FANNING’S THE STORE OF PLEASING AND PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES AN UNUSUAL Pre-Christmas Sale of Coats and Dresses / V, In addition to our regular stock, many ot which you perhaps saw and admried, we have just received a very large shipment ot the very newest things in Dresses which will go at these prices. Exquisite Dresses •ij Upon inspection we are confident you will agree with us that these garfents are by far the greatest values we have ever offered in DRESSES. These were bought especially for the Christmas Drive and are especially priced at the low figure of. $2450 Remember Any Other Dress in Our Stock 25% Less Than Regular Price Gloves Gloves are always in good taste — the old standby when undecided what to give. The large stock now being shown here will help you in selecting exactly what you want—and you can rest assured that they will please if they come from Fanning’s! French Kid with Band Cuff, $3.50 and $4.95 MOUSQUETAIRES $1.00 $1.50 $1.95 25% Reduction Given as you would like to receive it. There are few GIFTS that would please Mother, Daughter, or Sister b-tter than something in the line of fine apparel. They are certain to receive trinkets and other dress acces sories from their friends. Let yours be a GIFT more PRACTICAL—A DRESS, A COAT, OR A SUIT. BATHROBES AND NEGLIGEES Especially desirable tor GIFT GIVING. Splendidly made, good quality variously trimmed so that there is ample opportunity for choosing according to one’s preference. >r~——-V Wtih the exception of just a lew numbers our entire slock ol fine COATS was bought especially for this great PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE at much less than 25[ 'c reduction-of the first of the season prices. The values with the 25c< REDUCTION we are passing on to you. $0450 (Values up to $40) This lot of Coats we con sider one of our best pur chases, consisting of extra good quality Bolivias with Fur Collars and Cuffs, Blocked Polo, Plain or Fur Trimmed, Colors Black, Brown, Reindeer, etc. Don’t Forget Choice of Any Overcoat in Our Stock 25% Reduction NEW Millinery FOR Christmas Wear New arrivals showing advanced ideas tor mid-winter wear. The new showing in cludes street hats and dress hats. Thev introduce many novelties in shapes and trim which the smartly dressed women will welcome. DON’T FAIL TO VISIT OUR HANDKERCHIEF BOOTH ON YOUR GIFT LIST DON'T FORGET HOSIERY On practically every Christmas gilt memorandum is •HOSIERY and this season we oiler some very fine Hose in shades to suit, and 'he prices are moderate. Humming Bird $1.50 Pair Pure thread silk, packed one pair to the box, in dainiv Christmas boxes. Van Raalte, $1.95 Pair Chit toil and Silk Hosiery, extra tine quality, colors of Guninet-al. Bombay, Piccadilly and Nude, etc. Give Bedroom Slippers These are ideal GIFTS tor an\ member ut the i.wml.. assortments are large and include felt, quilted, satins ,m.l kid. Felt Slippers 98c All desirable colors with Ribbons and Pom Pom. Satin Slippers $2.50 Hard and so*1i soles, with and without heels. Men’s Brown Kid Chamois Kid $3.00 Pair Fanning’s Holiday FOOTWEAR Never have we shown such a variety in styles in Footwear as we are showing this Christmas season A Distinctive Shoe Tills particular shoe uttracts instant attention, in nut brown and light calf. Priced at . . . $7.50 Southern Ribbon Shoe 1 his is entirc.y new; neat and serviceable. Pat ent calf and nut brown, calf skin. Priced at $6.50 Give Her Lingerie EXTRA SPECIAL—Mus lin Gowns, hand embroid ered in colors of honey dew, flesh and brown. $1.95 to $2.95 Hand made Gowns; neat ly embroidered in plain colors. $1.00