Sfc* (Skvcland ^Ur TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Subscription Price. By mail, per year_$2.00 By carrier, per year_$2.50 The Star Publishing Company, Inc. LEE B. WEATHERS_President RENN DRUM _Local Editor Entered as second class matter January 1, 1005, at the postoffice at Shelby, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress, Murch 3, 1879. We wish to call your attention to the fact that it is, and has been our custom to charge five cents per line for resolutions of respect, cards or thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. TUs will bo strictly adhered to. FRIDAY, DEC. 5, 1021. Ill S TRAFFIC. A Du.; Comm.ssion ' as appointed at the extra session < the General Assembly of North Carolina to eon ; ider and work out .nans for the re gulation of the commercial bus lines of North Carolina. Without a doubt tills commission lias an important matter to consider and while no re gulations should be drastic to curb th .i imporant part of our transfor taton system, something should be done to make travel safer. When a driver of a bus takes the wheel of a motor vehicle, he takes the lives of hi-s passengers in his hands and should exercise the greatest care and caution in driving the machine, .lust, how far the commission will go i i its regulation. We do not know, but certainly a bus driver should be passed upon as to character and habits and be a man who knows the rights of o'hers to the public high way of North Carolina. There has been such a death toll by motor ve hicles in the United States and such an atnrmnig loss to property, that if such calamity should come at a sin gle tune by an earthquake or cyclone, the loss would be looked upon as one of the greatest disasters in all his tory, yet thousands of lives are sac rificed and millions of dollars worth of property destroyed annually. Of course the bus lines are not respon sible for all of this, but bus lines are in a commercial business, using the public highways of the state and the drivers have the lives of their pas sengers at stake, but every safeguard should be thrown around travel by this method because the bus lines are here to stay and in the course of a few year? will be the most used method of short distant travel. OPEN TO INSPECTION. Now (hat the committee that rules high school athletics in North. Car olina has ruled that the Shelby foot ball eleven was the legitimate and fair winner of the Western North Carolina title and is eligible to con test for the state championship many things might be said. However mak ing return charges—and we know that some could he made with more foundation than those refuted—would gem nothing In fact such u proce dure would be of the same variety as charges made after a chnmpion s'.rp was won, when they could have been made earlier in the year when Shelby was not considered a danger ous contender. As things are. let them be, but in our opinion there are f ’w, if any, high school squads i < he stat* that will stand the test o. in spection better than Shelby. In the recent attacks that '.. been made on the Shelby athletic teams remarks were made concern>• out-of-toWn boys being on the teams. The football eleven around wince the protest originated might be taken as an example. On the squad, and practically every boy of any size in school is on the squad, there are only three boys that were not born and reared in Cleveland county. How many high schools in the state can make a similar statement about their football squads or the boys they have in school? It is admitted that a goodly number—yes, the majority— of the boys on the Shelby football team are from the rural district of Cleveland county. Instead of feeling chagrined concerning such a condi t'on we are proud of it. When things , come to pass, athletics, victory or • defeat that a farm boy—and Cleve land county is a county of farmers —is not allowed to participate in athletics because he does not happen to be a city boy, then things are in a bad way. From observation it ap pears that it is no easy task for V-neck sweaters, leather belts und balloon trousers to push back shoul ders made husky through contact with the plow handles and legs made sturdy by following the cotton plant er. These boys have the right to at tend the outstanding school in their section and the privilege of partici pating in athletics even though they rre the sons of farmers. As to the three boys who were not born and raised here their presence can be and has been satisfactorily explained. We wonder that if at the source of some of the remarks there are no boys In school who at one time lived elsewhere? If so no ruling prevents they from playing football if they ai-e eligible and the three on the Shelby squad are eligible or they would never have been on the eleven. Yes, the Shelby athletic system is open to inspection from any quarter and perhaps the inspection will re veal that Shelby has a group of boys that are not above picking cotton, making good scholastic records and playing “tollably” good football. But "sour grapes" are not sweet t even though the tu te reacts on the j test. SECOND IN STATE Last year when Cleveland enmity I made 40,000 bales of tot 'on, v. el stood fourth in the number of h: les produced. To get some idea as t > the shortage of the crop in the state .is n whole, Cleveland holds second place, yet our crop ,'s one-fourth .short of j last year’s h'gh record . La * ./ear i Robero'i county h Id th - record, n :ik ing 51,803 bales, but the protracted j rainy sped I this summer has cut Rob-1 eson’s yield to it." r,|C, according to the ; last g a report. Rohr son’s i ro;; will be about ha’f what ii was last year. j We think it i a tribal !•» the ir.:iiw- j try and thrift of Cleveland County j farmers to make about .'52,000 b ile th's yeai in spite of th e firot; acted j rainy spell and in view of La- .’net.; that we are right-on the- edge of :!>e Cotton belt. A NATIONAL PARK. Congressman A. L. B'ulwinkio of this district i- confident that t:hc proposition to cst.-ihPsh a national park in Western North ('aiplinn is receiving favorable utt ntion in Washington by th • committee which visit'd proposed siii": in the Ea-.tern' pprt of America and cam" to look over what Western M irth Carolina has to offer. Major Bulw Okie stands weM in Washington and we k >iw he will use every ounce of his influence and energy toward the establishment of this great national playground and scenic park in Western North Carolina, where the mountain grand eur and scenic lieautv i ; unsurpassed and in a section of the country which deserves recognition. Our mountains from every standpoint - beauty, grandeur, public roads and acces sibility?-—compare favorable with those of any section east of the Rock ies. Being midway between New England and Floi da, the playground >f America during th • winter r.iontMs, oh a highway that will shortly con nect th" Great Lake with th ■ Flor ida peninsular, the section of \Ved ern North Carolina would be. visited by hundreds of thot sards every year. We feel encouraged over the re port from Major Uulwtnkfo that the committee which is making the in vestigation as to a sit ■ i . looking favorably on our section ar-d hope that such action will he taken in this matter. WE WONDER WHO? As things go now political North Carolina has its interest centered on i the vacant Federal judgeship, made! so by the deuth of the lamented Con-: nor. Yep, it’s Republican appointment, J but the speculation is proving mighty i interesting in Democratic circles. Be who it*may he will have to fill the: plnce of one hnrd to fill. Ordinarily j when R. R. Clark, contributing editor j of the Greensboro News, takes a fling at anything the fling is one of clear thinking and unmarked with humor.1 However, the Statesville writer does drop into a humor at times that is more biting than n December breeze. His latest paragraph about the prob- j able appointment may be taken as an example: “Talking about tin1 selection of a judge for the vacancy caused by Judge Connor’s death, there is one thing of grave concern which so far seems to b"> overlooked It is a matter of re cord that one man, n year or so. ago, prov->d o his sa Martian that fail v ■ t» ramp him jedi • when Judge; C ’"nor was .