Y010WPENCIL V\ with ti,a RED BAND \ T AGLE'PENCIL CO. NEWYCPKVSh 1 rue !n Cleveland. i (From News nad Observer.) County Demonstration Ajfent Edyo ! told the Dunn Chamber of Commerce j that Harnett county sends out about !< rty thousand dollar:' every year to '■uv hay, r ad that Harnett lands “will | produce just as good hay ar any place In the world.” The Mime thiny is ‘‘ii.ic of other Eastern countie.;. analysis fi-3'J f'QH -TOBACCO AMMONIA : rcPuviAN. Bioor-.. . . c /ANAMto. 30Ca POTASh , SUtP H A7C JOSEY l — A_: yk'gftaimiK«a OPEN “FORMULA] Fertilizers i ferf fhJ or meat raBKffMMi&aMMBi ^S’i'3 ?ck timacco « ' cf m ffl • Caro/ of nhich a-:- f-now ft is rcGf/y a n-onderfv/ mixture . end ‘you will tike if Made ty'itf) 5uif.hate cf Pd - tcsfr or ''Soff 'few Magnesium. // yJt/hevi* ,'ocd- rifon/n trouble use fry Sutphote Mqgncsiym Potash. Mso made ■% ana 80S. There is a sales man in every Any of Josty's f- e* fifixers ■ fot safe Ay 'oadind mor cAc.n v /, v ai/vc s t c rt >ry /on ’ // jvt? Aave no deal er in your ci/y, write us to dey C 1 m*’ ri.!5sarws*Ra*EifBW i i auty—r.«»v Hr.':? JLNg —-;4w per form-: nc,', and now—-new value; the. 3 are some of the things the new Studebaker Standard Six Sedan offers at its ticw reduced price. It is a fact that title Sedan will out-perform at •• car cell ing within hundreds of dol lars of its price. No car possesses greater beauty or is more luxuri ously comfortab'c. No car is more enjoyable to drive or is easier to steer. Comparison with other cars selling for more — or less—will provide convincing proof cf its greater clolir.r ivalue, itsletter per . :nranee, surplus power, ur.-, n lu,. readability, orjJ runny other nesirablc features. 1 latpnUer how much money !"ta < ::;ject tr> Invest in a car, by a!’ m anr see the Standard Six Sedan, ride in it—drive it yourseH. ii is then that you will realize the difference. The price of this Sedan is low, ■ imply because of Studc baief's large prcductioir,-vast .phy.sivKl-cud financial resour ces, and because it is manu factured earnok te body and caW-., is—in Studcbaker plants, Xt§ new reduced price — $ l£ r5— has entirely revised ail stand:,rdo.oicfOGed car values. STUDY THIS COMBINATION OF FEATURES Full-sized balloon tiros, for~ '■ Inch steering mechanism, bcdy lines arid even the fenders were especially de signed. Automatic spark control. Lights controlled from switch on steering wheel, Upholstered in gen uine mohair. Natural wood ■wheels. Rear-corner lights. One-piece windshield, auto matic windshield cleaner, rear-view mirror. Heater. Instruments, including deck and gasoline gauge, in single grouping. Redticed STANDARD SIX 3-Pass. Dtpies-Roadstcr .,. .Si 125 5- Pass. Duplcx-Phnetcn. 1145 5-Pass. -Coach. 1295 2-Pass. Country Club Coupe. 1315 5-Pass. Coupe .. 1445 5-Pass.Brougham ... 1.-1SS 5-Pasa. Sedan. 1545 5-Pass. Berline ............. Iti' *. Prices on All Closed Models SPECIAL SIX " Pars. Duplex-Roadster.. ,$1450 ■ • Pass. Duplex-Phaeton.... 1495 c-l>rs. Sport Roadster. 1535 5-F -s;. Brougham. 1795 4- P ins. Vxtoria. 1895 5- P. .- . 1985 5-i‘asu. Per line... 2060 Ah prices f. o. Is factory Term* re v«cc; your convenience BIG SIX 7-Pass. Duplex-Phaeton... .$1375 5-Pass. Coupe ... 2450 7-Pass. Sedan. 2575 7-Pass. Berline. 2650 NOTE: Standard Sin — 4-wheel brakes, 4 disc wheels $60 extra Special Six—4-wheel brakes, 5 disc wheels $75 extra Big Six—4-v/heel brakes, 5 disc wheels .... $75 extra O ROT HERS rj r i r J 9 * J • W- a IVIMlCr, SI I A A - TION.” Whereas, a petition has been pre sented to the Board of Commit donors, of Cleveland county, tinned by more than 25 voters within the proposed Local School Tax District, the n:Ss and hounds of which i>'-e hereinafter set forth . request in;; this Brtnrd to der an election in the territory em braced within the boundaries of the raid proposed Local Tax 1 i d i it" are as follow*-.: Beginning in the Piedmont, district line to a point in the Lawndale and Polkville read on the western boun dary of J. M. Shuford's land at:d fol lowing said districts' as follow : With' the western boundary of the lands "kv F. I h'. poelor, L. I) El'iof, Ri h Smart, W. J. Jones, Mrs. M. A. Canine. Vv. ,f. Jones home nlneo and Rob-ft Jones to a nqint in J A. I-ori-e’s boundary: thence with tm- U iv> l'ne to Em Union and Lawndale >•< d jo. eluding the binds brown a." the P. S. Hefner and E. 7 Champion tvl« the Union district: thep.c<> with the said Piedmont district down ihe n id 'o the But--- McEnDre l.