THE . PAPEH '.' vrni 1 ,m rrrTt 1 TM. i Till! ''LAI.OELT Ci.U trrliu i:J niir.A in irj n ht ' i ft V ' m t T Ml' U I il l NEWS. $2.00 PER j j5g. CALL No. U 1UXUV. . I c i - vr- - v t - v VOL XXIX. No.-l iSual iieting OFSPRWWNERS Officer and Directory elected- Mall and Thompson Compli mented for Economy on Job. At the anual meeting of the stock Lders of the Cleveland Springs com ly this week, the board of directors authorized to secure a loan of H5.0OO with which to complete the iin'5 room hotel ss early as con ditona 11 permit. It is expected that the hotel will be ready to open somo limP in June. The building ia a. three vtrry brick structure and will have sll modern conveniences such as pri lo.B bath and telephone connections for each room, large auditorium, writ- THE CLEVELAND STAR, ftflELBY. ' N. C. TUESDAY FEB. 15, 1921. OPPOSITION TO ROAD MEASURE TAKES SHAPE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY Lawmakers From Small Coun ties Feel That Few Trunk Lines Only Will Be Built' v Raleigh, Feb.: 12. Twenty of the constitutional sixty days for the work cf the legislature were passed today with the major portion of the,' work of the session ahead of the lawmak ers. It appears inevitable now ( for both branches to stay here overtime, " ' Tuesday night will see the opening of the real fight on the floor and there, is almost a ground swell of sen timcnt against passing the road bill as it is written. It was indicated when jm, uu&e tv...f iine.jirsv move was maae in we nouse ing rooms, nowor iw jf 1 10 aeiay it ana Becomes more eviaent The Springs property conwun i with the expressions of several mem- : land on improved highway ... f QK1hv nnH nllows bpo mn cnifcA" hr extensive improvements ana amusements such as golf Jinks, tennis eourts, drive-ways and a lake for jamming and boating. A landscape architect , was here a jew aays ago ... j i looking over tne grounas ana plan ning for improvements. WorK ,on tne interior of the hotel is moving right along and every economy is, watched after for the protection of the stock holders in the two Carolinas, but most cf whom live in Shelby. At the stockholders meeting a reso jtion was unanimously adopted eon- (,T3tulating and commending Messrs 0. M. Mull and Z. J. Thompson of the building committee for the econ omical, wise and efficient administra tion of their trust. Most all of the material for the building was pur chased two years ago on a low mar ket. The brick was purchased at $17 per thousand while all orthe rough lumber was sawed on the . Springs property at $14 per thousand, so it. is conservative to say that the property is well worth double its price. bera of the senate and house today, It is hardly to be expected that the bill will fail to pass in some shape but there' are a number of reasons for prophesying a fight to render it SOCIAL NEWS . Literary Deartment of the Woman's Club to Meet Thursday. The afternon session of the literary department of the Woman's club will convene Thursday afternoon with Mrs. H. M. Loy at 3:30 o'clock at her home on South Wash ington Bt reel and the night session will meet the same evening with Mrs. R. T. Le Grand at 7:30 at her home on South LaFayctte'strcct. 'This was followed by a delightful! social hour during which the hostess, assisted by Misses Elizabeth McBray er and Emma Frick served a most de licious and elaborate salad course, and accessories and mints. ' Twelve Things to Remember. l.The value of time. - 2. The success of perseverance, 3. Thc pleasure of working. 4. The dignity of simplicity. 6. -The worth of character. 6. The power of kindpess. 7. The influence of example. . 8.The obligation of duty v9. The dd'a! of economy. ,,( 10.-The; virtue of patience." '. 11, The improvement of talent . 12. Thesjoy of originating. jfhursdar if ternoon Club With Mrs? Lattimore. . At her attractive home on North negligible as a working law. IThere I Morgan ftreet, Mrs. E. B. Lattimore will be raised, first and foremost the rcntcrtaine the Thursday Afternoon howl of the small counties who see in the Doughton-Connor-Bowie measure a bill to erect one trunk line highway from Wilmington ; to Fayetteville through Raleigh, . Greensboro and Charlotte on to Asheville. Every rep resentative of a small county is de termined to forestall any such con struction and this will probably be the initial fight on the bill. There has also been within the week a noticeable increase in the op position to the size of the bond issue. This was one point on which all hands j seemed to agree at the outset, the good roads people coming up from twenty to fifty millions at the in sistence of the governor. The first thing to bring this opposition