YOUR NEIGHBOR READS CLEVELAND STAR, WHY NOT YOU T THE PAPER WITH THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION AND MOST NEWS VOL. XXVII N0.-8 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. TUESDAY, JAN. 28, 1919 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVaNJ mm MRS. CHARLOTTE WOODSON : COOLEY PASSES AWAY BIG IMPROVEMENT UNDER WAY AT DOUBLE SHOALS SOCIAL NEWS Together Sunday Afternoon in Sunset Cemetery. All Shelby was shocked and griev ed on Saturday January 25th 1919 to learn of the sad death of Mrs. Char- of the Cotton Mill. Have Meeting Tuesday. The meeting of the Children of the FOREST CITY ITEMS Negro Has Two Wives, One in Cleve. land Shooting at Bostic New Lumber Company . , . . V ' Confederacy which was to have met Forest City Courier: A number of improvements arc un-n n-. ? il j .1 .ov .,v.... "-. . ijicui. taiawen 01 cnniae, is at F?noVvi!ni,Cet lU?SJay reru?I! home-bn a fifteen. day furlough. He ft ?t ah 1 SS E1,ZaHbc h' gave a very interesting lecture at the hbeltoft. All members are urged to ,. ,v , ' . . , 6 bring their dues. der way at the Double Shoals Cotton Mi'.ls, one of the most successful tex tile industries in the county. An un. loile Woodson Cooley, wife of Mr. to-date machine shop is being built S. Coo.ey of Charlotte and the and in the spring the management 1.. ..., wlit rti. f Pnif nrwl Mrs f! .T. nvrpptc Tr. ImiM n cfinrliKl Ai4f. ' j 8 M..' riv h kM u-.),n,K, Rnvinn Afi.. Mrs- Ceorge JJlnntcn Hostess OOuSUl- iUU. vvwiv-j ..w v "-u.' t vrvviivw tviv. fillULllUI Ull- I rri fL. ' g1 V home in Charlotte since her marriage j provemcnt which will add greatly to I Hall Wednesday night. Dr. R. L. Reinhardt, popuar pharm acist, has forsaken the pill-rol'ing ! profession for the banking business Mrs. George Blanton was hostess and is now with the Farmers Bank -'l.. Tiilir 51 10.17 nnrl fnUVvn rnmfnt rvf tlin mill ..,11 or.,, . l? imirri L CZ ,:urZ : " ,,' rr.u" to tl,0 Chicora club Friday afternoon and Trust Co., where his ever-ready with her parents. One week ago, she der way. The mill does not run at ;at 3 oclock. Her beautiful new home fm.le gretts the constantly, mcreas- taken ill with bronchitis and on night, consequently there is sufficient iwas inrown PcnanQ.a mos mere1' . m customers Saturday morning at 7 o'clock a j water power going to waste to devel .ia'iirhtcr was born, living only a, op electric power sufficient to light hort vhilo. Mrs. Cooley rallied and; the houses and the streets. This do-! BELWOOD NEWS Very Little Flu Farmers Aiding in Better Roads Good School , , This Year Looking Around some people could shed like a snake, then again pretty is as pretty does. Then some passed who seemed to be active (judging from their walk) and some made the impression that they belonged to the Sons of Rest, but I guess not, but enough of this, to the Special to The Star: point. He raw a young man and a The people of Belwood have beeniyoun woman pass. The impression greatly blessed during the past year. lwa3 made that they were from the Several of our boys went to flht country, and very much in love, and for Liberty and Justice not one of j lple young and old took notice, them was killed, and only one slight-pVe11 who gets more out of courtshii ly wounded. The influenza has been : than a country boy. The writer knows playing havoc in some communities, wnat n '8 talking about, of course but we have very little of it. Our,country Dys don't have the picture preachers have missed only a few show io attend eycry day, but he goes of this institution, services on account of it, and our to Panics, candy pullings, spl'.inir deve'.opemont was contemplated some! time ago but was abandoned on ac-! count of the war until now. A modern201" CcTltury M(ets w,th oWtvir lio-Vitin ,t' k : .Mrs. liiomas isateman, t 1 i- OJotVlli l 111 . LC 111- stalled and work on this will com mence r.t an early date. Ilicre were hopes for her recovery, but at 12:30 she quietly passed away, ;i few minutes after her husband who was called from Charlotte reached her