Published Every Tuesday and Friday The Oldest and Beat pSl per in This Sect iov We Uo J oo Work the Linotype Way Let Us Figure on Your Work. Phone No. 11 VOL. XXV. NO 99 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, DEC, 7, 1917. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE URGES W AR ON AUSTRIA 'PRESIDENT WILSON IN HIS AD- DRESS ' TO CONGRESS RECOM- MENDS IMMEDIATE DECLARA- TION AGAINST DUAL MON- HWIIV . .t , . . ;. . , ' A i.efinite statement to the world 0f America's war aims and of the ba- his u; on which peace will be consider- ! r'-a,k" Tuesday b? Irerulent WUsi'M in an address to Congress :n ne urgea unnwuMie oeuarauon :f :i tate of war between the United States and Austria-Hungary Ger- many s vassal anu iooi. as to lurney ;ulil t.iU.guria, aiau iwuia ui. tuc ciit-niy, i i. :.. 1 iU. lie counselled delay because "tnev do ,.,,t vet stand in the direct path of our t-V,ary action." ' ' ; a. ...... ... r . , lo win tiicwBi, me i leaiueiu ue- elaitd in emphatic and ringing tones, is the immediate and unalterable task nhi-ail. He urs-ed Congress, iust be- ..;r,;,.ir if j n.,,nH war spasinn in mn. .- ' tentn.te itself upon it. ine rresuieni, snarpiy uisnnssea me n- t c- V possibility of premature peace, sought ,1 J " V . "1, preach bv German intrigue and debated by 112 V0 d!ath. by a mob nor the war it may De attained, with vittrry an accompnsnea tact, ne said, peace will be evolved based upon "mercy and justice" to enemy and friend with hope of a partnership of natiens to guarantee iuture world peace The war will be deemed won, he declared, "when the German people ed with criminally assaulting a white say to us, through properly accredited woman in Dyer county, Tenn., No representatives, that they are ready to vember 22, was burned at a stake on agree to a settlement based upon jus- the public square at Dyersburg Sun tice and reparation of the wrongs day. He confessed his guilt, their rulers have done." Terms of Gen. irshing Friday reported peace, he added, would not include deaths of five members of the Ameri dismemberment, robbery or punish- can expeditionary force in France. ment of the enemy, but would be based on justice, defined orieny as JCT ,: , , . rreeoom oi nations anu vneir peo- pies from autocratic domination, rep- l nrntinn to Rp.lcium. relinnuishment of O F 1 - r.erman nower over the neonles of . . r ' .. Austria, Turkey, the free Balkan states, as wei a evacuation oi rrus- fian territorial conquests in Belgium . and other norther France . Fnwhnu z ntr tho nnmoso of the' - 1 1 - ---- United State not to interfere in the internal affairs of any nation the President asserted that no wrong against the German empire was in- r tended and that there was no desire to rearrange the Austro-Hungarian empire. He said when he spoke eight months ago of the right of nations to free access of the seas he had Austr'l , as well as the smaller and weaker na- tions in mind. Appearing before Congress in joint sopsion for the first time since he aked for the war declaration against Germ-ny last April, the President was ninr' than usually warmly greetH, and his speech was rweied with in-hn;ia-ti" apnlaufe which ;:n'W tumul tuous when be reached th- r.coiumen latien as to Austria. Diplomats, jus tices rf the supreme court and other high ofTicials assembled on the floor joined in the demonstration. The definition of war ains and peace 'arms, the most explicit ever voiced by the head of any of the great warring powers, was accepted as the more significant because since his re- rly to the Pope's peace note the i'res- ...... u. , i... mnr. in mnm . and more as a spokesm an for all the nations fighting Germany. Flashes 'Round the World. By advence arrangement th" ad dress was made available for publica tion Tuesday in