THERE IS NEWS IN STAR ADVERTISEMENTS \e \ Automatic Job Feeder?. Three Job Presses. No Job Too Large or Too Small for Us to Handle. Phone No. 11. W_y She ctoelanii CLEVELAND'S ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER VOL. XXXII, No. 4 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY JAN. 11. 1924. (f (Cheapest Paper Per Copy in This or in Ad joining Counties. Two Linotypes, Advert^- < ing Cut a n d Picture Service. All Home Print. It ^s~"' 1 ... ..I-.*..J!L'.UL-1111,1 ,w^ $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE CLEVELAND AGAIN MINUS ON ROADS KISTI EK’S ROAD PROGRAJVI IS AsSAILED. Funds Of Cleveland And Other Counties Go To Make Up Oth ers’ Over-Allotments. The pcope of Cleveland and Ruther ford counties, are aroused and dis cussing indignantly what appears to them to be a discrimination in the dis^ tribution of funds of the ninth district in the state highway program, of both the $50,000,000 appropriation and the additional appropriation of $15,000, 000, by A. M. Kistler, commissioner for the district. Just what action wijl be taken \iy the people and com missioners of the two counties is net known, but following a conference here last week with Mr. Kistler, when he made himself plain in saying that the two counties would not receive what hr promised them last March as their equitable allotment, the alleged discrimination has been the sole topic of conversation. Another Issue? The ire of the two counties, which has been slumbering since the reign of Me Bee, K is tier’s predecessor, who shortened the allotment of the two counties to the evident benefit of oth ers, has arisen anew, and as senti ment now prevails if the alleged dis crimination is made another road bond issue at anytime in the future would receive a colder reception in tin's sec tion than that offered any explorer of the Polar regions. According to the manner local people view K is tier’s present plans. Rutherford and Cleve land are not the only counties to suf fer a gross discrimination but five other counties of the district have a similar fate in the matter of roads meted out. It will be remembered that John B. McBee, the first road commissioner of the district resigned following charg es by practically every county in the district that funds allotted them were being used in his home county of Mitchell. A. M. Kistler, of Burke was named as hi3 successor, and at a meeting of the Shelby Kiwanis club1 last March he disussed future allot ments with the leading men in the sections around state highway No. 20. Cleveland county’s original allotment from the two appropriations was Us ed at $703,057, which was termed an equitable division of the district's ap propriation. Contracts were let by Me Bee during his term for $655,032, leaving a sum of $237,125 of the origi nal allotment unlet. At his contcr encc with the leading men of the sec-, tion in March Kistler promised that the remainder of the allotment, that is what of the allotment remained aft er McBee had given more than the equitable allotment to the counties of Mitchell, McDowell ami Avery, this necessarily leaving a shortage in the allotmeht of the other counties in the district, would be given the county by him. neavy iraveneo itoad. His statement was taken as made. The Charlotte-Asheville highway lead ing through Kings Mountain, Sheiby and Rutherfordton, is one of tlie heaviest traveled roads in North Ca’ - olina. While in office McBee let con tracts covering that portion of the highway from Kings Mountain to Shelby. This is the only road, it being now under construction, that the coun ty has received from both appropria tions. The people of the two counties, according to Kistler’s statement ex pected that the road be continued to Rutherfordton and on as far as che remaining allotment of the counties allowed, this being $237,125 in Cleve land and something over $200,000 in Rutherford. Something like one month ago reports reached this sec tion that contracts were being let only on the central highway through Mc Dowell county, and again it seemed that the allotments of Cleveland and Rutherford as well as the other coun ties in the district were to be lessened to take care of the over-allotment of McDowell. This report brought a re quest from a number of prominent men of Cleveland and Rutherford and the commissioners of the counties for the commissioner to hold another con ference concerning the manner in which the