hcdjiile. Mrs. Cooley was a most lovable young woman, and by her friendly and sunny disposition was idolized by ..11 .iFkn Lnnw hnr Rhp was 28 vp.lrs Ull ' w ,k " v " ' " - " -" TT' , 1 , T of age, and a member of the Baptist -brings with him his wife and son and! " church, having several months ago! they will make their home at Double . An interesting program on Armen., transferred her letter irom tne uap-1 onoais. ne is an expenenceu mill man ! t- i0iate RnA cai,e mg program was given. After thejXhomaS( BiggerEtafT, Reinhardt and school has not stopped a single day. I maches, singings and on Saturdays 1 ,b'u"'um' i pi V s. v a a I Edwards compose the best banking We ought to appreciate the gracious after a hard weeks work, he can take force in any town near the size' of goodncss'-of God. ihIS girl to town evon lf ne "oe8 or Forest City in this country. I "I noticed in the "Topics in Brief" Pot himself and smile often at the Mrs. W. P. Leister charmingly in the Literary Digest that the De- entertained last Saturday afternoon , troit Free Press nuggets in answer cal numbers Mrs. Blanton served a tempting course of refreshments. girl. Then he can go to the picture rhow and he really enjoys thorn mort, Friday afternoon the 20th Century ; almost a dozen ladies, in honor of to the Kaisers frequent statement ""n pnY wno Roes every day, tnen club met with Mrs. Thomas Bate-; Mrs. G, C. King, who will move to i "that he still has friends in America" .sometimes the merry-jTO-riund cornea Mr. L. A. Henlev has mnvnd to ! m?n at nor homn on South Washing- Charlotte soon. After sewing for that their address is probably Fort to town nnd tnat is a thinST of beauty Dcuble Shoals to assist in the man-iton St- M""- Bateman having as herjan hour, during which all were de- Levenworth. I hope the writer is and Jy forever. So after all the agement of the mill. Mr. Henley ;n,or charming sister Mrs. j jightfully entertained by vocal and right, but I fear he has friends in country life has its advantages and tist church here to the First Baptist church of Charlotte. Mrs. Cooley is survived by her hus band, Mr. A. S. Cooley a popular and gonial member of the Goodyear Tire '-ales force of the Charlotte branch; her parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Woodson; three brothers, Harry Woodson of the U. S. navy; Charles Woodson in service overseas, and Stephen Woodson of this place. One sister Pauline preceded her to the irave several years ago. The funeral services were conduct- having had charge of the Globe Man ufacturing company at Gaffney, S. C. for four years before going to Bur lington where he was connected with one of the big mills at that place. Tribute to Mrs. Darcus Wilson. ed an elegant salad course, coffee and stuffed dates. Miss Mary Moore Entertains Ishpening Club. nstrumental selections, Mrs. Leister t North Carolina. We are cither for erved a salad course with hot choc- , him or against him. Neutrality here is impossible. I enjoyed a meeting at the hospitable " I home of Mips Mary Moore on Friday Mrs. J. S. Wilson died January 16th afternoon at 4 o'clock. 1919. The writer knew Mrs Wilson as I The suhiect for the afternoon was a neighbor for 20 years and can say j Belgium, and interesting paper on Wed wives testified against him at he has never known a sweeter Chris- Belgium was read by Miss Pattie his preliminary trial. tian heart than she was. She always Lpobrrts. Miss Lila Dover and Miss I Smith Hammctt shot and Dainful- ed frU "Bap J" Se two pretty ly, tho not seriously, wounded Hor- vww SnnHav afternoon before a '- P? f j11 of &?od deeds. I roeirs. M-ss Suttle also sang a de-ce Walker at Bostic Saturday night .Tanuitrv 11. A shot, mm mil tho t w ' i 1 1 H,'.. T7T lYii.