THERE IS NEWS IN STAR ADVERTISEMENTS if Automatic Job Feeders. Three Job Presses. No Job Too Large or Too Small for Us to Handle. Phone No. 11. VOL. XXXI. No. 97 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1923 CLEVELAND'S ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER ff Cheapest Paper Per Copy in This or in Ad joining Counties Two Linotypse, AdveHis ing Cut and Picture Service. All Home Print. HM IHOUSAND HENS IN NEW CLUB FIFTY-THREE POULTRYMEN HAVE JOINED Co-Operative EKK Producers As sociation Has Set Goal For Ten Thousand Hens—Market Upens January 1st. * )„|, ——■«tfhrt8iSS55' 'Hprgtwjyy" The acvebn,! County Co-operativ, &gg Producers association which wa recently organized in Shelby is meet Jhg with favor among the poultry men in the county which is manifesto) .by the large sign up of members, Ui* to-date fifty-three poultrymen in county have signed the contract wilt a total of four thousand thousand hen* i* 4he gVTaf set^y t\ directors for the association- All <d the eggs produced by the member.' except for Hatching purposes ,wili i, taken up twice a week and brought to Shelby where they will be candled graded and packed in paper cartons that hold one dozen eggs with the as sociation guarantee on it; marketed by one man. The association expects to put on the market a superior pro duct of eggs and guarantee them. The sign up is for one year only and the association will begin mark eting eggs January Tst. The following poultry producer have signed the contract. Zorn Grigg, L. F. Grayson, Weldrin Walker, Delfau Walker, Mrs. G. II> Crigg, Lamar Davis, S. C. Wright, W. S. McCurry, R. R. Crawford, w’ M. Newton, J. C. Downs, G .K. New ton. McClure Pruett, L. F. Self. M G. Hunt, A. A. Richards, A .L. Work man, R. C. Fortenbury, J. M. Hasting C. F. Ramsey, Fred Greene, Lawrence Hawkins, C. C. McSwJin, J. B Wright, ft C. Covington, C. H. Bar rett, J. M. Gardner, F .ft. Washbilrn J C Washburn, D. P. Washburn A V Washbm-n, \\. Washburn, J. A Plummer, ft P. Dixon, R. B. Dixon J. P. McDaniel, N .R. Morris. T. I) Blalock, J. D. Watterson, J. P. Bla lock, R. W. McCurry, J. S. McSwaip J. C. Randall, W'. C. Whitworth, Mrs Guy Harrelson, John Waeaster, M. S Beam, L. M. McSwain, J. T. Crawford James Rippy, D. H. Hopper. Officer Makes Raid on Christmas Stock Deputy Rob Kendrick Annexes Sev eral Neat Christmas Packages In Woods Near Town. All of the Shelby merchants are ready for the Christmas trade but Deputy Sheriff Bob Kendrick Thurs day spoiled one merchant's" entire holiday patronage by annexing his stock of goods—“wet" goods. , The stock consisted of one one-half gal lon fruit jar'ahd eleven pints all done up in nice pint Christmas hot les, and corked on the fluid ,tha’ cheers or kills. Some wayward information slip ped to Bob’s ears Wednesday and he wound un his ‘‘flivver’ and journeyed out the Har^U5s mill road about tw< miles from Shelby, slapped the air brakes on his Henry and halted at r patch of woods*. The tip must have been as firm as the Rock of Gibral tar and the kind dreamed of by dab blers in the market, for there scat tered around in the leaves and under growth Bon made his haul, near two •gallons. Bob brought the stock or goods back to town but their distri butor was making tracks, fast ones when last observed. The fellow was e-vitently playing “hide-and-seek' f hiding himself behind the ’under growth, while Boi) done the seeking for the liquor, and when the chano loomed up Bob heard a rustle and noted a fast departing figure. Consul ering Bob’s version if a rabbit car make a similar getaway said hare •will be enjoying life when another Christmas tolls around. MISSIONARY r.vrs FORI) CAR FOR HER CHRISTMAS Miss Attie Bostick, missionary t< interior China, will receive a Fore coupe for Christmas through the ef forts of the W M. U. of Kings Moun tain Baptist association, as a check for $625 was sent her about two weeks ago. The Shelby W. M. S. rais ed nearly S500 of this amount. Miss Bostic is in the foreign mis sion fields, located in China. She it a native of Shelby and those whr have been interested in the gift will • be pleased to learn that the necessary amount has been secured. l air Big Success. Bishopville. S C.,—-Officials of the I,ee County Fair association, whicl just closed its eighth annual fait here, declare the fair was marked by unusual success Besides collecting rain insurance for one bad day, the officers report that the association will clear about $1,500 on this year’s fair Plans for the 1924 fair are al ready under way YOUTH KILLED BY PLAYMATE TUESDAY TRAGfcDY SAID TO BE AC CIDENTAL Loren Cook, Nine - Year - Old !i°UbJk‘ Shoals Bov. Dead. JJavid Ihackerson iRdd lor Hearing j^orao CV,k, 9-year-old son of Sid °r.,,,,ublc Shoals, cotton mil north of Shelby Z: kll,e<1. .