CLEVELAND COUNTY’S LEADING PAPER r .. 1 > PAID-UP CIRCULATION Of This Paper Is Greater Than The Population Given Shelby In The 1920 Census VOL. XXXII, No. 37 . THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY. N. C. PLAN EXHIBITS NOW FOR COUNTY FAIR RELIABLE HOME PAPER Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section. Modern Job Department. TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1921 $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE SHELBY GOES OP IN SUITE HUGE Highs Win Group Four Champion ship By Blanking Startown 9 to 0. Hoyle Lee Features Game. Shelby remained in the state race and copped the championship of group four here Friday afterrtoon by blanking the Startown Highs 9 to 0. Gastonia, who defeated Monroe, and Spencer, who defeated Charlotte, were other winners of the day. Shel by drove out 12 hits, Startown bob bled seven times and the outcome was never in doubt. Simmons, Startown’s celebrated hurler, was driven from the mound in the eighth by the Shelby attack although he exhibited more real pitching than any opposing hurler of the season. The majority of Shelby’s hits came at opportune times as did the fumbles by the Catawba boys. Hoyle Lee, local moundsman, was the outstanding player of the game, al lowing only four scattered hits and whiffing nine opposing batsmen in addition to banging otu a triple and a double responsible for half of the Shelby’s scores. His hooks and speed ball were working perfectly as was shown by the wild cuts of the visit ors. “Cork” Ross, substitutirtg on sec ond for Max Connor, the injured play er, led the hitting with three safeties, all terrific drives. Dedmond, Beam and Wall followed with two each. It was the first game of the season in which Cline Lee, star Shortstop, did not hit safely. The fielding sensations were furnished by George Dedrnon Shelby right fielder, who nebbed sev eral drives while running at full speed. Sigmon and Arndt were out standing players for Startown. The game was umpired by Baxter Moose, star Lenoir college pitcher and Hill, of Caroleen, and the decisions of the two outsiders apparently were highly satisfactory to both clubs. The high school boys and girls add ed a colorful touch to the game at periods by giving a yell for Connor, second sacker, who is in the hospital as a result of the accident last week. Startown AB R H PO A E Sigmon, c ____4 0 16 10 Coultre, ss-4 0 0 1 2 2 Simmons, p-lb_4 0 1 0 6 0 Baker, cf_4 0 0 0 0 1 Arndt, 3b _4 0 2 1 0 1 Rudisill, 2b_r_4 0 0 1 1 1 Cloninger, rf 0 0 1 0 0 Abernathy, If_..3 0 0 5 0 0 Anthony, lb __....3 0 0 9 0 2 Haskell, p .....-1 0 0 0 1 0 Totals --34 0 4 24 11 7 Shelby AB R H PO A E Wilson, If 5 0 1 0 0 0 Arrowood, lb_3 0 0 9 0 0 Dedmon, rf __ 4 12 4 10 Beam, c -4 1 2 9 0 0 Cline Lee, s* t_5 0 0 3 2 *1 Dixon, 3b ..._5 1 0 0 2 1 Wall, cf-4 2 2 0 0 0 Ross, 2b-4 3 3 1 2 2 H. Lee, p -4 1 2 111 0 Totals __.38 9 12 27 18 4 Mother’s Day. The second Sunday in May has been set aside quite generally in the Unit ed States as a day in which to honor the memory of mothers who have journeyed on. On this day also the lives of mothers whose love and care still sweetens existence are bright ened by expressions of love and re spect. Thus is fostered in the hearts of all that purest love that earth has ever known—the love that surges between the hearts of mother and her child. A beautiful symbolism is ob served as a part of Mother’s Day ex ercises. It is urged that a white flower (emblematic of purity) be worn personally on the day. The white carnation has been chosen for that purpose. Its whiteness stands for Purityj its form* beauty and fragrance stand for love; its wide field of growth, charity; its lasting qualities, faithfulness-r-all true mother quali ties. ROAD BIDS ARE TOO HIGH; NO contract let by board Lincoln County News. The Board of County Commission ers at their meeting lest Monday held for the purpose of receiving bids on a *6 feet hardsurfaced road leading 5 12 miles west of Lincolnton to a point near the home of B. C. Wood, rejected all bids, they being consid ered too high by the board. A com mittee was appointed consisting of Chairman R. C. Goode, County At torney C. E. Childs and Engineer H. A. I< ish to receive further and lower bids on this project. It seemed to be the sense of the Board that the bids were too high, and as to when con tract will be let seems to depend on