CLEVELAND COUNTY’S LEADING PAPER PAID-UP CIRCULATION Of This Paper Is Greater Than The Population Given Shelby In The 1920 Census PLAN EXHIBITS NOW FOR COUNTY FAIR RELIABLE HOME PAPER Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section. Modern Job Department. VOL. XXXII, No. 46 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1921. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Graduating Class Of 55 Is New Record For Shelby School Diplomas Awarded 55 Regular Graduates, Nine Others, And 14 In Teacher Training—Eloquent Address By Dr. Bateman—Big Event In Local School History. Medals And Awards. Tuesday evening, 55 hoys and Kiris, radiant with the pride of achievement and the smile of earned success, march ed on the staKe at Central school, and off as a unit—forever. History now is the class of 1924, but in that brief span of time thundering applause from a packed auditorium and gallery greeted the largest graduating class in the history of the town. It was without doubt the greatest evening in ♦ he record of the local schools, the cheering of fellow students and the beaming eyes of parems and friends and faculty attest that. Fourteen stu dents of the teacher training depart ment were awarded cer'ificates and nine of the number also received high school diplomas, making a grand total of 78 types of splendid young manhood and womanhood placed on the marts of the world as the finished products of the Shelby high for 1924. The presentation of the coveted d; plomas, however, was only a part of the evening exercises, which were featured by a spurring address by Dr. R. J. Bateman, of Asheville, the class program and the awarding of medal and prizes. Class fcxercises. The filing in of the senior das , their last march into the halls they "have inhabited for 11 years, was the formal opening of the program, which was followed by the Anvil Chorus by the school glee club. The address of welcome to the faculty, fellow stu dents, and the great throng of rela tives and admirers was by Johrv Proc tor McKnight. the alert youngster selected by his many clasmates as their president," and the address if nothing more was the reward for their selection. This was followed by the class history, the ioys and sorrows of 11 years in the school room and four years in high school, by Alpha Gettys, an honor student and a medal winner. The last will and testament, the offi cial document of departure of the class of ’2-1, was by Selma Greene, winner of the Dover Bible medal. The prophecy, an entertaining dream that told of the fortune 20 years hence of the 55 boys and girls, was by Minnie Eddins Roberts, another honor stu dent. “Pickaninny Lullaby” by the glee club was the conclusion of the class exercises, and thereafter the class was honored instead of honor ing. “How Set Your Sail.” “How* Set Your Sail?” was the keynote of a fervent address by Dr. R J. Bateman, of Asheville, that urged and spurred onward that honored group of boys and girls, and beseech ed them to begin painting today their setting sun of tomorrow. “How hold your helm” was the question hurled at them as he informed them that their hereafter was in their own hands and their future a matter of their own making. Inspiring and impelling at times was the exhortation to the class, and vivid and imaginative at others as the speaker depicted what might be, and how. In opening the Asheville pastor paid a glowing tribute to Car olina and the Southland, the stability of citizenship and the blood that is less than one per cent foreign. “The world of tomorrow depends on the Southland and such as you, products of a noble heritage. In all my love and fidelity of the South I have no apolo gies to make nor a single regret at being a native of the gallant Dixie.” Dr. Bateman made a withering reply to the writer who in discussing presidential possibilities eliminated one after another every souj,bernei because he is a native of the South. “Should the writer review his his tory he will find that the greatest of our presidents have been southerners, not a few, but each and every one of the greatest. The two most outstand ing figures in American history were Southerners,” and with the linking together of Lincoln and Wilson the speaker drew enthusiastic applause. “Lincoln on both sides was of Geor gian