BBOTcnr. •: a:3Ctvujbcnaaarcs■MaamnsB.iir-.'tg.vtn^. -jasmuaa You Can't Fail If Yom I se ‘'CAROLINA MADE” I!:'. Qualify Deserves Your Patrrviage Because Its Made At Homo By Ho mo Peop'e. Ea^le Roller Mills Co,, Inc. Shelby, N. (’. 'i»V rt irmmmammmrxmmssmt ^*?3flaiaafcv&tir-fftgyy--rv \^sWWOCMai?'inUfi&m* Hr.-*rrr:-}f~j ROOFING TILE Mic’t' hero at home in Spanish tic -ugh and in plain, red aid green color;*, ,l '’o tins tile on your roof. It is permanent and fire proof, also cheaper in the long run, cause never has to he replaced atsi makes insurance cheapen. We manufacture building Mock.-, concrete drain pipe, nin dow and door sills and sell time, plaster, cement and struct")-’! steel. Z. B. WEATHERRS & SONS Etof-iaz. . Shciby. N. C. :5T4US:. SHEET ROCK A tire proof wall board, takes the place i1 : i V and costsno more. Kasy to ]?ut uj). No joints and will not crack. - A! kinds or mill and shop work. Build i;w materials of all kinds. Prompt and free deliveries inside of Shelby. ARROWOOD-HOWELL LUMBER CO. Phone 321. Shelby, N. C. ,r. 35? *. VKrnvx -SW-.. wT3Hr2MBCT{JRJaBJHBaB*aasnm#B»W*MSM rrsr.j.'wstk. i ±-iajjc.rts-a ‘ ALL-TREADS i I'nicction where you eed it, “alone* mini, rocks, 't Cut or king of all ' Ub about Balloon Sets of Tires, Wheels .'.nd Prices, TWO PLACES ■ - -THEIMER IDEAL SERVICE TILE CO. STATION (Vulcanizing) We Give Tire Service Unexcelled. wrasMv. —rnr-mrai—hihniinm in. 'iay Car is a Better Car if nothing but THE V(H ATI LB GAS is ever fed to the tank: Better m mileage, up keep, flexibility, pick-up and power. Fill :tj) at LAWNDALE MOTOR CO., Lawndale, N. C. A THE WISE BUSINESS MAN KEEPS GOOD BUSINESS GOING BY ADVERTISING. THE BEST MEDIUM IN THIS COUNTY IS'THE CLEVELAND STAR. Qj}9 niiS’Q rvTr-i ZUd yj;>3 u-:u; ritrs rvmHfss ;s - PMR KPfrfl Ce'hjA; I Him nnaii«. r#-_«ipw UU! Cnrin? Kn'prcd T'ri;m TV .■ and Near * --TV ■.!!»* Silver Trt "V.fps Giver., .'inn ( u !T!’-!■•-y*. Thr: <' \vi >-f* 20'! dojis. !•• o!Tici>\l Ctturi? rntf'i 'd : t the h nv : tlif ('■ >. T-Vr iasi vs- i: (T;.- ?-]j», • • ! • !:• ’ini!' r 1 ;•*'•.• »• , ’ ■’ T»i-.«nii Iliv r K ” i ■ I (.f h TV. W. DcP i« t j pr idtsnt it ! tXv. R. '•*: ^r-r i >• . T!:< • ■ : ■<> fr'm far ,ri at-.] M.n ivt tv a ' vor ■ kc-:i ;:i 41 ' (!< •• >•:r. . ;f which in-• m i i> 'V <•' • <Ii ■ j- !.■ >■ . / :ii* :ivi'r ■ t hi< ■ ..... I.....* j., , UCJ, l ’ v.n in t- tS r.«, h i ;•/.-• if'** »i-.-b -n i i Jv ranh r-i? -■ ri- u-h ■: - in'v' inyf: ! f . :*:,. I | ,,,, I 50 CP ■' ■ fi r ! "■: i ■ J iiyi-.:;., w'l'. iit> f •■■pi’ii’v! i; (!: ( ! r’bl.'ir; riv>ti in p;v)i j.*'* -*.' !1 j :n ■■ anil . . . wir.tK' - r:ii)" W. C -in :■ T.r : ‘ He O. T,. Wo-ii! ii | of: *1 ,tn „■ V! . ;n;i i!ip hn'i!«!", ;hrr.