! I ' : . ... t i J ivv. i?A J! T770 LIN- the PApnn vmi tllELAT.GEST-CIRCULATION MOST NEWS. $2.00 PER YEAR. AND CAN -DO ALL HDS OF'PRNT-. TNG. CALL NO. H VOL. XXIX. No. 26 V THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY. N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1921 $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE .. . '.-:, j' I i.7 ; v 'f . ; u, ' i FIVE DIVORCES GRANTED Nf COURT ilX ARE SENT TO BUILD GOOD ROADS Heavy Criminal Docket Consum ed Entire Week of Superior Court-Judge Webb Presiding Five divorces were granted and six road sentences were imposed the first three days of the Cleveland Superior court which began Monday with Judge James L. Webb presiding. Judge Webb set the wheels in motion as rapidly as possible, but the criminal docket is heavy and may n6t be com pleted until this afternoon. The Judge convened court early yesterday morn ing to hear a few divorce cases on the civil docket, after which the at tention of the court was turned -back to the case against Jack Williams, a voune white man charged with high way robbery on the, person of Joe Cook Washburn who operated a store near the Eastside mill a few week ago when someone robbed him of about $34 in cash. The Williams case lias consumed more time and attracted more attention than any case on the docket so far. All evidence was in Wednesday afternoon and after the judge's -charge yesterday, the case was turned over to tke jury. Case of state against Lee Woodall, embezzlement, continued. James Camp, retailing, pleads guil ty. No sentence yet. A LITTLE ENGLISH BEAUTY PRIZE CONTEST WINNER. ' J !ft t.7 SOCIAL NEWS Guild Meeting Saturday. The Episcopal Guild will meet Sat urday afternoon at 4 oclock with Mrs W. B. Price. Mrs. Royster Hostess to Thursday Afternocn Club. At her beautiful home on South Washington street Mrs. S. S. Royster wa9 a most 'gracious hostess to the members of the Thursday Afternoon club yesterday. The house was artis. ticalry Arranged in exquisite spring flowers and a most enjoyable after noon wa spent in playing the club's "dopted game, rook at the four tahles arranged about the rooms. V When cards were laid aside the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs Wythe Royster served an elaborate collation consisting of a salad and a sweet course. Washington today, while Mr.. Davis ILL will remain several days longer as a 'guest at the Webb home. Attending Presbyterial At Kutherfordton.' The Kings Mountain Presbyterial is convening in Rutherfprdton for a two days session, yesterday and to day and Shelby is quite well repre sented at this meeting the following ladies attending the conference: Mes dames L. M. Hull, W. F. Mitchell, H. E. Kendall, R X Ryburn, H M Loy, S 0. Andrews and perhaps a few others whose names could not be ascertained. Shakespearian Club Holds Meeting. V : The meetinjspi tne Shakespearian club was held at the home of Mi33 Virginia Hamrick Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. , Six vcnr old KrthtarMary Knight The meetings wasopened with the of Crouth," England, who won first roll call and minutes, afterwards the prize in her class in a beauty contest stnr the Merchant of Venice. Then conducted recently in London. Sev- P'a olo by Mary Elizabeth eral thousand children were entered Bla nd Virginia Hamrick. Follow in the contest. jing meeting rook was played, Alice Moss winning the prize for the most games and Evelyn Shytle won the FOUR COWS AND NINE v! DOGS ARE KILLED Bull Dog With Rabbies Plays Havoc in the County With Cows and Dogs. Four cows and nine dogs have been kiljed as a result of a mad bull dog which traversed- the county several days ago from below Earl to the Eli zabeth, community two miles east, of Shelby! The bull dog got'into'jpas tures and bit the cowi on their noses, tearlngimd mangling the skin in an ugly, manner. A colored boy shot the dog then ran with the resilt that he fell In a ditch and injured himself in the tide which put him in bed. The dog's, head was sent to Raleigh for analysis and as soon as the telegram camol four cows that had been bitten were killed. One cow in the pasture with Hhe others when the dog cut his prank, has not been killed, awaiting developments. Nine dogs bitten by the mbASiaU rUKi ' mother served hot chocolate and sandJ killed. The cows be- ' I . . . niH rinnlr nil! Will lTIIla mrii r K-lmf . -rhps. prean and cake. Easter de- "v v-- ..... ... n,u.ui .u-r-vH, ,,.,- Lel WorlI1 car0,ina DC V,areiUl "7' ""I" -'T-'' 7 . 