Solicitor J. M. Carson 18th District Is Dead Dralh follow*; an Operation in Kulh erfordion Saturday Complica tions Set in. Solicitor James M. Carson, of the 18th judicial district, died at the Rutherford hospital early Tuesday morning. He underwent an operation Saturday morning for tumor of the bowels. Complications set. i„ Monday n*ght, and 2000.00—which means that fifteen new homes are to be built at one e by these people costing around $1000 each. When yon buy paid up shares or lake out running shares in our Building and Loan you help worthy, people to build and own their homes and at the same time receive C per cent or better on your money, non-taxable — Loans are made on first mortgage real estate, three-fourths value, fully insured. You can’t beat it. New Series Now Open. Talk to Us. C LEVELAND BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Office With Cleveland Rank & Trust Co. Shelby, N. C. "T" Groom To Be GirV At An Earl Wedding Liston here, I have a secret to tell you. It's about some of our friends at Karl. There is going to be a wed ding, and the groom in to he a girl. You are most cordially invited; to come and see this thing well done, For sometimes even when niggers are united, they part before the first setting sun. This wedding takes place next Saturday night at 7:110 p. m. You need not he afraid for our lights will not he dim. tor fear you don’t understand this, date conies on Janu ary lUr'l'XM; he. sure to com" for it’s going to make you laugh and roar. Of course it’s at the new church house, where we v.ih one and all to ci ine. And even though you might “G. O. I'. Leader: Confident They Can Sidetrack Bonus ’, screeches a newspaper headline. Where there is anything to boast about m the aeeMu plisliment is hard to understand, see ing as how sidetracking the bonus heretofore .seemed childplay. Another carload of the genuine J. 1. Nissen Wedge Spoke wagons just unloaded at O. K. Ford and Co.’s. Ad SEVENTH SERIES Opened January 5lh Going Fine Now is the time to take out shares in our new series— Good Dividends—Non-Taxable The growth of this association is a wonder. Build your own home, stop paying rent. Help the other fellow to own his home by taking out shares. The Building and Loan Way is the Easiest and Best Way. Take out