Toluca News Notes Of Personal Mention (Special to The Star.) Toluca, Oct. 14.—Mrs. Tate Carpen ter underwent a serious operation at the Lincoln hospital Friday for trail stones. She is reported to be trotting along nicely. Rev. L. E. Stacy filled the appoint ment at St. Peters church Sunday aft ernoon in the absence of the pastor Rev. J. H. Green. I)r. A. F. Boyles of Dallas spent Sunday afternoon at F. A. Boyles. On last Sunday the children and friends of Mr. J. L. Sain gave him a birthday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Boyles, also Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Boyles spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. William Small’s at Valdese. Mrs. Thomas Costner visited her son Mr. A. C. Costner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boyles spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. Rush Beams in Lincoln county. ahTpenHiter TO WOMEN Tdb of Mrs. Vogel's Terrible Suf fering sod How Sbe Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Detroit, Michigan. — “My troubles were severe pains in my back and ter ruue oeating-aown pains in my right side, also headaches and sleepless nights. I first began having troubles when 1 was 16, and they have in creased as 1 grew older. A little book let was left at my door, and Iread what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done for women and decided to try it After the first week I could go to sleep every night and I stopped having that nervous feeling and got a better appetite. The doctor had always said that an operation was the only thing that would help me, but I never had any faith in an opera tion. Since the Vegetable Compound has started helping me I do not suffer the severe pains, feel stronger, and am able to do my own work. I am more than glad to tell my friends that it helps where other medicines have failed."— Mrs. Gus Vogel, 6608 Pelouze Street, Detroit, Michigan., A record of fifty years service mugt convince women of the merit of Lydia ii Pink ham'b Vegetable Compound. COMMISSIONER’S SALE. By virtue of an order of Superior court made entitled: “Bertha L. Beam Admr., et al vs. Delmas Beam, et al„ in a Special Proceeding, I will sell to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Shelby, N. C., on Saturday, October 25th, 1924 at 12 o’clock, M., or within legal hours the following described real es tate, to-wit: First Tract: Situated in No. 5 Township, Cleveland county, and de scribed as follows: Being lot in town of Waco, and bounded as follows: Be ginning at stone in East edge of s*reet northwest corner Baptist church lot, and runs thence with edge ol street N. 20 W. 100 feet to stone, C. C. Beam’s corner; thence with his line N. 67 E. 200 feet to stake, his corner in Huss street; thence with said street S. 20 E. 100 feet to stone, fiotheast corner of the church lot; thence with said lot 67 W. 200 feet to the beginning, containing 20,000 feet more or less. Second Tract: Beginning at iron stake in old Goode and Mauney lines, at the cross roads, and running with said old line. N. 13 3-4 W. 47 1-2 poles to stakd, Plato Warlick’s cor aor; thence with Plato Warlick’s line N. 46 1-2 W. 28 poles to stake, his corner; thence with old line N. 86 W. 40 poles to stone; thence a new line S. 17 3-4 W. 92 1-4 poles to stone in north edge of Shelby road; thence N. 61 E:'16.60 poles to a stone R. edge of Mud- thence N. 64 3-4 E. 29.20 poles to the beginning, containing 23 'mjt w-' .fra'cf:' lasts Nos. 5 and 6, a subaMsibn of1M. C. Beam estate, as shgwn Ity irfab tecorded in Book No. 1 of plats} fbpage No.. 4 asd described as .follows: Eat No. 5; Beginning ft stake ip N. side of Railroad street, Southwest corner lot No. 4 and runs thence w*th line of lot No. 16; thence with said line S. 70 W. 30 feet to stake in said line, corner lot No. 6; thence with said line S. 20 E. 78 feet to stake, North side Railroad street: thence with Railroad street ,N. 70 E. 30 feet to the beinning. .Lot No. 6: Begining at stake, North side of Railroad street, Southwest corner of lot No. 5 and runs thence with line of lot No. 5, N. 20 1-2 W. ;.8 feet to stake in line of lot No. 1C; thence with said line and line of lot No- 10 S. 70 W. 30 feet to stake in "?e of lot No. 10; thence S. 20 1-2 E. W'tli line of lot No. 7 78 feet to stake. North side of Railroad street; thence with said street North 70 East 30 leet to the beginning. rourth Tract: Lot No. 7- That lot , *un<l situated in town of Waco, and known as lot “A” and hounded as fol lows: Beginning at stake in Mauney "i, !'