THERE IS NEWS IN STAR ADVERTISEMENTS Automatic Job Feeders. Three Job Presses. N-o Job Too Large or Too Small for Us to Handle. Phone No. 11. t VOL. XXXI. No. 102 THE CLEVELAND STAR. SHELBY. N. C.. FRIDAY. DEC. 21, 11)23. CLEVELAND'S ONLT SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER I Cheapest Paper Per Copy in This or in Ad joining Counties.- i Two Linotypse, Advcrtis ! ing Cut and Picture Service. All Home Print. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE RECORDER HANDLES NUMBEROF CASES degree negroes bound TO SUPERIOR COURT. Chw* CnSCS Featuring Docket With Regujaritv Of Volstead Violations in Recent Sessions. Owimc to thf heavy docket of hol iday offenders during this week ami last, recorder's court has take:, on the appearance of a criminal session of regular Superior court. Practically the entire day Monday was taken up withjthe week-end docket and a mini , W, .« " 1 a null. her of other cases were heard Wed ncsday. For burglary Tom and James De Gree, negro boys, were bound over U Superior court under bonds <>r $50. each. For sometime inside burglar-, has bee 1 suspic'oned at the store ot J. E. Webb and Sons and when c’o ing up one day at the first of tin month Tom DeGrec wa<- f >und h • in the store. lie marie hi. escape r the but was later c.p rehondef and talked enough to bring .James ii the case. Whether or_not it was thf DeGree boys that were respo isihlc for the acts charged, it was a clevei ruse. Check cases are now featuring the docket with about as much regularity as Volstead violations. In connection wtih one check case a rather un usual court incident developed when the prosecutin'’’ witness in one case became the defendant in the next on a similar charge in the session Wed uesday. W. R. Fillers was charged with passing a worthless check, the prosecuting witness being L O. Hoff wan and the check being in payment for repair work on an automobile. Fillers admitted giving the check and after the evidence was heard sentence was reserved until the docket war completed. As it harnened next cas' on docket was a similar one. 1.. () Hoffman, the prosecuting witness in the case, being the defendant, and the Thompson-Lac key company Buick dealers, being the prosecutirg witnesses. Hoffman, also admitted tendering the check hut explained that it was in the farm of co’latera' until the parts purchased were ei!hci paid for or returned. In both cases the defendant was fined $10 and the costs and required to make the check good. In another case a charge of forgery was brought against W .R. Fillers by R. F. Kllis but convicting evidence could not be produced and Mr. Ellis was allotted the costs in the ca-c. Other Cases. Wilson Davis and Willie May Terns F. and A., given four months sentence each, the woman to be hired out. Ida Smith, white and native of At lanta, drunkenness; fined $50 and costs. Will Albritton, possessing and dis posing of intoxicating liquor- to Ida Smith; not guilty. Forest Chapman, public drunken ness; 30 days in pail. Chapman didn't want to tell from whom he got his spirits. £d Smith, colored, larceny of purse and money; considering the circum stances of the negro boy, a Georgia derelict, he was required to make good the money taken and spay the costs in the case. John Primus Hunt and Pink Brooks both colored, public drunkenness; not guilty. Civil Case Monday. The following civil case was d s posed of Monday by Recorder Fails: J E. Rhodes vs. John Davis for damages resulting from an automo bile collision, both parties being of Kings Mountain. Judgment was ir. favor of the. plaintiff to he amount of $68.80. An appeal was noted. ' Real Estate Active With Anthony and Son Real estate has been active with Anthony and Anthony who report the following sales within the last ten days:. C. O. Hurrill to John T • and George C. Patterson, 92 acres in No, 3 township for 14,200. Thomas H. Abernethv to L. U. Ar rowood, three houses in northwest Shelby lor $3,850. Ten lots in North Shelby belong ing to W T. Purvis estate for $0 300, to J B. Burns of Marsh vilte Two lots in North Shelby belong ing to W. T. Purvis estate, to Zeb Weathers and Sons for $550. One let in west Shelby belonging to E. A. Houser to Dr. R- L. Hunt for $2,200. Sixty-five acres in No. 5 township, property of Mrs. W. T. Purvis to Clyde Erwin for $3,500. One house and lot in s"“thwes Shelby, property of W. C. Whisnan to S. M. Stamey for $2,100. Jealous ,of the Earth. Mexico is jealous of the earth be cause it makes one revolution every day_Asheville, Times. Has Change