THERE IS NEWS IN STAR ADVERTISEMENTS Automatic Job Feeders, j Three Job Presses. No Job Too Large or Too Small for Us to Handle. Phone No. 11. VV_/ VOL. XXXII, No. 3 THE CLEVELAND-STAR; SHELLY, N. C. TUES1)A Y J AH. 8. 1M2L ’JS CI.EVE1 .AND’S ONLY SEMI-WEEKI.Y PAPER (heapast Paper Per Copy in This or in Ad joining Counties. >| Two Linotypes. Advertis- it ing Cut and Picture k - Service. All Home Print. ?2.'00 A VEAR IN ADVANCE lUl'Kio bt'ttl) Ur •' FOR RUM DEALER GETS 6 MONTHS SENTENCE IN QUARTER HOUR. Colored Man Brought Into Court, Charged, Tried and Sentenced In Fifteen Minutes. The machinery of tl'ie law grinds slow sometimes it is nut to be doubt ed but at other times it revolves with a rather speedy whir. One day last week Recorder's court opened with a usual docket. Out on -the streets was a fellow that was a good citizen as far as the law knew, but in 15 min. utes after one case' was called thi' same fellow had been charged with an offense, was brought up, tried a., ' sentenced. It happened rather fast but it will take the fellow who was hnikd is court, tried and sentenced in fifim, minutes about sx months to f r it. Robert Weathers vv i hai r ■ i with being drunk and disorderly and was f ne<l 825 and the costs, part of the cost being a revelation of where he secured his “hootch." Willie Ham rick, colored delivery boy n ore )r the local stores, was raid to he the source and fifteen minutes later Wii. lie heard half of his new year donut ed to labor on the county roads. .An appeal was recorded. sunfiay evening Officer McBride Poston made an examination of e broken down Ford touring car out on the Cleveland Springs road with the result that Marvin Stewart and Roy McSwain of near Grover w. re in Recorder’.-; court Monday charged with ti*ansporting and having in their possession around five gallon of li quor. McSwain, brother-in-law of Stewart, was evidently under Id and his case was continued for further in vestigation concerning his age. Stew art, who could or would not explain the presence of the liquor or answer a question about lus North Carolina customers, was given a six months sentence. Monroe Blanton and his son, Posey were charger) with creating a rough house and attempting to fight Char les Padgett at the Southern Cafe Sat urday night and also with possessing liquor, the source of which they prom ised not to tell. Monroe Blanton was given a four months sentence and Posey was fined $25 and the costs. A charge against Herman Clip] aid Casar boy, for burglary was dismis sed. Other Cases Heard. Tom Justice, assault with deadly weapon was fined $10 and the costs. Gus Owens, receiving and trans porting liquor; four months on the roads. Marion Beam, receiving liquor; fined $50 and the costs. Conright Roseman, colored of Kings Mountain, carrying a conceal ed weapon, forrqal term of “‘toting a pistol”; fined $50 and the cost;. Romeo Padgett, speeding; judg ment suspended on payment of the costs. Cotton and Stock Brokerage Firm Here R. J. McCarley, representative of H. and B. Beer, member V>f the New Orleans Cotton exchange, open this week in the up-stairs of the Royster building a brokerage business, deal ing in contracts for cotton, stocks, coffee, grain and provisions for fu ture delivery. The H. and B.1 Beer company is rated into many millions and is said to be one of the most re liable members of the New Orleans Cotton exchange with connections so that orders for stocks, grain, cotton, etc., may he executed either on the New Orleans or New York exchang es. Mr. McCarley arrived in Shelby last week and completed arrange ments to cut in a telegraph wire in an office in the Royster building where a board will be erected and ev ery sale of cotton, stock, etc., record ed within a moment after the trans actions are made on the big exchang es. Mr. W. II. Cooper, an expert As sociated Press operator has been en gaged to handle the wire and keep the board marked every minute dur ing the trading hours. POLK COUNTY CITIZENS TOO GOOD TOT BE TRUE No one in Polk county claims that thfe millenlal dawft has eomCi but Sheriff G. L. Thompson and others there say a condition ^xists in that county akin to the millenium. The new county home, erected two years ago, is without a single occupant ex cept that it had one prisoner