when the right bid is received. Honesty is the best policy, even though it doesn’t always come out ahead. I M illiam L. Plonk, Member of County Hoard of Education for 32 Years is Ruried Saturday William L. Plonk, for 32 years a member of tha Cleveland county board cf education, died at his home at Kings Mountain last Thursday after noon at 5:30 from a complication of troubles. Mr. Plonk was 60 years old. Many of his friends throughout the county did not know of his illness so h'.s death is learned with great sur prise. In the passing of Mr. Plonk the county loses one of its most esteemed j citizens, one who has given more time ; and thought to educational matters in C leveland than any other one man. He became a member ow the school board during J. II. Anthony’s service as county superintendent and has served continuously since that time without opposition within the ranks of his own party. He was a most even tempered man, gentle and consider ate. W hen once he made up his mind on a matter, he was firm in his tsand. In his estimation, a poor child was just as worthy as a child from a rich family and in his long service on the county board he set a high educational standard and work ed faithfully toward its consumma tion. Men who served with him on the board were impressed with his hon esty of purpose and his tireless ef forts for child welfare. ^.N’ot only was Mr. Plonk chairman of the county board of education when he died, but he was also chairman of the school board of the town of Kings Mountain and a trustee of Le no;r College at Hickory. He was born and reared in Cleveland and was not only prominent in educational affairs, but also in business affairs. He was an ardent member of the I utheran and his life was a beautiful example of Christian citizenship. In business he was one of the founders of Plonk Brothers Company, a lead ing mercantile, firm of Kb gs Moun tain. Deceased is survived by the fol lowing brothers: Mike L. Plonk, of Kings Mountain, and J. Calvin Plonk of Hickory, and Tom Plonk of the west. The following children sur vive: J .0. Plonk, W. L. Plonk, Jr., f arl Plonk, Rutus Plonk, Clarence Plonk, Luther, Harman, Misses Laura Lillian and Mary Plonk all of Kings Mountain. The funeral was conducted Satur day at the Lutheran Church at Kings Mountain and one of the largest crowds that ever attended a funerr.l there,, gathered to pay a tribute of respect to his memory. raise 01 my County Agricultural Board Urges the farmers to Keep Large Amount Hay Money at Home. Each year the incomes of Western and Canadian farmers are increased thousands of dollars at the expense of the farmers of Cleveland county, one of the leading agricultural coun ties in this state, and the county board of agriculture this week started a drive in an effort to stop this needless expenditure by having Cleveland farmers produce their own hay. It is possible and the agricultural board hopes that by another season not a single bale of hay will be shipped into this county. In urging that every farmer plant at least one acre in can or cow peas Max Gardner, chairman of the county board of agriculture, and one of the best farmers in the state, said: “If I were czar of Cleveland county, I would compel every farmer in the county to thoroughly prepare, highly fertilize and plant at least one acre in cane seed, or cane and cowpeas. It is an agricultural and economical crime for Cleveland county farmers to buy from three to four hundred car loads of Western and Canadian hay, at prices around $35 per ton, when a little plot of land will suffice to feed two mules during the winter, if grown in cane. By planting a patch of vetch and oats in the fall, and fol. lowing in June with cane and peas, we could «ave thousands and thou sands of dollars that we pour into the laps of the Western and Cana dian farmers.” MEMORIAL SERVICES AT BUFFALO CHURCH MAY 10 .Memorial services will be held at Buffalo church in lower Cleveland on Saturday May 10th. All day services. Speaking by Rev. W. E. Lowe and others. Song service and dinner on the ground. The girls of the Buffa lo high school will decorate the graves of the old soldiers with evergreens and flags. STAR WAN'! ADS FOR RESULTS THMDOMKE IN EIRL SECTION Residents of Section Say the Cloud Resembled Train Smoke And Was Funnel-Shaped. Hit In Spots. A remnant tornado of the several that Wednesday dipped ruthlessly