LET US BUILD FOR YOU KSlimafos cheerfully furnished on new homes, laryre or small, or any kind of repair work. Suliafaclion guaranteed. C. A. Morrison &. Son Contractors & Builders Phone 429-W. r > ESI GS E R S, F A It UK A TORS, Erectors, Structural Steel »nd Concrete Ufinforcia* Kirs. For Office ami Store IluildinRS, l.’araRes, Store f ronts, Mil! and Factory Utiildin&s Machine Shops end Foundries, ('herelies and Schools, immediate shipments (Charlotte stock. SOl’TIIERN ENtiiNUFKINt; COMPANY Office and l'lant v Charlotte, N, C. NEW SOUTHERN SCHEDULE CHARLESTON DIVISION No. IIS No. 3(> No. nr. No. 114 Marion to Iiork Hill Rook Hill to Marion Marion to Ko< k Hill Rock Hill to Marion 7:10 a. m. .0:57 a. m. 6:36 p. m. 8 :08 p. m. No. ”!» make-? connection at. Blacksburg with No. S3 for north. L. E. LIGON, Agent, SHELBY, N. C. nM»r>—nfTniiriniiirrwi nil i iimumi oihwith-r iwni... , Si’AGOAW) AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY A i al and Departure of Passenger Titling at Shelby, N. C. Lv. No. Between No. Ar. -*-*“■---- ~t* - ir--Hiri 1 t i i - ,1 '-r-^r 7:40u U Iiutherfor(lto«-lvak*i|Th 34 7:40a ami Wilmington 5:47p SI iyfl®imjgtotbnll gnme in Shelby Friday nfter njion. . Prof, and Mrs. Blanton. Mr. and Mrs. Morehead, and Miss Maude More literal took dinner with their aunt in Avortdhfc Wed«K*«Ji*yi Pi? \'i> . Mi* W. C. Callahan and his octette aang at Trinity church last Sunday night. , ' * 5' We arc indeed sorry that Miss fh'idjjes, out., third g^vig.tepcber, had to leave school Friday on account of ill news. Bleaka Blanton. Winnie Blanton, Lander Farris, Worth Micham, John Kennedy, Marion Champion, Odus ffaHk, James ’Harris, Glenn Grigg, Maxine Melton, Allan Melton, and professor Falls of the high school jjherrt tU^.T^eek end at their respec tive notnes. List of Deeds Filed For Registration Here Noah Hamrick and wife to Jasper Hamrick, LI acres in No. 2 township j 32,000, M. J. Harrill ami others to W. C. Bridges lot on Shelby-Foliston road far $150. I. H. Harrill and wife to C. (5. Brid ges !) 3*4 acres in No. 7 township for *1.402. B, F. Curtis to Dr. E. W. Gibbs 1 1 1-2 acres known as W. T. Calton ! place on W. Warren street for $10 and ! other valuable consideration. Joe F.. Blanton to F, M. Ponder lot j o*i Fullston road for $400. I I). end M. J. Allen to Frank B. : TlamJiripht 3 lots in Grover for $2,000. F. B. Hamrick, receiver, deeds win ner Hosiery mill property to Z. J. and Carl" Thompson $20,000. C, I’. Quinn and wife to Georg*, and Oeland Washburn house and lot on Marion street for $4,000. Shelby Building Co., to £. Bi Snangler four lots in N. E. Shelby for $000. J. R. Hurd to Gradv Wilson, 63 acres in No. 6 for $6,000. Cyclone Auction Co., to M. C. El lis. 3 lots on Fallston road for $360. Hambright and others to Chas. F. Hambright lot in Grover for $375. Carl Thompson and wife to H. Clay Cox. 3 lots on Shelby-Rutherfordtoa road hist west of Shelby for $1250. E. M. Ponder and wife to Alonzo Dedmon and wife, lot on Fallston road $700. Carl Thompson and wife to E. A. Wellmon 3 lots west of Shelby for $1,230. Carl Thompson and wife to R. H. Alwrcn 6 lots west of Shelby for $887. Whitney Wells to Will Boheler two tracts in No. 4 township for $1,600, containing 11 and 23 acres. Carl Thompson and wife to W. A. Broadway and wife, 7 lots west of Shelby for $2,930. Who remembers what the party plat forms said?—Detroit News. Never count your chickens till they cross the road.—Little Rock Arkansas Gazette. Another good way to eliminate un necessary notices would be to eliminate the pronoun T.—Baltimore Sun. JSfiLF-HEI.P S’H I)E\T IS REMEMBERED AGAIN Wake Forest, Nov. 10.—A news story appearing in North Carolina pa pers last fall, brought J. T. W. Davis of Mount Airy, self help student at Wake Forest College, $20 a few days j ago. Davis was completely flabber gasted when a tourist by the name of | Teague tipped him S20 for prompt, j polite waiter service at the Wake For est hotel last year. The two had : struck up a eross-the-tahle acquain aneeship during the meal and Mr. Teague learning that Davis wag work ing his way through Wake Forest grew friendly and recounted him he j had Worked his way through a North ern college. Tlte student and the tour | ist have since been in correspondence [and a few days ago Mr. Davis sent | Mr. Teague the Wake Forest cor i respondent’s account <4' the tipping ' incident. “I am not the rich man that the j story says 1 am, but I do have a soft spot for you fellows who are working .vour way. I am now touring through I Florida. I enclose a little present,” | came back the reply. The "little pres. lent” was a check for S20. ! _ . | “GONE TO H ADES IN A HAND BASKET” Gaston Gouty News. In speaking before the bankers of Group 9 of the North Carolina Bank' ers’ association last. Friday night at the Cleveland Springs hotel, Col. Wal ker Taylor of Wilmington, proudly