Demonstration of Buick 4'Whsel Brake Quick Stops Made At Various High Speeds With No Trouble Whatev <r. .1 I« Lackey of Thompson-Lackey Motor Co., hands us t’ e following Clip pin?' from the Bloomfield, N. J. Press: Robot t R. Abrams, resident ni manager for the Buick automobile gave a demonstration Wednesday aft ernoon of the Buick four-wheel brake equipment. Witnesses at the demon stration were Police Commissioner Charles If. Demurest, Chief of Police Joseph Buddy and Fire Chief Cemee II. Koebef. Mr. Demurest had his Na tional car. which he put in competition with the Buick. The first tests were made on a dry road and Ampere Parkway wan the place chosen. Mr. Abrams made runs and stops at a 15, 20, 25, 20 and 25 mile speed, and the braking equipment DR. R. C- HICKS DENTIST Office SheJby Nations! Bank Building. Phone 421 ' Shelby, N. C. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR. Having qA defied a:: .executor-ef the Iasi will and testament of J. J. Pruett deceased. ’.ate of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims tgain:,: the es tate oi said deceased to exhibit them to tiie under: gnod, or to Rush Stroup, attorney, of Sh-iby, N C.t on or be fore the 14 th day of December. 3 924 <.r this notice will he pleaded in oar of their recovery All persons indebted to said esta'i; will please make imme diate payment This the 32th day of December 392:3. CIIAS. J. PRUETT, Executor of the will of J. J. Priajtt deceased. Rush Stroup, Atty ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. L. Eaker, decea j - ed, late of Cleveland county, Norn, Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate oi said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home, on or before the 4th day of January, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to aid. estate will please make immediate payment. This the 3rd dav of January, 1924, O. R. EAKER, Admr. of A. L. Eaker, dec’d. Rush Stroup, Atty. worked splendidly. Mr. Do in a rev V. oar which is a good one, made the - >*? speed stop in about the same distance «s the Bniclc machine. Mr. Demurest then drove 'he Buick machine and made quicker stops with it than .Mr. Abrams did. The next tests wer* on a wet road, and Orange Street was the pi. o. Chief Koeber turned th • hose on a se. - ition of the Street <1 wet the road way. The Buick machine made even be', it stops on the wet pavement than ■On the dry unu again Mr. Demure a. driving the Buick made some remark able stops. Whet pleased the participants in the idemonstrate v> was the. smooth, even way that the Buick car came to a quirk stop. Mr. Dofnar. t conceded i that foitrwhcei brake equipment had ! accompli -bed all that Mr. Abrams had ! claimed for it, and in a letter to Mr. Abrams thus expressed himself: 1 “It give.; mi pleasure to recommend I'.hc four-wheel brake system on the i Buick car based on a test made today which ■ proved that this car can be jhandled with mere safety (sot only da 'try pavements but on-wet ones) than i the ordinary rr.-ir braking system. “The test was made in comparison i .vilh a car of my own which 1 always i considered was much beyond the nver age in booking power. It did show | much beyond the average, hut not stuff! to the four-brake system and, ; although 1 had never driven a car so l equipped I succeeded when driving the Buick :n making a better stop than t’.e demonstrator did himself when driv ing. “The danger to the average car with [real brakes only i.Ji that one brake holding on one side of the ear is liable to cause skidding not only on wet pavements but also dry ones, but when : our-v heel brakes are properly ad mired here is no doubt but that tr.ere practically an absence of skidding on either wet or dry pavements and ■ 11 that is claimed for the Buiek it will do.” Brutal Murder Is Revealed Friday Haunting Fear Forces Youthful Boot leggers To Confess Hidden Killing Of Asheville Boy. _ Haunting frar of a hidden murder, gripping the conscience of a youthful bootlegger, Friday revealed sen iohal details of a brutal murder near Hew port, Tenn , last Friday night, a - (ording to information divulged by the Asheville police. ' •Bill McKinney, Noah Bishop, doiter Tayior end Harry Smith, ail residents of A.sheviile, were taken into custody by the police there Thursday night and Friday were turned ovo- to officers from Newport, charged wit., the slaying of Ilai-enmbo Jones, aged Jo.;- ■. al.'o w;-» a resident of Ashe ville. Makes Clean Breast. Taylor- and Smith, according to the police, made a el. an breast of the af ■'•vi( tctline now, while riding a Sou 1 incra railway freight train on route ; from New pel; to Y-lieville with a : large , -ariuty of t.hi-soy, a quarrel .t-Veh. i <1. .!*.nt was tabbed ir. the | bo :.,his throat .ut and his body cast ii' v.