HENDERSON GILMER CO. WHOLESALE PAPER Charlotte, N. C. SPECIALIZING TOTAL ACCOUNT SYSTEMS AND SALE8BOOKS. Paper Of All Kintls For Merchants Only. PESKiNKRS, FABRICATORS, Erectors, Structural Steel r.nd Concrete Reinforcing Bars. For Office and Store Ruildin;*, (Ssrages, Store Fronts, Mil' and Factory Uuildinjr* Machine Shop* and Foundries, Churches and School*, fmmediate shipment* r Charlotte slock. WIUTI1KRN KMGINEERING COMPANY » ?Ffr»e« and Plant * Charlotte, N. C, fro ***** VIRGINIA LEE COAL.$8.75 LAURA COAL. $8.50 POCAHONTAS COAL.$9.00 Those arc all good grade* or Blue (iem Coal suited * furmee, grate or stove. “■mber also we have good dry stove wood, cut au -t and ready for use. Prompt and courteous service our motto. IDEAL ICE & FUEL CO. PHONE 250. FREE! FREE! With Each Ton c." Coal Sold, we give a nice fire shovel ROOFING TILE Made here at home in Spanish design and in plain, red and green colors. Use this tile on your roof. It is permanent and fire proof, also cheaper in the long run, be cause never has to be replaced and makes insurance cheaper. We manufacture building blocks, concrete drain pipe, win dow and door sills and sell lime, plaster, cement and structural steel. Z. B. WEATHERS & SONS Phone 192. Shelby, N. C. To Our Friends— To Our Clients TO—Those whom we would like for our Clients, we want to express our appreciation for a successful year anti hope that 1925 will be more prosperous for you and for us. And in closing that good year of 1924 we suggest that iu the new RESOLUTIONS that they include th»i purchase of a home, a lot, or some part of Real Estate, That will make 1925 YOUR BEST YEAR. Think Over These— A beautiful lot 100 x 200 feet, fronting Cleveland Springs Road, fronts south and is in a fine place to build. Joins 1he residence of Jim Wilson. Price $2150.00. Another lot that has every advantage one could ask for, it too fronts on Cleveland Springs Road 84 feet, is the vacant lot fronting the residence of D. Z. Newton. Price $2750.00. With restrictions. °n North LaFnyettc street in the best residential we have a lot 100 x 200 feet that will grow into i.. /.k. every day that it is held, the price is $1500.00. 7 room modern home on West Warren street, Areola heat, nice yard, plenty of shade, fronts residence of H. Fields Young, price $6850.00. 5 room house two blocks of Square, just below the new jail, sewerage, water and lights and on lot 70 x 150 feet, price $2500.00. New six room two story house two blocks of the Square on East Sumter Street, large bathroom, com fortably arranged house throughout and the price is only $8750.00. 5 room new cottage, three blocks of the Square, on Suttle Street. This house has nice bathroom, good base ment and can be sold on nice terms for $2750.00. A desire and a few hundred dollars will start you on the purchase of any of the above properties. Anthony & Anthony] ROYSTER BUILDING OPINIONS —OF OTHERS— Succeeds Mrs. Vanderbilt. (From Stanley News-Herald.) Hon. O. Max Gardner has been el-, acted president of the North Caro-' i lina State Fair association to succeed! Mrs. Vanderbilt. Mrs. Vanderbilt has; served the state in no v«*n manner ■ as bead of the state fair for the past few years, nr.d we feel that under the leadership of that drifted Shelby man, tin good work wh:rh she has started I will be kept up. ft should he the am-' bitien r.f every good citizen of this state to ref the North Carolina State1 fair grow into one of the greatest | tat • fair, in Amerira. For"1-?fulness to Tragedy (From ("• rrlotte Observer) The me jor tragedy of the holidays occurred in n Oklahoma community in the burning of a schoolhou: e in which children were gathered for O'r'-tma-. ,r - festivities, ft was a frame *lru'-: ore and was provided with but a . i’.ele door. During the oor'-’f- r.f .h.o evening a candle set fire to the-tree and in the panic the dorr was. jammed. ?