PLAN TO ATTEND CLEVELAND COUNTY’S FIRST BIG FAIR THIS FALL—OCTOBER 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 -BIG FREE ATTRACTIONS EVERY DAY. 4 PAID-UP CIRCULATION Of This Paper Is Greater Than The Population Given Shelby In The 1920 Census Ww letoclanb VOL. XXXII, No. 72 RELIABLE HOME PAPER Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section. Modern Job Department. THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, SEPT. 12, 1924. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE I Hight School Boys Begin Regular Practice I'nder Direction of Morris, the New, Coach. Tile Shelby high football outfit, reg ulars, aspirants and others, are be ing whipped into shape for the coming season by daily drill and practice on the city ball park under the direction of “Casey” Morris, new coach, who ar rived this week. Some 25 or 30 boys have answered the call issued by Mor ris and a number more are expected out next week when school opens. Prospects as viewed from the sidelines during preliminary practice only are that more and better material than ever before is on hand with which to begin a season. Barring mishaps, Shel by has several good reasons on which to base hope for a championship elev en: Among the boys out are several now men who will enter school thip year and should prove good additions to the eleven. Among them are Hackney, Furches and Ellerbee, players of; some experience, and in their last year of high school will be candidates for i the eleven in order to gain an insight of the Fetzer system as taught by Morris. The local line should he one. of the most outstanding in the state. Harry Grigg will likely be back in at renter, Captain Auten and Fred Beam will be at their regular tackle, positions, while there are a number of sturdy built youngsters from which : to select the two guards. Newman, a regular, will be back on one wing, pro vided his injured foot does not pre vent. There is some talk that Cline Lee, brilliant guard last year and star shortstop o nthe baseball team, will be shifted to one end because of hi, speed, length, sureness in receiving passes and his deadly tackles. How ever, few berths appear to “be on ice" as yet as there are several hard-work ing candidates for every position. In j the backfield is a versatile lot. Max) Connor, all state player, will perhaps run the eleven at quarter, although both Furches and Hackney half backs have experience in handling a team.! Hllerbee, one of the candidates for the . berth of full back, is a hefty speci men and fast on his feet. All of the I hacks are shifty and good broken field runners, while both Connor and i Hackney are acurate passer.: and Fur ches and Ellerbee are experienced in pulling the pigskin out ofthe air while running at full speed. Among the oth er backfield men are several good substitutes and regulars from preced ing years, such as Hopper and Ded mon, who may he moved to the line, Babington, Jones the Wilsons and oth ers. Golden Brothers Circus Here Monday Lone famous for strange and cu rious forms of animal life to be found in no other zoological garden or me nagerie “Golden Bros.’ big four ring trained wild animal Circus” this year contains an exhibit which is pow oc cupyine the attention of scientists and naturalists everywhere. It is the only j white camel ever seen in captivity and j the only one ever brought to this coun try. Prof. Knude. who has given a great deal of study to the subject claims he finds this remarkable ani-j mal a descendant of the few white | camels which survived the storms' which about the year 1700 overwhelm ed the villages of the Gobi pleteau and ; killed all the people; at any rate it is a prize of which any circus might j justly boast and yet it is but one of the many valuable displays made by J the Golden Bros’ big four ring Trained ! Wild Animal circus, which is to be seen in Shelby Monday Sept. 15th. New Hilliard Tea Room Opens. One of the most interesting: events j °f the week was the opening: of the j Hilliard tea room by Mrs. R. E. Ware 1 at 508 West Warren street on Tues-' day afternoon from 3:30 to 6. The op ening; of this tea room is quite an in- ■ novation for Shelby and Mrs. Ware’s, formal opening; on Tuesday has al-i ready proved its popularity by the; number of women calling; during the i hours and the reservations already made for this week. The tea room proper and dining room, rest