1i L7 n -i i 1 1 Two Linotypes, Advertising Automatic Job Feeders. j ( ut and Picture Service. All 1 1 Home Print. Cheapest Taper ) .. rnnt in Thin or in Iliree Job rresscs. lo job Too Large or Too Small for 1 I U s to Handle. M Phone No. 11. j Adjoining Counties. VOL. XXIX. No. 67 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. TJJESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1921 $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE PROGRESS SIGNS INjCLEVELAND FDlTOR POE BOOSTS THE .'..v;- COUNTY Admonishes Other Counties to fnllow Example of Cleveland ' J iiKU VV SPEAKS GREAT CROWD ATTENDS IN MEMPHIS, TENN. THE Rl'DASlLL FUNERAL Will Address the Cotton States Ex-Military Officers Act as Pall . .Merchants. . Association "Push and Pull" .on Bearers Floral Tribute Was Ibrntiful and Beautiful une oi the largest funewflv ever held iij Shelby was that of - Victor Rudasill, first V lieutenant in the Mr. J, P. D. Withrow, merchant frince of Hollis left Saturday for Memphis. Tenn. where h will c no a 1 before the ppnv0fjn of thc Cotto world war and the cocular sunrrin :ftA T?nw: in Ulvensineu. i ai mumk Editor "Clarence Poe of The Pro-tr-v;ssive Farmer was so favorably jn, pressed with Cleveland county when he visited it ten days ago that he was prompted to write the '-'.following' when he returned to his of at Raleigh: One of the best counties in the tniith for farming or for residence i- Cleveland County, North Carolina. it i surprisingthat so remarkable a section . is' so little known 'pi jfftq, outside world. At any rate, this , was the enthusiastic convicjtion1''- with which the Editor came away from Cleveland last week. Almost everywhere in Cleveland the beauty of the ! mountains is in sisrht, and yet the farm lands are only moderately rolling, most of the fields being level enough to permit the use of the most' modem machin ery. And some of the "best cotton in the South ' grows right up against; t'ir edee of the mountains-cotton that will easily make a bale per acre! Cleveland is not only a fine cot ton county, but offers a fine example of diversified agriculture along all lines. Here area few striking proofs of progress discovered on our recent trir there: 1. Cleveland County last year ex mrted 350,000 bushels of orn and MOO.000 pounds of butter, and expects to ship next year 50 carloads of sweet potatoes from its eight modern sweet potato curing houses. 2. In the poultry, pig, corn, and home economics clubs of the county, TiOO boys and girls are enrolled. 3. The farmers are turning to im proved varieties nf cotton 1 to 11-16 inch staple-7-and therebv raising rarfrv mills to buy Cleveland Con' tv cotton, instead of buving from North Georiria, as formerly. 4. A careful observer declares that Hevpland is the best terraced county in the State. ' ' .;v R. Most of the farm homes are painted. fi. The peorle have not only built snprb ton-soil roads, but are keen ine them up by proper dragging, etc. 7. There pre beautiful country ruiche three or four that' cost from $20,000 to 60,000 each. c Schools jfp good. snd the ron-tv claims to have more boys and ?irl in colle, in proportion to rrnMion. than any other - North Carolina county. Diirving has had a fine devel opment. The creamery at Shelbv paid out SR2.000 last year for bntterfat. As there were prsctically 300 pat rons, this means that, the average farmer-patrdfi . received over $200 a year from his cows. A Jersey Bred er' Association has Wn organized, and a Jersey show" wilt be held this fail. ' -, ; j";.;.-;; 10. Last but Spates Merchants -Association, an organization which has 10,000 mem bers and which had an attendance at the last meeting of several thous and merchants. Mr. Withrow spoke last year at the Appalachian Mer chants Association where some of the Memphis merchants heard him and Were so impressed, with his uniaue style and originality that , he was'rlaced on the program at- the Memphis meeting this week." Mr. Withrow's picture and some thing about his going to Memphis ha appeared in the Memphis Com mercial Appeal and the Memphis Chamber of Commerce Journal, both of which lauded him for being such a booster. Mr. Withrow is known" through this section as one of its greatest boosters and he will ,no doubt have something of great in terest to say at the meeting of mer chants. Says the Rutherford Sun: ,,''By constantly working for his community he has succeeded in build ing a lively town, whose' structures principally are made of granite. From a farmer and country road store keeper, Mr. Withrow's business has now grown to a value of $100,. 