‘-bortly after 5 o’clock Tuesday atUrnoon when he was struck by a bullet discharged, acci dentally, it it; said, from a .22 calibre nfle in the Lands of David Thacker •8°n, 1, year-old mill worker, who is bemg held in jail here pending a rre :^"a^,,n'1'rJng 'n R“eo,',}tr'-'i court -^2^7ha.kerson being placed in hV. m 0W.lj)K thc coroner’s jnquest held luesday evening at Rouble bnoals. 1 ri." flaying Witfe_Guas. Accuediffg lo evidence presented'ip (be- coroner’s jury and other informa Uon secured. Cook, Thackerson and I hackerson s younger brother broth er were nlaying or rather walking near the rear of the company store at Double Shoals when the tragedy occurred and so far as is known, no one is thought to have witnessed it with the exception of the younger Thackerson. who with his brother steadfastly maintains that it was afi accident/Reporta^have it that Cook, nu'~Tteeeased boys had a cap pistol and was shooting or snapping it and that the three were walking towards the store, the younger Thackerson in front and the other two following, when as David Thackerson contends the rifle went off in some unexplain able manner, probably ejecting the cartridge, toe bullet striking the youthful Cook in thc right side of the neck .When the wounded boy fell to thc ground the Thaekersons are said , to have become frightened and ran home, leaving him where he fell and was found by others who heard he shot. He died within thirty niin ites or less, it is Said. ’ . Denial at First. ( oroner T. C. Eskridge was notl Tied and proceeded to Double Shoals where the inquest was held. The fhackerson hoys and others thought to know anything concerning the in cident wen brought up for examina tion. The boys at first declared that t ook shot himself, .but later the el der Thackerson broke down and ad mited the gun was in his hands when it was discharged, and that they had been playing with the gun and a cap pistol which Cook had when he was shot. His statements were supported by those of his brother. At the con clusion of the inquest, which found that Cook came to his death from a gun-shot wound at the hands of David Thackerson, Thackerson was brought hero and placed in jail. Reported Arguing. Several ;eports heard were that the boys had been tormenting Thack erson by shooting a cap pistol at him and that, he retaliated by firing the-rifle ar them, the bullet striking Cook. These reports could not be substantiated previous to the prelim inary hearing as according to the present status of the affair no other boys were present at the actual shooting. Thackerson interviewed in jail admitted that Cook had a cap pistol but denied that they were mad at each otker. Frightened and shak en over the incident, Thackerson, who is undersized and slender for ■ his years, could hardly explain coherent ly just how the gun was discharged, but was of the impression that he was starting to unload it at the time. His brother, who was visiting him at the jail, was equally as steadfast that the shot was unintentional. The funeral of the deceased boy was held at Zoar Bptist church Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. SENDS BODY HOME AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT After writing a note asking that his body he taken to his home as a “Christmas present’ for his wife, AHman Snein, New York tailor, Tuesday night 'leaped to his death from the platform on an elevated railway station 110 feet above the ground. The body narrowly missed two women pedestrians. “OffieeVs please take my body home to my wife for a Christmas present,’’ he police