'Golden Eskridre. colored farmers on the Will Jennings place two miles east HEALTH FORCES BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS -LEADER TO RESIGN NEWS AND INTERVIEWS. More Registered Cows. Boxtor Suttle, better known as "Baas" because he is a big fish in the farming industry is quite a wit and philosopher and whenever a meeting is called to order at the Cleveland"' Drug store, Mr. Suttle and his phil osophV are the center of attraction. Mr. Suttle ventured the remark Tues duy night that Cleveland county has mbre registered cows than any coun ty in the big live-stock counties of Kentucky, whereupon Mr. Joe Smith .as astonished to find Cleveianu making such headway in the cattle Industry. "Well," Mr. 'Suttle said, "if you don't believe my statemenjt,go to tne omce ol Register of Deeds R. L. Weatherj and see the number of cows described in mortgages that are reg istered. Then everybody had a good laugh. Not to Have the Experience of State of Arkansas- corations were carried out all through th- ft5rr.n.in. of Shelby an.d Lhariie Wright, a whita farmer living in the same com munity. Clifton Bridges who lives on Buffalo : il. .i l t iL. a. l i of the Woman's club-with a mem-,1" "T V . y . mme wnicn wouia iaKe spasms 01 er for judgment continued until next court. Shellv Anthonv and Ada'ShoUD. f. and a. Defendant pleads guilty, but (Brevard Nixon in Charlotte Obser- Some Pertinent Questions it appearing that defendant having ver) From .Woman's Club. married and are now living together, j Uv., w . ho. -tortoH nn an Tne Home Economics Department upon, recommendation cf solicitor 1 . , . . . , ,, tnra costs. ..anfi-roau builuiiig, and many of the profitable meeting on Monday nfter. climbn. the 9tall hltm the Plan ! counties or the state are doing like- noon. "7! 7 f !" . K 1 K 8 1 , aA Rrovar V rnn "If w I Montr fhlnira of nforouf tn tho plnh hulucu his nra w o u. it in Andrew Bonar Law, British cabiriet member and government leader in the House of Commons, has resigned, ac cording to a cable dispatch from Lon don. Ill health was given as the rea son for his resignation. The, an nouncement was made in Commons by Premier Lloyd George. Andrew Bonar Law has long been prominent in Brit ish politics. He has been the govern, ment leader in the House of Commons since 1916 and represented the Brit ish government at the peace confer ence in Paris in 1919. He was born In Brunswick, Canada, in 1858, and re ceived his education there in the Glasgow high school. More Whites on the Gang. Chief B. O. Hamrick says there are moro white people on the jrfialn fang and In jail than there ar( .negroes. There is exactly the reverse of the situation several years' ago when the jail' atij' gang had a majority of ne groes There are 16 whites In jail and only two colored and on the chain gang of No. 6 the majority are whites; Chief Hamrick says he can rot understand this situation but it is a fact that he arrests more whites than colored for the "various violations of the law. There is one striking thing to be noticed and that is that you sel dom catch a negro " manufacturing whiskey. The whites seem to have a monopoly on this business. A negro will sell whiskey now and then, but the whites traffic in it mare than negroes. J. C. Humpnnes and Jossie Griffin, j j . . t i rti. tt'l lio. uiuuon. ueienaani pieaas guuiy. i - i ,. not kfcown whether this mule wm bit- HnmnW. nf sn ibe well for us to take lessons from a and the women of the town were dis- ;no1 ??0Vl.n netner tms mule was Dlt T ! . . a 1 jusiifird bond of $200 for appearance istate like Arkansas. cussed. ten by the dog or not. at court for three years and show good behavior. In case of Griffin, to forceable trespass. cost. The New York Times, of March 25 . The question was asked "Why do 'i and 26 contains several columns from we still pay high prices fcr tough its correspondent in Little Rock, one beef, when the butchers' prices have I - . . . , i.l 4ft f f i 'headed. 