blood and our Woodrow Wilson is, and will be, the greatest of the South’s noble sons.” ^ “My question of ‘Whither goest Thou?’ will be determined by you and none other. Life is before you, make of it what you will, but it is with you alone to make. The boy or girl among you that has in him or her the ‘natur al stuff’ the ability to fight and go forward and accept achievement as reward, is the one on whom I will stake my bets. Some may inherit the wealth and position made by another, but I warn you it will be the one who has the ‘stuff’ in him, not around him, that will win. Set your star and climb.! Nothing can stop you. Forty years j from now the lives that now lie before you will be almost an open book and! complete. What you will to be nowj is what you will bo then." Presentation of Diplomas. Following the address the diplomas were presented to the graduates by Prof. J. H. Grigs:, principal of the school, as the names were announced by Superintendent Griffin. And in turn certificates were given the grad uates of the teacher training depart ment. Those receiving dinlomas were: ( lass of 1924. Ruth Allf'n, Eva Allen, Hugh Ar rowood, Sarah Austell. Edwin Beam. William Beam, Dovie Beam, Mary E. Black, Lama Blanton, Ila Mae Bost, Grace Bowling, Irma Bridges, Delia Cal ani.-s, Helen Campbell, Pearl Dix on, Willie Doggett, Fay Downs, Char les Eskridge,, Luceta Francis, Hattie Gidney. Selma Green, Eva Grice, Al pha Gettys, Alice Griffin, Mary C. Hamrick. Winfred Hamrick, Avery Hardin, Isabel Hoey, Dwight Hous er, Frank Hoyle, Gladys Humphries, Eleanor Jones, Hoyle Lee, Louise Lev er. Inez Morehead, Mildred MeSwain, Rdessa MeSwain, Broadus MeSwain, George McKown. John Proctor Me Knight. Ed MeCurry, Hugh Miller, Clyde Putnam, Olene Rippy, Minnie Eddins Roberts, Oveta Roberts, Hey ward Ross, Margaret Ross, Irene Spake, RuthjP'F^rner, Vista Smith, Charles Sfnekton, Wilburn Wall, Frances Wmsnant, Robert Wilson. The following students in the teach er training department were also awarded high school diplomas: Helen Francis, Elizabeth McWhir ter, Irene Beam, Annie Spratt, Mattie Sue Allen, Dewey Divine, Mildred CabanisF, Myrtle Wood, Hallie Grigg. Graduates of the teacher training department who were given certifi cates, which is equal in credit to one year in college, were: Elizabeth Mc Whirter, Irene Beam, Martha Me Swain, OUie May Putnam, Frances Roberts, Hallie Grigg, Egberta North, Holland MeSwain, Dewey Divine, Helen Francis, Annie Spratt, Mildred Cabaniss, Martha Sue Allen, and Myr tle Wood. Honor Graduates. The honor graduates, the hoys and girls who have made the honor roll every month in the year, were then presented as follows: Alpha Gettys, Frances Whisnant, Minnie Eddins, Roberts, Margaret Ross, John Proc tor McKnight and Hugh Arrowood. Of the number Margaret Ross, Hugh Arrowood and Frances Whisnant were neither absent nor tardy a single time during the year. Honor students in the other grade spresented were: 8B— Troy McKinney and Margaret Blan ton; 9 A—Attie Mae Eskridge; 9B— Virginia Hoey and Dorothy Mc Knight; 10.A—Alma Putnam and Roy Self. Neither tardy nor absent in the other grades yere: 8B—Troy McKin ney and R. L. Wilson; 9B—-Elizabeth Spangler. Medals and Prizes. Topping the list of medal and prize winners were the “Hundred Per Cent” boy and girl—Hugh Arrowood and Alpha Gettys. No one thing won for them the Washburn cups, the most coveted emblems of the school, but many things, and from the applause that rocked the building (luring the presentation popularity must have been among the many. The cup awarded Hugh Arrowood was offered to the boy with the best record in scholarship, conduct and athletics, and the boy who won was an honor grad uate, neither absent nor tardy during the year and a star on two ’varsity athletic teams .and apparently the reigning favorite of his fellow stu dents from the wild cheering that fol lowed the presentation. The other cup won by Alpha Gettys was for the best all-around girl in high school, judged cn the basis of scholarship and con duct, and the winner was also an honor graduate of the class of ’24. Her honor was closely followed by another in the presentation to her of the essayist medal given by Lee B. Weathers, editor of The Cleveland Star. The Improvement medal given by William Lineberger