81m i Two Linotypes, Advertising It 5 Antrim otic Jnh Fppflpra. Cut and Picture Service. All - J J" V . 1 1 Three Job Presses. No Job otE? I If I I -I Too Large or Too Small for Home Print.- Cheapest Paper t !; Per Copy in This or in Us to Handle. Phone No. 11. Adjoining Counties. VP 1 ' VOL. XXIX. No. 46 T II E ; C LEVEL AND S T A R, $ II E L B Y, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1921. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE DOINGS OF THE COMMISSIONERS , DORTOX-WALKER Popular Young Couple Mar'd Concord! Last Saturday Afternoon at 2:30 O'clock. ; STATE ROAD MAY ADOPTED BE Preparing for Tax Settlement With Sheriff Bills for Stills And Bridge Work are Paid. The county commissioners, Messrs. f v. H. Jennings, A, E. Cline and Geo. W. Peeler, were all present at a two day meeting Monday and Tuesday, the second day being given over to the granting of tax releases, prepar atory to a settlement with Sheriff Hugh Logan. Tn"ey agreed to levy a sufficient tax raise money with which to pay the school teaehers as advised by the State. W. D. Lackey, Lander McBrayer and L. A. Blanton were appointed to investigate the several applications for damage on account of live stock killed by rabid dogs TSe state road map as posted at the Court House and filed with the commissioners was adopted. -This means that the State highway com mission will take over and maintain the main highway in the county as proposed. Bills paid were as follows : Dr. J. E. Anthony granted free li cense to sell medicine? for 1921. H. T. Fulton, casket for pauper S25. John M. Best Furniture Co. part burial expenses $5. On motion the salary of Miss Cor nelius, home economics demonstra tor was raised to $300 per year. Ed Hamrick, part on burial ex penses $15. Austin Bros, expenses for Menco and Devine to May 28th 1921 $1375,16 S. C. Lattimore, bridge work $34.25. J. A. Wesson, capturing still $20. E. W. Dixon, capturing stills $40. T. H. Lutz, moving culvert $9.- F. C. Champion, burial work ex- penes old soldier $20. N. A. Smith, cement work $554.66, c C. Martin, cement work $728.70 W. J. Bridges, listing taxes No. 8, $47.62. " ' J. G. Lattimore, listing taxes No, 7 $48.80. .. ..J,. C Downs, listing taxes No. 11, $30.40. P. C. Lavendar, bridge work $28 50. Concord Tribune: A marriage that came as a sur prise to everyone except members of the families of the contracting par ties was solemized here last Satur day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock when Miss Virginia Walker was married to Mr. James Dorton. The ceremony was performed at the First Baptist Church parsonage by Rev. G. A. Mar tin, pastor of the bride, and was witnessed by only a few members of the families of the bride and groom. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Walker, of this city, and js admired by a host of friends. She was a student at the State Normal- during the past year, and is a woman of many fine accom plishments. The groom is a son of Mr. J. Harvey Dorton, and one of the most popular young men of the city. At present he occupies a position ith the City Motor Company. After a bridal trip to western North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Dorton ill make their home at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Norman, of Tribune street. The groom is a brother to our popular veterinarian, Dr. J. S. Dor ton and he and his beautiful young bride spent part of their honey moon ere with Dr. and Mrs. Dorton. CLUB MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE COUNTY E. L. Whitworth, listing taxes No, 5, $42.12. ' S. T. Carpenter, listing taxes No 10, $26.41. John T. Borders, expenses and sal ary countv home $182.60. Total due John Hamrick on bridge $4023.52. William Beam, bridge work, $6.00 Gilmers, sugar and coffee county home $5.68, T. P. Eskridge, groceries