lift# ml ami $tar TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Subscription Price. By mail, per year___ $2.0C By carrier, per year __ J2.5C The Star Publishing Company, Inc. LEE It. \V FATHERS President RENN DRUM _. Local Editoi Entered as second class rnattei January 1, 1905, at the postoffice at Shelby, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. We wish to call your attention to the fact that it is, and has been out custom to charge five cgnts per lint for resolutions of respect, cards ot thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. Thh will be strictly adhered to. \ saw—Jinm——■ ■ .i.i..ugr TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1924. Anti-suffragist says men may stop having their hair cut because it is becoming too feminine. The Watts*Morrison p'pisode on the convention floor at. New Yorw is be ing discussed as if it was the first time ;• of the two ever used Arneri gb ;i While w: are talking of America’s supremacy in, the air our public speakers should not be overlooked. The most independent thing notic ed on the Fourth was an unruly fliv ver that refused to budge.. Rutherford’s full time health offic er is now active with the duties of his office, but a similar movement in this county seems to have died in its in fancy—along with several others. The coming of so many Russian ac tors to America may be explained by the fact that eggs are selling for on# cent each in Russia. The tables have turned. Max Gard ner, in the habit of charging for his advice, had to pay nearly one hundred dollars for advice from home folks while at the convention. Concerning the Democratic conven tion the Asheville Time* remarked that the man with the most religious prejudice usually has the least relig ion. A new faction^ is to be dealt with in North Carolina politics, ami one of sonic power. The ex-service men had their first little skirmish Satur, day since six years ago—and they won. , TIME “FUGITS” Shelby c nee had n bettor baseball dub than Charlotte, and “No banan as today’’ was not the first saying of its kind. Proof of our assertion is in the ten and twenty years ago column carried by The Charlotte Ob erver. Saturday. Furthermore, Fed eral Judge E, Yates Webb, was a barbecue speaker much in demand twenty years ago, and the saying. “On the Rock'-” must have originated in Gastonia forty years ago. These assertions are based on the twenty and forty years ago column of the Gastonia Gazette of Friday. Ten years ago The Charlotte Ob server carried a news item which read: “Watermelon crop a failure. Farmers :-t»y they have no melons to day”. The ha nano ditty might have “Darwined’ from the melons. Twenty years ago The Observer carried an Recount of the Fourth of July base ball game which said: "Shelby out classed Charlotte in a baseball game.” Perhaps though it was n high school game instead of professional, which is a present dav possibility. Twenty years ago in The Gastonia Gazette C. W. Fuller announced that his big bnrhecue would he held at Bessemer City August <>, and that the speakers would include “Hons. E. Y. Webb, It. B. Glenn and Jake Nowell.” Forty years ago The Gazette carried the fol lowing item, which might have been entitled, “On the Rocks”: ‘‘S^rr- three weeks ago a plucky old h oneludcd to sit on one egg, and t v: :. i ■> order to break up her calculations filled the box in which she wanted to sit with rocks thinking ’hat of course her sitting propensity would then be broken up. But. not so. The old hen spread her self out on top of the rocks and for more than a week has hot comp off to eat or drink. She takes to those rocks without any seeming incon veri*ence or trouble of mind. A little five year old says that the old hen is going to hatch out young rocks, and if there is nothing new under the sun. it is agreed to let her try her skill at them.” Yes, time obeys no speed laws, and changes many things as jt flits by. WHAT WE PAY; WHAT WE GET. Cleveland county has been drseriml hated against, in the matter of road building in North Carolina and The Star wants to submit a few figures to prove that we are entitled to more. In the first place the road bond issues total 65 millions, not counting what the state gets from the Federal gov ernment. ff Cleveland were an average county, we should be entitled to #650. 000, but Cleveland is above the aver age of t^e 100 North Carofnia coun ties in wealth, population, road mile age, number of motor vehicles and territory, so if the proper distribution .were made, Cleveland should he en titled to about $750,000, yet we have less than a half million invested in the Kings Mountain-Shelhy road and bridges, the only state constructed road in the county. Mr. Page says the | average gasoline consumption per I motor vehicle in North Carolina is 1340 gallons per year. This is lower it ban ever before because of the good irojuls, hut figuring gasoline on this I basts each of the 4,000 motor vehicles 'sed *135 worth of gasoline annually, or a total consumption at 25c a gal lon of $540,000. On this the state levied three cents per gallon of $54,800 which without automobile license tax of $70,000 makes a total of $130,800 which the state collects annually from Cleveland county auto owners to main tain the county-seat highways, pay in iterest on bonds and create a sinking fund to retire them. In less than four ' years at the present rate( the county jwill have paid the State of North ! Carolina all that she has invested in hard roads in Cleveland county. We cite these figures to show (hat we are entitled to* have the contract let fS OFFERS YOU THE BEST BARGAINS OF THE SEASON IN GOOD, DEPENDABLE SUITS, HATS, OXFORDS, SHIRTS, TIES'AND UNDERWEAR. LOOK BELOW. BETTER STILL COME AND SF.E WITH YOUR OWN EYES. -STRAW HATS— Hats usually sold at $3.00. my price . $1.50 $4.00 Hats at.$2.50 $5.00 Hats at . $2.75 At $3.95 to $6.95 a pair. Get yours today. BLUE SERGE SUITS— SPECIAL THIS WEEK LOT NO,— 3500— 20 of them to sell, regular price, $22.53 each, special price this week.$18.50 3501— 15 of them to sell, regular price $21.53 each, special price this week.$17.50 8735—15 of them to sell, regular price $32.53 each, special price this week .. $27.50 191—*-0 of them to sell, regular price $30.03 each, special price this week.$25.00 137—20 oi them to sell, regular price $32.50 each, special price this week.$27,50 7060—25 of them to sell, regular price $37.53 each, special price this week. $32.50 .... x * SUMMER SUIT SPECIALS \ LOT NO. 4 a i 544 sold at $30.00 now . $25.00 502 sold at $27.50 now.$23.50 . j 606 sold at $30.00 now.$25.00 10iS sold at $16.50 now.$15,00 Other suits at $18.50 to $22.50. —EIG SPECIAL IN MENS PANTS — 300 Pairs at $1.00 to $1.50 reduction on each pair. $10.00 pants at.. $8.50 $5.00 pants at $8.50 pants at .. $7.50 $4.00 pants at $6.50 pants at.. $5.00 $3.00 pants at $3.95 $2.95 $2.25 1000 FINE SHIRTS ARE BEING SOLD AT FAR LESS THAN THEIR VALUE. ASK TO SEE THEM AT 95c AND UP. WHEN YOU BUY A BOX OF 3 I GIVE YOU STILL LOWER PRICES. ALL I ASK IS FOR YOU TO LOOK ALL OVER THE TOWN THEN LOOK HERE AND I AM QUITE SURE YOU’LL BUY YOUR OUTFIT AT THIS STORE. OPPOSITE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH