f iMf . n.KVKS.AND STAK SHELBY. N. C FRIDAY MAY 6, 1921 GOOD NEWS TO COTTON FARMERS Dr. Kilgore Says Selling Move ment for The Entire South Is Launched. Dr. B. W, KMgore, just back from Memphis Tern., ; brings encouraging news to the '."cotton growers of thi.s state. The director of th agricultural extension service in North Carolina attended ' the conference of reprc. en tatives from 12 cotton ' growing states in Memphis, last week, -returning to Raleigh yesterday. ; ' Dr. Kilgore brings word that eight southern states have already adopted the Fame plan of co-operative mai keting for cotton as that started in North Carolina and that in the-e eight states 84 per cent of the cotton of America is produced. The pros pects for the movement grow bright every day. The doctor talks enthusiastically of the class of men attending the con-, ference. They were not orators but business men bent on working out plans for the betterment of agricul tural conditions in the south. Dr. Kilgore has been attending conferen ces of various kinds for several years just how many he doesn't like to say and declares that this was the most business-like, the most determined and altogether the most worth-while one he ever attended. Carefully prepared plans were ap proved for the organization of the American Cotton Growers' exchange through which the state associations will market their cotton except such quantities as they can sell more ad vantageously direct. This will be a non-stock, non-profit organization and will be set going as soon as three states become members. Already Oklahoma has a going jnarketing organization with pledges to sell over 400,000 bales or cotton, preaching and consecrated work. Both selling association and the great state of Texas will soon be in posi tion to put an association on its feet. It would not surprise Dr. Kil gore if they should not be the first states to join the exchange and start it going. States represented at the confer-co-operative cotton selling movement ence, which launched the south-wid-were: California, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Ten nessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Geor gia, South Carolina and North Caro lina. CAROLEEN SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Exercises Were of a High Order School Was Successful in Every, Department. Special to The Star. The commencement exercises of Caroleen public school were held on April 23-26. Saturday evening April 23rd, the high schol play was given "An Old Fashioned Mother." It is said to be the best play by high school students ever given in Caro leen. Monday evening April 25ih the primary grades gave an operetta "A Rose Dream." Thirty-six tots dressed as roses,, elves and fairies presented beautiful spectacle that transport ed the large audience to fairyland. Tuesday evening the grammar grades presented "Jack and the Beanstalk" to a large and appreciative audience. Grown ups as well as children en joyed seeing wonderful beanstalk, the giant and the hen that laid gol den eggs. Caroleen has had this year the most successful school in her history, having won in the county-wide con tests many honors among them three gold medals. In addition the com mencement is considered the best ever given in this town. Professor J. B. Jones, the principal was ably assisted by the following teacher: Miss Essie Hemphill, Mrs. J. B. Jones, Miss Etta Head, Miss Amanda Head, Miss Amanda Head, Miss Em ily Hollifield, Miss Ellie Huntley, Mrs. Mullie Harrill, Miss Lillian Belk and Miss Lillie Lackey. The school is. . also indebted to Prof. W. B. Blanton for valuable assistance in music. MEMORIAL AT LAUREL HILL . , THE FIFTH. SUNDAY Ift.MAY Memorial services wjll be held at laurel Hill church in upper Cleve land the fifth Sunday, May 29th. Services at 2 p. m. Editor Lee B. Weathers of The. Star has been invit ed to make an address on this occa sion. - - .