nearly every corner of the globe. It probably will not ap pear in full in Teutonic racers, but till 111 lull 111 ICUVVIHV .... the papers of neutral countries and the work of allied aviators will get it to many Germans in unmutilated form, i lie request lor a declaration oi wi with Austria met with virtually unan- imoui approval and Congress was pre- pared to give prompt response. Pas- ge by the house Thursday and by the senate Friday of the necessary resolution was planned by leaders, who began drafting the formal docu-j ments soon after the President finish - d peaking. . Strong n favor of in- eluding Turkey and Bulgaria in the new war declaration in spite of the ... . i resident's counsel was prevalen , o onrh it kw int;n t.n Mr. Wilson's Humimsrrnrinn niinprs exoen. . '".. J " declaration: I inv -Unll ,i,,,.. iUp necpssi- i'113. i-'" Anotner can was oougni aim auoi)i inenua. Hie uruie is a ivxri), niiiwiiic vii ncaicis, un oiuira, nii wui -v , tieaoMhU w-r! ufhu fit seems chairman and Mrs. Pink Lackey, sec- an(J lass found in quantities. A third young woman and her sweet disposi- store is full of practical; useful. ,mately. $2,400,000,000 was paid in, al to me we should on'lv where im- treasurer. The following membership can was bought and sent to govern- tion has won for her a host of friends. helpful gifts. J. D. Lineberger's ih less han a tmrd of. that IStTjr committee was appointed: Mrs. Beam. ment official iJHJli Zi AdV I'TShST nearly two-thirds of lr::V0m " " Forty-FourT-County Boy, lfeV them a ,ngj We 8e TtTe who JVg nlpalS Austra n. mmnrnl v received as ;V" l"SC o' !,!. has at I u, ,w.c "'"Y' - last. ralmnii.ahA1 hnno that UCaCC mieht h forwarded throucrh aliena . wiutiuiouc - tion of Austria from her dominating ally. It also recognizes the extension) of the western front on which Ameri- wniorcea are operating, to i a.j, win serve to hearten the Italians. It was learned that in conversation. gressionar leaders . "e' . l r. leaving tho mnitnl fha President said that the Austrian declaration was ad vised largely because it might be ne cessary at any time to have Ameri- j can soldiers aid Italy. .. FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. NeW8 t '7;, Ab"t Various Mat-' ters That Have Happened. : Overcoats for American Rnl,i;,.M :! Franco will C ' '7 m coat tails got in the "mud J iJnT m,l 1 mud and imped- ed progress. At T1 mi . mursday Charles udTa Z .dentally shot by his 11-year-old son, Herman Leonard Th wound is in the arm and side and fear is entertained that it may prove fatal. . Thf bdy of Mrs. Mary Mosley was found floating in Tar Aiver, Nash' ana it is believed the woman was murdered. Her daughter, recently released from an insane asylum, is jn.y.wu. IJMV npinvinc i t '11 . . - nnuL anu Kinea in a crap came at Rns Art ...n lumber camp. The nporn ,u.t .u shooting escaped. About a year aro a neirro in ,L '"111,,?0, " "" v.niii.y hiueu seven negroes and then committed sui cide. 1 Dick Norman, Ezell Bolin and Fred r ennmt-Ter, white men. and William i enn Sun,).. 1 c 1- rr, ... u""uc,a a,m rrans iwitty, negroes were aniuittel at York. S. C t thD . liarr.s of Georeia. chairman 0f the Federal Trade Commission, will usign that position to oppose the re- election of senator Hardwick of Geor gia. And all who know Hardwick's war views will hope that he will be ,!PfPt.ri A dispatch from Dyersburg, Tenn., says that Liiron Scott, a neero charr ney include Private Clinton J. Hard-, eng neer, oyemoer oi cere- oro snina memne-itis. His pmprrpnrv 11 ' :rT "IS TFncy ..auoourne . . Football exacted a total of 12 vie- tims durine the 1917 season, which ' - ' ended with Thankseivini? Dav pames. ,. . " ' according to reports to the Assoclat- ju-ss, im nuniuer was n less tnan n lti and four than two years n I ., 