through seven Southern states earned considerable damage in the southern part of this county near the South Carolina line and about one mile west of the village of Earl. The places of Bun Runyans and Green Blanton lo cated on a rising hillside about one and one-half miles from Earl were the hardest hit, while the outbuild ings of Jerry Runyans and Jake Green were also damaged. Jerry Runyans lives between Bun Runyan’s and Earl, while Green’s home is in the northern section of the town. The wind stoi'm evidently jumped a strech of a mile or more from Bun Runyan’s ‘o Green’s, and farmers between the two places and adjoining say they felt very little wind. The hurtling storm struck in the neighborhood about noon. Bun Run yans stated that at the time he was in the house and had noticed nothing unusual until he was startled by the sudden roar of the tornado as it swept downward within 16 or 20 feet of the dwelling house. Large trees only a few yards from the house were uprooted, and the barn, smokehouse, crib and car shed blown down as the strong wind hurtled on through the woodland immediately north east of the house, laying low every tree of any size. Pieces of the barn roof were found one-half mile or more from where the barn stood and bundles of fodder carried for a distance of a mile across the hill. A horse was in the barn at the time end was uninjured although the bam was carried some 10 or 12 feet be fore it crumbled. Mr. Runyan said the force of th£ wind could be dis cerned in the distance a number of sacks of guano had been moved along the ground. The remarkable part" of the storm at the Runyan home was that it swept so close to the dwelling house without injury lothe building. Just a sprinkle of rain followed the heaviest of the wind, it was said. The sudden wifid struck first the Blanton place several hundred yards south of Runyans, where it tore up a granary and other outbuildings and scattered parts of a car shed all over an adjoining field. A Ford car that wras in the car shed wras turned com pletely around by the force of the wind even with the emergency brak es on. At* Jerry Runyan’s a smoke house, crib and chimney were blown down, and an outbuildfng at the home of Jake Green in Earl. The main portion of the storm did not last over one minute and a half it. is said, swooping down and un al most in the twinkle of an eye. Those living in the surrounding neighbor hood said that the cloud was dark and very much resembled train smoke, except that when it was first seen it was high in the air and fun nel-shaped. The force and velocity of the wind must have been exceDtional considering the manner in which it cut a, path through the Woodland. Two small negro boys were met in the road near the Runyan place and asked if they knew anything about the storm. “Yessah, boss, one o’ dem sicloon things went j-ight across yon der.” “Did you see the cloud?” “Nossah, but I sho heered it go' Wo-oo-op, and clean down dem trees,” he replied with a shake of his diminutive head. COUPON Mi FI CENTS FOEE TOM There is a coupon in today’s Star that is worth fi^e cents to any and all Star readers who clip it. Look for the coupon in the large advertise ment on page 2 of today’s paper, clip it out and take it to any Chero Cola dealer in Cleveland or Rutherford counties and get a five cent bottle of refreshing Chero Cola free. This treat is meant for you and is made through special arrangement with the Chero Cola Bottling Works of Shelby of which Mr. E. E. Holcombe is the popular priprietor. The Chero Cola plant is a most sanitary and "whole some place and thousands of bottles are filled with this refreshing drink every day for the dealers in the two counties of Cleveland and Ruther ford. Clip the coupon while the paper is before you. If ’it is not convenient to get your bottle free today, hol(l it until you reach a dealer. It is good until June 15th.