'Wmespreaa Alarm in Ar- laiien so i CHATAUGUA AT GROVER TO BE HELD FROM APRIL 6 TO 9 Mr. Byron Keeter of Grover was in BLOOD POISON TAKES LIFE OF BELTON GREEN Dies From Blood Poisoning . Funeral, at Lattimore. w nr I J. .1 . . J.C. Mode, retailing .defendant pleads jkansas on Taxe3 for Koaa rr0JeT"' 1 ine Iaaies w.ou,a 1K;.l "ave davs of muic drama and entertain- of blood Poison caU8ed t i - . . . A..Unc Tnor Tin- nncoror nr nn invpsturation. ,aavs 01 music, arama ana entertain- r , kuiilv. .1 n Lrm pnr nr paiit-t n ot nn n n t aiiu o.ii.iic , .iinwiiu i " I . t . rr I r T Il. T..1 ' I AniAA n irnAa of ( jay ?50 and costs, Bui! Xeal and Chevus Whisnant, re tailing:. Defendants plead guilty JSeal now being in army, judgment Z Road Taxes and Czar Like Rule.' , They decided to trade at the stores -nt to be given April 6 to9 inclu-; f " "IZ "Four years ago, 'the citizens of that were kept cleanest , -e oy tne r eamon, auqua ou-, this city raised quite a hullaballoo be-. Clean-up Week is soon coming and .u w Ithe tree fell, the saw twisted and cut cause Little Rock at that time was "A hint to the wise is sufficient." suspended upon payment of costs, 'about $500,000 m debt Today the - ' Prayer for judgment continued in the road debt is about $14,000,000, ac- Exprssion Recital at Boiling case of defendant Whisnant and con- 'cording to the report of the grand Springs Saturday Night. tinueil nn smn iiAnri ! i.irv. with a nossible financial burden An exrjression recital called v v wwav ' I C. L. Ashpvillo in mnnncpr. The nrnoram consists of music and drama present- jhis rinV- Blood poison ed by the best entertainers to be se- A South Carolina Law. . The Editor of The Star who writes News and Interviews was Informed thls-week by Chief Hamrick that a man can be tried for an offense in South Carolina without being present Prominent Young Man of LaUiiBore 1t0?rt 8 th of his trial. tins is .Bomeming nonn Carolina people" or at least few of them know. When a man is tried In a South Car olina court when he Is not present, the "judgment is sealed and turned over to a court official to be opened and announced when the offender is captured. In North Carolina, no man can be tried for an offense without first being captured and brought into court to face the witnesses, the judg and the Jury. ' . Mr. Belton Green, son of the late W T. D. Green of Lattimore died Sun- by the developed ' J L - A. . - .1 f..lV-y.J liA.nl una 11c went tu me itutucuviu hub)i- Cameron's Welfare Building. 1 1 1 1 A1J T. cured by this well known bureau. The ,iai wnere nis nana was mpuw..u. t , . .. .... vuau fntinH that hia condition srrew 1 Kicketts oiee ciuo, tne uperauc irio, I"" " 7 .7 " .ZV ...i Cameron Putnam is another aa ' oom- , iJ. " rrr: 1 ; r; rs.. "i :. the cooiev auintet and the s;Pher- Decue p,Hon nau .v. Young, forgery; bill changed aut suu . y ng nas cos ume recoai w.u a , Schwartz Concert company will ren-.W -ystem, so the arm was removed 3- - to fcreable trespass. to roads and tne scr.oois nave seniors m me aramauc cus 01 me Dromm and all who attend iand he died following the second op- --...v-. c-, F. - . u aj v ,mi.,rt0.i. tovoHnn Dii;-. Ho-ii .linnl tAmnrrnw ,aer Ine program ana an wno auena - land druz store where evervth nc iwo cases against Son Love . and ,uec" uVi V . .7 . , 7. are assured of their money's worth. av,c crown for gambling. Love five - - w ;;",7',,:7 This is the first course of this kind montr. and Brown three months. ca.l,8ee ine ena . . . . . l0"r B,,a u,e " tuIU'"'v ever held in Grover and-seoson tick- UtfA r.imkli n ij. .,!H "Hicnwav commisiors nave nan iuu vitea. . . . ... vnnnir man No sentence yettt F handling o'f the road funds and the This will be followed by a taking up the work left off South Shelby and llast fall he : built . c j.utt ... ri . ..... . i.-ii.j XT- MiT LA" OCT tO Place tnem Wltnin reacn OI . . . walfnM kniMinv fn, ko mmfnrt Mit tar! Peeler, retailing, pleads guilty laying out ci roaas ,n ne xne ntue Pay enuueu , 'everybody who enjoy wholesome ' -wi.o. I " Pink Hamrick, forgery, defendant 'Gross extravagance and viste, ex- acters follows: tno I ITIivnhath Rn KiNe oona 01 witn xatner as eration. iu uiujs wib wucre every ininK Mr. Green was about 33 years of "om tne immorattiues ol the day to age and a very prominent and likeable th immortality of the soul Is discuss- who sold musical instru- V""?" " " ,n surety and to appear in court for three years and show good behavior. J. G. Royster, house breaking and larceny, 8 months. Forrest McSwain house breaking and larceny. 