funds were being distribut ed. At the conference, held last week, the commissioner told those present that he intended to carry through his program in McDowell and that this program would naturally take part of the appropriation allotted, the other counties in th£ district. Asked to make his program more definite, Kistler explained that of the $237,125 left the county from the original division the county would probably receive only about $90,000 after the work in Mc Dowell on the central highway is com pleted. This means that $147,000 of Cleveland's share will be used in other counties in the district and a similar portion of the other counties will also be used in the completion of the work in McDowell and Henderson. Similarly Billy Sunday May Visit Shelby Soon Notfd Evangelist Has Been Invited to Spend Day at Cleveland Springs Hotel. iijiiy Sunday, the noted evangelist, has tentatively accepted an invitation to spend Monday, .January 21, at Clev eland Springs. Should Mr. Sunday come he will he accompanied by his evangelistic party and the day will be spent in mi.y>d recreation and rest at Cleveland’s famed resort. The,evangelist, who is drawing such large crowds to the Charlotte tabernacle, does not conduct any meetings on Mondays and being aware of this fact Manager aVn story, of Cleveland Springs, extended an invitation to Mr. Sunday and his party through Clarence Q. Kuester for them to spend Monday at the springs, tendering them the use of the golf links, the springs, and a hearty welcome from Shelby and Cleveland county. Should Mr. Sunday defintely decide to come Mr. Vanstory Says he will hold a reception during the day at which time an opportunity to meet the evangelist will he offered Shelby and Cleveland people. The following item from the one Minute page of the Charlotte Obser ver shows what kind of welcome Mr. Kuester expects the evangelist to re ceive at Cleveland Springs: "Mr. Sunday has two delightful visits ahead," said Kuester Wednes day. "A wire came Wednesday from Man ager Vanstory, of Cleveland Springs, inviting Mr. Sunday and party to be his guest* Monday next, and tender ing them the use of the golf links, all the water they could drink, all that they could eat of the fat of the land, and the heartiest of welcome from th'; management and everybody in Cleveland county wit hthe big men of Shelby thrown in. “Then the Lions of Gastonia have gotten jealous about the Charlotte Lions having Billy and they have come over with a big roar to ask him to he their guest during his visit. I don’t know of two places in south where Billy would be more royally treated than at Cleveland Springs and Gastonia, and I’m betting strong on] his going.” MR. JACOB LEDFORD DIES AT IHE AGE OF EIGHTY-TWO A recent death notice appearing in The Star noted the passing of John C. Ledford when it should have been Jacob C. Ledford who died at the home of his son Zollie Ledford in Lower Cleveland at the age of 82 years. Mr. I edford was the second son of the late E. E. and Fanny Ledford. He was married to Rachael Costner, daughter of Daniel Costner and to this union was born s'x children, T. V. Ledford, Mrs. Lee Bell, Mrs. T. R. ell, Mrs. D. J. Lovelace, Zollie Led ford and Mrs. Rufus Sanders. He has 30 living- grand children andii great grandchildren. His devoted wife pass ed away November 11, 11)07 and since that time he has been living with his children. The county commissioners express, ed their interest in the health of the county by appropriating: $3,000 for bovine tubercular eradication. Ac cording to department representa tives Lincoln county agreed to ap propriate for the test work provided Gaston would. Gaston had the same feeling provided Cleveland done so, and now with this county’s endorse ment three counties have decided to have healthier dairy and home herds. Rutherford will lose around $150,000 of her original share. Estimating on this basis Cleveland and Rutherford counties will actually receive only 83 per cent of their allotted share under the state plan of division. Not McDowell’s Fault. Under McBeo, Cleveland county, one of the largest counties in the district, received 14 miles of hardsurface— Kings Mountain to Shelby. According to the plans made known by Commiss ioner Kistler at the conference last week only two and a fraction more miles can be constructed unuir his program. This means 16 miles for the county out of an original allotment, of $793,057, with a