'-' ( " j Two.' Linotypes,- 'Advertising j j ' yfTJ ' II 'fh if .ft t 7 Xv lr-l f Cut and Picture Service. All J f fM .A'.'. f A A k ' U 'StNv .'.. kJLilkV'-yr'AV I i Automatic . Job Feeders. Home Print. Cheapest Paper j I U I J 4 ! H llMI 'V$t 1) t (Tll ' ! " If Three Job Prosse. No Job, Per Copy in This or Ii I , i V : . MB II4"- M r l ' S ' ' Too Urge or Too Small for Adjoining ' Counties. ' " S ' JS " fjl ' I ' 1 '': " ' ' JCf L ' V J ' t I ; U- to VOL. XXIX. No.- 81 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. TUESDAY, OCT. 11, 1921 $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE .. itit mm i - ' !;!;r . , -. - i-... .- :fflMr$Uf JIM VERNER. OIL COMPANY IN Quarterly Meetimr at KaHpnk NEW HANDS The final quarterly meeting for the . tu"e year on he Belwood charge Hamrick Brothers, Crowder and T e hfld at Kadesh next Wednes Others buy Valuable ;Manu- "y.krii-The. program for the facturing Plant and Five Gins ?"y at 9 0'dc,k in the morn f .'1:1 ing and Jjourn at will in the after. A real w&&-deal "inv&vin'about S?n,; Att.the. Suy hooIs of the m,M was cumniat. few days H jf SnP ? proam8-Rv- and Jeff jBMtfe.TffO 9rowde, nwill be.semdUth gThis &nd others, purchasedAnmtarest in is the final meeting for jthe yar and t'he termor Oil i (knnpay fmgfirsli for. the four years and it' is tery Ini. Graham S. Deilingrj-M. E. Gettys jxrtan$ that ill the offifiala' of tt and W. B.JeltbT; Mr. Gettys of Gaff- eWt be present, The public is cer- ney, S. . has had an interest in the Vemet Oil Company and , retains an interest in.' the newly incorporated -Lattimore Oil Company with the j stockholders. ; A .charter was secured for the LatUmore Oil Company last week with an authorized capital pf 4123,000 and a paid-in capital of $80,000. The re-organization will take p)ace this week when the officers will be elected and the manager and bus staff secured. The deal involves valuable real estate at Lattimore including the oil mill property, the old Pink Manufac turing Company's real estate and four cotton gins located at Lattimore, New House, Polkville and Boiling Springs. The Verner Oil Company was org anized some years ago by Mr. Pink fifllinger and others and has been 'juite successful in its years of opera tion. The men behind it havo been ex perienced and wide-awake and al though they retire from active o l :jnd gin business, the Hamricks and Mr. Crowder are natives of that community, capable and efficient bus iness men and the success of the bus iness is assrwd. dlally invited. Fourth Quarterly Conference V At Central Methodist Church The fourth Quarterlyt; Confererice for the Central Methodist charge will be held by the Presiding Elder 'on Thui-sday evening at 7:30. Mr Jordan will conduct a short devotional serv ice before the business session of the Conference. This will take the place of the regular mid-week prayer service. Some interesting reports will be made by the pastor and the heads of the various organizations of the church. You ate cordially invited to be : present. ALL OUT FOR BIG GASTON COUNTY FAIR THIS WEEK Cecelia Music : , j The Cecelia Music club will meat with Mrs, Rush Thompson on Wed nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. . ":! j Thursday, October 13 has been des jigiiated as Cleveland' county day at i the big Gaston county fair and from iall let oris Cleveland will be well , n-piesi'hU'd when the big gates swing open inursnay morning, sec retary Frei M. Alien states that this will be the best fair ever and the exhibits far out number any previ ous fair. Each of the communities Library Hours Changed S , The bourse for the (opening of the Public Libary have been changed for the winter months' anjrtfl now opeij frorn 3:30 to 5 on eaeh, Tuesday' an' S4turdayaft,moons beginning $ this Mrs Kendall RosteM 'i ' To Twentieth Century Club " I ? At her 'lovely home on North, La Faye,tte street Mrs. H. E. Kendall was' hostess td the membera of the Twen tieth Century club oh last Friday af teraoon. The