ONLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN SHELBY EVERY CLEVELAND HOME NEEDS IT Linotypes, Advertising ( Cut and Picture Service. All jl Home Trint. Cheapest Paper J Per copy in mis or A Adjoining- Counties. VOL. XXIX. No. 96 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N, a FRIDAY, DEC. 2, 1921 YEAR IN ADVANCE iirTTTmo AfTft l n ' f (1 u ;l Ik ' AM 'Bit I Sri A. I I ft I M II XX rx M - I I m . a i t - Y . w ftTAfAa- V ill , hsIHy A .Vfcrffl raJSSSsSS ; i ; -.$2.00, a SHELBY WINS IN FOOTBALL SERIES ELIMINATES ASHEVILLE IN i CHAMPIONSHIP - Will Now -. Play Winston-Salem for High School .Champion. snrp or western Carolina Dick Gorky's Shelby High school ntKafl fum won fha ri.Vf the Winston-Salem High school team for High ' school championship of western North Carolina here Monday" . ft. ft. ' . . - - y asoqibk we Asnevme t Highs the surprise the season ami winning the semi-final encounter, played in a new oi moa, wr ue score of 7 to 6 the difference of a coal from tmirh ttown. The local Highs are due to meet the Twin City adherents Saturday and were is a possiDinty wat tne game will be played in Winston-Salem Ad intercepted forward pass by Austell in tne second period was fol lowed by, an uninterrupted jaunt of 30 yards for a touchdown. ' Conner licked goal. . During the remainder of the con test the Mountaineers outplayed the local eleven, introduced to the game only this season, but lacked the punch necessary to win, after almost tying. A fumble on Shelby's 1-yard line rob bed them of one touchdown. Asheville won the toss and receiv ed the ball, defending the higher goal, but was quickly forced to punt and the ball stayed in her territory through out the first two quarters. -Shelby earned her . touchdown near the end of the second quarter when Austell intercepted a forward pass and ran 38 yards for. Shelby's touchdown. A Conner kicked roal. The third quarter was -evenly play ed with the ball mostly near the mid dle of the field. In the fourth quar ter, the superior weight of the Ashe ville team, aided by a desperate reviv al of spirit and their down-hill course, gave the Mountaineers slight' advan- intra HnwsvOF Rhplhv htld them for downs on the Shelby 20-yard line but on Shelby's first play, a , Shelbyite fumbled and Asheville recovered and quickly drove through the mud for her touchdown, Stacy Smith carrying the ball over, Chakales failed to kick goal; ' ' There was far less fumbling than usual on a wet day. However, it was a fumble by Shelby that gave Ashe ville her chance for a touchdown' and H was a fumble by Asheville that cost them the game in the last minute of play when Asheville dropped the ball on the one-yard line and Gngg, Shel by's center, recovered it. On the punt out by Shelby, from behind her goal- W .ll.nnfmi, ti - Mock line, L JMnjejf, Micwnuit . the punt, was knocked unconscious and was taken out ; " The game, ended with tne oaii in Asheville's possession on Shelby's 20 yard line. There were, only two for ward passes attempted. The strong wind robbed Shelby of two beautuiu a game far superior to ordinary High school football Perhaps the outstand ing tAT of the came was Asheville's wonderful center, who featured in perfect passing and won derful defense. , , Other Asheville stars were Cheadel, . cv.iK tpnm nlaved son. ine enure . , herok halL Thia U their first jeat s .rganixed experience and Coach Gur ry is elated over his team's prospects for the Stote ciuunpioiniR ..M-rrPn.itwi Asheville (6) n:i!r::RGi-:,(e)Felmet f;fW . Cente -Uonano . " '-oo . A V AfVivtann IV Logan 1- J L E i Branch k" o W Hodges Arrowood UcMurry (c) Hennessa .... Austell i- " R H?