M>.17+ YELLOW PENCIL \\ ~ 000^idth the LED BAND \ T 7AGLFPfh'C/L CO. NEWYJRK.USA NEW SOUTHERN SCHEDULE CHARLESTON DIVISION No. 113 No. 36 No. 35 No. 114 Marion to Rock Hill H Ro.'k Hill to Marion Marion to Rock Hill Rock Hill to Marion 7:1G a. m. 0:57 a. m. .6:36 p. ni. 8:08 p. m. No. 35 makes connection at Blacksburg with No. 38 for norlh. L. E. LIGON, Agent, SHELF,Y; N. C. VIRGINIA LEE COAL.. $8.75 LAURA COAL . $8.50 „ POCAHONTAS COAL ^ $9.00 These are all good grades of Blue Gem Goal suited for furnace, grate or stove. Remember also we have good drv stove wood cut and split and ready for use. Prompt, and courteous service our motto. IDEAL ICE & FUEL CO. PHONE 250. FREE! FREE! With Each ton of Goal Isold, we give a nice fire shovel SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY Arrival and Departure of Passenger Tutins at Shelby, N. C. Lv. No. Between No. Ar. 7:40a 5:47p 34 31 4:50p 12:27 1G 17 Ruthcrfordton-Kaieigb and Wilmington Wilmingt on-Raleigh ar.d Rntherfoniton Monroe Ru1 herfordton Rutherford! Oft_Moh roe 7:40a 5;47p 1G 15 12.27 12:27 Schedules published a<* information and are not guaranteed. E. W. LONG, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. or €. SM ART, Local Ticket Agent gv: Christmas Greeting Cards BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SAMPLES. THE WORDING IS DONE BY THE RELIEF GRAF PROCESS. LOOKS AND FEELS LIKE ENGRAVING, YET IS ABOUT HALF THE PRICE. YOUR NAME ADD ED TO THE VERSES IN THE SAME STYLE OF TYPE. IN FACT YOU CAN GET ANY SENTIMENT YOU WANT ON THE CARDS. STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY PHONE II. Any Car is a Better Car if nothing but TEXACO GASOLINE THE VOLATILE GAS is ever fed to the tank: Better in mileage, up keep, flexibility, pick-up and power. Fill uto at W. O. LEE, Boiling Springs, N. C. % War Veterans Slow To Ask Compensation That Awaits For Them The Adjutant General of the Army, who is in charge of the administra tion of the Adjusted Compensation Act (Bonus) for the War Depart ment, announced on the 10th of Nov ember that 1,.>00,000 out of a possible 4,500,000 or, only one out of three of those entitled to compensation, had even asked for it. There arc 140,000 veterans to whom applications have been returned be cause of errors in preparation and who are still holding them. Application blanks for this com pensation may be obtained through the American Legion, the American Red Cross, £fll Post Offices, the Na tional Guard, the Organised Reserves, Army Recruiting Stations, and all Army, Navy and Marine Corps posts and stations. All of the above named organizations are prepared to assist in the preparation of applications, without charge to the veteran. General Davis sums up hir. three request# to the Veterans, briefly, as follows: “If you intend to apply eventually for the adjusted compensation sub mit an application at once. Go to the nearest Recruiting or other Army Station or any Navy, Marine Corj s or Veterans bureau fo assistance. The advantages of such action are ob vious, but the most important of thesa is the protection it gives your de pendent in the case of your death. If you have no desire to avail your self of the benefits of the Act, notify the Department to that effect. If you are one of the 140,000 vet erans who have not corrected and re turned their applications, please do not delay the necessary action any longer." Address Properly and Wrap Them Securely On? „• the Important features in the Shop-Early, Mail Early campaign, which is being put on throughout the I country by the Post Office Depart ment, is the proper addressing and securely wrapping of Christmas pack ages. When you wrap your Christmas packages, wrap them securely, put voUr address in the upper left cor ner, so, if by chance, it should go astray, it can be returned to you and not sent to the dead letter office. The good folks of our community last URNS or scalds of small area, cover first with wet bak ing soda. When dry, take this off. Dress with Vicks, gently. Do not rub in. Bandage lightly. WICKS ¥VapoRub Oyer 17 Million Jan Utcd Yearly NOTICE—A STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE. We the hoard of directors of the Beam Brothers Mercantile company will offer for sale on December 1st 1924 at 2 o’clock in 1he town of Waco. N. C.. for cash to the hiehest bidder at public auction. The following per sonal property to wit. Our entire stock of Merchandise. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware and Store Fixtures. This November 10th, 1924. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. R. Rhyne, Secretary. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have qualified as administratrix of the es tate of T. A. Spangler, late of Clev eland County, N. C7, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them to me properly proven for payment on or before September 15th, 1825, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate will make imynediate payment to the un dersigned. Thus September 15th, 1924. LAURA SPANGLER, Admr. of T. A. Spangler, dec’d. Ryburn & Iloey, Attys. NOTICE OF SUMMONS ANI) WAR. RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina, Cleveland County. In the Superior Court. IV. N. Dorsey, Plaintiff vs. Mrs. W. C. Corbett and husband W. C. Corbett, Defendants. The defendants in the above en titled action will take notice that on the 31st day of Oetol>er, 1924, sum mons in the said action was issued aeainst the defendants by George P. Webb. Clerk of the Superior Court of Cleveland county. North Carolina, plaintiff claiming the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars (84,250.00) due him under eon tract with the defendants, which sum mons is returnable on the 11th day of November, 1924. to the Clerk of the Superior court of Cleveland county. North Carolina. The defendants will also take notice that a warrant of at tachment was issued by the said clerk V>f the Superior court on the 31st day of October, 1924, against the property of caid defendants, which warrant of attachment is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior court of Cleve and county, North Carolina, at the time and place named for the return of the summons. And the said defen dants are required to appet.r and ans were or demur to the complaint on or before the 11th day of December, ,1924; or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 31st day of October, 1924, GEO. P. WEBB, Clerk Superior Court, A year helped to bring joy and happi-! lur- to hundreds of thousands ot'; postmen and clerks. Lot's l will be the latest thing in a fire Fighting appar atus. No town or city in this county will have anything more modern or improved. INFECTION SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS The red menace in this country is down with the hlues.—Dayton Journ al. LET I S TRAIN YOU FOR BUSINESS Penmanship, Bookkeeping, ^Bank ing, Machine Bookeeping, Account ing and Auditing, Theory and Practice. Secretarial Courses, Letter Writ ing, Typewriting, Shorthand, Spe ciaUzeJ Training for high class of fice worn. Address Dep’t. ,‘S." ~ CECILS BUSINESS COLLEGE Asheville, N. C., Spartanburg, S.C. Shelby, N. C. C. B. McBRAYER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW Prompt Attention To A1J Matters. Office Union Trust Bid". RODERICK H. KING Osteopathic Physician Office in New Fanning Building. Hours: 9-12; 1-4. PHONES: Office 529. Residence 83. DR. O. L. HOLLAR Rectal Specialist and Genito-Urinary Diseases Piles treated and cured with out pain, knifer-'chloroform, or loss of time. Treated With Electric Needle. Hickory every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. HICKORY, N. C. Temperature For Health Below S9j Keep your rooms in winter at a temperature of degrees or less; i never more. So #>ys Dr. .Joseph Hertz-j stein, former secretary of the New York state commission on ventilation j in an article ‘Ventilating Home, School ami Workshop” appearing in the De-; comber Ilygeia, popular health mn.cn- j zinc publishes! by the American Med-j ical association. Dr. Herxstein declare* j that; The temperature of the ;?ir of a ; room is the most important factor in practical ventilation, he it in tt>e home, the school or the* workshop. This ha« been demonstrated in many ways. First, air at a high temperature, around 75 degree*, especially when it is moist, interferes with the norma* j loss of body heat. When air becomes (excessively warm the body cannot lose heat to the surrounding air. Discomfort soon arises as a conse quence of. this interference with the normal loss of heat. A burden i« thrown on the heat-regulating mechan ism. An increase in th<* hod'* tempera ture in the rapidity of the heart rate, in the rate of breathing, and a fall in the general tone of th** circulatory sv* tern follows., in fact, thp ’"espouse* of she bodv to anv interference with its hormai heat losing function nr** strik Xngy similar to those induced under .conditions of fever Dr. Gold To Practice At Rutherfordton Cleveland county friends will be interested in the following from th; Rutherford Sun because Dr. Gold is the ron of Mr. W. F. Gold of near j Double Shoals: Dr. Chas, F. Gold of