.ne’ npar the widow F.'Sf. Hoyles’ m ,line: thence with Maunev old line j 17 w- 24 1-2 poles *o stake on W. edge of Main street, thence with W. pdge of Main street 22 E. 24 1-2 poles Rtal<e: thence S. 71 W. 3 1-2 poles ° the beginning, containing one IO,ifth acre, more or less. Terms of Sale: One-third cash on dav of sale: one-third within 6 months and one-third within twelve months ,, r date, title to be reserved until ail the purchase money is paid. De jeered payments to bear 6 per cent interest from date, i Tn's the 22nd day of September, B. T.| PALLS, Commissioner. Miss Ora Sain of M nr urn n ton Rpent 1 Sunday and Monday with home folks here. j Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Boyles attended j the fair at Hickory Friday. 1 Costner and family spent Sunday afternoon at Morganton. ! I)r- Alfonso Boyles, dentist of Dal-! j las> Wl|l be Toluca Friday of each 1 week beginning Friday October 18th. Pension Increase To Be At Least $10 Auditor Durham Now Making Com-' putations; May Make Make Saving in Lists. ! News and Observer. State Auditor -Baxter Durham is i no ^preparing the list of Confederate pensioners for this year, and whilo j the computations have not yet been i completed there is assurance of an in crease to each pensioner of at least S10 a year, the largest there has ever been except in years when there has! been an enlurgd appropriation. Last year first class pensioners received ! $155 from the pension fund which is an even million dollars. Auditor Durham has “pruned to the bone” the present list which is under 0,000 names, there being between 000 and /00 on last year’s list who arc1 found not to be living now. However, there will be a number of names ad ded next year when the county pen sion boards hold their annual meetings next July as the special session of the legislature authorized the placing on the lists of widows who murried as Telephone Office: 585 New Fanning Shelby Building. DR. DAVID M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Gasses Fit ted, Lenses Duplicated. OFFICES: Kings Mountain, N. C. Forest City, N. C. Rutherfordton, N. C. ORDINANCE. The Governing body of the Town of Shelby do Enact: Sec. 1.—That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep within the corporate limits of the town of Shelby at one time more than one dog. Sec. 2.—Any one violating the pro visions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con viction shall be fined $50. Sec. 3.—That each day this or dinance is violated shall constitute a separate offense. Sect. 4.—This ordinance to take ef fect October 20, 124. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have qualified as executrix of the will of E. Alice Eaker. late of Cleveland county, N. C., and all persons having claims against said estate will pre sent them to me properly proven on or before September 30th, 1025, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment tothe undersign ed. This September 30th, 1924. LILLIAN NEWTON. Administra trix of the estate of E. Alice Eaker, deceased. Ityburn & Hoey, Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having this day qualified as ex ecutor of the last will and testament of F. J. Lucas, deceased, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to me on, or before the 21st day of September 1025; or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery on same. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to me. This the 20th day of September, 1924. (Signed) O. W. Powell, Executor F. J. Lucas' will. B. T. Falls, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. R. Poston, decreas ed, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this is to notifv all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th dav of September, 1025, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 22nd day of September, 1924. M. E. POSTON, Admr. Bynum E. Weathers, Atty. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. State of North Carolina, County of Cleveland. The stockholders of Beam Bros. Merc, company, a eorpation created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of North Carolina, being located at Waco N. C.. will take notice that the Board of Directors of said corporation in a call meeting on September 23rd, 1924, unanimously passed a resolution for the dissolution of the aforesaid cor poration: and all stockholders in the aforesaid corporation are herebv no tified that a meeting of the stockhold ers will be held at Waco, N. C., in Beam Bros. Merc. Company’s store, on Monday, Oct., 20th, 1924, at 4 o’clock, p. m., for the purpose of tak ing action on the resolution cussed by said Board of Directors for the dis solution of said corporation, as provid ed by law. This the 24th day of September, 1924. BEAM BROTHERS MERC. CO. J. R. Rhyne, Secy. By J. B. Rhyne, President. recently as ISPS. The previous limit was ihXU, but beginning next year it will be possible for widows who mar ried .'id years after the war to Ret on the lists. Auditor Durham proposes to ask the next legislature to designate the amounts to be received by each vet eran instead of appropriating- a lump sum to be distributed by him. The auditor has. received an offer to mimeograph the pension lists for about $2,4(K), approximately half of the cost of printing last year. He has not yet acted upon the offer. Card of Thanks. In gratitude we want to thank our many kind friends and neighbors for theid deeds of love and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our darling child, Janies Dwight. May our Heavenly Father richly reward and bless them all, is our earnest prayer. MR. and MRS. R. L. Mt-MURRY. If someone is looking tor a real problem to solve, try to remove tho competition between golf courses and churches. The young men have all gone back to college where they kick the pig skin to get the sheepskin. RUSH STROUP Attorney at Law Royster Building Phone 514. mmmmmmmmmmmmrrmmm rj< ..* ..^ P. Cleveland Gardner ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Royster Building Shelby,: --.j North Carolina DR. A. PITT BEAM Dentist Shelby, N. C. Phone 188 In Dr. Ware’s former office. Shelby National Bank Bldg. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER We are exclusive Agents for Cleveland and Rutherford County. WILLIAMS & HAMRICK PATRIOTS SONS OF AMERICA Mooting Every Friday night . 7:30 . . Visiting Brethren Welcome. HORACE G. KENNEDY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Miller Block DR. T. O. GRIGG, DENTIST 407 S. LaFayette St. Shelby, N. C. -jp-7*.■■■ C. p %BR*^fl|R ^ttor^ey m, COlkSEll.OR^^AW Prompt At|en^oK^Po Matter?; ' Office Union Trust Bldg. «- ^ r " "■— . 1 HATS RE NEWED New method. Hats French Dry Cleaned and Blocked by Steam __ H. LEE SMITH Speedy Service By Mail. SPARTANBURG, S. C. I.. I I I .. ... r*. ■> DR. O. L. HOLLAR Rectal Specialist and Genito-Urinary Diseases Piles treated and cured with out pain, knife, chloroform, or loss of time. Treated With Electric Needle. Hickory every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, • and Sunday. HICKORY, N. C. v .. n a Community Fairs Above The Average The community fuir< hold Friday at El Bethel a ad Saturday at Boiling Springs were above the average, ac cording to K. E. Lawrence farm dem onstration agent. The canned goods, jellies, fancy work ami the orchard fruits at FJ Bethel were especially good, equal in fact to manv county fairs in variety and quality. The dairy cattle was ihe best this community has ever shown, notably three regis tered Jersey calves, clipped and fit ted by the boys of the calf club in show shape. Poultry was also extra good at El Bethel. The Boiling Spring? fair was the best all-round exhibit ever held. The fancy work, pantry and dairy supplies this year were notably good, while; the farm and field crops ran better than last year, although Inst year was a bcter crop year than this. There was a splendid exhibit of poul- ! try, while the races and basket ball | games furnished amusement to the large crowd present. CHERRYVILLE .COUPLE married at gaffney Mr. Everett Gaston Newton and Miss Lois .larrett, both of Cherryville, j were married at Gaffney, S. C., on Sunday, September 28th. This bride j is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jnrrett, of Cherryville. The I groom is the son of J. H. Newton, also ' of Cherryville. Their many friends j wish for them a long hnppy and pros- j perour. married life. CAN YOU USE THIS LOT? Fronts 100 feet on Charlotte-Asheville Highway, 130 feet on DeKalb Street, being a corner lot, one block of Court house square with fine prospects of increasing in value very fast. There are quite a few uses this lot can be put to. Its location on the main Highway and its pres ent surroundings makes this lot valuable for most any thing. It won t get any cheaper and the opportunity of getting close in property to the Square gets less each day. Price is $7500.00. On South LaFayette street, front ing 50 feet with*-* depth of 1.30 feet we have a very fine Hi that has prospects of increasing in value very fast, ^rhis lot is joat across the TWENTY-FOOT alley from -the Max Gardner Garager The Ledford brick building, the Weathers are nMwtly in front. Business is rap | idly moving South on this Street.,The present structtir 1 on.this ,ot wflhrteatoy M^the caffyirtg charge k ’ !h * Price we are asking. See?