4 __T> O PEN-FORM UL FERTILIZERS — OwAHAiMceti ‘ii/MT}!* - --- 0 3 3 *Ok‘ TOOACCO ip--- . . « ow*7 AMMONIA . v /«* r i /S' \ C MWAKI'O. .s*»4£> I ~ ' • ^-00 Za SVOA ; . "I yy«' J »W^r»ATE.l___ , M A NIJ jCACTtffitp B N.B. JOSEY ISliANO WlLMH^ICTOji TOBACCO This mixture, pur out by us in ^924-, has produced more fav L orab/? comma:t, then ory To bccr.o Guano which r,e ever nods- before j, foe '9TS, we have the seme ermj/a-ond ore addin* to if /JsioZ7)~wzfch w/// te c cure \ fez Sc/?c/ Drown. On sate by the teedin<f mere ft i OhTs a/most everywhere. /f there l St no dec ter near you, write us. toz Sealed! to protect Buick performance Buick’s chassis is sealed. Iron and steel housings protect the operation of all driving parts—seal them in to safeguard Buick performance. Here are the vital points at which Buicken ginecring provides this extra protection: 0 Transmission ■ Cjf-rjiplfte'y pro tected. Shiftin',; taacia nism holes sealed. A Fan Hub-Fan bearing totally en closed—lubricated by its own gear pump. @ Motor-St«l V cover keeps water from short*ciicuiting spark plugs. Steel cover over valve-in bead mech anism keeps dust out. Oil in. g\ STARTER-CEN ERATOR — Dclco single unit starter-gener ator completely housed in single housing. Start ing gears heu ed with flywheel. A Flywheel — Completely housed. Starring teeth protected (rom road damage and accumula tion ol mud and dirt. A Clutch — Mul tiple disc — com pletely housed. A Universal v JOINT- Com pletely encased in bail joint at 'r■ nt end ol torque tube—lubricated automatically Irom trans mission. A PROPELLER Shaft —Buick third member drive, which is a torque tube, completely encloses the propeller shait. It is im possible ,‘or road dirt work Iroir. the si.alt into the universal joint or rear axle. 0 Rear axle - Floating typo, tally enclosed J. LAWRENCE LACKEY, Dealer ------ Shelby, N. C. When belter automobiles are built, Buick will build them oT FARMS FOR SALE 470 acres of land, has two fine two-story residences with large barns and outbuildings, 4 tenant houses and store house, all in excellent condition. 8,000 to 10,000 cords of wood, 300,(100 to 300,000 feet of saw timber, has 6 horse farm open. $40.00 per acre. TRACT NO. 2—Adjoining No. 1. 163 1-2 acres. 1 good 7 room two story residence with barn, 3,000 cords of wood, 50,000 to 100,000 feet saw timber, with 3 horse farm open. $22.50 per acre. TRACT NO. 3—100 acres. Has 3 small houses, two small barns, 1,009 cords of wood and 100,000 feet saw timber with 3 horse farm open $27.50 per acre. TRACT NO. 4—205 acres. Has no buildings. 3,000 cords of wood, 100,000 feet saw timber, with 3 horse farm open. $35.00 per acre. This land lies seven miies west of York, S. C., within one mile of two churches and two schools. Has two pub lic highways running through same and in a good white settlement. No better lands in Cleveland or York coun ties. 1-4 cash and 5 to 10 years to responsible parties on balance. W. G. HUGHES, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. « SEIBERLING ALL-TREADS <^> 40,000,000 TIRES Were built by Mr. Frank A. Seiberling before he designed and built the Seiberling All-Tread. Science and Skill is the result of a tire that has no equal for Endurance. You demand a good tire—Then buy the best at— MISENHEIMER TIRE CO. AND IDEAL SERVICE STATION VULCANIZING UNEXCELLED. SHELBY, N. C. 1 OPINIONS -OF OTHERS Towns “Coming Along." (From Charloi'-t Observer.) One has only to keep the run of the | Xorth Carolina weekly newspaper to i'know how the towns in the state are i “coming along”. We might take Ruth. I erforilton, as an example. It is a gnte I way town for Tryon and Saluda, Hen I dersonviile and Asheville, Marion and I Spruce Pine, and it sensed its first op j porlunity in building and maintaining I one of the finest hotels in the land. | It: home paper. The Sun, this week j tells of an extensive program of mu i nicipal improvement, which includes a j city hall, contract for which is let at i $28,400. The town has bought a new j fire engine of the best type, and is go ing to add eight miles to its already extensive system of paving in which a considerable item in street widening will figure. Stories of town develop [ ment of this kind are common all over the state. Cleveland’s “Light Week.” (From Gastnia Gazette.) Farmer, of Cleveland county are thoroughly aroused over the proposi I firm for their home. The matter has j been agitated now for a number of I months. The last issue of The Cleve land Star says: “R. E. Lawrence, farm demonslrn I t ion agent has set the first week in ' December as electric light week in j Cleveland county when he wants all '"parties wfib tireiiftefestOT'Tn prbmOf i ing the rural light plants to discuss the subject and take some definite step! looking toward the consumma tion of these distributing stations. For the past six months the matter of ru ral light stations has been discussed ’ and the towns of Mooresboro. Latti j more and Boiling Springs are install j ing poles and lines hut several other ] sections which have been discussing | the rural light plans have taken no j definite steps. “ft is planned during the first week of December for the patrons to work j up lines that will be served by these stations and perfect the organizations j for the several sections of the county, j Mr. Lawrence and the county board of j agriculture will set dates for discus j sions at various places and be glad to j assist these who are interested in the | propo; ition in any way they can.” Here’s another mention of the coun ! ty board of agriculture in Cleveland : connty, an organization which is doing ! a great deal for the Cleveland county farmers. A Hard-Riding Pair. (From Chnrlote News.) There are two enemies of mankind that ride hand in hand. One is a ruthless destroyer by him self. The. other is harmless without his companion. Indeed, he is one of man’s greatest friends. He is indispensible. Rut when the two pet together, they wage war upon anything that blocks their path. The innocent are their most frequent destroyed victims. They have regard for no man. Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, they roar their way about the world, scattering death and de struction and misery and sorrow. The two are daily taking their ter rific toll. Laws are not availing against them. In the end they will be : separated, but- until man makes a re | lentlcss war upon tbe one of forever destroys it, the other will be a source of terror. Each day they ride together. Through the ends of the earth they spread terror. No one is safe from them. On four roaring wheels they speed. They are Liquor and the Automo bile. Lights on Vehicles. (From Lexington Dispatch.) Perhaps there is hardly a person in North Carolina who has ridden in an automobile at night and passed a ve hicle without lights who does not be lieve that all vehicles on the high ways should be required to display lights at night. This is not a new sub ject with us, as it is not a new sub ject in tlie mind of many people. Indeed we daresay that most of the people who pass along the highways in the darkness with slow moving un lighted vehicles are aware of the dan ger to which they subject themselves and the drivers and occupants of more swiftly moving vehicles. Examples are plentiful—and fatal examples. It is fresh in the mind of the public how a death or so and several serious injuries resulted near Charlotte a few months ago when one automobile in passing another dash ed into a buggy It has been but a matter of days since the driver of an automobile was instantly killed be tween here and Charlotte when a stick protruding from a load of wood crash ed into his head in the darkness. Over in Cleveland county a few nights ago a farmer riding a drill along the road at night was struck by a heavy motor bus. The horses were killed or crippled, the drill was destroy ed and in a few days the farmer him self died from his injuries. The bus driver did not see the (frill until his own lights picked it up too close to avoid the crash. Ordinarily an unlighted vehicle can be seen by aid of the lights of an ap proaching care. But the big danger arises when two cars are meeting and the lights of each car more or less blind the driver of the other. When there is an unlighted vehicle on the road where two such cars are passing there is usually an accident. Since the highways are so filled with motor cars and blinding lights these nights the danger of unlighted vehicles is becom ing more acute. True, it might entail some hardship for farmers to carry lanterns or other lights on their wagons and buggies at night hut this would he a small matter in comparison with the constant dan ger they are in and the trouble they have in dodging on and off the road to keep motor vehicles from striking them. They would he in a terrible pre dicament if the owners of motor cars were permitted to' run without lights at their own will. Judge Webb Will Be On The Sidelines Greensboro, T)ec. 2.—Judge E Yates Webb, of the western North Carolina federal district court, now in session here, said today that Shelby will win the Nof-th Carolina high school foot ball championship, in the game to be played at Chapel Hill with Rocking ham, which latter is eastern cham pion. Judge Webb intends, by all means if he possibly can get there by dis posal of cases this week of criminal court, to be on hand. And he will be ion the sidelines, too, he said, watching the winning. Fact is, Judge Webb thinks that Shelby could beat the University of Virginia, he said. Federal Aid in Added to Money Spent About 3,000 Miles, of Highway Completed in This State. The state highway commission has (completed the construction of approx imately 3,000 miles of hard surfaced and graded roads at a cost of around $50,000,000. It has under contract