Ellenboro, who j i is erecting a magnificent home near practice his profession here beginning town and who will move here soon will Jan. 1st. He will have an office near that of County Physician, Dr. J. C. | Twitty on Main street. There has been various opinions as to what Dr. Gold intended to do when ! he moved here. He stated last week j that he would practice his profession, i Dr. Gold is well qualified for his j c hosen work and this community has j a most valuable addition in his com ing and that of his good family. Sick Headache "1 have used Black-Draught when needed for the past 26 years,” says Mrs. Emma Grimes, of Forbes, Mo. “I began taking it for a bad case of constipation. I would get constipated and feel just mis erable—sluggish, tired, c bad in ,ny mouth, . . . and soon my head would begin hurting and I would have a severe sick headache. I don’t know just who started me to taking Thedford’s BLACK-DRAUGHT but it did the work. It just seemed to cleanse the liver. Very soon I felt like new. When I found Black-Draught bo ea3y to take and easy acting, I began to use it m time and would not have eick headaches.” Constipation causes tho system to re-absorb poisons that may cause great pain and much danger to your health. Tuke Thedford’s Black-Draught. It will stimu late the liver and help to drive out the poisons. Sold by all dealers. Costs only one cent a dose. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. For the purpose of division, we offer rfor sale the Anderson Nolan farm of ' To acres near Lawndale, right at Palm [Tree church on Lawndale-Polkville | highway.- Has two story dwelling house, large barn, pasture, orchard, 1 timber and productive land. 65 thou ' sand feet saw timber 2,00 cords of I wood, one mile Piedmont High school. Unless a satisfactory bid is receiv ed prior to December 1st, we will sell this property at public auction on Monday December 1st 1921 at noon at the Court House door in the town of Shelby. We would be glad to receive bids for this property any time and if a bid is received in keep ing with the price of land in that section, we will confirm sale without auction. Property hound as follows: Being the homestead of A. Nolan in Nos. 8 and 9 township beginning at a stone on West edge of Rutherford and Lincolnton road, John Nolan's, corner; Thence with his line S. 59 degrees W. 25 poles to a stake in said line; thence S. 4 degrees W. 114 poles to a stake, old line; thence with said line S, 86 degrees E. .‘>3 poles to a .blackjack; thence N. 3 E. degrees 30 poles to white oak; thence S. 87 degrees E. 45 1-2 poles to a stone; thence N. 50 E. degrees 68 poles to a stone; thence S. 37 degrees E. 48 polos to a stone; thence N 76 1-2 E. 42 poles to a stone on south edge of road; thence with road N. W. 178 poles to a stake; thence N. 3 degrees E. 7 poles to n stone; thence N. 86 degrees W. 15 poles to the beginning, containing 70 acres. Immediate possession and terms if desired. Make your bids‘to the undersigned owners. VIRGIL GARDNER, A. P. WEATHERS. SAVE MONEY On flour, hay, grain, and get top prices for your cot ton and cotton seed. We deal in all of these commodities. > We expect to arrive, a car load of hay and feed oats and you can buy cheaper if you place your order now and receive delivery direct from cars. JOHN F. MOSS & SON, Waco, N. C. ROOFING TILE Use this tiie on your roof. It is permanent and fire proof, also cheaper in the long run, be cause never has to be replaced and makes insurance cheaper. We manufacture building blocks, concrete drain pipe, win dow and door sills and sell lime, plaster, cement and structural Made here at home in Spanish design and in plain, red and green colors. steel. Z. B. WEATHERJRS & SONS Phone 192 Shelby, N.C. Community Pride “YOU OWE THE WORLD A LIVING.” This straight - from - the - shoulder message is intended for YOU; think it over. Your schools, your churches, your * good roads and your protection against fire and deeds of violence are benefits YOU receive from society. Your ability to borrow money from a bank in times of stress is a benefit YOU receive through society. The bank’s own capital wouldn’t go far in taking care of a community’s needs; banks must depend upon the community. You Owe It To Society To Save Every Penny You Can—and it should Jbe placed in the bank where you have protection, and your money will foster the prosperity of your community. Four Per Cent Interest And Safety. “Built For Service.” UNION TRUST CO. Shelby - Lattimore - Lawndale — Fallston Resources Over One Million Dollars. “In Union There Is Strength.”