FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SWEATERS TWO DAYS ONLY CUT PRICE SALE ON $12.00 Waters $§ 95 $10.00 Sweaters $7 59 $7.50 Sweaters $5,75 $7.00 Sweaters $525 $6.00 Sweaters $459 $5.00 Sweaters $375 $4.50 Sweaters $335 $4.00 Sweaters $2.95 $3.75 Sweaters $2.75 $3.50 Sweaters $2.60 $3.00 Sweaters $2.25 $2.50 Sweaters $l.g5 $2.00 Sweaters $J.65 —FREE— $5.00 pair of Freeman Shoes or $5.00 Hat with cash purchase of Suit or Over coat amounting to $25.00 or more. Nix & Lattimore Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. White Woman Diet At Mulatto Home Thomasville.—Mrs. Roxobel Gainey, of Wallburg community was buried at that place Sunday, her age being years. Death released her spirit from what was mortal on Friday night while in the home of her daughter, who is a mulatto, with a negro husband and a number of children. The home of this family with whom the aged Wo man had lived for many years is said to be in an almost unknown spot by the average white person in the neigh borhood, described as a wood hack of a pasture, the entrance to the prem ises being on apath with two gates to be opened and shut by those pass ing that way. After an unfortunate circumstance which practically ostracised the young woman from her former associates, she married Mr. Gainey, with whom she lived until he died at the ago of 70 years. It was then that Mrs, Gainey went to live with her daighter there making her home until her body nes tled in a casket was borne from thence I to the hearse by'the hands of her col ored neighbors, led by a colored preach er, to a colored church where the fun eral services were held by a colored preacher, interment being made ac cording to her request in the colored cemetery thereby and again in ac cordance with her last request, by the side of a grandchild who died about four year.-i ago. Lincoln Cavalry on Range. Lincoln Co. News. Troop E Lincolnton’s cavalry unit, goes on the rifle and pistol range each Saturday. For two weeks the troopers have been blazing away at the ‘mull's eye' on Scrgt. Barinoau's place near Lincolnton, Captain Lineberger stated that he had mapped out a series of practices for his men and that they had made a creditable showing the two previous Saturday’s. Mellon told us bow much they make. Now we are even more eager to discover how they make it.— Jackson Clarion-Ledger. We are a patriotic people, always filled- with zeal to save the country from one another.—Woodstock (OnL) Sentinel Review. * Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Old Standard Remedy for Chills and Malaria, The Women of the Carolinas ARE Value-wise! The Tremendous Success IVEY’S Great $400,000.00 FIVE GREAT FLOORS Alive with the Christmas Spirit—Teeming with Splendid Values in WOMEN’S, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN S APPAREL MEN’S FURNISHINGS NECKWEAR MILLINERY HOUSE FURNISHINGS FURNITURE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BOOKS, TOYS RUGS, DRAPERIES ETC, ETC. i Christmas Drive Proves it Abso lutely. THE response to our prelim inary presentation of Christ mas values was unprece dented. We are far, far ahead of our anticipated sales and we know that you thrifty Carolina women are responsible—you recognize real values and do not hesitate to grasp the wonderful savings we offer. Wc thank you. Watch the Charlotte Papers for the BARGAIN BULLETINS j Patterson Spring* Hu Mild Flue Cum Mr*. J. R. Wilson Falk FV»a H*H| end Break* Ankle. Ret Supper Net* Sixty I)«D*n. (Special to The Star.) Patterson Springs. Dec. X—The box supper given at th* school build ing last Saturday night proved a »w. cess—over $60 was raised for the pU. no fund. Mrs. J. R. Wilson on falling from tho porch mot with the misfortune last Wednesday evening of breaking her ankle. She was carried to the Shel by Public hospital. She la now at home doing nicely. A mild form of "flu” is prevalent in ttiia section. A number of families have suffered from its effects recent ly. .Tost now Mrs. R. J. He«| is con fined to the bed with somethin* like grippe. Mr. I. I1’. Kig ha sheen quite sick, but, is very much improved. Mr. A. I,. Neal and family Kara also been “laid np” with abort the same trouble as is so widely preva lent in the community. Mr. Wm. M. I.ewcry ba’ had ekk* n«so in his family alio during the laid fortnight. Several from among os hate made some trips seeking turkey during the elo-inr days of Xas4; tfreek. t Prof. M. 0. Latham visited rela tives in York county, S. C. Mr. C. F. McSwain viajt«d relatives in Morganton Sunday. Miss Grace King spent tire week *nd in Rutherfordton with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. CaTlabau. Mrs. RdlMrvs Camp an«j children spent their Tbanksgrvrog .haHdajrs with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Putnam of Rutherford “on. The follow in* bare (heoorrd the community by sharing the hospitality of several homejj «round our vljkge while the fresh uiyat and the 'feed” repasts were at their best. Mr. and Mr*. M. V. Hrertyw of Spartanburg spent the week cud with Mr. nnd Mrs. L. F. King. Mr. J. B. King an<J epn of Gbar lotte also spent Thanksgiving holi day season with Mr. L. P. King. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ckllahan of Ruth, this state, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. G. Ht Border*. Mrs. Mike Borders of Cbarietre Is visiting her daughter Mrs. Andrew Thrift of this vicinity. Mrs. WiMianJ Ttlppy of Earl is A pleasant caller in the enajtnunity. Another new residence is now being erected in the heart of Patterson Springs fot A. L. Neal. Mr. Dw. Grif ilq of Shelby has the contract. Lincoln Youth Killed When Gun Discharges Lincoln Times. Cari Maliefij Horis, spu of Martin Luther and Frances Reel Harrs Of Che Arrow mill, was almost instaiyiry kill ed by the accidental discharge of hi* frnn while hunting: Saturday after p««n. The fatal accident occurred about 3 o’clock on the lands of Mrs. J«bn Da. '•is, two. miles west of LiacoiaVou, where young: Honda and sovOral of his friends had (feme ta hunt. The gun was discharged while iu the hands of the unfortunate youth, though the exact manner ia which the accident happened is not known as be was alone at the time. The entire load from the (fun struck tha boy ia th« side of the face touring away tbe fleSb and splintering the jaw bone. It the# ranged down te the neck sweeping the jugular rein,. He Hired within a fbw minutes. Funeral services were con. ducted Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and interment was made at tbe Ore Bank church. Hovie was 18 yeats of afre and a likeable young fellow with many good traits of character. He was known to many people in Linentnton, having sold papers on the streets here sever al years ago. He was A grandson of Malachi Hovis, one of Line eta county’* few remaining Confederate veteyans. Back With the Ledger. Gaffney Ledger. G. D. Parris yesterday resumed work in the mechanical department of tbe Gaffney Ledger, haring returned to this city from Gastonia, N. C., where he had been connected with the Gaston Times for the past several months. Mr. Parris moved his family back to Gaffney yesterday. -He has hundreds of friends throughout the city arid county who will welcome him back home. Mr. Parris was an employe of the Ledger for practically 20 years, until about a year ago,he derided he could do better elsewhere, and moved to Shelby, N. C., from where he later went to Gastonia. Wore $1,000 Liberty Bonds for Apron Youngstown, 6.,—Bonds and stock* valued at about half a million dollars, said to hare been stolen from Bentleys Bank at Springboro, Pa., were found in a city park here and have been re covered by postal authorftips, it was announced here today by Postmaster Kdward: Westwood and Postal Inspec tor Harry’ Tavinor. That the men who found the money, all foreigners, were not. fully aware of the value of their find, was indi cated when the foreman of one man, who woj-ks in a steel plant, said that last night he found the man wearing two $1,000 liberty bonds for an apron. Cross word puzzles increase our vo cabulary of cro&s words. Doe* It Pay To Be Thrifty (By Carl Anthony, 10th Crude.) T (tvs e.<r that every true red blood ed AmerireM will (oil yotj that H pay* (o Ut thrifty. Per hap* yoa have often hfwd It said, “that It Isn't what ww Aavva that eonnts“. In my mind th# above statement la as true a* th* ftoexU* is to the pole. A person can make a hundred dollars a week and still not hare any put aside for a rainy day at the end of the month or year if they are extravagant. The spend thrift* perhaps any: “Take no thought for tomorrow for what re shall eat nor what ye shal> wear.” U’« true th* Bible teaches us that. But let* go back a little and consider everything. Perchance you Hare noticed on a bright summer day the li’tle ant how busy ft was working from nun till sun in order to get ahead a supply of food for the winter weather. As Clod made us only o littler low er than the Angela Surely wr, a* his people luive enough foresight and thought nlxmt ua to do aa tho industrious little arrt and lay op something for a rainy day. Hare yen ever notat'd wasteful people? T prermme that, yon have and on the oth. er hand noticed saving prop'*. There is as mnch difference in my estimation between saving and extravagance ax there Is between day and night. Th« rtheifty person .has never beyn over? estimated nor will they ever he in their (ru» worth and value to Amer ica and her cans**. A thrifty person makes money and spends it too, hut spends it wisely. Next beware of the tight wads for enough of them would force every business of its kfnd to he slopped throughout the great worW today. They hare money hut will not spend if nor allow it to get Into ctr eolalion. Take our bodies for nudaDee can they he strong and the appetite qoenched until some good wholesome food is eaten? And so the same ap plies to the tight wad.: if fhey have money and will not let it get iuto dr* eolation. What good will their money he to their town or city? Until it is 'put into service it will he worth as much to the town or city a« rt is worth t* the tight wad himself, practically ' nothing. Why can't we make this year a real thrifty year? We can do it if we will. Every hank and building and loan beyo In Shelby in fact every institution of that kind in tbs United States want# to recognize you as a person of thrift. Now lets not only talk thrift hut let's practice thrift during the year of TJ4, and show the world what wo can really accomplish. When you hear a person say their wanting a home will you kindly do them a favorand if they need any moo ey that