Billy Says He Will Skin Modernist Gang “I have an invitation to' appear in Madison Square Garden in New York to refute the arguments of Grant and the rest of the Modernist crowd, ar, I I’m going to accept it."Til skin that gang.” So declared Billy Sunday Wed-’ nesday in his afternoon sermon at the Tabernacle before four thousand peo ple. “They are devils, the 1. W. W.’s, the radicals and the Bolshevists of religion,” he said. “Men have the right to change the laws of plan by legislative enactment, but they nave no right to tamper with the laws of God. “When you take the supernatural out of religion you have nothing more than a system of teaching left and if this be done, Christianity will degen erate to the lqvel of Buddhism and Mohammedism. “They deny the Virgin Birth of Christ and would have him the ille gitimate offspring of a Jewish harlot. They deny that he is the son of God INDIAN ROOT PiLV T\RIVE wt th« body poisons. Keep well. Keep the sister* active. Re’;erc constipation. \ DR. DAVID M. MORRISON < OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined'. 108 S. LaFayetle St. Shelby, N. C. j| Office Phone 412. { DR. A. PI1T BEAM Dentist Shelby, N. C. Phone 188 In Dr. Ware’s former office, Shelby National Bank Bid?. DR. T. O. GRIGG, DENTIST 320 S. Lafayette St., Shelby, N. C. “PALMER H. BEAM SURVEYING and ENGINEERING Office-City Hall Phone_104 STREET PAVING ASSESSMENTS ARE DUE FEBRUARY FIRS! The 3econom, Shelby, N. C., Third Tuesuay, l“th January 1924 at 3 o'clock p. .in., for election of directors a h such other business in • c'dental to regular annua! meeting. J. T. COWMAN, V. P. it-1 1T. W. Ebeitoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone—82 EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is horeljy given that I have ; ciualified as executrix of the will of J. T. Jolley, deceased, late of Cleve land county, N. C., and ail persons in debted to said estate wdl make im mediate payment to the undersigned rand all-persons having claim-, against said estate will present them to me properly jfroven for payment on or before December 14th, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. This December 14th. 1923. E. GALENA JOLLEY, Executrix of the will of J. T. Jolley, dec’d. Ryburn & Hoey, Attys. 364—378-J dno. M. Best* Furniture Co. ndertaking Licensed Embalmors Funeral Directors Day Phone 366 Night Phones: AN INVESTMENT Which assures an annual return of not less than .7 per cent, and : which pays an additional 2 per jcent annually when net earnings | on the total capital amount to 9 iper cent in a corporation under the direct management of a group from among the most suc cessful executives in the Pied mont Section. Secured by one of the most mod ern and best equipped weaving mills in the south manufactur ing a consistently profitable line of goods. IS WORTH LOOKING INTO For Full Particulars Write (Bond Department) U1ERICAN TRUST COMPANY Frank B. Green, Manager. Charlotte, N. C. Going Back Home To Trinity College, Veteran Of On? Korean Revolution, Hungers For Another. \ Korean student at Trinity college, i an not resist the lure of another, and is making his plans to return to ins the fight once more. Lint’s decision came as the result of a recent dispatch from Tokyo that a Korean youth had attempted to demolish the imperial palace with a bomb. This proved deep inspiration and patriotism in nim and although he lias not declared open waifare on the Japanese students in Trinity tie lookout them with an evil eye. native Korea this spring to take up Lim, along with mr.ny other of his countrymen who are studying m va rious colleges and universities ip Am erica and Europe is' an exile. He' fears arrest by the Japanese government if lie returns home, but nevertheless he is awaiting his opportunity. He bears' a large scar on his forehead which he received in 1019 during the Korean revolution. At that time hjj was in Sc^sul And was employed as a messen ger, the mails being closely watched by the Japanese officers, lie was en gaged in turning out handbills of pro paganda when the place was raided, and Lim received a scar in the fight ensuing. He escaped but his comrad es.were apprehended and imprisoned. Lim bewails the fact that most of the American people do not under stand the real cause of the enmity be tween Korea and Japan. At the end of '.he Russo-Japanese war the Korean government was forced to unite with Japan against Russia. The people were later broken-hearted when Korea was forced to unite with Japan ii 1910. Since then the Koreans have been continuously suppressed. Revolu tions have broken out spasmodically, but have never been organized well enough to withstand the Japanese. The Korean does not have the direct communication with his relatives and friends in Korea, but he communicat es wit!i a Korean