- V REGISTER FOR THE HOSPITAL ELECTION VOTE FOR THE TOWNSHIP HOSPITAL 7 I. t l v., M )! Automnlic J V f V r ' j j Three Job Pi Two Linotypes, Advertising i Job Feeders, j 'A VUl UUU iiviuie All 1 ! IV reuses. No Job Home Print. Cheapest Paper J Too Large or Too Small for L'g to Handle. Phone No. 11. 1 Per Copy ia This or in Adjoining Counties. VOL. XXX. No 5 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C., TUESDAY, JAN. 17. 1922 $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANG3 1'l'f 1. 1 11 r HENRY FORD HAS . GIGANTIC PLANS HE SEEKS NO PROFITS FOR HIMSELF Would Build an Enterprise at Muscle Shoals of Untold Use- fulness to People of U. S. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUYS SHELBY BONDS Detroit, Jan J6. The Muscle Shoals plan of Henry Ford contem plates one of the greatest undertak ings in the history of industrial America, and if the Detroit manufac turer obtains possession of the pro ject in Alabama, he will take immedi ate steps to make that part of the South on of the industrial centers of the country, the Associated Press learned today. His plan, it became known, includes development of the property as a model to be extended eventually to many other parts of the country. T. Build a String of Cities. Mr. Ford's proposal includes the building of a city 75 miles long in the Muscle Shoals region. It would be mads up of a number of large towns or small cities. This is in line with the manufacturer's view that men and their families should live in small communities where benefits of rural or near rural, life would not be entire ly lost. . No Personal Profit. His proposal to the government in cludes leasing of the property for one hundred years. But before the expir ation of half that time he proposes to turn the completed project over to th people of the district or to the gov ernment in such a way, that no one in fjhe future will be able to make a per sonal profit from the undertaking. He will arrange that neither he nor any f his heirs may realize any monetary benefit from the Muscle Shoals plants r the power developed, it became known. Mr. Ford proposes to make the project, if the government gives its consent, the outstanding achieve ment of his career. Starts Great Program. The Muscle Shoals project is, how ever, only ths start of a greater pro gram, it became known. This includes the development of water power fa cilities in many ports of th. country j which pontons in those commas! tits would derive power to run tnann factoring plants, light thoir homos and ran machinery oa tho farm. Ono ' detail of tho plan is tho harneesing ly farmers of every creek and brook that rosses his property. Start Work at Once. II tho government accepts Mr, Ford's bid, work at Muscle Shoals win bo started at once. The nitrate and other plants would be run by steam power, pending the time the great dam, that will require about two years to build, has harnessed the water at this point Then would fol low development, In the opinio of Mr. Ford, nnt3 Within a eomparatively few years an industrial center great er than Detroit would have been built p. -- - - - - V Mr. Ford believes the Muscle Shoals plan, if consummated, will be the start toward development of the Mississippi river valley. The manu factum believes this valley "could run, the United States" if the water now going to waste could be utilized Would Run Government Eventually, in Mr. Ford's opinion. the government could derive enough revenue from. these power projects to support itself, thereby relovution izing the financial system of the country. Mr. Ford has bent the greater part of his energies during the last few weeks to whipping into shape his plan to develop the Alabama district m tho event he obtains the leasing from the government He has held a large num ber of conferences on this matter and his program is known to be ready. This program includes definite steps toward development of water power in every part of the country. The manufacturer does not believe it prac ticable to carry power for long dis tances and therefore has evolved a plan to provide eaeh district with its ewn project Pays Par for $300,000 Worth of Street