said the note, found (in Sneid’s pocket read “I told her I would not come home again and I won’t. She has caused me to live a dog’s life. ’ f Episcopal Church Service. Rev. George M. "Manley of Besse mer City wMl preach at the Episcopal church here on Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. The public is cordially invited. STAR WANT ADS . ALWAYS BRING RESULTS. No Santa Claus -Ever Heard of In Egypt Twenty-eight* Year-Old Traveler of The <S*as and ( oiUinenta Known Not Kria He has never hoard of Santa Claus! Twenty-eight years old, a traveler of the seas and continents, with the black piercing eyes of Egypt that must have searched the depths of thousands of the world’s mysteries a'Hfl ‘‘Kris Kringle” falls meaningless on is ears, relates the Philadelphia Evening Ledger It’s from Egypt he comes and hi.; name is Mina Mandalon. Four years he has been in America, a student at Temple University and now studying medicine at Hahnemann and a little, old man in red, with twinkling eyes and a long, .white beard, is a stranger to him, a little old man with whom wo leave oui cradles at night to go rid'ng in n reindeer sleigh. For the. Sphinx has never told her children of good St. Nick and there’s no Kris Kringle romance about the pyramids ut Christmas time. Along the Nile no one hangs up his stock ing, for there is ignorance along the tyile and persons go barelegged be cause they’ve never been told of San tai Claus. Unbelievable Yg«, but . listen. Some oije mentioned Santa Claus to him. To hjfc unattuned ear it sounded, like “clothes” and he talked of turbans and thought he was being polite’ “No,” said his questioner who had not the Egyptian courtesy. “SantA Claus, St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle. Surely you know Santa Claus.” The great, black eyes looked kind ly but very, very perplexed. “No-o-o,” said Mina Mandalon, slowly, musically, wonderingly. “Santa Claus who comes down th" chimney at night and fills stockings? Y’ou’vc beard of him.” “No-o-o. ’ “You have walked down Market street at Christmas timg?” “Yes,” a ready, brightening “Y'es”.1 “And you saw an old man dressed in red from head to foot?" ,rYes.” It was almost a joyous yelp And someone tried to tell the tall student, who had spent four lonely Christmases in America, who Santa Claus is. But it’s probable he only partially understood because four lonely Christmasses blurred the vis ion of a saint in red who drives rein deers and never forgets where any body lives “No, there is no Santa Claus' in Egypt,” he explained. “Christmas is a feast. For one month the people fast and then a great banquet is pre pared in the homes And all the people take great quantities of food into the cemeteries early in the morning of Christmas day and there they givejt to the poor and so remember the dead Santa Claus does not come to Egypt,/ But one must wonder if theSphfinx, who is very, very old and oh! so wise, has not somewhere concealed a stock ing to hang up on Christmas. And wondering long enough, one will some times say that perhaps. Santa Claus after all does go to Egypt on Christ mas eve to fill the Sphinx’s stockings with candies and raisins and a doll that opens its eyes and shuts, its eyes. It might well be, because Sphinxes won’t tell. And Santa Claus is a gentleman. POTATO PEEL IN THROAT KILLS IREDELL COUNTY BOY Raymond LaFayette Austin, thir teen-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin, of near Turnersburg, Iredell County, died .at a Statesville hospital Tuesday morning, 6:30 o’clock, following an operation which was attempted in an effort to save his life The child was brought to the hospital in a critical condition, hav ing swallowed a piece of potato peel which lodged in his wind-pipe. After the first operation Monday afternoon. Master Austin’s condition was apparently, much improved. There followed a relapse at 6 o’clock Tuesday morning, when there was an edema of the lungs and at 6:30 death occurred. Max Gardner Gets Parole For Client O. Max Gardner, Governor Morri son’s opponent of the 1920 primary, was before his excellency Wednes day with a pardon application. And “he won his case,” getting a parole for Montgomery