of Mind After Fifteen Days Distant Influence Persuades Man to Reveal Source of His Liquor SllPP[y t„ Judge Falls. . Judge Hen i-. L'ng, of Statesville, a hypnotist without being aware of the fart hnr,.,ei/ Perhaps it is not hypnotism but ii served the purpose, acun■ ing to res ports, of changing the mind of a recent defendant in Re corder’s comt.'Mid Judge Long at the tune nf the change of mind was prob ably hundreds of miles distant from Shciby but tl.c defendant was no doubt thinking of some time next March when the Iredell jurist would he so terribly much closer. During k session of Recorder’s court on the first Monday of this month Judge Fails was according to a Lttic hab l of iris seeking the source of supply of -he Yolsteadic fluid that 'sift but Is. < The "Isn’t and is” refer ring to something that is technically non-existent but nevertheless 'hap pily—gleefully so— in evidence a'ong about this season of the’year), i he defendant knew where he got his "hooch bat he v, as considerate of the u>thcr fellow and decided not to tell. Judge Falls marked up four months on the judgment side of his ocket sheet ar.d called’the next case Th? defendant took an appeal and bond was f xe-d and at this juncture the hypnotic ir/luence of Judge Long evidently had its origin. Fifteen days passed—December days when home seems so pleasant—and on the 15th Judge Falls leceived a visitor in his office and the visitor had something to tell, which in substance was that he would just as .soon, or a little rath er, that it bo the other fellow who faced Judge Long at the March term of Superior court. And so it will be, for Recorder Falh; is of the opinion that anything is easier stopped where it starts. No Time To Plunge In Growing Cotton j Sumter Item. In sections of Georgia, Alabama urn! Mississippi, where favorable weather conditions resulted in the production of comparatively good cotton crops last year and the year before. Him that nian is the spiri tual child of God, a great many old 1 ine all-cot ton farmers were misled into believing that they had whip ped the boh weevil and that they need no longer worry about diversification Therefore they planted cotton this year and neglected other crops. The weather conditions were bad for cot ton and fine for the weevils, conse quently thj all-cotton farmers are right now in worse condition than they have mer been since the weevils invaded those sections, Exceptional ly favorable weather is the only Ih'ng that pn-mit? the production of a good cotton crop on large acreages and the farmers, of Sumter county and all South Carolina may as wel1 make up their minds to this thor oughly demonstrated fact. If the weather conditions in 194 are as fa vorable to the weevils as in 1922 Sumter county will have a eotton crop as short ns in that disastrous year Cotton is a gamble in bo'l weev il sections, and the foresighted farm ers will not risk too much on cotton •loxt year. The hogs, cow and hen and general di vend flea tion of crops is thr tm!y safe program, and the only pro gram that will re-establish prosper ous agricultural conditions in this section. C ANCER LA'S! YEAR TOOK HEAVY TOLL IN DEATH Cancer took a toll of lives in Amer ica almost n - large as that claimed by tuberculosis last year. Actual sta tistics of flea hs gathered by the cen sus bureau and announced Tuesday for the registration area of the Unit ed States, comprising 85 per cent of the population of the country give the total number as 80,938 with an estimate of 95,000 for the whole country. The death rate per 100,000 of population was 86.8, a slight in crease over 1521 when the rate was 86.0. Tuberculosis took 90,452 lives in the registration area last year and the death tale was 97.0 per 100,000 Deaths from cancer and other malignant tumors have shown a con tinued increase each year since 1918 when the rate was 80.3 per 100,000 In 1 DID it was 80.5, in 1920 it in creased to 834 and in 1921 it took an other jump to 86.0. Only five states showed lower rates for last year than for 1921. These were Colorado, Massachusetts i Michigan, New Jersey and Wisconsin N’ew Hampshire had the highest rate with 136.9 and Vermont next with 124.4. South Carolina had the lowest rate with 38.3 r.nd Mississippi next with 44.7. WILD AUTO CHASE OYER RUTHERFORD SPEEDERS ARE NABBED BY RURAL POLICEMAN. Hcp« On Running Board Of Speeding Car After Shooting Down Three Tires. Rutherfordton, Dec. 20,-t-Rural Po liceman 0. D. Barrs, of Rutherford county, Friday afternoon arrested W. S. Kirkpatrick and son, of