similar deal in Ruth erford, and it is hard for the people of the two counties, who were strong for the North Carolina road program, to understand why Kistler's latest plans could be considered equitable and just to the seven other counties in the dis trict besides McDowell, Mitchell and Henderson. It is not the opinion of local people that McDowell is to be blamed for more than her allotted share being used on the central highway, but con sidering the natural barriers and ob structions in the county it seems that the project should be completed by the state and not at the expense of the allotments of the other counties in the district. ORGANIZE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE MASS MEETING IS CALLED FOR MONDAY Each Township Represented on hoard to Promote Progressive Agriculture In County At a meeting helil Wednesday after noon in tno office of County Agent R. I'-. Lawrence and attended by leading farmers of practically every town ship in the county a county board of agriculture for Cleveland county was organizes The new board, which i another move towards placing the farming industry on a systematic ba sis, will meet the first Monday in each month similar to the boards of education and commissioners to take VP anything that is for the bePcr in terest of the farmers of the county or that wil' promote agriculture in the coun'y. The borrd will be made up of eleven men, one from each township, in the county. Officers of the new organiza tion named Wednesday are: (). Max Gardner, president; J. B. atCmore of Baltimore. vice-president; Wayne L. Ware of Kings Mountain, <>cre tary-trea: urer. Seven members of tbe l>oard, who were in attendance Wed. nesday, have already been named They are: Jasper Y. Hamrick, of No. 2 township; C. S. Rollins, of No. 3: Wayne L.. Waret of No. 1; O. M. Gardner of No. ft; J. B. Lattimore, of No .7; E. t . Weathers, of No R, and Edney Willis, of No. 10. The fo.n- re maining members, leading farmers of townships No. 1, 5, 0 and 11 will be named at an early date. Mass Meeting on Monday. The. newly-organized board follow, ing tbe perfection of the organiza tion Wednesday decided to call a mass meeting of all Cleveland county farmers to be held in the court house here Monday, January 14, at 10:30 o’clock- This is one of the first mass moves for improved farming in a county already hrdd out as an exam ple to others and should bring out every farmer within the boundaries of the county. The meeting will be in interest of better fertilization and present »hat day will be two speakPrs thoroughly familiar with the subject: W. F. Pate, of the State college ex tension service, and Dr. Skinner, from the bureau of plant industry at Wash ington. Local farmers and members of the new board will also make talks to the assemblage. This meeting will be an initial move ment in a fertilizer campaign staged to acquaint the farm folk of the county with the different uses of fer tilizers m growing crops, the home mixing of fertilizers and methods of figuring out fertilizer formulas. Following the fertilizer campaign a county wide raint-up campaign will he put on for the purpose of improv. ing in nppei^-an^e and durability the farm houses and barns in the county. These are only two of the initial steps of the board, which will endeavor the year through to aid in any progres sive agricultural work. Recorder’s Court Brings In $9,758.33 $8,544.90 Of Fines And Costs During Year Of 1923 Coes To County School Fund. A summary or th“ docket of the Cleveland county recorder’s court for the year of 1923 shows that total fines and costs collected by the court dur ing the year totalled $9,758.37 This :nakes an average of about $795 col lected each month by the court in fin es and costs. $8,544.90 of the total amount goes to the county school fund. This money together with dog and poll iax being used in covering the ex pense of operating and equipping the county schools. The remainder, of $1, 213.43, goes to the general county fund. During the year there were 601 submissions and convictions in the 'ourt as compared with 126 acquittals. The road and jail sentences during the year’s grind of the court was not to talled, but the "notljcr of fines impos ed is considerably larger than the number of road and jail sentences. The county recorder's court has been functioning in this county for 12 years. An act was passed in the lcgis atufe of 1911 authorizing the court and