agency in Washing ton. He came to Trinity from the Uni versity of Berlin and has made ex tensive travels in Germany, France and other countries. He is familiar with half a dozen languages. He is preparing ^ take an active par t in a new revolution. a result of the affair the two negroes | have several charges preferred ! against them, soitac of which are re sistfng an officer' while in perform-* i ance of his duties, disorderly conduct, profanity and receiving. TRY STAR WANT ADS. McBRAYER’S SHOES Are The Talk Of The Town WHY MAN! Once you buy your shoes here you will learn what true shoe satisfaction ancl economy is. Our stock is very complete in all the wanted leathers priced at $3.95, $4.45, $4.95 to $10.00. And every pair guaranteed to give satisfac tion or your mon ey refunded. EVANS E. . McBRAYER Shelby’s Best Men’s Store fegg’s Birth Record Kept In Connecticut! Every Egg in That Stale Mint Carry Exact Date ot Advent Into The World. i The Cleveland County Kj;jr asaocia* (ion organised to a!d tamert in marketing their egg.-* ami 10 put high j or grade of egg. on the market is i the first .step of it kind in North Carolina, but in Connecticut begin- j ning January 1 tlvy began kt- ping i up witii (he age of 'll i eggs; as (he age ci their children In that state every egg must be amped eit h the exact dote of its a Kent into the world. The following tory apoeuring in tiie New York 1!■'■aid corueniiog the dateo Connecticut r"g might be | Report of the Condition of THE BANK OK ((ROVER, at Grover in the State of North Car olina, at (he close of business, 1.' . j ceniber 31st, 1923. Resources loans and discount: ?UI 502.07 Overdrafts, unsecured 305.27 United State; bond and Liberty bonds . .. • 0,Kfi!) 07 i Barking houses, $1,125.00; FurriKure and fix tures, $2.-157.79 .. . 3,532.79 Cash in vault and net amts, due from banks, bankers and trust company _ .«! Customers’ liability on ae- •j eeptnnces__ ... ll 545.0f the above named Bank, do solemnly wear that the above statement ; uue to the best of my knowledge and belief. * j. B. ELLIS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn, to before me, this 8th day of January, 1924. GEO. OATES, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: R. E. HAMBR GHT, J. L. HERNDON, ’ • J. A. ELLIS, Directors. HWMMMMMMMMHW M AAM **Mt W - E "Well! Strong!” Mrs. Anna Clover, of R. F. D. 5, Winfield, Kans., says: “I began to suffer some months ago with womanly troubles, and 1 was afraid i was going to get in bed. Each month 1 suffered with my head, back and sides—a weak, aching, nervous feeling. 1 began to try medicines as I knew 1 was.getting worse. I did not seem to find the right remedy until someone told me oi The Woman's Tonic I used two bottles before 1 could see any great change', but after that it was remarkable how much better 1 got. 1 am now well and strong, i can recom mend Cardui, for it certainly benefited me.” if you have been experiment ing on yourself with all kinds of different remedies, better get back to good, old, reliable Cardui, the medicine tor women, about which you have always heard, which ha3helped many thousands of others, and which should help you, too. Ask your neighbor about it; she has probably used it. For sale everywhere. NEW YEAR’S GREETINGS TO ALL During the coming year resolve that your auto electrical troubles shall be turned over to us. We are auto electricians par excel lence and ca nlocate and repair electrical trouble in short order. STEWART ELECTRIC REPAIR COMPANY Automotive Building. 'f interest to local pouTtrymen: “After January 1 every egg offered for sale in the state of Connecticut, bantam, I.cghorn or Plymouth Hock] brown or white, plain or speckled, mu -t have stamped upon its surface the exact date of its advent into this hungry world. This is a rule adopted by the state board of agriculture for j purpose* which a moment's reflation makes ahvious. No longer need the I housewife contemplating an omelet hold each egg to the light, shake il between thumb and finger or drop it i fito a bowl of water. She need only look at the date and separate tbe egg '.hat i., contemporaneous from that which has merely a historical value. 