we ham; tayo LIN OTYPE JiACiilNES AND CAN DO ALL KINDS Ol MINT ING. CALL NO. .' .. THE PAPER WITH THE LARGEST CIR-. CULATION MOST NEWS. $2.00 PER YEAR. : ' . ! .lli B5 :8 EWs:N 'Jul ' " M .7 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920. HOOVER WOULD SERVE IF CALLED MMTION IS TO REMAIN sk COMMON CITIZEN Is Not a Candidate for President Outlines Position and is an Independent Progressive COUNTY HAS $127,000 ON INTEREST FOR ACCOUNTS Treasurer Stroup's Office is Mak incr Splendid Showing Will Not Borrow. The county of Cleveland is in fine financial condition and Treasurer Rush Stroup says he does hot think it will be necessary to borrow anv money this year for current expenses The bluest expense out of the ordi nary will be a settlement with Gaston county whereby Cleveland will tuv nff the indebtedness on the territory at Kings Mountain recently acquired by Cleveland. Treasurer Stroun i, has $127500 of the county's money on CPrtifirntn nf li i --- vl urpsn urawing ln tfirestf This, however, belongs not my to tne county as a whole but to 14 different accounts, including townships and districts for roads and schools. Treasurer . hojtd Lilt? interest on county money amounted to something like $4,000 lart year, which amount pays his salary and leaves the county $2,500 to the good.l ine county commissioners have not had a settlement with Sheriff I iffon but the collections on, taxes hare been very close and the countv is in h0t. financial condition than it ha Knn in ior a number of years. Herbert Hoover in a letter rec!ved y Ralph Arnold, of Los Angeles, N'cvv York representative of the '.Vlake Hoover President club" of uli forma declared he was not seck- r.g public office, that hi.s 'ambition is 0 remain a common citizen," but thtt 1 . ho 'MilfA OVorv AtllT. , ;i- in hi imi .... - J v. w I i v ..i n, should always be ready for senMJfiKH This, however, ie when really called upon. Mr. Hoover's letter followed the .-.ction of a group of prominent Cali 'ornians residing in thi3 city in ap pointing a committee to go to Wash mgton to ask Mr. Hoover to make Known his position. Asserting that while "such pro jwsals are indeed a great honor, I feel that I cannot alter the attitude that I have consistently preserved." Mr. Hoover's letter continued: Position Outlined. "First, I am an independent pro gressive on the issues before us to day. I think that at this time the issues before the country transcend partisanship. It is well known that 1 was a progressive Republican be fore the war, and I think rightly, a non-partisan during my war service. The issues confronting us are new and the alignment upon them has not yet been made by the great parties. 1 still object as much to the reaction ary group in the Republican party as 1 io to the radical group in the Dem ocratic party. "Second, I am not seeking public effice and consulting my own per sonal inclinations, I do not want pub- he office. I cannot prevent any citizen or group of citizens from agitating that I should take public office, but I cannot conscientiously participate in any organization to that end. "I belong to a group which thinks that the American people should se lect their own officials at their own initiative and volition and that re sent the manufacture of officials by machine methods. I feci sure that if I entered the race for nomination to the presidency, and undertook to so licit and spend the cost of propaganda and organization, this would be in it elf a negation of the right American instinct because of the obligations Ui'it it all implies. "I thoroughly believe that I, like any other American citzen, should a.w.