into prominence was the presence here last week of Secretary Daniels and a (revival of his well known -"pay as you club and a number of additional guests, her sister Mrs. Harry Reid of Charlotte being the guest of honor. Six tables of progressive rook, held the interested attention of guests throughout the afternoon the hostess being graciously assisted in entertain ing by her sisters Mrs. W B Nix and Mrs. J. J. Lattimore. ' ; Following the game the hostess served an elaborate two course colla tion consisting of chicken salad, cheese straws, sandwiches, tea and a sweet courte and candies. Children of Confederacy Entertained. . Little Miss Margaret Blanton en tertained the Children of the Confed eracy at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr.f. Ceph Blanton in a most de lightful fashion last Friday afternoon A very interesting program had been arranged. Following the pro gram this charming little hostess served delicious Irafreshmenlls, FREE, TREATMENT F0RCI1ILDREI1 IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL OF CLEVELAND $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCi T0RI1AD0 SWEEPS A CORGI A SECTION The shareholders elected the . fol-1 g0 policy, it was understood at the lowing board of directors. C. C that "he communicated his oppo- ton, J. C. Smith, 0. M. Mull, Z. J. f sition to bond issues to close friends Thompson, 0. M. Gardner, Paul Wejbb 'w dwlinwl t take iid the fie-ht all of Shelby; C. E. Hutchison of Mt. Holly, A. L. Smith, A.'J. Draper and D. H. Anderson of Charlotte; C. E. Keisler and R. L. Mauney of Kings Mountain and A. G. Myers of Gas- tonia. The directors re-elected the follow ing officers for the ensuing year: J. C. mith, president; 0. M. Gardner, vice-president and 0. M. Mull secre tary treasurer. N0. fi ROAD UP-KEEP WILL BE CONTINUED The maintenace of roads in No 6 township will be continued. It ws taught for awhile that road work would have to be suspended entirely a account of insufficient funds, but a bill has been prepared and introduc ed in the general assembly authoriz mg the county commiBsioners to bor row money for several townships in tne county, said money to be used by the township road commissioners in 'e maintenance of roads. The bill d o authorizes the county commission ers to increase the road tax levy next to raise ly borrowed money and carry on the his paper until he returns in person. By. that time the legislature will be through. The next and most disconcerting at tack on the bond issue came from James H. Pou when he appeared be fore the finance committee this week to urge, that a revaluation of the property Jf the state be ordered. Re plying to a question from one of the senate members of the committee, Mr. Pou declared' that he would not ex press his opinion of the fifty million dollar proposal "in polite society." He couidn t have made a more subtle at tack on the Morrison program and while the governor's friends have re sented the thrust, the seed planted are bearing fruit in the amount of opposi tion growing to the bill. . Dr. J. H. Gettys Dead. Thhost of friends of our popular townsman, Mr. L. A. Gettys will sym pathize with ini deeply in the death of his brother Dr. J. H. Gettys who died at his home in Forest Cty Sun day morning at 0 o'clock. He had been in very poor health for. some months but was able to be about bis daily practice of dentistry at his office to the very last. On Sat. urday night he suffered a severe, stroke of paralysis from which he never , regained consciousness and passed quietly away Sunday morning. The funeral will be held this after noon from his home at two o'clock. Dr. Gettys was one of Rutherford county's most prominent and beloved dentisU. He is survived by his wife who was Mrs. McFarland and several brothers. . ' At Central Methodist Church. TWENTY-NINE LIVES ARE LOST IN STORM Nurs Eye, Ear and Nose Spec ialist and Dentist Coming to This County's Schools Soon County Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Y, Irvin announced yes terday that he fs arranging with the state department of health to have a graduate nurse come to Cleveland countjt, at an early date,' examine the school dNldren free of charge in pw paration for free medical treatment to be gixen during the summer. Following up the nurse, Dr. Clar. ence U. Peeler of Charlotte, an eye, ear and .throat specialist will coma and give' free medical treatment to all school children that are found to tieed it by the nurse. He will estab lish a temporary hospital in Shelby o give the free treatment here and after that the hospital will be carried !to the following places in the county where other children will be given the