-s nioore af'r'siPa oy miss ray Forest Martin, a Forest City color. cd gent, loved not wisely but two i Ford of Shelby were visitors in our well, and as a result was arrested j community last Wednesday, recently by Chief Barrs upon the i Your scribe was passing through charge of bicamv. It is said he has! a nivrn nf wnnrti tho Mhor Hnv onn The members of the Ishpening club wife here and one jn Cleveland I to make a lone storv short, there county. He has been bound over to was plenty of mud, but what did he court and failing to put up ?I500 bond i see. One of our progressive farmers is boarding on the county. Both al- was cutting down the timber so the sun might have a chance at the road. What a fine idea. The mud is already making its exit. disadvantages and so does the town. DWIGHT W. BROWN. Rev. Chas. A. Wood and Thad C. SANDY RUN TRESTLE GIVES WAY WITH A FREIGHT TRAIN ociocn t,unaay aiiernoon Dciore a 0h how hard to ; ur RUch u ...... . throng of sorrowing friends and the!hnp nnH frioA na chn wnQ Rllt fWi . r b"fS?wlIdTnmi" 11 ne CnSOlati0n WC th.t'Mond MnJTliobeS about 50 shot en- ZLlfZt!VJ:t " our l08s her ?ternal - Yes, we;En elaborate salad course, salted nuts Mr. Wakers back headend ZZ'J LZ S covereu;are sure that when she departed thisand deiicious homemade candy ,v.. ! me. mat ner sweet spirit was carried ' The members of the Ishpening club b the ,8 to th paradise of GodMull.EUm Wedding and several close friends had charge ;to nd eternit th Christ Sunday I ! p", rll T T mZ m she so faithfully oved Now, 0n Sunday mrning at 11 'clock at $50 and costs, . ... gnce n nas pieasea (00 t0 taKe ner Ward H. Arey, Rush Hamnck, Wm. ;frnm Kim( fn fnr-:tv iknwin h,,n. Vi. Arey ana V. j mcornyer, neck. It is said Mr. Hammett was I drinking. He was arrested by consta- 'ble Weir and carried to Rutherford- iton. In Recorder's court he was fined nTIr Z to Ittond thJble 8ubmi89ion t0 Him wh0 doeth all attractive daughter Miss Ola, Out Of town relatives tO attend the t.himrs wpII Wo knmKL nraw HaH'b t... r..ii :J C7. f.mpml woro; Misa AIHa Cool and . , ' .f . . I i,lr- sler iuu11 wclc ,cu u' . . ,11 "iDiessings upon tne Dereavea nusDana Mrs. Jean Page of Charlotte andand ti, and may they com. narry noouson oi a. ; fortcd with the thought that they can now stationed at Miami, Fla. SHELBY BOYS OF THE 81st DIVISION HEARD FROM In a letter written December "29th, some day go where she has gone. E. G. GLASCOE. Cotton Off At the close of the market Thurs- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge The Trout-Wilkie Lumber Co., is Elam on North Washington St., their ' newe8t concern organized by Forest City business men, and bids fair to be one of the most successful. Following officers were elected at the and Rev. 1918 an officer of the 81st division day the price of cotton was about vrites the following interesting news ; two cents less than the day before about several Shelby boys in that di-1 The census bureau Thursday re vision: C. A. Wood, only the immediate fami Hps hpinc rpscnt. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs..rece organization: nomer w. iroui, Mull motored to Henry, N C, to the 'president; J. F. Alexander, vice-presi-home of the grooms parents where dent; J. H. Trout, treasurer; C. A. a dinner was given them. Wilkie, secretary and general mana- Mr. Mull has recently been mus-'ger. B .B. Doggett is also interested tered out of service and is a son of jin the company The home office of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mull of Henry. thJi concern win be Jn Forest Cit He is at present running a garage i at will be located at Wal- their home there. ,laceville Fairfield county, S. C, Kst u,ishps nf a hnst where it owns large timber interests. ported cotton ginned prior to Jan-iQ frjgnd3 Miller Harris is looking fine. A uary 16 was 11,051,845 running baler-, frw shells fell near him but he came including 149,412 round bales; 21.8R0 ! Oates-Steel Marriage out without a scratch. ! bales of American Egyptian, and 41,-'!,. r.;j oo i i e .' ' j ri-: a- $50 Each and Costs Your scribe was traveling again Engineer Felt Wooden Part Giving nnd Jerked His Engine to Steel Part No One Hurt. About 4 o'clock Saturday mornine; a Seaboard freight train, eastbound, went through the Sandy Run trestle near Mooresboro and it was only by the nerve and presence, of mind ef