HERMAN CONFESSES TO MURDERING EIGHT Berlin, ,Doc. 3.—“I murdered all cij^ht. of them,” was the confession exacted from Director Angers tein, of a cement factory at Siegen, West Phalia, in whose home eight mem bers of tiie household were found dead yesterday. Anjforstein, who was found in the house wounded, had said that a hand of 2fi robbers seeking the payroll of the factory had committed the mur ders and afterwards set fire to the building. Angersteir. is in ahospital but his wounds are not. considered fa tal. He is a paralytic and is suspect ed of having committed the murders be causs he was in financial difficul ties. The talkative person is heard by many people and remembered by none. AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE -SPECIAL TODAY mm Players Lanky Pictures present, the beautiful actress, - on in her special production entitled "HER LOVE STORY." Every woman has a love story of her own to tell, (hats why we are letting you know about this special. A beautiful young princess in love with an officer of the Kings (luards--romance in a royrd sitting. Marriage, complication. What a star, what a rtary. This special is coming to you without any extra charge--. Come, don’t miss it. -SPEC IA L TOMORROW A battle for gold, glory and girl! Don’t mis-- this opportunity of seeing l’.uck Jones >n one of his latest Fox specials entitled "WINNER TAKES ALL." Without question th.s picture will please every person that sees it. It contains thrills, love and plenty of romance. .lust the kind of picture you will like. Better come early. Extra - A special Fox Comedy for laughing purposes only. Come out and enjoy a good show. -COMING MONDAY—SPEOIAI_ Universal Pictures presents a special picture entitled “SPORT ING YOl'Tli,’’ featuring Reginald Denny. Byron Morgan’s dazzling romance of the younger set. Extra—The Fox News. Special Notice:- This theatre will in the future he devoted to i attires only and no Vaudeville, ns we are here to please you and ) it disappoint you. The only stage attraction we will attempt to i *n in the future will be of the highest type classes of One Night lows that carry a reputation. The price will be higher. Any : tggextiou fur betterment of this theatre will be hignly uppreciat i i. We want U make this your Theatre as wcil as purs,. —FREE— —FREE— LADIES HOUSE SLIPPERES To each and every customer who purchases a pair of WOMEN’S and MEN’S Shoes and Oxfords'at TIIE BAT TERY will be presented with a pair of Ladies or M.'-p’s HOUSE SLIPPERS Absolutely Free on Friday and Sat urday of this week and Monday of next Week. Y ; ■ ...V T:-.-V v-f ■' y We are headquarters for Bargains in OXFORDS and SHOES and we are offering the following low prices for the above named days: ' * ■ Men’s and Womens Oxfords and Shoes for only___ Men’s and Women’s Oxfords and Shoes for only .__ Men’s and Women’s Oxfords and Shoes for only____ ___ Men’s and Women’s Oxfords and Shoes for only _ We have them in both the military and low heels. THE BATTERY SHEI.KY, N. C. 2.95 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 You can have a merrier Christmas next year, have money to buy those gifts and a nice balance left for your self. if you come in now and join our Christmas Club. There’s a Club to fit you. Bring in your first deposit today. WHAT THE DIFFERENT CLUBS WILL PAY YOU IN 50 WEEKS (For Christinas 1925.) 25c Club pays_$12.50 50c Club pays_*26.00 $1.00 Club pays __ $50.00 $2.00 Club pa.\ s __ $100.00 $5.00 Club pays __ $250.00 $10.00 Club pays _ $500.00 $20.00 Club pays $1,000.00 X (For any amount) Come in, get a Pass Book and join the dub today Bring along aM the family and have them join. * ’ CLEVELAND BANK & TRUST CO. SHELBY, N. C. " his year’s Club Checks amounting to several thousand Dollars will be mailed op Saturday Dec. *>th. Join now for &ext yqarjwd |t£v& mpwpy to,spend for C hristmas, FARM CK | GAIN IN WEIGHT ON FATTENING CATTLE Onlns In weight on fattening enttle cost more tlmn the market price re ceived for them. A margin over the eo.st of the steers per cut. is neces sary for profit, or to break even on the feeding operation. The margin necessary to break oven under present leedtng conditions with different fattening rations1 is brought out in a recent test carried on ht tlie Colorado state experiment stnfion. In one lot fed yeftrllng steers weigh ing “Hi pounds nnd costing ifT.nd per ewt. were fattened fob I'.Vt days on barley, sttnllowcr Mlitge arid fitful fu. They gained 1.73 pounds dally, Or 31*9 ftoniids when weighed up at market, and rctiulred 3,411 pmirtds of silage, 2,095 pounds Of barley and 1,033 