--- B. Manley L H ' Cheadel ir uLl.Chakales 'T ,v..iAB-RhelbT. Branton ior nennesaa, Hendricks r Branton, Asheville. Porter te'J? f; Smith for'B. Manley, S. Porter for Atkinson. Touchdowns Austellj l, a. Smith, I. Goals-Connor,. Officials -Referee, roust, University of North 'Carolina; umpire, PBllan, Guilford, headlincsman, Wright, Wofford; timej deeper, Archer, Georgia Tech. Trnif of tniarters, 15 minutes. f TRINITY COLLEGE GLEE CLUB COMING THURSDAY NIGHT " A feast of fun and fine music is in etore for Shelby folks next Thursday night, . . . The occasion will be the coining oi the Trinity College Glee Club just losing its Southern iour. This trained and taienteo .trrlVhthPie ... ..vine a detour in a- .v.:. entertainment at f 1 'by at the urgent invitation of we V 'a Bible Class of wnir . . l riki far the enter - CAMP CAM. VPWO nr I COMINGS AND GOINGS Tvn Riwl. J... iv ' - - - iuuy linners, an O pos sum tiuntand Some Personal Special to The Star: Camo Call. Di i a. i u.....i no i uuvea i seen any news from this hustling lit tie town lately I will tell you the news. . r uiuncr given at the home of Mr. WKT. Powell Sun- nav in Vammm -' I. : j :rc waa a oinnaay dinner given ui nis wiie. sine was 67 years old. EvervboHv themselves fine. ' Mr; William Heavner and Miss ,Vio la PowelL surprised their friends by getting married Saturday , after- Lnoon. r , . ' y. Mr. Charlie McEntire,7 our noted dinner Thanksgiving to his friends Mr. W. T. Powell vad. ethers. Mtss Blala Blanton spent the week end with her uncle Mr. J. 0. Blanton. The many friends of Miss Mary Palmer : are glad to welcome her back as saleslady at The Mauney Co. store. Miss Lura Gardner and Ocie'Har rill spent the week end at home. Miss Marie Mauney of Fort Mill. S. C. spent Thanksgiving with her moth er, Mrs. M, M. Mauney. , ; Mr. Clyde Mauney of B. S. H. 5. spent the week end at home. Miss Lucile Irvin spent Thanksgiv- ing at home. She is teaching at Gas tonia. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Mauney spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. J. T. Mauney. Mi- A. D. Blanton of Gastonia vis ited his brother J. O. Blanton one day last week. ' Miss Effie McEntire of Chesnee, &. C. is visiting her father, Mr. Thos. McEntire. The Union consolidated school is nrorressinjr nicely under the able management of Mr. S. S. Mauney as principal. t..m . a hirthdav dinner giv- en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. t . Connor Sunday. Several of the school girls of the Union school enjoyed a fine rabbit chase on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ureene oi Hill, S. C. spent Sunday wltn meir parents. Mr Ind Mrs. G. II. Lovelace spent Thanksgiving with Mr. J. W. Powell near Shelby: 82 BIDS MADE FOR ROAD ' WORK IN SIXTH DISTRICT Highway Commission Sifting Offers on $1,500,009 Worth or construction -Let Contract for Road feWh. Nov. 29. The sUte high way commission tonight had not com pleted sifting down ana comparing wi 82 bids made for $1,500,000 worth of mail construction in the sixth district Opening the bids took all day, and en gineers of the commission went after supper to complete the task if possible. The commission let a con tract in the fifth district hanging over from the other letting to billon sons and Bogg, of Spartanburg, S. C, for $292,958.60. This is the road in Dav- idson county running irom wwngwn to the Yadkin river. . , , ' Some of the low bidders in tne lei ting today were newcomers in con struction ,in the state ana w ... iaTwoVintr an effort to find out uuaaivu 17 . something about the concerns before the contracts are let ine commis ion also has under consideration bids for 50,000 barrels of cement. loiiPVTI.I.K HICHS PROTEST THE GAME nflRjola Art Tritirised for Faul ty Interpretation of the Rules AshevUle, Nov. 30. Asheville High school football authorities today pro tested the game played with' Shelby i..t Monday to the athletic authori ties at Chapel Hill. Their', protest am based on allesred infrac -""" . . - .. . ;nn f rules which cost tne locais nf victory. " ' WH v.. " - . . , Affidavits will be nreDared ana sent to the extension bureau at the State T in ivaNirv fnr Tinal action. The al- i.j (nfvpitnriH as set xortn are. win.' - . . .. r:.niinnr;n nf wfpree's decision Tt 1IB1I1VT..UB - , . , . gard to possession of ball, which cost the Asheville team a touchdown in the last two minutes of play; coacmng .uiin Kir rnaeh Gurley. of the Shelby team; rushing of crowd on field in last few seconds oi ptay A,nu attemDiine a . s!io nnt cni intr time KKK, Uiw.a . 