« • Si". f»nu"'f<l in ‘ilP V iri' il v.n! i til •- f. C] -if Kti'tcrv.iHo, jnly'd •,}•■ :•:*••• Kill’■ 0 ml poliifi ■ , !■ I,. Mr 1 delnhin jurft.y <’ ■ r hr , •mi ;-jt fin ’*: • n i):,md ;m .Tdvfrs. ' vinnfr : c .'lif- ■ - r.i;- . ■>,. f’. n !, ti ii H.vtv ii.tii ojf vv:rr *'< tter j* c- :V ii., fS. r . , Gin-man,- ■ *'. ' -> i> !• '«i " r~77 '. . ■ . u ■ h Kit, ■ '*?>*. 1^*4} ^i‘ " *' A n- '...••>) M'!;1. r Fn ' KoiMvilr fit' '(-::rr’nn. at HOk a C . fj ■ honrii- . niy r ■: iu.m ,! f y - * * :V.- " •! , ! ‘ idmr i f x , i. W. A‘ip.f». ef !\i:u' ■ F: v: iiakbit liouKhy fV-yi'i Iin'. ,Qv In*, itr-i.t. TiPp houi’d.-., .0, \. *• 1 v, ni’ Fh iliy, fir t. ! >a»*< t i. : ■ A • * : 1 it ’ < j IvHind.:. T.:'-i».AVhii-(! of T , f'.-y-j firrt. (Hhfr h< ’inin, C. ' 1 . * Shelby, fir>t. !!•. * hot:ml in the - V-v., i S. Whi --i nt. i *!• -. St•.t:!• r h 1.‘r1.', Frayl; i'■ 1:<• *r.,! fir t Hit ■A]} (!‘»* *• 'in jUv-yv.! f; • . or ]. nml t ! ?! 1 |>1.V - - «riv. m I ibbon-t r.jul irash | r mv: .imyy . hi ft 1 <*•<••,..:. «• of thr ' !:■’•'■ > n r . c i*! f '■ -i •- ' it fletfiil] work rp*c(i:ii*« to ftr :.inh n!' , : itifoSmati;.!), The Vn.r iy yivimn' <.n'v. ivi’ifiPn of fi:*Kt i .l ih-fkr *;**(• voral rouo . Griff*k Sleeted*: / Hss d of Taaehcr? The I'enrtd njnmriJ. r rventicn f■ >' j the J'.>-.i(h i’ k : di-tru* -f ? North C ii'olo'n Edurrdioi':.! aaodvionl w-’k .<■ >!)'• ■ :il I Sit Ch-irt.i'j.i • S i afternoon ft downy' a uv r: :r; tf do-1 artiv.t ••1 :.l mootin'.’ , on ! n yeueral • nv :ti:nr nt no. n, when u \v olVimv \v. :\v tuctcd and a iorfj'kn w.v. j adopt od. !. .(' (oiffifi, d".!•’}•• ltd’. i • i'io an v,’: v'.’Tt-Rtd'tt, -nropf'di;--; !•'!• I. ( •>• j -d- rS-.Mi-t ;• • V >■ I>. of <! yndi, i; vi ■ (dofr-ue^ ('oi diof a;-, Crdfinr ?U ■ - ('■ : a ’’ia Carter e" C 11->, v.’a- y . i ;i ■ r-crrrtnvy. ( ■sn,. •»’,n i,oi pr ■ 1 n*- to - ■ ■ ! ml r. ‘ho auditorium j of the (Vld ml idl'd ch a ! ' F. I-.; Johnson, ' I.i’ oin.t o, . *■ r-- -on of tho (•f-.m.riiit-et’, corttnu rdo.d the X ‘ :h C:>r> iina,Tt ad’rr ■ rt'iriaF enter. of the state teasher.; . ■ ->. i, a; t.■’f.-o.l t!-r- efforts. .■ ' O' ■ tVo ,i- -utt a ip u‘lp ' ii'irid'fVtl’jN' fvy hi mertOrv Vite ye-r -il l l: a-. f :■ a • • y. ’• .V '■ ' , • ' month ■ i'll V ltAW•-. *<1 > ."T! o»!?'iO < <■ ;; ■ . ■ ■ * • • 'Ota' rc!:ots 1 in X h v/ol )TtVJ‘i * ?H.tl5 th dlstrli t - ’ . bo - ! - - f. : fioo nirmborji i f ; v. •'ofive. cc v-' nutter: ti'mlvrod ?}•'■ ’ ’ 1' C*hr >-! t ' for the iteurterio” no :!■>;! t! e ••••tr. ' ,oa.< ".V fine vm "ti'1".-w:o ‘•’•o.v.-n.v :• (!. WiV rrn . score ;ar;.’ }>*■ X- .-ib! Carotins Kdnontit- art! ■::= i-.oa4 ion , fi ... I- "•<'• ' tli.'ii'v! ' t'u> ])>•■•' . v. ,11 \v< :l;oii out rd ;• -oreitoo. M .<■ i hr tenet for Hn-ir honif’? dnriitj; the aftrrr ior. Aitet^l a nee at the oonv-nti-n -ro oidimatod tt !.'i !