-y- ,(. reay for scrv;cc. w'nen Tf dffC OP SAFETY. CW'rrwp , MRS. NORA BIVINS DIED SATURDAY AT LAWN DALE Special to The Star. Mrs. Nora Bivins died at Lawndale Saturday at 8 a. m., following an ill ness of one week and fant seven days old. Mrs niviB j r 0 woa 42 years of age and a woman of noble OinFtian character being a member wi me bt. raul church. Her husband am nine cnuaren were left; their ages ranging from seven days to 19 years pf age. Her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke survive with two brothers and two sistors rrinsiow and Alexander Cooke and Mrs. Billy Newton and Mrs. Marvin King. Mrs. Bivins was a good woman and we can not tell how she will be missed in this community for she was always ready to help the sick. The funerr.l service was conducted at St Paul church Sunday at 1 o'clock by Mr. S;uikey Blanton of Piedmont high school. She was laid to rest among a crowd of sorrowing relatives and friends. SOCIAL NEWS Chicoras with Miss Frick The Chicora club will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Miss Em ma Fnck at the Central hotel. i RUTHERFORD BANK HIRFS DEMONSTRATOR PROFFITT The Farmers Bank and Trust com nnV of Forest City, Caiolecn r-,i Laltimorc hr.s employed Mr. C. (". rofTtt who will be competed with the bank and its two branch insii- turons ad will open a "farm f. rt.- Tt ally called upon, but to go out and try. to p-rsuade the public to call mc opposed to my every instinct. ( Ti Remain Common Citizen. "Third, I hope to have the affec tion of my countrymen, but my am cition is to remain .1 common rit;7in rrarly to engage in teamplay with county for 3 years and was about (1 . I. . . ... . . mum wnicn win ff-ve Tree s"rvi --c It the farmers in Cleveland and Puth ford counties. Mr. Profitt has been fpr"i domon-trtnr for Rutherford ny organization and leadership that "as for its objective the consuma on and maintenance of great issuer n the forms that I bolive are to the public interest and benefit I, of course Micve in party organization, but it must be for the promotion of lVue not of men, I am not a straddler of any issue, I spend most of my time awtet'ng for issues that T believe in. ! the privilege of all of us tn fcnU "r own v!ps and it is our duty to press them when called upon to 0 ' - ""t no man can Vw n imot to ns?ume that he can dictate the l""e t'i tf. 4m.;. 1,- ' '" 11; or to We rre.it. nnrf; u A i..i,ICj mey fuppori. Al22?LE 6 LOTS ETS TOTAL OF $19,000.00 l'rpnorfv ni o. ... .. w: , . " '"w outn Shelby tifnl Suburban Town. feany, Rarnri vUCt,0n 8ale of the Sidney a"nck property soi.th of Shelby Vrollnvi & of $19000. Tho D. D Wiir,"8 Ttly Phased by i'nCu,MlaMociate, an Kp riUd ,; TV iue o'oaing was of h? L"nla" lots m sold. Some rwfit ; r- v rre fferwi n'c. Lt the 8a,r ne" immediate'y UVexS ?1 man f the pur- w-n Mr onertv ownrs f s C!n.-,n. r,, vn-smr Trnvi' niuil(l,v0Uth Shelby graded Rchnnl fly . 1 : Tnr v a rZJ ": S to f r. t.,l,r 1 1 II Tt icaiu i.unieioru wnen xne raminr" Pank and Trust company decided that hi3 pen-ices would he of value to the farmcs and hired him to continue the work. He will aid the farmers in the selection and purchase of pure bred live stock. l'"me, etc., and give inform ation leading to tetter farming. This H a very umisual undertaking for p. hmk. b"t. will no doubt prove of great value. Mr. Street To Marry The many Cleveland county friends of Mr. W. M. Street, son of Mr. Eli Street who lives south of Shelby will be interested in the follnu-inw vuoA. ding invitation received by frienda yesterday: j Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldhour it quest the honor of your presence at the marriage of their sister Jessie Ardelle Yarbro to Mr. Marion Wayne Street Wednesday, March the 24th 1920 at high noon 415 Anderson street, West Savannah, Georgia. Fanninga Style Store The W. L Fanning company will hold their first annual style thow Tuesday evening March 16th at their elegant store in the Masonic building. i-iving models will be used for the display of ladies ppring and suramo wearing apparel, and the show will 0 doubt attract a large crowd. Re cently Fanning company has buil' a mezaline floor in the rear of the tore which will be used for the ex clusive sale of ladies ready-to-wear ,1 thi will be the stage for the style show Tuesday evening. R. L " rnour, a mcmbe- of the rlprkinc ""pp. a-sUtrrl by Mr. Frank SheTi'l former decorator for Ivry, Cbfirli;f "Ml arrr.rge the decorations. Sever;! tacvn ynun? Shelby ladies fir ' 'ho CharioHe models hive bnen rn "eod to show the spring and smn- -,or PTU1 nressc. M'ss Kd th 1 Zion Hill Monday in the presence of a Borrowing congregation of rela tives and friends. LITERARY SOCIETY DE BATE AT B. S. SATURDAY The 13th annual debate of the Kal agathian and Kalliergeonian Literary societies of Boiling Springs will be held in the high school auditorium Saturday night March 131th at which time the following program will be rendered: Officers J. Bryan McGinn! Ethel Lattimore, sec. ProgramPiano solo "Idilin" Oesterle Minnie McCraw. Readino- "End of a Task" Thelma Michael. Essay "Ne'er a Pose Without n Thorn" ErnUy Hollifield. Vocal nolo "King of the Forest and I" Brand Lawrence McSwain. Oration "Raw. ing and Reaping" Abner Cornwell. Reading ."A Matrimonial Experi ment" Gladys Steedman. Debate Query: Resolved That the United States should adopt a system of universal obligatory military train ing consisting of not less than 18 months between ages of 18 and 24 Affirmative: Clyde Jones. Wm. S. Mm Swain. Negative: Dewev Whitafcnr Livingston Freeman. Chorus "Donee "f the Pine Tree Fairies" Forman Michael, Ponton, Padgett. Greene Walker, Hamrick, Jolly, Gold, Latti more. " Marshall. Yancey Elliott. rJif- Pex Long, Puby Lattimore, William McCurry, Selma Mauney. GETTING HER EYES OPEN 1U VALUE OF GOOD ROADS Palmetto Post. Gaston county, North Carolina, is Tetting her eyes opon to the value of RECRUITING OFFICE IS STILL OPEN IN SHELBY Some Benefits to be Ilerpivwi From Training in the U. S. Army Now. One of the first requisites for a ascfuJ life is a sound bo-lv nml tKn first course of training a man receiv es in tho U. S. armv is. thrrofnm Physical. During the first month or Rix weeks after enlistment the recruit is given a Fystematic mid gradual course of physical training, including turn uuy arranged settinir ud exer. cises, athletic games, short marches, and other physical tests, all tending f airuignien a man up, and keep him in the best possible physical condition to enable him to perform his duties properly.; Heawniires that feeling of "ittiuiut'ss, connuence and indepen dence, that clear, frtraight-thinking brain and keen eye that go with a healthy body. After the firat Rtflge is passed and the recruit is A.imiwi to an organization, sufficient physical training to keep him in good condi tion is continued and he acquires a set-up which remains with him al ways. Supplementing tc physical train ing are courses iw sanitation and hy eiene which teach men what to do to maintain good health, what i.1 to be avoided, the necessity of perwnal cleanliness and for cleanliness about camp and barracks. This necessity is impressed on the soldier every day of his enlistment until tho work he does in keering himself clean and the "tops he tskes to nvo'd disease b. comes second nature to him, and helps mm an throueh life. A man seekine emnlovrmmt in rivii Hfe who can exhibit a discharge from I $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE KEYNOTE SPEECH WiU Rvtew Record of National Administration Early in Aor Champ Qark Not in Vet T Washington, March lO.