in it on New Years day. No arrests were made in the entire county during the Christmas holidays, it is claimed. This is puzzling for the Polk county commissioners, who have pointed W'th P’-ide to the new county jail nearing completion at C61umbus l wenty IVlore Couples Married During 1923 December Is Marriage Month of 1923 Ar. Compared With November Of Previous Month. The added prosperity ir. Cleveland county during 1923 evidently caused 20 more couples to set sail in the well known little matrimonial brig during the year than did in 1022. In 1923, -*>b couples, necessarily 472 people, secured marriage license. In 1922 only — 10 couples had the necessary nerve or finances, whichever it takes. In 1923, December was the banner month to “squires,” parsons and such like that “tie the knot that binds,” for during the month S3 couples secured the 1 gal papers that make two ou: of one much on the same style as the famous shoe polish. The month of Jun •, the bride’s month was the timic one of the lot in 1922, only nine swains digging for the necessary three bucks during the month, while Nov ember of 1922 equalled the December of 1923 with 33 couples being bedeck I with grocery store rice a id the old dioes out of the garret. According to figures secured from the records of Register of Deeds R. hee Weathers, April, May, June, July a/i l August were the “lean” months of the two years in the licen.e busi ness. Speculating on matrimony is like opining on the weather in Kalamazoo —■■it can't be did," , hut it is easy to see why a “feller don’t hanker” af ter added burden in the months when the sweat will ooze out even in the shade, Figuring dn the same line it is hard to understand vhv the newly weds trust so much in “Sandy flaws” and select November and December as the best marriage months. More figur ing will bo in line in January y.'J.j and it will be interesting to ’know if the lassies keep 1924’s record being leap year up to that of the de pa/ted 1923. Boys Drown When Boat Turns Over The tragic death of two young boys in Oyster Creek about five miles from Hoboken Monday morning about 10 o’clock, was reported in New Hern Tuesday. Gearge Carawan, 1G, of Nor. folk, and Harold Ireland, 10, of Low land, were the victims. They were drowned in five feet of water when a sailboat in which they were “ducking” was turned over in the creek. The body of Carawan, was recovered it being found,under the boat, but the body of the Ireland child had not been found at noon Tuesday but par ties were still searching the waters of the creek*. According to information obtained the boys, Carawan, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Carawan, of Norfolk and Ireland, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ireland, of Lowland, were out on the creek in a sail boat ducking and fishing when the boat capsized. The cause of the accident could not te learned. Both <*cupants were drown ed. The tragedy was discovered a short ■time later when the boat was seen in the creek upside -down. Search was immediately begun for the bodies with the result that Carawan’s was found. The parents of the youth were noti fied of the tragedy and they arrived in New Bern on the early train from Norfolk Tuesday morning and were taken immediately to Hoboken. Search for the Ireland boy’s body has continued unabated. Residents of that section are very much puzzled over their inability to locate it. It was stated that there was no tide in he creek at this point to carry the I body away and they can not undcr i stand why it can not be found near I the scene of the tragedy. The creek has been dragged for considerable dis | tarice up and down the creek without | results. , -- MILLS. OF THE GODS FOLK YEARS SLOW —k-T* When’the case of George! Ten*j| was called- Friday in tl.e Supreme court of the District of Columbia, Attorney Edmund Carrington arose and pleaded that Terry had been hanged in Baltimore four years ago. Justice Hoehling dismissed the indict ment, which charged Terry with as sault with a dangerous weapon. The indictment came to- light during the clearing of the docket' and court of ficials assumed Terry was out on bond. ^ / , , _ Lincolnton Girl Cuts Off Finger , Miss Pansy Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood of Lincolnton, had the misfortune of cutting o(T her fore finger of the right hand near the first joint last Monday afternoon. She was spitting slabs and was bold ing the slab in her left hand while using her right for the axe, the axe slipped and cut her finger completely off. TRACT IS LEASED FOR COUNTY FAIR $3,000 APPROPRIATION F OR TUBERCULAR'WORK. Fair Grounds To He LocaleJ On 40-Acre Tract at ( unty Home On Ma'n Highway. A coun.y fair far Cleveland r ari ty is now avuii-od. At the regular monthly meeting of the county n,m misslpncr.s held Monday 4(5 at : in t!ic county home tract wa .