Children of the Confederacy To Meet. The senior members of the children of the Confederacy will meet with Miss Margaret Lovt» Gardner on Sat urday afternoon. The hour is 3:30. South Washington Bridge Club Postponed. The South Washington Bridge club which was to have met with Mrs. O. M. Gardner this Saturday has been postponed. Enjoyable Thanksgiving Dinner. One of the most enjoyahle dinners of the Thanksgiving season . was on Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. George Dover on West Warren street when the children of Mrs. Mary El len Dover had a surprise dinner in her honor. Baskets over-flowing with good things were brought and dinner was served to 40. Afterwards trays of cake and other eatables were sent to ten of Mrs. Dover's friends and neighbors who were sick. All six of her children and 14 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren were pres ent for the occasion. New Styles in Fur Coats Bellin' Worn. Paris.—Autumn’s first chill wind has brought nut the winter furs of the 1925 season. A fortnight ago fur was a trim ming, something women wore because it was fashionable, but at Longchnmp recently they had become an essential part of dress and were put on for. warmth. A natural sealskin coat trimmed with skunk, worn by one of the models was the sensation of the day. Paris had never seen such a seal coat before. Usually the sealskin as prepared by Paris furriers and worn by Parisien nes is of a brownish color, the result of clever handling by the fur experts. This seal had undergone no transfor mation since its capture on the banks of Newfoundland or Behring sen. It was grey, silky, shiny, in spots shading from grey to white, the' seal in its nat ural state. Otter skin was one of the favorites By some unusual process of the fur rier a golden tint had been given to the fur, which promises to be very popular. Fox furs, squirrel, badger, skunk and astruknn also were shown. Ermine is the cosen fur for evening wraps when chincilla is not used. Both these furs are popular for thenter cloaks and coats. Stone martin, sable and mink are being used for scarves, which are wide and long. D. A. R. Mating. 9 Mrs. Hugh Logan, and Mrs. James Parser and Mrs. Yates MeSwnin were gracious hostesses to the members of the Benjamine Cleveland chapter D. A R’s on Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Par ker's hospitable home. Christmas was in t)\e air and atmosphere, not only in the cheerful meeting given the mem bers by these charming hostesses but In tie lovely vase of flowers, red ros es mingled with Christmas greens which centered the living room table making a beautiful picture, and the American flag draped most artisti cally over the doors entering the room. The Christmas decorations were carried out beautifully in the refresh ments, which were elegant and deli cious and in the doilies with their red poinsettas, also the candies, com pleted the Christmas scheme. In the absence of the regent Mrs. O. M. Gardner, the vice regent Mrs. W. H. Blanton presided. The chaplain also being absent the devotional exercises were dispensed with after Lord's Pray er and the allegiance to the flag. Mrs. S. R. Riley was voted to act for Mrs. Lamar Gidney as secretary until the March election Mrs. Gidney being un able to attend the meetings. The yearly dues were then collect ed, other business transacted and the program was then rendered. Miss El len Brice a charming visitor and a Charlotte D. A. R. read in Mrs. Mitch ell’s absence a splendidly prepared pa per fey Mrs. Mitchell on “Pocahontas”. This was followed by two beautiful Indian songs wonderfully interpreted and sung by Mrs. R. L. Lemons, which concluded the afternoon’s pro gram.and a social hour with the deli cious-refreshments were much enjoy