NO WAY TO STOP THE PASSING VISA It* Christ inn Advocate: We write it 1021 The day.; of oui years fly like a weaver's shuttle. Bui there is no way to stop them. We ca> refuse to tell our apes; wo can turr back the hands of the cloak; but n< such devices can stay the movement ol time and of the tides. Even monke> jrlends have not yet disturbed nature in its ape lonp obedience to the pans, inp years. The multitudes, like Ponce De Leon have sought the fountain oj youth, but, like him, they have failed to find it. Powder puff, lip sticks bobbed hair and bobbed skirts do not deceive Father Time. He has he n here too long for that. He is e wise old chap, whose delight is to puncture pretense, and to fling all things that are false upon the scrap heap of the eternities. Only the true, the beauti ful and the pood can with confiil n< r defy the passinp decades, Tor , he eternal years of God are theirs. The railroads made money last year. This, however, is not news to people who bought tickets. The price of pip iron is so high we know where they can pet some bis cuits for a substitute. NEVER CAUSED I5Y US make it a point to relieve immediate family of the deceased of all care and re-* sponsibility for the successful carrying out cf the final du ties to the dead. You can'al ways rest assured that our service is intimately personal and we give the same atten tion to all details as though the departed one were our own. THE PARAGON FURNITURE COMPANY Shelby, N. C. ^ NEEDLESS ANYIFTY rpn rr1.! r, n fi=>n [pn rpn i, »n rp. (Continued from Page Three) Kstute _ __ 108 • 100 Washburn, S. A 10-1 loo Sumter St. South Side. Washburn, S. A. 121 100 Beam, Grover 117 10(1 Sultlc Street. North 'Side Four ft. Wide, 36c. Beam, John 300 130 Mabry, Claude 109 53 i CrifiR, MonrbC 111 113 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 Me Murry, C C Bookout, Fink Costner, V A 119 131 1 13 78 80 81 46.80 19.08 40.32 28.08 28 80 29.16 Depot S.. North Side. I 1-2 feet Wide at 40 1.2c. Lutz, W C ... 101. 180 Ford, Thnd C -103 70 Purvis, he rs_105-20 248 Dudley, .1. G .... 201 150 -•hoi by BUljr Co. 205 50 Black’. John 205 1 16 I,"Grand S»t., West Side, c ft. at 36 c"" Shelby Mill .- .850.5 30G.18 ;helbv M'M 421 8 151.35 4 1-2 feet Wide at 40 l-2c. Shelby Mill . _294.2 119.15 72.90 28.30 100.44 00.75: 20.25 | 59.15 i street. ixortn M rambbng kind flint don't have any- ■ 'hi"B in their pocket;; that will wear I holes. It was n mighty cold wind tha‘ j whipped around the corner-; in Shelby j Friday night. So cold 'n part one aL \ most expected to sc.- the Soldier m ! Cray on the monument in the court ! stfuaro lay down his ri'le and cram ; his hands in his pockets. With o"*1 j of the wintry blasts Sheriff Logan; had a visitor. Now in his day it is not. ! to b..> doubted Sheriff Log;* o ha , “turned the key” on more than on - j unfortunate, but it is a safe goes ; that voluntary guests at his cstab I lishment have been few and far Ik . j tween. This guest happened to be oiv of the “seldom seen" kind a-.d in j fo’uned the sheriff that he considem ! a bunk behind the bars a far better i place to spend the night Ilian the j outside world with the winter wind os blankets. The had straight face, told straight story and was allowed to spend the night along with several others onthe second floor of the jail, who no doubt would have just as soon tried it outside in the cold. After breakfast Saturday ! morning he set out on his journey, ho may sleep in another jail tonight, hut it’s a safe bet according to the hoy it won’t he many nights before he take his nightly nap hack at the hojne he is not likely to leave soon again. It seems that the boy, who is about 19, started to Flar'd.i from Norfolk, Va., in a car with one man from that place. At Atlanta the par*.;, experienced car trouble and in seme manner the bay, who was just about as "broke” as Jiggs following a po ker game at Dinty Moore's, became ’ost from the other-. II ■ wandered around Atlanta for several days but never discovered the others and final ly set his face Virginia-wards an 1 hit the trail. lie made Shelby just a ] little behind winter weather, and now ] North Carolina will get more outside ! publicity for hm- tourist accommo dations, and it won’t be drove Park Inn or but Cleveland coun- j ty jail. 1 rpi IT^il »«z~ i r.r-n • PHONE 105 For Expert ‘‘Cleaning and Fressintj” “Ladies Fine Garments A Specialty” WHITEWAY PRESSING CLUB “Best Equipped In Shelby” YOU CAN SMILE AT THE DOCTOR And w hat is more he’ll smile hack at you, because hC 1 know his bill is going to be paid, and that it won’t em barrass you to pay it. Hundreds of thousands of persons are kept from work each year because of sickness or ac.d donls. Lying in bed .they worry because their earnin' s have temporarily stepped. Hut that need not be. An Aecident^aml Health Policy in the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company will guarantee you, if sick or injured, a legular income, and in the event of death as the result >! an accident, a stipulated sum will be paid to your fam ily. for further details about this policy the men to see are— # N. IX FRANCIS — — — PERT PRICE Metropolitan Agent* Shelby, N. C. QUALITY COAL F/ro Virginia Blue Gem Block. $9.00 Rex Layfollette Block.