-.ait :U d aad leased front the county t.s the ■site for the fair grounds'. A j u. meeting of the K ng Mhiaa.n chamber of c unmerre and the fjh’dbv K'vvanis club will he held . so foV fur h< r cirgaoiz-ng the fa r a .na tion a.'d p‘:rv> og far the co n f> • f: r to • • held next fab. air. I d w. Il.irv- , of K ng.< »a n and Dr. .J, ft. ft .('on, -to bj the committee nam'd by the jo nl Kings n.-ci to ^e’e(t a site, decided u.'on the county home tract and appeared before the cornrtjtts oners Monday to pr. -ent their selection. The site an<j leased contans 4ft acres and fares c.i the new paved JiTrhwny for a disrance c.f 1250 ft. The commi: -ion'were un animously in favor of leaning th tract to the fair association aft^r tlv ommitee s report was presented, and the lease was made for in years a' $50 per year with the pr'% lie rc of extending the lease 10 more v« .ra a t ‘he end of the first lease. The ^rnct is said to be ideal fer a fair ■ a d wilt require little work to be ran*, forr'ed into track: and midway One of the first sters will be to build a fence around that portion fay; ig on the highway and lettering it so that all passer du- will know that t.he.caun tv has a fair and that i: is tie lo. .t t on of the fair ground. $3000 APPROPRIATION FOR bovine t . b. eradication Appearing before the comm: ■: .'on ers at the same meeting was a com mittee favoring a county apprnuria l,on for bovine tubercular eradica tion. After hearing the committee the commissioners voted unanitr .usty in favor of the work and mail • necessary appropriation of $3,003. l)e partment of agriculture representa tives stated that the work would start in February and be taken up by townships. The test will be free ai d the county (quarantined, and no cattle allowed to enter unless previou-’y tested. A graduate veterinarian will be detailed to full time work iu the county, which will be under the su pervision of a state inspector. Ap pearing with Iir. L. H. Tripp, of the bureau of animal industry, before the. commissioners were Dr. A. J. Defos. sett, supervising inspector, and Messrs. Wm. I.ineberger, George Blanton, Chas. Hamrick, Frank Cab aniss, Tom Cornwell, R. E. Lawrence, Dr. Reuben McBrayer and a number of others. Park Planned For Western Carolina H. E. C. Bryant in Observer, Representative Weaver is prepar ing a bill for a rational park oi 25, 000 acres in Nestcrr. North Carolina. He would give to the state the pro posed park in the Appalachian range. He thinks that a fine tract of land can be found at reasonable rates. Land already in the forest reserve would do. ‘“Among this.” said Mr. Weaver, “is- the great Mount Mitchell area. This includes Mount Mitchell; the highest mountain east of the Missis sippi river, and the vast range of mountains in the immediate vicinity of Mount Mitchell. I also call atten tion to the Pisgah national forest, which is likewise owned by the fed eral government, and which includes Mount Pisgah, a great peak of sur nassing beauty and grandeur. Also at tention is called to the great possi bilities of the Great Smoky range, from which a magnifieient park could be created.” HILLY SUNDAY TELLS HOW TO PICK YOUR SPOUSE Billy SuntTay gave this advice to young men on how to choose a wife: “My mother taught me never to buy calico by lamplight the colors might run- Don’t propose to a girl in her home at night, but forget your glove and call next morning at ;> to get it. If the girl comes to the door in a ki niona and wearing a slipper on one foot and an unlacftd shoe on tile other, with her face unwashed and her hair unkept—then flee from her. “Go back t&e next morning and if you find her in a neat house dress with shoes carefully buttoned, with smiling face and tidy hair decorated with a slip of a flower—then grab iher, quick. 