treatment and operations for ade noids and tonsils if necessary.: Faljs ton, LawndaleK Boiling Springs, Bel- wood, Casar," Union, lattimore, Mooresboro, Earl, Grovcr, Waco and Kings Mountain. A dentist will also give free dental clinics to school children between the ages of six and twelve. Sup erintendent Irvin had the following Two Georgia Towns Are Wiped Out and Property Loss is Es timated at Six Million. Last Number Lyceum Course At Auditorium February 23. The last of the five scries of the Piedmont Lyceum course which the Cecelia Music club has been instru mental in securing for Shelby this winter will be given at the graded school auditorium on Wednesday night Feb. 23rd, and we are assured that this attraction is the very finest one of the number and should draw a large crowd of music lovers for that evening. The Metropolitan (Jlee club is among the bucces.iful, popular quar-' tets of today. That this company has earned it-; popularity U-shown by the large percentage of its return dates filled. Mr.ny places have booked the Metropolitan for a third return en gagement,, which speakrf volumes when the fact is known that this is the third season for this organization under its present management. Contributed. At the morning service the pastor, Rev. 'V. E. Poovey, read and com mentc 1 upon the rules' of the church. His c mments were apt and applica ble to present-day conditions. Reports from i he various organizations of the church, were also made, showing that Oconee, Co., Feb. 11. The people of this little village today begad an other search for the dead and injured , and to inventory property loss as the result of the tornado which yesterday devastated a path through this sec tion about five miles long and in some plaiJei t mile wide. . With all missing persons accounted for it was definitely established to day that one white person and 28 ne- OToea' were k lied. The wbitc person was Benny '.Franklin ' Hall, 17 years old. It was reported at one time that a small white girl had been killed but it later developed it was a negro girl about eight years old. A total of 21 persons were injured,. . ' , A special train last night took the dead and injured to Sanderville, about 14 miles from here. Injured aire being cared for at the Rawlings institu tion. " The property loss will total at least $60,000. A definite estimate as to the loss could not be made early today because' of the confusion and conflitt of reports. Seventy-five houses occu pied by negroes were destroyed. Re lief has been tent from Atlanta' and .nearby towns, and the injured and announcement to makc to the school homeless are being cared for by the teachers: In a few days you will receive from the state board of health cards with instructions to make examination of the children in all the schools. The teachers must make the examination and return the cards to me. This is the law. All teachers are asked to do this the chjirch is progressing in all lines work at once. This will be followed up of enefcavor. by a nurse who will treat end endeav- At the evening 'service the pastor or to get as many pupils treated, as deliveied a sermon upon the subject j possible. t v; f "Strength." ' He developed hisi Also the state board has promised thought by showing its different le- me a dentist-to spend three months AIRSHIP VS. WARSHIP. Navy Arranges to Bomb German Bat tleship from the Air. . The highway commisEioners of No. have about reached the conclusion, that bred labor is cheaper than con. ;rt labor, but they will determine la whether they wUI"disband 'the nvwt force or not. It may be that ' will disband the convict force , the smmev after the roads have re-soiled and patched up from I. daLmage durin ter, and tZ nccPMary helP' to keep the It about Preparations are under way in the navy department to decide by actual test the ouestion of the relative su- an additional sum to ;periority of aircraft and the modern battleship. Secretary Darnels m a let-! tcr to Secretary Baker has invited the war department to participate in ex periments to be carried out within 90 days, in which the surrendered Ger man.,, battleship Osterf reistand prob ably will be used as the object of at tack by aircraft dropping , high ex plosive bombs from the air. Condi tioiuTapproximately as closely as pos sible those of battle will be simulat ed in the. tests, it was said. . With the importance of aircraft de velopment brought to the fore by the projected experiments, he house na val affairs committee today planned fn rnnsirtar in. executive session a measure authorizing the immediate construction of two speedy aircrart carriers foK the navy. The senate na val committee at the