-n between cars of the moving i ti am. j -Tones’ was found by Iroad < mploye win: unable to establish idc i.tiiiccitioii, and supposing tnat he ad been run down a-d killed by li.e train, buried the body a Newport. Tv r days later Robert Jones, the .father of the sir in youth, learned of his :.on’s death, and with clue he had i met with foul play, went to Newport, had the body disinterred, and on autopsy performed. A!tin.up ; \h body had Wen badly ■mingled, the slash across the throat jpg; r' Dr.MORSES ENDIAN ROOT PELLS THRIVE oti! ih« body A*^ poiwiii*. Keep ireQ. Keep Ui« sysCea active. Rtlifft coc-tip?ticn. /S5\ FMoroct For (PILLS) \Fifty Years I AN INVESTMENT Which assures an annual return 'of not less than 7 per cent, and which pays an additional 2 per cent annually when net earnings j on the total capital amount to 9 per cent in a corporation under ;he direct management of a | group from among the most suc cessful executives in the Pied jmont Section. j Secured by one of the most mod jei'n and best equipped weaving mills in the south manufactur ing a consistently profitable line of goods. IS WORTH LOOKING INTO For Full Particulars Write (Bond Department) AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY Frank B. Green, Manager. Charlotte, N, C. The 1924 Model Studebaker Light-Six Touring Car $995 The unprecedented popuhiity of the Studs haker Light-Six can be traced to the fact that it represents a degree of automobile value that the public has sought £or years. It is built complete in the great Studebaker factories. % By manufacturing complete motors, transmis sions, axles, frames, bodies, tops, castings, forg ings, and stampings, parts-makers’ profits are eliminated from costs, and one profit only is in cluded in Studebaker prices. Phone or call for demonstration. STUDEBAKER I 1924 MODELS AND PRICES-f. o. b. factory I LIGHT-SIX 5-Pmam., i/3' W. B..40 H. P. Touring_995 Roid»ter<3-PM».)_975 Coupr Koadetcr(2 Pas* ) 1195 Coiyje (5-Pbm.)_139S sac _1485 SPECIAL-SIX 5-Pas*., 119’ W.B.,50 H. P. Touring.- $1350 Roadster (2-Paa.)_1325 Coupe (5-Pass.)_1895 Sedan--1985 BIG-SIX 7-Past., 126' W. B., 60 H. P. Touring_l_|1750 Speedster (5-Pau.)_1835 Coupe (5-Pan.)_2495 Sedan. 2685 Terms to Meet Your Convenience THIS IS DOGGETT BROS. Shelby, N. C. STUDEBAKER YEAR ;ui<! knif<’ wounds in the hack were discovered, officers said, Cooke county, Tennessee, officials tool; up the ease and obtained infor mation which lid to i < identities oi the dead youth's as. ocinu s Wi.r iants for the four Asheville men w.r< issued am! seat to this city, where watch was mode far the quarB.', and rll arrests were completed. McKinney a.u! Bishop are charged with the a - tun! minder. Taylor and Smith fun charges of accessory before and after lie act. Evidence Developed. Sheriff Trantham, of Cooke county, Tennessee, before Serving witli his ; prisoners said evidence has oeeri le ’ eloped showing the five young men [left Newport with a load of whi lu-v. I hubih.'ij- some'of the liquor while ho boing their way, und in a quarrel, Tonos was killed The officers said a Southern railway trainman told upon | ha had overheard McKinney say he would kill Jones. When tiiey were arrest d Smith wn first to confess, officers aid, and h> • ' ndmissio ,s were followed by those of Porter They said they were member I of the party and McKinney and Bishop l had done the actual killing. | The body of Jones wsu re-buried jin Reern:-: Creel: near Asheville, Rela i lives of the slain youth said they had j recently Pained that he had assoemt jed with bootleggers and had been en gaged in whiskey traffic and appeals that Flo abandon the' pruettee were un availing. HEAR OVER RADIO WHILE 90 FEET UNDER WATER Huddled in a dripping tunnel, 1)0 feet below the surface of the Hudson r vcrand l.HOG fia t free an • exit, a ' group of transit officials, electrical ; xperts, “arm! hogs” and newspaper men Friday tuned in on radio concerts broadcast from Pittsburgh ami a half I dozen nearer stations. The expeiimeot j was conducted at the farthest end of 'he uncompleted Jiirsey-Manfiaitan tube o: the dual vehicular tunnel by i technicians of Radio Corporation of America, the Westinghouse Electric Manuacturing company and the New j York, New Jersey Bridge and Tunnel (i m missions. » The radio programs were heard dis j tinctly, both by ear phone and lorn: -"taker. The act that the ether vibra f lions carried into the tunnel, irg 30 feet of water, 60 feet of earth and several inches of steel demon si rated, said those irf charge of the j experiment, that the radio could be used as a life line of communication by entombed miners or deep sea div S. C. Leeson • '.app • ■ ■ ■ Vitality and Strength Folio# Good Blood and & Good Stomach Raleigh^ N. Car. — “Of all the medicines 1 have ever taken I have never fourrl nn"equal to Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for blood, liver and stomach troubles. I was all rundown in health; my liver was inactive and I {iad a gastric | condition of the stomach, ihy food I did not digest properly, causing sour j stomach, and my blood was very | poor. «I lost in weight and was in a l bad way physically when I began taking the ‘Golden Medical Discov ery’ and no medicine that I ever took gave me so much real help. It relieved me of all the annoying! conditions and made me well and strong. It helped my whole physical make up. I could eat anything I wished without its causing any distress.’’