county home $58.35, Pmil Pnatrm crrPflSP and Oils (home) $2.86. R. L. Weathers, stamps $8. W. C. Hamrick, listing taxes No 2, $44.17. H. A. Logan, capturing still $20 incidentals $44.55; jail expenses ?5b. 40 E. T. Weast, bridge work $3.75 John M. Best Furniture Co. part burial expenses pauper $5 Eagle Roller Mill, flour (home $38.05. Cleveland Drug Co. $13.75 S. M. Poston, 'capturing three stills ' $60.00, L, U. Arrowood, pipes and cement $35.23. W. A. Gantt, listing taxes No. 9 $58.70, Mauney and Crow, nails, etc., $6.37 H. A. Thrift, lumber for bridge $169.62. . , Zeb C. Mauney, bridge lumber $30.- 24. ' -:. S. P. Favel, shop work $5.65. Shelby Plumbing Co. plumbing $472.65. " . Shelby Furniture Repair Co., fix ing chairs Court House $25.80. J. E. Webb and Sons, groceries $55.- . 35.; Star Pub. Co. printing and adv. $15.55. Blanton Bros, lumber $29.97. Edwards and Broughton, tax bind er and marriage license $129.49. Summie Peeler, nails $2.55. Arey Bros, oils and grease $4.60. Campbell'3 Dept. store-, liquid smoke ' (home) $4. Thompson Co. lumber county home $26.80, ' W. A. Gladden, listing taxes No. 3 $44.28, Five Hundred Boys and Girls Are Members Competing for Prizes. SOCIAL NEWS 1 ' , i The Play's The Thing. Everybody happy, Nobody sal. - Bells ringing sweetly, Voices so glad Eager hearts waiting, Faces aglow, "The Microbe of Love," It's a mighty good show. Sunday SchocJ Enjoys Picnic at Patterson Springs. The intermediate classes of the Central Methodist Sunday school en joyed a pleasant day's outing jester fit Kitigs Business Collep-e, Charlotte. For a number of years she has made her home here with her uncle, Mr. T. P. Bookout. The groom is a native of Germany, but has been in this country for a number of years, coming to Shelby to make his home about a year ago. He has recently purchased half in terest in the Cleveland Cafe, and is business manager of this popular res taurant. He is a young man of ster ling qualities and during his sojourn in our town has made many warm friendships. FOUR CHRISTIAN ; TRAINING SCHOOLS I HOTEL MANAGER FOR CLEVELAND MR ROSEMOND COMES FROM GREENSBORO To Be Held in Kings Mountain Baptist Association July 11- 12 and 13. .'v.;'- The members of the Baptist church es in this county are going to have a trrpnt nnnnrhinifu tn tfln tViam. selves for better service in the King- 11 L,s Expected that HoteI WU1 dom. There are to be four training M Ready for Occupancy by schools held in the countv on Julv JUly 1st A Fine Resprt 11 10 onA 15 Uwt i Place, hud onlv nn .r-hnni TV, ,,i,ao u I Mr. D. T. Rosemond of Greens whirh t.h ,nhnnu ,. f ha t,nu otlooro was secured this week to man- Kings Mountain, New Hope, Double Re the new Cleveland Springs Hotel Springs, and Fallston. To these M""1 ne WUI arnve m W next T ittlo lVtt. Edith Turner, dauirh- centers all the nearbv churches are weeK I0V coherence witn We at- L. f t a ,.,. UdVoi n cm fnr tt,.. tk. Aa. tn: I rectors to determine the rates to be day at -Patterson Springs, going out n , vnrr hnatpaa flhout jnir. There ara tn be course... tmurht charged. Mr. Rosemond has had 15. m trucks for a picnic dinner. . . . Ih t-flri,ora whn uovn mojA years experience In the hotel buii- days ago, entertaining at her hdme on study, in Sunday School, Young Peo- "e8.8'. u"e , mB"f- tlri if : l I nlo'a Wnrk WAmBn. W..k O.l I IVnjCJUJrOOCKer I10LC1. WeW I Or LlllV. ' The house was prettily1 decorated winning, and Church Efficiency. There At Presenl ne 18 manaer 01 in Mt. Laurel and nasturtiums and will also be preaching each day at 1WfU in urew,iiy i.u i. coiluereu a happy afternoon was Bpnt by these 11:30 a. m. and at night. one of the most popular and capable von nonnlf. In nlnvinJ Truth and The faculties for the schools are as tel mon 'A the state, having a wide ' " r-c r . - T . . I ja jt. i. 1! i. follows I atijuuiuuiute