0,000 Mill Fire At Bessemer City Flames Destroy Section of American Mill - Thursday Nigh?. Damage To Machinery. ]• i v completely de.-troyetl a waste ! . ouse, one of the principal sections of the American mills, at Bessemer City, Th; i • lay night. Flames first broke 1 ’ • around 8 o’eloc k and control was gained uvei the situation by fire isfhtv at 11 o’clock. The loss is cs Dnfcted at the of fir. of the mills at . proxiBu udy $50,000. 1* J.j. Si ruche tv., Gastonia city nian-j nit' r, and the Gastonia fire depart-1 tnei t \v:f; notified of the situation j dortly aft r 8 o’clock. Appeal was made for immediate aid and fire was! •■‘ported to be threatening all of Bes . enter City, property valued at boun ds- de of thousands of dollars. The Gastonia company was able to render threat aid. Conditions for gel ling at the fire were deplorable, a! d nth o fseveral feet of mud hand!- ! ci pping bo.h local and the Bessemer City file fighters in a great fashion. The Gastonia truck was nuahic to cake hose connection.- at an advan tageous point, and was forced to un wind come HOO feet of hose before ser-, \i<v could be rendered. This cut down th pressure materially, and the mud ■lowed up the process of getting con- j •lections through and the'proper ac ti(P- , . | The Beemer City fire department n VI v ready started to work when the ■Gastonia company arrived. The pri ce e department of the mills was also doing valuable fighting. The services of the three departments combined, dc.- pit • th" handicap of weather con-' ditions fie facility lunations, and the* uses mce.of people on the grounds,! were remarkable. At the office of the mi'h Friday an expression was made that the fighting at one point was the pretties and most orderly and effic-1 ient d,Ver seen, and the efforts of all three forces were acclaimed as most commendable. The fiia, it is said, started from the' machine rooms. It originated with one ft^dlmg blaze, the waste and other highly inflammable produce going up in a gigantic burst of flames. The U s ablaze with the flare and glow, sending out an unmistakable warmth through the chilly dampness, gave notice to the little wn otf the alarm mp situation. A barrage of smoke em anating from the waste room with the characteristic odor of cotton burning first sent out the alarm. hint, loaded cars of waste were sav ed. These cars were pulled up the i ail road and out of danger before the fire had g: .ntd an appreciable headway. C't other materials suffered a luck less fate. Most of the *50,000 damage, however was to the machinery, it was reported Friday morning. Hold Up Divorce Of Noted Writer •Juripe Chester W .Burrows of the superior court of Providence, ]{. I., rhursday entered an order vacating tlie divorce granted Wednesday to Nira Wilcox Putnam Sanderson from i Robert J. Sanderson until such, time as she shall appear in person and .sat isfy the ^ourt that she has been a res dent of this state for more than two yecrs prior to October 1(5, 1923. Judge Burrows also sent a letter to P. Francis Cassidy, of Woonsocket, attorney for Mrs. Sanderson, stating; that if the court doe ; not hear from ! his client within a reasonable time. I it will feel that it is its duty to lay j tive facts before the attorney general | for suitable action. Asserting through her secretary that “her attorney would take care of the matter,” Mrs. Kina Wilcox Put nam Sanderson at her home at Del Ray, Florida, refused to discuss the probable .annulment of her divorce granted by a Providence, R. I., court. Mrs. Sanderson declined herself to all callers because of an indisposition from which she ha: been suffering the j past few days, it was said. R. B. Bn sett, Mrs. Sanderson’s per sons! representative and business manager, declared Mrs. Sanderson is i confined to her bed. She arrived there on Christmas eve. Mrs. Sanderson owns twenty acres of land on the edge of Del Ray, most of which is in citrus trees. lucent Visitors In Shell)? Olierryville Eagle: Mrs. Q. C. Randall and children | are spending the week in Shelby with relatives and friends. Misses Margaret and Lorene Mau i.U'y spent several days last week with friends in Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McClurd