referred to the fact that the Federal reserve system is a child of the brains ot Southern men and that in every community three men stand out pre eminently, the minister of God who ministers unto us spiritually, the doc tor who ministers unto our physical beings and the banker who guards our savings, using the money to help [ build the community. Col. Taylor de |dared that if either of these three go j wrong, “society is gone to hades in a hand basket.” | Colonel Taylor furnished recent and ! authentic statistics from D. II. Blair of the U. S. treasury, to show that more money is handled in piedmont 1 North Carolina than in any other like | area m the United States and that North Carolina paid into the revenue of the U. S. trim airy the fifth larg est amount of any state in the union, being exceeded only by the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Iillinois. SCHENCK IS APPOINTED SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE Italeigh.—Michael Schenck, of Hen dersonville. former solicitor of the i 39 district and during the war judge advocate in the army Thursday re ceived the appointment as judge to succeed the late J.' Bis Ray. Judge Kay, who was appointed by Governor Bickett, died several weeks Pgo. Governor Morrison could not Puke an appointment in time to get the name on the state ticket. 'Die con test for the succession was between W. E, Breese and Mr, Schenck, but Governor Morrison says the Schenck indorsements wcH*. more numerous. *1 his doubtless determined the appoint ment. Judge Schenck is widely known in trie state and especially in Greens boro which once was the home of the Schenck family. ‘ “ |MR. DAVIS WILL RETURN TO LAW PRACTICE IN NEW YORK New York.—John W. Davis defeat ed Democratic nominee for President, will return to the practice of law in j New York after a holiday to be spent | on a cruise of the Mediterranean, it was announced today by his secretary Mr. Davis will leave within a few days to visit his former home, Clarksburg, \V. Va. Mr. Davis spent yesterday at the New York homo of Frank L. Polk, former assistant secretary of state n;ul today at his home at Locust Val ley, I. I. Upon Ills nomination for President Mr. Davis resigned from the law firm of Stetson, Jennings, Russell and Da vis, which he joined in 1921 on finish ing his seVviee as ambassador to Great Britain. At the same time he gave up directorships in several cor porations. COSTS NOTHING TO RELIEVE TIRED FEET For the weary shop girl or the door man who must stand all day on ach ing or burning feet. Dr. L. D. Hub bard has the following recommenda tion: Soak the feet for a few minutes in hot water then put them into cold, mb them briskly, dry them thorough ly and powder them. I “It sounds simple but it works," Days Dr. Hid,hard in the November | Hyge’a, popular health rnagn/.ine published by the American Medical ! Association. SCRATCH that itch between your toes and iH you get is temporary relief, irri tated skin, sore feet and probably infection from finger nails. Swab those itching, maddening spots with LICARBO and they wifi disappear like magic. Don’t suffer torture but gain comfort, peace, and a calm mind by using LICARBO. LICARBO takes the dynamite out of corns, callouses and bunions, the fire out of Misters and tired, i burning feet. And LICARBO cures ( itching between the toes and all foot infections. Treat your feet with | LICARBO and they will carry you forever in comfort. Your druggist has it Ask him for LICARBO today. PAUL WEBB Shelby, N. C. “THE CLEVELAND STAR IS THE NAME. “T. H. E. ** C. L. E. \. E. L. A. N. I). S. T. A. R. T. “The Cleveland Star” should be placed in every home of Shel by and also in every home of Cleveland County. H. Have you made your subscription? If not you have delayed giving vour support to your home town paper. E. Every good citizen of either the county or t lie state will eventually be getting “The Cleveland Star.” C. Certainly you cannot afford to be without “The Cleveland 1 Star” when you know that it is ihe best news published. L. Let “The Cleveland Star” assist you with your business or social problems, whatever they may chance to be. E. Everybody is talking about "The Cleveland Star,” because Naturally they have a good subject to talk about. V. Verily. I say unto you that there is much good news to he read when you are reading “The Cleveland Star.” E. Even “The Little Stars” are attracting the attention of all those who are interested in getting in the lime-light. L. Lest we forget, you are requested to phone us about vour so cials and your parties that vou are planning this season. A. A little boost from vou for “The Cleveland Star” will be'v- rv much appreciated, and perhaps will add another to the list. N. Now then while vou read, why not call “The Cleveland Star,” and let your first copy be made on the next issue? D. Delays have cost many a man a