wim uio truveiunf puu- Little Miss Turner Hostess. trouble. Doctors be near, Cupid Busy in The Cupid is busy with hjs bow and ' mr t . L? ! I arrow, many neans are Deing pierceu and by Tuesday night June 17th ev aw alimKlA VtoiVialrtt ttnA ntinaf0i- in . . . - .1 Hnn:pniipniP!i nn! ProcreKSive Con, the city will have an attack or neart . V, r. .taA KlnM Mnn..!n. na0. n v iwi. He Already reservations are being in PntPrtaininir hv Miss Margaret preacher: Rev. W, O. Johnson: mat,e Ior room' many 01 tfie Simmons. " teacher of Sunday School: Prof.; C, be,&ueBts wanti"B to come now and At thp onnrlnsinn of thp crames ft M. Beach: youne people! Prof. J. 8tav ror the whole season. , The ho tempting ice course was served by D. Huggins of Woman's Work: Mrs Mary Sue Turner, Evelyn and Angel John Wacasterj of Soul-winning: Rev Lowe. W. G. Camp; of Church Efficiency: Rev. J. O. Fulbright. Children of Confederacy to Meet New Hope: Dean: A. E. Bettis; With Miss Ebeltoft June 17th. preacher: Rev. W. G. Moore: teach There will be a joint meeting ofler of Sunday School: Rev. A. L. '"Microbe of Love". Neit Tuesday. , The Spinsters Club who is ably di rected by Miss Pricilla Prunes, pres ident of the club will be at "The Mi crobe of Love" next Tuesday even ing in a body. Watch' out! Watch out! Bachelors. tel will be operated summer and win ter and Mr. Rosemond will have com plete charge of the management un der direction of the directors. ' The Cleveland Springs Hotel which cost nearly a quarter of a million dol lars expects to be ready for occu- Shelby Party Attend Dance In Gastonia Monday. The following party of. young peo- the two divisions of the Children of Stephens; of Young People: Mrs. Fancy by July 1st. Carpenters, dec- the Confederacy at the home of their Jarvis Hamrick; of Woman's Work: orators, furniture dealers, painters, leader, Miss Elizabeth Ebeltoft, on Mrs. G. E.' Lovell; of Soul-wirtning: plumbers, landscape men and others t.. 171, All Un., t n Uo.-mi. e ru.-u vmi- am hpndino everv effort to ppt thn , , . j . - iriiuuy Ulieriiuun, iiunt: iiw. nu i net, a. u. iiaiini, ui vijuii.ii kuiii- o --. pie from here motored over to Gas- uorir oro woa in pV. t m Ktpr . finishing touches on so at least a Dart ai I I . . ... ... I .L . i .1.1 i J i . i. be present. Double springs: Dean: w. w. oi m ; ii uu uccuieu uy guesu.. Washburn; preacher: Rev. J. W. Sut-I A well 17U leet aeep naa just been BELWOOD NEWS tie; teacher of Sunday School; J. N. 1 completed to supply water to the ho- Barnett; of Young People: ' Mls tel bath rooms, kitchen, etc. A res- The monthly club meetings for the five hundred boys and girls of Clev eland county who are members of the agricultural and home economics clubs will be held this week and next, The club members in this county are competing for moving picture machine to be given to the county in the state this year doing the best club work by the American Lime stone company of Mascott Tenn. Twenty eight boys in Cleveland county who joined the corn club have entered the contest for the free trip to Washington, .D. C. this fall; as the guest of Congressman Bulkinkle. The boy m Cleveland, uaston or Mecklenburg county making tonia to attend the dance given the Armory last Monday night which proved to be a rnost enjoyable af fair for the young social set of Gas tonia and the visitors: Miss Millicent Blanton, Messrs. Wade Hoey, Hack et Blanton, Jr., and cousin, Albert Blanton of Marion, Hilary and John ciamor, ui """'-"-""j Special to The Star: iiuuuiii w I Thn TuiAnla nrminH R urnml n rp house guests, Mrs. Ira Ogden of San Antonia, Texas, Mr. Herbert Koke not. nf Amine and Mr. Regold of Persr.nal Mention of People on the Mary Sue Hunt; of Woman's Work: ervoir holding 20,000 gallona has been Move Church News Mrs. Frank Elam; of Soul-winning 1 1 ordered and shipped and will be put Rev. D. G. Washburn; of Church Efon a 60 foot tower which will give ficiency: Rev. J. M. Goode. " I sufficient pressure to fight fires. Fallston: Dean: Gettys D.' Hoyle; Thert will be six fire hose apparatus preacher: Rev. W. A. Elamj teacher I In the building, together with a num. of I ber of chemical tanks and fire escapes of I at the end of each hall. ... rp J I uiljf wicit iucik Dull, Wl. vuim i t uiiinii d uvin. .uica mVIK WVq.lV Jl A V WllU.ll aw v.u y'.wvw ed over ior ine aance on i ueauay . . 