Improvement Bonds Was Highest Bid. V The First National Bank of Shelby last week purchased the $300,000 worth of street improvement bonds, paying par for the same. Bids were opened the day before and five or six bids were submitted by outside bond buyers, most of them wanting to buy the bonds at a discount of $15,000 to $23,500. The mayor and board of al dermen quickly declined these offers, making the statement that the bonds should bring par before they would issue them. Mr. C. C. Blanton on the following day offered par and the of fer was accepted. It is a distinction for Shelby to have a banking house strong enough to purchase its bonds and pay par therefor when outside bidders want them at a discount of seven per cent. The First National has total resources of nearly three million dollars and is considered one of the strongest banks in the South in town the size of Shelby. The bonds will bear interest from February when they will be issued. ' Mayor Gardner stated yesterday that the administration is now look ing for prospective bidders on the work of laying eight or ten miles of hard streets in Shelby, the work to begin March 1st. STATE ROAD BUILDING TO BE DOUBLED IN 1922 Highway Commission Asks the Council of State for Ten Millions More This Year The State road building for 1922 is to be doubled that of last year. The State Highway Commission has been in session in Raleigh this week and determined upon this plan, says Raleigh dispatch. Remarkably low levels to which poses and in deification of man. So , . . . ZJrZ V.n,f.or V"D l the costs of road constructions has often, he said, today " men through! . T t,k, MW """"J. .oU;.v, i ; ' ' -- i ne rccruiar literary meeting 01 me will convene Friday aft- rs. S. A. McMurry at MAY RENEW SOON CASE OF CAMPBELL-DOUGHTON Clyde R. Hoey is Named as At torney for Mr. Doughton . Since Bickett's Death The Campbell-Doughton contest from the Lenoir district may be taken up some time this month for congres sional action. Since the. death of Gov ernor Bickett, who was Mr. Dough ton's attorney, Mr. Doughton has sug gested that tjie matter be taken up on oral arguments alone. Governor Bick et had prepared a brief and had sub mitted it to the congressional com SOCIETY Afternoon Division of Literary Department to Meet Thursday. 'The afternoon department of the Woman's club will convene Thursday afternoon with Mrs. L. M. Hull at her home on South Washington street. The hour of meeting is 4 o'clock. Evening Division With Miss Cline. The night division of the Woman's mittee as against two submitted by J club will convene Thursday evening Dr. Campbell. If this suggestion is not accepted, Mr. Doughton says he will ask for an extension of time so that he may be able to secure another at torney to go into the case. The mem bership of the committee that has the case in charge is made up of two Republicans and one Democrat. Mr. Doughton has selected Hon. Clyde R. Hoey of Shelby, as his at torney in the contest, to succeed Ex. at 8 o'clock with Mies Ethel Cline at the home of her sister, Mrs. Rush Stroup on W. Warren street. great things this year. May the boll weevil or any other pestilence not in terfere with our dreams coming true. Last was the election of officers. Both 1921 officers were re-elected: Mrs. L. A. Blanton, chairman; Mrs. Brooke Price, secretary; Mrs. H, M. Loy was made vice-chairman. . MRS. BROOKE PRICE, Secy. NEW MAIL ROUTE i IS NOW ASSURED FROM KINGS MOUNTAIN TO SHELBY Children to Celebrate Lee-Jackson Day. The birthday of two of the Souths greatest and best heroes of the six ties, Lee-Jackson, will be celebrated by ; the ever patriotic Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arey Rook Hosts At their lovely home on South Washington street Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Arey were charming rook hosts at a neighborhood party on last Thurs day evening. ' Three tables of progressive rook were enjoyed until a late hour after which the hostess served a delicious collation. Those enjoying this hospitality wereMr. and Mrs. John Black, Mr. end Mrs. C!anf. McBrayer, Mr. and Mrs. Will Arey. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Arey, , Mrs. I.. M. Hrll nwl Miss Mar garet Black. the Confederacy and the children of Governor Bickett. The papers in the j the graded school on next Friday case with a review of the evidence J afternoon, January 20th at 2:80 embrace 1,600 closely typewritten I o'clock, and it is hoped that a larffe pages which Mr. Hoey has set about audience will be present for the fol to study in order to prepare himself lowing enjoyable program which has to carry on the case since the death been arranged for the occasion: Twentieth Century to Stand Solid for Hospital. Bids Are Being Asked to Bring Hrst and Second Class Mail Early Each Morning. Shelby is to have a star route mail service from Kings Mountain to Shel by if bids are satisfactory, according to an announcement made yesterday by Postmaster W. J. Roberts. For five years Postmaster Roberts has been working on the postal dpartment at Washington to get mail service from Kings Mountain to Shelby in the early morning which will deliver all mail from the north on Southern main line train No. 29 three hours earlier than at present An advertisement has been posted in the Shelby post office asking for sealed proposals to he sent to the Fourth Assistant Postmas- of Mr. Bickett. The case involves con siderable work to Mr. Hoey, but he is delving into the evidence thoroughly." At Central Methodist Church. The pastor, Rev. W. E. Poovey, preached two able sermons Sunday. At the morning hour he discussed the second dispensation of God in "the Plan of the Ages,' using as his sub- Song America, Prayer Rev. W. A. Murray. Recitation Virginia Hoey. Song Dixie Children of the Con federacy. Recitation Virginia Laughridge. Song Bonnie Blue Children. Address Mr. D. Z. Newton. Song Carolina. m All Daughters of the Confederacy are asked to bring their dues, as a The 20th centurv club convened last I V" w"v,V"4lk" j .a m ii 4 oeneramy January aist lor carry Friday w.th M,s8 Ann.e M.ller at lnR the mail from 'February Jjj, Courtview hotel. 1922 to June 30th 1924. The follower A most interesting program on the ate tj,e 'specifications ."from Kinre "Life of Lafacadio Ilcam' was given Mountain to Shelby 14 miles, six by Mrs. Henry Kendall and Mrs. S. thnes a week, one way only. Motor re- s. Koyster. wnen pap" were mia hice to be U8ed when naA .tll. ject matter tne minaing oi me wans short business session will follow the of liabylon and tne lower oi uaDei. i pr0grani. Alter giving a Dnei nisiory oi meir construction and dimensions, he said the tower was built in disobedience to the will of God because of disbelief in His promises; in defiance to His pur Woman Club Entertained By Mrs. R. L. Ryburn. One of the largest and most- de- aside, the question of Shelby's new hospital and the part the good wo men of our town are to play in its es tablishment was freely discussed. A r lag ftCnOOl ,. .. ..j- ijj- : jl..;-,. spective. wards and urge upon them the necessity of cominir out and reg istering and then on February 11th coming to the polls and casting their vote in behalf of suffering humnnity. We feci certain the great big hearts of all the women are in this cause and that they will "not now fall short in aiding the cause of a greatly needed hospital for our town and county. m M A A I I l I 1 J1- g -!v .Til v7 Mft of th WomanVelub was U. clul 7w and tho effectiveness with which the ambition, make the same mistake; and KJL tjt fv. mti,mmhetrMn P,cora cb j m v i: 1.1. ;i i i ii v l :i;t - r - , rn(inn wn.n m engineers iim. oi c .u,. ui k on.y uum, plndid and proireesfve organ- h " home 0n West Marion street The sion have been organized prompted spirit obedience in heart and mind I -..V. -,v-. . Jt her n?m? ?n WMl Manon Bire1- ine. the deecision to double the construe- and will, that we may hope to. build tion program for the year. for ourselves safe and more stately One thousand miles additional mansions izauon wnicn is oniy one year o.a. j,nn . .on TDf Kybum nome, wnicn is one oil er conditions permit Carrier to trans port first and second class mail only. Box delivery and collection service along the route not required. Leave Kings Mountain daily except Sunday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Shelby