1 Hf nlA.r mac nUTX 1H IOOV niov ana variuun v - minor infractions. Give a Photograph . ...L,.. Thre is not a more l :ui r f f nrm6therrwue---wr sittings now for prompt delivery. El lis Studio. 'av CampbeU'ala the pl- . rrr j izr 'II i ill i v-T. 13. lTttttf i Afternoon Services at ' 3 : Episcopal Church ' r ; There will be services at the Epis copal church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock conducted by Rev. Gecrge M, Manley of Bessemer City. The public is cordially invited. . At Central Methodist Church The First Oimrtoflw am .m. a. in --..J WHtCICUV Will be held tonight at 7:15. The Sunday subject announced, by the pastor are; 11 a. m. "Four Anchors and a Wish.! 7 D. m. "Onm rStnant In - T If vii uuv SI Course." Sunday school opens at 9:45 a. m. ana tne Epwortn League meets at 6:15 p. m. . Son will find a warm welcome at any of these services. f ' The Pastara' and Work?' Cm. ference of the Kings Mountain Asso ciation wOThold their monthly meet ing next Monadv. Dec. 5 at 2 c. m. A full attendance is urged. General subject: "Self Denial." 1. Scripture lesson Luke j:23 By Rush Padgett, 1 ,; , 2. Self denial essential to Rpirituul power By I. D. Harrill. 3. Self denial in supporting and ex tending the cause of Christ By J. M.'Kester. ' , '..- 4. Miscellaneous. LOCAL TALENT MUSICAL COMEDY HERE TUESDAY Will Be Presented in Graded School Auditorium Tuesday Dec. 6th Contributed: - If you enjoy an occasional hour of real fun, do. not fail to see Miles Standish, a most attractive musical comedy, at the school auditorium on December 6, at 8 p. m. At this time the burlev captain, his staunch pal, John Alden, modest Miss Priscilla and manv other well known characters, dropping their sober. maskswill ap- par in Burlesque such as Longfellow dreamed not of. . : The play is one continuous flow of wit, snappy songs and-well, we won't sav dancinc tho the Plymouth maid ens do ret rather aeile at times. Ev en the plot is changed from the orig inal in spite of the fact that at tne nri Miles refuses-to wed an Indian squaw, "since Longfellow didnt tell him to." ; him to." Te be brief, you really can not afford to miss itl .- . For some weeks the cast (all star, of course) has beer, hard at work un der the direction of Misses Pansl Harmon: Neither time nor energy has been spared In the effort to make, the production the success of the season. The cast is composed of some of the best High school and town talent, many of them having won applause in previous performances.- . : ' Tickets will be on sale oy rnaay, December 2nd. Adults 60c, school children 26c. ; Dont fail to cornel MR. HOEY ARGUES FOREST J CITY SCHOOL HOUSE CASE Attornnv Clvde R. Hoey returned yesterday from Raleigh where as at torney for the School Board of Forest City he argued the case on appeal to jt whpther tne Doara OI aiuer- men or the School Board of Forest City will build the new scnooi duhu- i .a iaaua was voieu lur a wil w And after the sale nnuum . . . . i i iv. .Marmm refused to turn OI DOUUB, vub , , J the -money over to the School board to supervise the erection oi ing. There is and has been some feel ing between the two boards and when the aldermen refused to turn over the bond money to tne scnooi - trainine order was secure which Jttdge.Shawi.heW . that Je school board had ft rigni w . " B. i71- k v, tMiHdinsp. An ap- tne erecwon . - . peal was taken by th ftldermen ind J decision U -expected ' from the Supreme Coon wnicn "'"- Z theard that will .uprvuethe construction, nere-seemi , to b no difference between w - the location or place of the building. Mrs. NANCY LUCINDA GREEN BURIED AT ELIZABETH CU. Mrs. Nancy Lucinda Green, widow of William Green who passed away oor flco. died Wednesday niht at the home of her son-in-law C F. Stubbs who is machinist at ine cLiv Mill. Death occurred