and gift rooms were de corated with fall flowers and receiv ing with Mrs. Ware were here sister, Mrs. J. R. Dukes, Mrs. Mae Conner, Miss Mae Connor and Mrs. Brady. The next time Shelby people have j « charitable feeling they should look around the home and find the stray j and unused school books to be turn-! cd over to Welfare Officer Smith. There are a number of children who will appreciate that bit of time and the books. ^ ou're missing a sensation by not riding one of the new seats at Heavy’8 and hearing the piano. Ad More rarmers Are Asking About Co-Op Marketing System Following Visit Here of Blalock Col • on farniers of County Are Be coming Interested in Co-Ops. I <>11 <>\\ ing the visit here and speech last Saturday in the court house bv I General Manager U. B. Blalock many! lev, land county cotton farmers here tofore somewhat shy of the North arolfna Cotton Growers cooperative! association are now showing interest! in the marketing system of the asso-l ciation. With two years experience in handling the cotton crop of the state it is sinking in on the farmer., that' off coals of the organization must, know what they are about. New mem bers are being received and many oth ers are making inquiries about the co-ops. In his speech here Mr. Blalock in formed the farmers that the associa tion had made arrangements to use! the f lantera and Merchants warehouse here as the delivery center, and ad vised the members of the association when possible to deliver to the Ideal center warehouse. Expect Good Year. In repards to the coming year the Cotton Growers Bulletin says: "With a trained force of workers and with the most modern labor sav ing and economical office machinery, the association is prepared to make a considerable saving in operating ex pense the coming season. Lower in surance rates, lower storage rates, some concessions in freight rates and a substantial reduction in interest rates are among the features. It is estimated that the saving to the mem bers of the association in operation expense will be close to $200,000. “The first year of operation the association handled over 135,000 bales of cotton and averaged for its mem bers slightly more than 25 cents a pound. Approximately 10,000 bales of the cotton received was old cotton de livered by members who have joined the association. "Reports for the second year show that approximately 131,000 bales were handled and that the total operating expense by reason of gelling direct to consumer was very substantially re duced. The members received 29 cents a pound net for middling cotton—a very good price for the season and in fact the second highest average price in a period of over half a century. In the beginning of the season, the man agement mapped out a program and followed it. A liberal advance pay ment was made on delivery another payment was made in December, an other in the early spring and the final settlement in July. By this program, the membership received money dur ing the season, as they were in need of it—The members received 70 per cent of the value of the cotton before ! December 25. “Now with the opening of the third season, and in view of the fact that several thousand new members have joined during the summer months, the management looks forward to a suc cessful season—the association will make an advance payment to all mem bers of $70 on every bale weighing 500 pounds and over with slightly re duced advance^ on lighter bales. The association has arranged with the North Carolina agricultural credit corporation for marketing loans on all cotton of the members, these loans to be made at the time of delivery and at a vefy low interest rate. These mark eting loans on bales weighing 500 pounds and over are set at $20 a bale —by this arrangement member* can secure $90 on every 500 pound bale if desired on delivery." More Real Estate Sales Are Reported Real estate in the town and county continues active. J. B. Nolan reports Charles Z. Randall of Toluca has purchased through Mr. Nolan the A. Wayne McMurry farm of 57 1-2 acres at aconsideration of around $4,500 and A. Wayne McMurry has purchas ed from Frank H. Lee of Polkville 50 acres at S150 per acre. Jack Ligon has purchased through Anthony and Anthony a lot on the Cleveland Springs road from Dewey Plummer. This lot has a frontage of 75 feet on the highway, Renn Drum and Lee B. Weathers have purchased for $5,000 