- ' MONEY WILL BE READY ' ' FOR OPENING HOSPITAL Raleigh, April 29. Formal assur- ance that financial aid would be av ailable for the opening of the North Carolina Orthopaedic . hospital - oi. June 15, was given today by Gover nor Cameron Morrison to R. B. Bab- ' ington of Gastonia, -moving spirit in the jbuildinff of the home !t:rstoreHr pled children of the state. STA3 -WANTEDS GET RESULTS FOR 50 In One Block Level Street Located on E. Bargain to o -SEE- Frank -AT CLEVELAND DRUG CO.- FOR SALE lay Day Specials See onr Puge SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Announces Important changes in passenger train schedules and improved service as shown below EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2ND, 1921 Lv Marion 5:25 a. m. Ar Blacksburg 8:35 a. m. Le Blacksburg 9:20 a. m. (Connect with Charlotte di vision trains 36 and 39) Ar Rock Hill 11:05 a. m. Train No. 35 Lv Charlotte Lv'Rock Hill Ar Columbia Lv Columbia Ar Blackville 5:45 a. m. 6:40 a. m. . 9:45 a. m 10:00 a. m. 11:55 a. m. For further information call cn nearest Ticket or address R. H. GRAHAM Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. T. VJ. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller -82 l Fire, at .Great Fall., ; Tke business portion of Great Falls, Chester county S. C. sustained a heavy loss by fire Wednesday morning about 8:30 o'clock. The fire ia understood to have originated in municated from there to other build ings. Lawrence Brothers, ' furniture dealers, lost tore building, -atoefc-and Phono SALE FOOT of Ccirt quare on either side. Marion Street. Quick Buyer. c E, Hoey I A1 on 1 (Connections to and from Charleston division No. 35) Lv Hardeeville 2 :50 p. m Ar Savannah 8:35 p. m. Train No. 35 Lv Rockhill 6:45 a. m. Ar Blacksburg 825 a. m. (Connection with Charlotte division trains 3G and 39) Lv Blacksburg 9:45 a.m. Ar Marion 12:30 p.m. (Sarv.e as present) Agent dwelling, worth about $14,000. 0th' er losses were, sustained by M..A. Jackson, G. W. Higgins, J. R. Ander son and Hudson. ONLY 101 VOTES .IN V.;-, the town Lection , ' Only 101 otet.f were, cast .hy the' town election held. Monday and every candidate for alderman and school committee received the full vote. Col. J. T. Gardner received 99 votes. He began this week his 12th term as mayor of Shelby. The board of ald ermen Is an entirely new line-up, composed of the , following citizens: Thad C. Ford, S. S. Royster, J. Law rence Lackey and T. W. Hamrick. The school committee on which there was only one change from the old line-up is as follows: George Balntoa BTHrrendall, F. U. UeeTICTrCar perter and Marion Putnam. - The newly elected officers began their new terms this week. TAX NOTICE The tax listers of the different townships will be at the follow ing places on the following dates for the purpose of listing the real and personal property and polls ior the year lim. All prop ertp must be listed during the rr.ontn ot May. Any one laiung to list will be subject to the pains jand penalties of the law. W, K. JNEWIUJN, County Supervisor. No. 1 Township . Prospect School House, Tues day, May 3, Holly Springs School House, Wednesday, May 4, J. A. McCraws Store, Thurs day. Mav 5. J. A. McCRAWV Lister. No. 2 Township At Flint Hill School House Tuesday morning, May 3. At Trinity School House, Tuesday evening, May 3. At Jolley's Store Wednesday. Mav 4. At Mrs. L. L. smiths residence, lhursdav Mav; 5. At C. J. Ham rick & Sons Fri- day, May 6. At Boiling Springs School Houce Saturday, May 7. All tax payers are hereby noti fied to make prompt returns. W. C. HAMRICK, Lister. No. 3 Township Val Thomasons Store. Satur day, May 7. Earl Wednesday, May 11 and Thursday May 12. Patterson Springs, Monday May 1G. W. A. GLADDEN Lister. No. 5 Township J. R. Champions Store Tues day, May 3, morning. Stoney Point, Hoeys Store, Tuesday, May 3, evening. W. I. Wolfe Store, Wednesday, all day. Waco May 5, G and 7. E. L. WHITWORTH, Lister. No. 6 Township Tuesday May 3. Stubbs. morn- inp:. Wednesday. Mav 4, South Shelby, Blanton & Blantons, all day. Thursday, May 5 Min Golds. afternoon. Friday, May 6, Queens, afternoon. Monday. May 9, Cabiness Store, after noon. Tuesday. Mav 10. East. Side Cotton Mill, afternoon. After the above dates I will be at the Court House all during the month of May, so let all per sons see me as soon as