H. T. Hudson was the first re corder. He was followed by J. A. An thony, who was succeeded by Judge B. T. Falls, the present recorder, in February 1910. “Hear Billy Sunday once a week or go to jail,’* Judge Stack told Char lotte gamblers Tuesday. The jurist evidently wants Billy to have the best of material to work on. Our idea of eternal hate is defined in the Paris woman who died recently leaving her husband a large sum of money on the condition that he stay away from her funeral. Baptists to Have Day Fasting and Prayer | January Ifith In Sot Apart By The RapHstn Of North Carolina To Be Obaerved This Way. At the request of the Pastor's con ! fcrence and workers council of thu Kim * Mountain Baptist Associntibit I wish to call to your attention the day of fasting anil prayer set ,aiart I'y (he State Baptist convention in Gustonia in December. It was decided that Wednesday January lrtth be used in all the churches of the state as a special day of prayer and fasting in which so far as practicable we should meet in our churches and unite in prayers of Thanksgiving and petition 'or the blessings of God.. God lias been exceedingly good to us as a peo ple during the year gone and wi are under obligation to Him to keep close to Him during the New Year. We are very anxious that this day shall be generally observed by the people of our association, especially for the good that shell come to us in a spirit ual way and the good that shall go out from us through such service as we may be able to do when we have i prayed. We hope that every member! of a Baptist church who shall sue this request shall bring the matter to the’ attention of their church and arrange ! for the public meeting of the church on that day or on scpie day as near that date as can be arranged. I have! a feeling that it should be some other day than Sunday, hi case no public meetings can be arranged in your hurch remember as individuals thntJ we are called to prayer with fasting hi d keep the day so far as we can with ourselves, our families and our ni ighbors. It has been suggested that where it will not be rtmvenient for all the people to go at one time of the day that the church be kept open and three or four short services be held during the day. Let us come back to God in humility anil, depending on him h t us determine to do our utmost dur ing this year for Him and the King dom. It is a personal feeling of mine thnt it would be a fine thing for us on tins day to bring to the altar a spe cial offering for kingdom work. May the Lord of all biasing bless us in this great undertaking! Pattern ally? ' W. O. JOHNSON. First Baptist Church Bible rchool meets as usual at 10 a. m. Great lesson and enjoyable wor ship. Be in your place —on time. This will be your first real good chance to be at church and Sunday school in this year. The pastor s subject at the morning hour will be, "Our First Duty as Church Members.” Good music and a cordial welcome. Come and see. Subject of the evening sermon will be, “Hiding Our Faces.” This will he a practical appeal for Iietter Chris tian living as well as for beginning the ( hr.stian life now. Young people are especially invited. All welcome. Morning worship at 11:00 o’clock. Evening worship at 7:00 o’clock. Wednesday evening meeting at 7 o clock. I his is a meeting for wor ship and instruction and each Wed i nexday evening there will be some j special feature in the service. J uui^rin m runi) AT ZION DECEMBER 11TH Miss Sara Green who Jived with her two sisters on the Cleveland Springs road died December 13th at the ape ape of ,'7 years and was buried De cember 1-lth at Zion Baptist church, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. Rush Padgett. She had been a member of Ross Grove church for 40 years and was a woman much ad mired by her many friends. She was a | faithful worker and known to many Shelby people to whom the news of her death is learned with regret. Sur viving are three sisters and two brothers. Notice of her death would have appeared earlier, but informa tion was slow coming to the attention of The Star. Cc'Mral Methodist Church. Sunday school Sunday at 9:4.'). Interesting classes for all. If you are a member of the school may we not count on you to he present? If you are not we most cordially invite you to join. Preaching at II a. m. by the pastor subject “Have We Been True to Our Trust/’ At 7 p m. the pastor will have for the subject, “If I Were a Boy”. All are most cordially invited. Parents are urged to be present with their children especially for the evening service. Camnbell Department store at Lawndale has just received a car of 5V galvanized roofing. See them be fore you buy. Ad Campbell Dept, store Lawndale has a compl *te line of the noted "Oliver” plows and parts, Adv WATER SUPPLY IS BEING IMPROVED BOARD OF HEALTH i*»EN CIVS ADVICE. Advise New Pump Station But •’resent One Will Be Improved. •Health Men and A Mermen Tilt *mno«gn some members of the town council won- firm in their con. viction that clear water is on ,ier puri fieil limn rnu'Idj water, Chief Engin ner Miller and Mr. Beatty, repr.