through Anthony and Anthony from J. M. Burns of Marshville, 250 feet on the paved street leading to the Seaboard depot and fronting 130 feet on N. Washington street, this being a part of the Purvis property. This corner lot will be graded and cut into four nice building lots approximately 65x130 feet and sold. The Detroit Free Press says there is one thing that can be said for the iceman: He does not commence about November urging us to put in next summer’s stock. Shelby does not have a training table for her athletes, but they all eat at Heavy’s Cafe. Adv NoMp Young Woman and Mother of Eight Children is Victim of Strange Death. Mrs. Marvin Lutz die 1 early Mon day morning at her home near Bel wood in u most peculiar manner and her untimely passing is a source of great sorrow to her many frier.ds. Mrs. Lutz had not comp’lined espec ially of sickness other than she was exhausted from waiting on her several sick children. The loss of sleep and the long but patient hours of work and worry over her loved ones caused her suffering. When the family physician come on Sunday to visit the little ones, Mrs. Lutz was given a hypoder mic. This eased her suffering and Sun day night she fell to sleep. Members of her family tried to arouse her when they thought her sleep should have ended but she continued to sleep until next morning. When she did awake, she got up from the bed and hurried to the fireplace, calling to her husband and declaring that death was near. Her husband was at her side when she passed away. Four of the children are still sick, three of them seriously'. Mrs. Lutz was the oldest daughter of Mr. Bob Elliott and a noble Chris tian woman, a devoted wife and moth er, tireless in her interest and efforts about home. She was a faithful mem ber of Kadesh church and loved by all who knew her. Seventeen years ago she married Marvin Lutz, one of the most substantial farmers of upper Cleveland and to this union of 17 years were blessed with eight bright chil dren, all of whom survive, together with her mother, Mrs. Bob Elliott, one sister Mrs. Clarence Spangler and three brothers, Maurice, Ernest and Marvin Elliott. The funeral was conducted Tuesday by Revs. L. E. Stacy, John Green and Rev. Mr. Morgan of Kadesh church where the interment took place at noon, a large crowd paying a tribute of respect to her beautiful life and character. Receiving Points For Co-Ops iii Cleveland The following places in Cleveland county have been designated as official receiving poin's for cotton by the North Carolina Cooperative Cotton Grower* association: Planters and Merchants warehouse, Shelby; John Smart at Mooresboro Cotton Oil Co., Mooresboro; Fred C. Poteet at Latti more: Lee’s Gin at Polkville; A. C. Brackett at Casar; Oscar Powell at Powell’s Gin; E. B. Olive at Earl: J. Mr. Putnam at Waco; Victory Gin warehouse, Kings Mountain. No agent has yet been appointed at Lawndale. Tags have been sent to each mem ber with his name , address and con tract number on the tags. The mem ber is to put one of these tags on each bale of cotton when he delivers it. Ev eryone is warned not to borrow tags from anyone else because the cotton will go in the name of someone else. Much time and expense can be saved if the members will deliver their cot ton properly—always put your own tag on your cotton—always have your contract number with you. Field Representative O. Forrest McGill has headquarters with Mr. R. E. Lawrence, county agentln the court house. Any question that may arise should be taken up through him. Week-End Program At Princess Theatre An unusually entertaining program for the week-end is offered by the Princess management and includes two of the famous Western stories of Zane Grey, peer pensman of the open spaces. “The Wanderer of the Waste land, Zane Grey’s immortal, is the feature of Friday’s bill. The adventure romance of the frontier, a thrilling desert drama and told in colored pic tures it’s beautiful, hair-raising and entertaining “The Last of the Duanes’ another Zane Grey tale, wth the dar ing Tom Mix as the best last, is billed for Saturday. This is a tale of the Texas Rangers in the flaming west when life hung on a hair trigger. Monday, there comes a girl you’ll love in “Salomy Jane”, a romance of the redwoods, staged in the roaring days of '49, Lawndale Dedication Services Postponed The dedication services for tiie new Lawndale union church