$10.00 I. X. L. Egg Coal.. $8.50 Genuine Pocahontas. $11.00 All Order* Given Before Noon Delivered That Day. D. A. BEAM COAL COMPANY ~~ Day Phone 130. Night Phone 95. ALLEGED ACCIDENT IN KILLING YOUNG NEGRO C. B. Gay, baggagemaster on the Marion & Kingsville division of the Southern railroad, who shot nr.d wounded Ed Short, negro porter at the Rock Hill express office, in that city Sunday from the effect of which hs died Tuesday, was released Wed nesday on bond in the sum. of't l, 500, which was granted by Judge J. K. Henry of Chester. That the shoot ing was accidental is the allegation of the defendant, it is said. Report of the Condition of CLEVELAND BANK AND I RUST COMPANY. at Rhclhj in the State of North Car olina, at the close of business De cember 31, 1923. Resources. * j Loans and discounts S-j98.040.51 | Demand Loans.___ 4,514 09 : Overdrafts, unsecured, l 252.50 i Banking houses, $36,096.38 | Furniture and fix tures, $12,011.50 __ 38,107.01 i ! -tii outer rent estate own ed -- -- - - _ 24 SIS 91 Cash in vault a’id net amts, clue from banks, bankers and trust companies _ 811 CUM Cash items held over 24 hours, — -_ Ml ;; Checks for clearing_ 2,222.12 Total__ Liabilities. ! Captial stock paid in . $1 i Surplus fund Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes raid-- - Lion If! Reserve _ ... 2.703 54 Dividends unnaid , ">.000.00 Notes and bills rediscount ed —_— - - - None • R"ls Payable__ None Denosits subject to check, Individual _ \Y.\. 1^070 02 Cash'er’s checks outstand ing- 5,120 30 Certified checks _ .... 8:75 Time certificates of deposit. due on or after 30 days 206,422.07 Total A_$753,504.04' State of North Carolina—-County of Cle'-rl.-)„d. aTnuary 4, 1921. I, J. J. Lattimore, cashier of tlm above named bank, do so’emnly swear that the above statement is ‘roe to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. T. Lattimore, Cashier. ■ Subscribed and sworn to before me, I this i day of -Tamiarv, 1924. J. L. SUTTLE, Notary Public, i Correct—Attest: Wm. LJNEBERGER. C. RUSH HAMRICK. Z. J. THOMPSON, Directors. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Cleevland County. In the Superior -ourt. C. C. Roberts, vs. Margaret Mae Roberts. To the defendant, Margaret Mae Rob. erts: You are hereby notified that C. C. Roberts has instituted an action i 1 il.e Superior court of CleveJan 1 county -against- you for absolute d - force on the grounds of adultery, an 1 vou are further notified to appear b( - fore the Clerk of the Superior coui: •f Cleve’and county on February 11, liP-'-l and answer or demur to tb ; romplaint of the plaintiff in th • above entitled action, which com * le nt is on fil" in the aforesaid ac ion in said off ee, otherwise the ro 'ef prayed for by the plaintiff will be ^ranted. This January 5th, 1924. GEO. P. WEBB. Clerk of Superior "oTirt. Tyburn & Hoey, Attys. JANUARY in a fine time to start saving. Resolve yet that you will save a part rf your earnings: A savings account is one of the most ’conclusive evidences of certain traits of character that make for success in busi ness. A spendthrift gets no where, but the boy, man or woman who saves and gets ahead, moves on. If you are ambitious to succeed in busi ness, by all means start and build up a Savings Account. You may start now at this bank, and a warm welcome awaits you here. Small as well as large accounts welcomed. . CLEVELAND BANK & TRUST CO., Shelby, N. C. C arry Ycur Savings Account HERE Deposit Your Surplus Funds HERE You'll like your checking Account HERE We Write Your Insurance HERE , And Rent You a Safe De • posit Box HERE u<=; ucu udiucti Ucil it*-1’ iu—>1 iw-Ji Ladies Ready-to-Wear The death blow has been passed on all Ladies Wool Dresses, Coats, Suits, and sweaters. Not a garment will be carried over. Value sums up the evidence. Sweaters heaped on the counters for fast selling. All under wear included in this sale. The low prices will amaze every one. During this sale, you get your pick at almost your own price. One-Fourth Off On Men’s Clothing All this week while the inventory sale is on, we will give one-fourth off on all Men’s Clothing, Bdy’s Two-Pant Suits, Men’s and Boy’s Overcoats. EFIRD S has no carry over policy. Cost entirely forgotten in this Seven Day Sale. bhoes Almost At Your Own Price Some odds and ends at less than half price. Big reductions ►ns made on our entire shoe stock in which we have a nail* for everv font ^ up the right sort of values to the front and now we have placed it in your hands at prices unsurpassed. We are disregarding all former „rt ° ^ TT Ulvo Jrought yourself,-the sale lasts all this week. • egaramg all former pnces. Just come and see for a; i&i' EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE, Shelby, N. C. mlSnl*-ir?V—. E5U3Tj fra*.; Ira »t r?=*n rrap ran ran ran ran ran ran r ■« ran rrsn rran ran ran r—in r