possible. M. H. AUSTELL. Lister. No. 7 Township Mooresboro. Tuesday Mav 3. Lattimore. Wednesday Mav 4. Double Springs, Thursday, May o, morning. Uabbiness School House. Thursday. -Mav 5. evpn. ing. Pleasant Ridge School House friaay May b, morning. Padgett School House, Friday May 6, evening. i J. G. LATTIMORE, Lister. No. 8 Township Delight Tuesday, May 3. Polk vllie Wednesday, May 4. New House, Thursday, May 5. Mau ney Co., Store, Friday May 6, morning. T. G. Philbecks, Fri day May 6, evening. W. J. BRIDGES, Lister. No. 9 Township Wrights Store, Tuesday morn ing, May 3. Double Shoals. Tues- Wednesday morning, May 4. El liotts School House, Wednesday evening, May 4. Lawndale, Thursday May 5. Fallston, Fri day May 6. W. A. GANTTi Lister. No. 10 Township St. Peters School house, Turs day, May 12. Pleasant Hill School House, Friday May 13, morning. Philbecks School House, Friday, May 13. eveninc; n r. rQ ters Store, Saturday, May 14 :". S. T. CARPENTER. ' TV. ' . H.; Lister. o. 11 Township : Thos. F. WhifA fffnvU ' on. day. Mav 3. Hull s,i n Wednesday morning,' May 4 McNeflly School rmn Xv?- ' day afternoon: Mav irt.-f" uuy ana J?ndy, May 5 and ; IC DOWNS. Jr.. "" - .-! Lister. Dr. J. S. nnrtnn " STERINABIAM ' Office Paul Webb's ' Phone 21 s , , Residence Phone 218 ShelbyNrCT STAR WANT ADS WILL PAT Tfrn CYSTOMA HOSPITAL WILL OPEN JUNE 15 Orthopaedic Hospital For Crippled Children Will Soon be Ready for "Tiny Tims." The (North Carolina Orthopaedic hospital for crippled . and deformed children of sound mind, will throw i ts doors open to t he "Ti ny Ti m s" of the state about June 15. The num ber of patients that can be-received at that time will be limited owing to the fact that the state's appropria tion is not available, but it is hop ed to soon get an amount sufficient to complete the constructive work. Speaking of the opening, President R. B. Babington says "We have a larger number of appli cations from children from many counties all over the state. However, our activities at first will be limited, but we desire to get the -applications on file and handle them as rap idly as circumstances will permit. "It is our purpose and desire to ac cept the younger children, and also the children with the lesser deform- ities first, especially the unfortun- -".te, neglected poor and orphan boy or girl who has a bright mind, but has not a gho. t of a show in the world. Because of their deformities they cannot work or get tj school, and are shut in all their lives, grow up in ignorance, and become a bur den to the county and state, end live a life of misery and suffering, with a mind yearn;ng for free;lcr.i :.r,; usefulness to man. Hundred.; c. ti,e e slightly crippled chiMrc.i can l.e nut on their feet quickly, and return home ready for school, to develop into useful, intelligent citzmship. "Our desire, to help uv.y crip; !; child that can be tencf ilt "Our requirement:-, p.;s-ibility of improvement and sound mind. "Our non-essentials, religion creed, fraternal affiliations, social standing and financial connection:-. "Our object, tD benefit helpless humanity to prevent possible pau perism, to turn wealth consumers to wealth producers. "We request the press of the stat? to whom we accord much credit in making this great institution possi ble, to continue with us and help us in taking every little chippled child in our state by the hands and tender ly placing them within this institu tion and giving them a chance to make good. p "We also ask all phvsicians, sur geons, public welfare superintendents school teachers, pastors and others for an application blank for the crip pled children they have in mind. The who love their fellowmrn, to write us blank will be mailed promptly, the application numbered and filed and handled according to the provision that is made for the work." TRY A STAR WANT AD. IfMlIiy and deliciousn3ss bave made Wird's Orange Crush, Lemon -Crush and Lime-Crush the largest sell ing carbonated fruit drinks in the world. In bottles or at fopntclns Bottled Vy Shelby Coca-Cola Bot Company Shelby, N. U. MR! WALKER TO PREACH j AT NEW HOPE CHURCH The Star is asked