announced for Sunday night, September 14, have been postponed, according to a mes sage from Lawndale. This was done as it was not possible for all three of the pastors who hold services in the church to be present at that time. A date will be selected the latter par of this month or early in October at which time dedication services “will be held. Cle\eland Farmers Face Possi bility of Paying Out Over .Million For Feedstuff Kven if Cleveland county produced 10,000 holes of cotton the money from 10,000 bales will have to he spent with 0 her states for feedstuff unless some thing is dt ne, is the startling w arn ing given out by the County Hoard of Agriculture. The corn and hay crop in the county this year is disap pointing, very much so. The cotton crop may be good, but the stock can n< t be fed on cotton, and the stock mu t he fed. The al'ernative advised —ra'her urged—by the board iK that every farmer in the county sow from two to five acres of good land in oats. This is the only solution to saving the farmers of Cleveland county one and j one-half million dollars that w ill oth- j j erwise be spent aad the board prac-i tiaclly terms farmers who do not sow I : seme oa's a “slicker.” In urging evefy farmer in the hor-, tiers of Cleveland county to sow outs! and sow them ii» September, in order! i to save the county this vast sum of] money. O. Max Gardner, president of j the agricultural hoard, says: “It lias been estimated that Cleve- | land county, in view of our poor corn! an dhay crop w ill have to buy over one j and one-half million dollars worth of j feedstuff from the West for the year j I 1925. In other words we are going to > send the money from ten thousand * hales of cotton to Iowa and Kansas for hay, corn and oats. “There is only one way this heavy ] load can he lifted from the backs of our farmers. It can and MUST be done, and the taek is for every farmer in Cleveland county, by starting at1 once to prepare from tw o to five acres | of his best land for oats. Do not wait : until November to sow your oats, but i p’ant in September or October. Don’t 1 pick out the poorest and most barren i fields for this crop. Dr. Massey, of the ; Progressive Farmer, said that he has never seen an oat crop fail when pianted in September—if on good land Oats are more wholesome and better feet for stock tlmn corn. Corn and ! feed will be very high, next Spring and 1 if I had the power I would compel ev ery farmer in the county to protect himself by planting oats, or oats and vetch for the summer food for his stock.” New Room Added to Consolidated School PolkviHe News Shows Large Enroll- j ment in Fairview—Personal Mention of Interest. (Special to The Star.) , Many of the Polkvilie people enjoyed the services at Palm Tree for the two j j past weeks. Mrs. A. R C- DePrie'st has just got i in her new line of fall and winter hats and also her new dress goods. Polkvilie is growing some these days; one new cotton gin. which will , he ready for use in a week or so and 1 two filling stations. I Two new rooms have been added to Fairview Consolidated school building | The ice cream supper at fairview i school house Friday night netted $25. Fairview is planning to have the big gest crowd ever this year. School will I open with the following teachers; j j Prof. Frank Elliott, Miss Cera Whis | nant, 5th and *>th grades; Mrs. W. H. | Covington 3rd and 4th; Miss Madge1 j DePriest 1st and second; Miss Ola j Whisnant, primary. We have the largest crowd in high ; school that we have ever had. Miss Kathleen Whisnant, Appalachian ; training school, Boone, Blanch De Priest, T. B. Depriest, Reah Lattimore j Madge and Hattie Whisnant, Nancy I Lattimore, T. B. Gold, Lizzie Mae and ! Yates Lee, Joe Ramsey, Jennie Lee Bridges; Willie, John and Maeie Pen (dleton; Gazzie. Roy and Carl White; j Tilly and Colin Gettys, all at Pied | mont; Lenna Ivy and Sophia Elliott: i Brevard and Yates Whisnant to Ruth \ erford college. Two go to college: Miss Mary D. Palmer, 5l. C. C. W., j Greensboro; and Thomas Palmer to j University. miss mange L'erriesi moioren 10 Chimney Rock fo rthe past week end. Mr. Roy Whisnant of Lenoir spent a week’s vacation at home with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Whisnant. The following' will be present at Selma Warlick’s house party this week end: Joe Ramsey. Madge, Ivey and Ola Whisnant. Mary D. Palmer, where they will be joined by other friends. Miss Warlick is planning to leave soon for college. She is giving a farewell i house party. Children, the old folks are tickled about the circus too.