000.00 per annum. ' "He is a man who does things. If the community will not help him he does the work alone. Hollis stands today as a monument to theuntiring and never ceasing efforts of an en thusiast, who will tell in an interest ing manner how he did it." INCREASE CAPITAL STOCK OF HOTEL Money is Being Raised to Build Golf Course, Dance Pavalion and Beautify Grounds Petitions are being circulated and freely signed for additional stock in the Cleveland Springs Company, the tehdent of the Shelby Water and Light plants, whose tragic death oc-i curred at the Rutherford Hospital last Thursday afternoon at 1:20 oxlock as the result of a pistol wound being inflicted by himself at his home on East Graham street on the night of August 15th. V No tragedy and subsequent death has ever occurred in our midst to cast n deeper shadow cr cause a more noignant and heartfelt grief to his host of friends than the -untimely passing of this young man. From the hour of the fatal shoqt- ing up to the time of his death fol lowing the operation at the hospital, letters and telegrams of anxious in quiry were passed, by his sorrowing friends, not alone in this community but throughout the entire state, for this golden hearted young ex-soldier and electrician friends were legion, and he was never known to have an enemy, being one of "nature's rare noblemen", kindly disposed toward all. So when the last message from his bedside came back home, "Victor is dead" sorrow was felt in the hearts of this1 entire community. His re mains were brought from Ruther- fordton Thursday night and the fun eral services were conducted at 3 o clock Friday afternoon from the home of his parents. Mr. .and Mrs. E. A. Rudasill on South Washington street. Rev. W. A. Murray, pastor of the 'Presbyterian church of which ivirs. nuaasm was a member was summoned from his vacation at Mon- treat to conduct the services, being assisted by Rev. Robert Hoyle of the Methodist church. At i . . a neauuiui musical program wa rendered by four of the members of the Men's Chorus, a large concourse of friends and relatives being gath ered there to nay their last 'trib ute of respect to their departed friend The pall bearers were members of Returns from Northern Trip .'.: . . Mr. ami Mm Wi II. Hudaun, who have been north for the past ten days,, where Mr. Hudson went to purchase the fpl! and winter stock of1 merchandise for tie W ray-Hudson Department store returned home last Friday. While uway they also spent several days at Atlantic City. : ! j -; Beam's Enjoy Delightful V Motor Trip ? Mr. D. A. Beam and family en joyed a motit delightful ten day's motor trip through Eastern Carolina and returned home latt Thursday. While away they visited his daught er; Mrs. J. C. Wood in Bentonville, stopping over in Durham, Raleigh, and ..Southern Pines eniVoute home. fund to be used to build the 515,000 his own home Company G. 1st N. C. golf course, erect a dance pavilion I Regiment by whose lide he had serv and beautify the grounds -with Bhruft- ed so Taliently on the Mexican bord bery, grass and concrete walks. An r and were as follows: Col. "J. T effort is being made to secure $30,- Gardner, Capt. Hugh Logan, 2nd 000 more stock and in a few- hours lieutenant Talmage Gardner, Capt Friday morning the solicitors had se-1 Charlie Roberta, 1st Lieutenant Louis cured $10,000 of the amount in Shel- Gardner and Capt. R. G. Cherry o? by. Gastorjia The hotel has enjoyed a very grat- -The floral offerings were r McBrayc-v, Dteobeth' . Sutlle, 'Matil da LUllituirev Ellen Sehriin, Virginia Moors, and Mrs. S. R. Riley, Young People Enjoy Delightful Soc ial at The Wray Home Masters Victor' and George Wray, the bright young sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Wray were genial young hosts on last Friday night to. about f oranes The spacious and beautifully green carpeted lawn of the Wray