house was attractively' arranged with lovely fall flowers,' the bright glow of fires giving an added warmth to the hostess's hearty wel-' come. t ; A most interesting program on Na thaniel Hawthorne was greatly en joyed during the afternoon. Mrs. S. O. Andrews' gave a delightful sketch of "Hawthorne, the Man," while his short stories was the subject of a most interesting paper by Mrs. S. S. Royster. Mrs. I,. M. Hull gave a splendid reading on Hawthorne the Novelist which concluded this inter esting subject. When papers were laid aside the hosters, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Henry Wiseman, served :in elaborate fruit salad course, punch and salted nuts. HOWE'S CIRCUS PLEASES BIG CROWD IN SHELBY Missu Washburn a:id Roberts Entertain Club Women Mis:es Eunice Roberts and Oeland Washburn were joint hostesses on last Friday ev tiling entertaining the even ing division of the literary department of the Woman's club at the home of i which held fai;s in Cleveland will put 'the latter on Sumter street. Howe's Circus and Van Amberg's trained wild animal show pleased a on a booth at the Gaston fair to rep resent their community. M. S. ,Beam of Wraco will exhibit his fine herd of registered Hampshire sheep. Also, a feature for the club boys of Cleveland will be a stock judging contest of hogs and dairy cattle. Thirty two dol lars worth of premiums are offered to the best judge of these classes. s contest will be held Thursday at large crowd in Shelby on Thursday of last week when one of the largest circus crowds , that ever gathered in Shelby came to town to witness tne parade and see the second circu 'rx. the year on the Blanton lot near the .j o,dock and aj)y boy who wishe3 to uthern depotne paraae was K enter this contest should be present and the circus was much above the ' 0'clock. average, the trained animals being a!' Remembcr the date Thursday Oct special feature. It was above tho av- j obpr J3 and al, gcnool t.hiidl.cn win erage of circuses that come to Shelby be gdmjtted free See your school and the crowd inside filled the Icrr-.e committeemen or Supt. J. Y. Irvin. tent except a fourth section ut t - , reserved seats on one fide. t!!r'c i LIST OF WINNERS AT kicks were registered against the ad 1 EL BETHEL i XFRIDAY'S STAR mission charges of 75c for general, admission and 75c for reserved se ils,, ,itor was Driviledired to plus the war tax. In addition to ' the community fairs at Earl, little soft cushions were sold fo. ' -' j BoiinK Springs and Union, but failed each to soft ones who-did not kno-vj fo the E Bethe, far becaus(1 it the price before they were comf. -it-, conflictcd with our preBg day for Fri ably seated. Peanuts were ten c-nts gtar and with thc Howe-s cir- per bag and the quantity loss f ' 11 cus and circus crowd during which local merchants sell for five tents- j time many pe0ple came into the office The matinee oi tnc aiiernuun The house was prettily decorated in a weaitn ot lovely gouiengiow ana in the midst of these attractive sur roundings the following interesting program on Shakespeare was enjoyed Roll call miscellaneous quotations. Shakespeare's place in literature Mrs. R.' h, Ryburn. Shakespeare's tragedies Mrs. Jes- sie Ramsaur. Shakespeare's comedies Miss Eli zabeth Roberts. Shakespeare's histories--Miss Cline, At the conclusion of which the two hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Chas Washburn and Miss May Washburn served a delicious ice course. night performance was a wild west show and wrestling match, the Show'e brag wrestler being Hacken.;muh vvi.o defied all comers. Herman I.owen shon," local wrestler of much fame, but very modest over his prowess, jot the best of Hackensmith at both per formances and won the ?30 priz: of fered by the circus management. MR. LATHAM IS CHAMPION COTTON PICKER OF CO. I, Mr. M. a: Utham of Patterson ' Snrinn is without a doubt the chnm- 'pion cotton picker of the county. Oth-1 era may show good records ior u-i;-, but he perhaps