—They just won’t admit it. Among the ordinary events noted during the week was the arrest of S. Glenn Young on five counts. WATER TOO MUCH FOR CITY Town Unable to Finance Cost Which Would be Around $100,000—Tax Hate of $1.35 Approved. At the regular meeting of the may or nnd hoard of aldermen Tuesday night when the city fathers gave con sideration to the report of the engin eers onth • contemplated rehabilita tion of the pump station and water supply which is insufficient for the ore < nt needs of Shelby, the cost was* found prohibitive. Shelby’s bonded in-1 debtedness is already near the limit j so tis vet no way has been found to fi- j nance the improvement. The engineers! subirti ted two propositions in their i report One is to move the plant to a higher elevation on the hill above high wa*er of the river and provide a two million gallon capacity filtering plant which would cost $110,097. The other proposition is to remodel the present plant and increase the capacity to a million nnd a half gallons which would cost $97,055. To provide a septic tank som" distance below Shelby in a south-western direction would cost $15,000. The town does not have suf ficient funds for ei’her project, and one member of the board suggested that until the town limits are extend ed the water supply lines beyond the city Unit's might have to be cut off until some way of financing ig devolv ed. It is either this or the town must do on its inadequate supply of water, intproptrly filtered. Action on the en gineers report, was therefore postpon ed for 30 days. In the meantime the sentiment of the people will be sound ed out. the city fathers approved the tax rate of $1.35 on the $100 worth of property, an increase of 25 cents over last year's rate. This rate is distri buted as follows: For general purpos es 38 cents; for ,-chools 33 cents; for interest on bonds 45 cents; for pay ment of bonds coining due 19c. The schools in addition to the rev. enue from a 33 cents levy will also get the poll tax. Representative men from Earl and Patterson Springs appeared before the board and a.-ked the privilege of get ting, power frofu the town to light the homes in those twit communities. A ; line is to be tapped at the Post Road gin, the cost of the construction of the line to be borne by Earl and Patterson Springs. The power will be furnished at the same rate it is furnished to other rural patrons. Campaign Launched For Dover Church Hope to Build $8,000 Brick Church M ith 12 Sunday School Rooms At the Dover Mill. Rev. John \Y. Davis who bears the same name as the Democratic nom inee for President, yet he it, a young! ministerial student who is not afarid! of manual labor, told The Star yester- ! day that a campaign is being launched j for funds with which to build the new ; Baptist church building at the Dover null. Rev. Mr. Davis was elected pas tor of this church whiejt was organ ized about two mouths ago. Today the I church has 43 members and an aver age attendance of 100 in the Sunday school. An effort is being made to raise $8,000 with which to build a brick church building with 12 Sunday school class rooms and Mr. Davis feels confident of the success of the campaign. He isays his people are de termined and tHat' his membership,; although small, has the record for! mcF-e collections per member than 1 any Sunday school in the county, i With this generosity and interest in Kingdom work, Mr. Davis is confi dent that the people generally will help them in their ambition for a house of worship. The members have pledged to date $1,315 on the new building but outside help must he secured in order to raise the necessary amount. Weekly Loan Plan Is Offered By C. B. & T. The Cleveland Bank and Trust Co., announces in this issue the institution of a weekly loan department which is an innovation in banking circles in Shelby. It should serve the small bor rower in a most satisfactory manner because it permits him to pay back in small weekly installments. The bank will loan from $5 to $500 on charac ter, personal endorsement, collateral or real estate and the borrower can re turn the money in small installments, the loans to bear the usual rate of in terest Mr. Lineberger, president of the bank is enthusiastic