CLEVELAND:-A COUNTY THAT LEADS A PROGRESSIVE STATE IN DIVERSIFIED AGRICULTURE, paid-up circulation Of This Paper Is Greater Than The Population Given Shelby In The 1920 Census i-he AND WHERE HOSPITALITY REIGNS” Ictodanii tar RELIABLE HOME PAPER Of Shelby And The State’s Fertile Farming Section. Modern Job Department. VOL. XXXIII, No. 12 THE CLEVELAND STAR, SHELBY, N. C. TUESDAY. FEB. 10, 1925. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE BILL ■ PETIT1S FOB EXTENSION FOE11BEB10 RALEIGH SATURDAY Aldermen Approve Bill Calling For Election On Extension On Tuesday April 14. The bill for extension of the cor porate limits of the town of Shelby »nd petitions asking: for an election on the question containing 1,200 names irere forwarded Saturday to Repre setative B. T. Falls in Raleigh, the hill being drawn by the city attorney 0. M. Mull and approved by the may or pro tern and board of aldermen. The bill, if passed as drawn, pro. tides that the election will be held on Tuesday April 14th under the laws governing elections and that if said election carries, the corporate limit* will be a circle a mile and a half ir. every direction from the center of the court house. tl is known that a petition against extension has also been freely signed, mostly by people residing in the pro posed new territory, but Representa tive Falls has promised an election on the matter and the same will be settled at the polls April 14th. Efforts »re being made to compromise with out an election but up until Saturday 7>o agreement had been reached. Some of the opponents have asked for a five year tax exemption, but those who ad vocate extension are unwilling to grant this. As a matter of fact, any exemption after the limits are extend ed and the proposed new area is in cluded in the town would be illegal, hut the advocates of extension have manifested a willingness to let the ex tension take effect after tax listing time this year so those in the added territory would not have to list their property until May 1st, 1926. Text of the Bill. The following is the text of the bill forwarded to Raleigh'Saturday: ' The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That Chapter 194 of the Private Laws of 1901 be and the same is, herebv amended by striking out the word* “three-fourths of a mile’’ in line 6 of section 2 and inserting in lien the7-eof the words “one and one half miles," and by striking out the words “three-fourths of a mile” in line T of said section 2, and inserting in lieu thereof the words “one and one half miles.” Sec. 2. That an election shall be hold on Tuesday. April 14, 1925, to ascer tain the will of the people on the ouestion of extending the corporate limits of said town of Shelby as is in section 1 hereof provided; at which election all of the qualified electors residing within the present corporate limits of said town of Shelby, and all qualified electors residing within the territory to be included within the corporate limits of said town by this Set. shall be entitled to vote. Those favoring the extension of said corpor ate limits shall vote a ballot with the words “For City Extension” written or printed thereon, and those opposed to the extension of said city limits shall vote a ballot with the words “Against City Extension” writen or printed thereon. The election officials shall be appointed by the mayor and board of aldermen of Shelby, and said election shall be hold, conducted, can vassed and the result declared, as is now provided by law for the holding of municipal elections for the election uia.vur ana otner oinciais oi saiu town. The registration hooks of the town of Shelby, as now composed, shall be used, and all parties residing ihtin the new territory to be added to said corporate limits, and such par ties residing within the present cor porate limits as arc not now register pd, if otherwise qualified, may rcgis and all qualified electors residing within both the old and newly de signated corporate limits of the town Shelby, may vote at said election. Sec. .1. That if a majority of the qualified electors voting at said elec t'on shall vote “For City Extension,’ then this net shall be in full force and effect from and after said election, ana *11 of the territory covered by and in ‘luded in the circle having as its cCn ter °f the court house as now located, and situated in said town of Shelby, and made by a radius extending one and one-half miles in length from said center; that is, all that territory with ln a radius of one and one-half miles ,rom the center of the present court °use of Cleveland county shall con ^■tute the Town of Shelby and be sub ** i*° barter of said town and e law pertaining thereto; but in ths event a majority of the qualified elec nrs voting at said election shall vote gainst City Extension,” then this *‘ct shall be void and of no effect, oec. 4. That the governing body ot >e town of Shelby shall ascertain *e line of the corporate limits of the own of Shelby as proposed in this act. , ,, ,ve 8ar*>e properly marked. sh et s s s shduu THY STAR WANT ADS. Shortly after