—over thirty days from this date. They are unloading another car of the J. I. Nissen wagons at O. E. Ford Co.’s today be sure and see them if you need a wagon. IIIIO MEN C11IICT KIWIS MEETING C. W. Roberta, of Carolina Motor club Addresses Gathering on “(let out And Go." Next Program. ' The* Kiitanis meeting last Thursday evening "as in charge of the clubs "Automobile Four,” although some of them deal in sixes and super-sixes. Mr, Charles L. Eskridge conducted the program, his assistants being Charles Hoey, Will Arey and Law rence Lackey. An appropriate fea ture of the meeting was a talk to the club by C. W. Roberts, of Greensboro, vice-president and one of the organi zers of the Carolina Motor club. “Flivvering” downstairs for the auto hour, members of the club found as novelties: A pencil by the Hoey Motor company to be used in figuring how the new Essex saves; a cigar cut ter from Arey Brothers that cuts ci gars like Chevrolet* cut expenses; a pamphlet on “Get out and Go” by Charles L. Eskridge, dealer in Fords that get out and go, and a pencil to introduce the office of the Carolina Motor club just opened here in charge ! of Wade Hoey. From that point on Mr Eskridge entertained for the “Auto Four” by a rehearsal of the race be tween Mr. Stork and Mr. Ford, which follows in part: “January 1st, 1923, a great race started in the United States between the stork and the Ford car while the tSork will deliver 2.357,OOf) babies in the homes of the United States or one every thirteen seconds, during 1923. It was estimated that the Ford plants would produce 1,800,000 cars and trucks or one every seventeen seconds. So you see, as the saying goes, the human race is a great race. Ford produced in 1923, 2,055,311 cars and trucks, or one every every 15 1-2 seconds, counting every second in the day ar.d night, also Sundays and holi days, therefore the Stork won by 2 1-2 seconds. The retail sales for March 1924 for Ford cars and trucks reached the re cord breaking total of 206,735 or one every 13 1-2 seconds, the last ten days of March the sales averaged 10,804 per day, which figures a delivery of a car or truck every 8 seconds. So you ,-ee Mr. Stork had better get busy for 1924 as it is estimated that Ford will produce about 2,600,00 cars and trucks for the year.’* Mr. Roberts Talks. Taking as his subject the “Get Out and Go” found on the advertising pamphlets Greensboro man spoke on motoring, traffic regulations, value of automobiles and the advantages of the Carolina Motor club. Several new ideas in motoring were brought out by Mr. Roberts, who through his experience with the club is thoroughly familiar with the life of the automobile owner. “Good roads and automobiles have made North Carolina famous, and I want to say right here that the peo ple who kick the cost of our road sys tem do not realize that the roads have paid for themselves through the ad vertising they have brought the state if in nothing else,” he declared. “But misleading traffic and speed signs do much to hurt our popularity with our visitors from the north and else where.” Then he told of how some towns, villages and other places give the outsider the wrong conception of our speed laws, and have them inter preted the state laws wrong. Among the things he aproved of was that every automobile owner be examined as to his or her fitness to drive a car on public highways, and that those deemed unfit not be allowed to drive. With this enforced he thought speed laws unnecessary’ as people consider ed capable of driving are Intelligent enough to drive without hurt to them selves or others. This was followed by a brief outline of the advantages of being a member of the motor organi zation, how it aids members and oth ers, advertises and brings visitors to our state, urges necessary motor leg ilation, prosecutes thieves and is in many ways beneficial to the car own er. The program Thursday evening will be “Civil Pride and Improvement” and will be in charge of Mr. Forrest Eskridge. Mrs. Dameron’s Brother Dies In Rutherford The many friends of Mrs. W. L. Dameron of Shelby Route 1 will sym pathize with her in the death of her brother, Mr. Henry M. Lynch of R-3 Rutherfordton, who passed away Tuesday of last week after an illness of several months. Mr. Lynch was born and reared in Rutherford coun ty and was a most substantial and esteemed citizen. He is survived by his widow and six children, all of whom are at home. The deceased was about 66 years of age and is one of the county’s well known citizens. See O. E. Ford Co., for the Emer son mowing machine.._ Satisfaction guaranteed. Ad Beloved Southern Gentleman And Soldier Laid to Rest in Durham. Many Veterans Attend While a -southern mocking bird sang i from the newly-turned-green branch es of a nearby elm tree, there was laid to rest in Durham Sunday af ternoon General Julian Shakespeare Carr, rrr? southern gentleman, sol