at their home on Gidney street! following :n.a from some stomach trouble ot a week's duration. Mrs. Green was a momher of the Elizabeth conocv , , BaptistxhurcHfor 38 years loved woman with many fnendsin rl.ilm am1 v. Elizabeth community, The funeral was conducted frtm the residence Thursday aiternoon av .vwt iftSJCWBir was 69 yearsot Mlsa Clark Called Home: ; ' Miss Margaret Clark, one of Shel by's ' accomplished graded school teachers, was called to her home in SolUhurv tiat wock on account of tha serious illness of her sister. During her aosence, Miss Marion tiuu ' is substituting in her place. ; Spends Honeymoon With Relatives Here . . Mr. M. F. Shnford of Favetteville. who' last week was married to Miss Rack lay, a charming young lady of Mt. Hollv. brought hla bride here last Friday and spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Fannie Shuford and sisters Mrs. Ceph Blanton and Miss Rosa Mae Shuford, returning to Fav etteville Tuesday where they, will make their home. s 32-In. Gingha 32-inch paid dress' ginghama, vJfiend, up to 25c. ; 5ale price Shifting Hickory Shirting ' at ...LJ..I. Hamilton Hickory Shirting ; at --l Heavy Canton Flanel - V i J.&fc .-V V. MralltMli 8trep.ChaimaB of,; . v Red Cross Seals . Aa the Christmas season draws neat again our minds are called to think oh those in our state and nation who need our help. Once each year we are asked to nut forth a very special ef fort to help those suffering from tu berculosis by buyfng the Red Cress seals. When we realize how little we are asked to do and yet what marve lous good has been accomplished through the sales of these seals, can we afford to shirk our duty, and leave those less fortunate than ourselves to go on suffering from this dreaded disease?. " 1,'?.V,'?Tr:i '".t v Perhaps some are doubtful as to the work being done against this whit rJairue. but when we face the facts and figures we can no longer, hes itate. In our own state alone ut ivu there were 4,800 deaths due to tuber culosis, in 1920 the number had de creased to 2,908. : ; ; While we are spending thousanas, yes, millions of dollars for other Sm- nw.v.minti mav we not iorzet w lend a helping hand, even In a small way, to eleviate suffering and death in our own community ana state. MRS. RUSH STKUiir., Beautiful Rook Hospitalities ; At W lovelvhome on West War Mn ctrwof. Mn. Zeb Mauney. honor ing her niece, Mrs. flay Hoey, Shel by's newest bride, and Mrs. uugn w kinswoman and a new comer toShelby, entertained at one Wntiful rook hospital!- VI MV - ties of the season on Wednesday ai i f-nt ti A o'clock. VVI I1WU iiv ... w.w - . . .. r- The house was radiant with a col or note of yellow and white, expresses with quantities of giant yellow chrys .ntfcemnma vrown in the hostess' own lovely flower garden. The fortunate guests found their puces at we si tAhlea scattered about by dainty score cards in yellow and white. a m number oi mieresunK pre- gressionsthe hostess,; assisted by urM manla MeBravcc served an ela- borate Ice course in which the color scheme was carried out -:;, a arain an Thursday evening irom o Aivon the Mauney nome w thrown open, Mr.-and Mrs. mauney .nffa(nn in honor of Mr. and Mrs. kV WV. ... . Hoey and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mauney. Rook was again tne game oiw ening at the conclusion of which ices were served. Mrs. Frank Hull Undergoes il.C UVO. - Hull will be interested to know that she under went a most successful op--ration for appendicitis and tonsils at on.. V Af fnonds oi mrs. rr the Crowell hospital In , Lincolnton WednesdayrShe is resung man com- fortably. -. : Wriit OnV and Bishop tnrr of l!arionttililby visit LAWNDALE NEWS NOTES OF LATE HAPPENINGS Proud Over Sankey i Blanton's Victory Personal Mention of :' Interest ; Special to The Star: -Ufi ; ' Lawndale, Dec 1-Everybody has been so enthused over this beautiful fall weather that we haven't had time to write, although, we are still on this high "Hill" and happy and gay over our Thanksgiving