ONLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN SHELBY EVERY CLEVELAND HOME NEEDS IT 1 iT.o Linotypes, Advertising c All Automatic Job Feeder. Ti-ti-f Job Presses. No Joa t.rtt Large or Too SmH tot Cut d Picture Lome Print. Cheapest Paper Per Copy in This or hi tV ' AHioinins Counties. ' I ''. IT t Ilanrila. ,1 i-j " V II YOL. XXIX.4 No 97 5 i I. ar I I i lit i j- ill ir iiiii " I l 1 l I t I i i -m it , a sa arw f " aa-aa---- . . m rr aar r -ar . - a -at- . ... w -w v . a- -v a - . a, i . , rgMinrMnr' w w. a. a i i .aw w -ataar rv. m r w r jr m jT a-w v . w jt m m mw w -w - ...... THE CLEVELAND STAR. SHELBY, N. C TUESDAY, DEC- 6, 1921. v; :,v;0Q ,. Aj YEAR i IN ,ADVANC3 0LSHEMFF U. H. HAlilRlCK IS UMU PROMINENT OFFICIAL OF COUNTY PASSES ! ; Was 77 Years Old Served - as Sheriff on School and Road . Rttirds " Was' Deacon 25 Year Ex-SWiff W. Newton Hamrick: one nf the foremost character in the up tailaX of . Shelby 1 and ; Cleveland rtdnty, passed quietly to rat, Friday evening at the close of day, follow U an illness of four year from heart ible which was followed a week tge by paralysis of the throat Sher iff Hamrick wai prominent in church, political and, business circles, and his fl years were unselfish; sympathetic ad heIpful.He waa held in such Ugh esteem fby .theitizens of Cleve that he was called from bin farm SHELBY LOSES TO ' - VWINSTONSALEM TWO AUTO WRECKS ON WINSTON TRIP season Closes Winston Plays W. J. Roberts. C. W. lauehrldae jayetteville at Chapei Hill for and Willis McMurry are Hurt State Championship VwinKton (earn defea in Accidents ialem hisrh school football I . Returning from the footbull frame deteated Shelby hiirh school Sat. I at WinBton-Salcm Raturdnv niht urday afUrnooa 14 to 0. By winning where the Shelby high chool toam thjs game, the Winston boys become I played Wlnston-SaTem fir the " high champions of western North Carolina school' championship- ; ot' Western ana next iaturaay at Chapelur,w411 North Carolina, there were two ajit meet Fayetteville, of eastern Carolina, tomoblle accidents hi which three for the championship of the state. men were more or less injured, none ifte bftelby boys played a J great of the InjUrict, however, , being 8 game consiaenng tneir condition, Sev- lous . . era! were unfitted for their best work because of the hard game played Postmaster Roberts, near New against : Asheville on the Shelby I ell, ten milea beyond; Charlotte: Mr. ground a week ago junng a' cold, Roberts. and; Mr. . Charlie; iW. luglj blinding rain However, there were I ridge were both injured, the( nature about 35 players and rooters in Wins-1 of the injuries being Cuts from brok ton from Shelby and the boys did! en glass in the windshield. and win themselves proud, even to hold il'w1 9 ugourn unx. of Pronpero r 1 f ' . 'f if Mr. C. P. Pcflfr. lA L 1 1 Comparison of Antonia, Alonao and t O I Ferdinand Mrs. Herman Eakrldge.;k the hostess assisted by her daughter Miss Ermelire and Miss Dorothy j.iiiiv... ii.t' Jt.t- rl..l. t'4 : ' TSrtwiUahte thChfcor Club Friday afternooa at 7 u ! " ; ! ' herhomoaNvrtn -UFayette St. 1. ( n. HudMB hoiteM J. '.. to the members of the Music and Art SZrMSt - - i " Department of the , Wonana Club th Ventur, Club fwul Wednesday afternoon aUer home on TThe first car;wrecked ;a, that of convenoday afternoon. December n.l?-S; ' f .. T Mrs. Walter Fanning at ' - 1 9 with Mrs. W. J, Roberta at hex home on West Marion street. now is 8:30 O'clock. Thank, God for friend your life has , ' ' known, i - the Mnw of the sedan Mr. Lauffhrldif For every deal, departed day; largest city in the state to a scare of was driving and ift roundiag a curve, I The bleaae4fpait ia aafe alone 1'' I .... a'.- I ' . I i . 