dier, financier and scholar. The bur ial took place at 1 o'clock, after services had first been held at the Carr homeplaee, Somerset Vi la. In a small white vault, in a mass of green vines and foliage, the body was J laid, while thousands looked on with ; sorrow and reverence. Lined on each side of the vault, wi'h uncovered heads ar.d saddened, moistened eyes, stood lines of gray haired Confederate veterans in their gray uniforms, while Rc?v, Sam : Pmall, former editor of The Atlanta Constitution, representing the chief chapla n of the Confederate veter ans spoke the simple words of the last iuneral rites. The members of the family of the deceased stood at [ the foot of the va It during the ceremony. Without ostentation, with out pomp, end in the quiet beauty of an early spring afternoon, the re mains were lowered into the vault simply, as the late general would have wished. Prominently place were the inti mate- friends of the late general, Col. Benc-han Cameron, Governor Camer on Morrison, General Albert Cox, of Raleigh; Hon. Wade Harris, of Char lotte; Hon. Josephus Daniels, of Ral eigh; Gen. W. B. Freeman and CoL E. D. Taylor, of. Richmond, Va., and many others from Carolina, Virginia and elsewhere. The mocking bird’s song grew hushed as a Methodist choir, half hidden in the shrubbery, sang, soft and low, the favorite hymn of the deceased. “Asleep in Jesus.” The casket was lowered into the vault, and slowly the funeral party wound past, dropping flowers into the open vault until it resembled a lovely, cool bed of white. Only one * other hymn was sung at the grave, while |the ceremony was taking place, ; One Sweetly Solemn Thought.” Streets In Mourning. ** When the cortege left the home j wound slowly through the heart ;u)f the ctiy toward Maplewood cem-' etery, through the streets hung with mourning, thousands of people lined the sidewalk to get a glimpse of the procession. At the cemetery fully 15.000 people had gathered. Several hundred Confederate vet erans from various sections of the state attended the funeral. When the casket was lowered into the grave the veterans filed silently by the opening dropping flowers on the coffin. At ; the home the casket was draped in -a Confederate flag, but when *it reach ed the cemetery an immense Ameri can flag was placed over it. Among Those Present. Among Confederate soldiers here for the funeral were: - General Wrilliam A. Smith, Wades boro; Col. Sam Small, chaplain of the Confederate veterans; Gen. A. H. Boyden, Salisbury; Gen. W. B. Free man. commanding the department of Virginia, and about 50 soldiers from tie North Carolina soldiers home Raleigh. Although General Carr had often expressed the wish thht no flowers be sent for his funeral, asking that such money be expended for books tor the Durham public library in stead, there were not less than 500 beautiful floral pieces sent by friends from far and near. They were so numerous that several hundred of them were placed at short distances apart along the walks leading to the tarr home. It required seven im mense trucks, especially equipped for »e purpose, to take the flowers to the cemetery. It was estimated that 10,000 visi tors were here for the funeral. Now Planning For Memorial Exercises Considerable preparation is being made by the Daughters of the Con. federacy for the memorial exercises and entertainment of Confederate vet* erans to be held here at Cleveland Springs, Saturday, May 10. Business and civic leaders are aiding in plan, mng for the day, which it is hoped will prove a happy event to the vet erans and their wives. Dr. R. L. Lemons, pastor of the First Baptist church, will make the memorial address. The address, exer cises and dinner will be at Cleveland Springs prior to the decoration of graves. One nuisance is a town, when you get rid of it, is invariably followed by another one. Lots of men are evening up with their barbers since women have be come regular patrous of the shops. COUNTY DUES IDE MTU >• TO-DJTE: JSTIIIG DM Not many years buck in that un limited strip of time referred to as the “past”, writers started off their early morning city stories with the| rumble of milk wagons as they rolled over the streets of cobblestone. But such a beginning now would smack of stage-coach days—the milk still I conies to town early, about the time j the early risers are blinking their i eyes, but there’s no rumble on