and Mr Ralph McClurd were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McClurd, in Shelby Sunday Ml-. Marvin Farris, of Shelby spent one day here last week with his broth er, Mr. W. A. Farris. Misses Grace and Ruth Webb daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Webb of Shelby, have returned home after spending a few days with friends here. GIRL INJURED IN JUMP FROM AUTO STRIKING HE A D ON LUMBER PILE. Five Gaffney People Leap Thru Curtains of Running: Anto ine bile Sat ui day Niifht. Della Pritchard, of near Gaff, n- v, s ('., was severely injured and "Jack ' Pritchard painfully injured, about 9.85) Saturday night in an un usual automobile accident ju. I at the edge i f town On West Warren ntreet. A party of people from near GatT n< y, including three members rf the Pritchard family, two MrGru'vj and John Davis had visited daring the aft ernoon at the home of M sa Pritch ard's brother a1 the Ensts:de mill. Wh ile at the Hast side home the car bad been left outside and owing to the falling temperature, “froze up". When the party started on the return trip to Gaffney about 9 o'clock itr the evening the motor became hot and the ton hiwe connection h in the ear blew i If not far fhom the* home of Dr. Peeler. Fr ehipn-’d at the steam pour ing from thoemrino and e-ip^cting an o'her explopion f:vo of t-H"* s!x .”epnle !n the car, in hid'ng the driver Limn ed .out through th? curtains while the enr was travelling a* a speed of about in miles an hour, it is said. Mi*' Pritchard fell at the side of the road striking her head against a pile of lumber, which cut a pash in the back of her head, also injuring the face. “Jack” Pritchard struck the ground head first and was knocked uneon sc'ous for sometime. The other mem bers of the party were shaken up arid bruised 1 ut were rot injured to any extent. The one who remained In the car, was in the rear seat wh'-n the other, jumped out, but crawled over to the front scat and stopped the car before it left the road. The injured girl was taken to the home of Mr. Roscoe Lutz nearby and her injuries attended by Dr. E. A Houser. She remnined there until Sun. day morning when she wa#s taken to home of her brother in East side. The others. srent the nVht at the homes of Dr. Peeler and Mr. George Dover returning to their home at Gaffney Sunday. Joseph H. Mull Dies on 34th Birthday Well Known Young Man Who Has Been Afflicted for 15 Years, Dies at His Home. Joseph H. Mull, son of former county commissioner and Mr3. Am brose T. Mull died Sunday night at 11 oc'ock at the home of his parents in No. 10' township, following an ill ness of Iff years from rheumatism which rendered him bedridden most of the time. Fifteen years ago he and his father went to Hot Springs to re ceive treatment. His father was bene fitted and has had no serious attack, but the young man became utterly helpless. He is a bright and promis ing young man, a constant reader and well posted on all matters of pub lic interest, iFight years ago he lost his sight, hut members of the fam ily gratified his yearning for infor mation and read to him daily. Mr Muil is survived by his parents and three, brothers, Messrs, John P Carr and ClarenPe Mull. His bodv will be buried today at Carpenter’s Grove at 11 o'clock, the funeral services be ing conducted by Rev. A. C. Irvin. E. D. Stanford Dies In Little Rock, Arkansas Mr. Elisha David Stanford, a broth er of Rev. A. L. Stanford pastor of the Central Methodist church here, died New Years morning at his home in I-ittle Rock Arkansas following an illness of some duration. Rev. Mr. Stanford was in Florida at the time of his brother's death and immedi ately left Florida for Little Rock to attend the-funeral, which was held there Friday. Mr. Sanford was educated at Guil ford college this state, being a mem ber of the class of 1891. A peculiar incident in the life of the deceased man, who was a lawyer by profession was that while a member of the Guilford college student body he was elected to the North Carolina legis lature and was excused - from his classes at the college to attend a ses sion of the body of representatives. PAINTING AND PAPERING OF the better class, local or Jong dis tance, in or out of town, any place where good work is