-.en ntive. of the state board of health dropped in Wednesday night to ad vise any contemplated improvements and convinced (he council that muddy water is easier to purify than clear water. The town authorities had planned to t uy a million gallon him. tling basin at the pump station to hold a supply of water to he celled into use .vhen the river gets muddy because of rains, but th<> representa tives from the state hoard of health argued that this is not the remedy and such an expenditure would be practically worthless. The hoard of health men adv'sed a new and more modern plant at the pump station, but the council thought this prohibitive in cost, so certain improvements wdl hs made at once at a cost of several hundred dollars which will make the plant meet the needs of the town for at leu-n several years. So instead of building a new settling basin-at a cost of .*(>,0(10, new sand plac ed in the present basins, new filter heads installed and other improve ments made that will put the plant in passable condition at a cost of only a few hundred dollars. Certain members of the town coun cil had a word tilt with the boar d of health representatives over their dif ference of ideas in clearing muddy and clear water, but at the close of the discussion the health board re. presentedives had convince^ them that muddy water is easier to clear and purify than clear water. The water supply a month ago was not up to state health requirements, but since tchnt time it has been greatly im proved and the proposed improve, meats will make the plant pass the state board’s standard. The (ward of health representatives assured the council that a chemist will be furnished for a few weeks to in struct the present pump station man. Mr. Frank Crane in the operation of the plant and especially in the pro portions of chemicals to use. While ‘here were word tilts between the board of health men and the al dermen, it was all in a good natured way and resulted in the exchange of valuable information on the operation of water plants. Blastus White Died On East Graham St. talented Young Musician Succumbs to Ki range (.land Trouble—Buried at Double Springs Cemetery. Mr. Blast us White, ago 32 years, and son of Mrs. Margaret White died at his mother's home on East Gra ham street Wednesday evening at 5 o’clock following an illness since last August from a peculiar gland trouble for which physicians and doctors in two hospitals found no remedy. Mr. White was a very talented young mu sican, naving been educated at the State school for the blind at Raleigh where he made a special study of music. Mr. White could play most any instrument and was possessed with an unusual talent for music. Since his school ilays Iip devoted his time to piano tuning in which he was very proficient. Mr. White was a member of the First Baptist church of Shelby and a highly consecrated young man with a host of friends to whom the news of death will be learned with deep sor row. He is survived by his mother, one brother, N. O. White and the fol lowing sisters, Mrs. Tom Green, Mrs. Julius W. Branton, Mrs. B. Allen, Mrs. 0. A. Blanton, of Gastonia, and Misses Edith and Susan White who live at home. The funeral was conducted yester day both from the residence on East Graham and at the Double Springs Baptist church by Revs R. I, Ecmons, I>. G. Washburn and W. G. Camp, Take, your produce to Campbell De partment Stores for best results. Rev member a dollar's worth of produce will buy as much as a dollar cash. “Riding on the Rail’’ and being a “Dark Horse” are evidently two differ ent things. Bryan made it plain that Jo. Daniels will not he his choice for the democratic presidential nominee. .