about the new system and is confident that it will serve a great need in the community. The plan is fully explained in an ad vertisement ip this issue. Life—real life-y-is one real meal after another at Heavy’s Cafe. Adv Another Flock of Forged Checks Are Left Over County Arthur Walker and Warren tieraid Thought to Have Left Memory Token* Following Trial. Officer, in surrounding counties in this section are on the lookout for Ar thur Walker ami Warren Gerald, par ticularly Walker, as the result of a lour they made through this county, Lincoln and Rutherford last week. Following their passage one forged heck after another has found i s wav into the hands of the officers, and evi dence points to Walker ns their writer I he two are, or were traveling in i Ford touring ear bearing a Texas license number, which was 756,739. They arrived in Shelby last week, pre sumably from Greensboro, the home >f Walker, and a short time later were arrested on the chnrge of being drunk and disorderly in South Shelby. Fol lowing fines of $25 each in recorder’s court they departed town, headed to the west, leaving a flock of useless chocks in their wake. Accompanying (hem, it is thought, was Ed. Walker, brother of Arthur, who lived in South ShHby and was also awaiting a hear ing in recorder’s court charged with obtaining goods under false pretense. The plan they followed, it seems, was to unload the checks on filling station and garage proprietors for gas and so much change. Officers are confident that 10 or 12 checks were written in this County and Rutherford. All of the checks coming to light so far arc signed by “W. B. Jones”, being drawrn eithe?4 on the First National or Un ion Trust company. For some reason, not made public, the officers think Walker is the fictitious Jones. Some of Walker's people live in Rock Hill and officers there have been notified to look for his arrival. He is described as being about 35 years old, heavy set with red face and moderate ly nice hooking. Gerald is a slender man of about 50 years and wears glasses. From reports it appears that one or more forged checks were drop ped in Lincoln county while the Ford and occupants were en route here. The remainder were written on Fri day and Saturday following the trial here. Mrs. Borders Buried At Elizabeth Church The remains of Mrs. Mabel Jones Borders, wife of Mr. Ab Borders were brought to Cleveland county Saturday last and buried at Elizabeth Baptist church in which neighborhood her husband formerly lived. Her husband is the son of Mike Borders, native of Cleveland w-ho died in Charlotte a few months ago. Mrs. Borders was 28 years old and died at the Charlotte Sanitorium after an illness of four weeks. Services were conducted from the residence, 410 E. Seventh street, Charlotte on Saturday by Rev. Luther Little, pastor of the First Baptist church of which she was a member. Mrs. Borders is surived by her hus band, a daughter, Mabel Helena, 3 years old, her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones of Marshville; two sisters, Mrs. W. O. Robinson, of Balsam and Miss Maud Jones, Charlotte and one brother, Alonzo Jones, Charlotte. The deceased was a member of the Bap tist church, and was born in Union county August 7, 1896. 92 Year Old Reader Recalls Old People D. R. Grigg living at Greenville, Il linois is a native of Cleveland who has been taking The Star ever since it was a Star and the editor understands he is a substantial and well-to-do farmer of that state. In remitting for another year, the “29 Years Ago” column leads him to recall some of his old friends of Shelby of 69 years ago. He says “I do not know very many of the dear people of Shelby any more as I did 69 years ago, in 1855, the year I lived and tramped the streets there. I remember the old barn of a court house with the steps on the east and west outside running to the second story where the court room was. I re member some of the old citizens, Al bert Homesley, C. C. Durham, David Froneberger, Eli and Henry Fullen wider, Rev. Thomas Dixon whom my dear old friend David C. Webb worked for. then there was Dr. Miller, Dr. Williams ,Joe Carroll, Marcus Carroll j and many others, all of whom I hope are in Heaven. I have outlived a good many, yet I am not so old, only 92 years, three months and eight days. I do not expect to fill out the time the Lord says man may live, to-wit—120 years—Genesis 6 chapter 