*® for price.' r ■ ANTHONY & ANTHONY Roy»ter Building. s Only Child Of Mr. And Mrs. McMurry Is Dead The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.; R. Lop McMurry of Lawndale R-4 will1 sympathise with them in the loss of their hist and only child, James j Dwijrht who passed away Saturday following an illness with pneumonia.' The little child was only 14 months old. It was taken sick Wednesday ami i lived only a few days. Mr. and Mrs.) McMuiry lost another child last June] I n year ugo. The remain* of Jameti Dwight were buried Sunday afterftatt^ ct •*) o’clock at Palm Tree MetheAefr church, the funeral being conducfw^ by Rev. John H. (ireen. One of |he. largest crowds that ever attended f baby'ft funeral at Palm Tree Was present. . / \ ■ _at Ambition may be a cheat, but it^a a splendid thing to have some ptpre in your make-up. There can’t be any under dplC* wit less there are some upper dog*. ^ BIG SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY We have big lot of sqjid Oak Dining Chairs with genuine Mule Skin slip seat bottoms. REGULAR PRICE, EACH $8.75 SPECIAL PRICE _ Don’t miss this great opportunity to get Chairs at this low price. U'.> hvj‘1 your Dining GILMER’S FURNITURE DEPT?* 3. . SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ■ V :*y.; * # *4 <v Worth Carolina is setting a vigorous pace. * Government reports show that— North Carolina, in twenty years, has made a gain in wealth from less than i- million to more than four and a half billion dollars. In ten years, while the rest of the country has gained 72%, North Caro lina has added 176% to her wealth. From less than 100 million dollars '. twenty years ago, the manufacturing output of the State has risen to nearly a Million dollars a year. The value of fiarm properties is five times and the value of farm products hine times the value of twenty years ago. Amazing has been the industrial ad vance of North Carolina. And the State has only just begun to grow. .The progressive population which has capitalized this opportunity inevi tably will carry the State forward to greater industrial activity and in creating prosperity. The Southern Railway has had to fceep pace with North Carolina, be cause industry cannot expand witb OUt adequate transportation facilities. 'With courage and foresight, and an faith in the future of North the Southern has gone steadily ahead, in good years and bad years, putting new capital into its property—improving its lines for heavier traffic, acquiring equipment of greater capacfty, and increasing the .ability of the road to provide dependable and adequate service. produced ten years before, m 1913. We provide transportation for more than 75% of the raw material! and cn:.i i • ■.1 - .. ~ finished product of the cotton mills along the Southern Railway in North Carolina with their 4,600,000 spindles. The tobacco industry of North Caro lina, first among the States in tl»c manufacture of tobacco products,, dt pends largely upon the Southern for the movement of its raw materials and finished output. The furniture industry of North Caro lina had its beginning, and has grown to its present commanding position, on the rails of the Southern. Wc have established on our own initiative, and have maintained freight rates which have enabled the North Carolina manufacturer to un lock the doors of all markets to North Carolina products. i In 1923 the Southern produced 1,794, 000,000 ton miles of freight transporta tion in North Carolina, an increase of’ 82% over the 987,000,000 ton miles ' 41 ■4. % % »*■ The Southern is proud of its ability to keep pace with North Carolina. .-4 : ; ■: r ttf Si* .. ■ t ,1/ ’*1 1 % «: SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH

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