fortune, because be was not fully prepared to meet the circumstances. S. Shelby and Cleveland County are glad vou are here, and vou a re invited to assist both by taking “The Cleveland Star.” T. The paper of your choice should lie “The Cleveland Star.” A. A choicy leader will naturally read choice news, and such news tfill be found in “The Cleveland Star. |R. Really you have never read a better paper than “The Cleve land S*ar” published here in the town of Shelby. N. C. i, —Courtesy of Morris C. Sullivan. TRY A STAR PENNY COLUMN ADr SAVE MONEY On flour hay. grain, and get top price:', for your cot ton and cotton seed. We deal in all of these commodities. We expect to arrive, a car load of hay and feed oats and you can buy cheaper if you place your order now and receive delivery direct from cars. JOHN F. MOSS & SON, Waco, N. C. This Property For Sale 6 room almost new bungalpw, fronting Ninth Washington street only two blocks of square. House its stuccoed and makes a very attractive appearance, lot is 60 x 100 feet with plenty of nice shade—price $5750.00 on terms. * G room cottage, f renting 74 feet »p West Warren street, fitie residential section, good lot, fronts residence of (’. S. Young ; —Price $3050.00. . • 0 room new bungalow fronting on Clovethnd Springs Road, modern in every way hardwood floors, breakfast room, large basement and garage—price $5750.00. 0 room two story house on large lot 75 x 2.00 feet, corner lot on North DeKalb and Hudson street, good outbuilding and good property—price $3000.00. C room new Bungalow, just off Soutli Washington street with wide front porch drive way, big gafcge and other buildings, lot is 85 x 125 feet and joins the residence of Jban Schenek_ price $4350.00. 0 room cottage, fronting 90 feet on North Morgan street with depth of 220 feet to an Alley. This house lias nice room, large fenced in garden, garage, wood house and other buildings, very fine location—price $0500.00. 0 room residence on North Morgan street fronting 100 feet and deep 220 feet to an Alley. This house is in fine repair both inside and out. It is in the best residential section of the street and has a large servant house in rear, —price $7050.00. VACANT LOTS— 100 x 200 feet on west side of North LaFayette street, fronts the residence of E. G. Morrison’s. This is the closest in vacant lot on this street that can be bought—price $1500.00. 50 x 150 feet within two blocks of square, being a part of the I.inebergor Spangier property—price $250.00. 00 x 18$ feet fronting South Washington street, joins A. W. Archer on North and a very desirable lot—price $2500.00. 100 x ISO feet, fronting East Marion and DeKalb street, corner lot one block of square, good for business development or residence—price $7500.00. 85 x 200 feet, fronting West Warren street, joins the resi dence of Zeb Mauney’s in the best residential section of Shelby — price S3000.000. 6(5 x 175 fronting Cleveland Springs road—price $1750.00. 00 x 178 fronting Cleveland Springs road in oak grove, joins the new residence of Joe L. Baber—price $1900.00. FOR FARMS 122 acres, two miles South of Grover with one good 9 room dwelling, one 7 room and one 4 room, two large barns and other outbuildings, 1-2 in cultivation fine for cotton and wheat—price $7000.00. 118 acres, 5 1-2 miles northeast of Shelby, known as the El phas Hamrick old place with large 7 room two story house and other outbuildings, fronts on both sides of road ar.d in good neighborhood—price $60.00 per acre. 155 acres, No. 6 township on Shelby - Prospect and St. Paul road, 5 1-2 miles of Shelby, eight room, two story dwelling, strong land, plenty of wood, large road frontage. Lattimbre place —price per acre $100.00. 40 acres, 4 miles Fast of Shelby known as the Mary Jane Roberts place, joins Albert Yarborough and others — price tract $2200.00. $500.00 cash, eight years for balance. 47 acres, 2 1-2 miles South of Shelby, known as the J. A. Harmon place, good buildings and the best small farm in the county, price per acre $145.00. 23 acres, fronting mi S. A. L. railroad, joining Eastside mill property, Pink King, Geo. Spake and others, good railroad frontage—price $6000.00. ANTHONY & ANTHONY ROYSTER BUILDING There may rot be as many stumps as there once were, but the supply of stumpers seems inexhaustible. Loquacious people .4) on hi study thunder and li«rhttif the Superior court on the 31st day of October. 1924, against the property of caid defendants, which warrant of attachment is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior court of Cleve and county, North Carolina, at the time and [dace nanus I for the return of the summons. And the said defen lants are required to appear and ans were or demur to the complaint on or before the 11th day of December, 1924; or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 31st day of October, 1924. GEO. P. WEBB, Clerk Superior Court.