holidays and espoc. tally the honor our student Mr, Sank ey Blanton has-just won for u at Trinity College. This goes to prove to our many friends that "Piedmont U Not Dead." , . Our matron Miss Carrie Freeman who gives us so many good things to eat,' spent Thanksgiving in Spartan burg with friends. , : ' Misses Inei and Wattle Lm Clin spent the week end in Blacksburg with rs. v. Aoaiey uoia. ' Miss Lula Mae Elmore ; ' spent Thanksgiving in Charlotte with her cousin Miss Faye Elmore who is a bright student in Kings : Business College,', ; The many friends of Miss Margar et Hord will be glad to learn she was able 'to' i be . carried to her home. Thanksgiving after being confined to her bed for several weeks with pneu monia, we hope she, will soon return to school. , ' Misses Kate Whlsnant and Vangie Hord with Messrs. Eugene Hord and Boyd fciam or sneiny spent inanxs giving day in Forest City , with Prof, and Mrs. Blanton and . two children were the guests ovur the Iweek-end of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny De- loatch of Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Deloatcn are former Piedmont students. Y Misses Nan and Mary Lou Yelton spent Thanksgiving, with Mrs. G. C. Warlick of Hickory.1 ; 4 ; M. Mrm Infl.Hnn YTntvt anonfc J last week in Spartanburg, S. C.' with '(their daughter Mrs. Urover wnite,. Born to Mr and Mrs. Lee MCMurry last week a dainty daughter, Mrs. Me Murry before marriage was Miss jemi ma Miller. ' ,'-':-:1 Miss Effie Lacky our popular sales lady and Miss' Selma Denton spent Thanksgiving day in Charlotte -the guests of Miss Denton and Clara Eak. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Hord and Miss Gertrude Weaver of Hickory were the guests of his parents Friday : night coming up from Shelby after a fort night's visit to Mrs. Hora s rawer r. John A. . Weaver. . nfant Son of Mr. and Mrs. Shall of Shelby Mill Community Dead ; Tha many friends of Mr. and Mrs. M..IL Shall of the Shelby Mill com munity will sympathize with them deeply -in the death last Monday of their little ten months old ton, Clyde Shull who had been HI only one short week with diphtheria, followed "by double; pneumonia. The little fellow who was the nride and ioy of his de voted parents, was a bright and prec ucious little boy and his presence will be sadly missed in the home. The remains were taken to Bethlehem church, Lincoln county for interment, Rev. W. A. Elam of this place con ducting the services., j, - MR. COSS WRIGHTS CHILD t IS FOUND DEAD IN BED Rebecca Lee. the one month and ten dav old child of Mr.- and Mrs, Cobb Wrurht who live on N. LaFay ette street wa found dead in bed Tuesday morning. The child had been in ita nsual s-ood health and no cause could be assigned by the parents for its unexpected death. The attending physician declared that it must have died in convulsion.. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wright extend deep est sympathy of all in their bereave Rmin of the little oner will be taken today, to Palm Tree Methodist church near Lawndale vt .interment '. i Had Only One Umbrella 'f It waa the weddins day and '. the unfortunate hridegroom , was. making his exit with , the usual accompam ment of rice and old boots. 'He snatchhed his hat from a peg, seized an umbrella from the hall stand and was going out of the door when the bride's father called after mm: "You've taken my umbrella. Henry Rrinir it hack ' at once. I've . six hilt OTllv one flTOOd 1im brella." . -i."-: .V;.'!-;-:' Mr. William C. Gamble who ,: has IiikI: returned from a deliehtful two wp.k trin to Florida, spent severa days here this week with his mother, Mm. Jean Gamble, en route to nis home in Asheville. ;;; ' . Mr Arthur Benov who .has ,, been suffering as a result of his service in the war, has gone toft hospital In tlls:!::'; fcf ; governs:? . t .:..