1111!; U.. - 1 .I...L. ." w,c,c w,:.'c cttl"3- " "c,h mctr'- tKe oi ou,- aaa win l t ,l a. ' 1 000,000 tons of the country s coal supply, the national fuel administra- tion in co-operation with the depart- ment of Agriculture, has inaugurated an intensive campaign for the substi- tution of wood for coal in all parts of the country where wood is plentiful, To perfect Liberty loan organiza- tions throughout the country for the period of the war. Sci retary McAdoo has called a eoiiferi nee .if represen tatives of the I.i erty b'tui commit tees in each of th Federal reserve districts and of th'. woma-i's Liberty loan urganizatio!!. t . he Iv. ! 1 in Wash ington Decemlie' !o The 24-pa.-.H r.ger apri i ti'ip'ane. said to he driven hv Lie 1:. Iles'-nt-i and carrying passengers, was totally wrecked at l.iingley Field, near New jort News, 'a.. Saturday aften.oon, when it crashes 100 feet to the earth while being tal.vii u; for the initin! test. The fivers escaped without seri ous injury. Mrs. r;.,ry !''ir;.- and Jamrs I.. Warren were instantly killed Satur day morning when the automobile driven by Warren upset on a road near ..... .. .... .1 nr ..ii v-i hm.i i. nerniis in the car were slightly hurt. Mrs Hums was from Winston-Salem. N. C. and was employed in a department store .... .. i at W inston-aiem. . i r.- i .Mrs. 1 Miplesis Minon, a aaunter, aged 15 and a six-months old infant were drowned Sunday when an auto- mobile in which they sat was backed ... off a ferrv boat into the Mermentau river near Jennings, La., Simon, who was driving the automobile, and four sman uiimini eic .muo,, .......... started the engine as the ferryboat approached tne landing ana put on the reverse lever by mistake. I FALSTON ORGANIZES ! I RED CROSS AUXILIARY , The wompn of FalIston have ans. ! d h fpr servjrp ani) op Mo. "day December 3rd, met at the Meth- 'jiQf A,..K and nrnini7Pit an nnv - ; 0f fifteen members, under the 'direction of Mrs. George Hoyle, 1 " . ,chairrnan organizing committee and v n -u i n.jir T.wi in; At hp . " ' . ' ' ' sneioy cnaptcr. vc v,.ntt li.xwpr m dccted i,a th lomlorsh n of these ov- ""UC1. :: : al patriotic women ru..n,. . . . , . .1. . doubt contribute muni w mt- cause. SEE lTS! t i snens, canvi wflru aves. buffev robes. - " - - . .. t , D I.ine- i iiiii nti - - - - berecr's Sons. Adv . Derger Suit cases and hand-bags the larg rt stock anywhere at all prices at McBrayer's. SOCIETY NRVVS , ,--:.y-:: Turner-Oates . .The following handsomely engrav- wedding. ed invitations. 'Which to the ide cirde of friends of the mo wiue circle contracting parties have been re- ceived. s Mr. and Mrs. Bemamm Franklin Mr. and Turner request the pleasure of vour company at the marriatre of their daughter Nina to Mr. Thomas Prank- Iln 0ate?,.on Tuesday afternoon, De- f? rvt,hne. eIeve,nth at half after Carolina at home Crover, North Miss Turner is known verv nloai antly here having frequently been the puest of her sister Mrs. Charles' Washburn and Miss Mabel Quinn and la a miEf nlnavivtmr ,.,.U. ...... I " inhik aim cuiiuicu a most charming young woman. The groom is a son of Dr. and Mrs. 0ates.of .Grover VC "ssful. young business man, bemg lo- catea in Kutnertordton where he is assistant cashier of the bank of Spin aaie. Cecelia Music Club Unnvoriuc ..ln un atmosphere of music and ri ii.. ... .i .i x. music'Vub Zr;Smost en ov: afternoon Wednesday with Mrs. Thos Wntkins nt hue Virtniu nr, H nutnlk strei't. Mrs Wiitkir' cordially welcomod er PU(,sts in the music room whir" was lovely with its decorations of potted plants and exquisite fall roses, objective Here the following program was en- ( ..The Italian armjl,s guffered Roll call Musical events ; ous reverses in the early stages of the Sketch of origin of music-Mis battle- J' "ipelled to give Mavme