1 ki b.l 1.1.. m 14 to 0. J . he met another ear with-omy one ,-God tre. owooea toium n ' . ' M 4. I - . ....... - . ... T U I . ' tf 1 1. k. iK.V. . saj-s tne wmston-saiem dispatcn: I light One light being out, wri.aug-1 u omy Tho locals completely outclassed ridffe could not sed how much space; to i For tne veasarew w w m - t .... Ratherrordtoa HoapiUl The many friends of Mrs. Walter Fanning will regret to know that she is in the Rutherford, Hospital under going treatment, Mr. Fanning , spent Sunday at her bedside, , . . a. Beaver Dam section and elected the visitors during the entire game, allow for passing so the two cars col- TUMC icw .... .. .1. e.L,. !, ... ..J n,lfk' ttiA - roKult that wff. which office he ' filled with knor for ten yearsi For a number of ars he served on the school board aid hereVbis services again' reflected la : unselfish devotion to right nd justice and hjs friendship for educa tpn. Another recognition of hia busl msb ability and public devotion came apon his election on the. board of kighway commission of No. 6 town ship which- office he filled for several years. ' - ; .:' Ex-Sheriff Hamrick was vice pres ident of the Shelby Cotton , Mills for tally twenty years, having been one of the original stockholders and super intndended its erection. Not only was U nrominent and diligent in public affairs, but he was a consecrated Christian who: served' f or a quarter of a century on the Board of Deacons of the First Baptist church, being Ciniton-Salem won the toss . and I headon with the result that elected to receive. Neither team was Roberts was cut about the face and able to cross the goal line during the neck and Laughridge was cut severe first half.: i ' v . : , . ly on the knee. They were .taken to a At the opening of the third quarter Charlotte hospital where the wounds Vlnlr. UanniuiM A .m uwmI n. Jim Austell, . . - v . ... , .Phoebe Cary. Mrs. Heyward Hall Dinner Hostess. ; y ;- :v" '-.' Honoring Mrs. Stledly of Gastonia, Last MaeUag Tor the Year of Mrs J. Heyward Hull was a delight- Civic Dept ot Woman'o Club 1 . . ful dinner hoatesa at her elegant home The Civle Department of the Worn- on' North UFayette street last Wed- an's Dub held the U.t meeting of the nesday at t oVlock. , inoi i th. mAl tMt room at I inose enjoy uik . vhm hv.ii.v Joyce Kicxea to nennesBen. j onciujr were kwcu .......... - ycr.iii m w - " nm r iimii c player fumbled it on Shelby's two Griffin and aarlie Eskridge who were tj,e WUTt houjie last Thursday after- V Mde,Wj j f Sen yard line. He punted to the 25 yard also in the car at the time of.-, the noon ftt 8 , f ( r.M. R. Hoey, Ceorge Hoyle and J. L. Hen line and by a series of line plunges accident were uninjured, - i. a it waaa pleasure to have with us nesaa. . . 0 u.,,. - j ii.. v.ii ... .o.ij m, unnil oar wrecked was that CI .... .i,,k npldant. Mra. R. L. Ryburn. una ena runs vuc uan woo taum . uvw.. , vu v.v . - , . r u.i-n -.-- back toward Shelby's goal, until, with Mr. Ben . Suttle :which overturned & of the afUrnoon was f At their hbrne or W Marion see m it I ILt tMi Aa rMIT AT 1UBLUI1 V I m mm aal1tAV JIAVB BIT. lLECsl IkCllvl" I uxKm HA iWVV J ft live vara i run. aiuweii cruaovu i eigtiii nmw , Vu , w w.-m . . . MV L linZ Joyce k eked goal. Joyce sharp cum.' Mr. Suttle was dmmg wortt forty North tarolina'boya of her husband, at a ;sta. dinner on again kked toj helby a yarding wnen , WeaJ W , cobra, we're followed .7 a LmVted to punt he did not no ice that he had to turn Greenvilb boys, a. ao many of most exquisitely in the, decorations .... v I ii. .nrbrvaH tn ear auicmy " i . p imni": witn tne uteen Doya-un iauiueo biiic. wheel gave down with the result wlth jgj for this department, and thd ball recovered by Joyce, who curve. .... ' i..'