same time was prepared to hear views of the navy general board on the resolution .of Senator Borah to suspend' naval con struction for six months to give ex perts; an opportunity' to study the naval lessons of the war. "i a stae of repair. stated that negotiations ' are complete for antK . jent truck to tie loaned the county by ate highway commissipn for use m "d maintenance, v (hamp"k5n1h5g"raiser SHOWS 8-INCHTUSK Johl, Mrs. Roberts 20th Century Club Hostess. At her lovely and spacious home on West Marion street Friday, after noon Mrs. W. J Roberts was a charm ing hostess to the members of the 20th Centui club and a few addition al guests m the regular literary ses sion of the club. This rooms which were throifl en suitowere invitingly decorated i2 pretty tapoming &d pot ted 'plants tnd in thej surroindings a most intftrestine rftfoeram on "The Conflict BAween the? States Tond its Meaning tmericaf;was joyed"1 splendid afji instructive papers being read by Mfsclames tK. Hoqjr, fc. b Rovster &m An the absence of Mrs. Henry KelJLll, her lery interesting article on "une ctouinern opint oi we war" was lead by Mrs. Roberts. j . When - paper were laid aside tha. hostess assisted by her Iittlerdaugh ter, Minnie Eddins and Mrs. ; J. D. Linebergcr served an elaborate and delicious sweet course and punch. Mrs. Roberts' special guests were her mother, Mrs. Mary Eskridge, Mrs George Moore and the members of the members of the Shelby - high school faculty. ments, its car marks and obligations, especially emphasizing the fact that to whom much is given much is re quired. The Sunday school, under the wide awake supervision of William Line- oerger, nas uie largi-si aucmuuiv; iu , its history and is doing a great work. The report of the treasurer of the Sunday school for the last quarter showed his receipts to be J1J42,31 and his disbursements for all purpos es $792.26. It is the earnest hope of the superintendent that every mem ber of the church' become a member of the Sunday school. Continuing the, character studies of the Master, the pastor has chosen "The Indignation of Christ" as the subject for the Wednesday evening prayer meeting service. The meeting of the Epworth leagui just prior to the evening service was well attended. The service, led by tne head of the devotional department, was both impressive and iaspiring, 'Thy Kingddm in the schools. This dentist will treat freo of charge all chidren, . between the ages of six and 12. Now if any district fails to get the free use of a nurse and a dentist, it will .be because the teacher did not rflake the examination that the law requires. the subject being ' Come in our Homes." Public Health Service. and FINANCIAL CORPORATION GETS REQUESTS FOR LOANS Thirty Applications Have Been Sent in from Southern States Five -From North Carolina. Thirty inquiries and tentative ap plications for financial assistance have come from exporting concerns in the south since the revival of the war finance corporation, but "very few definite applications have been, received." - , ' This is revealed by a list prepared today by Angus W. McLean, the Tar Heel director of the corporation, in response to a request that he-furnish Red Cross and civic organizations. ' Identification Slow. ' Identification of the bodies' was slow, but it was ascertained that in some cases entire families had been wiped out; The region visited by the tornado, an area nearly five miles long and a half mile wide, stretching from Gard ner almost to Toomsboro, was com letely devastated. The chief property damaire occurred at the plant of tno j Cleveland-Oconee Lumber company, where most of the victims of the dis, aster-Werrempoljred. A large part of the plant was destroyed and rollliooa of feet of- lumber scattered for hun dreds of yards in every, direction. The wind played many freaks. A . school building, 'in which there were 80 children, was destroyed, but all of the pupils escaped with no more in jury than bruises. Bodies of some of the victims were hurled through the air for great distances and badly 'mangled. Scores of houses were razed and-giant trees were twisted off, and boards and other objects were blown about as if shot from a gun. Most of the bodies were found - in an open field, where they had been carried by some freakish whirl of the wind. Cars were blown from railway tracks and fowla stripped clean of their fathers. " Torrential downpours of rain ac companied the wind, and all rivers and streams were reported at flood and still' rising early today. r ti. i.i . ; . . . ii. " aiurirx wnn hue hal. j tlu section for a hum S?. kifw V fork.8rowlnir the largest C , 1 rV8 aad VA tusk ft...