High Shoals, Gaston county, and Bob Murphy and son, Clint, of near Ashe ville,, following a wild escapade on the highway. The officer saw the men first at Spindale and observed that, the driv er was under the influence of wh.'s kc-y. He chased them below Forest C;fy before they finally submitted, "hey were driving a Ford car. At .Spindale they ran over a boy and knocked him off his bicycle and tore it up .They hit a wagon near Forest City and scared many people c-.i the highway by their fast and peculiar driving. Furthermore they threw out nfarly a gallon of whiskey, it is said. Officer Barrs tried to stop them, but failed rt first. He shot down three of the tires and got on the running board of the car and took out the switch key before he manag ed to stop them. Bob Murphy was hit in the left leg by a bullet which glanced wh'»n Offi cer Barrs shot the rear left tire, the ball, a si§£l jacket, going through the rim rnd through the fender and into Murphy’s leg, which was outside the door, breaking a bone. Jle was brought to the hospital and is im nroving rapidly. The others were alaced under a $2,000 bonds for their appearance here for trial February 15. The^e are esveral charges against the men. — Rutherford Club Meets. The Rutherford County club held :ts monthly luncheon at the Iso Ther mal hotel Tuesday at 1 p. m.. It was one of the most largely attended and valuable meetings the club has ever hed Seventy-f:ve plates were served f)r. Welter J Matherly, of the de partment of economics and industrial reaaareh of the University of North Carolina, was the principal speaker, He discussed “County-Wide Co-oper ation,” and declared it was secured by co-operation, team work and fair play Ha declared the four objectives in county development were civic pro gress, industrial and commercial ac tivity, soci&l betterment and moral advancement It was one of the most nspiring and able addresses ever heard here. Discuss Highways. K. S. Tanner presided over the meeting. A discussion of the coun ty’s part ofthe state road fund of the S68.000.000 bond issue was discussed at length by S. Gallert, K. S- Tanner J. M .Carson and Dr. L. B. Morse.'ll was the consensus of opinion of the meeting that the county is not get ting all the funds she is entitled to Attorney Fred D Hamrick introduced resolutions, which were adopted, ask :ng the state highway commission and the commissioner of this district ill the funds she is entitled to. A committee of W. G. Harris Fred D .Hamrick and Dr. \ L. B Morse was appointed to see A. M. Kistler, highway commissioner of ♦■his district, personally and to get all the facts in the matter and find out just what the county is entitled to and report at the next meeting. Z. O. Jenkins of Cliffside was elect ed president of the club; Dr L- .B. Morse, vice president; B B. Doggett sergeant at arms; F. D. Hamrick, S E. Elmore and Dr. C. F. Gold, direc i tors with the officers and W. S. Tan I neer, secretary-treasurer. The Janu ary meeting will be held at Cliffside. KAISER’S PICTURE IS CONCEALED IN ROOM Behind a panel in the main hall of the Leviathan, one of the liner’s stewards discovered on a recent trip a fully equipped barber shop in which were scattered a number of picture postcards of Kaiser Wilheld, the crown prince and the other former royal personages of Germany. One of tae Leviathan’s officers ex pressed surprise that American naval men had never discovered the secret room when they thoroughly searched the liner before using her as a war transport. A Small Matter. A matter ef a bO-year mortgage on the remainder ef his time probably doesn’t seem at all disagreeable to j, Jerry Dalton who didn’t think he had that muehjift for a lien.—High Point Enterprise. Some call it a race between Mr. S. Bonus and Mr L. Taxes. Presidential candidates are pretty thick, some thicker than others. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS i I Luke 2:8-15. An<| there was in the same country •hepherds abiding in the field, keep ing watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the -Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. Aid the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall he to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which Chr'st the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Y shall find the babe wrapped i swaddling clothes, lying in a many er. And suddenly there was with thij ar gel a multitude of the heaven’1, host praline Cod and saying. Glory to God in the highest, ami on earth, peace, good will