y l-Jlar Vluc Comes Before the Next Issue of The Star, Bring Happiness and Prosperity to Our Host of Readers . . ' V, iXw . , ' .. ' - Two Linotypes, Adcvii i- ,ii:r Cut and Picture ij ' f fc S.TV!CO. All Home Print i ? Ml 3 M J" ': ! ' a IK K ' Automat if Job l'Yt'r.s. I'll re. ' Jo!) Prosse,;. No ! i S.Tvico. All Home Print " f ' Ji i. -l n t Pmi.,,i- i.... -(W in This or inAd- ! W ' i ' -i Ivl" '. !:rnng Counties. , i r -: '.-&.".' 1 TM ' ' loli loo Lartfo or ion Sm;ill for Us to Handle 'I I . . t l' . f 'In i : h ' No. 1 1 . VOL. XXX. No. lot 9 THE CLEVHLANI) STAR, SHEL15V, N. C I PIDA V DEC." 20, 1922. .$2.00 A YEAR IX ADVANCE UPPER LINCOLN BAFFLES CORONER'S JURY Shot by Unknown Com paion in Car With Him- Had $1,000 on His Person When He Left Car Contained 50 Gallons of Whisey. ' I". t T ' . 1 i,uo, i am maKing my last trio night," Fred Allison told his broth - . Lawrence .Allison in Charlotte .. .., , . -.nnuiN aiwuiuuii oeioie leaving on !V automobile spin toward Lincoln- " n near which town he met death in vomited a bloody mucous which had L(,,'PW c- Milk1' j'-- whose' untimely iaid uPn hi car by Lincoln county !!" "dor of whiskey. We found a blue j'1'"1'" came suddenly at 3 o'cock Sun ricers about 9:30 o'clock that night, j -''I automatic in' inside coat pocket rtf'-v m-ninr. December 24th at the Lawrence Allison further said that "'"-.ine had full six shells in it. We Rutherford hospital, where she had r s brother pulled out of his pocket ' 'ave this at the hosmtab k1v SO !,,! been take,, for treptment. And like . roii oi inn wnicn were counted and n . L!U ' t l . ' 1 " which he declared, contained $1,000 nd a ten dollar gold piece wiioh Fred Id him had been given him as a .' mistmas present. When his body was searched in Lin dnton, according to Lawrence Alii- -on, who went through his clothing himself, only $0 and a knife were ' und. The car which he was driving when Vath overtook him at the wheel con. 'ained, according to Lincoln eountv -..ficert. 50 gallons of lftjuor, which, it i-as rstimate.1 cost no mn tna -?on ' in., -i. cinn i i The story was told by" eye-witness- r-J i.f il iwffttlr -if !,. .. ' . ' .uest over the dead body of the vie- Tim. The jury was as follows- S R Warliek: snerial comn : tnr r,w'- v-rtiintv; n. C William, c. r -r-, M. ii. Hoyle. R. E. Camp, S. Alexan- -'?r, sr., E.X. Baker. The verdict of :be iury it as follows: That deceased came to his death Vom a pistol wound inflicted ' head by one of his companions riding n the car with him. which companion unknown. The evidence shows. that as many as two companions were with wrwas 9nnt Sunday mght in Cataw rim at the time, but all except deceas- a rount U(4,e Crested early Tues f.Hn u.-ifi,,,i hir da.v morning by Charlotte authori- : lentitv lipintr knowT,, and the evi- 5ence faPd to Hisolos" their identity and the whereabout of said compan-' inn or companions is unknown." . it j Iestimony Heard. W. D. Baxter, deputy sheriff of Lin -oln eountv, being duly, sworn .testi fied as follows: "Don't know deceased. 9:30 p. m. ?cottand mvself stopped at Joseph T.eatherman's store io warm: we were there about 20 minutes. Mr. Miller ent to store door and said he saw a 'pt comine. I went out. Our cars were on tide of the road. Miller cranked my ar and ran It beside his car. I step ped oni five steps in road, raised my 'eft hand up, -approaching car within 10 steps. Some one in the car holler. d; they were about even with me anii 'egan shooting. I stepped back, hit my car fender and fell down. As I got I began shooting and they contin ued. I judge about 30 shots were fired. I was shooting a .41 Colts. The car ent on about 200 yards and I saw it etop. I got in my car, turned it around and said to someone, 'get in here.' My on