- --o "ppcr jaw wnirn eight inches. The tusk i mv Mi , w bo doubt., the tusk mitt a curiosity. In certain parts of Russia mail is carried by buffaloes. This animal is picked for the service because of his verylat-.leetr.wniciuxnableihlnuio travel where horses would sink,, Mrs. Paul Webb Club Hostess. At her attractive' home on North Morgan street Mrs. Paul Webb was a most charming club' hostess to the members of the Chicora club last Fri day afternoon, the guests being greet ed at the door by little Miss Montrose Mull, niece of the hostess. ' At the opening of the meeting a hasinesa session was held at which new officers were elected for the en P. suing club year: President, Mrs. L. i Holland: vice-president, Mrs. J. To the Physicians, Parents Teachers of Cleveland County: As quarantine officer of the county, I desire the hearty cooperation of you, each and all, in order that the work and efforts put forth to prevent the spread of contagious diseases may be effective. Good health is a price less asset to any community, and it can only be secured by the proper observance and prompt maintenance of all preventativ measures pertain ing to the spread of disease. Any time I can iserve you In my official capacity it wll be to me a duty and a pleasure to do so. R, C. ELLIS, M. D., Quarantine of ficer Cleveland county. ,. Feb. 11, 1921. Patterson (Spring Couple Wed. Miss Kathleen Hopper daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hopper and Mr. Louis Allen a prominent young cou; pie of Tatterson Springs section were married by Rev. J. C Keever at thai Methodist parsonage Saturday night February 5 in the presence of only a few friends. EARL COMMUNITY HAS a pair nnr Aiviytfn .information regarding the public re- f Earl is to have' a community fair sponse to the action of Congress de- next fall, making Uie thiru to oe or recting that the finance corporation 'ganized in the county) Mr. Lawrwice, resume its activities. The finance cor-! farm agent and Miss Cornelius, dem poration -withheld the names of the 'nstration agent visited Eaii Friday; applicants, but furnished information 'afternoon and tounu the people ot regarding the number applying in. that community deeply interested in several states, including five in North j the project and ready to go right into Carolina. - Nearly all of the southern appli cants are for Asiatic exporting of farm products 'However, it; is inti mated that many of the applications do not represent complete transac tions andlhe war finance corporation cannot make advances except when the sale has actually been made and security offered. "Obviously," it was said at the cor poration offices today, 'it is necessary for American exporters to complete their contracts or commitments for the exportation of products before they can make a definite application involving particular sums and giving other details. This process necessar ily takes time. For this reason very few 'definite applications have been received up to the present time." the plans. The following officers were elected, A. B. Webber, president Jno, A. Wilson, vice-president; Mrs. E. B. Olivef Eeeretary and treasurcrVThe- Various committees will be appointed at a later date. The Boiling Springs community fair was re-organized Friday 'night and will hold its fourth annual fair next fall. The following officers were .., elected! F. B. Hamrick, president; B. C. McCraw vice president; Mrs. M. A. - Jolly, secretary; Mrs. E. G. Whitaker, treasurer. 6TAR WANT ADS WILL PAY YOU. J V Independent CoaJ operators made Lattimore; secretary-treasurer, ' Mrs. T..W. Ebeltoft A most interesting program" on" "FTencTI'irtaas giv en by Mesdsmcs C-'M. Lattimsre, W. A.' Murray and Li A, Gettys. an excessive' profit' from the people of New York city to the amouat of 517 000,000" Ia"Ue1ast-yeAr7aCr(ilnr'to tha Massachupetfa" fuel administra te. . , 1 TAX NOTICE LAST CALL. ' I ask all who have not paid their taxes for last year to call at once and make settlement as I am compell ed to close Up1 my books at once. The city needs the money and I am com. pelledt6cllecrit"ithotrt mry-furth- f "delay; 1 ? - I (Ad.' B. O: HAMRICK, T. ft A Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends neighbors' and relatives for their kind assistance and 'sympathy extended to us during the sickness and djpath t our dear husband and father. May God's richest blessings be with each and every onei And may they have many -comrofters ' when their ' sad hours of trouble tome. ' -Mrs. R. W. Elliott and ChUdrea. ' Miss Maria Kendall cane bom Fri darftoni'Chartottc, irhore"" ste is teaching to Bpmd the' week end. with relative: ' I

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