-Senator o. overman will make the key note .peech at the state convenUoa u ANohJraro,ina Democrats early in April. The junior tor will re view the record of the national al min,8trat.on for the past seven years 7t?Vrtoach npcn "tateisW. Senf n in Wasnin U,at Senator Overman will Dot have much opposition for the Democratic nomin- v, ' w. 0DBerver of North Caro- jrUC fn(,.'th trend in nation "cs expect the Republicans to Z a m mt agZt s2 Vntrr' crman'8 heiress to the North Carolina Democrats will be a w.uTri? effrt and dJ win shape the nartw riu,. -Cj .. darations in th,. e" Another political me postponement of th L. Attorney General Palmer is L J to throw his hat into the Tar w nng as a presidential candidate. Mr. ralmer came orer ), . . n ber and had a chat with Senate. m. the army .Wni''ffiSS ' 2T;jfil,iM,r H. ioii -v,. u,unnun!l mat h mnU JJUV accent the lnin.v it . . "vii 01 me oar. as- sociatjon of Gastonia to address it on March ,24, but he would be glad to 2 dress the association at any time aft er Anril 10. If the Gastonia bar aa oc,at.on will postpone it, dinner the ttoniey Renaml will come down in Ami and it will be Mr. Palmer's first appearance in North Caroina as a presidential candidate. Mr. Palmer wll lint xr.i. r . . - e" w 4iorui T ,M p8SPnflI" to make a noli- SCSf bn hl8 aPIwnee nn dubtedlv wi'ii v . iiotc an pnncf nrw W MLTVH there Conor's style shop will furnish the pood roads. She is fast aban-ior.ing millinery. LAWNDALE NEWS. SEEK FIVE IV LOOTING OF OXFORD POSTOFFICE fir savings stamis valued at $10.- roptige stnmDs to the amount of $5,000 and about $75 in cash were T-eured by safe blowers who blew omi the safe of the Oxford nostofficc LMnndiy and made their escape. No arrests have been made. Five strangers, reported to have seen at Franklinton, 15 mile who are believed to have taken i mrfje touring car belonging to a wealthy cotton mill mm thore, stolen during the night, are thought to have been the spme persons who robbed the po-toffice. These men are being souerht by the nuthorities in the surrounding town". The robbery was not discovered rintil the postoffice "was opened next morning. B y Accidentally Shot. Carl White, 16, son of Mr. John TOnite who pves on Mr. Jim Fall's place four miles south of Gastonia, is in a Gastonia hospital rafferng fmm gunshot woun accidentally in flHed last Friday. The wound was 'nfi'red nrtn n r-Mol wh'rh the lad had recently purchased without the are not ccs'dered dangerous. IT'intirtr for a Binker. l"i" 'I'll Kulroad conditions. r-V of T'-irit', Vr lm'ti. . enhn77l;n of the bank's funds, wH thousands . dollars Itcm-s of Interest of the Community Several Deaths. Special to The Star Lrwndale. March 11. The infant "f Mr. and Mrs. Dock Jones died Wed resday evening and was burinl :it Palm Tree Thursday. . The parents "."ve the ' vrathy of the entire com munity iln their sad bereavement. Mr, Florence Poyster who his h(en si'Tring with a severe attack of tonsilitis has recovered. Mr. Sankey Blanton who was the winner in the preT'nvnary declama tion content held at Piedmont recently to determine the school reoresoTita ive to Wake Forest left Wednesday for Wake Forest to take part in the contest. The