the big $40,000,000 endowment to education and charity in the two Carol in as by James B. Duke power and tobacco magnate, the Shel by \V i wan is club in an official letter forwarded by the secretary approved I the gift. As a result of the lettef ; C. A. Burrus, secretary of the club, ! eeeived the following response from rur. Duke’s Fifth avenue office in New rork and signed by the philanthropist j personally: So many expressions of approval of my endowment have been received, ; including the very kind one you sent from the Shelby Kiwanis club, that I , have been unable sooner to make any ! response. ‘‘I assure you it is a source of gen ; nine satisfaction to learn that what I | have done is so generally liked. My plan of making the economic resour i ces of a community administer to its l philanthropic needs has been a dream j of mine for many years, and the re ception accorded by my friends and ; the public has confirmed my faith in it ultimately proving worth while. “Again thanking you, I am, “Sincerely “J.' B. DUKE.” Man, Aged 85, Gets Suspended Sentence A bent form gToping up the aisle with the aid of a cane. hair and a flowing’ beard whitened by the pass ing of 85 winters added color to the scene in “ the entfrrty recorder’s- court Monday morning, where R. J. Daniels, upon a liquor charge for the third time, was given still another chance owing to his advanced age. Charged with possessing Daniels, who live* at Mooresboro was fined $CQ0 and given a «usnend'’d sentence of six months. Notice that an appeal might be entered was made by his counsel, Clyde R. TToey. Saturday afternoon Officers Austell and Kendrick and Randolph Logan visited the Daniels home and found over two gallons of liquor scattered about in a number of vessels, five 01 six gallons of wine and some “hops’*. Daniels as customary with many ol the older folks takes his “toddy” and it was the contention of his counsel that part of the liquor was for this purpose. An invalid sister of Daniel’s wife lives with them and it was also contended that liquor was used by hei for medicinal purposes, and that the defendant had never been accused of selling it. Although the defendant has on two other occasions been convict ed on charges centering around 11. ouor the court considered his age and the “toddy” plea and without evidence that he had ever sold liquor confined the sentence to a heavy fine. Coors May Pay Cash For Their Fertilizer _ Th<‘ lime for buying fertilizer is close at hand and there appears to be a difference of about 15 to 20 per ; cent between time and cash prices. The fertilizer people are very anx ious to fret on a cash basis and no ’doubt the bit: difference in price is to force the people to secure the money and pet on a cash basis. The United States Government has provided a means whereby the farm er can set cash at a very low rate of interest w th which to purchase fer tilizer and other supplies for cash. This will bring thousands of dollars 1 into the county instead of taking it out and will help to keep business good. This credit can bo secured by giv ing a note secured by the crop that :s being grown Ibis is the simplest and cheapest credit that can be se cured. Millions of dollars are being lent to the farmers of North Caro ! lina. The credit however is limited to numhers of the Cotton Association. See Countv Agent Lawrence or O. Forrest McGill, Field Representative of the Cotton Association for fur ther information. REV MR. WALL IS HEARD AT METHODIST PROTESTANT CH. Rev. W. H. Wall, of this city, was heard bv a large congregation at the Mtehodist Protestant church here Sunday, preaching at both morning and evening services in the absence of the pastor. Rev. C. B. Way ,the pastor, spent Sunday in South Carolina, preaching at Liberty Hill Methodist Proestant church, near Greer, both morning and evening. He returned to Shelby late Sunday night. Nurse In Schools Of Shelby Makes Annual Report The report of the school nurse which will be of interest to Shelby people, follows: During the year the nurse has vis ited each school once every week. No tice has been sent to parents of ah defective children. In connection with the work 52 visits have been made to physicians, ministers and public workers in ad dition to 422 home visits. All school children have been weighed and measured and letters ol instruction as to diet etc , sent to par ents of all underweight children. Sev enty-one health talks have been given in the schools. Four lecture demonstrations “Home care of the sick” given class graduat ing in domestic science in May 1D24. Health booth at Cleve'and county fair October, 1024; hundreds of people weighed and measured and a card given to each under-weight child show ing pounds deficient. Hundreds of copies of health literature distributed during fair. Nurse has inspected vaccinations of all pupils in grades 1 to 8 inclusive, assisted in 115 vaccinations and made record of vaccinations of all pupils. During the year there has been ex amined: Boys 708; gills 688, total 1,396. Boys 452, girls 479, Total 901 oi 66 per cent