> to 0 po . . r . from !? I ’onntfos. V/h "•€ do the I:-.;'y a-d.’.rnitv 1 raves ;’o ? IXav > v oarr". - ■ :tr.—Waif dlroei Journal. * Jno. M. Best Furniture* Co, J Undertaking ■ Licensed Kmh&ijners Funeral Directors Day Phone 365 Night Phonea: Sr ;i ,i. OK '!• . OWXF.R .1 .* N • run l . "n\. !*f,qi ;rki> by A( C ; ( or ■ t (Wrn (If < "’•'<•! i ; ;s:,i«Hsh* il . . mi. ' •• • y. ... C. i i' O, tob'T' 1st 1924 x-rsh r.-nilina, Countv of I Ck-c-viam.' - . Dtf.ut in -, a n-.tnry public ia aridi ' ' “ 1' iaunty aforesaid,I - K ilooy, who, '■ <-' 1• r.-i acc a-rfiiii; to <!•!•’< ; ’ ho i? the ' / . . - (Jo., f ' t » v ■ '■■■ / ami that the fol • ' ■ ■ • at' Jii: knowl ffifr,. a - ,1 bri; ■ true statement of norit, etc., of t*::- 11 ■ ai l |i.!t> • . ti f'<.i“ Hie Jate ’vv 1 »' l ; a' - . . • !' jp. re.,aitvd : ' V< < ■!'.' 24 1912, etn ’■ at . eel.'- i;e •;>! Laws and e’ Me , [1:1.: -I on jh: rt-vtr/e 1 - i\i.\ to. u. .. 1. 'J tutt the names and addfrs'?.-':; . *ho {Jtloiisltt r, * fii .by . nave. P'iy y* ( i t»»!*. and business mar; • ^vo; I’eHisher »Var Puie.dii j ' : Iby. N. ('. Editor, Ma.'ujr:* Ed tor and l>.i.-infs-, Manas*. : .i ... jj Weathers, Shelby. X. C. Ti • ! th owner.- are: S. E. Hoey, la . E. Went hi •••«. tleorao Wanton. < . Blanton, E. V. Webb. \V:n. Lie K - •>'", H. n. I‘aimer (< state), .1. Harris, T. W. Eh.: Hoe, A. i’. V • . V. Webb all of Khelhj mu 1’. L-. '.ereL of Lav, • •!: le, X. ('. ■ i bat .lie known bondholders, re-.;1 :, and otli-r seeuri'y hoi hr. owning or holdi. 1 per . :,t of total aiv.-u;:. i,; bi.ixlr, .n, . fcvs, or other : - r-wi;' - aro: 'Xu .... S. E. HOKV. S-. Sworn to and subscribed be this 17j,h day ><• October Mi *4 I KE h. WK'ATiiERp,. nry VeMir. ( lovobuxi f,ir ty, X. /' '.t • emnmi: - Hon E>.oire.-i June iS, 1 ) Tr„ ID-i A Death In State ipe • £ ri-son "<T;;!h flow’ at the : tntn’s pm-., n'ai Ilalnurh n<-v. ton »• cupnetr- but to aflpisaii; and the absence ! V-. nrdt n Bu V--. i'. • ,r: the i t: the ex- - ecu: ion of any of the eondoiriti' <1 j*, tint !ik:-Iy to taka ldacea! a very cr i i’ i (I ■ o. yen pftths m sn ths records show 'have appeals p : rep bofore . !V. P rente court of this -a tare aivL,r.’ay be granted a n<t i 1 ■■!,:!.. ilm ,s\t er three, Two of v, h it u wore condemn 'd to he <"!“'<■:, •< O ■ .-.her !> rut! one on. November 2b". "'have hee: irfteti rodpifiwur.lMfv .r.r.durn <> Wor den Rushro-yfv.iir Cn!iu min. whe-e h j U at! c>ri;fij 1 jo bring Hr. ,J. W. P. ! c<o!-. bofk Uj to W.rii; £atpolh.n i;v o'inr a iJ.Titfu. ■The f*fi e* r v.lioot the <?<>' - r J'fr ike ret urn of Van- j •«Ctl J.o Kl net!> Hale, rop-r.f: t f } xK'ftMn 'coWrifv ! and Van ■ • of. ■•■•?■•: i no ■ ' v t v hnrrv negro of !'