TLEPTARS | ITTLEP I ******** ^ * * * * : COTTON, per pund COTTON SEEI) .. 23c GOc Emancipation—The colored popu lation will celebrate their emahcipa Ton here January 1st with a parade in which they will undertake to show their progress along all lints since slavery. Speeches will bo made and music furnished. —Some Egg—Mr. I). E. Wesson, of Shelby route 2, is exhibiting to his friends an egg of unusual size. The egg measures eight inches around the long way and f> 1-2 inches around the center. It is the product of his own poultry flock and is attracting some attention. —Makes Assignment—Ccph Blan ton, well known local grocery man, made a voluntary assignment to cred itors on Tuesday of last week and his store was closed. The perishable goods were disposed of. The many friends of Mr. Blanton will regret to learn of his misfortune. I; is un derstood his largest creditors are wholesale grocery firms. —Injured By Car—W. Van W nth ers was right seriously in j ■ 1 ChrVf mas eve night when he wa run do. i by a car at the intersection of Wash ington and Graham stmt-. 11 is leg was injured and hi head hrui-.d, but he is getting along v .y veil. T! • driver of the car that struck h: •• i not known because ha .hurriedly lef: .the scene after 'the acrid: fit. —Trains Off Thur c'-v i trains Nos. 31 and 34 r ■! •••: to Ch lotto each morning from Rub r ton and back in the afternoon wi!l be discontinued Thursday of thi week, according to authority rant -1 the Seaboard officials by U SWe Corporation Commissi'*”. T quest was granted, it *-• .idler rd, 1. cause the jitneys haul the 1 *.: 1 ’- . f the passengers and the strait are rui - ning at a loss. —Golden Anniversary - .1 •! Mrs. D. P. Ledford who ! ev a miles north of Shelby on the -h r t > road wi’.l celebrate their f if a i ih, golden, wedding an l ive r :-r>.yo- We R nesday, January 7th, ,v ith •» h . r. according to an am .. r: '■ '«• one son, Mr. 1). C. I. Gold-. anniversaries are co-qv! t -c d all relatives and friend- .of the v II known couple who have r ,i v h :■■■ [ a century of livi g togctlr are ed to attend the dinner and bi ii " \\ ;T filled baskets. —In Hospital—Mr end Mr:-. Bv nam Weathers took th-ir eight - months-old son Bynum, jr.. to the Charlotte Eye, Ear. Nose a- •! Throat hospital Friday, wher" the eVM v : operated upon for mastoiditi Ti e o- - elation was a serious one and th • child will have to v : ain th re f r another week, Mrs. \V» r.ther maul ing with him. —Moves to Shf by—J. B. N >1 n moved with hi - fan ily k > from Lawndale to She.hy, occupying 15* • Rube Spangler new two . wry house on N. Morgan street. Low gowns demand high alar; ■! upkeep. Held Down. “You l ave sworn to . tell no'hing but the truth,” cautioned tiie jud “Nothing but the truth?'1 ga.-p.d the fair witness. “Precisely.” “Well, judge, with that limit;.! ion on me, I might as well warn you that |’m not going to have much to a;-." Native of Cleveland Dies at Little Rock Mrs. M. C. William;,of Lawndale received a letter announcing the death of her brother Alfred R. Cr o vder. Mr. Crowder died in a h sn'tr.l in Little Rock, Ark., Saturday December 20, following an operation. Deceased was 65 years and C, months. He has been a member of the Baptist church since boyhood and lived a consistent Christian life. He told hi. loved ones that h° was; ready. Surviv ing are his wife, Mrs. Mary E. Crow der of Little Rock; one son J. M. Crowder of Little Rock, and sister Mrs. M. C. Williams of Lawndale. Mr. Crowder was born and reared in Cleveland county and moved to Little Rock about 20 years ago. It has a number of friends in Cleveland’coun ty that will regret to hear of his death. Mr. Jackson Dies At Age Seventy Years James William Jack ■'in war buri'd from the home of his son at Eastside Sunday afternoon at 1:3Q o’clock. If Mr. Jackson had lived until the 25th of January, he would have been 70 years old. He suffered a