•■ ppoi ■>+..; vresponsible '>'• T«ft's deJea*. ’Mi! m's election and m” *. tii y.'ev'd war. We h.a 'o ’> i ‘■u Mt in that judge busi "• bvt v" are- ■ ri-nuly concerned l’ a' no s”.i h 1 u'Hble consequences as alien'd shell follow i t its train.- It •night, he playing safe to give that man tim job now and avoid horrendous possibilities.” Hcey Appears In Big Damage Sviit Litigation Grows Out ot Death of Man Working in a Gastonia Cotton Mill. Gastonia, Dec,. 3.-- One of th" big gest law suits in superior court cir cles of this section began Wednes day in the case of Allen Hall, ad ministrator of the estate of W. L. Hall, his brother, against the Myers Mills, Inc., of South Gastonia. The plaintiff is asking damages to the extent of $30,000 of the defendant as the result of the d >ath of the deceas ed while working in the card room of the mill. W. L. Hall was killed the ti ght of July 18, 1923, while working as night overseer. Counsel for both parties in the ac- 1 tion is made up of lawyers of wide 1 reputation. The plaintiff. Hall, is re presented by Attorneys Marvin I Ritch and Frank Flowers, of Char lotte, and E. A. Woltz and George! W. Wilson, of the local bar. Clyde! R. lloey of Shelby and O. F. Mason i and George B. Mason, of Gastonia, I uppear for the defendant. A dangerous alien is one who thinks j our government as rotten as political 1 speakers say it is.—Newark Ledger, j Senator LaFollette says that what; happened to his ticket was hut an in- j cident, but so also, we. understand, , is passing on, as the Christian Scion-; tists euphemistically call it.—Colum bus Ohio State Journal. “Gas-Bags may cross Atlantic regularly." They do now; on • meets them on all liners.— Eliaabetn Journ al. It’s queer the authorities can’t dis cover fake stocks, when the sucker finds them so easily.—Rochester Timts-Uuion. Selling The Church Dr. Lemons’ Subject Sunday school as usual at 9:4f> a. m. Let us make it 600 next Sunday. Ir we are all in our places it will be done. Morning worship and sermon at 11:0(> o’clock. Good music. Subject of 'he morning will be, “Selling the Fi st baptist Church.” In the early afternoon an “Every Member Canvass” for the budgets of the church for 1025 will be made. Junior B. Y. P. U. meets at 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. I. term (bate B. Y. P. U. societies in the afternoon. It is important that all member be present. A demonstration program of the Intermediate B. Y. P. U. societies will he g von at the evening worship hour, 7:00 o’clock. The program will show what is being done in our B. Y. P. U. organizations. As a part of this pro run 76 Diplomas and Certificates 'ill he awarded to Intermediates and Janio. s wh > passed successfully the ;a: d 'at'ons in the recent training ■chool of the church, You can not mi s this servie. See the program for hi., s.rvice tl-i where in the Star. Hi-Y Boys To Have Week-End Meeting Wh*!* promises to be one of the most helpful and interesting occas ion for boys ever held in Shelby is p’annt cl for the week end of Decem ber 12, when a “Con e Clean Catn P.uign" w II bo held under the aus pice; of the Hi-Y club of the local hi.eh school. Elaborate plans are be t ' worked opt for the meetings, which are to begin <M Friday after noon and continue through Sunday aft'"'noon. Appearing on the program "ill be four or five Davidson college uiden’s, together with Mr. J. T. i ■ sperman, state Hoys’ Work sec retary and Mr. G. II. Leonard, sec retary for the western district. The meet ig Friday night.wi 1 be open to niemb-’rs of the Hi-Y club only, but at all other times hoys who are non members will be invited and urged to attend. Many of the problems which rre common to boys will he discu; fd. Chief among the events from a social point of view are a hike arid a weinrr roast which have been planned for Saturday. Mr. Leonard and the local Ili-Y leader are at pres ent completing details for the cam paign. Further announcement giving the lull program will ba made early next week. ■••MY S?