 1. .11 ... i mins AnniA PaftArnn. third iilina hiiiiv. . wv. . McMurry sec- ivian Putnam er of Rev. D. advanced first, Miss r'l Committees for the Men Frank Dixon. . . ... . tT'. 'manipulating the books ,f the banl: DUsin,.. 1 , , ... r.-..l X - 1ft Tnunthin S I. I jr 'I'llU'l, AO U S Uliovai l" l"'"v " "- v,.i...i- , , . chalrCft-rTn(.:'c ehairminBdwood; J. ... Mode.J. P. ical campaign for the loan.are making M u.ycn , - V. .7 T p. L :rhCIeT C' ST&rM Tv. ipTc C. 0f Conger of them will a'ppcar I At Newark, N. J., Federal agent n Vindtur,. and Food Prolncts - Falls Mrs. J. C. Hoyle. chairman, in their own States and districts, feel- s.ized the publishing plant ot uu. Aev r R- M. ;idnev, chrman- Joe E. Lawndale, Mrs. A. D. Yarliek, Mrs. j it the1r (luty to point out the Jersey Freie Ze.tung. a w.dely rea Fton, F. H.rViii a,tHn,nre. t s W'l is. Mrs. A. M. Mull.. Miss nee,i 0f the loan to their con-, German language newspaper and ar 1-"(-'Hn, E. A. Dalton, L. II. Pat- Bettie Cline. Mrs. J. D. Boy les. stitucnt8, but many will accept out-jested its proprietors and editors on wrson. . iwu, T.,u,:n A. V. I otimcard- .. , ,' .,. ....,.... v i Lfcnrwe nf nnhlishir.e se itious and LOTTE Bertie Lee Suttle, first grade. J: r K,rin-3- C. Smith, chair- ner, chairman, Casar Chester Dmins onJ wjn jn treas01lab e articles, ?e "f, C E. Neisler, F Dilling, J. R. A. Parker. Mr. J. Hoyle. A. t., , .required to give bond m the sum of t'"' J-hi, F. Schenck Jr Fred Brackett, Zero Mull.Miss Mitt.e New- California. U5J0O each. The publishers had been n. , f-ntncK, jr., . 1 "a. Casar: Miss Louise r- . v . I fifl K. fvn Pn:tamri Denartment .1 J rimi-Wto h:u n crpenf ,lav c.ihir. C.ermanv and Austria nave agreeu siday, Secretary of War Baker, Sec- to make another peace offer to the '! rotary of Agriculture Houston and Allies, the Deutche iages .eiuing ui 1 'ex-Secretary of the Treasury Shaw 'Berlin says it learns on good author- were all three at one and .the same ,ity. The offer win nave as us um time. Mr. Baker was the star av ho territorial aggrandizement, - the traction. He inspected Camp Green surrender of Belgium and French ter- Home C.ua t . u.:. S?.n',"mM 1 p. Hunt. Miss IMtie Ulan. f. "u r. KODcrcs, ciiau- reeifi, m--" - - .,., Mica .un; (iinirr th ... . . 11 ...ii. nit., tara Workman, miss , oianion, J. ti. jwooiv, Lroti', " jr ; yrne elanton, J. K. Woore, Crotts, miss Cam .'un Suttle- Geo- A- Mojle. R. E. Rozelia Pruette. Campbell t. chl '""-"'sAgnea Mcuray- "V",. nrp 'nrtw spiling four to six .notihed oy tno roswmce uv Favorite ranges a week Better sbow causes why thfir favorite ranges a.weeK. euer,not bg barred from mails come now. rariucis udiuntuc Co. adr. . .on -Miss AgneailcBray- ",7M we wiU only p.""; miss Bessie Simonton, nuw, -- - , j I L F1oSS18 Grig?, Miss Eliza El- have them on hand a few aays. jher fnends. Miss Fan Barnett apeot Taewday rery pleasantly in Gastonia visiting See oar advertisement in this issne on Favorit ranges. They are sure jcoinj? at the old price. Farmer Hardware Co. adr. and made an address; and he and the other distinguished visitors ' were shown much attention. Mr. Houston's visit was informal. He was en route .sld. to hit old home at Monroe. Ex-Secre-1 - tary Shaw was in Charlotte to make ,W AM KIT ritorx. the renunciation of positive territorial acquisitions for payments in money and on indemnity on either T. M. C. A, addresses to th soldiers. When it has the Etom E. McBraJrer label yoa ean depend upon It." Read fcfe 1-2 page ad. dr. -We want every owner of an automobile to see our display of auto rugs at once. We have sone beauties. adv. -': '.il il V i ') 't, t 1 ' t 11 1 1