pounds of alfalfa hp.v to'put on fids gain. With silage at $-1.90, " Parley at $25.00 and alfalfa hay at $18.00 per ton It cn<t $13.04 to fatten each steer; -3.01 represents Interest at 8 per cent < n $50,112, the" first cost of the steers, pins the feed cost, $43.04, for 100 days. The shipping and selling ex licnse was $2.05, making a total cost per fat steer hack on the market of $100,92. The steer weighing 1,045 pounds laid lo tiring $0.0*1 per etvt., or a margin of $2.00 over cost to break even. A three-cent margin would have meant a labor return of $3.57 per steer. A four-eent margin a labor return /of $14.02, etc. in this method of figuring a fair market price Is secured for home grown grain nnd alfalfa fed, while the feeder with tlifi use of plenty of bed ding has between three and four tons of manure per head in addition. In beet-growing districts, where wet pulp can he hauled nnd fed, a nar rower margin Is needed. With a ra tion consisting of wet pulp, beet mo lasses, cottonseed cake and alfalfa, only $1.08 over purchase price per cwt. was needed to break even. Im properly balanced rations cause low gains and lack of finish, which cut down the size of the margins secured. —K. ,T. Maynard, Animal Investiga tions Section, Colorado Experiment Station. Vegetable Supplements Will Benefit Brood Sow Rrood sows Hint aro fed such bal ancing feeds as tankage, milk, or fish meal In rations that contain corn, barley, and other cornhelt feeds, make hotter mothers and better sticklers (than If their rations are balanced with vegetable supplements, says John M Evvard of the Iowa experiment sta tion. In some of hi* tests at Ames, Mr. Evvard has found that the addition of one-third to one-half pound of high protein tankage has decreased per eeptibly the edrn or other basnl feed needing balance. This saving has amounted to three-fourths of a pound to two pounds per sow per day. A mixture of tankage 75 parts, linseed oil meal 25 partB, or a combination of tankage 75 parts, alfalfa meal 25 pnrts, ndded to the basal grain rntlon. has produced similar results. “The saving In com," says Mr. Kv vnrd, “In some of these tests, prac tically pnid for the supplemental feed. Resides, greater gains were noted on the sows, putting them in better con dltlon at furrowing time. Also then1 was a larger percentage of living pigs, a heavier average weight per pig, stronger and more vigorous pigs with better ronts and better color with an absence of the “white bloods” or anemic pigs. An Increase In the size of the hone and muscles was no ticeable, also.” +++++++++++++++++++++++>+4 Live Stock Notes Keep ewes and bucks separated. • • • Filthy hog wallows take a frightful toll of the hog profits. • • • Sunshine nnd wholesome air are two requisites for growing pigs. • • • Pip In a 3 per cent creolln solu tlon to destroy lice and ticks. • * • Pick out the live stock which Is to he shown at the fulr and give It plenty of attention. • • • Mutton and wool an* crops for the poorer land that require little labor and bring good returns. • • • Pennsylvania steer feeders And that they gained an average of $15 a steer, over four years, h.v having silos. • • • Young cnlvea appreciate shade and water on hot days. They will show It hv more growth and thrift. • • • The farmer with a few head ol ewes will nsually And It more econom ical to use head ahears. but If he has 30 ewes or mere It Is probably best to use machines. A cheap form of swine Insurance la the provision of dry sleeping quar ters for the brood sows'. These quar *ers should be well ventilated, bat free from Injurious draughts. “I hr ve nothing to wear,” says Mrs. Average Woman, and then proceeds to wear it. Woman At Asheville Dies In Hotel Room Asheville, Dee. 3.__—The finding of the body of a woman in a local hotel by a negro woman, promised the police another mystery in the last five days, but after holding an inquest, the coroner’s jury decided that death had been due to heart failure and pneumonia. Eugene Kingsland and a negro por ter at the hotel, earlier in the day were arrested and placed in jail pending developments, but were re leased when the jury found the wo man had died of natural causes. She was registered at the hotel as Grace Welch, of Ohio.and was apparently abotit 35 years of age. Kingsland was detailed by the police when the negro porter testi fied that lie saw a white man emerge from the woman’s room at about mid night last night. Death occurred at about 4 o'clock this morning. Rabbit Cheap Meat. Yorkville Enquirer “Rabb'ts are retailing at 25 cents dressed,” said Lewis Ferguson, local market man when asked the other day about the price, since the hunt ing season opened. ‘‘1 am selling all 1 cap get hold of at that price,” Mr. Ferguson went on to say. ‘“And by the way, at that, rabbit meat is about the cheapest meat 1 know of if one likes rabbits. The average dressed rabbit weighs one and one-half pounds." Why be surprised tbnt women thought less of the ballot after get ting it? That's the way they are about husbands.