12 months. Gaither G. Pope, assault on female 18 months. . John Smith ( retailing, $25 and costs amusement. At Presbyterian Church Sunday. 1 1 . m n j or supennunaent. use aunuy fa were ifl crowd.of 8orrowi M ds and reI. present. How about having loO next, . W , orbitant fees' for engineers, and the) Elizabeth Rawley, girl bachelor 'members of legislature who nelp- Gladys Stedman. ed pass the Arkansas road laws ha?? Isabelle .Granger, girl bachelor accepted employment in the road im- I.ila Woodward, provement districts,' that the law does Prynell, their maid Thelma Mich nnt Twinirfi the commissioner to eive aels. bond, and that there is no guaranty I Refreshments will be served at the Sunday? for roads constructed. conclusion of the program. " m.-Morning worship, sermon "In routing the Hog Thief road the : pastor. commissioners have ?een fit to aban- .Washington Visitors Recipients ) 6:45 p. m.-Christian Endeavor Fo- Amncf ' i x m a u t th nU hA with 'nf Much Social Attention. ciety. bubject: lhe Kingdom in my .. kjnai p auaiiuunniciit, nut guii- " ..iwi... -f ty. the purpose of routing the highway Miss Elizabeth Webb, the attractive immunity. Clyde Hullender, judgment sus- through or near, lands belonging to young daughter of Judge and Mrs. I 7:30 p. m.-Evemng worship, ser- Pf-nded upon payment of costs. Give 'certain individuals, .ays the report E. Y. Webb has been entertaining at mon by pastor. The 1 mens choral club bond with father as surety tojof the grand jury. The 'Hog Thief a house party for the past week, the j" - h Vi. fotKor whn h t'ei Hp w weuare Duuuing xor me comion ana married to Miss Maude Jones, daugh- .convenience of hi gin customers who ter of Mr. A. B. Jones who survives fme waitinar their turn at the plant, with four little daughters. The fu-.T"6 welfare building haa a -seating i ,. 'MtnM.4 i,-. p.- t n capacity of a dozen and is equipped fl.lC UiklA m Vv nnl A f1 itllllnM CillTV- ' J 4.1. 11 l.a. a "'" 7,7 " "T Harrill and the interment was at Lat- lwun 8m" ""VB " '"K"5 s enntendent, J. &. wctt.mgnt, assist.' . . . . t . ., j toon. Bass Buttle says Cameron s cus VI 141 Vi v evajwe'b v si v a v 4i tuviiun mis music. A has been fiSnear ".v . --4 . ...rf ftf tho Mi:niiri.ArWnn--fAMAHn - rharminir eiiests - from 1 8PK nu,t-muMiai .program behavior. . , 'sas highway. On the 'Hog Thief road .Washington, D. C.,: Misses -Elizabeth prepared. You are cord.ally Invited. Dennis Rp.nm Ooo,-, alone the errand jury charges that lArchbold end Isabelle Meyers . and to simple assault Judgment surpend- .there is a waste of over $1,000,000. Mr.. Malcolm Davis. , These charmfing upon payment of costs. Entertainment at Waco. There will be nn entertainment in atives. At Central Methodist Church. Sunday school will open promptly at 9:45 instead of 10 o'clock as here tofore. . : The pastor's theme for the Sunday morning service will be "Love" and for the Sunday evening sermon, "Lew." -f - . The morning service will conclude with the administration of "The Lord's Supper." The jEpworth league ymeets at 6:45 k-'i'a Jennings perjury bill chang-!fhe man or woman with the smaller ; a number of delightful parties among , Waco school auditorium Saturday m. You are welcome to all those ed to simple Tresspass. Judgment holdings, Governor McP.ae says: 'The Shelby's younger set. Miss Webb also evening April & at 7:30 o'clock, giv- 'services. ... suspended ..upon payment of costs. lNew York Times will rrndcr not only ,had a, number of young men irom tne en oy pupus oi one oi ine gramn.ur Russel Poteat and Coy Page larceny ; myself as governor and all the peo- 'neighboring towns as her week-end grade rooms under direction of the M. retailing pleads guilty. No FenniP'e of Arkansas, but the people of the guests, and all enjoyed an informal .emcien teacner airs. j. n.. wu.is. tence vet - . , ' I country eenerally', a great service if dance at her home on South Washing-, Everybody invited. Admission 15c . .' . - , , , v , . - . . Lswrer.ee Dve. forprv" rflpad e-uil- it shows un this road I proposition in ton