- JAPAH WOULD BE; GAII1ER III IIAV.Y AMERICA WILL STAND PAT U-l FOR RATIO Decision in the Arms Confer ence is Drawing Near Rtb tions About to be Strained. , ! Washinffton. Nov. 29 The purpose tit the American delegation to . the armi conference to accent no modifi-' "6-6-3" ratio of naval strength i.thq. fuhdamenUl aasis of any nmitttwn mitnt waa authorativclv reiter- ated today. The statement was hacked by disclosure of the facts as to exist ing naval strength, . ., : : This showed Japan to have less,, thai! the 60 per cent, status to which -the plan would entitle her, jno . matter what method of calculation;, was applied. It showed also-that the. American delegates had been over th whole field before offering the plan . and that their figures were correct, v Meanwhile Prince Tokugawa, , or , tha Jahan-ia deleration declared thtat , the statement yesterday of Vice Ad- mlral Kato, of the Japanese aavisoxy. sUff. contending for a 70 per eent ,tm tnr Janan was baaed on per sonal opinion" alone. It was not, the prince aaid, sponsorea oy me awr . tion. of which Vice Admiral Kato W not a member. 1. " Prince Tokugswa Taiaa . would not reveal. i i tiiiw o u th actual view of the Jap-i : deles-ateB as to what percentage w Japan would insist upon - .' .tK Ho aaid the four delegates . were determining this for themselves, independently of any additional . in structions from Tokio. He would not say whether a decision actually ha4 ben'reached as yet 5 . ; . ... . . While these - developments . row- . cated still more strongly that -, ClBlOn OI vnia n -T'j . . t ill. ' MJM.nal finMUfill was drawing near, the arms eonier ence Itself marked time.' A farther , meeting of the naval experts oi w United SUtes and Japan, scnequiea a " ftrfnw waa Bostooned for .24 the Japanese. - --The Americans were not lhlofmed as to the reason for this postpone- ' ment At Japanese headquarters i It was said further time to xamlne, ieures supplied by .the Americana was needed. . In uv case, the naval experts of the three power chiefly concerned are scheduled to meet tomorrow ( further sub-committee deliberation. Their work cannot , deal with any major factor in the American navaT plan, however, for today's reveiauona showed that these constitute a dosed chapter, of proceedings. U. is. rosiuoB rirw . The lBritish experts have fully ac cepted the accuracy of the original Amencan iieet esumaiea. nese have been awe to proauce w , ftmtrM Mmnetent to challenge sue- aa a 1 A MftaMvertttlW ' ' aaviiiiif rna am menran hiiuvi mat. ' BIG GAME TO BE PLAYED ' AT WINSTON-SALEM The' championship football game between Shelby and Winston-Salem will be played Saturday afternoon at Wuiston-Salem instead of breens boro as was ' first announced."' The change was brought about because of the financial risk that was Involved if the game were played in Greens boro. Shelby waa'to get a 5 to 1 share of the gate receipts at Greens-' boro but Shelby feared that a rainy Hitr mtirht fnt tha attendance ao much that the crowd would be small. Win, r inn nnprm .11 piiivii.n uiu iili uu- cent of the crate receipts so in view. of the fact that Winston would have, the largest crowd at Greensboro,, the. game might as well be played at Winston where there , would be less rhanr nf a heaw , financial loss. should the rain come. , - ; n.1r Rnrlav'a rTHf Rliplhv team IS in fine mettle The boys will leave thid morning for Winston-Salem a order to have a good night's rest; be- rom the hi battle Saturday aiw- nooh. V'.', : Unto. The End 't How's this?" asked the lawyer. You've named " six bankers in your will to be pall-bearers. Of course, it's all, right but wouldn't you rawer choose some friends with whom you are on better terms t "J 1 "No, judge, that's all right Those fellows have carried me for so long they might as well finish the job." '' 1 i i. rv i. r. i La . . n vampoen, upu cwre ns juai. v - chaBed a big lot oi namess ana a ui i4 car load of buggies from ; beet Tnanufacturers which they are going Jo offer at less than manufac turers prices iius is a rem vyvi i. ity- '.'.,-'; ".. .-. Wherf" fil rVad l'.ne, ec plaster-1 E&tcrM r . Cr.: t may be had ot msaAtDbeT e-e.' . ers Vm W2bv . v :