got in and we drove down to the car sitting on side of road. I got out and went to car and found a man ly ing on steering wheel. I pulled him over and spoke to him; he, did not answer and I got out of his car. lhefjrst 0f next -week. deceased was the man at steering wheel and in driving position. I found on ground a .38 Smith and Wes son pistol, full of empty ihells: right door of car open. I put deceased in my own car and sent hiwi to hospital aft er Dr. Edwards had been phoned for nnd examined him. Deceased was driving five-passenger Essex. I found 10 five-gallon cans of whiskey and one half-gallon fruit jar of whiskey in the back seat and his car. I could see three men in the car when it passed at Leatherman's store. Scott Mille Yates Leatherman, Jo Leathcrman. Clino Raster and Clvde Yancey were at the store." Dr. CrWell Testifies. Dr. G. B.,Crowell, being duly sworn testified as follows: "Was called at; 12.15 by Miss Mur ray to see a man who had been shot. The man was in a dying condition from pistol wound just internal an 1 below right parietal eminence, bleed ing profusely from wound, brain sub stance oozing out of wound. Prepar ed him for operation and phoned for Dr. L. A. Crowell. Body now in court ie U of notint T asked him his ae! ,,e ..id. -Fred AlSm . 4 nun who snot mm; ne James Craig.' I took this information C , 1 .... i.i.4 u -..c in writing, l warned mm uuu ni-,...,r . iroing to die. I asked him how f :e j rruc,,7f.1KETING"oF " was, in order to test nis immai -1 dition. He said, 'Twenty-two year litinn cnid ' WPntV-lWO VUHI f. i I .sked him how old James Craig wa he said 'Forty-five years' I asked him him where he lived : he replied. 'On North Church street Charlotte.' Ar an other time he said he lived at lse--vell station. I asked him what he did; h" nid he worked at Charlotte Vulcamz l appened to him; he said, 'A negro TRAGIC DEATH. IN ; named Gibbs hit m .itii .. v,i..;.i. i .. ; i At this time his mind wandered. 'i nev- j er was fullv S!1tifi..J u, . r W COM c, hiki-Kiik .if k;..- conscious of h i.-t..(.iiiit.I. v,, ,-.L;ll t'lllf I. "While we wei.. nn,i.',..; k; ' ' i.., t l . , . . ' r ' c:tSn in-his. pocket. Under the ether anesthesia a four-inch incision wu. made over right of wound. The skull was fractured and part of a ball was lodged in edge of cranium at pointed fracture; Brain tissue considerably injured and very free hemorrhage. ."Patient's breathing at this, time became irregular and operation stp red. He died in about two minutes, death' caused from pistol wound in (hack of head and from subsequent I hemorrhages. Mr. Scott Miller and I Baxter's son, and two other bovs were with deceased when bodv 'wn hrmiaU - to hncnit'il V'n rfili.t '..... hy. either, as we were busy with tv , j J.tion. 1 have seen n l,,f rf .1aco nnm W0dn(J whi!e in the United Stateside. All that love and medical skHM V"' JJ, . " ner arm-v rvice in France. No powder 'Io waR brought to bear agaiivd, u'r- Mrs.. Tom Lskridge. Those en- burns show-in on wound. From mv the malady, but the strain on .her!W,,'1K' Wlss bridge s hospitality t experience it i8 mv opinion that shotiyoune heart was too great, and fired in about 20 feet distance." was CRAIG AND OWEN'S ARE j ARRESTED AND RELEASED. - i.Immie Craig and Ed Owens, re rorted to have been in the automo- -lp with Fred AI!ison when the laf- ties but released later in the day wnen u -vas lear,!t'ct trom l.incolnton tha there was o. evidence on which to hold them- the re!ease beinS uPon nisi! ucuuns irom anerni Aoerneiny. Rnt!. ,. - ,.0TVir40fl tn u.JVO j. nied being in the party. Mrs. W..S. Allison, mother of tig dead man, was very jll at the' time of the death of her son, but it wa. re ported last night that the was in a much better condition. PERSONAL? Ellis Morrison who is a student at X. C. State, Raleigh, and Ivy Morrison a student at the University of North Carolina, spent the Christmas holi days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. Morrison in South Shelby. Dr. Allan McBrayer and sister, Miss Miriam McBrayer, who came up from Florida for the holidays, ret'ir-v ed Wednesday morning,; making the trip through the' country in Dr. Mc Brayer's car. '. . ' ' Miss Elizabeth Webb -and her charming guest and schoolmate, Mi.