.l..J -1 I .u. cameo h over, ne . - - 0Tertarned with the SI h. f.8t annroaching New Year, Winstonaiem usea une Wim, McMurry .wd iou.dleu - Mrs. Bropko Ann vii n w wni it uir vmiuii n i cdmiiu ... w & . " i . : . ..j riTh th wpiirnw u& i . t i l . I maiI TnP fTTDUIlU Pwi I mCB more to a real pay. ned to the ground with the weigw oi secretary. l . .kaat viin tne re. -. .. . . ...i i... j .,i th rr serosa n . TOr u"" r,Tt 5J he was painfully In ured. ,.hMnW ab Enjoy. Delightful He was rushed baeK Meeting nessed the game. pneup W-Salem Veach Joyce McMichael . J. Davis ... Burns Roberts M. Davis Wilson Caldwell .. Happ.. ' - RH McCorkle - ..F H Score by quarters: Winston-Salem -0 Rhplhv u Rnhtitutions: Winston-Salem, Bran don for M. Davis Frasier lor pan- don.' Grubbs for McCorkle Shelby 7"' i .n Branton for 1 ocrsonal consciousnc v - Ruby andAgnes Mccrayer aer nessee for F. Logan, n"'" ' ,:,. fk-t these anchors would IT.' .ii.nA ,nliitlnff-of Ex-Sheriff M. N. HAMRICK e4 at age 77 years. rho thairman of the board for a number of wara.v Hia Christian life was ac tive foe he wss always a regular rhurch attendant, charitable, kind niwi krinful ta those in need. ' "' Mr. Hamrick was born in the Beater Dam community of Cleveland roanir. June 20. 1844 and went with the 17 yea old boya to war where hia services were all that could bo de ired from ia loyal, patriotic Southern man. After thr war he waa married to Miss Adelaide Holland, daughter of Capt Gold Griffin Holland, a de fendant Capt James Holland of Kings Mountain battle fame. Capt Gold Griffia was elected to the legis- . . . ! ,17- . A Pant iat ore alter we civu - HtJamea waa a member of Congress. dutiful mother and de ij nln!nn who walked with him arm in arm through a half ten far Af kanniness and conteMment. This ia the first death in a family whom Bx-Sherifr Ham Tu-w .fla h oldest. He is survived by flw Uw Sidnev. Leander, John R mA ai,n Hamrick of Cleveland county and Dr. Wiley Hamrick of Han. ?s c . also bv hia wife and the following children: Mrs. W. H. Jennings, Mrs. W. H. Blanton, Mrs. S. O. Andrews, Mrs. Beuna Bostic, Hiss Ollie Hamrick, Chief of Police B. O. Hamrick and Grover C. Ham- riek., . tk. r,,nart wna conducted from the Fint Bantist church Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock by the pastor Rev. Dr. J, M. Kester assisted oy Revs. G. P. Hamrick and W. A." Mur ray amid a crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives that filled- the large ehurch and Sunday school auditorium. Not often does a crowd as large as this attend a funeral in Cleveland, bnt ExSheriff Hamrick was held in such hio-h ateem throughout dev iant! that hta mnnv frienda wished to "pay rlasttributo "of -respect-to-his .rl 1 ...1 nWaTrf uwrmory. ine Deauwjai jiur vi v 'Htwaa another tegtimonv of the high regard in which he was held for wreath upon ; bore evidence to lis worti ar..l ness. -. MISS BESSIE 'lW?vn iBr0r. the pastor di.cued "Cross DEAD IN urrfctt w -ent, in Life." With these cross Position LE r L T . . .... L G . ....... C s-i-EG . ... RT . R E . --QB..- i xier wcia -. tnr treatment HlB COnfltllOn I . .. . .iiL... ln tV MrRraver ..Arrowood ia favorable and it is ttoJti hat he Mme4 w rth UFayette street. DUITAIII YAIITS M ATTER OF ARMS . IS SUB. DcadJock Doesn't Exist and Enz t ;hr:i Fir.ds Double Interest In Secceprtrf NegotiaUoiis ' Washington, Dec. 1. Great Britain, as the ally of Japan, ia using her in- -fluence to bring the Japanese riewa. . In the-naval ratio dispute into har mony with those of the United State. v With thl development, the ,, Japa nese plahipo tent iarles again have sub mitted the. whole question .to their . home, government , - , The exact nature of tha latest move for a solution of the ratio problem ia pot disclosed, but