can pick more day in and day out than any other man in the county, regardless of "race, color or previous condition of servitude. While he lived in South Carolina he was declared to be the champion w ,ot ..f. Kv tbn Columbia State.i .i&aa a v j j when he picked 563 pounds in a single day without going to the field before sunrise or' staying after sunset. A few days ago in a nine and a half hour dav he nicked 426 pounds. His aver age has been almost as good all this season when he was in the fields. There is a slight at picking cotton and while Mr. Latham made this rec ord in a single day he was feeling well enough on the day following to do the same thing. to renew their subscriptions and sub scribe for the paper. Of course the editor rnd the mrn connected with the paper have the same weakness for a circus that ethers have, hence we could not visit the El Bethel Com munity fair which is said to have beer such a fine exhibit of farm, home and field products. However, Mr. Wayne Ware has furnished us with the list of winners at the EI Bethel communi ty fair and the names will appear iri Friday's Star.- : Ishpening Club Meets with Mrs. Doggett . .1 Mrs, John Wynne Doggett was charming hostess to the members of thc Ishpening club on last Friday af ternoon at her home on North La- Fayette street. The room in which these young chib women assembled was artisticalIy"arTanged with bask ets ahd vases of lovt?y marigolds and potted plants. This was the second meeting of this fall and an interesting and compre hensive paper of Nathaniel Haw thorne. the Man was read by Miss Elizabeth Roberts, while Howthorne the Novelist, was beautifully handled by Mrs. Frank Hull. A delightful in strunjental solo was rendered by Miss Mav endall. "' Whfcft paper were laid aside, the ostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs Nelson , Lattimore, and. little Misses Montrose Mull and ""Mary Lattimore served an elaborate ice course, punch and nuts. FORMER CLEVELAND MAN KILLED IN SPARTANBURG Mrs. L. A. Gettys Hostess William Turner, son of the late Eli Turner of the Sharon section of Cleve land county and constable for i Spartanburg, S. C. magistrate, was shot to death late Friday night while seated in his automobile in front of the home of Harvey Staggs who lives iust outside of the city of Spartaa burg. Staggs has been lodged in jail charred with the crime. At the coroner's inquest Saturday it was stated that Turner and SUggs emotied their pistols at each other, Turner's friends say he told them several days ago that his son had Wn hnvine- whiskey from Staggs and that he would put a stop to it t,a aa nnt have a warrant when he went to Stagg's home. r6rnrnrarnd--imHsr-,fflti - feM flour, hav. oats. etc. see Campbells Tk will anvA vnn monev. adv If you need hardware get it at the TTunWnro Co. adV Phone us for heating stoves hortlastsrWr-eHw-and-pu up. and adv, Make home pleasant with a Fav Ttucks Ranee. Farmers Hdw, Co. v adv Funeral of Samuel Long, Soldier Killed in France Attended Sandy Run Association Special to The Star: Boiling Springs, Oct. 7 The facul ty is planning to give a play, "The Deestreck Skule," Saturday evening, Oct. 22nd. in the auditorium. The pro- -feeds will go to pay for the piano that is used' in the auditorium. The f,rlciids of the school are cordially in- f Messrsi fanicey Elliott and Clarence Matheney; Misses Maybelle GAjdrier, Ruby MichaeL and Etta L- Cirtis at. tended th fvineral ' of SamuenLong who was killed In Franco Qcfc 4f 1917, at Hopewell church, Sunday .after noon; Oct. 2. Rev, D. J. Hunt, atsUted by. Jtev.:i. D'ilarrMI and lRevl V: L. Smith," conducted, the servicesj The uorai onenngs were oeautiruk ,anrt vflrcd tlie grave of Samuel Long and his brother, Fay Long whos body was sent home from France last summer. These brave yolfng men were the sons of James Long of Ellonbpro and brothers of Rex Long who is now senior in Boiling Springs High School. ; Prof. J. D. Huggins and MisseB Quinn and Taylor attended the