ed. Ben Suttle Charming Hostess. At her lovely new home on West Warren street Mrs. Ben Suttle was the charming hostess to the Music and Arts department of the Woman's club on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. The rooms were beautifully and ^artistically decorated with late fall flowers and Christmas greenery. The subjects of the afternoon were: “Art, Hie Flemish School” and ‘'Mus ic, Mozart" Miss Gussie Sisk was the first oh the program and her inter esting paper on “Landscapes and Marines, Ruysdae}, Van de Velde, Hob bema, was much enjoyed. This was followed by Mrs. George Moore telling CLI All items intended for this depart ment must telephoned or sent in to the Society Editor before 11 a. m., the day before publication. All news items of interest to women are welcomed. By Mrs. Madge Webb Rilev Telephone No. .‘*0 _i the club about Vandyke and Reubens, these always attractive subjects. Miss Elisabeth Roberts entertained the members with a splendid paper on Rembrandt. Mrs. Durham Moore then changed the subject to music and dis cussed intelligently “Mozart’s F,ife and Works,” then Mrs. D 7,. Newton played beautifully the "Minuet in E. Flat” and, Miss Kialio Moses conclud ed this delightful program by render ing exquisitely the “Minuet from Don Juan.” After the program Mrs. Buttle serv ed most elaborate and delicious re freshments. Miss Ellen Brice of Charlotte was a charming outside visitor. Windows All Dressed l:p. .Shop windows in Shelby are hegin !liinK now to be all aglow with Christ mas offerings. The day of days is hut a span away now and apparently ev erybody is starting in early tovmake a frreat affair of it. An unusual array presents for old and young are on display. Mrs. Grover Beam Delightful Hostess. One of the loveliest early Christmas season parties was on Tuesday after noon when Mrs. Grover Beam enter tained the Entre Nous club at 11:30 o’clock. The rooms were beautiful with their Christmas decorations poin settas being the flowers used. Three tables of bridge was played. The place cards were poinsettas and the most cxquiitso little favors were given be ing little Santa Claus houses with the Santa Clauses on the chimneys. After an hour of enjoyable playing cards were laid aside and Mrs. Beam served the most delicious refreshments per taining to the Christmas season. Jarrett-Galloway Wedding Wednesday. Miss Ellen Jarrott. attractive daughter of Mrs. Dan Jarrett, South Shelby and Mr. Archie II. Galloway, son of Mr. E. L. Galloway, in charge of II. and B. Beer’s cotton office here, were happily married Wednesday morning at the home of the bride’s mother in the presence of a few friends, Rev. A. S. Raper perform ing the wedding ceremony. Mr. Gal loway is display manager and win dow card writer at Gilmer’s Depart ment store and a young man of many fine qualities while the bride is -i popular and friendly young lady. Immediately after the ceremon” the couple left for points hi South Caro lina where they are visiting relatives. From there thev extend their trip to Atlanta, Ga, former home o fthe groom, nft.v which they return, to *■’ illy to iive. The “Looker On" Writes on Radio. A number of Shelby people have in stalled radio cabinets in their homes. They just bought the piece of furni ture in, set it down, put some batter ies in the back, shut it up, turned a few knobs in front, and lo! and be hold! from nowhere comes the most beautitul music from somewhere. It may be Pittsburgh; New York; Tex as. Not an aerial anywhere, not a piece of wire, all the doors and win dows closed and from that little spooky cabinet issues these wonder ful sounds. Now what I want to know, how does Pittsburgh “K 1) K A” got into the air, the air into the house, and into the cabinet ? It’s a weird, nan