It Is indicated that Great Bmian has found a double ia- , tercet, ia the cusiess of the negotia tions 'because she has accepted in principle the American "S-B-a" pro-' posal and because, on the other hand, she is in alliance' with Japan, who aski for a ratio of ,"10-10-7." : - all . . ... f t iL 1 J 1 . All me principals on ooin siacs oi the controversy, refused tonight ? to ; recognize the situation as a deadlock: The American delegates, it waa said, authoratively, were even declining to regard Baron KatoV proposal for an increased Japanese : strength as a formal presentation of the Japanese viewpoint. They were confident ' It waa declared, that the 10-10-7 propor tion would - be abandoned before Ja pan's final .statement of position is . placed before the conference. It is apparent! that if the proposal of the Japanese statesmen is not to bo regarded as formal, tho reason liee ' int the, fact that' ft was not "passed acrosi the table': at a formal session of the, arms-conference or any , of itl regularly constituted subdivisions. s Baron'. Katok; Tequest for an in crease over. the American ratio r waa communicated to Secretary : Hughes MR. WORTM AN FOUND and Arthur J. Balfour at a meeting DEAD IN GASTONIA of; the three late Tuesday aaernoon. , in reeling iranmy m Kovcriuiinv Tha nntlemcn who enjoyed this hospitality were:, N. R. Bowman, J, A. Anthony, M, E. Green T. P. Eak ridge and R. C Coley, brother of M. P. Coley. , " .".R. Logan will be at home in a f ew .s JlJ - Mrs. j. SvDoron,waa chamingly t U of 1 County and position, the Japanese plenipotentiary :..AUn er. in the car were Jessebburn. mb of th.lahpenln? rMerchant WUI b. touched. on the hich impll- -Grigg Marshal MeBi-ayer and Fred Wngntr, lajt fny fternoQn at their Huffman neither of whomjws injured .F. Logan ...Conner .McMurry L H - Hennessee .Austqll .....Thaxton regular literary meeting. The parlor in Which' these young club women as sembled was most attractively ar ranged with quantities of lovely fall Gastonia Merchant Buried at Morjrantpn .. . J. ' L J 1. . J - 1 1 nun to mane me request, uu that tho question of nation needs be , taken : tato. account in determinating' ' the new riaval relativity. " " In repnonse Secretary Hughes ana Mr: Balfour made plain tho opposi- 14 0 0-14 0 0 From Gastonia Gazette:' ,- i VLt a Wtrfm.n a frail. known and lanw " t - . it. ,,wv...w.., ... vi., nnri nntied nlants. in the miasc of West . ay, ; fnllnwintr interesting . . . Kiiit.prh Utnn of America and Britiih delegft- ui iviiavsa iv i i tHHUiniB. iiviiiac eanu uvuia, . r . program was enjoyed; Ul0 West Aiilint avenue, was found tions to vitality changing tne oasia , : Longfellow and Whittler- Misa. JJ Jn bed ti . Mr,y Kour laat Fri- of ratio determinationnd Baron Ka Elizabeth MeBrayer. - . ; day moming by his wife.' Coroner W. Vindicated he desired before fouir Oliver Wendell Homes-Mrs. uco. N;Davls waa notified and made an in- further to communicate ag-m Moore, - ; u . vestigation. Finding that death waa hia government Sine then e twee t . p,,...u Iwell Miss Mae .., ..tni ,..... ti eora- have not met to discuss the question. a w.vj, r ' . . I - fames - ' , I VIlu rVBUlk Ul Ilaa -aw-f ' I v. V hour said that every person ought to .. , ., ; , , , ,w . -,1 not impanel ft Jury. ; . but their .conversation, are to be i. .. mm nAnnr in i umi. kiiv vacwi . w ' ka m nAia nraiv ar ii it ik Aaa i a. . M m aii taw bavb i iiisnaui wnMii lii luci amuTavw . . B M B a . . ft . II!.... B ft At Central Methodist Church Preaching from the text "They casx four anchors out of the stern and wished for the day," Rev. W. E. Pnnvev. the nastor. at the morning an peace and rbrnteowneas. - . - f 1 Agnes Frances, Continuing xne ingnv i Mr Hftey!, Ruby , erai days paai uui nu m vv.n . - . -. !Jj . Ma familv knew, was Durin the lull a new attempt waa Bng about as well last night a. he begun today to settlo the feng debat had for. some days. He was actively ed Shantung controversy, but in vkw eBEaged in hi. regular duties through- 6f the aUtus of the naval negotia onftffday beforVhi. death. Z tions the : Shantung ; conmsation. - ArrangemenU lor tna iunerai arc were looneu v w, m.