\K WANTT Aim •- ~ WIN FRUIT CAKE There will i e a demonstra tion held by a representative of the National Biscuit Com pany at the I’igglv Wittily Store on Saturday, December (>. Every housewife shou > attend. A five-pound National Bis cuit Company Fruit Cake will be given away to some ms tomer that day. Be sure to visit the Piggly Wiggly Sat urday. HOMES FOR SALE One I room house, nice va cant lot, close in, $1259.00. One 5 room house, nice street, $1,700.00. Twelve vacant lots located in various parts of Shelby on paved streets. Very attract ive prices and terms. 1’h store ro- ms in South. — >. Fine I loli r; for busi ness. Five room house in South Shelby. Nice location. At tractive price. Several nice farms, various sizes. Easy terms. If you have anything to sell, see us, or if you want to buy let us help you. THE ROYSTER CO. Phone No. 397. v .— * Our Stic ordered ^ sa’e. jJivcr;, ■ CLOSING OUT SALE OF THE L* a lie.' So URNITURE COMPANY -si ‘. will continue until the entire stock is gone. New goods elcs.e out this store, are now arriving and are offered in this er ;re Christmas so come early to get your choice. If you need stock: 8100.00 An $ 8 5.00 $ 05.00 >. : 8 85.00 •• 8 81.5'. y 8 O.Oii (; All Rai Every I i< _. furniture , cut sale. No Thr 5 ]-y ' 1 - re, inspect our If* a Cedar ( Rocker. • Lamps, On EVER. 5 0 : Eve ryb <V ' designed ' in your b fort as. wok nishin.es. V as low v ALL CfT • : BELOW CC $80,00 $ 70.00 ,$ CS.95 $27.00 .$23.90 ...$ 3.95 i i ■ lre quick, i < ur stock and all nut in this closing ~ .dd Mips This Sale. ; Tima to Save - n . y • -- 4 (.Ir t Tables, Chairs, Mattresses. Floor 5'. Toys;■ 1 (: O. -■* •*««-. — ■ in ■■■ — AMPS CLAMPS i 'tty and artistically ■ nnot have too many : a • uch of. real com ■ the surrounding' fur ■ E11E— nice ones too, 1 hedge Lamps. S GOING AT AND 'Y X/ *Tr 7 X'i £ Jn IEM NOW. — LOOK! — Dining Room Suites Special for Our Sale: $250.00 10-piece Suite at ..$180.00 $175.00 10-piece Suite at .$129.75 $150.00 10-piece Suite at.$119.00 $135.00 9-piece Suite at... $ 98.00 These States are in Walnut, Mahogany and Oak Finishes. Biggest bargain in This Sale. Do not let this chance slip by. Act now! Don’t lose any time. They will go at these prices. IRON BEDS—ALL COLORS 8 6.00 Iron Beds at ....$ 3.90 8 8.25 Iron Beds at..$ 6.95 811.25 Iron Beds at...$ 8.90 817.50 Iron Beds at ..$13.98 818.00 Iron Beds at . $14.48 830.00 Iron Beds .$21.50 These prices knock the bottom out of hi^h prices. Its a chance for you to save A Whole car load We Offer. Our Price TV apj <-d or '•» M -- V , Prices Wc Ask For our High Quality Home Furnishnigs and You \re \ssur : ■ ■ > that. Visit Our Store nhis Week. A 11 j 3-P Lc One 3-j i* I ce $375. One 3-pii l $250 1 One 3-nie . $2 5.0 One 3-pie $IG7.5> • One 3-pie- e $150.0 > Olit 3-pie $» 37.50 One 3-pie $1 i • Other . • eA iON ■ • Svotes : ’ ■ .-oAtr pri $298.00 . hr-rular price 3103.50 - o O': ... L: rular price $148.00 : : olar price 3. '.no iic'pulav price $110.09 -o hr Regular price .... $105.00 Regular price $ 79.80 i ,, ; , 25.00. Out Live ; 5- 5, .• C ,■ ta ins a»Mh i • 1 • •' uAnUerv, such as y. , ■ • . \. )-:■ Leather, etc., which r. ; , RUGS RUGS— $75.00, 9:.'12 V, . $58.00 $60.00, 9 :12 A? i, $19.80 $55.00, 0:02 \rt ..rice $43.75 $25.00. vv L .prb $18,75 All other Kir . 3 t d below to day's wjioles th . A charm ing assortment Rags in all patterns and : b di in qual ity, low in PRIC* BARGAINS FOR YOUR BED ROOM Here is your chance to make a big saving and get the Dresser, Chiffonier, Vanity or Desk to suit your taste. See our styles and finishes. Note the low prices: $185.00 Ivory Suite at. SI 50.00 Mahogany Suits at $140.00 Walnut Suite at ... SI 50.00 Ivory Suite at. $125.00 Walnut Suite at ... $ ©5.00 Walnut Suite at.... $138.00 $112.00 $105.00 $ 98.00 $102.50 $ 49.80 2 to 6 Piece Bed Room Suites. Other Suites greatly re duced. market: Com \our want for \ ful pieces which we A furniti: Let’s go. in J ms Sale. Right when yoi. need them. See our Prices. Buy the Nice Things 'en!v0n*>r 11 fake °1rcal11,ridt> i" YOUR HOME when you have some of these wonder c.a sare and they are real values. v. si want it. As you want it. Don’t miss it. Our prices will move this stock quickly. 1 U-. ■ & « * it UdJ ih£BI ' an a •n fr3?! n=»n f7=*r» r=*n rr^n r • *7=*T! rr^n rmn fran rrai r=an r— COMPANY, Shelby, N. C.

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