Burnett, of Polk county, who had been serving two years for violating the prohibition laws. ' The former lieutenant governor had with hbr. the recommendation of the solicitor who approved Burnett’s pardon on evidence showing the pris oner’s wife and childreri to be desti tute. ■-*£» Printing press fell seven’ floors in Chicago. Perhaps it was printing something favoring higli taxes. Woman Trying To Think Self To Death Kathrr Than Face Trial for Poisoning Husband and Attempting to Kill Her Children. • Thinking herself to death rather than tore trial for the poisoning of her- hu. Imtut and an attempt'to kill her 5 children, Mrs. Myrtle Sehaudo, of Whitewaier, Wis, lies near death in her eel I in the jail at Klkhorn. For weeks she has l>cen unable to walk, and noW she cannot sit alone. December tilth has been set as the day for her trial, hut the woman de clares thac ^ie will kill Herself by that’ time by* concent rating her mind on one objc<ti-that she must die, Jail authorities, from the decline in her health during the past few days, be lieve that she will accomplish her pur < pORtf. Mrs. Se’.iaude has confessed to po ! lice that she fed her husband poison! because she “hated him” and tried to kill all her children so that she could become the bride of Ernest Kugahl, who had not enough money .to sup port them nil. Kugahl, although he maintains he had nothing to do with the poisoning, also is held in connection With the case. The case of Mrs. Schaude recalls similar case of Harvey Church, ac cused of killing two salesmen at Chi cago'; Church also vowed to think him self to dei*h .And apparently he did Before he wp carried unconscious to the electric ojiain, pins were stuck in to his-eyes and under his fingernails, his feet were tickled and his nose was burned, but be did not move a muscle Still his heart was beating. New Yorkers Rave Over Our Sausage Lector Eskridge Makes Glowing Re port on all Pork Sausage Made in Shelby. When J. Lessor Eskridge .native of Shelby, was here on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Webb Eskridge and" brothers .Charles L., and Herman Eskridge in the early part of the fall he bought a quantity of old-fashion ed Cleveland county pork sausage to distribute among his friends in New York. After receiving and distribut ing this sausage, he wrote William E Crowder of the Sanitary Market the following report: Please accept thanks for your promptness in filling the several or ders for the old-fashioned allpork sausage. It may interest you to learn that one of your customers. Mr. Wil liam Worrall for many years manag ing editor of the New York Evening Mail, told mt after sampling some of his shipment that one of his life-long ambitions had been realized in that he had finally found a sausage that “tasted like it used to taste." From a number of sources I have purchased sausages for the past few years but none of it has- compared with "your for purity, flavor, and quality. There is no reason in my mind why you can't build up quite 8 large business on Crowder’s old fash ioned all pork sausage, “just like mother used to make." Thanking you for all courtesies ex tended and assuring you that I will continue to spread the good news in this vicinity. BOX SUPPER AT DOVER MILL SCHOOL SATURDAY The box supper scheduled to take place at Dover Mill school has been postponed from Friday until Satur day night. Proceeds from the sale of boxes will go for the benefit of the school. There will also be a beauty contest with a prize offered. The Dov er Mill school has a large enrollment with four teachers: Misses Louise Peeler, Beulah Logan, Fay Dellinger and Mrs. Bloom Costner. At First Baptist Church, u The .pastor is attending the B«i> tist State convention at Gastonia this week where he is receiving inspira tion and information. The regular services of the church on next Sun day. A special service at the 11 o’clock hour and every member of the church is urged to be present. Sunday school at 10 a. m. and a place for all and an interesting lesson. You are invited to be present at all these serv ices: Visitors and strangers are al ways welcome. Will Realize Dream. Wilmington—Wilmington’s dream of years ,a 30-foot channel in the Cape Fear river, between Wilmington and the sea, will be realized fully by 1027, and actual work bn the firoject will be started next year, providing congress approves recommendations of General Lansing H. Beach, chief of engineers, by authorizing ah ap propriation of $400,000 for the Cape Fear below Wilmington. Therrcometers rose 40 degrees in one minute at Fairbanks, Alaska. May have heard Coolidge's message. Two Class Contests Monday and Tuesday Seniors Defeat “A” Junior, With Beam, Aulen ami Wall Starring. 