girls improvement contest will bp hnH at P;edmnnt in the Auditori um Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Ev erybody cordially invited. Mr. Mnrvin Grigg is bark in school ifw undergoing an operation for appendicitis. the nr'd. At thp lt. mnptitiir n( ih commissioners it was decided to build 45 miles of additional hard surface roads. In fact they propone to build a rerfeet network of good road throughout the county. It will be of much interest to te peorle of th's section to know (hit the road lead ine to Clover will be hird surfaced to the county line ju't beyond Bow ling Green. York county comnv'ssin ers should t ke this matter un and f'ni-h it through to York by all means. COLONEL KIPK PATRICK AND Bl'CKNER TO SPEAK possessed of an aset that goes a Ion wbv wiio emmoyers. During enlistment good chance of promotion to the grade of non-commis'doned officer. onu inus De 1 na position to acquire the knowledge of handling men, to sise them up to study human nature, and to know how to get the most out of men a valuable practical expe rience. - For the man who has not rereivrH a good school education, there are at all posts, Pchools in which grammar, geography, arithmetic, history, alge bra, and similar subjects are taught In ndrltrinn tn tn T ' n-L i , all arms anabranches f th r u". """" . nument army teach, as a part oV thTtrainTng ' - Z , wUI be necessary to military efficiency, va et, ?n ,J the cians. nous trades and occupation, in any h ,mther Plit development one of which a man, by applying him- 7 was announcement by elf earnestly and making the most I fojnep SreaJ-er Chamn Clark that he of his time, may become proficient Wl!1 not Pft into the Geornn nrimr enough that he can return tD ciilirs a:l a presidential candidate Mr hfe w-ith a useful trade or occupation , Clark Pii?c-e-ts tht rjj .tnt- lm,l by which he can secure employment. Vnd uninstructed deletions to 7f mupv o dirlom. or ce-ffi- Frrnrico s0 th-t IT . cates of effiiciencv are i! . " C S0 thrt ih rmnornts my i most ca e3 an., recognised bj the I , T Wnt thpir nltform and union of that trade. i . .mot avfi;Wo caniidate. Net ma"y now deny the benefits L Goortria is no of tho states to or of university training, and more and. r a Pres:dertia prpfen prin,,. "rP nrn "m r to realize the bene- n"'! Mr- park's name has gone on the fits of the training onon to tho-e that ballot bv pet;tinn of h?s friends in the T-sn thn ortunity in the U. S. sMe. Mr. nrk' letter to thn r. Young men enlist todav. gain 'JyT! h9 f the b.Tlot, education or a tr;.de. benefit your. bnt t does wt 'mmate Champ Clark selves rhysically. Penn the benefits 113 a rreidential possibility. Unin "f the Un'vers'tv in Khaki. A recruit- ""d delorrtt-'ons pt San Frandco '"r offi-o ic in tho po- t effice, Shelby, '. R"rh as North Carolina and numerous A n V infnrmntinfi Lit J -.) w:il ntYia . , 1 -n-oiiiu will UCr'mi .-UO.T- B Pl'W'B TO BPTIM mav heerfully furnished. turn to Mr. Cl--v 0r anr Demn.0t SOME HFF.ns FILFO TIITS WEEK AT REGISTER'S ITEMS OF BELWOOD R-l Spanfln S'll Serious, STTal Dead Personal Mention. Are Special to The Stir. Belwood, R-l, March 11. The in "lnena rib'ation is st;ll very serious 'n this section. Deaths are reported almost daily. Several entire families "r sick, Severxl members 0f Mr. John Wil Ms fnmilr are s'ek. Mrs. Pntt; P'iff, pn aged lady of near Casnr d;ed at the fcrme of h"1 'u'H.' Mrs. MVn' Cortmer. Mar. MarchSthv-Mrs. Buff was a noble f Vi-irtn rhf""nr, very m'i"h lov- -I t? Jill prtrt.ijwfnrt'r5 'J'lio r1'"1t f;iln of bnii fnmily- aro hBartfalt in their symrpy, Tr-, Pitn di"d t