the engineer that his life was saved. on the public road. As he went up and possibly the lives of several mem- the road it was rough to say the.bers of the train crew. The trestle least, but coming back he found that one of our progressive farmers had dragged the road, not only through his farm but away down the road. I am sure it did not take long to do this work, but honestly he made that has a wooden approach and when the engineer felt it give, he jerked open his throttle and plunged his engine ahead to the steel span over the rtream. Eighteen cars went through, the wooden approach and it leaves aa road look like what we imagine that ugly wreckage that it will take sev- new sand clay" road is going to eral days to clear up. In the meantime look like that we expect to get soon The hearts of our people were made heavy when we learned of the death of Dean M. H. Stacy of Chapel Hill. Dean Stacy was the son of Rev. L. E. Stacy of this place. He was another one of the boys who went out from the parsonage and was making good. the passenger trains will transfer passengers, mail, express and bag gage. A wrecking crew was sent for immediately and work is under wary. i"he engine was left hanging, tone) rear end over the steel span. A flat car loaded with long telephone poles prevented three cars and the cab front North Carolina has lost one of her , being pulled into the wreckage. The promising young men. The bereaved j forward end of the poles stuck in the ones have the sympathy of the entire community. The people of Belwood are congrat ulating themselves because of their good school this year. In the first place they have a live school com. mittee. This committee is composed The Hickory Record says that of Messrs A. G. Higgins, W. R. Por- ground while the rear ends caught the last three cars and the cab and held them from plunging inte the wreckage. WACO BANKER GOES TO THE CAROLEEN BANK Grover King Sells Auto Interest at Forest City end Goes to Charlotte. vues weDD naa nis trencn snovei u8 Dales ot sea ls.ana. trior to n iot vAox, nftrnnon t. 2:30 r, tj c ..j t r.:.. vr hot off h.s back with shrapnel and January 1 last year total ginning odock at the home of her parents ln; fines of $5Q and costg on 8even Lur , and oflSdcnt mail carrier sbnr.g,ng the p.eces home with him .were 10 57(,733 including 186,014 Kinpf Mountain. Miss Maude Oates 0r eight young men for waylaying land a friend of education, having two as souvenirs. j round bales and 88,840 bales of sea and Mr p 0-, steele of Charlotte ' and assaulting Ralph Linn, a student ' boys at Trinity college Mr. Porter is . w..... wrn marripn. K.ev. W. A. MUrrav OI nr. ( ntawha I n pcp and in uldirinn mi. on1 kn.f mn..VoTn tr- .u n.. l recovered wrom his flesh wounds In North Carolina 811,075 bales had 1 ei:ih "J''inr the ceremoni 7L iW-T Vrp rpmd t tn m n Z V . K , 7 I 1 . , . , ,. !, . , iShelby performing tne ceremony. the arsailants are required to pay to while Mr. Dixon is our deputy sheriff Ur rart of h s stock in the Forest "..mi wure in me necu ana snouiaers. neen ginnea. tu ia lnnl,1o vnnno- van. ti, iw r,.k r,n nA ,iii j . -j rn , .. ... . I ."" ,o " j mc jrvuLu i. iictyisu.i .u "" !hnu gooa one. me popular expres- City Motor Co., to tld. U inomas, oi man and one of the most popular pay 550 and costs, and it is estimated ! 8ion around here is "When Ed goes ! Caroleen. and will be succeeded aa young ladies of Kings Mountain. She that the affair the other night will; after them, he generally brings them 'manager of -that concern by Mr. U n rfnncrViter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles : cost thp crowd $1,000. Mr. A. H. 1 Tn inn 1 1 r t Cnnrrrama lnct nrpplr Ppnrpenn ------ - " ; rlulc "" """" J nomas Bixiut reuruury i. m ium in congress lasi e, neprescn- 0atpg ghe wore R tailored suit of Price of Salisbury, attorney for Mr. mjttee has secured good teachers. Mr. Kin? has purchased an interest After Maj. Hale Peyton McSwain had several nar row escapes but came through O. K. Saw George Moore and looks fine. He said