of this number 419 or 45 per cent have been treated. As stated above we found 901 defectives, with 1,404 defective children having from two to four defects. Of the defects found 677 or 48 per cent have receiv ed treatment. Defective eyes: Boys 131, girls 177, total 308. Of this number 136 or 44 per cent have had glasses fitted. Defective ears: Boys 22, girls 24, total 46. Of this number 9 or 19 per cent have been treated. Nose and throat defects: Boys 170, girls 204, total 374. Of this number 54 or 14 per cent have been treated. Defective teeth: Boys 290. girls 272, total 1562. Of this .number 3C4 or 64 per cent have been treated. Skin and scalp diseases: Boys 32, Girls 38, total 70. All of these or 100 per cent have been treated. Miscellaneous defects: Boys 21. girls 23, Total 44. All of these or 100 per cent have received treatment. This is considered a very satisfac, tory • resuit for the first year in a community with out clinical provision for free treatment of school children, an the greater number of defects in children are the result of or have been aggravated by a lack of pre ventive treatment and is largely con fined- to those to whom the cost of treatment is frequently a pardonable deterrent. Princess To Show Dantes Inferno • _ • “Dante'- Inferno”, a thrilling- spec tacle of drama and beautv based on the classic of literature a’ d one of the screen’s greatest productions is to bt featured at the New Princess thea tre Wednesday with two snows in ♦ he afternoon and two at night. Are the people of today headed towards Par adise or Perdition? The modern film, version of the immortal Italian poet. If you’ve ever read of the great poet’s trip through Hell you’ll see the pic ture regardless. What do you think Hell is? What is Heaven? See the “Inferno.” ' & Janies Cruze’s “To the Ladies” a comedy classic of business and the. home and the part woman nlays in life, is the attraction at the Princess today, Tuesday. Tf you’re married you’ll scream at this comedy ; if you’re engaged you’ll sec it before you start housekeeping. As a play it’s the fun niest thing ever written. “To the La dies”—be their eyes blue, black oi misty grey. Together with an addi tional comedy. King Vidor’s great, production “Wife of the Centaur", when beauty went to the strongest and when lovers were cave men is the feature of Thursday’s bill of age-old romance at the Princess. Plenty of love, life and laughter featuring Elea nor Boardman, John Gilbert and Ai leen Prigle. Andrew Spjirling Is Dead At Age 75 Years Mr. Andrew Spurlin died Thursday night at his home on the farm of Mr. Grayson Whitesides near New House, at age of 73. He was a millwright by trade and worked for 12 years at the Cathey Wolfe mill, later at the George Peeler mill. He spent most of his life in Cleveland county but has been living in South Carolina for a few years until he moved back to Clev eland during the past winter. Mr. Spurlin was an industrious and high ly esteemed citizen and his remains were buried at Sandy Plains Baptist church Saturday. Mr. Spurlin is sur vived by his wife and seven childeti. This is the day and age when fly ing trips have become realities. i 1 Well Known and Nobl • Christian f' < iiiracter i)ios at Aire of C»5. Native of Sharon Section. Mrs. John Henry Blanton, a daugh ter of the late Watson Lee of the Sharon section died at her home on S. DcKalb street Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock folio whip nn illness of severe! years duration, during which time she suffered with a goiter. ■ For the last few weeks she had been bed fast and was unconscious for foul days, the best medical skill being un able to prolong her life after she dc veloped pneumonia. Mrs. Blanton was 65 years of ago. Forty-eight years ago she was married to Mr. Blanton and they lived in the Sharon section until the moved to Shelby. She wys a quiet, noble character and a devoWl member of the Methodist church, moving her membership from Sharoh to Central Methodist church. Nine children were born, two of whom have passed on, leaving her husband and' seven living children: D. W. Blanton of South Shelby; Mrs. T. Cl. More head of Shelby; Sam Blanton, mana ger of Gilmer’s department store, Raleigh; Mrs. Merton Beam. Mrs Paul Wootten and Mrs. Mai Spangler, of Shelby and Harold Blanton enlist ed in the U. S. navy and stationed at Philadelphia. All of hpr children were at her bedside when the end came. The funeral was conducted from Central Methodist church Friday aft ernoon at 2:30 o’clock, the services being conducted by Rev. A. L. Stan ford, assisted by Revs, B. Wilson and R. L. Lemons and the interment was in Sunset cemetery. I Shelby Kiwanians Hear Of District Meet And Program At rh« mretinar^bf the Kiwanis' club’ last Thursday evening J. C. Newton and Rush Hamrick, president and dis trict trustee of the Shelby club, pave accounts of the district meeting in | Greensboro attended bv them. Mr. Hamrick spoke briefly in urging that more members of the local clnb at tend district and international con ventions, and told of the new vision of Kiwanis