her hom vr d"th. FhB ,s a '"iw'-tT f M. Pink Crow. The funeral took place at Tho Rutherford chamber of com--mrree will hold a boo' ter bmqiKt Ap ril 2. Col. T. L. Kirkpatrick .of Char lotte ad presi-'ert of the Wilming-ton-Asheville h:ghway associat;on fnd N. Buckner, secretary of the Ashev;llo boerd of trde will be in vited to be present and make address es, Tt will be a spec'al booster ban quet to boost the town, county and good rods. The chamber went on record nt its bi-monthly meeting heartily favorer th" bniHing of te h'ehway thrrrh that county at once and passed re-u-Ivt'ons pskirn? th" countv commis sioners to appropriate the county'" rart of the funds at once bo the work could be pushed. The following is a list of deeds 'HH th;s week wih Pcgwter of Deeds R. Lee Weathers for registra tion. Shelby Grocery Co., to B. TI. Pal mer, Shelby lot, consideration ? 500. R. H. regarded aa ayailable. Why Flour lias Gone Up. Five million barrels of Federal Grain corporation soft wheat flour will be sold on credit in Europe soon unless congress authorized $50,000,000 loans to finance the sales, Julius Ramos, head of the corporation, tolJ PfOmer and wife to W. T. the house rules committee a few days Calton, lot in Shelby $2,500 Carl Thompson a"d Z. J. Thomp on to D. A. Beam 80 1-4 acres in No. 6 $10,833.75. Coy M"Swa'n to L. P. Yarboro, 24 acre" Penrty place, $2,000. , C. Jeff Hamrick to W. S. Wafter, lot in Lattimore $5,000. ago. He raid, he now had authority to make the Fales on credit but hord the loans would be authorized. The flour, now held at American porta "d for which the corporation paid $10.75 a barrel is "the cheapest In the world", Mr. Barnes told the cm nv'ttee. He added that "every effort ASHEVILLE FIM TO P.VE RUTHERFORDTON STREETS E. T. Belote, of Asheville, has been awarded the cnt-fct of vtr 21 miles of, streets through Pjitherford- tc The paving will be of ronTete . n-"d "ill extend frim te Seaboard deot t" th woetr 'ti-I , r -nn on Chiribft-Aiheville highway. The contract . to h ri-vr-ivi jti rnn " 'frrrt. rnd 91 fort, wirlo nn J. P. Beason W Ji'W. Harris 22 had been exhausted to mII it for V acw in No. 2 township $1092.50. . ibnt that American housewi W. B. McSwain to J. B. Francis, 2 acres in No. 7 townshin. $825. Sam Cabaniss to PeilLv Cabanisc, lot in Fr"edmon, Shelby $100. J. F. Moss to Mr. J. F. Moss, rtore roAm and lot n W-eo, $500. J, F. Jolley to J. D. Brooks, 74 acres in No. 2 townsh'n $2 8. J. W. H. Smith to Kester Hamrick, 46 -9. acre No.. Twn-iMn H Will'xm HsMns to Catherine Mills Co., town lot $400. C. V TT-r-v to P. v.. pyer5( iot in G-over 11-2 acres $2,500. J. Mwn oh"--" t- B. T. Flls, , 61 CTes in No. 5 towTT-h'o 570. Wrshnrrtn street w't eMtb'ti" is Vr Vl-rlt. t fV,n t f lir. T.tti. "H'o-d hsy'tsl will nlo ho' raved ps soon as the present work 13 complct-?d. W, A, Fdrds to T. P. Deal. Tot pay higher prices for hard wheat flour. "Why are prices of fldur go nisr up" T asked Representative Fess, Republican. ?The last year cron y'eld wa8 a peculiar one," answered Mr. Rrne. "There was a small yield of the Ptrong wheat.ard a big yield of the soft wheat Ftatr. mwta of the ft whent ronld be obta'ned for domestic use rt all t'ms at the exact reflection of the government guaranteed price of wheat." The Gaston County Fair. Of interest to n number of Ceve- nt Belwood ?800.- .r na coulyrerTe cs'" ally .the n .. t" erstprn miction of the county is Voni's Steele Ton'c ff-r horse, ' fonoiincfmt thpt October 12-16 m"los ews p"1 hnnt. ifa all m"''i- has been selected for th h'g of cine. 50c and $1.00 box. . Ar te Cist on pn"rfT 1 " ' "