'i hat ihis is n step forward t o one w’u has ever eaten scrambled eggs m a country restaurant will deny, i hist to ay, it is a step forward according to occidental notions. In China, where so much is topsy-turvy, the value of an .egg is thought to ap preciate with age, and dried eggs as much us a century old are considered great delicacies. These are buried and when dug up are said to have n sur prisingly mild flavor. But the prac tice wouldn’t do in America least of all in Connecticut. The Connecticut regulation throws | light on up to date farming as com pared with that of a few decades ago. The egg and poultry business, like the milk business, tu being more and moro closely organised and regulated. JThe haphazard methods of the old lay would not be profitable, even though they wore tolerated, or toler ate d even though thev were profita ble. And the egg business has indef inite possibilities of expansion, organ ization and development. At present the average American eats 17 or 18 dozen eggs a yeur, or about two thirds of nir egg a day. He could, and should, eat more if they were abun dant an<^ cheap enough.” Football' heroes arc usually men but Miss Isabel Starback has been employed as cataloger for Wake For est college. BUILDING LOTS AT CLEVELAND SPRINGS These lots are to be sold only to those people who really want a select and desir able place to live. We wont sell these lots to .just any one, however we have them for sale and expect to help make this part of Cleveland Springs the most desirable place in Shelby to live. The price is $1,250.00 per lot. Terms are 1-3 cash, balance payable in six and twelve months. ANTHONY & ANTHONY QUALITY COAL Fine Virginia Blue Gem Block. $9.00 Rex Layfollette Block ..... $10.00 I. X. L. Egg Coal... $8.50 Genuine Pocahontas .. $11.00 All Orders Given Before Noon Delivered That Day. D. A. BEAM COAL COMPANY ~ Day Phone 130.- Night Phone 95. QAnother Reason "Why Buick Fundamentals 1 A firm and stable organi zation that hai bi^ilt n uni formly good car of economical price and operation. ^ A chassis so designed and coordinated that it performs equally efficiently under all conditions. O A wide variety of body types that meet nil individual requirements and establish a standard of quulity and style. A ® “ Huick Authorized service available everywhere through out the life of the cor. The Buick valve-in-head engine has been recognized for more than twenty years as the most econom ical and efficient power plant. With its reduced waterjacketing space, more, heat is retained in the cylinders and more power is therefore generated. When better automobiles are Buick, will build them * .,, „ t E-23-15.NI> THOMPSOMACKEY GO. DEALERS - - -• SHELBY, N,C When better automobiles are buik, Buick will build them North Carolina Gins Over Million Bales This Slate Leads all Except Texas In Total Ginnintr—Fiffures for 1923 Public. Cotton sinned prior to January to taled 9,807,138 runni;pjf hales, includ ing 234.723 round bales .counted as ' half bale.- of 18,39 bales of Amerlcan Egyptian aqd 776 bales of sea island, compared with 9,597,330 running bale:-, 28,498 bales of American-Egyp tian and 5,068 bales of sea island gin ned to January 1 last year, the cen sus bureau has announced. Girnings to January this year by states were: Alabama 594,764, Arizona 52,3fl, Arkansas 608,230, California 39,765, Florida 13,454, Georgia 606,754, Lou isiana 266757, Mississippi 613,253, Missouri 103,103, North Carolina, 1,« 016,808, Oklahoma 622,04, South Car olina 781,541, Tennessee 221,416, Tex as 4,084,733, Virginia, 46,447.. All other states 26,208. The revised total of cotton ginned this season to December 13 was an nounced as 9, 554,177 running bales. There were 15,169 ginneries operat ed prior to Deceml^r 13. Gardner Will Be One Of “Big Four” Josephus Daniels, O. Max Gardner, A M. Mcl^ean and State Chairman T0hn G. Duwson is the latest “ap proved” list for the “Big Four" dele gation from North Carolina, accord ing to n small but influential group of party leaders in Raleigh Thursday fiom Western North Carolina. Thursday was the day set aside for a formnl announcement of the fcandi dacy of Josiah William Bailey for the gubernatorial nomination, the same to he followed Saturday morning by an epitomized platform. But Mr. aBiley was not feeling well and all indica tions were that the announcement will be delayed. Bailey May Withdraw. Coincident with the talk of the Briley announcement is a report, ap parently well founded, that in a speech to be made at Elon College Mr. Bailey is going to offer to with draw in favor of O. Max Gardner, 'provided Mr. McLean will also agree to withdraw. This is talk that has been in the air for several days, but it was pooh-poohed by all McLean men visiting in the city Thursday. Increase your cotton yield by plant ing Coker's pedigreed cotton seeds. OUGHS ^ Every few hour9 swallow blowly a quarter of a teaspoonful of Vicks. Also melt a little in’a spoon or a tin cup and inhale the vapors arising. VapoRub Coer 17 Million Jan lload Ytoitf TRUSTEE'S SAUE OF REAL ESTATE. Fy virtue of the authority vested in me. a:f trustee, in a certain deed of trust executed on the 15th day of November, 1922, by J. A. Crosby and wife, Massm Crosby ,to secure an in debtedness therein specified, and de fault having been made in the pay pient of the indebtedness stipulated in the deed 'of trust which* is record ed in Book 119 at page 234 of the register