toward * men. Young Man's Leg Is Broken By Accident — ■ i Truck. (Jets Beyond Control of Hoyle i Allen. Personal Mention of People on the Move. Special to The Star Grover, Dec. 8-We are enjoying the sunshihu after a rainy day Sun day. Mr .and MriC-J. Frank Hambright •ire moving into their home on Vance street. They have made their home until now vith Mr. Hambright's par ents, Mr. un.i Mrs. C. F. Hambright. Mesdames I). J, Keeter, George Oats, W. O. Joknron and Misses Bes sie Turner and Mayme Hambright tnembers of the local chapter of the Eastern Star attended the district | meeting in Kings Mountain last Fri day afternoon. They report a very in teresting meeting. j Mr. L. B. McSwain and family vis ited relatives in Grover Sunday. Mrs. S. A. Crisp and Mrs. W. B.' Turner spent yeqterday in Charlotte ^ shopping. j Mr. Hoyle A ten the son of Mr and! Mrs. Ben Allen who live about a mile I north of town f offered a very serious i accident last Friday when a truck] which he was driving got beyond his control as he was coming down a dick hill. The truck ran from one side of the road until finally he was thrown from the seat and one leg was run over b\ the truck which broke both bones between the ankle and the knee. Drs. Oates and Hord were called and set the leg. We un derstand that he is doing- as well as could be expected. Mrs. C. E Hamilton of Cldyton is spending some time with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Keeter. Mr. Hamilton i3 exmcted to visit Grovel during the holidays. Mrs. L. C. Hamrick is spending the day in Charlotte shopping. Mrs. Arnim Rollins is spending the afternoon today in Shelby. Everybody seems to be getting ready for a visit from Santa Claus. We nre sorry to report that Mrs W. J. Moss has been confined to her home for several days with tonsili tis, but are gled to learn that she is improving. Boro to Mr. and Mrs. George Tur ney Wednesday December 12th a daughter, Mary Helen. Born to Sir. and Mrs. William Humphries Tuesday December 18th a daughter. The rural lettej carriers a>f drover have been notified by the postoffice depart, that they will not be expect ed to carry the mail on Christmas day. All patrons arc requested to take due notice of this arrangement. MAN GETS BACK COIN HE MARKED 17 YEARS AGO Seventeen years ago, Oral Williams a decorator residing at . Booneville, Mo., stamped his name on a quarter of a dollar and spent it. Recently C. D. Williams, a brother, residing at Paducah, Ky., found the marked quarter in the cash register of his store and sent it to his brother, who still resides in Booneville. That Finicky Prison. The state prison is getting to be about as finicky as a bank about such a little thiy r as identification—Win ston-Salem Journal. Claes Championship : Is Won By Seniors JO B Dropped Hard-Fought Game to Senior Elcevn by 7 to 0. The Line-up. The Senior clan? took advantage of their first and last chance to become class football champion* of the Shelby school and defeated 10-B, the runner-up for the honor, in a hard fought game Monday afternoon 7 tc 0. The game was the last of a series of games inauguiated in the school this year for the purpose of develop ing new material and giving the b< yr who cr i i>.( >,ake ■'c varsity eleven a chiiicrt to di«pJiv 'ln>,r wares. The co'.v'sc narrowed down to the two teams that battled Alm day and th(. close score indicates how near equal the elevens were, a tie be ing prevente 1 only-by super playing. A number of player5 who have shown up wed in other games star red again Monday, hut the chief fea ture of the om; wot the' ahility oh the Senior line to hold when it was absolutely necessary. At one time the Juniors bad the ball on the two-yard line onlj- to lose it on downs. W. Beam made the only touchdown and Wray droplilckod lor the additional point. Seniors (7) Barrett Stockton Young Eskridge McKnight Dedmond Mauney W Beam Wray Wall E Beam 1 .e. I. t. I. g. e r it r t. r. c. b. 1 h. i. h. f. b. 10-B (0) Wray Thackston Thompson Dedmont McSwain Blanto/ Bobbil^ Hopper • McKee Wilson Newman Shelby Schools Close BLill re-opon Wednesday. January 2. PraiLliAIIy -ill of me-uut»ur-lowri teachers wi'l leave today and tomor row for their hemes or elsewhere to spend the holidays. Those leaving to day and tomorrow will spend the hol idays at the following places: Mr. R. N. Gurley, at Wilmington; Mr. H. M Davis, Spartanburg, S. C.; Mr. C. L. Weathers, Dunn; Miss Ruby Thorne, Kingstree, S. C.; Miss Alma Peeples’, Varnville, S C.; Miss Lalah Finch, Moore, S. €.; Miss Erma