comes after attending such meetings, b» gave some details b^gardin-r the big convention nex; •Tune at St. Paul, Minn., and the next I district convention at Pinehurst. From ! present indications it is likely that j nuite a number of Shelby Kiwanians j will attend both conventions. Presi- j dent Newton related briefly outstand- 1 ing parts of the major addresses of j the convention asking a better attend- j ante and more definite achievements of the club. A number of local Kiwanians were ! in RuthcrfordtoP Monday night at- ; tending the meeting at which the i charter of the Rothorfordton club was received. According to the program j from Rutherfordton the address of I welcome was by Recorded O. C. Ervin with the response bv .T. C. Newton, head of the Shelby club. The charter was presented bv Dr. E. W. Sikes president of the Cnrolinas district and j also of Clemson college, and the ac- ! coptance bv R. E. Price, president of ! the Rutherfordton club. Fred D. ! Hamrick acted as toastmaster. Prayer Meeting Wednesday. Praver meeting at Central Metho- j Hist church Wednesday night at 7:30. All are most cordially invited. Stolen Auto From Tennessee Nabbed By Officers Here Irf-o Johnson ami Ben Easter, of Ilockwood, Tennessee, arrived in Shel by Sunday and 1 ft Monday morning for Tennessee taking with them John son's sport model Chevrolet touring car Btolen from his garage in Ten nessee last December and Arthur Hill, an employe in the Dover mill, who i . charged with stealing the car and in whose possession it was found. Sometime back Chief Hamrick be came suspicious rf Hill’s actions and after .securing the state license num ber on the Chevrolet found" that it was issued to M. M. Morgan at China Grove. One discovery followed anoth er and on Thursday night the l!»-ycar old textile worker war. placed in jail and following another message from China Grove that Hill and Lonnie Taylor a friend of his, were wanted there for breaking in a garage, Tay lor was placed in jail Friday night Suspecting that the car was stolen Chief Hamrick wired the factory and found where the car was sold and la tor learned that it had been sold to Johnson, who in a return wire stated that he would he here Sunday. Hill, w’ho also went by the name ol Allen Hill, had been in Shelby only about three weeks and seemed to he quite a rambler, having a thorough knowledge of many towns over sever al states. He at one time stated that Knoxville was his home, hut that in late months he had been in High Point, China Grove and other places about this state. Around the mill section he is said to have had the reputaion of being a hard-boiled character. On Monday he told Easter and Johnson that his fath er lived in Roekwood, but that he had not been there for several years. The car was stolen from Johnson’s garage on December 1G, but Hill claims that he purchased it from one W. P. Dodd, who lives near Knoxville. Taylor, who it appears was not con nected with the stolen ear, will only be held until Cabarrus officers ask fox his return, or some disposition is made by them. Prize Winners At 1 wo Saies Announced The sales eon dr-tod by the Kelly Sales Service at the T. W. Hamrick jewelry store and the Parasron furni ture store closed Saturday in a blaze of glory*, each store being packed and jammed with larger crowds than at tended even the first dav. The enthu siasm continued throughout the ten days and both stores are highly pleas ed with results, many people declar ing these sales to be among the most successful ever conducted in Shelby, Mrs. J. B. Nolan was the lucky win ner of the diamond ring given away Saturday at the T. W. Hamrick com pany store, while at the Paragon Mrs. John Honeycutt received the. largest number of votes and was awarded the Mascot range. Mrs. Loy Thompson who stood second in the contest was awarded a kitchenette while the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I>. A. Tedder guessed nearest the eon- I rect weight of the baby Mascot range ! and received it at , the contest at 8 o'clock. Laymen's Meeting Next Sunday. Laymen’s meeting next Sunday afternon at 2:30 at Central Methodist church in the interest of a forward movement in Cleveland county. A large delegation from each Methodist church in the county is urged, A most inspiring program will be given. APPARATUS TO COMMUNICATE WITH DEAD IS POSSIBLE, EDISON SAYS The secretary who arranged the interview with Thomas A. Edison volunteered the admonition: “You must’nt ask Mr. Edison about com munication with the dead. Mr. Edison has been so misrepresented in regard to that delicate matter that if you mention it to him he will go right up in the air, says an Orange, N. J„ dis patch. Despite this dire warning, the for hidden question the first one ven. lured: “Do you think it possible, Mr. Edi son, that you may devise any mech anism through which when you have left this life, you may hope to com municate with us?” The wonder-wizard of communica tion did not go up in the air. He ans wered graciously and fully. But he was cautious against misquotation. He took pencil and a