-, ---- , bemg held in abeyance penuing l..ritt.7 Mr Bal-' receipt of inlormawon irora lurfo . , "Tr,1; ffl(tl4.. at a distance, a. to when they can ar- four, exerci.ins ; their -gooa omc. - i. The body wUl be tanen, w ms -ap""' , rive old home at Morganton for burial. , delegation for a Preliminary .urvty w - . . ... a ..ii.ii Titan iaTai m iiihi i' William Alexander wortman waa 0f tne anuauw ----- on the inesc w f ... ta0 -f a al. B A3i V SUM am v.. ni4 nanirhter of currents, ne aub wve aw w. ---Kj- c . heredity and envuronmenw -'k- . LJ. .t the at- ma. v a -inwvrw ijics kiaaa i w . a l.., kaaitn i . i in . a nuiaua t vvv mr. iwwi t . i .j B handv weaoon, orocu c"k" i - . . - . t, Youne Man liuurea " Jl T La.jmt of be-1 tractive nome oi r. anu . -'Voaa n.iad British "observers" -r . . oi... I aiiu - - . , i ..vf ah w.ii warren avrerv i Dom Lm:ciuin.i - i . T -- ... , . v. Special to inc ov... 8hipwrecked. He elosea ny aay ; - . M!sf where he spent his youth and ground to aia in wnavy ; f December 8On Thursday : morn- that the only ty;waa w have tne i g?njg the regu-1 young manhood. On December J8, can to bring the two onen, Lr?Z. LcXant day-break, the .ichor.-a. referred to to the monto j ft ;vTS;Btar. Divtoton I88l7he married Miss Emetine Mc into agreement . , , , . ..K i.. v.. Af f ' t liar nu. v. --- ... t -.o.-j -,,nt. who aur- tr ' '. death angel visitea ? ..r..,... D.K.t Tnwefv and ciaimea ior i ..mraoui ru.uiu-M tiW duhter. Bessie, age vitnui, -..... i ... w. 19 rf and 3 months, ine inn" vrvi ' L..Ut. hnt was M- L. naa nevpr verv iic"jt . v .!. nnrliirinGT. Jne nn"" a a t lar rneeung 04 ----- - - -ur- of tha Literary. Department or, we j i.uru, 91 rt . owvrmsi MrSWAIN & F. SESSION : (,11V V---W - I,.. - UA(antAft P.. C WOfl- 1 . , . . ' i .. ' i ' ... j i..,;fiNa- rn v no nrru i wnnman. ui iuvsKaMinvni i Ti,. hnu of friends of Miss Edith wCrt f the week and her death Cran r who formerly made her home w TunexlcJed Tanl shocking. She is re and was the popular owner and Ty heraLher and brother, mwAt of "The rStyle Shop -jjre . step-mother and Vdmott .. glad toweko "re last -week from Woman's Club. The drawing room the Lackey home waa . . j ia.Imh a n a rf rn w nirniin. ill uiui ac aaaittwa a mmw - . SiSris::-: . b;te.hip North Da. Ioca, Bm which ne i in studying '"The Tempwt" Roll call koU, stationed at Winter Hill, Mass.; ,ntroducing is Regard .nawnrerl with' OUeSUOnS mm . u. nvrumu,' v. . - --j mi., nr.. Ttianton cave Mn. C G. Johnson, of ine piay, - -- - .... . iapf Hospital Morganton, .... . -- - -- . . ... . i the 'aynopsU. Mi Catherine Carpen- who visiung her . - - Rcpmenutive Peyton McSwain W OB Warsaw. j enaracier itime ox n neaui, i. ti.ii, n attena ' Sr,UT. were conducted at arrived here , Urt Teerrom l. ,-Hardy read Wortman. who graduated at the Gas-VTr 'a General As- - - - .. . , l iuj.. .mM i M.t.ii. Mil -will -anena mwkuiim - -- - . . . . vik aohnni iant vear ana -i --".. . i " St Paul Baptist cnurcn r.u, - - - . , ,. .n original ana interesting wum r.i,.,a sembly which Governor oms . . ..iia L aorrnct an error in wo . host-ofsonwmgreiauY.-"-iwitn Bn. n "".--w..,.- sketch Of Miranda.