—Associated Editors (Chicago.) The roar of Niagara Falls is to he broadcasted over the radio. We hear something that sounds like it on our radio every night.—Southern Lum berman. Visit at Mooresboro. Gaffney Ledger. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer and children have returned from Moores boro, N. C., where they spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jolly. The harder the cider the harder the fall.. r1"" -- ■% Farms, Lots And Homes For Sale By J. B. NOLAN 34 1-2 acres on Shelby-Mor ganton Highway, 25 acres in cultivation, 8 acres good bot tom land, orchard, 7 room res idence, school and church ad vantages. Price $3,750.00. 72 acres, a good complete farm. Price $2,800.00. Two five room residences on Gidney St. Water and lights. Price each $2,200.00. Two lots on Fallston road. Each $90.00. Three lots near Hospital. Price $300.00. Three lots on Fairview Heights. Call J. B. NOLAN Lawndale, N. C. Wake Forest Glee Chib Here Saturday ' : i icd Fntertnlnnient ' Yder V expires Of M ’j’- Bible flu*, At School *. udito'-'iiP' Tli? Wake Forest Glee club and crcheslra. compose | f talented young college men, will give an en tertainment in the Graded School auditorium Saturday nigh'. Dec. fith, under th” auspices of Max Gardner’s Bible class of the First Baptist church. Tile Wake Forest Glee club has not visited Shelby in several years and local people were pleased so well with their entertainments in the past, it is felt the hoys will be greeted by a full house here Satur day night. Popular - prices will pre vail, fifty cents for adults am] twen-r ty-five cents for children. The club is maknig a tour of West ern Carolina in a large bus charter ed from a Raleigh firm. Each mem ber of the organization is talented end well trained by Prof. C. L. Coon, dean of the" department irrf education, tions in both instruirtentnl and vScal, They not only render classical sebv but popular music of the day. The orchestra is' considered one of the best college organizations of its kind in North Carolina. Wherever the glee club goe=f the . usual charge is $1 for adults and 50c for children, but the Men's Bible Class is making the reduction in pric es here in order that as many as can will avail themselves of hearing these young college boys in entertainment. One Democratic diagnostician says: “Our leadership' is insufficient.” Our notion is that we are short of fol lowership.—Houston Post-Dispatch. Hope may spring eternal, but from the view-point of us Democrats it has four-year periods of arrested develop ment.—Little Rock Arkansas Gazette. v? - JUST ARRIVED ®| ANOTHER CAR OF " - * . 1 HIGH CRIMP 5-V METAL ROOFING I ‘ g All lengths in stock. Get your require1 Hi pi ments NOW SHELBY HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 330. A trip through our store is the easiest way to complete your list of gifts in a way that will most please yourself and every one who you are remembering. Here are some of the gifts*of utility that will please both men and women. 1 ...» ■■ CHRISTMAS CHINAWARE In our basement you will find China Ware, Aluminum Ware, Sil ver Ware. Dainty sets for tea or chocolate, or in break fast, luncheon or the complete dinner sets all present opportunities of gift selection that will meet with the. utmost appreciation and the range of prices comes within the budget of every purse. In our basement you will find Scissors, Enamel Ware, Tea Sets. Kitchen Ware. At LINEBERGER’S You Will Find Sensible and Practical Gifts. What Could be Nicer Than Something Electrical For The House We have scores of electrically operated conveniences from a flash light to a vacu um cleaner —splendid gifts. Hoosier Suction Sweepers Electric Sweepers Yoi| Will Enjoy Christmas Better If You Give Useful Gifts Electrical Gifts From a toaster to a ) percolator or urn, here are gifts in hand some nickle of the best makes for partic ular presents. For The Kiddies Tea Sets, Toy Stoves. Sandwich Trays. Bread Trays 3 For The Kiddie* Toy Cycles, Automo biles, Wagons. ? LINEBERGER’S Where You Will Find Practical Gifts of Utility JJhone OT— —Shelby, N. C.

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