___i_ If you are needing anything in furniture of any kind, rugs, stoves, ranges, heaters, etc., the best thing you can do is to see Campbell Dept. Store, Lawndale. Ad Cleveland Eggs Now Are Much In Demand _ __ ■ j Firnf Kgg \Hsoriation in State Meet ing With Suffers In Handling f Product. Among the things that belong to the l>j gone days in < levt land county is old half-bushel basket with its cotton seed as n method of trnnaport I mg the eggs of the count'- *« mnrU1 I An attractive carton labelled with the i guarantee of "egga of quality” by the | ( leveland jaunty Cooperative Egg Producers Association has taken its I place. With the passing of the bas ! kct and its cotton seed conies a now j honor to the county. Formerly eRgs | were eggs, some were good and others j were not so good, but now strictly | fresh Cleveland county eggs arc niucn in demand. Prominent cafeterias, ca j -erers and produce men are already calling for eggs they know to be good, the kind their customers demand and it is safe to say one year from now people who arc “choley" about 1-heir food will Ih* demanding eggs that come from the Hluefield cartons ship ped weekly out of Cleveland county. And again systematic maiketing is proving beneficial to the farmer. The Clcveland County Egg Producers As sociation was the first of the kind in North Carolina and other communities ate watching with interest the out come of the new organization. Sixty- j nine farmers with a total of 5,5410 hers have already listed with the as sociation, which has as its hcadquar- ! •eis the store building on North Wash ington street just south of the Sea hoard depot. There the eggs are cand led, graded, packed in the attractive eartons and shipped to all sections -if the country. Twice each week farmers ' belonging to the association gather up their eggs and bring them to Man ager W. L: Padgett, who is in charge "f the grading and marketing. From the camil-ng process only three grades') of eggs result. The “No. 1 egg,” tile \ kind that makes the big hotel ste wards smile as they open them;*the "No. 2 egg," which is just as good in i quality hut slightly smaller than one i and five-eights inches in diameter,' and the No. 3 $gg” of the same quaf- 1 ; lli' but with a slight crack or defect in 1 | appearance. No “bad eggs*' ever see i ! the interior of the carton and this is 1 , cause enough for the demand that has already been created for eggs guar-! in teed by a county of farmers to he I strictly fresh. County Commissioners Pay Monthly Bills ! ! With the exception of leasing j poition ol the county home tract t< Fa-r association and making an ap ; propriation for bovine tubercular work the county commissioners tram acted little important business Mon day. Something definite will likely b« done at the next, meeting concerning the new jail, it is said. 1’ G I.a vender rent for hay bale fi.OO; Elizabeth Pruett, damage by rabid dog $15; |) A Gostner, dam age by rabid d .g $15; T. P. Jenks work on seal $2.50; W. A Parker damage by rabid dog $2fi; I„ G. Haw kins bridge work $8; I) .P. Wash burn, bridge work $2,50; J. D. Elliott ni-KfKe work $3.75; J. R. Lee. lumbei ami labor. $36; Shelby hospital, pro. j fessional. service for pauper $25; H.; T. Fulton, burial expenses of pauper $10; Campbell department store supplies for home *15.45; T. 0. Grigp dental work. $9; County home bills, *65 65; T, P. Eskridge, supplies $3;>55; II. A. Logan, trips, expenses and incidentals, *69.35; T. C. Esk-1 ridge, cot oners inquest $46.50; .1. Di I .ineberger’s sons, supplies $*J.50; ! Paul Poston supplies *2.41; Paragon Furniture Co., supplies $16: Southern! Express company, express *1.21; Jno. M. Best, *12.50; Shelby Printing Co., i sunnlies, $3.25« Arev Brothers, oil *8.78; Commercial Printcry,. supplies j *3.50; Wallace, home agent. *25 R. E Lawrence, county agent. $100; Piedmont Telephone Co., $21.15; Wa ter and Light plant *38.58; L. A Blanton, rabid dog ramage, $12; Washburn company, supplies $11.35; Arcade Furniture Co., $3; E. W. Dixon, capturing still, $20; Blanton Electric Co., supplies $4.80;* Eagle Roller Mill, supplies, $12; Wray-Hud i son Co., supplies $18.38; Star Pub-1 lishing Co., supplies. $22; F D Wil- : son capturing still, $20; R. B. Ken. drick, trip to Gastonia $6.50; Corkins Chemical Co., supplies $42.75; L. C. Walker, bridge work, *2; W. R. New ton, insurance $8.75: L. J. Wiggins, bridge work $9; Walker-Evans index $84: Shelby Printing Co., supplies. *8; F. I). Wilson, official expenses, $6; A. E. Cline, services as commission