he did not expect to return o the states for some time as he was with a "S. O. S" outfit. From all news I can,Jearn of Cleve Z: ' Cy I0Ught hard' tnC iU W 'a V T Royster Guano Company of Charlotte pear and forfeited a bond of $200, -v re tru seems to care ior nis uosia wca: 1 aesire 10 hsk me Ken-:an .g ft mQrt promising. youn(f man. own and the majority of them came tleman from Virginia (Mr. Flood)) After a short w to Western "Ut Very weU- irbout that itcm- According to the North Carolina they win be at home j diplomatic register, that official, ap-;at Cnariotte $10 FOR A NAME. pointed in 1913, is Mr. Edward J. I Hale. I am informed that for the . p 1 f w iio . "ua Dul guvu i-i-ttviir..-i. : jir, rvinp nus purvnuwu n iukicih s tative rvoDcrts, 01 wasacnusetts tne dark bluc and carried a bouquet of j T Ljnili father of the gtudent pros- prof. Alonzo Hoyle is principal. He is 'in the Foreman-Howard Motor Co., of diplomatic and consular ma oeing brides r09es 'tented in the case. The Newton boys a Chapel Hill man. Mr. Molton Glenn Charlotte and will ro with that firm - unaer aiSCUSSlOn, Sam, in regara lO T, .. ;9 mn1nvw with the nHmittnH tio nffonco Ono HiH not an-lu. i . , t... :t r j r na icvcunv juiiitM me leauimiK lone, reoruarv 1, moving nis mum; i,w t-i r - ry . .. it 1 p . f i . 1 1 1 - r nnn . . . Receiver for Mining Company ni.ay one week ago we offered $10 naie- 1 om iniur'"eu Beam-Gardner for a name for our newly organized ast tw0. years " more r "a'e nas, Wedding, 'urmture Co. Up to Saturday night cn.oy,nS i .... u . January 25, we had received several North Carolina; that he has not vis- hundred names of every kind. We ited his P081 m that time' but , ve gone over every name several has becn drawing his salary for the mes and hav dpcidp1 n. th Th .eniirc per.uu. Taragon Furniture Co.. thia name wan He is also a Chapel Hill boy. Miss Charlotte at the same time. Katy Hyatt has the 8rd and 4th Mr. Thomas will be succeeded in grades. Miss Hyatt taught the same the Caroleen bank by W. V. Smith, ! grades last year, and the people were who has been cashier of ?he bank at Judge Finley has signed an order highly pleased with her most efficient Waco, while Mr. Smith will be sue making permanent the receivership, work( 80 they are delighted that she ' cecded at Waco by Miss Hester BlanJ. of the Sunny South Development , has the same work again. Miss Hy-jMiss Bland has been with the Farm Company. Yadkin county. The com-: ntt i-ppp.vpH ). A marriapre of Rreat interest to a 1 Danv waa chartered to mine cold from ' nrt f u AnLj i .K;i;f S.?.LJ rocks of the South Yadkin" Theihave the preliminary work. They are So far as we know she is the only bank in North emitted by Lewis M. Hamrick yoong 80n of Mr T Hamrick. We feel very grateful toward the ones who submitted names. We ap preciate the interest shown in this cntest. It was hard to turn down some of the names, we are sorry that Mrs. Chauncey Hastings Dead. The many friends of Mr. Chauncey Hastings will learn with sorrow of her death Friday at her home on the river above Lawndale. Mrs. Hastings was 64 years of age and a consecrated Christian, a lovable neighbor and de voted wife. Her death was sudden, we could not accent all of them, but due to heart trouble. For a number of -".vway we wish to thank one and all vears she had been in failing health 'or tne names sent in. Thanks Thanks ' hanks, come to see us a warm wel '"me awaits you nnd your friends at "if laragon Furniture Co.,'s big Saturday by "w up-to-date furniture store, suc cessors to the Thomasson-Lineber-KcrC- Adv. She is sunrived by her hurband who is :30 o'clock, when Miss Pauline Beam 'Z? I T Kt' Peneed teacher- and will woman cashier of a ccamo the bride of Mr. Bryan Gard- j S40.000, to and the liabilities grained for the work. Miss Brown re-; Carolina. Thvrsdav afternoon January 16th at 3: hnp'imn ner. ' ! receiver was appointed not ceived her training at Brevard insti The groom driving to the home of (because oi insolvency Dut on account tute, and Miss Allen at Boiling the