about $24,000,000 worth of construc tion work, giving the state, exclusive of the county expenditures an invest ment in good roads of about $80,000, 000 in four years. Exact figures of completed mileage on November 1 were 1290 miles of as phalt nnd concrete roads built by the state, exclusive of the counties and 1, 452 miles of top-soil and sand-clay roads. Mileage finished since then will run the total to about 3,000 miles. Highways built by the counties under local bond issues and later turned over to the state commission amount to nearly a thousand miles, so that im proved highways under the control of the state now have a mileage of around 4,000. The state highway map has 0,200 miles of highways, and it is estimated 2,200 miles are yet to be completed, although on a large part of that mile age contractor, are now working, un der contracts awarded during the year. Perhaps 18 months more will be re quired to finish the construction of this mileage and give the state its completed system of G,200 and by then good roads enthusiastic anticipate, the legislature will have provided $35, 000,000 additional for the extension of the program. Supplementing the $65,000,000 au. thorized by the 1921 and 1923 legis latures lms been about $15,000,000 from the federal government, accord ing to H. K. Witherspoon, director of publicity for the state highway com mission, who furnished the estimates on the progress of roads contraction. And the aggregate of expenditures by the various counties on highway con-, stnretion in the last four years brings the total estimate of the investment in improved highways to around $125, 000,000. Wednesday’s awards of contracts for about 80 miles of hard surfaced and graded roads to cost approximately $1,100,000 concluded the lettings under the programs provided by the last two legislatures and, with the excep tion! °f a few scattered projects to be let, the completion of the projects now under construction or under contract, will mark the consummation of the $65,000,000 program, which in reality, has been an $80,000,000 program by reason of the federal government’s aid. Trinity College To Build Great Stadium Plans for the erection of a huge concrete stadium at Trinity college, at Durham, capable of accommodating the largest of collegiate athletic events, are now in the hands of the college officials. The announcement was made officially by Prof. R. L. Flowers .secretary-treasurer of the college and is believed to be the ini-j tial step in a movement for expansion on alarge scale by Trinity. Following the completion of pur chase of land aggregating approxi mately seven acres, adjoining the col lege, on the north side of the college wall, came the statement as to how the land is to be utilized. No estimate of the actual cost of the undertaking has yet been officially given out but it is generally conceded that the plants will entail the expenditure of many thousands of dollars. “We hope to put up a stadium and accommodation which will enable the city of Durham to be t)ie center of athletic contests of all kinds, in this state,” Professor Flowers stated in an interview today. The harder the cider the harder the fall. ! FARM STOCK .■■■!, M. - YOUNG PORKER WILL MAKE CHEAPER GAIN When does a pig make Its cheapest isles, «nil when does It soil tor the hlghvst price per pound V This Is a question that often confronts the farmer who la raising pigs for the market, says Prof. L. V. Star key, chief ! of the animal husbandry division at i CU'ttiaoB col I eg*, in discussing the 1 marketing of hogs. Kxperlmental data prove beyond a i doubt tlu.t Ha* younger the pig the cheaper the gains, a review of the j pi* market reteals another very In terceting fact, namely, that feeder pigs *ell for a higher price per pound than those which are ready for the block. If wy put these two Ideas to- ! tether It would seem that there Is tuore money lu producing feeder pigs than there Is In producing fat hogs reudy for market. Of course there are many factors, says 1'rofeasor Starkey, ; to' take into consideration In prochic- i In*, feeder pigs. For example, fairly i large litters moat lie raised. If the 1 herd doe* not average at least six pigs j per litter there will be no money lu it. Large llttertt fend cheap pigs go to- ' fether. One reason why feeder pigs are so much In demand Is that there Hre so | ntliny who do not keep a brood sow and yet they want one or two pigs to fatten for pork. ^ The man serfio produces feeder pigs on u large scale must have oonsld- ■ erntde equipment. Several small lots j are ntuevanry In order that not more I than two brood aows may be In n lot. ] Usually good results cannot be ob j faltted by keeping several brood sows j and litters together. With Che smutl’lot proposition then- | also comes the problem of fresh water, I Itunnlng streams are Ideal for the ! hogs, but hard to keep fenced. If j water Is