home was attractively arranged with small tab es and potted plants dotted about, and this happy gathering of young people spent a most delightful even- iniy playing progressive conversa-4 ion and other games. A delicious ice course was then served at tne close of "the evening's pleasure. ' Delightful Shelby Visitor . . Return to Raleigh Home " for. and Mrs. A. F. Duckett after nn extended visit in Shelby as the guests of Misses Mae Kendall, Ruth Miindy, and Mabel Quinn, respective ly,! and Miss Delia Stamey of Falls ton returned to their home in Ral eigh this week. While -guests here they were the recipient of many de lightful social courtesies. On last Monday evening Misses Mundy, Stamey, Quinn, and Kendall were din ner hosts in their honor at Cleveland Springs. Mrs. Ladd Hamrick enter ained at bridge at her home at Boil ing Springs Wednesday evening, Miss Kendall giving a dinner party at her lovely home on North LaFayette St. Thursday night, and Miss Stamey gave an elegant dinner at her home at Fallston on last Friday. ifying patronage so far this season and indications are that the pat-1 ronaee will be good for the remain der of the season. It is the plan of beautiful, among the mny cl'V r' designs being on f'en Jti" - Shelby, for whom he had so fr.i fully labored; one from thte Ameri- the management to keep the hotel can legion of whom he was a oDen all winter for guests. lea member, und another from tr.e All hotel managers say that since Men's Bible class of Central Metho- automobiles are so numerous, and I dist church. (good roads connect every section of . Among . those attending the fun i the country, guests do not linger long J eral from out of town were: Capt . Kd I at anv hotel. The pleasure seekers Cause of Charlotte, Lieutenant. Ben Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Entertained At Pretty Bridge Party - Mr. and Mrs. Jacx Palmer were deliehtful hosts at their home on East Marion street last Friday en tertaining at four tables of auction bridge. The parlor was artistically deco rated in a wealth of flowers and most exciting gam of bridge was enjoyed throughout the evening in these ' inviting surroundings. When cards were laid 'aside the hostess assisted by Mesdames Ja Suttle and Charlie Forbes served a elaborate ice course, cream puffs candies and salted almonds. Those enjoying- this hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull, Mes dames E. E. Post of Baltimore, Min George Moore, Jap Suttle, Charlie Forbes, of Greenville, N. C, Wyeth Roroter. Chas. Roberts, Misses Sue Andrews, Bessie Webb, Marion Hull nnie Mil'.er. Pattie and Elizabeth Roberts. '. MAID GETS 18 YEARSENTEHCE 24 Pt KINCADI GETS-.."....; BURKE CO MAN TAKES , AN APPEAL ?osVthinWM1 Llnco,n Jury Finds Him NEW SOURCE OF MONEY FOR FARMER FRIENDS Observer Points out What Clev eland Contemplates in Rais ing Sweet Potatoes ... (From Charlotte Observer) The Observer has often thought that the North Carolina Land Own ers' Association ought to change its name. Ita cognomen naturally indi cates an organization having to do with transactions in real estate, while its activities are directed solely to promotion of better agriculture. It is now engaged in promoting the culti vation of the sweet potato as a mon ey crop and is pointing to the fact that the one need for development of this crop is establishment of storage facilities. It develops that in South Carolina 75 curing plants have been built, these having a capacity for handling over 300,000 bushels. The farmers in that State having found that they can make money on sweet potatoes, are going ahead developing that industry on a large scale. The Observer only a day or two ago told of the activities of Mr, Lawrence, the farm agent in Cleveland, in the di rection of establishing warehouses in that county to take care of the , de veloping crop. He is going to build ten of these houses in that county and that done, the expectation is that Cleveland will embark on the new money-making enterprise of sweet potato raising. The North Carolina organization submits figures : that show how vastly' greater the returns from an acre in sweet potatoes over ait acre in corn or cotton, wheat or peas. The exhibit is impressive,) and