by 7 o'clock." A bond in the sum of $1,300 is required. This additional mail service will not only better serve the patrons of the Shelby office but the patrons of the rural routes from Shelby and all upper Cleveland Toutes, also all up per Cleveland postoffices, because morning daily papers will arrive three hours earlier than at present over the 10 o'clock Southern trail. Postmaster W. J. Roberts hopes to influence the postoffice department when this route is established to place the rural letter carriers on an ua changing schedule throughout the year, to leave the Shelby office winter and summer at 9 o'clock each mora- ng. At present ineir leaving scnee- th moat harvisfimn in the eitv u ltiirvnrfTf nvin Hit l V . . v-'j; ..f(,.iw . lflLi:.L y"JXJ""l. ule is changed -with-tha length ef the road ie contemplated in the expand- At the evening eervice he used the "1" 'YZm f rStifnlhS,U:IUAI K"AW1, days, where, th. 9 o'clock year- prophet M floweFf hofitn gra- - WwmU of rmLnd eountv round 8chdul wfl,; i?1 "" the schedule, approximately country, and among; his own kin, and ' .;, v,n UV n,.rl.. r jrmtng to go to sparunDurr, . - - . ela88 mail nm Mrt 400 million dollar, will have been ex- in his own house." And at the close m,.' T.Uth rh.1-?' "I nw "I'fT" before aoon each day. rTL LA" flowera. Th. hortess gra- Dim urim.ru, ouu vw uuk: a,Jrv0l IK wiuwut uguui, uui iu uw vnn Under .: : , r L : . , hear tne notea cvangeoBt duij oun- m. ,-, - , . i r" toft also elub officers, presided over . . . . .rMi I This Improved mail service will M the register, orar 70 fuests register- Mr' Snn(Jay , preach!ftg to Mdienee. I bflt to J mg io wm iWivu. .. . . , nnmbers as high as "y WIlu' wt" Coffee, sandwiches and mints were . . ,-,, --4 h. nMTi- morning letter, and papers tare. mmA ! fi TvaSnna lihrorv. th I . . . . r I .r.m .ntl in f V a at nraaanf The Governor and Council ol T State who had praetically given his.lif. in psid ove'r by SSm U lT are requested to wsue an additional an endeavor to make .the dream of . & PearBal, eat .nd e0Q8in ful bidder for this star mail route wt ten mUlion dollars beyond the universal peacebecome a reality. n, Mr,. Evbnrn. All were thert assem- peple -mil to bo bytrata ta a,iowed th. nrivileee of camiac .mn onthnrir-H .nnuallv in the 77 T " A! , a burg at ine same lime, a special raw - . . - . , , - - r'T.Tnirhtnn-Bowie road bill ITHP fiTflPT fVR "Nft I ij-.j I.n. v m T-k v of a fare and a hall lor tne rouna ,np f Such authority is conferred upon WOMAN KNOWS COMING chose for her subject, and slogan the Governor and Council of State "Back to the Home". The address under the provisions of the act, and Fin Photo Play Will be Shown WM w and go helpful that it should have been heard by every woman in this community. She said thatvthe mothers and daughters nended for roads in the State for of hi. sermon, he called attention to the year. 1920, 1921, and 1922. th. opportunity the people would be The resolution offered by Mr. given on Monday to show then ap- Wilkerson and seconded by Mr. Cox preciation for one of America', really muicd without a dissenting vote, treat men Woodrow Wilson one thev did so, Distribution of Federal aid funds for highway construction among the nine highway districts furnished tne At The Princess Theatre Today Fine Picture Will UC BHU" I mmr- . ministers will undertake to co-oper- HANGS HIMSELF IN at. with others in arranging for -pee- AN OLD FARM HOUSE ial eoaches and reserved seats in the tabernacle if as many as 125 manifest Former Cleveland County 12.M a desire to go to the Spartanburg Takes His Own Life in Me-"" Dowell County. U. at Ithatvtne motners ana oauguvet- - - . . M. mrm trMiA fannv ia a tvnical American rirl. Lfc-,M lm well this needful lesson "nK..-'f "a". 7V-V them-for debate that consumed the Luhoni-h n dd miTtnr- of hook-L wv i. home" and that the and e (Ustance rrom 6Myw; . .... . ii " ------ -- . wi k,.