THE CLEVELAND STAR. SHELBY. N. G, TUESDAY FEB. 13, 1923 SIMMONS IS NOT CANDI DATE TOR LEADER 'r. vicians Wain Him Against TaliiKs on' Any New I Surd ens Now. Wi.himiti'iY i'Vb. !i. - Wit hdraw;,! f St 1','itnr -Sinmiot.s, i.t' North ';uo linn, lioin the iiU-c with Settlor Rob inson, iff AikiTtsiis, I'ur I)iMiiotiut;o leadership in. the -next .senate when Senator Underwood of' Alabama, the -irMnt lieimicrutie leader, will retire, was iininmiHi'fl today .by Senator Ov erman, of North Carolina,. on behalf f his colleaiiU". T)ie announcement by Senator () - rmiin was regarded a .assuring the election of Senator Robinson. Sena tor Simmon authorized the announ ment from lii.s sick bed lit his home ;it New Hern, N. C. ( ennui' Statement. Somite" Overman's statement fol lows: ."My Tolleacuo, Senator Simmons, from bis sick bed in New 'Bern, N. t'., has asked nip to iiiak" public re Miet that bin name shall no longer be conridoiod for the post of Demo cratic lender in the senate. Notwith rtanding the fact that more than hall the nie nbers o'' "Tsent senate are ((importing liiie and he has, other as surances that justify him in feeling mo 4 hopeful of success. Senator Sim Tiioim feels he niust take this action in part upon consideration of his health and in part for reasons of paity har mony. My colh'Hpue'.-. pbysiciai.s have advised him. that he mu.l tli best care of himself for . Several ,,u,ri- t . cimuv 'ntid' th'.y strongly WHi'ir him a:;ajn ; y'"l' - tnl. iitr auy .;v. burdens np'.il shail 'have fully 1 1 i'h'i ' re-1 hi ; st I'-iU'th. "It. i. v.ell Keown here t,iat" .Senator SimfiK in ll.e bei';innii;i contented to the use of his name IV the Dem oniac biidi-rshit) only Upon what seemed to be v.iti ifactoi y assurances that there vniild be no considerable opposition, lb- stated then that he would not uwW any circumstances enter into a scramble for the place. Since Senator Robinson, for whom Senntor Simmons feels hikli esteem and til. -mishit:, was offered as a can dilate, Senator Simmons hari refrain ...i f,,m. withdrawi.-iL' lu's own name nlv because he has felt that loyalty to bis own friends and supporters wouhl not permit it. Wants Harmony. "My colleague, now feels however, in view of his health and of the fact that the contest between his friends and those of Senator Robinson has trrown "so close and promises' to be jo limit "drawn outwith the consequent m iicct of that necessary concentra tion by Democratic senators of mind mid effort on partv and national af fairM all throuli this year, "that the hi'hest national and party consider ation; demand that the contest ihail proceed no futber. Senator Simmons therefore' has asked ami obtained the consent of his friends to leave the ' field clear to Senator Robinson, whose ! leadeship, my. colleague believes, will tie in every respect able and satisfac tory. .' ';,-. ' -. 'Senator Simmon wishes: me to for him his deep and grate ful' appreciation of the loyal support :, piven him and of the splendid zeal and j generalship that his friends have ex trcised in his behalf. He appreciates 'no less, too, the kind solicitude imd (regard for him and his present state ! of health that have . prompted his friends in the senate to yield withour his desire to take him- self out of consideration, and brine the contest to an end." ! CATTLE-FEEDiNG SURVEY RESULTS Extensive Studies Have Been Made in Connection With Many Agricultural Colleges. WILMINGTON DISPATCH SUSPENDS PUBLICATION Recently Closed Commercial Nation ' . 1 Bank Brings Newspaper Irou bl.'s to Climax. GOVERNMENT MAKES EXHIBIT BEAUTIFUL IVORY BED ROOM SUITE AT A BARGAIN This beautiful Ivory Suite consists of Ivory Bed. Vanity Dresser, Chifforobe, Regular Dresser. This suite, we are offering at a remarkably low figure. 4-PIECE SET FOR $198.00 Without doubt this is one of the best and prettiest suites ever offered for so little money. A regular, $27f.00 Suite. . - Now on display-in our window. He sure and see it. ARCADE FURNITURE COMPANY , ihM'M ick Building. Next Door to J. N. Dellinger's. :: Phone 508. ' ; . mTTON CO-OPERATIVES TURN OVER NEW LEAF The North Carolina Cotton Grow ers' Cooperative association . turned over a new leaf last week, and start ed its second year of operation by giving' an account of its first year's achievements to a score of represen tative Tar Heel bankers, who pro nounced it good. General Manager U. B Blalock presented the report, as follows: One hundred and thirty-five thou sand bales of cotton delivered". by 32,000 members; advances of nearly $10,000,000 to members by the as sociation on cotton delivered; asso ciation has sold and delivered 27,000 bales of cotton at prices