for the student showing the most improvement dur ing the four years in high school was awarded Louise Lever. The Dover Bible medal, given by John R. Dover was won by Selma Green, while Elea nor Jones, who stood a close second was presented the Stanford Bible. The spelling medal offered by T. W. Ham rick was presented to Mae Bost. The Max Gardner debater’s medal won Monday evening was presented to the winner, Caroline Blanton. Other pre sentations included: Mae Bost, win ner of the American Legion essay contest for the entire state of North Carolina;'Charlotte Tedder, winner of the Daughters of the Confederacy es (Continued on page eight.) Moyd Heam Received Fractured Col lar Bone—Children’s Day Ex ercises at Patterson. Special to The Star. Grover, June 3.—Cotton chopping is the order of the day with the farm ers around Grover. There is reported to be a fairly good stand in most places. Mr. \. J. Hardin who is rural car rier on route 1 from Grover has been kept at home by sickness for the past several day. Mr. C. C. Byers is deliv ering the mail in his place. Mrs. C. A. Mullinax left today for Rock Hill, S C, where she will spend some time visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hyde of Co lumbia, S. C., arrived in Grover Sat urday for a visit to Mrs. Hyde's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hardin. Mrs. Hyde will spend several weeks here before returning to Columbia. Mr. and Mrs T. F Oates of Ruther fordton spent Sunday with relatives in Grover. Mr. I F. King of Patterson Springs visited in Grover Sunday afternoon. Misses Evelyn Mullinax and Mary Hester Ellis are attending the com mencement of Limestone college in Gaffney this week. Messrs J. B. Ellis, Carlie Martin and Paul Randall are attending court In Gastonia today. Mr. M. T. Turner and daughter, Mrs. June Shoffner of Charlotte are visiting Mr. Turner’s daughter, Mrs. B. P. Hambright this week. They came yesterday accompanied by Mr. Shoff ner, who returned to Charlotte in the afternoon. Messrs. J. B. Ellis and Carlie Mar tin are planning to attend the bankers convention which meets in Asheville tomorrow. Grover is all set for the primary next Saturday, but there seems to be but little interest developing in the contests. Mr. Lloyd McSwain and family of Dallas were visiting in Grover yes terday. Master Floyd Beam the young son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Beam suffered a right serious accident yesterday when he fell from a barn loft at the home and fractured a collar bone. The fracture was set immediately and he seems to be doing well. He had been suffering for several days with an ab scessed tooth and the fall seemed to make the affected tooth worse, but he is thought to be doing a? well as could be expected. Mrs. J. H. Hambright was confined to her home Saturday and Sunday by sickness but we are glad to learn that she is able to be out again.4 There will be childrens day exercis es at Patterson Springs church next Sunday. The services will begin at 9:45 and continue through the after noon w-ith dinner on the ground. Dr. R. L. Lemons of Shelby will be pres ent in the afternon and make an ad dress. Toluca News Of Personal Mention Special to The Star. Toluca, June 4.—Mrs. Sarah Boggs of Fallston who is spending some time visiting Mr. J. D. Boyles made a visit to Burke county to visit her relatives Mr. Clark Jones and others. She was accompanied on her trip by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Willis. They returned this week. Mr. John Hallman student of Wake Forest college returned home Sunday to spend a few days. He leaves then for Tennessee to take up work until school opens again. Mr. A. C. Costner and children at tended the memorial services at Big Hill Sunday. A large crowd was pres ent. Miss Donnie Sain of Shelby was a visitor at home Sunday with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Hartsell Sain. Messrs L. E., A. G., and R. P. Boyles had a very successful fishing trip to Burke county this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sain accompan ied by Mrs. A. F. Hicks visited Miss Ora Sain of Morganton Sunday. A large number of people attended the memorial services at Davids Chapel last Sunday. The Hebron choir furnished music while Rev. J. B. Mor gan of Fallston and Rev. J. D. Morris also of near Fallston, preached. National Corn Park. Yorkville Enquirer. Prohibition officers operating in the Kings Mountain Battleground section last Friday got a small distillery and another outfit in the same vicinity Saturday. No liquor and no men were captured on either raid. Officers op erating in the Smyrna section on Saturday captured a shet iron still of about 50-gallons capacity. It was not in operation. Watch"for Chiropractic Playlet at Princess Theatre. 