9-A Wallops 9 H KIP,,.n. In the tw< class football panics played Monday and Tuesday f»-A do lea ted 9-B lh to and the senior el even swam nod 10-A 14 to 0. A game will be played each school afternoon until the cl;. championship is dc-, cided Several likely prospects lor noxj year’s varsity were evident during the course oi the Karnes. Along with new men va xity stars were outstand inK in Tuesday’s pa me. Aljten, rap tain elect for next year, playing at full hack for the defeated juniors, hit thd line and swept around the ends wit); a dash that likely assures him a back field berth next season. Capa ble teammates were Wray at quarter and Surratt in the line. Frtr the vic tors Hill lb am, Wall and E. Beam were stars, W, Hearn picking his holer like a seasoned ba«k, while W'al proved, his adeptness at the pas^in" rente anrj skirting the ends. Several new men locked well in the line for the seniors. Seniors (11 ^ Bairett Stockton Palmer Babington Doggett Mau'ney Houser W. Bearn Hoyle Wall E. Beam 1. e. 1. t, 1 g c r- g. r. t. r. e. (|. b. h. r. h. f. b. The line-up of Monday’s game i which 9-A defeated 9-B 1^ to 3, fol lows 10-A (0) ’ Grice Surratt Eskridge Dedniond Costner Sparks Dixon Wray C. Eskridgt Pendletor A uteri 9-B (3) Lackey Webb Frances Roberts Carter Moggies °ropst. Hendrick Allen Wilson Elam 1 e. I t. *■ g c r- g r. t. r. e. q. b. l.’h. r .h. L b. 9-A 08 Clin. Mahev McSwaii Morehea* F. McSwaii Branto Harrii Arche I’eele Magnet; Hoyt Cotton Forecast Drops Down 167,000 Bale. -1 Government Now Plates Estimate at 10,081,000 Bales. Is Fourth • Most Valuable Crop. Total production of cotton for Hie 1923-24 season was placed Monday by the department of agriculture at 10,081,000 equivalent 500 pound bales in tho final coton report of the season. That quantity is 167,000 bales less than the department fore: •ast on November 2. The crop amounts to 4,821,333,00( pounds exclusive of linters, and at he December 1 average farm price of 31 cents per pound, is worth $1,494,613, 230, making it the fourth most val jnble crop ever grown. It is the sixth ?rop that has been wprth a billion dollars or more. The estimated production by states in 300 pound green bales, follows Virginia, 50X8)0 bales; North Car olina, 1,0200,000; South Carolina 795,000; Georgia, 580,000; Florida, 12 000; Alabama 800,000; Mississippi 617,000; Louisiana 285,000; Texas, 4, 290,(KM); Arkansas, 620,000; Tennes see 220,000; Missouri, 115,1900; Okla homa, 620,000; California, Arizona 83,000; all ether staes 37,000. About 85,000 hales additional t< California are being yrrown in Lowei California, Old" Mexico. 53,841 COTTON BALES WERE EXPORTED FROM WILMINGTON Since July 1., Die beginning of thi present fiscal ypar, there hit*, beei exported the foreign countries froir the port of Wilmington, this state 53,841 bales of coton, according tc custom house figures. That is ap proximately the same amount that was shipped during the same period of 1022, anil has an approximate val ue of $8,00()0,000. * During the past week the cottor receipts at the port of Wilmlngtoi were (5,380 bales, for same week las' year 2,204 bales, a difference in fa of this year of 4,175 bales. The tota' receipts at this port since August 1 1923, have been 88,541 bales; for th same time, last year 6(5,558 bales, ; difference of approximately 20,0(M bales. On Friday of last week the stock of cotton at that port is shown tc have been 28;840 hates. On the same day last .year the stock was 22,192 bales GILMER'S STORE TO STAY OPEN AT NIGHTS TILL 8 Gilmers department store will re main open beginning Monday until 8 o’clock each evening to take care of the Christmas shoppers, according to an announcement made yesterday by Manager Paul Wootten. 