bride's parents in a car, after M alleged mismanagement. which they drove to the home of Rev, D. G. Washburn where the ceremony was performed in the presence of a few friends. Immediately after the ceremony the bride? and groom took Third Bale of Red Cross Cotton. The Vemer Oil-Co., of Lattimore, sent in a bale of cotton for the Red the train at Lattimore for Charlotte j Cros. This shows where the hearts and other points. Uf the-people in and around Latti- The bride is a moft beautiful and more are. This makes the third bale - i......:.i t n,ot tm. wTn rrv. i ,n C Bi'am of near charming young lady, being the d.-weVer of Mr. and Mrs. Columbus New Prospect Pfrapron Furniture Co., is our new Tme, Paragon means perfection, ex cMonce, young Hamrick was right -'"-n ne pave us that name. The Rev. Mr. Stowe 0fFluri" "'",L U!C 10 "-- Fallston and the interment was at -- - Oak Grove church. n The happy couple after their tno Hiccough Danville, Virginia, is laboring under an epidemic of hiccough. One man hiccoughed for 48 hours without re. rncon Pnmiim.. "inji)PTapr p.-.. ...... the t . j th trouble for a day or more. One ."oouu-iinu-uerper a, aqv, . .. . , , , j physician thinks the trouble is due vjo., tiennessa, .. . ,-. ..a lid BI1U turci jJtvj.v. - - special nr.c ji- iv.itn th amount of canned goods eaten, a e' January 29th throneh February while others think it is one of the af- u. wukins and Som. Adv. ter-evfls of influenza. returned to the home of the groom's parents where a tremendous supper of all kinds cf good things awaited them. , Thev hfv the best wishes of their many friends. A FRIEND When you need furniture, coffins, and cpskets go to The Paragon Fur niture Co., successors to the Thomas- son -Linebergcr Or. sent in, while many other gins have sent in smaller amounts. We hope to publish the names of all gins that have solicited cotton in behalf of the Red Cross, in next week's paper.-We want to thank the Verner Oil Co., and the farmers who donated this cotton. It shows a fine spirit. J. F. Roberts, Paul Webb, Wm. Lineberger, Finance Com". Springs. Truly it looks like history is going to repeat itself in regard to the Belwood school. Mrs. Clayton Peeler of Shelby was a pleasant visitor in our community Wednesday, MR. "BILLIE" DEPRIEST - GOES TO SOUTH CAROLINA Effective February' 1, the zone sys tem for distribution of bituminous coal and coke will be discontinued, al so the maxium prices. It is believed this action will decrease the price. Mr. W. W. (Billie) DePriest, one of the leading farmers of the Polkville i section sold his fine farm recently te his brother Clarence DePriest ani The writer was in Shelby the other .Ouince Whisnar.t and has purchased day. He went to see a man that was 331 acres of fine land near Blythe not at home, they say down there that wood, S. C. He moves to his new farm man is the busiest man in town, at this week and Messrs. E., C. Melto any rate he was hard to find, well of and J. W. Powell, also of this coaaty, course liny man is hard to find in a go with him. Cleveland regret3 te large own. But he took his stand on give up these estimable families. the corner of the beautiful square -, and looked and looked, and of course Baby Dead. ! twnnV loolvpd also. Some nponlo nnn5 , . 1 '." . :" ed who looked happy, some looked like The, infant baby . of Mr. and Mrs. they were not happy. . But often be- ,, Tom Green died Thursday of last hind a smiling face there is an aching week and was buried Friday at Pleas- heart, and often behind an unhappy ant Ridge church. looking face there is a great big heart ', : . .'. 1 its hard to always tell. Then of course Hives, eczema, itch1 or salt rheum some passed who were good looking sets you cra:y. Can't bear the touch a Tin noma who wprp not. hut aoma man nf vnnr flnthmo" "loan n OiTltrneat IK tTrrtg-teffrTruTrBrotiersT Adrt W still have a few ladies coats RnalRUaii-icuty---Ill-ikin"fl,n'l1 it flheorTnkhlnirAll druggist . - ww - ... . - a ...u n v'- l -il ii n v this be true wouldn't it be fine it sell it, 60c a box.