1 . L - M If . VnwM and was tne guest m wu,6!Hfi,. .nUiJ 1.f K.tnrdaw. nltrnt ftf rhnrrh FfflMpfiPv? Rw . 3. 'V. Dp. I " fcnapmpnfc fnr rvanti rooms, an Mason, Miss Corrinne Crowen. cf 1 &n ke cn&m wag venney ' I assembly hall, a dining room capable enjoyed by all. I A glance at the studies to be I of seating 300 guests, large cement Ml T1 n rAMf idaan T ti. I f mirW onA iia man mnA wnmoTi urYirk I 1aaaI VitnVi(n roif K all mnAom oniiln- Final Meeting of Music Mui ivester motored to Morgant'on last are to teach insure a great spiritual ment. Each room has a private bath bntertainea oy miss nmi. . jat..naw I trouK for thonn who attend these I wSth HIpH flnnr. The bed rooms are I 1 - - - -" - I .... . t ' r Miss Amos Willis was a most M s A peeler is expecting to schools. The plan is to have an all- furnished with mahogany furniture v0 charming hostess Wednesday after- i f Lincolnton hosoital soon I day session with dinner brought by I and handsome floor coverings. A 1 . . . i - i i - getting along nicely with their work. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peeler and of Sunday School: J. P. Mull; Jnnnkf.. Mia- f n ananf loaf Clin- I Vnnnn Tz.nnlA. Pvn f 1? O Vvai , . -j, n, , ' I UaUgllbCL .l.S iiatjr Optllb WO Mini" lUUllg A tUpitl M. IWU 4. . VI urange, in. day with their son, Mr. John Peeler. Woman's Work: Miss Attie Bostlc; Misses Made and Victoria McEn-lof Soul-winning: Rev. Rush Padgetts three stories high with 60 bed rooms Club meetings will be held at the emm8im"K. u,c . . . .7 ana a nunioer ut nuuinuiiai iiciKii- greatest number of bushels of corn notm ai tne "UI,,e 01 ,,CI ololC1' ""'" where she will have her tonsils re-1 tnose wno auena ana eaien at me i telephone tn eacn room enawes a on an acre will get the trip. a. w. wcinurry on cai, muiuu moved. ' cnurcn, ana tnen at nigm to nave i guest to get direct connection wun Miss Maggie Price is seriously ill great inspirational ana evangelistic i any part of the country coverea Dy with high blood pressure. We hope service. I the Bell system. for her a speedy recovery. I Right now the finishing touches There will be preaching at Knob CLAIMS rUK UAMAbb Ure being put to the lobby which will Creek Sunday night. Everybody is HiOM MAU UULr lil 1 his have tiled flood, Invisible electric cordially invited. 1 . uaims ror damages amounting to I jightg anti tne handsomest furniture Born to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hub- more than ?bU0 have been Wed by that the market affords, the chairs, bard a fine son, Robert Peeler. various citizens of the county on 8etees, etc. being finish in Spanish following places and the boys will be given a lesson on judging dairy cat tle and the girls a lesson in canning : Bethlehem, Thursday, June 9th at 10 a. m. Oak Grove, Thursday, June 9th at 1 p. m. Union, Friday, June 10th at 10 a. borhood' guests. ' The rooms were thrown en suite and artistically decorated in quanti ties of sweet peas and nasturtiums. In the midst of these artistic sur roundings and interesting musical program on "Spanish Music was eiven. interspersed with beautiful Jfl ' I I ClbLtUUCU IIJC MlCllllf i IU Casar, Friday, June ICth at 1 p. vocal solof b Mis3es Mabel Quinn Tanyard last Sunday. m. I and Berths Bostic Misses Bonnie and Tommie Davis account of loss of property by