er $96; T. W. Hamrick, supplies. $2.75; G E C'anipe, damage by rabid dog *78.55. Messrs. Frank Hamrick, Hugh P. Hoyle, Hudson Hartgrove and Chas. Webb attended the Billy Sunday evan gelistic meeting In Charlotte Tuesday night. _._ BANK RESOURCES NEAR 6 M'LUONS i THREE SHELBY INSTITU TIONS STRONG. All Pay Dividends And Make Fine Reports for 1923. Growth Has Been Gratifying. Uif> i.tal banking resources of the throe banking institutions of Shelby is $5,928,565.47 according to pub li. hod statements as of December 31 ami at the annual meetings of tha stockholders of these three strong b*nhs, most gratifying reports were made, th. year 1923 be'ng the best year in the history of banking. The three banks paid a total of $23,009 in dividend i to their shareholders, and 1 laced substantial amounts to sur plus and undiv.ded profits accounts. The deposits run into the millions, in dicating most prosperous condition of the country and each bank official expresses confidence in the Dusiness conditions for the New Year. Th? banks have been very generous m alter of loans and have be-n *V means of aiding farmers, mere''o'l»," ■nanufa'durers and others in a wvi* ’hat is hardly equalled in any other community. Dirst National Pays 6 per cent The annual meeting of the share holders of the First National was held in the directors’ room Tuesday' morning at 11 oclock when the an nual statement as previously publish, rd was lead and was the cause.for favorable comments by the sharehold ers present. Upon motion of 0. Max tlardner, the shareholders unanimous, ly approved the purchase of the Mil ler block by the directors with a view of ultimately building a home for the bank. The First National paid its semi-annual dividend of six per '■ent on a capital of $260,000 arnount *ng to $15,000 and the following di. rectors were elected: Chas. C. Blan ton, John F. Schcnok, A. C. Miller, James L. Webb, L. Gettys, Clyde R. Hoey, O. M. Gardner, J. F. Rob erts, Paul Webb, George Blanton and Forrest Eskridge. The First National mllers. book-keepers and clerks arc C, S. Mull, O. Paxton Elliott, S. B. Wilson, Winfred Dorsey, Alex Hoyle, Jesse Bridges, Misses Ora Eskridge, Catherine and Jennie Carpenter. Cleveland Bank’s Growth. The stockholders meeting of the Cleveland Bank and Trust company was also held Tuesday morning at P o’clock in the director’s room, there being a large attendance of share holders who complimented the bank’s fine showing. The bank is only a lit tle over three years old but has paid two annual dividends, paying this year four per cent f>n its capital of $125,000 amounting to $5,000. All de partments of the bank are in fine shape and the business is rapidly ex panding, the total resources passing the thre? quarter of a million mark. The following directors were e^pet, ed: R. E. Campbell, J. B. Lowery, H. Fields Young, Rush Hamrick, Fred R Morgan, Z. J. Thompson, J. L. Suttle, W. J. Airy, J. J. Lattimore, J E Webb and William Lineberger, The bank owns its handsome and commodious home an] is encouraging thrift in many ways. Wm. Lineberger is pop ular president, J. J. Lattimore cash ier, J. L. Suttle manager insurance department, Harold Griffin and Miss Lottie Mae Hendrick clerks. i mon i rusi rays a pt'r ceni. The stockholders meeting of the Union Trust company will not be held until Tuesday of next week, but di vidend checks on the capital stock of $100,000 were mailed out last week to the amount of three per cent semi-an nual, a total of $3,000. $15,000 was added to surplus, making the surplus now $20,000. The Union Trust com pany maintains branch institutions at Fallston, Lawndale and Lattimore and is serving the agricultural inter est in those communities in a most commendable way. The Union Trust company's total resources are now $973,55643. Clerks in Shelby office are Guy Roberts and Norman B. Lee, insur ance department J. F. Roberts, man ager with Miss Elizabeth Roberts clerk. At the Lattimore branch Carl B. Wilson is assistant cashier, Miss Katie Mae Toms clerk; at Lawndale John Francis Carpenter is assistant cashier with J. D. S. Carpenter clerk; Failston office Herman A. Beam, as sistant cashier, Miss Willie May Cline clerk. Blameless. American Legion Weekly. Examining Lawyer: “Are you ac quainted with any of the attorneys in this case?” Prospective Juror (excitedly turn ing to judge): “Not guilty, Your Honor!” !>o not buy your fertilizer until you have seen O. E. Ford Co. Ad