Johnston, Lowell; Miss Margaret Edmunds, Halifax, V.a; Miss Rebecca Cushing, Fletcher; Miss Lois Workman, Bur lington; Miss Jane Moseley, SnoV Hill; Miss Kathleen Mattison, Green wood, S. C.; M<ss Mary Keller, Knox^ ville ,Tenn.; Miss Pauline Edwards. Henderson; Miss Beatrice Nye, Aii drews; Miss Bessie Clark, Conway, S .C.; Miss Margaret Moore, Smith field; Miss Pearl Knott,, Oxford; Miss Mary Hardy, Chase City, Va.; Miss; Maude Wilkins, Rutherfordton. Teachers who will remain in Sh*el by over the holidays are: Prof. I. C. Griffin, Messrs. J. H. Grigg and W. S. Buchanan, Misses Ettalie Moses, Lenna Newton, Mrs. Jessie Ramseur, Mrs. Earle Honeycutt, Mrs. Buena Bostick, Mrs. J. A. Anthony, Misses Agnes Mcllrfyer, Laura Cornwell, Mary Griffin, Lucile Nix and Ade laide Bostick. .. ' Tf. ei ie Shelby schools close this after tn for the Christmas holidays and Mrs. Rosella Collins And Smith Convicted Found Guilty of Killing Uray Smith I'ncle of Isaiah Smith Year Ago. Mary CoIIina ia F'reed. The jury in tne trial of Isaiah Smith, Mrs. Ro.sclia Collins and Mary Collins, charged with the murder last year of Uray Smith, nephew of Isa iah Smith ,and Mrs, Collins, returned •» verdict at Mcrganton thji week of manslaughter as to Smith and Mrs. Collins, and acquitted Mary Collins, a daughter of Mrs. Collins, who had been included in the hill of indict ment. Sentences of six months each in jail were passed by Judge James I.. Webb, who has been presiding at this term yf Durke court, which ad journed Wednesday. The case has been long drawn out, the recent trial being one of a num ber to grow out of the finding of the lifeless body of Uray Smith at the home of his uncle, Isaiah Smith, with whom he lived, over a year ago. Two neighbors were first arraigned, and, •here being it..sufficient evidence to '^old them, the matter lay quiet fo-. -pveral months., during which time Solicitor R I.. Huffman, continued his nvestigations. I ast January Mary Collins, cousin of the murdered man, vas arrested and after spending a nigjit in jad sent for the solicitor and made an alleged confession that she killed young Smith in defense of her honor. After a lew weeks Mary made another “confession," saying that she had thought to take the whole blame on herself and shield her mother, but that she had decided “to tell the truth", that Mrs Collins killed Uray Smith. Following their release from jail on bond in Marco, Mary repudiated all former tales and at the Augsut term he solicitor brought an indictment for murder against her. Because of 'llness of witnesses it was continued until this lerm of court, and all the cases consolidated in a joint indict ment of Mrs Collins, Mary and Isaiah Smith. They have been on trial since 'ast Friday. The defense relied mainly on es •ablishing an absolute alibi for both ’saiah and Mrs Collins, that they , were at Glen Alpine, a few miles from their heme, when the killing oc curred, but admitted they did not 'cave until 3 oclock The state’s prin cipal witness, John Benfieid, swore i ♦ hat he heard a gunshot in the dlr6c ‘ion of the Smith home about 2 o'clock -and m°t the defendants leav ing home about 2l» minutes after wards Evidence against the defen dants wus in'roOnced in the facts that it was Isaiah’s gun that was found on the premises and that there were bloody garments and blood in 'he house. The jury deliberated about three houis. Mrs. Sarah C. Mode Died On Monday Wife of I. Thomas Mode Passea Away on DnyjR fore 7ilrd i‘iiinm iaai i .✓'Mrs. Sarah C. Mode, wife of 1.1 'Thomas Mode, died Monday after noon at 3 o’clock at her home on W. Blanton street, death being attribjjfc*' ‘ »ai_to neuralgia of the heai^WPhf fu nerat~ SCTvieew WFe"Ti elcTw ednesday morning at 11 o’clock at the M P. church, being conducted by the pas tor, Rev J. M. Ridenhour, and inter ment was in Sunset cemetery. Mrs. Mode was born at Golden Valley. Rutherford county December 18, 1850, dying just one day before Hhe 73rd anniversary of her birth. \Most of her life ivas spent in her mative county of Rutherford, where a host of frrendr joined with those attached to her here in mourning her passing. The deceased was a* church member for 40 or 50 years Surviving are the husband and the following children: Mr. W. G. Mode, of Marion; Mr. Z. V. Mode and Mrs.' Lcmyra Smith, of Greer, S. C.; and Messrs. Robert L., T. O.., aind J. H. Mode, of Shelby. Three children pre ceded their mother to the grave. of Her Birth. Lem Connor Wins $20 Prize_Af foreman s'^Lem Conner, bridge foreman on this division of (he Southern