Sandy Run association Thursday of last week. The young men of the Kalagathian ini Atnenean Literary societies, de- iKhtfully entertained the young ladies f the Kalicrgeonian and Rhamseaur Jterary societies Saturday evening October 8. The ladies of the community gave the "Manless Marriage" in the audi torium of the high school Saturday ight, October 1. An admission fee wns charged and the proceeds went to Jefray the expenses of the "Com munity Fair." The entertainment was aigely attended, Miss Lela Moore, the Art teacher of UNION FAIR HAS A GREAT SUCCESS MANY OLD RELICS SHOWN THERE Union, Cabaniss. New House and Fair View Take Part Inter est ins; Athletic Contests , The 'epmmunifaf fglr at Union eon solidated school house Friday was an all-day jubilee where hundreds of peo-! pie gathered to ice the spfendld' ex-' hibitiy witness the Interesting atWetW contests and enjoy the sumbtuouA flln. 1 Tier ahd socfcjt intercourse tf"l y Wgether,, This was th first fall- alternated., at Union and fitwedkilf ed Pn,n v7 wy t the falra at;Edrl, Boiling Springs wid ja Bthelr With unusually fine dUnlva ist I, by the ladies and, old relics shown by uien una women or tiw community. A. A..nccnu was president, J, T. S, Mauney, treasurer and E. L. Weath- ers, secretary. R E. Lawrence Ifarnt demonstrator was in his lorv. lemfi. ,ing his favorite : athletic .contests wmcn, furnished , amusement I to the great crowd, while Miss Cornelius Was the directing head in exhibits from the home, all of which were creditable to any community.. I -7 l i; v ' r It goes without saying that , the community fair , will be held again next year and it promises to be big ger am! better in every respect. , For the lack of space we are able to give only the winners of first prizes: Farm and Field Crops Best ten ears corn Frad Simmons'! Best Rtalk two eared corn Fred Sim mons. Best boiled stalk short rtaple cotton that pulls longest staple E,L. Weathers. Best three stalks soy beans Zem Grigg. Best three stalks velvet beans John Elliott. Best : peek of wheat C. C. Gng. Best peck oats G. A. Green. Best gallon of peanuts Zoar Champion. ; Horlicluture ,,. WinesMp apples A. A. McEntin!. Ben Davis W. T. Weathers. Pippin J. T. S. Mauney. Arkansas black J. E. Champion. Any other variety Mrs, house being filled with exhibits. Best dress made by girl under 18 years, total cost not to exceed $3 Selma Mau ney. Embroidery Mrs. Chas. Cabaniss. Crocheting Mrs. C. B. Williamson. Best quilt Mrs. L. Z. Grigg. Counter pane Mrs. J. C. Pruett Best rug Mrs. Clius. Whisnant. Best hat made of new material Selma Mauney. Best hat made of old material Mrs. J, T. S. . Maupeytit -':; . y jj,, 1 Bernard' Mauley wan the prize lor, tht best , map fit ,Cleyf n4 and . best map bf.N, C. showing rivers and. FuilrlTdoaen and " half babies " , were showji,( all good Ibokerf buii beu" ; "" s I ty di4 nbtjtouttt.' Scoring on lleJigtli'r1" , inJ'jfiglitl the folldwing- won- priaes .'V '?t- v -v fdr icorflig. nearer' the perfect stan-., t -,. x;,: Hards. One to two years. Sana' "Mor Wi v- ; rison' first. William McKee second and , Emmie Lou Powell third. Six to twelve months Guy Gold and John Ffcrker. broke even for first and second and ' will divide first and second casn pris es toUlling $7.50. Forest Covington - won third prize. fi ll wij-s' ; MRS. RYBURN MAKES PLEA FpR RETURN OF OLD IDEAS ; Speaks Before the North Caro una synodicai at uastonia on Sabbath Observance, etc. From Gastonia Gazette; Jeatured by an inspiring address by Mm. R. L. Ryburn, of Shelby, the ninth annual meeting of the North Carolina Woman's Synodical of the Presbyterian church, held its first session Wednesday evening in the First Presbyterian churchv-Mrs. Ry burn 's talk was on "Christian Liter ature in the Home," but Bhe included in her inspirational talk more than literature... She deplored the luck of Sabbath observance, the absence of the family altar, the well-used Bible' uhd the church papers and periodicals. She made an eluquent ' plea for a re turn to the three fundamentals of old time Presbyterianism, namely, edu cation, Sabbath observance and re ligion in the home. "When I go into a Presbyterian home," said Mrs. Ryburn, "I want to tee on the living-room table,' if it i a real Presbyterian home, a well-used Tom Powell. Best peck turnips Homer Bible, not a family Bible, placed there Bridges. Best sweet potatoes J. T. S. tor snow, out a worn, inumoea ooos., Mauney. Best and largest pumpkin the Earnest Worker, containing the Hattie Withrow. Best half peck beans Sunday school lesson and helps, the. Mrs. J. T. S. Mauney. Best dozen table preabvterian Standard, the North beets J. F. Simmons. Best collection rnitna PronWwtnn Thimh - tummr. - ' in Charlotte and edited by Boiling Springs High School, attended Jofcn Mo.ie. Best date near WA T. the Sandy Run Association Wednes- Weathers. Best three head of cabbaco day and Thursday of last week. Zoar Champion. Best peck Irish- po Mr. and Mrs. B. C. McCraw de-ltatoes Ralph Green. Best peck onions lightfully entertained some 6f their T. P. Grayson. Best gallon peppers friends at a swimming purty, given n honor of Miss Ruth Wofforcl, a sister of Mrs. McCraw, Sept. 24. The many friends of Misses May Kendall and Elizabeth McBrayer of Shelby, were delighted to welcome L. ..i.if m Holcn.ftrlc. Dr- Bridges, and the Missionary Sur Examinations for the first quarter I Squash J. F. Simmons.;; will begin October 13.. Already the vey, our foreign missionary publica- ....... i.u.iiwk Ition. Without these four volumes, i Best dairy cow J. E. Champion. Best do pot find myself at home in a Pre- pure bred bull W. T. Powell. Best byterlan family. I know that, if tht dairy calf J. E. Champion. Best beef Earnest: Worker is therej the family cow Avery Beever. Best' hreed sow in not puttiufc off Sunday school les- Jim Kianton. uesi pure oreu noar w.i ... Hufl,r,inu nio.uf t th- sti- ......... ... .L. JlS , T. roweii. isest pig unaer six monvns (ard js theW tney are keeping up WUDUr Dimnions., ncsi, uroou nioic .... .nv.-i,, ! 4 v. u , 1 a ,i.. ,i 1, .n,l t,.-j 1. b.. 1.. vmn ice uubub ui uic cu.uu - of extensive repairs upon the water p. H. Bridges. Best pair mules Coren nrioges nnp .....L- 1. .a. ,f n.M..n, nr Wright. Rest'nair Plvmouth Rocks on nil moral questions. Then the Will Mauney. urst uno.'ie isianu ncud 1 nKvwuniy t)uicj mu.. v.... M. B. Mauney. Best Lejrhorns Nelson keep our young folks informed of tha Hogensack. Best rair of poultry any work of our missionaries." variety Mrs. Charlie Whisnant. BeBt sheep and ram Jack Elliott. Canned Fruits and Vegetables Best collective exhibits of 15 jars Mrs. J. T. S. Mauney firntf Mrs. W. T.Powell second and Mrs. . Zoar : t U .nU.a. t-Via 11 mr Vina nf (ho third. Rest collective exhib it eotli iiieutLnri i "v r... - .It, iirtu r !J V V: vr c,i T?n it of eit-ht iars Lillian McEntire first Judge Bryson Will Preside Or- :Z:"t.rd Mauney second.. Best er Mixed Term Which Begins iuomviu.iuii. 1 , 1 o: ....,. if 1 1 n,.i ..v-.i t,a TiantiBf. f th- Feacnes rs. rr a. L nere UClODer Jl8l wuuui iiiraus r - I , r.ll n. fiirnw -MmiTtim.. .ii..s i v v.. ...... r . IM M Mnnnnv (h( fries Mrs. W. 1, i 4. U - 41,- 4 .4-4- - a .,1.1 k ti. : v ' . v. ... . 4W " u v sune, .rccu ,u.u r t i-"' 1 weathers. Apples wauie ; rowen. 1 . ,. . m . ripv4lflnj c,,. AVaorfiillo mcl Kripnrf rfn nnt he-I . . t - c: 1 v :r"::;;', r:'um :iKTiTrt which convene. i sheiby oc- , T , B"r t "c u " : ;, :;r:::: m,,n! S JZ Ltober. Zl with Judge Bryson presld- . .. .