in n- ffiorangesf WL drink. fQumm Rev. John M. Walker will preach at' ?trix 1 New Hon ...r" ".deaceaseA UUU8 cnurpn . K.f..j.u . . - . , anj uiuaji n 6 q ClOClt D. I special memorial l be held. .. . : v. w"" . - THIS VOr.lAN'S Brings a Ray of Hope to Childless Women Lowell, Mass. "I had anemia f mm the time 1 wag sixteen years old if I did any house. cleaning or washine I would faint and have to r bed, my husband thinking every min. ute wa m l... After reading y0uV wjxc-DOOKior women I took Lydja E Pinkham' ble Compound and" v asn, anu nave never leu Detter than I have the last two years. I can work eat, sleep, and feel as strong as can be' Doctors told me I could never have children-I was too weak- but after UU ing Vegetable Compound it strength ened ma so I gave birth to an eight pound boy. I was well all the time did all my work up to the last day, and'had a natural birth. Everybody who knew m ? was surprised, and when they ask me what made me strong I tell them with great pleasure, ' I took Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound and never felt better in my life. ' Use this testi monial at any time." Mrs. Elizabeth Smart, 142 W. Sixth St., Lowell, Mass This experience of Mrs. Smart is surely a strong recommendation for Lydia E Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound. It is only one of a great many similar cases. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. RESIDENCE, GOOD BARN AND OUT BUILD. INGS, TOWNSHIP 8. Under and bv virtue of an nv.w ,.t . - . i (J1 'in- Spre:;or court of Cleveland county, mr.de in Special Proceeding.'; (..-.titled Lenna Grigg and husbam! B. II. Grigg; Retter Harrill and hV b-jr.l, Z. A. Ksralk W P. Crowdc-r husband of V. L. Crowder, deceased and Hailand Branton et als., the .'ame being number 1265 upon t'r,- pecia! iioc'eJingr, docket 0f oi sau! court, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 4th day of June l!M at 12 o'clock M, at the court house door at Shelby, North Carolina, of fer for sale tD the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lyir.. ard being in Number 8 township c:' Cleveland ccr.r.iy, North Carolina, adjoining land of Charlie William son, Decatur Williamson, Jim Blai on, M. M. Mau.:ey et als and bound :d as follows. Beginning at a post oak, Philbecks' corner, and runs thence south S ) poles to a pine knot ;thence east 51 rHe13 to a ?tke on old line; thence with the same S 10 W. 36 poles to a stone; thence west 232 poles to a stake on old line; thence N. 8 W 12 poles to a post oak; thence X. 5 W. 48 poles to a Pineknot; thence E. 176 poles to the begining contain ing 80 acres more or less. Excepting that tract of land sol off and convey, ed by deed 21 1-4 acres of V. L. Crowder and husband, W. P. Crow der, dated October 16th 1915 to Mrs. Charles Williamson and re crr.ied in Book "AAA" at page 2'J0 in the office of register of deeds for Cleveland county, North Carolina. This sale will convey some 59 1-2 acres more or less and is an excel lent land proposition for those inter ested. This May 2nd A. D. 1921. C. B- McBrayer, Commissioner. IF IT IS HAPD TO READ your eyos need attention and we rescsctfullv insits that vou do not delay coming to us for a careful examination, or you may rue it some day. You may require only simple rest glasses Our tortoise rimmed spectacles are very comfortale on the eyes. ' H. D. WILSON Optomertist Paul Webbs Drag Store . ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this, day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of W. M. Warlick, deceased, late of Qeveland county, N. O, this is to notify all per sons having claims, against said es tate to present same to me properly proven on or before 9th day of April 1922 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery on same. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment of the same to me. MINERVA WARLICK. Adminis tratrix of estate of W. M. Warlick, B. T. Falls. Attorney, n . ' Bna w. u. xaoore, a" Frances L,ee oi Boning springs leu. mixsk &y w.ri i B ' ik' v.v,v,v.v.v.i.j..;v.v1.i u iySl this week for Virginia to spend a ' month's vacation. "'