railway won a prize of a $20 gold piece which he received this week for his ‘“safe:-1 substantial, standard and, economical mauifcatan™ of bridals ” /Mr. Conner has been with" the" Southern railway maintenance department for many years and is one of the company’s most valued men He Is Shelby man and this is his .third year to win a prize. Mr. R. L. P'nkleton of Grover, won first prize as track foreipan on his division of the Southern’s main line-t Mr. Pinkleton is also a long service and vaiLed employe. TRY STAR WANT ADS. NEGRO INJURED IN ACCIDENT^ TUESDAY WHEN AUTOMOBILE TURNS TURTLE NEAR EARL. Suffers Fracture Of Skull And Internal Injuries. Other News Of Shelby Hospital. Will Roseboro, colored, who works fbr Mr William Lowery of Lowery Brother at Patterson Springs, was badly injured Tuesday afternoon about 2 o'clock when the car in which he was riding turned turtle in the road near Earl. Roseboro was hurried to the Shelby hospital where it was found that he had suffered' a fracture at the base of the skull and also in ternal injuries. His condition has been termed desperate and it is not thought likely that he will recover. The spindle on the left front wheel s said to have broken suddenly and the car turned completely over. Four oeople, all colored, were in the car at the time, but Roseboro wry the only one that was more than slightly in jured and his injuries were caused it presumed by being thrown from the car as it went over. The car own ed by Boss Bridges, colored, and driven by Nelson Roseboro, a stepson of the injured negro, was badly dam aged. Other Hospital New*. Mr. C. T. Warren of Shelby R-3, who was kicked by a mule and injur ed bo badly is more comfortable and, his condition has improved. Mrs. I). S. Philbeck, of Shelby, is still critically ill. There is very little improvement in her condition. Mrs. George Eaker is very sick and does not seem to improve. Mrs. D. M. Hipp, of Henry, was operated upon a week ago, and is do ing very well. Mrs. L. R. Champion, of Shelby, is mproving nicely. She was operated upon several c’/.ya ago Miss Josie Wiggins, of Shelby R-5, was operated upon the first of the week and is doing well. Mr. W. H. McSwain, of Shelby R-3, entered the hospital Tuesday and was operated upon for a carbuncle on his neck. His condition Is fairly good. Miss Alma Smawley of Lawndale, is doing well. She was operated upon several days ago Miss Virginia McArthur, of Shelby R-3, underwent a serious operation several days ago. Mary Sue Blanton, little daughter of J. F. Blanton, has been undergoing treatment at the hospital for some time, she had her tonsils removed Tuesday and is doing well. Mrs. Julius Mull was well enough to leave hospital Wednesday after noon. Princess Theatre Will Show Musical Comedy Beam Brothers .managers of the New Princess theatre are offering a clever musical comedy for the Christ inas holidays They have booked Geo. W. Blackburn's million dollar baby fompany, a musical comedy of rollick ing girls, pretty costumes and en trancing music On Monday night the program will be “Hole in the Wall,’ a light comedy interspersed with the very la’est song hits. "Down to the Sea in Ships” is a special picture for this night. On Christmas day this same com pany will present “Isle of Chin Choo Chee” a clever comedy with the scene in China. On Wednesday evening “The lack -Sheriff” will hold the boards and this is another fine musical comedy which has made a hit wherever it has appeared. Beam Brothers have been trying to secure a good company of stage per formers for some time, but with held bookings until a first-rate com pany could be secured. They feel from all Yfeports that they have a show for the holidays that is equal to that given in many of the larger cities ana on this patronage hinges the booking of other good shows. Lutheran Church of the Ascension. —-I,— Lutheran church of the Ascension, South ka Fayette street school build iryp-Synday school at 10 o'clock, at which time there will be some spe cial music by the children. Morning: worship 11 o’clock, sub ject, “A Christmas Gift.” Evening Worship 7 o’clock, subject: “Can People do as They Please?” We shall not hold any Christmas service on Christmas day; the Spirit of the blessed season will be set forth throughout the services of this day. May the Prince of Peace dwell in ev ery heart during this entire holiday season! An urgent invitation is given to e< erybody to attend these services, and a hearty welcome is assured.

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