8-30e MBS. J3E S- BL«!TGN Wife of one of County’s Leading Farmers Panned After Long Illness. Buried Thursday. Mrs. Hester Blanton, wife of Mr. Joe S. Blanton died at her home four miles northwest of Shelby at eleven o’clock Wednesday following on ill. ness of 18 month* wliich started with sin attack of influenza and developed i into complications which confinad her to her bed a great part of the time Mrs. Blanton was <•!> v"»rs of age and was a daughter of the late Lawson A. Botts. She married Mr. Joe S. Blanton over fifty veers ago and was a most faithful and devoted companion. Her life was oneof usefulness. .She was a member of Zion church many years and an outstanding Christ :sn »n her community, always attending church -e-ular’y and ministering pnto the sick. As a mother she was most am bitious for her children and lived for her family, toiling ceaselessly but with joy and pleasure to make her home all that she wanted it to be. In her younger days the Blanton home was a gathering place for the young neon’e of the community and she en tered into their pleasures with the spirit of youth in her heart. She was a true and loving mother and wife who will be greativ missed not only in the home but in the whole commun ity where she was loved so tenderly bv all. Mrs. Blau* >n is survived bv her hus band, two sons, Lawson and Colemsa, one daughter Mrs. Frank Cornwell, all of whom are among the most ac tive and influential citizens fn Cleve land’s agricultural life. Also surviv ing are one broth#r Frank Botts of Casar and one sitter, Mrs. Maggie Cabaniss, widow of the late William Cabaniss. The funeral was conducted at two o’clock Thursday afternoon at Zion by Reva^D. G. Washburn and J. C. Gillespie where a large crowd gath ered to pay a tribute of respect to her noble life. Tom Mix A Feature At Princ&as Theatre A special feature at the Princess Theatre Friday is the charming Mae Murray in one of her best pictures, “The Fashion Row." This film will prove enjoyable to more than those just interested in fashion, for there is an appeal in the “row." An excep tional picture with no extra charges. Saturday, Tom Mix, the favorite in daredevil films, will appear at the Princess in “The Trouble Shooter.” “Tony’, Tom’s wonder horse, stars along with Tom in the thrilling ride across the trestle ahead of a locomo tive. It has probably more of the dare devil than any other picture in which the wild horseman has appeared. “The Three Musketeers,” one of the greatest hits of recent years, will be at the local theatre Monday and Tues day. Attendance records have been broken everywhere this picture has been shown, and the attendance here is expected to he large not only be cause of the fame of the film but be cause the nroceeds will be for the ben efit o fthe Boy Scout*. Hamricks To Erect Three Store Houses T. W. and Frank A. Hamrick have let the contract to Julius Branton for the erection of three brick store build ings, each 20x65 feet on N. LaFayette, the buildings to cost about $10,000. The stores will be modern in every particular with pressed brick and plate glass fronts. They will be of brick material, one story high. One of the buildings is to be occu pied by the Whiteway Dry Cleaning Co., formerly the Whiteway Pressing club, owned and managed by Louis M. Hamrick. The dry cleaning plant is to be equipped with DeLaval continu ous clarification system, the same sys tern that is used by the largest clean ers and dyers in the country. Material is now being placed on the ground for the buildings and construction will be gin right away. Neighbors Marry at Kings Mtn. Kings Mountain Herald. A marriage of much interest to Herald readers was solemnized Sun day night when Mr. John A. Sims of Mountain street and Mrs. Birdie Rob erts were married. The ceremony was performed by Squire