1,423 PUPILS IN SHELBY^ SCHOOLS 3ft STUDENTS PLACED ON HONOR ROLL New Attendance Record ih Set At End of Third School Month. Other Records TUw thinf month of the school yeur closed last Friday with a record attendance according to Superinten dent I .( . (iriffin, the new attendance figure being 1,4211 at lhe end of the hMUjth^ Along cord is a record of perfect attendance that is a ciedit to the school, to gether with a ^record honor roll. Fot the month five teachers had perfect attendance, these being Misses Mos es, Newton. O’Brien, Tyson and Mrs. Ramseur. t hree teachers, Misses Bos tick and Moses anti Mrs. Honeycutt reporting no tardies. The record es •tablished by the class of Miss Moses, of no absences and tardies, is unusual in any school. Thirty-nine pupils were on the honor roll for the month, be ing 17 more than attained that honor luring the previous month. The new attendance figures are as allows; Marion school. _ __ 209 La Fayette school _ .... . .. ..269 Central (elementary) __ 184 Central (grammar) . __ 141 Central (high)__ 37^ Colored school__ 254 Total attendance____1,423 'wT’lli the net “Uncle” Davis Writes Sketch of His Life Nearing End of Trail Pioneer Minis ter Prepares Detailed Outline Of His Life. Rev. s. M. Davis, Methodist minis ter who recently died at Caroleen was noted for looking ahead and mak ing preparations for emergencies Knowing that the papers, especially his church paper, would want t 'ketch of his life, he ty»d one in read ness, of which the fallowing is c copy ■■ “Caroleen, March 20, 1921—Th: editor of the Christian Advocate will please use this sketch in his tribute of my death—S. M. Davis. Rev. S. Micajah Davis, born in up pr Cleveland, North Carolina, March h 1847. Died -r The son of J .E and Mary Davis. His father was at excellent citizen, member of the well known Davis and Durham families Mother, Mts.s Mary Parker, sister pi Rev. Jose;»n Parker, of the South Carolina conference, and Dr. George Parker. Brother Davis the only hon ■vith four sisters, ull married ami aixed up good families. He was con erted and joined the Methodis! hurch in early life; brought up ir. he Nurture and admonition of the Lord’ and in the love of Methodism •ducated in the Yarboro high school: joined the Confederate army at 17.en ered the South Carolina conference it the age of 20. Bishop Doggett senl me as a junior preacher with Rev limpson Jones to Darlington circuit with 15 churches. Second year ap pointed by Bishop Kavanaugh to the Kingstree circuit with Rev. J. W lones; 15 churches. Third year sent by Bishop Pierce with Rev. K. R. Pe aces to^Wadesboro circuity 15 church .!S-—45 churches .served in the thre.< years. z “As pastor I served the following churches each from one to foui years Happy Home, Pineville, Mt Airy, Magnolia, Jameaville, Washing ton, Wilson, Shelby circuit, Hopewell, Matthews-Mt. Island and Charlotte B. street. “My presiding elders during the Of years of my active pastorial work were the following fine preachers and 'aithful followers of Christ: Rev's. J W. North, R J. Boyed, Charles Betts. W .S. Black, M .L. Wood, J. E. Mann Dr. Closs, D. R. Bruton, E. W. Thomp •on and <J. J. Wrenn. “My health gave way while pas ton in Plymouth and Washington— malarial prostration and nervous breakdown. “During the many years of my su perannuation I have endeavored to <erve the Master and the church by preaching, teaching and writing. Have written and published several ielpful pamphlets. “Let me sity to the pastors*of the 20th century centenary fortune that my lowest salary received was $83 md the highest salary $600. “S. M. DAVIS.” Kill Huge Wild Hog. Mount Tahor—A few niirht ago while J. I). Waddell and Q .R: Turbe ville, two farmers, were returning to their homes a few miles out trom town, they killed a wild hog believed to have been several-years of age. The monstec ‘pig” weigti&i^nearly 400 pounds and its tusks were fobr or five inches long. BAPTISTS DISCUSS STATE MISSIONS STATUS OF $75,000,000 CAM PAIGN CONSIDERED Denomination Must Raise $2, 000,000 Within Year. Attend ance Record at Convention