-s Hannahan of Atlanta, Ga who have been spending the holidays here with Miss Webb's parents, Judge and Mrs. E. Y. Webb, expect to return to bre nan y-oIWp. .... Gainesville. Ga.. the Attorney and Mrs. D. Z. Newton and Mr. L. R. Newton spent Christ mas in. Lincoln county with their father, Mr. George Newton. Mias Marie Kendall who is a mem ber of the graded school faculty at Charlotte after spending the Christ mas holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bl H. Kendall, expects to return to Charlotte the first of the week. A. R. Putnam has returned from Asheville after spending Christmas holidays with his daughter Mrs. M. W Hamrijk. A FAREWELL EXERCISE FOR DR. J. MARCUS KESTER As previously announced. Dr. J. Marcus Kester, paitor Of the First Baptist church of Shelby, will close his administration of nearly four years next Sunday, December 31st. An interesting farewell program has been arranged for Sunday night, be ginninsr at 7 o'clock. All other church es of the town and surrounding .terri tory are invited to attend. It goes without saying that tne departure oi this faithful .and popular pastor to a , distinctive loss to , Master v ni ne a fPhelbv. (0STOFFICE DEPARTMENT The Cleveland county local welfare ; postoffice department will hold a meet ing at the helbv nostoilice on J.anu- arv 1st 1922 at 2 o'coek p. m.. Every postmaster andrural letter rrrier and all who are connected with the postal service in any way are urg- KATE BETTIS, Secy. Treas. MRS. ANDREW MILLER, JR. DIES, RLOO.M WOMANHOOD One of Shelby's Most Esteemed Young Women Dies at Ruther ford ton Hospital on Dec. V. S;ddeninjr Hearts at Christmas Time Buri ed Here. Tile note of gladness which is aU wfiys ..attendant upon the ovoua 1 Oiristmns Season V,n. K.n f....r,.iv in Shelby at this time by the sad death of one of it .nh.n,li,l - 1,1 vmiiir women Mrs ln Pl,.,l r. - ....... -1I1U 1 1 IWVH Illaekwell Miller, belovn.l u,if.. f An ....... Rachel of old this community at large as one family in the bonds of sym pathy, weeps for "one who is not", and we mingle our tears together with th" bereaved ones. . . ' . The pushing of this young wife, just in the flower of youncr womanhood when life seemed to hold all that was fair imd good, came as a great shock and sorrow to all. She had been ill only a few clays previous,-.- and ev condition was not thought to be nt nil aJarming until Saturdav iiini uiivii kaii4i'iu ii". i Hi ;. when with her devoted vouni' bus-' ! n(,".inif band, at her side, she was rushe.l l'" uo,n'1 ' 10,,m.-' i( me game ithf Rnthprfnrd tinsnHnl V, nt nnminin.l!( nia and a complication of troubles had; set in and her condition steadilv crew quietly -she passed a way into the arms i rof her Heavenly Father, leaving this earthly paradise, to bloom in a bright- r. Paradise forever more, leaving to mourn her passing her husband, an invalid mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Blackwell of Spencer. Alio three devoted sisters, Mrs. Paul Lentz of Salisbury and Misses Helen and Robbie Blackwell of Spencer and one brother, Edwin of that place. " Mrs. Miller was born in Spencer 30 year ago. Being a mute she was edu cated at that splendid institution for the deaf at Morganton, and it was while a school girl