pad and wrote carefully this fundamental part of his statement: “If my theory is correct—that the machine called man is only a mass of dead matter and that the real life is in the millions of individual unit which navigate this machine and if on the destruction of the machine they keep together, including those indi* viduals which have charge of mem ory (which is our personality)-—then I think it is possible to devise appar atus to receive communications if they desire ty make them. It will be very difficult, as each individual as to size is beyond the limits of our present misrroseopes.” Having thus marked securely his metes and bounds, Mr, Edison relax ed into frank talk. He stoutly insist ed that he be understood as not meaning any such moot thing as “spiritistic messages, so-called.” He means messages as substantial and as susceptible of authentication as are those of the telegraph, telephone, phonograph and radio. There shall be no “medium,” no mystery, no super stition, no “authoypnotism known as faith.” His method, to serve at all, must absolutely guarantee the integ rity of the communication it enveys and guard positively against any pos sible doubt, dispute or misconstruc tion. . It goes without saying that com munication with the dead, thoroughly authenticated, as Edison says he must have it, would instantly revolu tionize all generally accepted theo ries regarding human existence, re veal a new science of the essence ot life and open up vast visions as to the nature and ultimate function of matter. Organize Fair Association and Start. Selling Stock for First Fair In October. At a meeting held Friday night It, the county court house and attended by 500 or more colored people of Shel hv and many sections of the county the ( levelsnd County Colored Fair association was formed with the pur hose of annually staging a fair and progressive agricultural exposition foi the colored folks of the county. The movement for a colored fair was started some time ago and the meet ing Friday night at which the organ ization was formed resulted. To Cse Fair Grounds. The county’s first colored fair, which comes only one year sift or the first county-wide fair ever held it. Cleveland, will he held according to present plans about October 14, or a short time after the big Cleveland County fair. Tester Borders, secre tary of the colored fair association, says that the colored fair will he mod elled on the big county fair and will have a midway, free attractions, ag ricultural exhibits, school displays and everythig common to a fair. The Col ored fair will be held on the up-to-date county fair grounds on the Kings Mountain highway and a certain per centage will be paid the Cleveland County Fair association for the rights of the grounds. The move being madt by the colored people of the county is a credit to their progressiveness, ami should, mean much to their race. Dr. J. S. Dorton, secretary of the big Cleveland county fair County Agent Lawrence and Mrs. Irma Wal lace, home demonstration agent, and Rev. A, L, Stanford, pastor of Cen tral Methodist church, addressed the colored citizens gathered at the court house and informally endorsed th<i proposed fair and urged that the movement be carried out. The famed Shelby colored quartet ■ rendered se lections at the meeting anil there wert other formalities customary to such gatherings among the colored people. Dr. J. S. Dorton, who so successfully put over the county’s first big fair, is of the opinion that the negroes will also meet with success and that h will he an example to enterprising members of the race all over the state, and South. He is giving advice and assistance in every way he can to the new fair association. Directors of the association will be elected at a meeting to be held soon and representatives are already out selling stock, the shares running a’. $5 each and are open to anyone, white or colored. Officers elected Friday night were: J. W. Roberts, president: A. Hord, Helen Escridge. J. A. Dilling ham, of Lawndale, and C. A. Costner of Kings Mountain,, vice presidents; Irvin Gidney of Boiling Springs treasurer; Lester Borders, secretary. A number of negroes in Cleveland county own their own farms and gen erally the race is progressive here and indications are that the proposed fall will materialize. Mrs. Eliza Beam Dies; Buried At Big Springs Wife Of Squire James A. Benin Passes At Aire 75 Years. Two Sons And Two Daughters. Mrs. Eliza Beam,, wife of Squire James A. Beam died at her home near New House last Wednesday night at 9 o’clock following a protracted illness and her remains were buried at Big Springs Baptist church Thursday, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. I). G. Washburn. Mrs. Beam be fore marriage was Eliza Chitwood, daughter of the late William Chit wood and joined the Baptist church in early womanhood. For a number of years she taught school and many of her former pupils have a pleasant re collection of her. Mrs. Beam is survived by her hus band and four children, Solon Beam, of Shelby, George Beam. of No. 8 