Old Time Confederate. The following is n Confederate war song, author not Riven, handed in to the Courier by L. O. Sugg, a Confed erate soldier, of Krect, this state. It is to the tunc of “Old Time Religion.” We are a band of brothers, We are a band of brothers, A band of Southern brothers, Who fought for liberty. Chorus. We’re old time Confederates, We’re old time Confederates, We're old time Confederates, They're good enough for me. Jeff Davis was our leader, Our only chosen lender Our true and faithful leader He was pood cnouRh for me. (Chorus) Lee and Johnston ntir chieftain-, BraRR, Beauregard and Johnston, These were glorious chieftains, They were pood enough for me. (Chorus) We followed Stonewall Jackson The Christian solidcr Jackson, He kept the Yankees miming He was good enough for me. (( horns) We fough' with Mood and Gordon ■With Longatrcct, Polk and Clea burne. With Ewell, Hill and Hardee, They were good enough for me, (Chorus) Wo rode with Stuart and Hampton, With Fitz Lee, Duke and Morgan, With Forest and Joe Wheeler They were good enough for me. (Chorus) We wore ourselves out fighting, We wore ourselves out fighting, We wore ourselves out fighting, For Southern liberty. (Chorus) Now our eountry is united. Now our country is united, Now our country is united, It’s good enough for me. (Chorus) We must nil meet in heaven. We must all meet in heaven, We must all meet in heaven. To rejoice eternally. (Chorus) M \N V (LATHMR AT TIIF BATTLEGROUND ) urkville Enquirer. Kings Mountain battleground con * miles to lie the most popular objec tive for automobile pleasure trips for 'lie people of this section. People gather there over a radius of many miles. Generally they remain for half hour or such a matter; hut often for several hour . the limit being regulat ed as a rule by their historical knowl ■x <*dge of the locality or by the chance of finding some one on the spot who is ahle and willing to review *he dif ferent points of interest such as the position occupied by the British troops the strategy of the battle and out standing incidents connected therew ith such as the death of Colonels Fergu son and Williams, the hanging of the more obnoxious tories and other events. Flowers placed on the grave of Colonel Ferguson by some visitor, though badly withered, still testify to sentiments which, perhaps, could be best explained by the person who ren dered the tribute. The roads to the mountain from whatever direction are in very good shape. FORI) PRICES ARK CUT $3 TO $23 ON EACH CAR A drop in the price of Ford auto mobiles was announced Tuesday by Chas. L. Eskridge, local dealer, simul taneously with announcements of similar effect in plants of the Ford or ganization and at the home office in Detroit. The announcement specifies that the price of Fordors is reduced $23, effective December 2, and that the price of Tudors is reduced $10. The price on all other types of Ford cars is reduced $3, according to the an nouncement, and is also ofTectivc De cember 2. Heretofore quotations for Fodors ! has been quoted recently at $580. The total reduction will be considerable on the output of Ford cars from the Charlotte plant, which is turning out around 250 cars a day. The output Tuesday was forecast at 250. Support the Teacher. Fountain Inn Tribune. There are approximately eight hundred thousand school teachers in the United States, not including su pervisors and principals. Here are eight hundred thousand opportunities for service that can not be measured in ordinary terms, if they are appreciated. Teachers who live up to their pos sibilities do more than teach children facts that may be learned from books. They teaeh them to appreciate the good things in life; tolerance for others; that joy conies not from sel fish pursuits, but the making others happy, and that the well-rounded man or woman is not self-centered. Though they.have a powerful in fluence over children, school teachers cannot accomplish the results most to he desired without the aid of parents providing the proper environment at home. Every community is proud of its school and its hoys and girls. The measure in which their lives rehound the glory of their home community depends upon the support which the teachers receive. Back them up for results that count in later years. A N'cw Yorker's Will. Wall Street Journal. V The following is an excerpt from the will of a Wall Street man, which has been recently probated in the New York courts: s “To my wife, I leave her lover and I the knowledge that I wasn't the fool j she thought I was. “To my son, I leave the pleasure i of earning a living. For thirty-five years he has thought that the pleas ure was all mine. He was mistaken. “To my daughter. I leave $100,000. She will need it. The only piece of j business her husband ever did was to j marry her. “To my valet. I leave the clothes that he has been stealing from me re gularly for the past 10 years. Also my fur coat that he wore last winter when I was in Palm Beach. "To my chauffer, I leave my ears. He almost ruined them and I want him to have the satisfaction of finish ing the job.” No, we don’t think the republicans put anything over on us; they mere ly put something under us and ex ploded it.—Columbia Record. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, DEC. STD 1:30 P. M. AT CASAR, N. C. 725 Acres Of Timber And Farm Lands THE CLEVELAND MILL AND POWER COMPANY PROPERTY LOCATED ABOUT THREE MILES OF CASAR, N. C. ONE TRACT IS KNOWN AS THE “BIG HILL” TRACT NEAR BIG HILL CHURCH, THE OTHER KNOWN AS THE DOWNS TRACT ADJOINING HENRY HOYLE PLANTATION. BLUE PRINTS AND MAPS OF LAND ARE POSTED AT VARIOUS PUBLIC PLACES FOR INSPEC TION. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SUB-DIVIDED INTO Eleven Tracts Of From 22 To 128 Acres GRADED ROADS THROUGH AND NEAR THIS PROPERTY. MR. JOHN A. BUFF WHO LIVES NEAR THE BIG HILL TRACT WILL SHOW ANY OF THE PROPERTY TO ANYONE INTERESTED. TERMS OF SALE: ONE THIRD CASH, BALANCE IN ONE AND TWO YEARS. POSSESSION GIVEN AT ONCE. TIME OF SALE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6TH, BE GINNING AT 1:30 P. M. PLACE OF SALE THESE TRACTS WILL BE SOLD AT CASAR, N. C. CASH PRIZES MUSIC BY BAND Public Cordially Invited J. A. RUSH Auctioneer, Greenville, Tenn. J. B. NOLAN Sales Agent, Lawndale, N. C. Millennium May be Here. It was the Columbus, Ohio, State ! Journal which said: ‘‘The brotherhood of man will be here when the motorist and the pe- j lestrian he hit, if surviving;, will apron j »s to the rate of speed at which the car was moving;." DON’T I TAKE A CHANCE Your Car May Freeze Get a Gallon Dena tured Alcohol of Us | Now, and be Prepar ed. Price $1.00 per Gallon SUTTLE’S DRUG STORE THE DOOR Of opportunity flings wide its portals only to the man and wom an who is up and do ing. We know you are the up-and-doing* sort and that is why the Conservative Life In surance Company is holding the door of opportunity open for you to secure one of their many attractive policies. THE ROYSTER CO. State Managers North and South Carolina Bert Price Gen. Agt. Marvin Blanton Special Agent < 01 SIN .SHOOTS COUSIN WHEN INDIANS USE GUNS Lumberton, Drc. 1.—Emory Ham mond, Indian, is at tbo point of death and his first cousin, Henry Hammond, is in jail here as the result of a gun battle this afternoon at the home of the latter about eight miles north of here. Henry Hammond is said to have fired three shots with a shot gun at Emory, each shot taking effect. He then picked up his wounded body and brought him to the Raker sanatorium here.and later gave up to Sheriff R. E. l.ewis. Ho claims that Emory came to his home and began quarreling about the way Henry had theat < d him in helping his wife to leave homo. After a few words, it is alleged, Emory fired at Henry, and it was while Emory was preparing to shoot the second time that Henry fired. The shot from Emory’s gun did not take effect. Suppose This Were Your Last Day. A woman once asked Mr. Wesley, “Supposing that you knew that you were to die at 12 o’clock tomorrow light, how would you spend the in tervening time?” “How, madam,” he replied. “Why, just as I intend to spend it now. I should preach this ev ening at Gloucester, and again at five tomorrow morning; after that I hould ride to Tewksbury, preach in the afternoon and meet the societies in the evening. I should then repair to friend Martin's house, who expects to entertain me, converse and pray with the family as usual, retire to my room at 10 o’clock, commend myself to my Heavenly Father, lie down to rest, and wake un in glory." Nothing could he more beautiful than Wesley’s simple faith and noble consecration. If you had but one day left how would you spend it ?—Selected. Card of Thanks. Wo wish to thank each and every one of you that helped during the sickness and death of our dear moth and grandmother Mrs. L. Y. Stock, '.ton. Mrs. L. A. Stockton and Children. A safety slogan seen on a plate highway—“Our roads are wide and smooth while sonic motorists arc nar row and rough.” Aiitninobilists often have smart say ing- pasted on t ho backs of them and sometimes, suggestions are given to the motorist who is behind. One of the best of these seen in some time was noticed on the rear window of a coupe the other day: “Speed on, You Won’t I lie But once.” Looks like the roads will have to bo widened so automobiles can get past passenger busses. History is a great comfort. After reading it, we still have sortie hope for the present generation. Many a man who thinks he ought to be the fullback on the team would only be a drawback. Experience is a valuable teacher, providing you don’t insist on grading the examination papers. Strange that the men who pay no taxes are the ones who complain the most about high taxes. . If the pessimist were all as bad off as they think they are, this would be a fine old world. All too often it happens that a man is not known hy the company he keeps until he drops o\j{ of sight. CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Christmas Post Cards, We have one of the prettiest lines of Greeting Cards ever brought to town, at 5c each. Come in and select yours before they are picked over. SUTTLE’S DRUG STORE Mooseheart, the^^^^^^Moosehaven, the School That Home of Oppor Trains for Eifc tunity A lodge of t he Loyal Order of Moose is being organized in Shelby. Join and give your family, poverty proof pro tection,—that protects from the cradle to the grave, without separating mother from her children, or hus band from the wife. It will be to your interest to investigate. See \Y. C. MORELAND, District Supervisor or T. H. McRAE W ho will be glad to explain.

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