the United States Department) of Agriculture is the authority. It is put in .evidence that an acre in tweet potatoes brings $119.70. An acre in corn brings $25.99; and acre in cotton $38.25; an, acre in wheat, $24.68; an acre in peas $29.81, This makes total of $118.66. So, it is seen, an acre in sweet potatoes brings in more money than an acre in all four of the crops named. : This exhibit alone ought to incline the farmers to run to potatoes. But there are other facts which it is wel to pass , around. The value of . the Guilty of Second Decree Mur der AppeajBond $10,000. Morganton, Aug. 20. Eighteen years at hard labor in the state pris. on, was the sentence pronounced hv Judge Bryson this morning for Sid ney A. Kincald, . Burke county com missioner, whose trial on charge of wife, murder had been In progress since Tuesday, Attorneys for the de- ienaant immediately gave notice of appeal ;and the court announced an ppeai Mnd of $250 and an appear ance bond of $10,000.. Kincaid is still in jail but It is Said that the bond is 'being arranged. s iowever, at the clerk's office late this afternoon The Observer corres pondent was told that It had not yet ' been signed. It doubtless will be arr anged early next week and Kincaid wil be a free man during the three months requested " for the prepara tion of his appeal to the suWme ' COUrt. - "',-'':- The. Lincoln county Jury which heard the case deliberated for a ittle over an hour last night, an nouncing the verdict of second de gree murder at exactly midnight. They left early this morning for their home. Before dismissing them , last night Judge Bryson took oc casion to commend and thank them " for their patient hearing of the case.' It Is understood that oh first baR ot the jury stood three for a first degree verdict and nine for sec ond. In the judge's charge, which the subject here today of much favorable comment, they were in structed on the elements in the evi dence which should guide them in returning first or second degree mur der, manslaughter or acquittal. There iB general approval of the vardict and the sentence. The re morse and broken condition of the prisoner elicited such sympathy for him that it would have caused regret at' a- first degree verdict. Ja passing sentence this morning, Judge Bryson i departed from what he said was his usual custom and commented to the throng gathered in the court room on the less the tragedy should bring of. the effects of blockade liquor, making the statement that on the conscience ot the man who sold Sidney Kincaid the liquor should rest much of the blame for the death of his wife. eem to want to stop at a place only a few days, then move on to some other resort, the idea being to cover mur-h torritorv as nossible ana as not County is evidently determined to do its full share in ,the great sign-up for co-operative marketing. An in snirine crowd of farmers attended th pp as much of the country as it is nossible to cover in the space of the Caldwell and family -of least, Cleveland ',ni vacation Deriod. The golf City. Capt. and Mrs. Reid course, however, will bring men who tVio onnrt and Will Stay IOr a lonzer period of time there is a golf Douglass and Capt. R. G. Cherrv f Gavtonia. Mr. end Mrs. W. V. Smith of Caroleen, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ru dasill of Lincolnton, Mr. Wilton Ru dasill of CrouBa, Mr. and Mrs. Will BeSSOTFT Morrison of Mooresville. . Y Miss Pauline Allen Wtdi . ,lr Monroe Post on . The marriage of one of Cleveland sweet potato crop in North Carolina Wherever pniireo. at av,r hr-tp!- ' f'-nincr meeting in Shelby, Aug-j tne T,atror.age is more regular. TV FIRST COTTON OPEN CN J A YTLSDN'S FARM county's most prominent young coup les and interesting a large circle of friends took place Saturday after noon at 6 o'clock when Miss Pauline Allen nnd Mr. J. Monroe Poston were .oventcd in marriage at the home of ?ev. John Suttl in the presence of only, a few friend?, there being attendance .Gives Birthday Party in 1919 was $13,000,000. And half of this crop was lost by lack of storage and curing houses. What is needed in the State to give a hum to the industry is the equipment of all coun ties in the potato district, as Cleve land is now