—S. C. Leeson, 807 E. Cabarrus St. All druggists sell this ‘Discovery’ of Dr. Pierce’s in liquid and tablets. Write Dr. Pierce, Pres., Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Send 10c for trial pkg. tablets. TRUSTEE S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a Deed of Trust executed to me as Trustee on June 20th, 1923, by Frances Wedd, widow, securing an in debtedness to the Shelby Building and Loan association and default having been made in the payment of same and, having been called upon to exe cute the trust. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the” court house door in Shelby, N. C., on Saturday, February 22nd, 1924. within legal hours the following de scribed real estate: Being a part of what is known as the Suttle-Washburn property an l lying in the northeastern part of the town of Shelby, N. C., and on thr north side of Buffalo street, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the branch tlie northeast corner of the lot sold to Johnson Webb, and running thence south 4.22 West 205 feet to a stake in north edge of Buffalo street; thence east with northedge of Buffalo street 71 feet to a stake, the south west corner of the lot to Wade Jons; hence with Wade Jones’ line north 5.37 east 181 feet to a stake in the branch .thence up the branch north 74 west 76 feet to the begin ning being the tract deeded Frances Webb by J. L. Suttle and M. A. Spangler, mortgagees, by deed dated June Kith ,1923. This January 2nd, 1924. CLYDE R. HOEY, Trustee. Negro is Found at Grover Nearly Frozen Mrs. C. I*\ Humphries Is In Shelby Hospital With A Broken Hip Bone. 1‘ersoniil Mention. Special to The Star. (Ir 'vt r, Jan. 8.- Grover suffered the roSdt'rt weather Saturday night and Sunday that we have had since the winter of 1917-18. The thermometer win hovering around zero while there vvfs much inconvenience due to frozen water pipes. Mr. M. H. Bill ami family have moved into ih.' house recently vacat 'd by Mr. J. A. Robinson near the Baptist church. Am si Crosby, an old colored man who lives by himself in the edge of town war. found in his home Sunday morning almost overcome by the cold of the night before. We understand that the town has taken charge of the case and that he is getting on fairly well. He has been siek for some time. Mrs Mdiie White and Mrs. lloxie ‘ipjx y moved yesterday into the house which Mr,;. White recently pur chased front Mis. Corrie Johnson near the school building. Messrs Ollle and Robert Harris of Anderson, S. C., who have spent sev eral weeks ott a visit to their grand father in Shelby, spent a few days last -week with Mrs. L, C. Hamrick, their aunt, in Grover. The Women of the Baptist Church are observing the week of prayer for foreign missions during this week. Mr. and Mis. II. S. Keeler spent Sunday afternoon out of town. We are glad to report that Mrs. W. B Turner who has been right siek for several days is improving. Her mother Mrs. Bunch of Edenton, !♦. C\, is spending some time with her. Mi -. R. L. Pinkletan spent the week lend with relatives in Shelby. Misses Lois Adams and Rachel Johnson spent Saturday in SheNty at THIS WOMAN RELIEVED FROM SUFFERING By Lydia E. Pink ham’* Vegetable Compound. A Remarkable Story Dover, Del.—“I wish every woman would take your wonderful medicine as it nasaonesomucngooa to me. I had cramps and faint spells and very bad pains. One day I was over to my neighbor’s house and she told me 1 ought to take LydiaE-Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. Sol went to the stotB on my way home and got a bottle, and took the firstdose before sup : per. 1 nave been taking it ever since, and you can hardly believe how different 1 feel. 1 had just wanted to lie in bed ' all the time, and when I started to brush up 1 would give out in about ten min utes. So you knowhow badly I felt. I used to go to bed at eight and get up at seven, ctill tired. Now I can work all day and stay up until eleven, and feel all right all the time. My housework is all I do in summer, but in.winter I work in a factory. I have told a good many of my friends, and I have nad three come to me and tell me they wouldn’t do without the Vegetable Compound. — Mrs. Samuel Muarat, 2ia Cecil St., Dover, Delaware. tending n meeting called by Mr4. Wallace the county home agent, to plan for the work of the new ,\t*«tr. We understand they n-c planning a very helpful program for young* girls and housewives in the county. Miss Mary Sue Hunt left Saturday to spend some time with her father, Rev. D. J. Hunt nt Glenwood, where he is staying since the death of Mrs. Hunt at