ranging from 21 1-4 cents to 30 cents on,' short staple, With less than 5,000 bales sold for less than 25 cents a pound, , The great need of improved pro duction credit and the imiiortance of the development of banking practice v among farmers were emphasized by j Dr. B. W. Kilwre, director ot the state agricultural extension service. Bankers pledging the continued 'co operation, included Joseph G. Brown, Col. James R. Young and E. B. Crow, of Raleigh ;and former Congressman L. D. Robinson, of Wadesboro, who declared that the co-operative mar keting movement had been the only proposal for improvement of agri cultural conditions that appealed to him. - - I Dr. J. Y. Joyner, speaking for the tobacco association, said that the co operation given by the bankers had bs'tn largely responsible for its suc cessful operation. Amounti of Feed Necessary to Maks Same Amount of Total Gain on Feeder Steer' Shown Pictori allly Systems of Feeding. Jreprd by th United Btte Dprtm-nt o( Af rlcultur.) In an exhibit at the International Live-Stock exposition recently held at I'hiciigo, the United States Oepart itient of Agriculture showed some of the results ohtaluel from an exten sive survey of steer feeding In the Middle West. These studies have been made in co-operation with agri eulliirul colleges In the states of Illl dqK Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota and Neliraska. The survey lias been car- Wilmington,. Feb. K.,-The Wilmin--Um Dispatch, local.' afternoon news paper, suspended publication this af ternoon as a result of the closing d tin. CnmiTiercial National bank. A deed of trust in the sum of ?4o,000 was held on the paper' by the dc- ( funct bank, which is now lr tia- hands of a receiver. I The Dispatch was founded in lts95( by R. P. McClammy, who pnbl-shed it until 1916, when it was sold to a ! syndicate headed by W. B. Cooper , and Thomas E. Cooper. It was bought bv Parker Anderson in litl8, and sold aam a y .tar Inter to R. S. Carver. The present managem.-n , headed bv James (:niicksh:nk. took over the pa pi i U t sp" . WiK'l d w i- at auction under a receivership. The total indebtediics:- of tae pn per, accoidinpr to a pubhsne-s state ment earned today, ai ounts to ap- 1"' Ornately ."-'J.000. '."tl NTY OF RUTHEIM OUD EMPLOYS I!F I.TH Nl'RSE t mm MB 1 1 A Ml'' WMW11IWllia'kTOMBI FRESH GARDEN SEED AT PAUL WEBB'S DRUG STORE We have a large and well selected stock of Woods, Jerrys and Landreths seed. lu!k seal are going to be scarce, buy early. BEANS: Valentine, Stringless Green Pod, Kentucky Wonder and Pole Beans. ENGLISH PEAS: Drf and Pole. CORN: Adams Early, Stowells Evergreen. Hickory King and Truckers Favorite. Flower seed in bulk and packages. If you want reliable, fresh seed make out your list and come to PAUL WEBB'S The Rexa" Store Phone 21 Drugs, Seed and Paint It'.ttherfonlton, Feb. 8. Ruther ford county has taken another sup forward. A full time county nurse has been employed and will arrive on the ! scene February 19 and will begin I work at once. Miss Anrur' Gallag- he r will be the nurse. She Li a grad juate of a hospital in Philadolphja.' Her post-graduate public health train ing was secured at the Western-Reserve university, Cleveland, Ohio. She has had public health experience with the Pennsylvania board of health, American Red Cross and was a mem ber of the army nurse corps, chief jniirse of Base hospital No. 20 A. E. j F. She has had much other exper ience and comes highly recommended. THE PARCEL POST (From The Hickory Record.) Ten years ago, Robert D. Aber nethy said the other night, pointing; to a motor truck loaded wtih mail, a two-wheel truck was large enough to 'carry all the outgoing mail for any train leaving Hickory- The average i per train then was three small pouch jes, nlostly letters. The big increase j came with the parcel post and every year since the Government went in to the business of carrying packages the mail has grown here. Creamery products, overalls and bundles from Hickory stores travel by parcel post, and these go to make up the greater total, it is said. ,.,.w;.wT'y.,;- ; V mm r .1 ' v 'r 3Il!l!lgl!Jllll'rT ! ex ""'""""""'"'""1"""" TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY H AMERICAN TOBACCO CO I W r xv -v j ' f M -i 1 11 i Disfigurcil by starvation, his xlyl covered with scabiej, this tot wasf found by Near East Relief workers in Armenia, dnrguig for rooti and ifilbs to keep ahye. . 1 SQUARE IOOSING MONEY ti-f you are not trading with R. R. Hewitt & Co., Lattimore, -. 