street Saturday evening. ... i. 1 ' o" . ' r i . . . . . i v- ao sentence yet. Arkansas in its true colors. Personal- Again on Monday -morning ' and 25c. Proceeds for school furnish- this ings." Lawrence lv I will t?av that this ror.d business young hostess entertained 12 young auomobile belonirinff to' Earl Ham- has turned out to La the greatest dis- ladies.. at three tables of progressive "ec! near Eli Street's present res'- ttimore. Grayson is-, not 15 years of aster that has befallen the pnnple of rook in honor of the Misses Meyers Ripe Strawberries. The Manless Minstrel. Will be repeated at the Welfare building in South Shelby Saturday night April 9th. at 8:15 o'clock. Don't fail to Bee it this time. You get more than your money's worth. The says tomers have not fared so well since the welfare building has been erected for it gives Cameron a chance to take a heavy toll of cotton while his cus tomers are discussing the burning, the consuming and the depressing Issues of the day. Mrs. S. Bynum Hamrick writes to .newest songs, jokes and dances, and Try the Gate. Baxter S'jttlo saj5 he visited Cam eron's1 gin once since the welfare building was erected ar.d finding that he did not fare so well, has not been back since. On that occasion Baxter said it was early fall and as a mah Is prone to do, Baxter got hungry waiting for his turn at the gin. He wandered over to Mr. Bill Putnam's garden and was pulling ripe tomatoes through the cracks ?f the fence when Uncle Bill came out and politely told Baxter' he wouJd fare better if he would go arouifd to' the gate. However, Baxter had made out his dinner on tomatoes and taking the hint from Uncle Bill, did not feel ln- dined to eat up the whole garden. Arkansas. The whole thing is a scan- 'and Archbold. The sentiment of the ,The Star that she believes this is an ,a real cake walk. Adults 35c; children dal and a shame and the odor of it Esster reason was artistically car--early spring, one reason I think so, sentence to determine whether Su- reaches to heaven." ' ricd out ,m the beautiful decorations I am gathering ripe . strawberries Perior court or MuvMiil court will "What will we, of Mecklenburg, end elegant refreshments. ( The score .from my garden. I wonder if any one den! with htm ' ' - ' lhave in four, five or ten years from "cards were' cunning little handpainted else. can say this. Mrs. Hamrick lives Ivory Pettiford, retailing, . found jnow to show for the ' millions we are ( affairs,- while the souvenirs were lit nM guilty. '7 Bud Maybe-ry, retailing, mistrial The divorcei eranted 'this week were John P. Led ford vs. Laura Led- -drrateISeTVr Tot. .. ... I i i :u a-AK -.v n tun vs Mary wewton; uarson hciiuui wiu ucu at wuvi L'PSCOmb VS. Prnn Ai- heffinnino: Sundav mornirj?. en Barrett vs. Mary Barrett ';- April 3rd. Be on tir.O, proposing to spend? What guai-anty tie baskets of Easter eggs and chicks, is there that we will have anything t An elaborate and delicious salad BE ON TIME served at the conclusion of the game. Thursday the house party -enjoyed an automobile outing in Charlotte chaperoned by Mrs. Webb. . Misses on Shelby Route. 2. 25 cents. Tickets on sale at Blanton & Blanton and Riviers Drug stqre. P-elwoed Charge Apifointmentsk ' Mis Grace Bradley the efficient Ep worth league field secretary will speak at Fallston at 11 o'clock and Palm Tree at 3 o'clock, Miss Brad ley Is a splendid sneaker, she has a : for discussion, Myers and Archbold returned to kited to attend. Special to The Star. An April fool party will be given at the home of Mrs. E. B. Olive, Earl, antunwiaKt-A-nrUa ftt5i20Pro- messaee for the old people as well as w , -r - - - l 1 . - - , :- , -, rT .-j ceeds go for the Community Fair. Ad- itne youni, ana tne puonc is coraiai mlssion 25c, Everybody cordially In- ly invited. The pastor will preach at Methodist Ministers Meeting. Fallston at the evening service. The monthly meeting of the Meth odist pastors of Cleveland county will be held at Central Methodist church Monday, April 4th at 2 r. m. The Educational Movement In the M. E.' 'church, South,, will be the main topic . ;L ..... ' ' ' ""SuggestiohforAldermen.""- Frank Hoyle, Frank Roberts, A. P. Weathers, Ogburn Lutz. ' - 1

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