-. np *l>"hce. following the boundary of ijo elbow ing lands on the western side of Bats M: Entire, Elijah Bowen ■ toe Alarum Boston line: thence with his northern boundary to the h pda of George Pryor with the ft iithe.rn boundary of George Pryor including his lands in the Union district; then e with the southern and wester- hoiiiv dories of the Moriah Gardner lands including same in the district1 thence with the western boundary of the lands of the following O. P. Greene, A F. Comer. VV. T. Weath er.-. S. J. Greene and Z. C. Mauney l.o Brushy Creek, then i-rossinc the ■reek and following the southern! tioupdarv of T. J. Green. Perry Me-: ■hva'n, Irvin Philheck, John S ..d.-inn. Frank and" John Dicks lands; thence j with western boundary’ of Cohen ! tVri"-ht end William Jenkins No 7 , And No. 8 township lines; thence with be northern boundary of R< land VVrighl’a land known as t.lm Gaither I’hilhccl: place to W. J. Gr'-ene W.ied ird Cwdell end I C. Powell to Brushy 'reek; thence up the creek to the lands >f C. c. Whhnant; thcijco with the. northern bounder" of C. C. Whir,-! iant’s lands including his kinds in the ; Union district; thenc" with the r ri.h-: rn boundary of J. C Oatr.tb il. Rein' Withrow and George Green’s .lands to • he Polkville end Lawndale road; I hence with the read, excluding the iends of Wayne Me’Turry. V. A. : v, ‘11. Broadus Champion :u;d J. E. ("h im lion but including all lends of —. —1 Shu ford and Ah McMurry to1 .ho place of beginning including all property in the above boundary ami known as the Union school district Jo 52 on question of: levying a tar not to exceed 40 cents on the One Hundred Dollars (StOO) vaHiati m. to ascertain the will of a majority o? llie qualified electors residing in sail* district upon the question of creating i Local Taxing District coin-i prising the said boundaries and cf levying a tax of not exceeding forty' HO) Cents on theOne ifvndr A Dol lars valuation of property, both real and personal, in said district, ;n»:«Tl whereas, said petition has Peep duly, approved and endorsed hy the county ; board of education. Now, Therefore, the Board of C m missioned of Cleveland County, at . their adjourned session held on Feb ruary 17th, 1025, do grant s.dd pe tition nnd order that an election be held at the usual polling rhie<> in the Union school house, in afore -'id dis trict on Saturday April 1th. l'.it'o, for 'he purpose of ascertaining the vvi 11 of the electors within the proposed Local School Tax district neon the question of levying r. sperm! tax, not exceeding forty (40) cent - n the One Hundred Dotlpnv valuation of nil pr-rn erty, real end personal, in r;,:d <}s s trict. in addition to th-> pointy tax for tlr- six months’ school term. It is further ordered that F 7 . Weathers be and lie is hereby armor * rd registrar of raid election r.-ul be be furnished with a Copy of Ur- i Ur, and that J. C. Campbell and F Y. Flicks he and they are hereb ■ app< ir.t cd Judges of raid r-ler t i,,n. It is further ordered that at. ra - election those who arc in favor of said boundary becoming a Local Seko •! Taxing District and of levying a pe nial school tax in raid dint-i. t to an amount not exceeding forty (42) cits on the One Hundred Doll as valuation of property, both r-:il and personal, it; rniil diiarict. shall vote a th'ket Cn which shall be printed or written the' words, “FOR SPECIAL TAX” an! those who are opno-od shall vote ,•> ticket on which shall he wanted or written the words. “AGAINST SPEC IAL TAX.” it being understood that il a majority of the qualified ejectors at said election shall vote in favor of soul special tax, then sain boundar shall constitute a Local tax dh.tvmt known as the Union Local Ta district. in which a special tax not "ci'<■<!in.se forty (40) cents on One Uund'-ed Dollars worth of property .'■"V 1 V'vieii for school purposes Ti s fiirih‘-.r ordered that a new registration of voters residing with in said special lax district shall be had and 1' : t the registration hooks shall [ Vcpt open between the hours pf 0 a end (-inset on each day, Sundays nxcipted. fr,:- twenty days preceding the da?-' f.ir the closing of the regis ■ ;i, ' -looks, for the registration of a--- -loi-s residing within the afore '1 1 oiindni-v anil entitled to register, 1 ■hat: aid books shall be open for L 1 -•> on Wednesday. Feb. 25th i; close mf Saturday. Mar. 21, 1925 '•"fore aid election and that on each . during the neried of regis t :• i ’• the i -. istrar shall attend with I- ’ -istrr. i ‘on larks at the polling :. in sfli 1 district; for the regia '> of voters and that on the day < " lion th" polls shall be opened r-.