being equipped, with no curing houses and proper storage fa cilities, This is the great work that Master Samuel Monroe Weathers, Jr. delightfully entertained 14 of hia little friends, each bringing a nice ' presefit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Weathen on Wea Graham street, Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. in honor of his seventh birthday. After many games were played, they were ushered into the dining room which was decorat ed with many beautiful roses, and burning candles. They were served to . Ice cream, cake, and lemonade. - u.Bt T and o-Aif rnmse at Cleveland will be one tV 'inest i" tlf; f.outh, r.Uhv:-;!' 1 will tike n y?""' more U mmnil rr.T.'erlv s".ved in ff.a s. V FDtTORS MEET AT STAR OFFICE TO MAKE PRO'M. is is not amiss to note that the firrt man to come across on a request for signed contracts was Hon. O. Max Gardner, who himscl condu-ts K fine Cleveland farm of 500 acre.?. ; . V" "": ;i" Try out your county by; these 10 tests. Mr.- Subscriber diversified se riculture, clubworkrjhant breeding, , pre8ident R E. Price of the Ruth terraces, painted farm houses, roads' j erfor(j Sun( Secretary S. E. Whitten and road maintenance, 5 churches, I Marion Progrers and Editor schools, livestock . and dairy- develop- n r. Po0 the Kings Mototsin ment. co-operative marketing-and. see jjera;j met in The Star office- FridayJ how it scores. v,";.:" - ; L n rr nntra the program WharCleveland County is doing in , f Western North Carolina Pre: W - VrcVci Thot Entire Crop V'T. ho Sold, by Thanksgiving 6D?v Mr. Tames A . Wilson brought to The Ptar office FrMay of last week n. r:..ZT i.''1 ifie uja:u uiiis ui new cuivuii. These were gathered from his fields nd from theTemark made by Mr. these respects, other counties do! : i : -..-.'.. can THE OXFORD SINGING CLASS HERE FRIDAY The Oxford Singing class will give a. concert in the Shelby School audi torium Friday night of this week under the, auspices of the local Mas- Convention which wui.De nem v Cleveland Springs Friday September 16th. Editor Weathers of The Star made arrangements with Manager RnsAmnnd of the Cleveland Springs the Cleveland Star will give a banquet to the visiting itn nn the nieht of September 1. In addition to the ,;'shop talk' part iu nr,sm Another social fea- Wilson, he. thialai. the cotton will be known throughout this section of the unuruaHy elyCi M ort in quan- is .noVY"eZ d uZ 4? i ..i . , i i him and hia hnnn A hSDDV Ilia Use- titv pnd-eow-as last as n is picxea - out. He made thiemark:' I think ful journey through life. . - j- .m,n -win n - Immediately following - the. - cere be openr? picked, ginned, sold and emony mr. unu r cut In prices announcea toaay oy ' - . i -i i w AtAi nninri nn invir i - - . the producers of Hudson and isex automobiles puts these well Known models at lower prices than - they have ever been sold for. Of particular interest is t'ao fact that the Hudson super-six is tne onic chapter. This" singing class from ture was arranged, whereby the ed th Masonic home at Oxford has been ;t.r- wiii motor to-the Kings Moun tain battleground and .listen to coming to Shelbv for manv vears and has always attracted a big crowd of People who enjoyed the concert. There are 14 ehildren in the company, in charge of a manager and director and the concert this year will be far above the splendid programs that have t-wn rendered in the past... The auditorium will have ten reservations. of seats for the' ten Masonic lodges in Cleveland county rnd it i exrect- lecture on the famous battle by Edi- n r. Pntre -of Kings Mountain. In theW return through Kines Moun tn, Fditor Pa"? hf .wtjM tli? vHtors to be refreshed at Kincrs Mountain. UI UK '1i'vo i ma that 18 or 20 editors wil u .nlo Shelbv meeting. A special -r 4. H Kn mndo to Vet them leave their duties for two days and for the It -d that many Masons will" -be 'here LrPT,rt-the while at the famous Cleve irom all over the county. Last yearhaid Springs resort the tsnr$25o; loll'i W. nr. headquaers for men's and k nlnrt'-M?. Tsi'nrpd or read'--to- . wien you need cement, see Lamp-I ;t wiH pay voutaee u iini l si a" " I .A -a. Cam Campbell Department Store. The,bride is the winsome and ac- is now being done by the co-opera eomplikhed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. hive marketing agencies and ac- James, Allen of near Cleveland jcompluming that result alone, these Springs, and is beloved by all who arencies will have justified their ex- i a I . . . know ner lor ner spienuiu iraiw i isience. character. Mr. Toston is the son of Mrs. Dan iel Poston of near Shelby, and is one of the county's most prominent and successful young fanners, widely JENNINGS CAR .IS STOLEN IN HUDSON-ESSEX PRICES . ARE AGAIN REDUCED Third Cot Places These Model at Lowest Price They Have " Ever Sold . - Y - Detroit, Mich. Aug; 17.