stroke of paralysis and lived only a short time. Ho was never able to apeak after the stroke of paralysis and died Saturday morn in* at 8:30. Mr. Jackson was horn in Georgia but for a loner number of years he had lived in Shelby. He leaves five sons, Lester, Ed ward, Charles, Church and Felix; and two daughters—Mrs. Mollie Taylor and Mrs. Alice Wall. Rev. C. F. Sherrill, assisted by Rev. A. S. Raper, conducted the funeral services. Mr. Jackson was buried in the Zoar cemetery by the side of his wife, who died thirteen ye^rs ago. IERSONALP Folks you know o,i the goU Mr. I). Newton spent Christmas With Lis father in Lincoln county.” .MLs -Betty Blanton, of Asheville, is visiting relatives here. Miss. Sue Andrews, of Charlotte spent Christmas here with her parents Mr. and .*Ti-S. (). Andrews; •lunge Janus Webb is holding a special term of court in Murphy this week. Me - Lucy Hall pent the week end m Charlotte with Miss Mary Sue Tur ner. Grace Hayes spent yesterday in f In si by visiting relatives and friends:—Gastonia Gazette. Mis- Caroline Blanton attended a party given by Miss Katherine Stokes on Tuesday evening in Charlotte. Mis.: Katherine Dover spent part of the Christmas holidays in Lincolnton with her sister, Mrs. Frank Love.. Mr. Steve Furchess spent Christ mas in Statesville with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Furchess. Li. and Mrs. Reuben McBrayer have .returned from avisit to relatives at Sanitarium. this state. Mr. ■[. C. Champion has been vis i n,g friends at Chapel Hill through the holiday -. Mr. Thoma . Falraer of Polkville, wi o i a student at the University is’ pending the holidays at home. Mr. Frank Shull of Passaic, N. J„ i. spending the holidays here with his f#th< r, Mr. C. II. Shull. Mr !. Riiikoe of Atlanta, Ga„ has ■een visit eg .her ii lighter Mrs.. Ike Berger (luring t ie holidays VC. B. Tucker returned to his '■ 1 'i. ui 1 irg Sunday ■ after pi i 'l a few d: vs here with Mr. a "i i r .. Joe K. Mas h. and Mrs. Hairy Woodson who have breii living j.t Tennessee for the P;! ! L:v month;;, have returned to S'helliy to live. 1 n H sTasd of Forcsto-ii, S. C., . ' i ■ attending school at the Uni versity i i isitirg friends at Lawn dale. dr. at:d Mrs. C A. Burros will ro ■ I from Mocksviile where ;,v be- n • pending Chrirtmas with Her i irerts. '•a C II. Hardin and little daugh t -' Lovi. o,. !>ave ret urncl from a vis it * , I f > i-er Mrs. C. A. Hilling i: Kings Mmiitain. Mr. ai ! Mrs. Frank Love, of Lin eoihton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert La rry, rf M mree. spent Christmas, day ,\y.; :i Mr. i:rM 'Mrs.. John . R. Dover. Mi FT.'.; M Nichols, superinten dent of the Site'by hospital was eall e ! 'o' ' k to New Jersey to the bed side of In. :• si-ter who is quite ill. M-. •)'" ’• Fi;i:r-n. of Jersey City, N. J. t!»c house guest of Mr. and Mr R. I.. Ryburn during the holi days. ..■■ Mi. s Ollie Sherrill of Winston-Sa lem and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherrill of chariot! •, spent the holidays here with Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Sherrill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stevens of Cr >rq were guests of their par ents Mr. and Mrs. I.. M. Hull during the Christmas holidays. Sir and Mrs. C. J. Moriarty spent the Christmas holidays in Charlotte with relatives. They are spending the winter at Cleveland Springs. Mr and Mrs. Leslie West of Rich mond. Vr. , were house guests of Mr. M' . I . M. Hull during the .Christmas holidays. Mr. Gef rive Fri-'k of Baltimore, Md., spent Christmas here with his moth er and S ' ter, Mrs. Cecelia Frick and Mi s Emma Frick. Miss Alma Blanton, Miss Blanche VC ! >n. M- .-r- Ryburn Yarboro and Roy Wilson spent the day in Charlotte Christina ;. Mr. Giover C Hamrick has been ••pending the hoi'days with his mother , Mrs M. N. Hamrick on S. La Fayette ! street. Mr. II 1. Hudson who has oeen ow