piped to the lots, cere must be taken #o that there will be no mud ) wallows. Male pigs should he castrated at i from six to ten weeks of age. The ; younger they are castrated the lobs j will be the shock. The best time to j wean feeder pigs la when they are j eight weeks of age. The greatest demand for feeder ! pigs Is In the fail when corn is ready ! to be used. At this time carlot ship- ! merits cun t>e made. Proper Ration for Mare Is of Much Importance “The best time to grow fouls, nn<l t!»e time when they will make their largest gain* Is when they are being carried by their dome." says N. K. Carnes of the nnliinil husbandry dlvl *ti/n at l.'nlvendty farm «t St Paul, Minn. “Wnny fanrnws do not realise this, and hegln feeding the mare a proper ration only after the foul is here. The brood mare, when In foal, should he fed a high protein ml Ion. a mtloa which Is rich In muscle and hone building material. This material Is supplied In the form of oats, bran and oil meal, ns a concentrate, and clover or alfalfa hay as a roughage. "The most common causes for losses among foals are constipation and navel trouble. As soon as the jrotrhg foal arrives, see that he gets a good drink of hlk mother’s tlrst milk. This fore-milk nr colostrum has purga tive properties and Vvlll usually clear the font's intcsMnos of the excrement accumulated prior to birth. If the dtoestive tfn'ct in not chimed by the foVc-ndlJi,' Jflye the foal a tahlespoon ful.pf castor oil anti a warm water and soap , rectal Injection. "Another thing the farmer must watch out for.Is navel infection. If pui and disease genns get Inside the body through the ojienlng of the uni bjtlfftl cord, a local Infection or ’Joint HI’ iMny.devetwp and the foal he lo«t. The .best- way to prevent this is to keep the stable In a sanitary condition • pi) treat the cord Immediately afrer the jo:.Ms horn with boric acid powder or. tincture of Idoinc." J--M Live Stock Hints Avoid stagnant mud wallows. • • • Change pastures for sheep fre quently. • • • A pig tliut doesn’t make a hog of hlntself Isn’t pnititaMe. • • • “Purebred Live St vek on Every Farm." Eventually. why not sooner? • • • Watch your sheep ^carefully to see that they do not become Infested with worms. • • • Tip to dairymen: Proper feeding means cheaper milk arid, therefore, more profit. • * • Cattle, horses and sheep ns well as ho£s are fond of hay. hut they can not he expected to eat the coarse stems. • • • Colts, calves, lamlis and pigs, nil shottlu have special feed set apart for them ns soon as they can he eonxej to eat. Data are very guod. • • • Hogs with cholera often have dlar. rhea after they have been sick a short time. Pits tuny form In *he eyes. Ited or purple blotches come. <m the akin •f the belly Inside the legs. The talkative person is heard by many people and remembered by none. sounm Fmt’tMG comnr designers, fabricators, Erectors. Structural St col ».nd Concrete Reinforcing liars. For Office and Store Building*. Garages, Store Fronts, Mil! and Factory Buildings, Machine shops and Foundries, Churches and Schools. Immediate shipments from r< hnrlotte stock. SOI THKRN ENGINEERING COMP ANY Olfice and Plant * Charlotte, N. C. TWO DAYS, DECEMBER 5th AND 6TH, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SALE TWO BIG DAYS SALE Prices Smashed One - Fourth on All Sweaters, Dry Goods, and Shoes. Hosiery, Shirts, Overalls, Caps, Children’s Dress es and Suits for Little Boys. Flour at $4.15 a Bag. Come to See Us Friday and Satur day, December 5th and 6th. J. H. WASHBURN Washburn Switch MUNYON’S PAW PAW PILLS for Constipation f^ON F NEGLECT the bowels. ^ Irregularity often becomes chronic. Munyon’sPawPawPills, taken as directed, will correct even the most stubborn case of constipation. They ere strictly a vegetable product, gentle and healing in action, and without bad after-effects. Used by thou sands daily. Recommended by all. Munyon's Pnw Paw Tonic Makes You Well and Keeps You Young AT ALL DRUGGISTS " Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded " MUNYON’S, Scranton, Pa. , /MIS JUifiSIHiLUKJ ■ Therm U H;;h SOLD BY PAUL WEBB, SHELBY, N. C. TRY A STAR PENNY COLUMN AD, Community Pride “YOU OWE THE WORLD A LIVING/* This straight - from - the - shoulder message is intended for YOU; think it over. Y our schools, your churches, your good roads and your protection against fire and deeds of violence are benefits YOU receive from society. Y our ability to borrow money from a bank in times of stress is a benefit YO U receive through society. The “"bank’s own capital wouldn’t go far in taking care of a community’s needs; banks must depend upon the community. You Owe It To Society To Save Every Penny You Can—and it should be placed in the bank where you have protection, and your money will foster the prosperity of your community. Four Per Cent Interest And Safety.

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