■ i .e <•-or-'1.-. woont were corvie'.rd of >.' >r. Those who my procure new trial through needing apnea!.-- arc: oOK'O 'VI. MrE’-ide, a. • Janie !Juie'< n.owliite, of Vane? e .only,mur der. V rot in Car for.- white, of Rocking-1 ■!iw> county; ruirder. Alex- Rodhianr tier bar;; county, murder. Lee V alt on, Metro, of H< lie count murder. ' rp, of Mrekl’n L ill E- own, all at"- F"“n St ec], noittro, of For-yth county, roue. Albert iiyr<l. negro, of Le;’. or fie nr. !.y, rape. 1 J inf Collins, negro, of \n:;on conn-' ty,,-murder, ' ; Nir ’m rinu,f ■■ • ' nr.d leader jn » '• ‘ - • ■ • ’’ Sunday School . t "< ‘ • a . : ( '"S I I i ;n arted at the i.ii . : !-.v ' year. the of. c-Miovntc 1 it -:t again this presented to ■ •' ;'; ,V ■ hr-iafe t.r. ut in i ■ ■ 1. : : i .. 1 , : ■ Id year; (,f ape and . . ■■■ th: number of lit ' si. The miribcr of repre *•* •'«< h Sunday school ' ! ! ;*!v-d hv tht* number of 1 " i: Teh tl) the- COJiVo!; the Suttdry school s ■ 1 total will receive • ' r c«l that them > : i • h : v mnei.ition for * 1 "• -ho Sunday chooi . ' - • y r-hool with ■ or- held and ot h ; o ,, o h-yvio M,l ,COiO|)et:j " " - • in i\' olinc rnte;. 0 ‘ •- • Further rid s \ h‘eh s’atiH- to ■ h'n’r loom )"■ cot 'oral Kitua -,v. r<> * radius of i • f-rv' ii <.!, t i.., i r'vails'! as njotor • v- ' 1 their qmp« i to to 17 cent;; a gj!. • V. ANT ATM 'II' f'? v »il f ri 4 > ' r*~ :. ftewipi i t>r< •'■• *r» • '■ <:••■.... • I ( •W .. J'-l-rt' «• ' • :i '*:i| i V/ /-ni'* iT»> f iiw t;:- for s* j y | fn/ni.-hpd || : or small, nrararitcod. O fi : c.: bon & 1 1 : % Builders | '?o V/ * ^ “ V 7 « ~z&aemmBssu& afrl of-the € •a * : i tii 0>; M ,s4 ifV1'* ,4i / if'1 V <3* 5? The Touring Car Runabout - - - S26S DemouniaV*!*' Hi ns au<l Surier $85 exua ‘Coupe .... 5525 Tudor Sedan - - 590 For dor Sedan - OSS All jpriect f. o. b. Detroit You can buy any model hy making a #nuifl dewti-paymcnt anti at rang ing easy ternu for the balance. Or you can buy on the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. The l ord dealer in your neighborhood util gladly explain both plant in detail. THE UNIVERSAL CA3 Xfi* * ^ Old car v. ■ . c ■ more useful, cane-frcs* cco-nora.;.:: u ,ervice per up'iku* invested than •' uri id construction -2 " • endunttp materials. •' •' n. mcieniai'callv tested any other err. 1 is stnki EveVv nr' 11 -V r*,:e;'. and complete • -me kav e made, pbs and accmately chc Control of na.tvrr; marmiacturehr* • .11 : KMUV J/VO eic ic 1 e in,: > im a e tandard by which every me cor err i t necessarily be judged. lhcroKlcqr m the 1cmeal and necessary choice p£ the ouyer who wants to get the utmost otoring dollar. -c£y9;r c p, i O etroit f ' CUA.S. L. ESKRIDGE.

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