wanted. We are not too big for little jobs or too lit tle for big ones. If it’s to be painted papered or decorated we do it. First class. Let us figure with you. Bob Mode & Co., Shelby, N. C., Phone 545. tf.2Gc. Loose rugs are very dangerous. In Tucson. Ariz.. a robber tripped on one and almost got caught. Veteran Clown Takes His “Final Curtain” i'cte Conklin, Famous Circus Clown, Takes Cast Exit With Jest On His Lips. I’l’t.: Conklin, dean of American cir cus downs, whose colorful career dated back to the sixties when he travelled w ith P. T. Barpum's tent show, took his final exit cue Wednesday, his lust cohort speech being a recitation which he had spoken hundreds of times in white spangled tights and jester’s cap. It , ; the is ■ -pi et h, but the ihousamls who had laughed at the lines in the heyday of his success had dwindle d to a solitary nurse who sat by his bedside during his dying hours. And the sawdust t ing's tow ering walls of laughing human faces bad given place to a bare hospital ward. in- o n jester s wi n that he might die o,n the stage was denied him by i few days. He was playing a minor part in th • drama, "Queen Victoria” when he* was striken and removed to the hospital. He will be granted another wish, however, and tiiat was to be buried beside his wife who died six months ago. 1 r v of Pete's 82 years were spent ' ' •wn V'hrn his--career as a •j> dor was finished because of his ■gc, or perhaps because he would not resort to methods of what he called ."nodcrrt “knockabout downs*' he be came a familiar figure at Coney Is and, where he was known for thirty years. There he sat outside the ‘loop the loop’’ end the infant incu bator to attract crowds, which always responded to the magnetism of the nld man with close-clipped white hair and abundant white moustache. I’ete could relate many stories of his life on a jester, his favorite on • being how*, while travelling with a circus in Mexico during the Maximil ian regime, he clowned his way from in front of a firing squad and rescued the whole circus. He had played be >re many famous personages too, in cluding Queen Victoria and King Ed vard VII, when the latter was prince of Wales. They, no less than the coun try folk of the middle west, were cap tivated by the king of circus clowns. RING GARDNER DECLINES TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT In Good-Housekeeping's President ial straw vote, Ring Gardner, famous | humorist, received one vote. When notified, Gardner refused to run. He said: "To all U. S. Citizens: “I just been notified by the Good Housekeeping Magazine that a lady out in my home state of Michigan casted a vote for me for President of the U. S., and before the movement develops into a landslide would like to exclaim that not under no condi tions will I run for same or allow my name to be placed on the ballads as 1 am a good deal like Henry Ford which I don’t mean financially but the both of u* is perfectly satisfied with the present incumbrance. Further and more they tell me the White House has got to have over $400,000 worth of repairs which could not happen to the house which I am liv ing in it at present so why the he—11 jump from the frying pan into a bake oven like Washington?" Will Rogers received fiye votes in this poll but to date he has not de nied tlir.t he will run for the Presiden cy. He could not be reached at a late hour last night. Presbyterian Class In Annual Banquet The annual banquet of the Men’s liible ( lass of the First Presbyterian church was held Friday eevning at 7 0 clock at Cleveland Springs hotel. Between 35 and 40 members and in vited guests were present and enjoy ed , theoccasion. Following the “eats,” or the main attraction, several interesting talks were made,, Dr: J. H. Henderlite, pas tor of the First Presbyterian church of Gastonia, the honor guest, was in troduced by Rev. W. A. Murray, and for several minutes entertained those present with his ready witticisms and humor. Col. W. A. Fair and Mr. L. M. Hull were among others who made talks to the class. Mr. L. U. Ar ; rowood, president of the class, acted j as toatsmaster. District Meeting Of County Agents Here A meeting of the county agents of this section of the state will be held in the office of R. E. Lawrence, Clev eland county