Roberts wa an" or 8 tlme the military situ- Who the Troubadors Were and, ation alonK the Italian front was seri- What They Did Mrs. Gardner. '.ous. But the enemy had underestimat V'ocal CH'artet Selected Misses ed the resisting power of the Italians. Suttle and McMurry, Mesdames White "The hoped-for revolution in Italy. and iN,ix- which had been sedulously formented How the Piano and Violin First by German propagandists and which Ca-e into Use Miss Mae Kendall an important part of the German Piano Solo Selected Mrs. White. -.! ;,,o: ;uj , A delightful social hour followed. P'f "s.on failed to ma.erial.ze. ... . youmr dauXrr Mis8 ?.er -nrniing yount naugnter miss Mary, served a delicious sweet course, consisting of fruit gelatine and cake mn,ie bv Hoover directions. Tha pThK iqo JMil,toH hmu "V Wiy nUil Ml IIII.V'. V . ' I M T W Mrs. Silas Rav Rilev who is an hon- 7 nC orary member, with them. Other truesis were .nrs. . a. vyooa, airs, S. A. Cooley and Mrs. C. J. Wood- son. Lomoiying witn me eovernment re- ri .i.. ii. quest to conserve, food this club has (decided o eliminate refreshments, hostess contributing to the Lib- ert' M fund ,i 1 . REVIERE AND HAM KICKS BUY KENDALL'S DRl'G STORE Open Wednesday Morning in Charge of Mr. Zcllie Revier and Mr. H. E. Kendall I'nder Name of Reviere Drug Co. Mr. H .E. Kendall's drug store was sold this week by the assignee, Mr. Forrest Eskridce to Messrs. Zollie Ileviere and T. W. Hamrick and Frank Hamrick of the T. W. Hamrick Com nnnv. the new owners takinir charee Tuesday night and opening for luisi-r'give the enemy no respite and any ot ntss Wednesday morning. Mr. Revier? fensive undertaken by the Germans who has been engineer on the Lawn- stroke of greater severity." dale railroad for a number of years After discussing the situation on the and living at Lawndale, has resigned various fronts, the review concludes: his position to devote his entire time "In the Palestine theater of opera to the drug business. He is succeeded tions, the ranid advance of the British as engineer by Mr. Bucn Wilson who on Jerusalem, after the fall of Jaffa, has been the competent fireman for has been temporarily retarded. The re- se veral years and is verv efficient --.1 ..nix. -vi Monrv KpnnH 1 Tiir- u u pviuioi. ..... ..v.n. --- mer owner ot tne nas .ne:, cured to do the prescription worn ana assist Mr. Reviere m the management, n . . 1. ... In- nrA FunV uoui are wij yvy""" am. ......... I. ...:..U t.v. V.rtrw o cnenssf 111 a successful : ineiuiM ir.n iui mcui o- . business. The store .will be run tern-, porarily under the name of the Re- viere Drug Company ana tne owners , . I expect to incorporate and make more i definite anl permanent arrangements , about the first of the year. Ml. v..,. - - - wife and child from Lawndale to .She!- py in a icw uajs as suun aS a ..uu available. - Ground Glass in Tomatoes. The discovery of ground glass in cand tomatoes sold from the shel- ves of a grocery run by two Germans at Elgin. 111., nas causal one ui win cans to be sent to the Federal authon- ties for examination i : i. nlnna woo nettioii JVn wh h lou ht a ran ".t " - . . " . . and she reported it n, the city physician, of the tomatoes, . n, . r. Mflrin . ..' ' l j i.. i . : . . .. ( - - WoH Ma.heen reeeiveo oytne cnair man of the local cnapter Ken .ross '.. . . A r .n...l.. Knva r.nat iony-iour unnim luumj , at Camp Jackson are sad mrtriia ui ' sweaters. snvuir.o. ,m nf An anneal is made to the women or 'Cleveland county to supply these by the 22nd of December. . "'Tt"" V. ",ul t, ..., . 