there that he met her future husband and the beautiful romance of love blossomed for her, and -on-Feb-2;- MM"hrv:aT5wrto4pd to suggest the sentiment of the Shclbv as the lovely bride of Andrew C. Miller, jr. - . . . The deceased was one of Shelby's most esteemed and beloved young ma trons, beautiful of form and face, and to this beauty of .face was added beauty of mind and character, . She greeted her friends, and they were m iany, not with spoken words, but with a sweet, glad smile, arid a cor- d'al. warm handclasp and it was in deed a rare privilege to Unow and love one so sweet and irood. Her home life was indeed a thing of great beauty, and she .was. e'rr.. n lovirir comrade to her, devoted young hus band and a dutiful daughter to his parents who mourn her- as their own daughter. . . . ' She early eave her heart to Christ. joining the Presbyterian church of which she was ever a faithful mem ber. . The funeral w;as held from the Presbyterian church by her pastor, Rev. W. A. Murray, on Christmas aft ernoon at 3 o'clock, and was one of the largest ever, attended in our city, the floral tributes being elaborate and beautiful and she was tenderly, laid to rest in Sunset cemetery. The pall bearers were: Messrs. L. M. Hull, John Black, I. C. Griffin, W. A. Mc Cord, L. A. Gettys, J. Frank Robe" and H. M. and W. D .Loy. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Black well were ill at their home in Spen cer and unable to attend. Her broth er Mr. Edwin Blackwell. and two sis-te- . Misses Helen and Robbie Black well, and brother-in-law, Mr. Lentz, together with a number of out of town relatives and friends came up for the funeral. ' : : '" Letter of Appreciation. Special to The Star. -Dear Brother Weathers: My people have been very kind in- deed to me during the Christmas holi- j Egberta North, Frances Bridges, days. Saturday night at the Christmas j Tma Bridges, Thelma Hopper, Pau tree the Poplar Springs people pre- ine Hopper, Genelle Wilson and Fran- sented me a nice purse wun some oin- er good things. Then Sunday afternon while in serv ice at Beaver Dam kind friends there completely retired my car and then loaded it up with ood things. Surely Tin nastor has kinder and thoughtful people than I. God bless them all. Sincerely. JAS. C. GILLESriK. Roilrnp- SDrintrs. Dec. 26, '22. 1 - I jIr Woodson Indisposed. , ; .; , Rev. C. J. Woodson sends The Star a note saying he is indisposed and un able to get out to transact business. Those who have business with him keoaLLflOi.shome on the Cleveland Springs road. Al1v- Vv' SOCIETY JMjjrh!- Hack ;.t v.ok! Now Cor tin' ".v Yf'iu' - iuid the old bills.-- N'-w Vfiir resolutions should be labeled : "Kiagile, humllc with Care." The afti'rmath of Chpistmas is lui'iulit f i r.r ..,..ti, .i. t j ivii (iiv vnimi miiih. So,ial m'Z ',.?. ul J,t'.nK I icora uh. Chicora Club. Mrs. P. L. Hennessu will be a gra cious hostess this afternoon Friday to the members of the Chicora club Ht the legu'ar social meeting. The hour Ii 3:30. Beautiful Bridge Hospitality For Mr, and Mrs. Eskridge. One of the pretties hospitalities of the Christmas tide was the auction bridge party given by Miss Ora Esk ridge of last Thursday. evening at her home on West Marion street as a pretty courtesy to Mr. and Mrs.. Ab Kikridge. of I.aFayette, Indiana, who are here for the holidays. The house was aglow with potted plants and Christmas decorations and 'I nTiil'I'f find nfni'iiL'iiniv I 4 Vri' ' mimi iiiw jr.iiiHK Wil. enjoyed at the fouV card tables scat- auction. Just 'previous to the game a tempt ing nfld delicious buffet supper Was t .-.').. '. were Mr. and .Mrs. II. T. Fulls, Di. !iP't Ms- S- s- Ryster, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rorison. Mendames O. Max Gardner and S. R. Riley, Miss Stella Murchison and Mr. Forrest Eskridge. .Beautiful Chris! mas Hospitality Mrs, Wit' Kb'" v- a mint g'.'