the home of her father Mr. Gardner, on December 29th. • We are glad to report that Miss Mary Deal, who has been right sick for several weeks, at her home with Mr. R. P. Roberts is sufficiently im proved to be up again. Mrs. .1. F. Dickson left yesterday for Charlotte where she will spend a few days with her son Mr. L. B. Dickson. She was called to Charlotte on ac count of the illness of Mrs. L. B. Dickson, who was before her marriage Miss Vera Turner of Grover. Her many friends hope* for her a speedy recovery. The friendsof Mrs. C. F. Hum phries are sorry to learn that she* fed at her home near Smyrna. S. and broke her hip bone last Friday. She was taken to the hospital in Shelby I where she is reported not to be doing so well. Mr. and Mrs. Humphries hud been moved from the Patterson Sta tion community to South Carolina only a few days. The accident is con sidered more serious on account • of Mrs. Humphries age since she is near ly eighty years old. There will he preaching services at the Baptist church in Grover Sun-mv night. Shoe production increased last year, but emerjreney gasoline tanks fray soon cut this jjain. Report of the C ondition of THE PEOPLES BANK at Waco in the State of North Caro, lina, at the close of business, [)e« ctmbcr 31, 1923. .Resources. Loans and discounts 592.1 » Overdrafts, unsecured _ 98.4C j U. S bonds and Liberty ; bon,ls-—- 1,331.65 Banking houses, *1,200.09; Furniture and fix tures, *1,722.41 .. 2,922.41 Cash in vault and net amts, due from banks, bankers and trust companies ... 45,859.45 Total *138,714.05 Liabilities. Capital Ktock paid in __$ 5,000.00 Surplus fund ... ..._ :i,000.0o Undivided profits, less cur rent ex|>enses and taxes paid ---/ _ 53.40 Deposits subject to djelk, •Individual 51,270.82 Demand certificates of de- ' posit-- ..... . .. 78,030.67 Cashier’s checks outstand ing .... ... 458.10 Total ..... -..*138,714.05 State of North Carolina-—County of Cleveland, January 4, 1924. I, A. C. Beam, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of rny knowledge and belief. A. C. BEAM, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5th day of Januury, 1924. C. I.. BEAM. Notary Public. Correct—Attest: A. W. BLACK, P. J. KENDRICK, J. L. HORI), Directors. i*. NOTED “PIPE MAN" IS DEAD AT STATESVlixB W. If. Powell, 61. widely known as "the pipe man,” died at hie home in Statesville Monday following: a stroke of apoplexy which he suffered the pre vious day. For many years people stopping in Statesville or passing through on the trains have seen at the station the fa miliar form of small stature with gray hair and mustache carrying un der his arm a little box of pipes of various sizes and shapes and display ing them to all interested parties No machinery was used in the man ufacture of the pipes. They were made exclusive by the skillful hands of the good natured "pipe man” who manu factured thousands of them every year. Mr. Powell was always accompanied by his little dog, a faithful and uc voted companion, when going to the station to meet the trains. He was a native of Virginia and leaves his wid ow and seven children. Only 2d men ;ire running for presi !ent of Nicaragua. but then Nicara gua is a very small place. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Union Trust Co., of Shelby will be hold in their directors room, Shelby, N. C-, Third Tuesday, lfith January 1924 at .'I o’clock p .m., "for election of directors and such other business in ddental to regular annual meeting. J. T. BOWMAN, V. P. lt-1 Jno. M. Best Furniture Co. Undertaking Licensed Embalmers Funeral Directors Day Phone 365 Night Phones: 364—378-J '-'F /V NEW YEAR’S GREETINGS TO ALL During the coming year resolve that your auto electrical troubles shall be turned over to us. We are auto electricians par excel lence and ca nlocate and repair electrical trouble in short order. STEWART ELECTRIC REPAIR COMPANY Automotive Building. Taking America Off Its Feet! Overland Success Is the Taik c£ the Country The year just ended has been the greatest of al] the fifteen year9 of Overland history. A great year made by great cars—thegreatest Overlands ever built. Greatest in looks, power, action, comfort—and money's TOorth? Look at the new Overland Cham pion, for instance. It brings a quality closed car with features and utilities hitherto unheard of witliin reach of every purse. America’s first all purpose car—conceded to be the most useful motor car on wheels. The Champion and all Overbad models have the bigger Overland engine—brute power with extreme economy. Leaders in economy — leaders on the read—leaders in the many satisfactions they bring to owners. See them. Sit in them. Ask for a sample ol their performance. •495 (• •• b. Toledo $*9S l.t.%.TelMto S79S l.o.k.ToM* .Tf.+i F. N. WOOD, Dealer At W. H- Blanton’s Livery Stable. Phone 198. All parts carried in stock for Willys-Knights and Overlands.

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