1 - t.r:: .V V - ' in n uv ii Liuiikjt pr Skates the easy rolling kind for sale at Lineberper S. Tie to MfRrnyer on ties as he has thern from 25c to $1.50 each. . ' : . WEEKLY REVIEW OF WAR ISSUED BAKER SAYS GERM ANY." SEKMS TO BE SEEKING DECISION EF- FORT TO BRING ON DECISIVE 'ENGAGEMENT ON WESTERN FRONT IS SUGGESTED. Washington, Dec. 3. An effort by the Germans to brine on a decisive engagament on the western front is I suggested in the war department's re- view of militar operaUon8 for the week W December 1, issued to- niht bv Secretary Baker. "The outstanding featur(j of the general military situation todav." ...... ai. - ... . 1 1 ays me review is to oe iound in tne ever increasing mobility of action of the forces negaged. "lit seems that a decision is beinz fought by the enemy, who realizes that he cannot endure for a much longer period the strain of trench war fare imposed by the allies in the west. J "This explains the effort of the cen- tral powers in massinc considerable furces in order to invade Italy a con- T ?f !rooP. made possible by offensive was undertaken to crush the Italians and compel them to sue for peace. 'Five weeks of desperate fighting t i na i ra i luna rr n m n nn i t mnnr reorganized their broken forces , . .. . , "pidly re-formed their cadres, and backed by the allies, were able, single- ! Banded, to check the Austro-German ' i IflVaSlUIl. ...! 4. -5 1L wuuiu ue mine to unueresnmaie ( losseSt jjj, of men and ma. terial, suffered by the Italians. These Josses Should serve to set forth in bolder relief the heroic efforts of the . . ... . . ... eirmeiiLS ui trie armies wnicn were X h h . f h ae 10 tnwart tne plans tne cen OTmpire . closl"K of tho ,Sw'ss J. ro" " TAr Turn urn ok1 a mov lruii'oto that fha ..vv.. . enemy is transporting large forces, both men and guns, to the west. "The enemy is constantly detaching large contingents from the eastern theater. All good troops which oan possibly be spared are being dispatch- ed to other zones of operations. "So that, though the season is not proprtious for engaging in military hut to tJhis shou,( ,,p a(1,,P(i enterprises on a large scale, yet owing borrowed money paid back nnd $27. to the imperative necessity for a con- 000 fcr the construction of the county tinuance of this mobility, further of- line road made necessary by the re fensives are to be anticipated. cent change in the boundary lin . "On the other hand, the allies will With these items added the expendi sistance of the 1 urkish torces nas con- KinprHiiiv n rrHHSfi hi liii iieetrnaiLV v, u.nKuiK u, .u.u.r, . u ... ana material nas eausui nny m uir onensive operations. DEDMON -WILSON WEDDING. . 'rominer.t Young Couple of the County Happily Married on Thanksgiving Day. Special to The Star. n ramun ... ...uv.. solemnized on Thanksgiving afternoon at Iour 0 ciock at tne nome oi .nr. ana Mrs. A. J. Dedmotr, when their daugh- Iter Miss Eula and Mr. Byron Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wilson were covenanted in marriage in the pres- ence of a large concourse of friends and relatives. The ceremony was per-) formed by Rev . A C. Im, uncle of - w.v t.y...fc..-.. tfie nappy couple repairec. witn b num- per ui u.e.r n ,,,, nu 4 Hn hAma vf thn crTcr m a nnrpnf.4 Option eivem The nice presents they received show- ed the love and respect of their many " . ... n-i.. u:.i : ...incomo ..... . home for the present with the groom s , parents 0n Route No. 1 Shelbv. v PAY YOUR TOWN TAXES NOW. At a recent nueetme oi tne rsoara i , . ,, . , .of e"' n : "rchTef of elected Tax Collector a n d Chief of v f the Town of Shelbv. 1' . " a.a ' 1,1 . . m m u 11 i.