-trious hostess at her lovely homo on Sumter street on Wednesday afternoon De cember ?2nd as n pretty Vourte.y for her nistci Mrs. W. K. Richardson of Reidsville, and Mrs. Charlie Rurrus a charming bride of . last month, one of the newest, additions to She'by ciety. t so- The house, was artistically arrang- Yule-tide, the living room, parlor and dining room, being decorated in a wealth of bright berried holly, mis tletoe, Christmas Vi's and lovely p t t"d plants. Elew, small table at; which the iP!)ronr:ate gime of ;htn;nB dice tfld the interested atNmj.on or the !in )invited irests, were sc .ttere j about the various rooms, the place cards being dainty little holly affairs. . At the conclusion of the games a tempting and delicious salad course and mints was servei' In entertain ing. Mrs. Ki ig was g. ac tusly assist ed by .- Mesdames . Horace Charlie Washburn, Mis Giigg,;, . Oeland Washburn and little Mis. Hoiothy King. - I - : ! B. Y. P. U. Sings j Itaautiful Carols. Sleeping townspeople were awaken- ed Monday morning as members ot 1 the Senior B. Y. P. U, of the First Raotist church of Shelby sang Christ mas carols and other apropriate re ligions selections. By a' unanimous vote held Sunday night, it was decided that special music would be rendered in keeping with the holiday spirit early Christmas day: So the singer, rose bright and early, gathered at the church and proceeded to parade the town. As they moved down the vari ous streets, little children could be seen rushing for their first glimpse at Santa's dlignts, old negro mammies stood and gazed ai though anti'cin' :m a return of the angels, while those who took part enjoyed the early morning"air and rich fellowship. Day dawned in a flush of glory and the young people left by automobiles I for Cleveland Springs where an ele ("ant breakfast was served. The per sonnel of the party included thetol j lowing young people: I Misses Wilma Ilartness. Kathleen j Davis. Rosalvnd Nix. Janie Blanton, cos RoDerts. Messrs. Robert Hartness. L. H. Led- ford, Dewey Plummer, Mr- Spake, Harold Hamrick. Bynum E. Weathers. Dumon Wilson and Bynum llarrill of I attimore. j Mrs VirKjl c;artjner jWeds Rock Hill Man The host of friends here of Mrs. Virgil Gardner, formerly of Shelby p.tA Chester, S. C. but who, for the r-nst year has been making her home with her brother Mr. Edwin Allen at Rock Hill. S. C, will be interested to learn of her marriage at that place on Tuesday morning, December 2Gth, -J to Mr Luther Branch, the marriage .Ain nl4 Tnosdnv morning at ,10:30 at the Baptist parsonagethe t;' pastor of thai church oMicialiii I'loscMcc. oi only u lew special -friends. ir.. I. ram h holds ;i responsible po sition as salesman with the Hock HUI Hak' iy and is a splendid young man with a wide circle of friendswhile his 'charming-bride is very much be loved in this county where she has spent a great deal of her time with relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs.' Ih anch their home in Hock Ifiil. mak Miss Mabel Allen Weds Mr. L. Owens of Bosnian. ,. One of the most intresting of the i . ' hnslmas. has come and gone and Christmas marriages to the host of '"' ",snj' msn,'(-,s 't as the "biggest Shelby friends of the bride was' that i ' "" ! " Krni ''' lra,linK s'nd of Miss Mabel Allen of the Elizabeth t n"int' th'' "chants of the county de section and Mr. Leslie Owens of Ros-'"'r ihttl Frif,,,v nn(l SaUmlay wprp man, Transylvania county, which ,f "l sh'r',!n,? chys "nl tlu'v ha1 happy even took place here Saturday1 tra,, t'1"V r'uI' ('onvpni,nt,3i' night at the Baptist parsonage, Rev, r i v... ' ii...