-. i. l- im .hnrtn tnnn to inarioiLei . , .. t t. w . entire, day, and most .or tne nignt wom and tom-boy. Her parents own club WOmen by her precept and ex- 'r I daiiv mecca for "5 n" v S. i -m it. Oi-. Ilman Ojm. 1 .. . I . ... I , i - 4Li. I which SeCDIS tO Dt (. HlffCVli 1 I Wall Vinu liuaVinnil VArka sessions oi "' a -smaai ory gooas ana nouon., swre ampje should ne.p to impr, u- . ,ik , thgt - r; mission here yesteroay, wivn .iormct in a imt middle-western town. Tne ie8son upon the women or toaay. i nis r-r -- - - rfiKuui bkhhw ...vf Congressman E. N. Hackett and Gov- father d5e8( leaviriJf the mother to run was followed by a beautiful violin most of those J 0 Star learns that Mr. Chancey L. ernor Morrison speaking in behalf the business. She and Fanr.y scrimp S by Mnu John Schenck. Sunday meetings from th.s place will comTnittad suicide in McDow- of concentration, and numerous dele- ana Myt B0 that th- BOn, Theodore, During the business session which to 7 automoDiie. . eU county on Thursday of last week. gations appeared against that plan can Btudy tta violin in Europe. followed the following officers were nTcPiTTP ' , 7 V J u and in favor oi allocation uy u-1 jfe toy breaks his mothers neart elected: President, Mrs. fc. i. weDo; iiiiiu V,v nrrjp PP 'e,cl4nu k, . o; Annor in ... ,jf uN r.porpe A. HEAKD li JUinjEi r)oweii BOme 30 years ago. He was i.i it L.n. i ir v iiiai i i uia e iiiuatv aaMM vusv-. ... . G r vii's uirntuciibi - o i . The Wilkesboro-Jefferson road, witn Vienna. When the mother dies, Fanny novle: 2nd vice president Mrs. Oscar Mr. Hackett's demand for an appro- through anger and realization of her guttle; secretary, Mrs. Rush Stroup; priation of sufficient Federal funds to fntiie year9 0f 6acrifice, breaks away treasurer, Mrs. Z. J. Thompson. build that road immediately lormed from her home and becomes a highly yTBi Ryburn, as the retiring presi .AQa rt a era and hnfl hppn in bad Stockholders of Isqueena Mills health for some time, having just Are Being bued for $U,UUU becn dismissed a week before his death from the state hospital at Mor- NEW PROSPECT CHURCH B URN ED TO THE GROUND Spartanburg, S. C, Jan. 12. This morning about 2 o'clock New Pros pect Baptist church burned to the ground. New Prospect is more than 100 years old. The building was modern one, though the walls of the kuilding were erected in 1848. In 1913 the building was remodeled and Sunday school department added, The building was valued at about $20,000. A protracted meeting the background of the discussion, and efnCient business woman the head of served to present it to the commis- a department in a Chicago mail-order sion in concrete form.' Sentiment house. omAno. th- Commissioners is against tir constantly torn between the project, although it had not reach- LWo forces, the materialistic and the a formal decision last nignt, anu aniritnaj. Fencer, the eenlua-liKe ex- vva ,t . , r o ' - - program for the aisinDuuon oi j ecutive of tne mau-oraer nouse, spurs 11.700.000 has as yet been agreed np- her to material success. Heyl, her boy - - hood playmate, ana now a onuianv The road toward which r- newspaper nian, trie, to penraade ner wnnU have the appropriation is u her spiritual ride the old 83 mile, long, across the Blue Ridge panny, herself-romt to th. surface A,it,tflina. and will require approx- aMi- t Imately $100,000 to build. Under FaMy becomes herself again when interpretation of her brother Theodore returns from . . J..11 .1 . . . ,. TTl. the Federal road law, eacn aouar o Europe with ills naoy oangnter. na Federal money must be aupneatea oy wift had run away, raany taxes mm a dollar of State or county money, putg him oft his .feet, and, with -vt. wnnld . Tecruire approximately ttriztTm heln. arranges for his Amer- . . . . . . 1 w - n -11 a- tfca vaAr's allocation oi otat- u--- debut. It is a rreat suecess. inen funds in the Seventh district to the ke disappears to go back to his wife one road ia Wilkes county. was deniThSS her lasrwm and tes. Greenville, S. C Jan. l.