J. Monroe Rhea at the home of Mr. J. A. Roberts in the presence of a few friends and neighbors. They had both been married before. Mr. Sims’ wife died in the hospital at Morganton more than a year ago. Mrs Roberts’ husband Mr. Charles Rob erts, died last Christmas a year ago. The couple had long been neighbors. CRY STAR WANT AD*. County to Erect Attractive Signs at ■ Entrance of Cleveland on State Highway No. 20. At the meeting of the county board : of commissioners on Monday of this I week at which all members of the I board were present it was unnni ,mously decided to erect attractive 'road signs at the entrance of Clev eland county in highway No. 20. These two signs will be erected nenr Kings Mountain on the Gaston coun ty kind and between Mooresboro and Ellenbord on the Rutherford line, ,"ailing attent.on to the passersby that "This is Cleveland County" and ex tending a welcome to the s!ranger. Just whether these signs will point out the fact that Cleveland is the banner agricultural county of the ?tate or nit, has not been determined. ,The sire, wording and designs of two large road signs will be left to the .chairman ofthe board of county com missioners and to the chairman of committees from the Kiwanig club of 'Shelbyand the Chamber of commerce of Kings Mountain, both of which clubs have sponsored this form of publicity. Bills Ordered Paid. The following bills were ordered paid by the county board: A. C. Brackett bridge lumber $91.32; W. A. Gantt bridge work $10.70; Will Mack advance $65; W. A. Crowder .bridge work $5.60; C. I). Hicks bridge work $12; Wallace burial ex pense Martin Ledford $20; Z. B. •Weathers and Sons, bridge work $1, 214.02; \V. W. Washburn service as commissioner $30.83; George Peeler service as commissioner $81.71; D. A. Fulton coffin for county home $7.50; Thompson Lumber Co., lumber for county home $13.10; Herald Pub. Co., publishing tax listing notice $17; Ed wards and Broughton, tax binders $43.20; Star Pub. Co., printing and publishing $49.50; H. A. Logan jail funds $172.00; M. H. Austell trip and expense $20. Paul Webb paint for county home $41.86; J. D. Lineberger Sons Co., supplies $23.90; Mauney Co. supplies county home $47.30; Dr. Ben | Gold services county physician 3 [months $74. Piedmont Grocery Co., for county home $39.90; South Shelby Pharmacy bills for jail and county home $17.00. L. A. Cabaniss salary and expense county home $200.60; Campbell De partment store county home bills $119.56. Cash Grocery Co., home bills $61; Washburn and Co.f home bills $12.20; W. H. Blanton hauling bridge lumber $6. R. E. Lawrence, county agent $100 Town of Shelby, street pav ing $319.06. D. M. Morehead deputy sheriff $10; R. O. Cobb capturing still $20. H. A. Logan trip and expenses $11.20; W. B. Burchfield deputy $2; T. L. Barnett deputy $8.50. E. W. Dixon capturing still $20; Irma Wal lace home economies agent $50. Associational B. Y. P. U. To Meet Here Every Church in Kings Mountain As sociation Expected to be Repre sented June 14 and 15. Special to The Star. The third annual Kings Mountain Baptist associational B. Y..P. U. con vention will be held with the First Baptist church here June 14th and 15th. Something big is scheduled to be unwrapped at the First Baptist church Shelby, when this- inspiring bunch of live wire, punch propelling boosters come together for a rally. Get tuned up for the affair. Put a smile on your face and come for every session. Old-timers, new.timers and once-in awhilers, we want you to be present. We have got to have you, that’s all there is to it. Make preparations right now to break loose from the old roof tree and bring your friends with you. Just a word to you loyal B. Y. P. U. members. Next Sunday morning jump off your cot when the first blush of dawn tints the cheek of the eastern sky, wiggle into your Sunday-go-to meeting togs, crank up your Henry and rush over and visit some Rip Van Winkle B. Y. P. U., arouse them from their lethargy and tell them we are expecting a delegation from every B. Y. P. U. dead or alive. To the church" having no organiza tion, the pastor or superintendent will please apoint a number of young peo ple to represent your church. Do this netx Sundav. Aside from some of our own B^Y. P. U. Spizzerinktum Stars, several prominent out of the associa tion