understandable thing, and a visitor from Charlotte said: “ I hear it, but really I can't understand it, ‘there aint no such thing’ but there is;” a paradox which you can solve, that is If yoo can. Home Economics Offers Recipes The Home Ceot.cmics department of the Womans Olu) met at the central school budd'ng on November 24th, twenty member.» being present. Candy was the subject for the after noon and Mr*. Ino . McClurd was chairman, those who demonstrate*! were, Mrs. Nelson Latti.nore, un cooked fondant, Mr*. Roger Laugh ridge, cocoanut caramel, and Mrs. Jap Suttle, Dare loaf. • Cocoanut Caramel 3 Cupt sugar, 1 cup milk, butter size of walnut, melt one cup of sug ar and add to mixture after it has cooked, then add one cup grated coco anut and beat till smooth. Date Loaf 2 cups sugar, 1-2 cup milk, let boil till creamy, add one package dates stoned and mashed, cook till dates are dissolved stirring constantly, add one cup pecans beat till thick, pour on wet cloth and roll, let stand till cold then sice. Recipe for uncooked fondant is in Shelby cook book. Children Confederacy. The Senior Division of The Chil 4ren of the Confederacy will meet with Miss Margaret Love Gardner on Saturday afternoon, December fith at 3:30. AS MUCH AS ONE-HALF OFF ON GOATS AND DRESSES JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR I NTHE BEGINNING OF THE WINTER. RIGHT A SALE OF SMART COATS AND DRESSES In our sale, we have quite a number to offer at ONE HALF price. These gar ments are new, with real quality, style and work manship. Everything in Coats and Dresses priced one-fourth during this sale, but many at the special reduction of ) 50 per cent. , If you haven’t seen our line or tried McNeely style and quality, this is your chance. The sale is going good. Be the next to get a bargain. We Are Always Glad To Show You Whether You Buy Or Not. J. C. McNEELY COMPANY SHELBY’S EXCLUSIVE STORE FOR LADIES. THE UNIVERSAL CAR PRICES REDUCED Effective December 2, the Ford Motor Company announces new low prices on all Ford cars. A reduction of Twenty Five Dollars on the Fordor Sedan and lower prices on all other types make Ford cars even greater values than ever before. NEW PRICES RUNABOUT- $260.00 TOURING CAR_ 390.00 COUPE- 520.00 TUDOR SEDAN_ 580.00 FORDOR SEDAN_ 660.00 CHASSIS __ 225.00 TRUCK CHASSIS_ 365.00 ALL PRICES F. O. B. DETROIT These are the lowest prices ever offered in the history of the Ford Motor Company. They create a new standard of value for motor car transportation. SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER THESE WANT AD'S 'bring • RESULTS MONEY TO LEND AT A LOW rate of interest on improved farms, i Long or short time. Land tide work j 0. M SuttJe. tf-23e WANT GOOD SECOND BAGS that will hold 100 pounds meal and' 100 pound hulls. Prefer our brands' and sizes, but will buy other .. Come to see us or call us up.< Shelby Oil j Mill. tf-21c, _ __\ ( FOR RENT—ONE OR TWO rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Close in. Apply at Star ofTh-e. FOR SALE—ONE HUDSON | coach 1024 model. See Ralph R. Hoey j at Cleveland Drug Co. 3-5 FOR RENT—A NEW BRICK store room 30x98 in the hustling town of Cherryville. This room is nicely finished has lights, water and sewerage. See or write W. .T. T. Styers Cherryville, N. C. 4-25c FOR RENT OR SALE GOOD TWO horse farm. For sale 100 bushels corn : about 1,300 bundle s fodder. Julius El liott, Shelby. 3-28c I AM AGENT FOR HERCULES enginesthat burn either gas or kero sene. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction and I will he glad to give you my low prices. Sizes from one and half to 12 horsepower. See Fred Mel ton, near Lawndale R-l. SAVE YOUR MEAL AND HULL bags, we will buy them back. Shelby Oil Mill. • tf-21c RUNNING WATER IN YOUR home the Kewonee way; $140.00 up. No air compressor to give trouble. See G. V. Hawkins. tf-19c LOST— WEDNESDAY NIGHT between Shelby and Mooresobro a Hampton wrist watch with link. Clara K, engraved on back. Liberal reward, Klara Koone, Gilkey, N. C, l-5c LOST BETWEEN DR. PEELER’S farm and town one brown fur. Reward if returned to Daisy Thrift, co Dr. Peeler. . tf-le FOR SALE—THREE EXTRA froslvmilk cows, also one two and a half year old thoroughbred Jersey hull and four heifers 18 months old. J. S. Mull, Shelby R-7. 2-5p LOST—DARK-BROWN COW. GAP in one ear. Small head with short horns. Notify Milton Hawkins, Shelby N. C., Box 381, Phone 383-J. l-15e FOR SALE—03 acres of land on Lincolntdn and Denver road, with six room house, well water, branch and creek. Forty dollars an acre. C. B. Finger, Maiden, N. C. 4-25p D.C.IV AV) POULTRY FEEDS, i’ll. “. i Brand bjst . tie •• • >kct at Webb Brother.-. 2t 5c LOST FRIDAY NIGHT SLENDER, medium sized white and brown spot ted hound 2 1-2 years old. Answers to ‘Wheeler”. Liberal reward for dog or any information. Chess Dalton, Phone 8003, Waco, N. C. 3-2p LET ME FURNISH AND PLANT your shade trees. I guarantee them to live. J. J. Wilkins, South Shelby. 4-5p LAND FOR SALE—03 ACRES OF land lying in Howard Creek township, 3 1-2 miles southeast of Plateau, N. C. The land has red subsoil, good ten able land with a seven room house, three porches, good basement, good barn and outbuildings. There are about 6 acres in red clover ready for mow ing in spring. Robert A. Smith, Vale, N. C., R-l. 2-2p STORE ROOM FOR RENT—IN Arcade building, next door to John Dellinger, size 35x100. Possession Jan uary 1, 1025. T. W. Hamrick Co. tf-5c FfjR SALE—ONE BASE BURNER at a bargain. Can be seen at Star of fice. FOR SALE ON DECEMBER 13 AT 10 o’clock, farm tools, roughness, corn, buggy, wagon and horse if not sold before. W. B. Smith, St. Paul Church near Waco. ° 2-5p FOR GENUINE POCAHONTAS blacksmith coal. Ideal Ice and Fuel Co. tf-llc WANT TO BUY GOOD SECOND hand meal and hull bags. Shelby Oil Mills. tf-21c DAD Y AND POULTRY FEEDS. I’thie.a Brand, i*es* i". the market, at Weba Brothers^ 2t Sc FOR SALE EARLY JERSEY Wakefield cabbage plants. Twenty cents per 100 postpaid. R. F. Stanley, R-2 Lawndale. 8t lip FULCRUM OATS FOR SALE AT We 11b brothers. 2t 5 ~ FARM LANDS WANTED —IF you want to sell your farm lands get in touch with me at once. F. K. Graham 22'! Latta Arcade, Phone 29, Char lotte, N. C. tf-13c FOUND-NEAR BRUSHY CREEK o v W. H. BV.nton Farm a bicycle. Owner see Clihfii*; Crow on Blanton Farm. It 5c MONEY TO LEND—THE FED eral Land Bank or Farmers’s Bank lends money all the time on farm land. Se Rush Stroup, Secy, and Treas. 12-21c ■1 ■ ■ - .. ■' — FOR SALE 100 ACRE FARM, TWO miles east of Newton, N. C. Good 6 rnom house and outbuildings, one-half mile of schools and church. A. L. Boyd Newton, N. C„ . 4-5c WILL BUY ANY AMOUNT OF seed cotton. O. W. Brooks, Lattimore, R-l. 8-14p CHRISTMAS CARDS. WE take orders. The Reliefgraf process looks and feels like en graving but costs about Half as Much. Beautiful lines of sam ples to select from. Cleveland Star. ^ It 18p LOST-EXTRA FORD TIRE and rim with cover of Eskridge Garage. Return to Star office. It AUCTION SALE—I WILL sell all of my farming tools, wagon, buggy, two mules, one horse, one cow, one fat hog, household and kitchen furniture at my home at 10 o’clock, Sat urday, December 6th, Mrs. L. S. Gardner, near Beams Mill. 2t-2c PENNY COLU— t FULGRUM OATS FOR SALE AT Webb Brother*. 2t 5 c FOR SALE GENTLE PONY ALSO base burner. Hugh Hunt, Phone 447. 4-18p FARM FOR RENT—I still have part of the big Wells farm near Polk vill for rent. Have fine proposition for good farmer that takes care of and improves land. Chas. H. Wells.

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