they can get it fro mthe build ing and loans. And be will he able to build his mvp home and h« mnch hap pier than living in a rented luma. And so we nee thrift develop** char acter and promotes happiness. It is in deed one of the greatest of all virtues. New* of Holly Springs School (Special to The Star.) The Holly Springs school completed their first month November 28. New the minds of pupils and teachers alike art turning towards Christmas. As we expect to have a tree and Christmas program. Work is being pushed rap idly forward In preparation for that event. Several old Holly Springs students are attending: high school this yekn They are, Nettie McCraw. Mooreshoto, Veroa L Martin and Tb errs man By ars and Mhvsey Jolley, Boiling Springs and Broadus Earls and Toy Summers, Cl iff side. Each pupil is successfully keeping up their grade. Zinnie Earls, Wilma McCraw, Julia Whelchei, Mayme Earl, Deveney *n9 Lonnie Summers and Emmit Byars were on the sick list last week. Miss Connie Scruggs spent Sunday at Cliffside. Master Ralph Harris spent one aft ernoon last week in Gaffney. Numbers of the students attended the singings of Messrs Sam McCluny and Bulo Earls last week. Miss Lee Ellen Tate of Cliffside and Miss Florence Green of Mooresboro visited here Friday. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale in me conferred in a certain Deed of Trust executed by M. A. Francis and wife, Jessie May Francis, dated November loth, 1021, to the SheTby and Cleveland County Building and Loan Association and recorded in the office of the Register of. Deeds for Cleveland County, N. C., in 1j©okTl7 at papa 22, and default having been, made in the payment of the indebted ness therein secured and having been requested to sell said property I will on Monday January 5th, 1923 at 12 o’clock, noon or within*, legal hours sell to the highest bidder lor cash the following described real es tate : One house and lot in the town of Earl, Cleveland county, N. C., and it being Lot No. I and on the cast aide of the C. C. and C. railroad; and it also being on the north corner of the 10 acre lot, fronting 76 feet 8 1-4 inches on Main street and running back 260 feet to a second street, and being that same lot which was conveyed to M. A. Francis and wife, J. May Francis by J. J. Shuford and wife, E. J. Shuford by deed dated October 30th. 1919 and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C., in deed Book G. G. G. at page 112, said lot known as the J. J. Shuford home place, adjoining lots of J. A. Earl on the South and tV. C. Sur ratt on the north and containing one half acre, more or less. This December 5th, 1924. JNO. P. MULL, Trustee. “PEACE ON THE EARTH” Say It With Music IVnoe on earth must begin with Love and Peace in the home. There is no greater promoter of Home-Happiness than MUSIC, and the music that can truly he called “the Miwic of the Whole Family” is that furnished by the Roistering Player Piano, VICTOR and EDISON phono graphs. ' - T ' ... v. Eycry Member Of The Family Can Be Come An Acconfplished Musician Don’t think every Phonograph you sec is a Vlctrola. t^ok under the lid for the Victor trade mark, the Victor Dug, "His Master’s Voice.” There has been quite a num ber of people fooled in this section, they never know tlie difference until their phonograph breaks down, and when Qm! truth is known, they have nothing but a WILD-CAT Phonograph with a COFFEE MILL MOTOR, Come in and let us demonstrate the difference be «genuine REGISTERING PIANO and a Real Phonograph. W. A. Pendleton THE MUSIC SHOP Shelby, N. C. ■If ■■WBFg 1»——WWy Tax Notice FINAL ROUND T I will be at the following places on the dates specified for the purpose of collect ing taxes for the year 1924. This the last round that I will make and I wish to urge &fl persons, who have not yet paid, to see me on this round and settle. No. 1 Township, Monday. December 8th, L. O. Davia Store, 9 to 12 a. m. No. 1 Township—Monday, December 8th, Summie Btttfges Store, 1 to 4 p. m. No. 2 Township—Tuesday, December 9th, Jolley’s Store, 9 to 12 a. m. No. 2 Township—Tuesday, December 9th, Boiling Springs, 1 to 4 p. m. No. 7 Township—Wednesday, December 10th, Mooreaboro, 9 to 12 a. m. No. 7 Township—Wednesday, December 10th, Latti roore, 1 to 4 p. m. No. 8. Township—Thursday, December 11th, Dc Ught, 9 to 11 a. m. No. 11 Township—Thursday, December 11th, Casar, 12 to 4 p. m. No. 8 Township—Friday, December 12th, Polk vOlc, 9 to 12 a. m. No. 9 Township—Friday, December 12th, Lawndale, 1 te 4 p. ra. No. 10 Township—Monday, December 15th, John T. Warlick’s Store, 9 to 12 a. m. No. 9 Township—Monday, December 15th, Dixon Brothers Store, 1 to 4 p. m. c No. 10 Township—'Tuesday, December 16th, Car penter's Store, 9 to 12 a. m. No. 9 Township—Tuesday, December 16th, Fallston, 1 to 4 p. m. No. 5 Township—Wednesday, December 17th, waco, 1 to 4 p. m. No. o Township—Thursday, December 18th, Earl, 9 to 12 a. m. No. 4 Township—Thursday, December 18th, Grover, 1 to 4 p. m. No. 4 Township—Friday, December 19th, East Kings Mountain, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. No. 4 Township—Saturday, December 20th, Kings Mountain Town Office 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. HUGH A. LOGAN, « , Sheriff Cleveland County.

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