Is Broken. The morning hours of the second day's session of the Baptist state con veij/inn at Gastonia were featured rsmh a genuinely interesting discus sion of state missions coupled with which was much consideration of the status of the $75,000,000 campaign. hour years of the campaign have expired and there is ope more year to go, and as Dr. Maddry, correspon ding secretary of missions says there faces the denomination the necessity of raising practically $2,000,000 with n one yea - if quota asked of North arolina is to be The raising of this amount is ab solutely important. All of denomina tional interests aro dependent upon **>• contribution of the quota if they meet the obligations that are already upon them, North Carolina’s state board of. i.i'ssions did not receive as much ofthc total quota as was fy*st expected because of the urgent need of other interests and the needs of the boards have not been covered by the funds that have come into the board's treasury IAiring tiie past,year the state mis sion work lias demanded far more money than the board has had al^its •ommand Special workers have been employed, following the instructions of the convention, at educational cen ers. The A. and E. college, Raleigh, he North Carolina college for women it Greensboro and Chapel Hill have tad the service of trained religious ’ vorkers, under the supervision of the churches at those centers. This work is to be continued . Aid Mir New Churches. During Hue year the Remands for financial aid for the erection of church buildings has increased large ly and Dr .Maddry said that he could easily use £25,000 in aiding weak churches in the erection of buildings ' this year if he had the money. * The state mission bard closed the vear with i debt of $38,000 and in ad dition had borrowed $16,000 to as sist the Baptist hospital at Winston Salem. These amounts must be set against the appropriations for the current year and there is no place to cut down, said Dr. Maddry. The tem per of the convention as expressed by various speakers was not in favor of iny cuting down especially in view of he imperative need. The committee which had cunsiiereil the report of the hoard unanimously recommended that the work po forward as planned, in lorsed the work of last year, mention ng particularly the estabfisnment of the department of stewardship. The board was advised to employ Rev A. C. Hamby as associate correspond ing secretary and to continue the 'de partment of enlistments as the board might determine. / Over 600 Messengers The committee on entertainment re ported that the actual number of mes sengers given entertainment had pass ed the 600 mark at noon-breaking the record for attendance—and the committee said that there was still room. Truly Gastonia is making a re cord for entertainment. At the afternoon session Dr. I. J. Vanness of Nashville dismissed tne work of Sunday chools in his charac teristic manner. Dr. Vanness is the secretary of the Sunday school board of the Soutnern Baptist convention. ^ The work- of the Sunday school de partment was indoised by the conven tion and Secretary Middleton was commended for his efficient service. The Baptist foundation reported an evident increase in interest among tho Baptists a< being shown by tho in quiries coming to the secretary. Over $500,000 has already been placed through wi’is, in the hands of the foundation. MOKE MEN LIKE “UNCLE” DAVIS ARE NEEDED Raleigh News and Observer. Rev. S. M. Davis, 'faithful Metho dist minister who died at Carolcen the other day, received during a long life, salaries ranging from* $88 fat $600. In a grasping age it is hearten ing to find i, man like this who de manded nothing and was content with little. We happen to know of an other man, formerly a preacher, liv ing in another state, who sets him self up as counselor of men and preaches generosity and self-sacri fice, but demunds the last cent that his ability can command. The world needs more men after the fashion of . the western North Carolina Metho dist preacher and fewer after the fashion of the other example cited. STAR WANT AD BRING ‘RESULTS. ALWAYS

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