township, Mrs. Coleman Gold of Kings Mountain and Miss Sallie Beam of Shelby. Theatre Opening Postponed Week The new Webb theatre on the “court square”, which according to plans was to have been opened this week, will not open for another week or more, it is announced by the owners Messrs J. E. and Claude Webb. Radiators and »ther(heating equipment together with all of the seats have been delayed in shipment and the new show house will not be opened until completely equipped. If there are no further de lays it is hoped that the opening will be about Thursday, February 19, but no definite announcement has been made. For the opening date the Webbs have booked an attractive program including Harold Lloyd in his moo„ popular picture “Girl Shy”, the Pat ho News and a good comedy. Mrs. Nellie Ledford Died Suddenly After Eating her Breakfast. Was Invalid for 4 Years. Mrs. Nellie Ledford. Cleveland county’s oldest woma- died Thursday morning at it o’clock a: the home ot her granddaughter, Mrs. Minnie Lee at Lawndale, death coming rather sud denly after she had partially finished eating her breakfast. Mrs. Ledford was born January 1st 1822 near the present Itehobeth church when Presi dent, Monroe, the fifth president of the United States was guiding the destinies of this nation. When she was horn, the nation itself was young, hav ing had only four presidents, Wash ington. J. Adams, Jefferson and Mad ison. Cleveland county was a part of Lincoln and Rutherford counties. Her husband Bob Ledford was a local preacher end consequently did not participate in any of the wars. About 10 years ago he died at the age ot 8f>. Mrs. Ledford joined the Metho. dist church at Bethel 90 years ago moving her membership to Mount Har mony later in life. Despite her advanced years she was a woman of remarkable mind and body and was active until four years ago when she fell and injured her hip. since which time she has been confin ed to her bed. On last Thursday as she sat in her chair eating her breakfast, she suddenly lost the use of her limbs and was hurriedly lifted to her bed when the end came soon thereafter, Mrs. Ledford’s remains were buried ~ at the Ledford graveyard Friday aft ernoon at 1 o’clock the funeral services being conducted by Rfev. John Green, and Rev. Mr. Needham. She was the mother of/11 children but all have died except one son, Martin Ledford and one daughter, Mrs. Ella Whisnant. At a recent celebration of her birth day, members of the family under took to count the number of her de scendants but could go no further when they found 130 grand children and great grand'children because fam 3 ily is so badly scattered. Study Fertilizer At Waco High School Ninety One Pupils Are Now Being Brought To School By Trucks. Social Items. (Special to The Star.) Waco, Feb. 9.—The month of Jan uary was a red letter one in point of attendance for our school, put of a total enrollment of 214 the principal's monthly report shows a daily aver age of 197. This high average is one of the direct results of consolidation. Ninety one pupils are now being brought to the school on trucks. This has practically eliminated tardies and absences. The enrollment of the school is now 214 an attendance of 92.5 per cent. Fifty seven pupils of the high school studied fertilizer problems during Fertilizer week. Mrs. W. G. Hord was hostess to the Waco teachers at a delightful din« ner last Friday evening. The Sidney Lanier Literary 'society entertained the members of the Ed gar Allen Poe society in the school * auditorium last Friday evening. Var ious games were indulged in, aftet wh;ch hot chocolate and sandwiches were served. The faculty of the Victory school of Gastonia gave the play “The Path Over the Hill” in the school auditor ium of the school on Saturday even ing. Quite a large crowd enjoyed this delightful play. Ellen Fpster, a member of this year’s graduating class, has brought honor on herself and the school in winning the silver loving cup offer ed by T. W. Hamrick in the recent county-wide essay contest on “The Benefits of Cooperative Marketing to Cleveland County.” This essay re cently appeared in The Cleveland Star. ! 1 ne departments of public school I music and piano will give an enter j tainment Friday evening of this week. The public is invited. i MOTOR CAR REGULATIONS FOR CAR OWNERS HERR | Non-resident owners or operators j of motor vehicles shall be subject to | the same requirement and laws as res | ident owners or operators; Provided, that the non-resident owner of a mo j tor vehicle which is properly register ■ ed under the laws of another state i district, or territory shall be exempt fr6m the regisration provisions of this | chapter for the same period that a j properly registered owner of this state j is exempt from the registration pro ] visions of the state in which such non I resident resides, not exceeding sixty days; Provided that nothing herein i contai ed shall be construed to exempt ( > y motor vehicles used for hire by a non-resident. 1 WADE HOEY, Mgr. Dept, State, j

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