- Anme -iuri now friends. Rev. Sankey Bianwn conuuw. , - . ed the funeral service.. "rj Misses V.hgie-.nd Leona Mull and Doshia Buff, school mates of the de- Card of Thanks eeased. ' tvJ M,t.k tA thank our many frienda for their kindness to iln th sketcn or aiiraaaa. - ' , . v ,,. called to correct an " waa .ung as a quartet by Mesdame. Durham. He leaves also one brother, JJ - McSwaln think, the R O Hamrick and Edith Heavner J R. Wortman. of Gic.sUe. P. choo, j Elma Gaffney and Ethel and one .ister, Mra. Mary Schism, oi is . tu. th. bar. wBl be v" ---- V , ,,wi.M. Va. Cline. . I r. j K-a'i'tii nastonia with a y eoneluaion oi tne; otoki weeww .w.- , -----. . . . - . ..J 1 ir aw-- Tv. i... 1 At tne conu.i w . . -""r.I ,, vt ,tn . vears Marvin, the young son w recent Mreavemen "? Vtthe hostesses .erveo ice cre, .. ZI' wat u Twnilam Newton, fell irom lb.iotea nd only -daugnwr, . anifvia j , ago ana purcna-eu - -r - Mrs. William. on. m. I re,0T:7 i u rj'Wfiarhf- I n nn . . .u. .i.,k i iMin. avannewhere he conducted a receivM , ' ILue. Mr. ana i .,tm special grow . , V."k.i-.a .ml a watch Mra. E. A. nOUSer, ua uj-, - ,. tree recently, i' u leriousiy- UI Mr, Moaea - but we hope for ms scu, ----- - . i fr:j of Monroe spent the r-w. .Ister. Mis. week-end nere Nancy Tiddy Come to Singint Ivey and Miss Tyaon. . . . repairing business. He had uvea in Morganton for 33 yeara prior to com ing here. He was a member of Gaa-ro-a Mo. 269 Masons. Burial at Morganton will b with Masonic more V" ::ino. achool class will dose I DivUkm of Literary De nKV,-B . .i .. . . .. . Friday night, Decemoer hb,. U,rtment Met wnn mra. uena titi-t rhurch. with special ex- rs,.. ercisea by the ;r I On wJ "Wortman was a man of many ..... a mjs " ; ., , .... .ii jj.t-if,na and thrlliy. K! Hear twenty eight ,y attractive oy tne ue .--w cloely vj. bu8ines. xwwer. r; "kiPh he had been auccessful. . ta. . ,,1 . it. t,iL..t lnte-rit.v ' .;tinn or truB i eA. T rketa at arue a .wt Kua noM meetine was new was a man i . .,, in ms o"' ,7, . v M,n. erved 1 under iot honor. The following Mason- or door. menith. , tf feS v,,v- ft Urtoror. i vv i .v. . annnr I ' y-ti.Mt.aMa m atAo ia a in r wuuiu .aif Ttratl ana J , A i Monroe wnere I IjrOBl v.nrvui, -t - . , .c7n. of the Baptist church 7 h her " sister, n: Wilson. J. J. Uttimore. R. X. . ; . ; w Auten f Hunt- ' TL Hoey, U. Aug. -.nilff.aeverai weeas rT.Vr iT RvburnrA. C Mir ersvxue - -r- - - Aut.n u. -i, honorary i here wiu wi. '- --- . and J.'Franic-wHiuM"-.. . . .. .. 1WJL LaFayeUe l.w ' . x . . . a : - . i .1 ... Martei mcDi.j"' rnr ine nunvn-M " " - - :The following "program waaien carried out: , i Fiano ' .folo-wra-i Lamar C. Gld. bereaved family has the .ympathy many friend, in weir sorrow, -TJrand-coneert by Trinity Glee Club IV. , e-rafled 8ChOOl AUHUorium H;... at kht o'clock, ffi-Tkn MiW cent. Tkketa .wu ; . .. .. .. let down for the introduction or loca bills lie has no jocai i w ."MV,v.iv, except the one authorizing an eiv-... tlon on the question of issuing f 100,- . 000 for a hospital in 0. o townaiup. The 'committee , composed ox. u. a. MuU. C R. Hoey, 5. s. Koysw, u. . n..A, arri B.. Weathers will probably meet this week and draft the Mil -which Representative McSwaia r will he asked to introduce, wnen tne bill is drafted its full text will be4. a a , raa.K ! WAA lTlTllrTTl mat tion of its readers, it has decided that the bill will be provided lor an elec tion of f 100,000 bond issue xor a hob pital in No. 6 township; that the vot- r ... :ll ......a tVicir KPTltt' ers m no. o wm , ments in a epeciat election to be heU sometime in January or eany reuru ary and that the tax payers of No 6 will. bcar whatever ouruen Ujb. v- tlon.of the, hospital imgnt p. about ,. . .. A . A feast .of fun and f me m. Thursday evenlnj . t Au.. " ( 1 3c. youth v-I;r 15 yr 3 Tk-cJ at er c r fr the numbcf 1W or pftll BVfcTBJ J.

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