- . ;u. rvi-su-r, cue Drum s pastor per forming the ceremony.' The bride is a winsome and attrac tive young woman, the daughter of Mr nd Mrs. J. D. Allen of this county. She isii' graduate -of-the Shelby high school and afterwards tpent one year at the Boiling Springs high school. For the past few months she has been with Gilmer's local store as salesladyTThe groom is a promising young busines man of Rosman, where he holds the responsible .-position as manager of a large comls sarv for the. Toxaway Tanning Co., at that place. Immediately after the ccivmony Mr. and Mrs. Owens left for their home at Bosnian. Entertain at Cleveland S-irhigs . For Christmin Visitors, v"" Mr. nnd Mrs. Panl 'Vv)!) were ricr lightful- host at ' b vcland Spring? hotel last Tuesday octet :tinmg a. few friends 'an a prettv "iutesy to their kinsmen,-Mr. und ' Mm, Ab Evkridae of La Fayette, Ind., pI'T.s.nit holiday visitors. At the close of the evening' pleas ure a delicious collation of s-indwirh.s coffee , 'i nd cream, C;iK" anl stu'd dates wan enjoyed. - Subscription Bridve . . , Party at Cleveland. Cleveland Springs hotel was the scene of a merry party 'of y mng eo ple last Monday even- rr when about ten couples motored nu. for an ev ening of auction bridge. The elegant and spacious lobby, Which has been the scene of so many delightful so cial affairs of late, had been mobt artistically decorated for the Christ mas tide and even the old fashioned i log fires were not lacking to complete the ensemble. In the midst of these delightful surroundings five tables of auction held the interested attention 0f the players, after which a delicious collation was enjoyed. FAN MING'S -BIG SALE . BEGINS SATURDAY 30TH The W. L. Fanning company inau- gurates its semi-annual clearance sal on Saturday. December 30th. offering tremendous reductions throughout the store. The store will be closed Thurs- day and Friday of this week while the force of sales people is marking down Vi moi.r.hin.1iia TKic ;u D Lua! reduction sale which always at- tracts attention among the many 1 friends of the Fanning comnany store A double page advertisement and I thousands of circulars broadcasted er the coUnty mtko note of the many reductions that will obtain throughout the big store, It will pay you hand somely to take advantage of the prices offered by the Fanning store during this clearance sale. - - - INFLUENZA IS RAGING RUT IS NOT SEVERE InDuenza is raging in the county and the physician3 have more calls than they can attend to, but they de clare that the patients all seem to be getting along much i :.v ' ih-.n thev did during the previous epidemics and only one or two deaths have been Te ported. Influenza now seems to be in a much milder form, but is more con tagious than ever before. The schools of the county will perhaps suspend longer than usual for the Christmas holidays in order for the epidemic to clear away. , Death of Little Child. rv T"i.ity-. knr O!? Via rlnot U anoii .Li J ; ol " MrTand Mrs E. E. Brown of Slyva, this state, and 4aii1.- fi-nm tbem Frederick Albert, a ii-if lHtto son IS months old. The many friends of Mrs. Brown, who .I.:. t..!.j-. j :.. 11 was .virs. uiiukcs aim is - known here will sympathize with them in this their hour of bereavement. ' ; . vill De tne nc.sio' mn. -vv... Miss Ruth Roberts who has been 'each charge, spending the Christmas holidays here j There will he talks from the pas with her mother, Mrs. Eliza Roberts, tors and other conference .member V expects to return this week to her that will be interesting. All day serv school at Troy, this state. lice and the public ij nmtocl. Mr. G. R. Randall of Rock Hill, S. j v- n C. spent yesterda yin Shelby on busi C. D. Stroup and f&muyot J'"" ncss Mr Randall was former depot 1 colnton spent Christmas with his motlt "gent at tt'arl. , ' " -frJrftrwp, , . .iiniJiuwi.iTUi'ii ur CHEER AND TREAT HOLIDAY TRADE VERY HEAVY WAS Industrial Plants Close For Four Days White Christmas at ChurchesMail Well Handled. I' ' ln ' "ll . aut'nuo" lnJ ' t : uauMiiv give co ineir cus-toii'ei-s, could not he riven because the rush was so great. But this was no fcult of the public. The continuous rain and bad weather that prevailed duriiif December,'-prevented the shop- , M-rs from doing all the shopping they had on their list, so when the west!