reas- J eather upholstering, The writing. attended the memorial service at on oi maa aogs roving over tne coun- roomi an(j mez2anine floor are fur- try and biting live stock. Not all of niahed with fibre desks and chairs Behvood, Monday, June 13th at 10 o m Fallston, Monday, June 13th at 1 course ana lc,es- m entertaining sne was graciously assisted by Mrs. Mc- Holly Springs, Tuesday, June 14th Murry and nieces, Mesdames Wythe at 10 a. m. At the conclusion of the program, er meeting in the evening at six Mr. D- L. Hoyle will conduct pray- the claims have been paid by the J of the m0Bt expensive and exquisi- the hostess served a delicious salad 0'ciock. Everybody invited to attend SHELBY MILL BEATS , CAROLEEN 21 TO 4 Sharon, Tuesday, June 14th at p. m. Earl, Wednesday, June 15th at 2 t. m Waco, Wednesday, June 15th at 2 p. m Lattimore, Thursday, June 16th at 10 a. m. Royster and Willis McMurry. The club then adjourned for the summer months. county commissioners and some of I them may not be paid in full, but the large amount of damage claim ed from the county by reason of mad dogs shows how expensive mad dogs have become in the way of damag- te design. Mr. Leigh Colyer, landscape arch- itect of Charlotte has been busy sev eral weeks beautifying the grounds. All the trees have been trimmed and the underbrush cleaned out. .... The The Shelby Mill team knocked four ing property. According to the law, fiv. difTeront mineral springs will home runs on the Caroleen diamond the owner of a dog that goes mad j nave new houses and enclosures, Wednesday and won over Caroleen on is responsible for damage done. In W1 waikwavs covered with crushed I Miss Florence Graham and Mr. J. R. t3 own ground by a score of 21 to cases where the owner is not able I to i d t . varti 0f the grounds Pfeiffer Married Wednesday 4. Batteries for Shelby Mill Dag- to pay or it is impossible to find Evening. .. . , , eenhart. Hicks and Saunders; for out who the owner is, claims can be The following handsome announce- Caroleen Gutherie, Duncan, Hill and made against the county. The fol ments cards have been issued in the Burnett. ' lowing claims are on file in the of- w iioiKP Thursdav. June 16th city, which will beof special Inter- The Shelby Mill which now stand t f ice of the Register of Deeds, Mr. ' I . . .i.i i.l.. . ..i.l!.i.!-i . Tot ilm ID T Wnofkaos. n A VJrlina SRR. est to tne nosis oi inenas oi ims i tne top oi tne ubi w .-hus , i -:c ..canicio. v. uuumo yv, popular young, touple: . League will play the fastest team ,m R. M. Dover fl6; J. B. Lay fb9; K. Miss. Florence B. Graham Western North Carolina on tne &nei- m. Dover $64; j. u. Bennett jsolzd; nil Mill irrnnnd Monday. July 4th. S. R. Bridges $87 and Chas. L, John Rudolph Pfeiffer J 7 PWright $110. June eighth, 1921 4 Bodies ArriveP-The at 1 p. m. REV. PAUL ANTHONY TO PREACH AT SALEM CHURCH Rev. Paul Anthony who is a min isterial student at Rutherford Col Ipm will nreach at Salem Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. At home after June 22, 1921. ' bodies of Shelby.N.C. Soldiers Joe Spangler and aummieMjuMMUmil 1-A1K Powell arrived yesterday, f oweu was i rKEiMlMUIVl UUI buried at Ross Grove and Spinglerl Attractive premium lists for the Tho warrimre which took Dlace on will be- buried today at Union, the four community fairs to be held in WpdnPRdnv vnin at fl o'clock at the funeral to be at the residence of his Cleveland county next Fall have just home of the bride's uncle, Mr. T. P. mother at 3 p. m. American Legion come from The Star's jpb printing Rookout on Suttle street was a very soldiers are asked to attend the department and are in the hands of quiet affair, only the immediate mem- Spangler funeral today in uniform it the secretary of each fair, ....... .... I v 1 .1 J!. mama 1r ! 