agent, at the court house Thursday, January 10. The pur pose of the meeting being to make plans for the work of 1924 as the an nual mid winter meeting will not be held in Raleigh this year as usual. Among' the r gents expected to at 1 tend are E. B. Altman, Gaston coun_ jt.v; F E Patton, Rutherford county, i Graham Morrison, Lincoln county. STOVES EXPLODE AND CAPS FREEZE MUCH PLUMBING OUT OF SERVICE. Coldest Weather Since 1918 Rcc o:,fI in.Shelby. Several Stoves B,ow Un But No One Is Hurt. With the mercury dropping to eigl.t degrees below zero in the mouu tau.s and to 2 above on the coast. | »oilh (arolfna Sunday experienced i ono of Vle co,<,est days in several yniH. No deaths were reported ur, a re. ult of the freezing weather. , n.'one, in the mountains appears ta have been the coldest spot in tfn 111(1' 14 l>einT unofficially reported tut the temperature there register, i eight degrees bolow zero ear"v Sunday It was four dgrees below at Ai.hfvdlfc and two below at Rutlt'-r. ordton. Raleigh had a temoem 'i" of f,>ur above, while Wilmino-t-- - ported 12 above. Au'omobile repair sho"-: a' ' V cry service men are work'n tce in Seplfcy ofi 1 1 r- ■> n- -• ‘ 1‘undr of hplil*1:. w-r ^ ! va?('r Sunday morning bV* i ■ i 'rozen ripes. Only brick and u-d - - mnned homes escaped and mnnv o' hcs» needed the attention ""of **•"> •numbers. The thermometer ~ro'-’ 'v registered its lowest about dov’V’'' 'tunday morning when it touche! 8 bove zero. Three Stoves Explore. There were three stove exn!o<do"i Sunday caused by the steam gener. ’t ne: in the water backs when the norning tires were made. At the wme of 7 J. Thompson, his son irnde Hoke was knocked to the floor tnd for awhile it looked as if he , m*ht hove be<?n killed, but he soon recovered from the shock and has | light bruises about the legs and' | body. The stove was torn to pieces, a ; window glass broken and the kitchen Hooded with water. Mrs. Vernon Proctor was in her kitchen when the water back explod- . d. the flying pieces breaking the kitchen cabinet. Mrs. Proctor was | badly shocked by the explosion, but | no injuries of consequence were in flicted. The stove was a complete wreck. At the home of Mrs. H. L. New i nan. the water back exoloded doing considerable damage to the stove and ip-setting the arrangements for the neals, but otherwise there was no lamage. New Pastor Comes To This County Itev. G. I*. Abernethy, Morganton Pastor, Accepts Call to Bap tist Charge in Cleveland. Rev. G. P. Abernathy, formerly aopular pastor of the East Baptist ■hurch Morganton, has moved to Shelby and will take the patetorate of four Cleveland county churches: Fallston, New Hope Sandy Plains ind Pleasant Grove. In his new field Rev. Mr. Abernathy will find a wel come and co-operative spirit second lo none. That he will be loved among: Vis new people is evidenced by the respect in which he was held by the >eople of Morganton. Says the Mor ganton News-Herald in connection >vith his departure from that town: “While Morganton friends- regret ' exceedingly to have Mr. Abernathy rnd his estimable family leave, it is gratifying to know thgt the new work is in the nature of a promotion, offering a larger field and increased activities. During his residence here Mr. Ab ernathy has entered heartily, into the -nvic life of the community and was recognized as one of the leaders in movements looking” to un'ifr and K*r ^rmen*. In b’s ehuroh he •' onf«tnn'':n«r work, vtyhofh s gV!* "nd material way. The memb"r-'b i of Eastf church was greatly increased, a new\parsonage was, bought and the church--buHdfhg improved. It is with real regret that he is released to his new work. , Rev. W. B. Sprinkle, of Asheville, has been called, to East church, but ha snot yt accepted the pastorate made vacant by Mr, Abernathy’s resignation.” ' ' i STREET PAVING ASSESSMENTS j • ARE DUE FEBRUARY FIRST The second installment on the first street paving program will be due February 1st, 1924, All property owners who are due this assessment are hereby notified to make payment !n the clerk’s office at the City Hall on or before February 1st 1924. W. D. LACKEY. Mayor. Mrs. 0 M Suttle, Clerk & Treas. Mr. Forrest Eskridge spent the week end in Charlotte with friends.

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