cob- j blestones for the motor drawn deliv ery trucks have pneumatic tires and roll along bitulithic pavement. The dairy game is probably a little more modernized and up-to-date than any thing else “fresh from tfie country", but the customers seldom delve into the source of supply any farther than the frant door, where they pick up their quart or pint. Just a few weeks back Shelby and Cleveland county staged the first j county-wide milk campaign ever put on in the ~,tate. The sale of milk prior ; to that time was mostly to people who | just liked milk, but now you will see j the familiar white bottleR nestling j on the majority of doorsteps overj Shelby—“Milk for Health” was the cause. And. although few investigate,| it is healthy milk. The supplying dair-* ies are modern aad up-to-date and! above all. sanitary. Samtarv with a syste mof being sanitary. Time was! when Cleveland county dairies and farms were not anything to boast of from the standpoint of cleanliness. Once Cleveland milking barns, stables ; and pastures were unsightly, they all used to be, but it is hard to believe now. Pride has transformed “eyej sores” and germ incubators into san itary and spotless milk plants. The sale of milk has increased all over Shelby and will increase more if the consumers would get out and see for themselves that it is wholesome milk they are drinking. Three Modern Dairies. Friday, Dr. J„ S. Dorton made one of his tours of inspection and the writer accompanied him. It was im possible to visit every dairy in the county on account of urgent business, the more Urgent being baseball, but if the others in the county measure up to the three visited, this county is not only a leading dairy county but ar. up-to-date one. Mr. Julius Mull, son of J. C. Mull, the former Clevelander, who annual ly banquets Cleveland boys at Wake Forest, is one of the dairymen who daily pilot a truck of pure milk into Shelby. Mr. Mull, with his 23 pure bred and grade Jerseys, lives just op posite the county fair grounds, and his new milking barn is the latest idea in cleanliness. The building located away from contaminating surround ings is properly screened and ventil ated and is far removed in appearance from the stables of other days. The floors are of^oncrete and with prqp er drainage gutters. The walls and ceiling tight and with the screens, fly proof. Each cow is given her correct milking space and there is no germ. breeding bedding, for the cows spend the night in another building. White and clean milking uniforms are used and it is hard to see how even an ocf casional bit of dirt can slip into the milk, for the barns are cleaned daily. At the milk house where the milk is taken and bottled everything is equal ly as spick and span. The building is fly-proof and well ventilated. The milk cooler and utensils are clean and sterilized. In the corner is a steel boil er, where water is heated each day and every utensil touched by the milk thoroughly sterilized. Mr. Mull sells in Shelby daily around 35 gallons of milk and if every home iitto which his milk goes is as sanitary as the dairy there should be no worry over clean liness. Back on the Post road toward Shel by is the Poston -Brothers dairy, a good example of “get-up” in the dairy industry, where a bunch of hustling brothers are making a success out of the dairy business. There is another milking barn, similar in nearly every respect to that of Mr. Mull’s, and the visitors caught the boys white-wash ing the interior of the barn, an idea urged by health experts. A large silo, the helpful partner of the dairy farm er, stands alongside the milking barn. “Spotless, Speck-less and fly less” is the best description of the milk house, where, evidently a fly is as welcome as a Ku Kluxer at Cath olic Mass. There is another worker on the Poston farm in addition to the Poston brothers in the collie, Nellie, the county’s pride cow dog. The dog, only about two years old, handles cows with the skill Paderewski hand les a piano. At milking time 32 grade Jerseys head for the milking barn when they hear her bark and the,loit erers have to answer to Nellie. With the main group headed for the barn the dog looks them over and if any are missing a final round-up is made. The Poston brothers deliver around 50 gallons of sanitary milk daily. ,Modern machinery is the big attrac tion at Elliott’s dairy, at Beams Mill, owned and