-K mo- nVon Wednesday ' he left hi. iment m which " bequeathed to tion for an order d.rect.ng the stock- homJ , Marion and wa8 missiK for rWt. e great holders of the , taju J-M - two days when a .earch ng party m-v f huildinir a club house lor tne . louna mm aeaa in an m n wlen of SheTbv - fomer stockholders of the Courtenay northwe8t o Marion, where women Oi oneiuy. af Nevrt. S. C. was . . . . , i... i v.. - miiui.mi u.B -- ji - - i ha nan nanireo nimseu ujr twym made today before Circuit Judge which he had purchased from a Ma Frank B. uary. : Th. sum represents -outstanding note, made when the mill was sold in M20 for the sum of $1,800 and is th. amount alleged to be .till due oa the transaction. Sunday Guests From Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. John . Birmingham, Mr. Ben Kendall, Mr. Fred Green and charming bride, nee Sarah Kendall motored to Shelby Sunday and spent th. day here with Mrs. John crrmmg no TftW M AGNESS HERE ON YISIT FROM NEW YORK STATE again. This is the last straw for Fanny, Her better nature Is again submerged in business fatalism. She forgives Fanrer for eertaia unwelcome atten tions towards her and is on the point years, except for a brief visit two years ago. H. is bow located at Nor Li M. T with Mr. Charlie Beam going on at the time, and it is .up- i-j the Lattimore section. Mr. Magness nna4 iVi.f fV. -t. .t.--.7 v. ' . . , -till Vim and has his cnarmins - they ,'cm ta a visit to his -other at Utthnore, They hav. jt returned from a eartensive trip tkrewga One., Tfca mitmv friends of Mr. Tom Mag nets are -pleased to see him again aft- 0f njnninpr away with him, despite er an absence from this county of 18 his invalid wife, when Heyl finally Is posed that the fire started from the furnaee. The building waa eeaipped with a modern furnaee aad electri. iiehm. If waa abevt 19 .'. Spartaahmrg , , . 't victorious in his fight to make her rive in to her better impulses, Fanny, again her lovable, nnmater Ixlistie. svmtathetie self, finally nes- flM Into Ilevl's arms, at lart seenre in the knowledge ef het fatnr. lev. nd kawrine! . This beautiful pmy wfll U NA ft ham, Sr., and th. Misses Kendall. Tne LfoM dinner receM u eom, party returned W uiario w pieted this afternoon. day, rion hardware store. Mr.. White has two daughters.a.d . one son living in McDowell, one sea in Georgia and one daughter, Mrs. A. U. Wall living in Shelby. When Mr. WVifa'a KaH WAS. found his clothlsg Arguments on the motion, begun contained 30 in cash and a note for $415. First CWk Meeting For 1922. The Civie department . . At. - 1! .1 - . In their answer to tne rooiion in" rktrirTrrnQ PT EPTEn .wklioldere of the Isaqueena Mills OFFICERS fcLbOl bLT ef the Wo- allege that through fraudulent man inulation of the books of the Courte- aw U.nufacturing Company prior to man . ciud neia m iud 1 tne saie 01 uio Kwum"t " . the year in the Ladies rest room m iteration of the booKs ana misTep the court house on Saturday afternoon sentation of profits was made to January 14th at 4 o'clock. escape payment ef Government taxes, This was one oi tne largesi nu they are now naoie. to tne.reucii most enthusiastic meetings held re- Government for approximately $250,- eently. Many interesting topics were 000 by reason of the alleged misrep- discussed, such as securing a u.uu fpgentatjon or proms amu i"...-t,n.i.- the women, building a chap- fin ftf the books of the company, the el at the cemetery and donating to preiant etockholders oi tne oun thm -.nia Southu Cotton Fund. Vanuf acturing Company maln- ve. n RTburn. the mother oi u.j- nt th. entire stocss oi tne n,a Waihiii'i elub added muck to the -nmnanv should be turned back to the .4,-. h-r hr aver ready ee-epera- L,;ug former stockholders and that w ai.. Mrs. S. T. Wehks the lew Lv. .. id ever M then shemld crab treaideni. , - . U tetuwed f G. present steek- rRJm twsd eJ vTaml ae IheUgm y- v ' . " ... ' FOR COTTON GROWERS At an enthusiastic meeting ef the farmers of the eounty who signed np to sell their cotton through the eo operative marketing, association, held r . . r .111 in the court nouse juomt O. Max Gardner was elected president of the Cleveland county cotton grow ers association, C. S. Lee, vice presi dent and Peter F. Grigg, secretary and treasurer. O. M. Gardner, J. tt. Quran, Dr. W. T. Grigg, George Go M Franklin Harrill were elected dem- gates to the district meeting t held in Charlott. Wednesday. The member, present istmete tie delegate, te nominate M-CeBrrect-maa ayd. K...Heex.ot sweeter ette Frinee Taeatro.