-on Fuhi-h-e to -ainsr-t and the elec, ion : ball he held as near as may he nndrr the law governing general el. It iv fy:'p r ordered that after the cl - ,rg of the Dolls, the registrar and roll holders shall duly eertifv over - ' hatid:: tlm number of registered 'i-:ors at -aid election and the nuni !> >r if voters "or and against the spe cial tax and transmit same to the F - id of Commissioners, and sanio all he filed, and the Board of Com ■ ; dopers shall canvass end iudiei. • • hv determine the result of said elec ■;an end record . vh determination on their records. I further ordered that due puh bcation of this order and of said elec. ti m and new registration be made hv nnbli h'ag this order in the Cleveland Star, ones a w "k for three weeks, tin- 1'r- I r-iihi'cnt-lon hereof to be made he i -e of February 20th. 1925. By •-■•d..r of the Board. This Feb r-arv 17th. 1925. K. L. W FATHERS. Clerk to Board of County Commissioners. All men are great in one way or aiintlK: , i the dour public recog ’ only forms of greatness. Ti- world didn’t come to an end, rs predicted by n New Yorker, and t! look like we’ll be able to enjoy another spring and snpuner. "Free Funmt/ Seeds/ TFa • ir.gs’ In giving away Absolutely Free, 5 Seed Packets of Beautiful Flow rs to each 1925 customer. Hast in'.,.' beautiful, new 112-page. 1925 ( at a-off shows these .lowers in full natural colors. The front cover pic uren the great Stone Mountain Confed erate Memorial This ItM Se. cl Rook is the Standard P’antin Guide, with valuable culture direct ions and accurate descriptions of aft kinds of seeds, plants and bulbs, it has over 25Q .[)ictures from actual photographs and is bigger and hotter than ever. Brim-foil of informa tion, it's the most useful Seed Hook ever published. You need it for ready reference al most daily-. Be sure to write for it today; a past-card will do. It conies to you entirely free by return mail. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLAUTA, GA. 1 - Underwood j Typewriter Agency ! Machines sold on small Monthly Payments. j V'c bay. sell and trade all j makes of used typewriters. ] vY*?Haras & Hamrick, ] hone 432, Shelby, N. C. Office Supplies. HcaiTi awagn^ffciKtv .-anu May Extend Electric Lines Of P. And N. Talk Is If It Goes To Durham. It Will Also Go To Spartanburg From Gastonia. Greensboro business men are > air ing heart somewhat for competitive rail service b cau:v repo'-: !’:V 4. B. Duke, head of tire Pie.’ nort a d Northern Railroad, an electric lino, plans extension of the line from Char lotte to Durham. Further extension would be in link the line in North Carolina with thnt in South Carolina by building; a track from Gasttonia to Spartanburg, S. 0. From Spartanburg the line ;-n-- to Greenville, Anderson and Greeny.-n d - s. c. An article* appearing the Wall Street Journal is the basin for the >«-*> People frmiliar with rail-' •>i .’ir/ ‘ *eni to think that if a lino is built from Charlotte to Durham it will follow the Southern practically .all ho way and so take in Groens b ■:-o. Foliov.'inp: the Southern it wou’tl have for 'order' the towns and cities u: ir;- jo'.ver o? the Southern Power a y in their IgdustrU . The matter is yet in the realms of : peculation, bnt intimation of belief In the article in the Wall Street Journal of such a step brings hope t' at the Southern Power ond Electric line' bead .would extend the line and t as"through Greensboro v ith it. tits Star want a ns, SOUND INSURANCE When you insure your buildings or your life, you mturnlly_ G< .f'ct a company of unquestioned responsibility and r! nutation. SOUND CROP INSURANCE IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT: You can boat incur? the -largest yields and the best quality cf crops by electing the most reliable fcrtilirers—made try a company oF undoubted resp< - ' ! oi ■ ■ _ • gained through loin** p .cticel c:;;v»knee, scientific re search and honor !VL de.di: as. Al! of th. it-A A r~ •• - ■ - ! ■ \ > t * " e secured by using T” FERTILIZERS ■ U-r . . i y. : i:\dh?- the • :: \ r :a> kaRses “AA Q‘t I . ’ ZELL’S PATArnco LEA FOWL . Kcinu.'V.ce.tred-by The American Agricultural Chemical Company ro '•l-s - Ai'-a rmi.jefisrsrn teandard ituilding . p-. ?'V~;;(>KO. < “ o. Bnx 70S Our A-: Sftid (> ■'■if tj-mir.g problems ■ ftrv.-t iSjctori, Mau. SOLD BY . IU3IF2fliE3l fiSlIrM JFSI FPH Y^n Pi e*faoa tsm rr=vi iwi rai r~*-. r=ai r-a-i SHELBY, N. C. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR LAWNDALE, N. C. CLEVELAND COUNTY.

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