- r-cleared Friday, the iamb be I'Hh. Merchant who feared that much Christmas merchandise would be left on their shelves, found it moving rap idly and all in nil, they sold out during hn last two dav. The fall t-;do as whole was above the nveiTf." Octo ber ii'l November were good months, due to prettv vventlipr and plentv of niooev caused by hii'h wages and high -i"fd farm products. Pay up Week a Success. '4. The inv-un cf mntiign waa-ed during the v.oi k of . December 1th to ?3rd was a fieat success, all merchants and business men who joined in the eamraisrn declaring that hundred." and hundreds of accounts were settle as a result of th" cAmnaiirn which was wsn-erl f.ffectivf-lv all over the county. Beautiful weather prevailed .from Friday until Wednesday morning, when rain came again. This week and next is stock taking time with many merchants, then the usual clearance sales when sreat reductions will be . out in force tcr dear out winter mer rhsndise. although winter is only one third gone, Christmas Mail Heavy. Acting Postmaster J. II. Ouinn and his able staff of clerks handled the big Christmas mail In a most commenda- ' bnTmannef. Every courtesy was ex tended the patrons' and there wps no unnecessary delay in the receipt and dispatch of Christmas parcels. Some of the clerks who have been in the of fice for many years declare the Christmas mail to nave, been heavier than usual. The carriers made their usual rounds on Christmas day, but will not go on Mnnd.v, n.Tunry 1st. which is a holiday. The rostoffio ,will observe the New Yea'-'. Ndidey. but all bank and stores will be open for business n 11-ual OM Soldiers Remembered. The Daughters of the Confedf-ncy remembered the Ton federate soldiers and their widows as usual with bas kets of fruit 'while individuals sent Christmas goodie to the' unfortunate in the county home, at the' convict camp, iail, nnd at tne Kock quarry j where long termers from the pen, ten ti. ry are working. A White Ihristmn. All of the churches had Christmas exercises, many of them observing "White Christmas," the spirit of this being "it is more blessed to five than to receive." While the children gave to the poor, they received gifts from Old Santa. The cotton nvUs end other industtal plants closed Friday evening and sumed operations Wednesday morn ing, which with Sunday intervening, gave them four das vacation. The cotton mills remembered their em ployes in a generous way, as is cus tomary year after year. The exchange of Christmas gifts started earlier than usual this year, many sending out their gifts on Sat urday because Christmas eve came this year on Sunday. There was no unusual demonstration, but a regular bombardment of explosions of fire works all dav long Christmas day, be einnine earlv in the morning when the little fellows awoke to get their Santa Claus., The shooting of fire works, guns and pistols lasted all day Monday. No serious accidents have V been reported. ,.'.-- -. . ' ; " , . , DIStRfCT CONFERENCE 'HERE AT THE M. P. CHURCH DEC. 5. i Tb-e will be a district conference .llv of the Methodist Protestant ,.u .t.tiw Shelbv chui-ch on tne 1 1 1 -1- 1 1 1 fifth Sun.lav in i-ecemoer. '- trict consists 01 six c. -