3rd verse. “Would be pleased to hear from any and many of the Shelbyites.” Central Methodist Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. You are cordially invited to attend both services. GASTON HAS MOST JURORS FOR COURT One Third of Jurors for Federal Court Come From Gaston. First Term Convenes September 29. According to the jurors drawn for the first term of Federal court to be held in Shelby, Monday Sept., 29th, the most jurors will be from Gaston county, one of the counties making up the new court district recently author ized by Congress. Of the 36 jurors, 12 will he from Gaston, 10 from Ruther ford an dseven each from Lincoln and Cleveland. The list as drawn by E. S. Williams deputy clerk, of Charlotte, is as fol lows: L. S. Olemmer, Dallas; R. E. Wall, Henrietta; W. L. Haulbrook, Lincoln ton; L. Logan, Chimney Rock; R. P. Henvncr, Crouse; W. W. Titman, Lowell; M. G. Canipe, Lawndale; D. F. Beechboard, Caroleen; W. C. Dixon, Kings Mountain; A. C. Keeter, Forest City; S. W. Patrick, Gastonia; W. W. Watson, Union Mills; S. E. Carpenter, Union, Lincolnton; B. B. Smart, Bos tick; J. B. Horne, Lattimore; Tal madge Green, ClifTside; B. G. Davis, Bessemer City; John W. Quinn, Cher ry ville; O. B. Biggerstaff, Bostick; George Coon, Lincolnton; Henry C. Froneberger, Bessemer City; M. B. Kennedy, Henrietta; John J. George, Cherryville; L. E. Houser, Lincolnton; W. C. Edwards, Bel wood; D. L. Bain, Belmont; J. L. Bennett, Gilkeyl N. A. Green, Ellenhoro; V. A. Duppel, Ruth erfordton;. P. M. Weatherman, Henry; A. R. Holland, Dallas; Marvin Boyd, Gastonia; R. Q. Howe, Gastonia; Lum my Harris, Harris; R. S. Black, Mt. Holly. It is impossible as yet to get a di rect estimate on the cases to come up here. Being a new district it will be necessary to re-docket cases from the four counties and establish a new docket here. Although the formalities connected with establishing the new court will be increased the inconven ience of litigants and witnesses will be lessened. Heretofore jurors, wit nesses and litigants were forced to make the trip either to Asheville, | Charlotte or Statesville for Federal court, but with the new district cen ter here the people ,of Rutherford, Lincoln and Gaston will benefit as Cleveland. DOUBLE SPRINGS NEWS OP PERSONAL MENTION. (Special to The Star.) > Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Washburn are attending the superintendent’s confer ence at Statesville this week. Mr. Hoyt Dixon left Monday for At lanta, Ga., where he will continue his studies in dentistry. Miss Vera Dixon left last Friday for Rocky Mount where she will teach history in one of the high schools there. Miss Ozelle Gardner had as her week-end guest, Miss Connie Lomax and Miss Viola Manie, Messrs. Ray mond and Joe Williams of Charlotte. Mr. W. T. Green left Sunday after noon for Carson-Newman college. Miss Ozelle Gardner goes this week to Roxboro, where she will teach the third grade in Olive Hill graded school. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jones of Wake county spent Sunday with Mrs. J. M. Gardner. Miss Lucy Falls spent Sunday with Miss Ozelle Gardner. Mrs. J. M. Gardner accompanied by her brother Mr. J. B. Hamrick were Bridgewater visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Davis visited Mr. C. G. Barrett Sunday. Singing Convention Meet* At Mt. Sinai The Union singing convention will meet with Mt. Sinai church September 21, at 1:30 o’clock. There will be sing ing by the congregation led by differ ent leaders who are present. Special songs from all churches present. Alao special songs from visitors. We hope to see a large number of singers from all over the Carolina. Our aim is to gain interest in music and we shall look for some improvement at this convention. Everybody invited. J. C. BORDERS, Director. W. M. U. MEETING IN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MONDAY The W. M. U. of the Kings Moun tain association will meet in the First Baptist church, Shelby, Monday Sep tember 15 at 2 o’clock in the, after noon, it is announced. All churches are requested to send representatives whether they have societies or not. Leaves for University. Mr. Julian Hord, who has been a popular clerk at Riviere Drug com pany, leaves Monday for the Univer sity of North Carolina to continue his studies in the pharmaceutical depart ment.

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