-J ,that all Town Taxes be collected be- fore. January 1st next. All property ion which tares are not paid by Jan uary 1st will be advertised ror sale, Bv order of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Shelby. Adv. WHAT THE RED CROSS IS DOING Membership: 32"). Receipts for October $1,006.50, (lis- bursements $1,595.15, Sent off box in October containing 1,988 articles in- ciuuing gauze aressings oi an Kinds l J! I- a ..... muslin bandages, hospital bed shirts, operating gowns, table napkins and wash rags, Second box sent off in November containing 1,080 articles including the gauze dressings muslin bandages, hos- pital shirts, operating gowns, napkins, wash cloths and the following knitted articles: 1 dozen sweaters, 1 dozen mufflers, 4 doz. pair socks. 1 dozen , :.. . . . ' pair wnstieis i Another box of gauze (ressinrr and muslin bandages will be sent this week. f'0 Xmas packages, each containing' i1 'akc, hard chocolate candy, nuts, raisins and khaki handkerchiefs were 8ent on November 14 direct to, 60 boys n France, also containing a piessage of luck and good cheer frbiA' the chapter. Auxiliaries of the ' cointy are domg exce. ent work. A report Following knitted articles have been received at the work room since the last statement. 1 sweater Mrs. s. fc. r rick. 2 sweaters Mrs. S. S. Royster. 1 sweater Mrs. Lon Hamrick. 1 sweater, 1 muffler, 1 pair wrist-lets-JVIrs. Will Roberts. s 1 s weaker- Miss (Mildred Hull. 1 niuffkr Miss Stella Murchison. 1 muffler Miss Mildred Hamrick. 1 muffler Mrs. Willis. 1 muffler and wristlets Mrs. K. Kendall. 5 pairs so"ks Mrs. John Wray. 4 pairs socks-r-Mrs. II. B. Quinn. 1 pair socks Mrs. Elzie Borders. 2 pairs socks Mrs. T. W. Wat kins. 2 pairs socks Miss Dover. 1 pair socks Mrs. Charlie Webb. . COUNTY BUDGET FIXED . 1 , , . , . county i ommissioners in nt" txpen- Within ditures and Plan to Live Income of the County. The first Monday of this month w the end of the county's fiscal year and the beginning of a new business ,v- ,1, v.,, .... k171 ,u,i "i:u mc huuki'i svaitrui whs Sdopted. In the apportionment of cer- tQ ch department the n commissioners have trimmed down every expense that could be 1 1 .i . . ... . snavea witn a v.ew to living within the income of the county. The new year's estimates were governed in a measure by what it cost last year to run the county, with the exception of bridge work and roads which was nb- normal on account of the flood dam- ac to bridges and the building of the V'"1 l '"u" ,x'V. o? tures last vear were y l(Mi.NM(i.;). Un- der the budget system the commis sioners have reduced the amount they can draw for sen-wees and if they live within the appropriation for the sev eral nurposes, thev will have nearh $5,000 surplus. Appropriated for coming Cost last vear Bonds ... . 8,00(1.041 . vear ii.ix io.oo 10.500 00 3.i2O.70 1.R77.52 2.2ti7.73 84.nOS.40 Interest 10.315.00 2.41H1.00 l.L'do'.IMl 1,750.00 7,000.00 8(M).00 900.00 i. 300.00 K).0O 300.00 100.00 250.00 County home tiutside pauper court costs . . Koads, bridges Com. services.. 1.328.70 Jail expenses Taxes ElertionElec. Records Ptg. ad, statry. Building ren Sheriff, D. S. ex Reg. births and 1.223.31 1 .IHI4. 1 14.19 200.98 321.04 9H.H7 2H0 91 deaths 300.00 50.00 1,000.00 312.00 600.00 175.00 200.00 600 00 1,000.00 290.75 o'ort' 07 312 00 tiOO 00 175 00 20o!o0 47500 1,070.98 p t tafi y 'p, w8t" fu. janjtor parTT1 dem Tomato club County attty. Co. physician Miscellaneous income . . 52.00 $119.8Sr.2:i $41 $45,000.00 GIVE Practical. useful, helpful Christmas presents such as Auto Robes, Buggy Robes, Aluminum ware. Pocket Knives, Scissors, r:i i.nua r;i cu,.n u1 iw mnes away, cvana c ntcurayer. For your Xmas Suit, Hat, Shoes and Furnishings see McBrayer the Big Istore that carries the big stock and enjoys a uig uuaincss. . u: 1 : ELECTRIC LiGX LIGHT GLOBES nil CITOO tAl GO la !1 T I II I 1110. berger's Sons Adv Mr. F. D. Wilson, a prominent farmer of Lawndale R-l, was a busi ness visitor in town Wednesday. COUNTY BILLS ORDERED PAID The following is the business trans- acted by the countv commissi oner nt their regular monthly meeting held Monday and Tuesday at which