-A third ' l. -ii . k.. tv.i,: Charlotte and other points on ineir n on rh.t fhp land wi l he sowed Dnaai trip anu un wic.i . ' . l j v j-l UiVft iheir home on his farm near tn wneai, oais ana rye. i preuici uui - . ... v the frke will be about fifteen cents.? Shelby. YOTTNH FALT-TON MAN KILLED BY MACHINERY Miss Elizabeth Webb Bridge Hostess For Charming Visitors- Miss Elizabeth Webb, the attrac- iarirest selling fine car and last year Fvl Tillman. 21 vpbf o d son of ve young uaujcuiev. vV - solct al z,Wu. ' ine new .. . , ! C v Wkk onfurfmnprl most I . .. . R. A. Tillman was killed Friday ot . .7' places it at i,oo aengnuutiy oiu u, ...v...... . lagt was fl,7Uo honor of her two cnarmmg nuT These prices refer guests, Miss K. en bcnnm r mft1pU Rimiu. re nah, Ga. and Miss Virginia Moore oi y " " , rnetor.:a ductions have been made on all mod Thp IovpIv Webb home on Soutn eis. Officials or tne two comp- Whimrton street was gaily ana state that heavy sales during tne sm attractively arranged with vases and t.ave exhausted old inventories oriage last week when he was struck in the bdrmen by the lever of a stump pull er. The young rnen was operating a stumo poller when the clevis pin broke, and the leval with great force struck him. He walked nart of the way home and when his condition . 1- 1- 11.- T I UnDnUnl bowls of nrettv cut flowers, ea mm w wis """" :::-... A .u. Kia . nintv . c . ..aH nninD1 11 ih vvii hl liiiv v- 0 where ne aiea, loiiowiny n v -rr. r- - , . .u.noa r,ink . j it.i i 1 1 1 minamrf rtMiuiusu uiuui vhm." Jt was xouna mat ne nau 111- . " Af injuries ,-which proved ; fata u . ftid - fh.nA MTMO 1 I Llli! IfUIItt: tlUU eave" L " "'-Tn ide Mrs: Webb assisted by her niece children, ine iu - - . an -,nhorate took claee at Be:s' Chape, Lincoln rs. o. - loos piate t r t , I -iijA rnn at n of a salad - and COUnty Saiuraay imra a ifreai, tiuwu - . i. j 4. an ice course. OI Borrowiiig wicim.. - - r-. - . . m Anv F'-"-6 iU r -Atn subscriotion For flour, hay, oat, m feed, cot- man aCS Bunol , Willi, e ton seert .meai ana nuns etc, w 'fvl . Frances Evervbody is invited to come. r-,,olla nnd save. irieius, nt -v..- , Val4 kv. u - tion. trnf He reduced overhead costs, and that tb.ey ahlo tit huv materials at new low costs. , - ASHEV1LLE The nice Chalmers touring car of County Commissioner W," H. Jen nings was stolen Saturday, night at Asheville while parked on a street near the Langren Hotel. Hacket ' Blanbn, Jr. .drove Mrs. Jennings andT Borne othef. Jadief to(Asneville .Fri day and thenar was left on the street for a few minutes. When Hack et returned to get it, the car was gone and there is no trace of the thief.. However, the matterhas beea reported to officials and an effort is being made to locate it ; EFIRDS INAUGURATES :-';".. A BIG SALE THIS WEEK The Efird Department store in thia v!-j 1 r issue announces a comuineu eu August and blanket sale to begin. Friday of this week at which time better and bigge value will be of fered to the public. The two page- advertisement is worth the atten tion of our readers for it is fraught with bargains in order to make room for the arrival of fall and winter merchandise. , ' FINE MEETING CLOSES AT CLOVER HILL CHURCH . Mr. D. F. Cook who was a visitor in The Star office Saturday from up- An Entertainment per w"8 "" . r Tt Iu" r" I moetinir ciosea ai ciocer xiui lut ui.f-. Intertainment at J dist church Friday night. Rev. M. P. LHuiSlaUhe jfcifiUhe -ices -ere rn- twonths. . subscription school, were 4 profe s 1 additions to the church during; meeting,.w"'

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