3-13-: A Prize-Winning Hereford Shown at the International Live-Stock Show. rled on for the last four years, and It has Involved approximately 20,000 steers each year. Another year's study is to be made, but results have been obtulned to date that are of practical Interest to cattle feeders throughout the United States. Resu.- of. Survey. The results of th's survey, thus far, were shown at the exposition In a booth entitled, "Beef Production," a part of the large government exhibit. It was found that two types of ration are being used by cuttle feeders gen erally . throughout this region. The type used in a locality Is determined by the kind of hay that Is grown there. About the same number of steers are fed by each method through out the region studied. Feed Necessary. The exhibit showed plctorially the amounts of feed necessary to make the same amount of total gain on a eeder steer, and the length of feedinj period, under each system of feeding, as determined by this survey. In formation on feedinc problems and other phases of beef production may be ' secured ly askln; from tbe Department Washington, D, C. ROBERT L. RAMSAUR Chiropractor Palmer School Graduate Webb Building 2nd Flour Phone 415 WHY NOT TKADE WHERE YOU the same eoods for less mo ney. R, R. Hewitt &. Co. 3-13c RUSH STOUP Attorney at Law Office in Royster Building. Room No. 8. A Good Thin? - Don't Miss It. : Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, and receive in re turn a trial package containing Cham berlains Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bror.chial, "flu" and svhooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indiges tion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousne.-s and constipation; Chamberlain's Salve, needed in every - t- , i . , ' -, family for bums! scalds, wounds. Notice is hereby given that I have , , ,- . i, this day qualifier! as Administrator.?1'1 ami skm affections; these valu of the estntc of John Gilman, deceas-i'd family m- dicines for only cents, ed, and all persons indebted to said i Don't miss it." Adv. estate will make inviTicdiate. payment . to the undersigned and all ntrsons 1 ' iiavmg claims against saiu estan w.u present them to me proper.y p.'cven for payment on or before January it. 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This January 6th, 11)23. W. D. LOY, Admr. of John "il tian, dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. : for bulletins i of Agriculture, r STANDARD FOR BEEF BREEDS To Assist Beginner Department of Agriculture Issues Bulletin Giving Information. SIMMONS' WITHDRAWAL MiiiHSJBBHHHHBHBBBSJBHBHRHHHHBnjnsnni AD PI.0SPE1ATE CO. I RE Cralotte Observer. That the condition of Senator Sim mons' health has impelled him .. to withdraw from the race for the min ority leadership of the Senate is cause for deep regret on the part of the people of North Carolina. The Democrats in the United States Sen ate .could not have selected a leader in promotion and defense of the in terests of Uie party, the Nation and tne people of his own home Statte. ' The ' question ' of the ' beginner, "Which Is th best breed of beef cat-tle?'-' cHUnot be answered If he Insists vpon detinue reasons, for no beef has been found superior to all others. A man muy have u personal choice, his neighbors may be raising one particu lar breed, or his conditions may be more nearly IdeuJ for one breed than any of 'be others. In order to help those who are un certain as. to which breed Is best n Jno. JYL uest Furniture Co. Undertaking Licensed Embalmers Funeral Directors - Day Phone 363 Nizht Phones: 9? 264378-J-243-W, H VIC mi o. j. IIOUSER r. of Charlotte, N Will be located in Dr. Lattimore's office THURSDAY of each week, hours 10:00 A.-M. to 400 P. M. His practice is limited to treatment and surgery of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and fitting glasses. I T M Ebeltoft I TRUSTEE'S SALE. CHARLESTON, S. C. FOR IX)RTY YEARS A STANDARD FERTILIZER. FISH GUANO A SPECIALTY. JOE E. SPINDALE MILL WILL DOUBLE ITS PRODUCTION Ruthe'rfordton, FetTfi. The Spin dale mill has cently doubled its pro duction, 4.9C8 spindles being added. I The additional wing, which Is 60x75 feet, has been completed. It is two stories high and will employ about 30 more employes. The capitalization has , been increased. Machinery is being installed now and the new addition is expected to be running in full soon, r LINCOLN GOES FORWARD REPRESENTATIVE. Charlotte Observer. The action of the commissioners of Lincoln County in ordering a bond is sue up to half a million dollars fc,r the construction of good roads is a step calculated to put that good old county on the map in bold relief and to add to the county's fame as one of progressive, intelligent and forward looking citizenship. The county, long regarded as one of the best in the State, is now entering upon a new era of progress and development. TRY STAR WANT ADS THEY ALWAYS GET RESULTS. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in two certain deeds of trust executed to me as trustee by Wm. McSwain and wife, said deeds of trust being of record in office of' reg ister of deeds for Cleveland County, N. C, in books 114. pace 144 and llfl certain us. .10 nuicu orreu is oesi 1ln .Lft - -. , r ' adapted ,0 their condition, the United fTfe? States Department or Agriculture has jn named, and said notes not having prepared a bulletin In which are- been paid at maturity; and the holder flren the characteristics of the beef 'thereof having requested ma as trua- and dual-purpose breeds la the United itee to foreclose same, I will offer for States, together with a brief history sale at the court house door in Shel- of their development. A comparative ! hy. N. C, ct public auction to the standard of excellence for beef breeds' ; highest bidder for cash on la Included In the bulletin, a feature ! . I'.f',rua,rJr 2-ith 1923 at 12 m. which makes It possible for the be- (' "'m" tleP' hours, the following ,1 j 1 . fleserineu tracts Of land: ginner to compare ti e breeds lut , ,st tract. siluated NV 4 towp. bj point. . ship, Clevetand-county, N. C., on botn A copy of thelulletln may be had suies of Etate hiehwav 20. inin. free of charge by writing the United ing the lands of T-W. Harmon, Watt States . Department tf Agriculture. Anthony ana others, and beginning in Washington, D. C. and asking for 1 the center of the public road, Har Farmers' Bulletin 612. mon's line, and runs thepce with his I line south 17 west 23.24 chains to a iiuitcuicu tuit uii 1 uni n r.ock !n said line' thencc h An WHITEWASHJHAT WILL HOLD thony's line south 84 west 15.25 chains . . .: . . to a post-oak; thence north 17 East When Properly Prepared and Applied J8-64 chains to a rock on bank of Material Will Cleanse, Disinfect, .branch; thence north 1-2 west 17 and 8Uy On. : chains to a plum bush; thence a new ' line south 67 east 7 chains to a small Whitewash Is often made hp" ,. dwod; thence south 5. east 4.33 shod way and Is put on careteeslyu P3"80 cente' ,of ?d nea plum does not do the job well and will not SSV11 Td ?Uth 8,! last. Wb whitewash I, properly SJlilJl tS chSnST o made and carefully applied, It will bend in road; thence south 79 ea't l cleanse, disinfect and stay on." chain to bend in road; thence south Sluck ten pounds of quicklime In 66 1-2 east 3.9 chains to the beginning two gallons of water. Cover the con- containing 42 acres, more or less talner aud, allow the lime to slack for 2nd tract: Situated in the aforesaid one hour. Add enough warm water to township and county, being that tract make tbe whitewash spread easily f 'a"d conveyed to Wm. McSwain by with' a brush. To each five gallons T. Wright and wife, by deed of re add one pound of glue, (stick glue dls- ford n o(nce BS hove referred to in solved In warm water), one-fourth 1)00,1 ? dP?d "EEE". PKe 310, refer- ponnd of salt and one pint of crude !lnce - ich I9 hfTeby made r fu" carbolic acid. Apply evenly, while le!Snptlon ind 7'teb ' descriotion is Paul C. Jamleson, Toultry Extension more or less ' Specialist, Colorado Agricultural Col- This Jannafy Wiflo!? ' lcg'' D. Z. NEWTON, Trustee. Grocer and Book Seller Phone 82 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Susan C. Crain, " deceased late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, notice is here by given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned, and all per sons shaving claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present them, to 'jip, propirly proven for pay ment on. or before January 6th, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ' -This January -6th,-1923.- L. M. CRAIN, Admr. estate of Su san C. Crain dee'd. Bynum E. Weathers, Atty. LOTS FOR SALE By J. A. Wilson Desirable lots near Eastside milL One mile from Court House. 1-2 mile from Cleveland . Springs. Fronting on Charlotto-Asheville hard surface highway. Purchaser may have several , acres back ot each lot if desired in nice timber oak and hickory park. Theses lots cannot now be duplicated in price, location and other desirable fea tures. Also 4-room house with sev eral acres along S. A. L. R, R. track, near Eastside mill suitable for truck, dairy or chicken farm. Other building lots, any size to suit purchaser, a part of these situated along S. A. L. R. R. track. In the above described lots you will find what you have been wait ing for, either for a home or an investment. Very easy terms. J. A. WILSON

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