-i . . . ... rw 01 i. l inir: . associauoiUk. - i potatoes . jars-Zieur vnamwiiK ji 1 4 r- IIP! lE. B. McCraw. No. 2- students are discussing this trying ordeal (?) The enrollment of the school is now 230. Of this number 151 are boarding students. The, school has never had a more earnest student body. to ask the loyal friends of B. S. II. S for the necessary amount of money to do this work. Those friends who are on the grounds and realize, as no one else can, these needs hesitate to make the reported requests for money, hut they do not know to whom else to go. The writer of these notes believes that Mrs. Ryburn's talk was greatly en joyed. . . . . ... . r jr JUaY LIST FOR THE OCTOBER TERM COURT f To Chicora Club The .first -meeting, of the Chicora club foir the fatTseaaon convened last Friday with Mrs:1 L. A. Gettys at her home on S. Washington street. The parlor was beautifully arranged with exauisite fall flowers, and a large .... membership was in attendance ior this initial meeting. This club is stu dying for the year "Our Possessions Alaska being the subject for tne ai ternoon, the program being given as follows: Roll call current events Historical sketch Mrs. Paul Webb. The charms of Alaska Mrs. W. a Nix. dnvprnment and Politics Mrs. O, M. Suttle. Work of the Bureau of Education for the Natives Miss Selma Webb. The hostess assisted by her sister, Mrs. W. F. Mitchell and Mrs. Frank Jenkins served an elaborate collation, consisting of chicken salad, sand- wiches, hot rolls",1 coffeOfSd ""StUffcfl dates. ' Mrs. M. A. Murray of ' Greensboro whn is here on a visit to her son, Rev. w. A. Murrav was. a tuest of the club. beets Mattie Powell. Corn Powell. k Lima, beans Mr Mattie W. T. .No. -R.H. Mr. Charles L. Eskridge, local deal er for Ford cars and Fordson tractors, gave demonstrations at the Earl, Boiline Springs and Union communi ty fairs last week, showing the Ford- son tractor and all implements in ac- iriAw rivPM at iTATRHl weatners. ricia peas mrs, i. 4uu-i weaver, v ni . ney. cngllIl peas Oliu. m: m. 4uuiic j . i well yllcy. ttV. o vajiu yuuuyivM Okra Mrs. FrCd Simmons. Peach and RufUB p. Francis. J.. Arthur Mc blackberry jam Mrs. J. F. Simmons. Swajn, No. 4-Whitney Wells, A. A. Apple, grape and plum jelly Mrs. fcli- AnU.onv. Fate Arrowood, J. B. Bla- ta Hogensack. Pear presen-es Mrs. J. fc c BW No 5 T u Ware, 1, a. iwauire. J"""' It t r XT C r, TI T?ain. ObI. M.nnoi- rn-.an,:i..r "larai, J, r.weninno, . v. u&.4., tual operation in the fields. Mr. I pckle Mrs. M. M. Mauney. Peach and w. J. xarooro.j. w. opane, n. nu. Eskridge carried a tractor and many I chow-chow pickle Mrs. J. T. S. Alau- xoung, t. m. iwoeris, , ra. a. w Imnlements to the fairs on a large ney. Pear pickle Selma Mauney. Swain. No. 71. i. wngni, i w. i, a. neonle witnessed Pantry and Dairy Supplies Green. Jno. B. Wright, Z. R. Walker. ,u.., , .r r - . - j j ,:i.4 ..n Xf.- F1S- ,T rr CM,,- the demonstrations of the new and w or" "B'"- " """ No. u. V. uipeiana, v. &itwi,w . , . : v.,, mn,Arlra Hogensack. Um meal mumn-t inrs. , c,Ae. S. C. lattimore. No. 9 r . i Mrs. j. i. fflinnry. uiuki'i . n . t,.i t- ia satiafactory way than by horse pow- Zoar Champion cake Mri. w. T. u ner, k. a. rioru. o. tv, ffipialu an well as the I ,i i.. j i .ivr- Gordon Carpenter. No. 11 Lester oublic generally expressed apprecia- jt, s. Mauney. Sweet poi.f ;ie Mrs, tinn that he should be on hand with Fred Simmors. Lemon pie Selma this exhibit which added to the at- Mauney. School lunch Mrs. J. i. bim trartions at the three fairs. There mons. Peanut butter Mrs. -oranam. pUnn nmninff in the Pon. Cider vinegar Mrs County and the demand is growing Self. If you want to get heated up get your heaters from Linebergers. adv. Solid car load of Bucks hot blast heaters at Lineberger's. adv M. B. Mau . ... m r ii : npv. Molasses w. I. roweu. niuitv meat Mrs. Fred Simmons. Comb hon iey-VA.-PowelW SoapMrs, Zora Champion. Dozen eggs Bernard Mau- nev. Pound butter W. L. Simmons. . . , Needle Worw Second Week N0 1Fred Davis. No. 2 J. Robt. Green. No. 3 Eure C. McSwain. No. 4 R. E. Blanton, R. L. Wells, Joe L. Cole. No. o C. C. Carpenter, Ralph Beam. No. A. II. Anthony, R."H7 Wilson, A. PTSpakeTNorT Paul Philbeck, J. C. Washburn. No. 8 P. P. Duncan, William J. Carpen- This department was exceptionally ter. No. 9-J. J. StorVo, No. 10- good, one entire room of the school J. L Mode. No. 11-Julius Pruett.

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