speakers have been secured. The three wide awake B. Y. P. U.s of the First church are expecting you. Cor diality is the middle name of this bunch of pep producers. So do not dis appoint them. Be there Saturday aft ernoon when the action begins. A. V. WASHBURN, Pres. Guess how much gas the Carolina Motor Inn will sell Saturday and win 15 gallons. Ad T WORK GOING OH AROUND NEW [OOP Extension ('yelp Of Work Almost Completed. More Than Goal Se cured In Shelby. Recently in the extension of the program of the State Young Men’s Christian Association a banquet was held here, at which time Shelby pledg ed her quota of the amount necessary for a “Y” secretary for this district, which is composed of surrounding towns where there are no Y. M. C. A. buildings and organization. The fol lowing letter from J. Wilson Smith, state secretary, informs how the pro gram is progressing: “We are writing to report the progress which has been made in the extension of the program of the State Young Men’s Christian Asso ciation in the Western District. The following towns have contributed to the support of a District Secretary: Goal Secured Lincolnton $ 500 $195.50 Statesville 1000 - 655.50 Hickory 800 807.50 Morganton 500 575.00 Shelby 500 537.50 One more city, Mooresvill?, re mains to be canvassed and the cycle will be complete. In addition, it is the plan to carry on a program in the .'.mailer towns, like Cherryville and Newton, where the remainder of the budget will be secured. We are now looking for a capahli secretary who will devote his energies to the development of the Boys’ Work in your territory. Ln the meantime before the new secretary' arrives, Mr .! T. Fesperman, State Boys’ Work Secretary, has been giving a gener ous portion of his time to this work. Mr. Fesperman recently conducted a one-day "Come Clean Campaign” at Hickory and Lincolnton. Eighty-four boys at Hickory and forty-nine a; Lincolnton signed the "Come Clean' cards. The school commencement a*. Statesville prevented the promotion of this program at that place. At Morganton, we secured a strong speaker for a Fathers ^Meeting, and several sex hygiene talks in the school. We will have the plan well worked out by the opening of the next school season, and we expect to be in full swing early in September.” Women Voters Are Supporting Logan We, the undersigned lady voters of No. 9 would like to say a few words for our present sheriff. If anyone will go to the records they will find there has been more stills captured more cars confiscated, and more rum runners convicted within the last 5 years than ever before in the history of the county. Several years ago officers could go to the mountains and capture three or four stills in one day. Now they can search all day and not find a single still, Why? Because they are about all gone. We think Sheriff Logan and his deputies have done more to wipe out the liquor business than any past sheriff has ever done. So if the moth ers really want tq help enforce pro hibition, they will make no mistake by voting for Sheriff Logan. MRS. J. A. TILLMAN, MRS. A. G. HIGGINS, MRS. C. R. DIXON. MRS. R. F. STAMEY, MRS. A. F. WILLIAMS, MRS J. J. BLANTON MRS. E. W. DIXON, ’ MRS. M. L. LUTZ. (Political Advertisement.) Mrs. W. F. Queen Is Buried At Zoar Church Mrs. Rosa Etta Queen, wife of W. F. Queen, well known local drayman, died at her home in west Shelby Wed nesday morning at 9 o’clock following an illness with cancer. Mrs. Queen had been a sufferer for a long time. She born in McDowell county 54 years ago. The funeral was conducted Thursday morning at 10 o’clock bv Rev. J. M. Ridenhour of the M. T Church and the interment was at Zoar Baptist church cemetery. She is sur vived by her husband and one son, Roy Queen. At the First Baptist Church. The pastor. Dr. Lemons, will occupy the pulpit at both the morning and ev ening hours. At the morning hour the theme will be “Vision and Task.” Good music at both hours. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., and you are invited to be present. Classes and a place for all. You are invited to all these services. One qu rt of oil free with every five gallons or over of gaB sold Sat urday at Carolina Motor Inn, one block rear of postoffice. Adv For binder twine and cider mills see O. E. Ford Co., Ad ttoad Ituilders of Two Continents Will Pass Through Shelby on Carolina Road Inspection. Representative road builders of two continents nre this week the guests of North Carolina and are examining North Carolina methods of road build ing and maintenance. In addition to the demonstrations the visitors from South America and many states In the United tSates will be driven over a 500 mile stretch of roads that have made the state famous. Monday short ly before noon the big delegation will pass through Shelby en route from Charlotte to Asheville. Just the hour they will reach Shelby is not known, but they will lunch at Chimney Rock. The official party includes ambassa dors from seven South American countries, members of the Pan Amer ican highway commission, distin guished South Americaif road enthusi asts and editors, representative of the United States department of com merce, national highway officials and others from a dozen different states and governors of Virginia and North Carolina. Wednesday the party was accorded a reception at the capitol by Governor Morrison und inspected the state high way offices and equipment, motoring from there to Durham the party had lunch and nroceeded on to Greensboro, where a big banquet was tendered them Wednesday evening. Thursday was spent in witnessing demonstra tions in road building and mainten ance i nthe vicinity of Greensboro Yanceyville and Caswell were hosts at a barbecue Thursday and an open air concert was given in Greensboro Thursday evening. Friday the visitors will witness more demonstrations and visit Win ston-Salem in the afternoon where a big southern negro music festival will be the entertainment feature. The to bacco and furniture industries in Winston and High Point will be vis ited Saturday, and on Sunday the party will lunch in Salisburv and spend the afterhoon in Charlotte. Leaving Charlotte early Monday morn ing -the party will p«»s through Gas tonia and Shelby en rout" to Chimney Rock, where they WiP lunch before proceeding to Asheville. The visitors will leave Asheville for Washington Tuesday evening after touring sec tions in the “land of the sky.” Miss Caroline Blanton Wins Gardner Medal • Miss Caroline Blanton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Blanton and a student in the tenth grade of the high school, Monday evening won the Max Gardner debater’s medal, and with her team-mate. Nelson Callahan, won thte annual debate, which was held in the Redpath Chautauqua tent prior to Chautauqua program. The question was, “Resolved: That Congress Was justified in its action against the Jap anese.” Miss Blanton and Mr. Calla han represented the negative, while the opposing debaters were Miss Alma Putnam and Mr. Max Dixon. The speech and rebuttal of each speak er was a credit to high school pupils and a large number of people packed the tent for the annual debate. Hawaiian Music. The concluding program of the Chautauqua attractions was held fol lowing the debate and was considered one of the best entertainments of the five days. Vierra’s Hawaiians delight ed the large growd with “An Evening in Hawaii,” a medley of Hawaiian selections. The announcement by Sup erintendent Brownlee that the Chau tauqua would return next year spon sored by the Woman’s club bijough prolonged applause. JUDGE FALLS ENDORSES BRUMMITT FOR ATTY-GEN To the Democratic Voters: My friend and schoolmate D. G Brummitt, candidate for Attorney General, has written me asking me to speak to my friends in his behalf. I take this method of stating to you that he is in every way a qualified fellow for this office, is deserving at the hands of the Democrats in Cleve land county. I will appreciate it if all my friends and acquaintances will vote for him. I wish also to endorse the candi dacy of Hon. J. P. Cook for State Auditor. I have known him for twen ty (20) years. The state is greatly in debted to him for his unselfish serv ices in establishing the Stonewall Jackson Training School for delin quent boys. I will likewise appreci ate your voting for him. B. T. FALLS, ’ (Political Advertisement.) ' Mr. and Mrs. Preston Cook are here from their home home in Murfresboro Tennessee to spend the month of June with her parents Mr. and Mrs Wm. A. Lattimore in the Sharon sec tion.

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