all members were present: R. II. Bridges No. 8 granted re lease on two acres of land $25. W. A. Mauney, road work account county line $1,548.89. LI I I ... u. j, uuungnam, iso. iireiease on P0" x. error. C. A. Huffstetler, No. 4 granted re- lea8e on 780 real t8tte. 1,1188 san fcinott, part on tomato club , work $15. Zjf uuaru jury Jijhn Hamilton, No. 2 release on J$ personal property, ertjjr. ,,y,y,A. Lovelace, No. 7 granted re- Ieasft on 29 acres of land $597. JijrB. Royster, assisting surveying: on cVSunty line road $10. C, 'M. Bridges, part on coffin $2. SJP. Mead, serving nodee (10c. E, .P. Horton, lumber $41.42. J. , P. Allen, No. 4 granted per manjijtit release on poll tax, cripple. J; ' Andy Wthite, No. 8 granted re lease on poll tax, sickness. Mr. J. H. Lackey, No. granted re lease 'on poll tax, error. D. 21more, road work No. 9, $166. Austin Brothers, bridge contract $2,707.74. C. J. Hamrick and Son9, irons $5.67. R. 'M. Gidney, county farm agent $50. ' David Scruggs, bridge work $3.75. Sidney Ruppe, bridge work $3.75. J. J. Pruett, calling court $4. . J. E. Rhodes, assisting survey county line $10. H. S. Starr Company, typewriter ribbons $3.55. G. V. Hawkins, lumber $45.64. J. H. Quinn, lumber $49.52. Frank Earney, part burial expen ses Natlcy Earney account pension Yoll$2d. StarPub. Co., ptg and adv. $8.50. JlJ Dover, lumber $12. iW. 1. Mauney, top soil $32 ?.' Hicks, lumber $46.47. A. Blanton Groc. Co., paper $1.87. . Young and Boyles, part burial ex penses Jane Hoyle, account pension roll $20. Farmers Hardware Co., hdware for bridge $12.98. R. R. Lackey, jail expense $43.70. Ryburn and Hoey, attorneys one year $200. Dr. B. H. Talmer, county physician and quarantine officer $51.50. - L. C. Palmer, services county com. to date $21.90. G. V. Ueeler. services county com 'missioner to date $19.70. I jr. T. Fulton, services county com- missioner to Dec. $52.20 ,D. S, Lovelace, services county commissioner to date $22.40. County Home Bills. J. C. Mull, salary and helo $00.00 J. C. Hord, carpenter work ... 5.75 Farmers lEdw. Co, hardware 35.18 A. B. Blanton. overalls ... ... 4.50 T. A. Srangler and Co gro. ... 2.43 J. I. Allen, gro. and lum 28.57 Evar.s McBrayer, pants 7.60 J. L. Iford, shredding ........ 27.00 Thompson Co., lumber 17.501 J. R. Allen, labor and wood ..12.00 J. S. Mull, rye 17.50 J. D. Lineherger's Sons, had... 13.85 M. A. McSwain, groceries 1.38 J. W. Wilson, shop work ... - 100 W. A. Canipe, carpenter work . 14.38 T. P. Eskridge, gro -..'. 20.67 J. L. Suttle Co., dry goods, ord 90.76 J. E. VW-bh. groceries 46.48 w. h. Blanton, shop work 5.75 J. D. Allen, wood j - 7.50 Soldiers Hurt in Stampede. Nine soldiers from Camp Greene were carried to the Presbyterian hos- pjta jn charlotte, Saturday.night, tho result, the Observer says, "of a stam- pele which followed the burninK out 8 controller box upon a street car." It seems there were flashes of flame all about the car and the soldier boys made a dash for the open, nine being' hurt in the "stampede." The soldiers are training for worse things than; that "on the other side" and they will' doubtless got used to it before they get in the trenches. Paying For Liberty Bonds. On November 15, which was the data on which the first installment on T.ihortv T.nnn hnnd was due. annroxl- n full tho nnrrhnapm nnt nvailincr tt,om'. nt tho riirht wm until December 15 and January 15 to make U. nihpr Mvm(,nt, ........ - r..j ... Hit Ammunition Wagon. The German shell which killed two American soldiers and wounded five in France a few days ago, hit a loaded ammunition wagon. Some of the men were on the wagon! and oth ers were nearby," when the shell, which was a chance shot, struck. The wagon with its argo waa blown up.

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