operated by two brothers. Bonnie and Coleman. A large sanitary barn,‘properly drained and ventilated, a roomy silo, and clean milk houses also are a part of this dairy. Thirty > grade Jerseys supply from this place around 55 gallons of milk daily to Shelby consumers. <uke the others it is a long step from the dairies of oth er days, aijd its owners are wide awake and taking advantage of every dairy improvement. A visitor at milk.. inp: time is given the privilege of wit nessing the milking machine—the El liott’s have two—at work. At the end of the milking barn a gasoline motor sputters, but inside the two machines work noiselessly and regularly. In one hour and thirty minutes the two ma chines milk the 30 cows, a task if done by hand that would take considerably longer. When the milk reaches the milk house another machine—the bottler—saves more time and labor, and dpes its work even better than nun. The milking machine gives the milking house the appearance of soft drink bottling plant. The day's supply of milk is poured into the top of the thoroughly clean and sterilized’ma chine and rapidly and accurately the bottles underneath are filled. There is ho waste or loss, when’each bottle fills the machine automatically halts until another empty bottle is placed under that particular spigot. There is con siderable initial expense to a dairy such as the Elliott’s, but properly managed it should never be a losing game. The two brothers have a gross income from the sale lof their milk monthly of around six or seven hun dred dollars, they estimate, this, of course, not taking out any expenses. Modern Home Dairy. Not all the pride herds of the coun ty belong to the dairymen. Tom Corn well, one of the county’s leading farm ers, has a home dairy of his own, as he has almost everything else, that is really up-to-date. In his herd is Prim's Lady, the only register of merit Jersey cow in Cleveland county, and he is considered to have one of the best herds of registered Jerseys in the county. All over the farm are modern improvements, and listed among the prize winners this fall at the Cleveland county fair will more than likely be Tom Cornwell in sev eral exhibits. Some features, and, perhaps, some # faults of the dairies have not been mentioned, but Shelby milk consum. ers may feel assured as they drink “their quart a day" that they are get ting as pure and sanitary milk as the residents of any other North Caro lina county seat. ; Damage About $20,000 By Tuesday Fire. Lincolnton Minister To Salis bury Charge. Qther News. i Lincoln County News. Fire Tuesday at noon pompletely ! destroyed the large building, machin I ery, dressed and unfinished lumber of | the J. M.' Beam Lumber company, lo I eated nin# miles west of Lincolnton, I on Indian Creek, causing a loss of probably $20,000, with no insurance. | The origin of the fire is not known positively though it is believed to ! have started from a hot 6ox prob ! ably, there had been some trouble ! from that source during the morning. I The fire broke out during the dinner ! hour, while the men who operate the plant, were at dinner. The alarm was given by tieing the factory whistle down and within a few minutes prob ably 200 men rushed to the scene by automobiles and gave assistance by means of a bucket brigade, and while the men fought heroicly, the flames gained headway steadily, destroying the big plant and material, except for some lumber hacked up on the hill out of reach of the blaze. Besides the plant and machinery, about 100,000 feet of lumber went up in smoke, and the loss is very heavy to this well known and one of the largest lumoer plants m this sectior of the state. Rev. and Mrs. B. J. Peeler lea; this week for Salisbury to make the home. Rev. Mr. Peeler preached h lest sermon as pastor of the Lincoli ton Reformed Church last Sunda, which charge he has resigned to at cept the pastorate of the First Rt formed church of Salisbury. He wi preach his first sermon at Salisbur Sunday. The local church has pros pered during the two years pastorat of F v. Peeler and the Lincolnto Reformed church conregation and th cit ztns of this city generally regre his duties call him elsewhere. H. and his wife have the best wishes o their many Lincolnton friends ii their new field. You can’t teach an old-dog nev tricks unless you are smarter thai.

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