1 1 rA Y 1 TmaIha m r m m iim'f inn ova W. H. Blanton, blacksmithing and hauling $3. Shelby Hardware Co. 11.05. Commercial Printery $14.75. T n r?ot tiaiilinir lnmber SI Cj. yj. uain., ... o - . ... i.:ii.j :M I m i :. .ean. rieveland Mill and Power Co. bers of the bride's family being pres. possible, Botn somiers were luucu . i weivc wniuuuu uuM Work S35.09. ent to witness this happy event wmcn a tram wrect wnue reiurmK .... eu m v.ic wui ,.u, w ., ' ... . . ..... 1 . . . . . . I ., e Vi nnif I Union on October 4, 5, 6, and 7. Each fair has from two to four hundred dollars in its premium list -. ent VU WIUJCBO UIU UtUIUI VVCIIV I 1,1 an. wiv. - " I . . . Southern Cotton Oil Co. fertihz- was performed by Rev. W. A. Mur-1 the army of occupation to me y r,ari, tmiig . ek.iC., .i er county home $307.51. ray, the beautiful ring ceremony oi of embarkation. o... t airanHnr. haulincr for bridge the Presbvtenan church being usea. ., x... - - - ........ .u. nrv xv v rni i ivs WILL An . i i ho nr hp npvpr hokpu luveiici uiaii niif . it. vvuw" . . I ... .. - . . i I r a a Tt v A orvTTT TI Tl T 1 I iA.n1a living in fKa nmmiin Tom Wilkins. work on court nouse n her wedaing suit or aaric Diue in- k availadld - t - - i i. flAiinr n mi cp i n. i iTMrnanioA v attpt rnp rpremuuv iuii i rprnrn ui i . vj. nuuu vv kvv v e -" r P r Lavendar. bridge lumber $12. and Mrs. Pfeiffer drove to Kings MtJ July. His time for the summer has the secretary and plan to exhibit - " - I . .. M I ... il nkiiMH AW I nlUi M m m nin rnio T U I e t vsyiAr Krirlo-P lumber 52. whpre thev took the train ior a not all been taKen. Any tnuivu v. Bon;i,uiuK w v...a Pound and Moore Co. record book weeks bridal trip to' the , Virginm pastor wishing services in S43.25. coasfc u , . . - - . - A . . . . , met I t I. 1 . ifaA. L: L .JJ.aBb ni B IDTTPr Tfl nPHll" I ' ID LI1H MUSCIIVO JL VUD w J. P. Morrison, hauling lumber ine onae is a ongnt u jra " - ... . ..... . m .nA ... mm .tJ fC I A.! mAMOn ff1Y Tn O fill In IT B. I fIBMf Hill IPT. MTU. I ,UU1UI OKV I VUll ' rf Kines Mtn. tieraia, huv. Vv. wve j(s - -t v . . AV , : . - tt tt.. m,.Ufi .- - . . , I - ... .i. tmoi! . . IJSA Clia la I tl.. ef etnrtvlnff HI tne iserai- I lSier. Xiev. o. iiUii. v wv, v . . h k..rfflTiiKi m t . nnna u, , x A.nii. 1 nncr nl hiiiiiii inu iiiciiun. .. v. . w . liib hu. .vm v . n . - - 1 "WMTV VJH. I1UII-I vv- T I 'i""" " "-o I " Geo. W. Peeler, services as couniy pnuiani grauuaie oi omuuo urjf N.-C at both, the morning andLc vett ing hoiitiT" - adjacent the hotel. A shallow swim ming pool 30x40 feet furnishes rec reation for the children while a deep pool built of concrete measur- n 50x100 feet will furnish past- time for the grown-up guests. Two tennis courts, a garage and bowling alleys are other sources of amuse ment and recreation that will be com-' pleted .when the hotel is opened. Lat er on it is planned to build a nine hole golf course and a large lake Ior boating. 1 ' " Already many applications are com ing in from people from all over the country wanting rooms at the hotel. A number of men and women be came attached to the wonderful min eral waters about the hotel when It was in operation up to 12 years ago when the-old hotel was burned, have come to Cleveland and secured lodg ing at farm houses near-by In order that they might be benefited by the climate and the water. Furniture ; costing $20,000 is be-' ! x . ... A I - luitni i n a f Q 1 1 . ginning vo amvo "'"6 ed in the .rooms as they ate finish ed. All of the rooms on the .third floor are completed and It is expect ed that the other floors will be ready for the furniture within the next two weeks. All silverware, linen, china ware, etc. were purchased about two . 1 . La l-nitii tl weeKS ago ana '"&TT, , rive.- . . I, -'. - -.. . 111.90. ' Washburn ana Ce-31.48. commissioner $89.92. ..w .nil nlsn tnnk a business COUrse I, vj. v""' 11 J -